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Pre-Test - IMAM

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Name: Imam, Alyssa Ashley A.

NSG 123 - DdEe


1. As Nursing Students in this new era, if you are given a chance to review and revise the

Vision, Mission, College Objectives, Institutional Outcome and Values/Attributes of Graduates

of Mindanao State University - College of Health Sciences, what would it be and why? Please

underline the word/phrase/sentence you want to revise and re-write the whole paragraph and

write your explanation or justification below each paragraph. You may use the attached MSU-

CHS VMGO copy provided. (50 points)

CHS Vision: The College of Health Sciences envisions to be the leading college in the country

offering various health (paramedical) programs with excellence, undertaking community

extension, research and health services, committed to the health development of the global


CHS Mission: The College of Health Sciences shall be providing a continuous opportunity

for quality higher education in the field of nursing to the global community for them to be

capable of inculcating values of health and sanitation, prevent illness, and alleviate suffering,

cure and rehabilitate the infirmed and the handicapped.


CHS Mission: The College of Health Sciences will provide the global population with
ongoing access to high-quality higher education in the profession of nursing.

be capable of inculcating values of health and sanitation, prevent illness, and alleviate
suffering, cure and rehabilitate the infirmed and the handicapped.

College Objectives:

1. To continue offering high quality and relevant, programs in health.

Revision: To continue offering high quality and relevant health-care initiatives.

2. To develop new programs to meet the health needs of the people in the global community.

3. To act as catalyst through its graduate students and college manpower inculcating values of
health, sanitation, health promotion, illness prevention and alleviation of suffering of the

infirmed and handicapped.

4. To conduct health research studies and make data available to concerned or involved
populations in order to spur health and development.

Revision: To conduct health research studies and make data available to all who are
interested or involved in order to promote health and development.

5. To engage in extension and consultancy, health manpower training and other services that
would support the growth of the community.

Institutional Outcome: Practice social transformation through excellence in research,

extension, instruction, peace education, innovation, and collaboration.

Revision: Practice social transformation via outstanding research, extension, training,

education programs, innovation, and partnership.
Values / Attributes of Graduates: Social Transformation, Peace, Competence /Excellence in
Instruction, Research, Extension, Innovation, Collaboration.

2. Discuss the importance of Growth and Development Concepts and Theories in the Nursing
Profession. (50 Points)

Nurses provide care to people at various stages of development. A fundamental

awareness of growth and development allows the nurse to recognize each individual's needs
and hence give appropriate care. Human development and growth are ordered processes that
begin with conception and continue until death. Every person goes through distinct stages of
growth and development, but the rate and nature of this advancement differs from person to

Every person is an individual, and while growth and development are often classified
into age stages or by using terminology that describe the characteristics of an age group,
classification does not account for individual variances. However, it does provide a technique
of identifying the features associated with the majority of individuals at stages when
comparative developmental changes arise. Growth and development influence the entire person
and, while defined individually, overlap and are interdependent.

Some theories of development see it as a continuous process that progresses from the
simple to the complex, whilst others see it as a process with alternating phases of equilibrium
and change. The many developmental theories differ in their perspectives on the human being.
It introduces the reader to the primary theories or methods, which include psychoanalytical,
cognitive-developmental, maturational, social learning, and moral.

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