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YDS DENEME SINAVI (Saner Bircan) @BabillKutuphanesi

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1- Opera refers to a dramatic art 5- With the increasing use of drones

form, originating in Europe, in which in military operations, it is perhaps
the emotional content is ------ to the only a matter of time before robots ---
audience as much through music, --- soldiers.
both vocal and instrumental, as it is
A) cut off B) give in
through the lyrics.
C) stand in D) set out
A) conveyed B) mounted
E) bring about
C) interfered D) sustained
6- Although mild symptoms such as
E) approved
social withdrawal may persist,
2- Dolphins are regarded as the parents with minor psychological
friendliest creatures in the sea and problems may want to ----- children.
stories of them helping drowning
sailors have been ------ since Roman A) pass out B) sign off
times. C) take off D) come into
A) stiff B) common E) bring up
C) imperative D) trivial 7- Internet freedom around the world
------ for the fifth consecutive year in
E) hostile 2015 as more governments censored
3- Dead zones ------ dozens of coral information of public interest while
reefs around the world and threaten also ------ down on privacy.
hundreds more according to a new A) declines / to crack
B) declined / cracking
A) submit B) proclaim
C) has declined / to be cracked
C) oppose D) affect D) will decline / crack
E) disseminate E) had declined / to have cracked

4- Dutch and European policymakers 8- Since the Cold War ------, depriving
should do more to protect media Washington of the organizing
users’ privacy instead of leaving the principle of its foreign policy, the
matter ------ to data protection law. nation’s presidents ------ from one
grand strategy to another
A) entirely B) relatively A) ended / have lurched
C) effectively D) distinctively B) will end / was lurched
E) hopefully C) has ended / lurched
D) had ended / had lurched
E) ends / will lurch


9- Although President Donald Trump 13- Many athletes turn to some forms
------ to revive the struggling U.S. coal of hydrotherapy which uses water for
industry, coal plants ------ to close. pain relief. Ice whirlpool baths, ------ ,
can bring perceived relief to sore
A) promised / would continue
muscles by reducing inflammation.
B) has promised / had continued
A) In addition B) For example
C) promise / continued
C) Because D) Whereas
D) had promised / will continue
E) By contrast
E) will promise / continue

14- ------ a Social Democrat, Jeroen

10- People differ ------ their skills, and believes solidarity is extremely
so it's more efficient to have them important. But ------ demands it, also
focus ------ what they're good at has obligations.
doing, rather than forcing them to
A) Unlike / whatever
practice all trades.
B) If / likewise
A) from / to B) off / into
C) in / on D) for / with C) Such / whenever
D) Like / which
E) onto / for
E) As / whoever

11- While swelling is common ------

pregnancy, in some cases it can 15- After 40 years of conservation
signal preeclampsia, a maternal efforts, soil erosion has accelerated -
condition involving high blood ----- new demands placed on the land
pressure ------ potentially serious by heavy crop production.
health implications. A) instead of B) although
A) after / into B) for / under C) due to D) despite
C) in / from D) during / with
E) so that
E) from / to 16- Earthquakes are probably one of -
12- Samsung appears to have won ----- frightening and destructive
this round of its copyright battle with happenings of nature ------ man
Apple. ------ , the war isn't over yet. experiences.
A) Moreover B) However A) the most / that
C) Besides D) That is B) more / which
E) In that C) most / whose
D) the least / in which
E) much / of which


CLOZE TEST It has been more than 130 years (22)

------ Levi Strauss invented blue-jeans
There is some disagreement on (17)
and they are still very popular today.
------ Sir Walter Raleigh, the 16th
Farmers and workers wear them to
century adventurer and explorer,
work in; children wear them to play
introduced tobacco into Europe, or
in. Others wear them (23) ------ they
only popularised the habit of
are comfortable. Before the 1950's,
smoking. (18) ------ way, he was not
blue-jeans were popular only in the
aware of the harm he was doing to
West and Southwest. Today, almost
future generations. It was mostly men
everyone wears them. Americans
who smoked, and it was considered a
buy(24) ------ 500 million pairs of
slightly dirty and (19) ------ habit. After
jeans a year. That's more than two
dinner, the men would 'go' to the
pairs per person. Of course, blue-
'smoking room' in their 'smoking
jeans are (25) ------ popular in other
jackets' (20) ------ lighting their cigars
parts of the world. In(26) ------ areas,
and pipes. Cigarettes are relatively
people buy about 200 million pairs of
recent and they have become(21) -----
available by the arrival of mass jeans.
17- A) when B) whether 22- A) since B) for
C) unless D) indeed C) after D) before
E) unlike E) just as
18- A) All B) Both 23- A) although B) also
C) Either D) No C) as far as D) besides
E) Most E) because
19- A) useful B) common 24- A) about B) under
C) intense D) unpleasant C) on D) for
E) temperate E) from
20- A) once B) unless 25- A) neither B) instead
C) before D) after C) still D) also
E) When E) already
21- A) much B) more 26- A) that B) them
C) less D) the less C) these D) their
E) the most E) of them


SENTENCE COMPLETION 29- Our voices sound higher and

thinner on tape than they do when we
27- It is self-destructive for you to hear ourselves speaking ----.
complain about a life that you chose
for yourself; ---- why you make so A) but this is actually much closer to
many bad decisions. the sound that other people hear
when we speak
A) but you mustn't blame your
problems on other people B) because a good-quality recording
cannot be made easily
B) since you should take
responsibility for your life C) so that there is no loss of quality
in the recording
C) when you talk to your friends
about our problems D) whether others recognize the
quality of our voices or not
D) instead, you should try to
understand E) because researchers found that
people who experience a level of
E) because you have tremendous social anxiety dislike their voices
freedom to spend your life as you
30- Because of their superior road
system, …… .
28- -—when some groups of the
A) this superb system of roads linked
population become wealthier while
all the parts of the Inca Empire with
others become poorer.
the capital at Cuzco
A) Consumption will depend partly on
the real wealth of individuals B) the highland roads were narrower
but required greater engineering skill
B) A higher standard of living is
enjoyed by all C) the Incas maintained an efficient
postal service.
C) Income distribution becomes more
unequal D) they hung rope bridges across
D) Practically all the income rivers and canyons and built rest
transferred to the poor will be spent stations at regular intervals along the
on necessities roads

E) Inflation affects all members of a E) a road along the coast was marked
society with stones or mud walls


31- There is a popular belief that the 33- It is interesting to observe the
feminist movement , ------ , caused effect …… .
women to be dissatisfied with their
traditional roles as wives, mothers, A) that the arrival of snow has on
and homemakers. people in different countries.
A) which have occurred in the role of B) for whom the arrival of the first
women since 1970 snow showers is an expected annual
B) which became very popular and
powerful in the early 1970's
C) but never receive it regularly or in
C) that a large number of jobs the same quantities every year
became available in service
industries D) that are needed for dealing with
snow and ice costs money
D) of why women wanted to work
E) which are only used for a few days
E) so women began to take the in any one year
service jobs that were becoming
available 34- Ever since the early 1950's, there
32- Although the conventional have been attempts to explain why
symbol and the accidental symbol youth cults happen , …… .
have some things in common, ------ .
A) because teenagers want to show
A) we learn this connection as how different they are from their
children by the repeated experiences parents

B) we can differentiate between three B) and the main influence on

kinds of symbols teenagers remains their friends
C) there are some words, in addition ,
C) but none of them has been entirely
in which the association is not only
D) there is no intrinsic relationship D) when many developments in
between them teenage culture were possible only
because of new technology
E) all words had their origins in some
such inherent connection E) this theory suggests that the
nature of a youth cult is determined
by the drugs that it takes


35- Whereas extra training may not ENGLISH – TURKISH TRANSLATION

accelerate children’s motor
development, …… . 37- The loss of life occurring when
the Titanic sunk was shocking to
A) some of them were then given most because engineers had pointed
extra stimulation that her hull was impenetrable.

B) infants deprived of physical A) Titanik battığında ortaya çıkan

stimulation would have delayed hayat kaybı birçoğu için şok edici
motor development olmuştu çünki mühendisler onun
duvarının delinemez olduğunu
C) these are the ones who do not belirtmişlerdi.
have the opportunity to move about B Titanikin duvarı delinemez olduğu
belirtilmiş olmasına rağmen
D) some amount of practice is battığında ortaya çıkan hayat kaybı
necessary for development to occur herkesi çok şaşırtmıştır.
normally C Titanik battığında ortaya çıkan
hayat kaybı herkes için şok edici
E) there had been several techniques olmuştu çünki mühendisler onun
for comparing the effects of duvarının delinemez olduğunu
maturation and learning vurgulamışlardı.
D Titanik battığından beri birçok
36- Because every step in the mühendis onun duvarının delinemez
production process of olive oil is olduğunu ifade etmektedir ancak
costly, …… . birçok insanın ölmeside onları şok
A) Spain and Tunisia are major E Titanik battığında oluşan can kaybı
producers of standard quality oils birçoğu için şok edici olmuştu çünki
mühendisler tarafından onun
B) in the Middle East, olive oil is still duvarının delinemez olduğunu
the most common body care product belirtilmişti.

C) the choice of oil is primarily a

matter of personal taste

D) the Italians and Turks use olive oil

for cooking as well as seasoning

E) it is considerably more expensive

than other oils like sunflower and


38- Men have always thought about 39- One of the most interesting
visits to other planets and many applications of laser light is the
people have written stories about production of three-dimensional
journeys in space and what men images called “holograms.”
hoped to find there.
A) “Hologram” denilen ve üç boyutlu
A) İnsanlar her zaman başka olan görüntülerin üretilmesi, lazer
gezegenlere ziyaret hakkında ışığının en ilginç kullanımlarından bir
düşünmüştür ve birçok insan tanesidir.
tarafından uzay seyehatleri ve orada
buldukları şeyler hakkında hikayeler B) Lazer ışığının en ilginç
yazılmıştır. uygulamalarından biri, “hologram”
adı verilen üç boyutlu görüntülerin
B) İnsanlar her zaman başka üretilmesidir.
gezegenlere ziyaret hakkında
düşünmüştür ve birçok insan uzaya C) “Hologram” olarak bilinen üç
seyehat ve orada bulmayı ümit boyutlu görüntüler, lazer ışığının en
ettikleri şeyler hakkında hikayeler ilginç bir şekilde kullanımı ile
yazmıştır. üretilmektedir.

C) Başka gezegenlere seyehati D) Lazer ışığının en ilginç bir başka

insanlar her zaman düşünmüştür ve kullanımı, “hologram” olarak
orada ne bulacakları hakkında çok tanımlanan üç boyutlu görüntü
sayıda hikayeler yazmıştır üretimidir.

D) Başka gezegenleri ziyaret etmeyi E) En ilginç bir uygulama ile, lazer

düşünen insanlar uzaya seyehat ve ışığı, “hologram” denilen üç boyutlu
orada bulacakları şeyler hakkında görüntülerin üretiminde
hikayeler yazmıştır. kullanılmaktadır.

E) İnsanlar sık sık başka gezegenlere

ziyaret hakkında düşünmüştür ve
birçok insan uzaya seyehat ve orada
bulmayı ümit ettikleri şeyler ile ilgili
hikayeler yazmaktadır.


TURKISH-ENGLISH TRANSLATION 41- Sıtma tedavisinde kullanılan

ilaçlar son derece önemli olsa da
40- Aşağı yukarı 200 yıl öncesine hastalığa neden olan sivrisineğin
kadar, bilimsel araştırmalarda ölçüm kontrolü çok daha önemlidir.
birimleri standart değildi ve bu
standart eksikliği, bilimsel iletişimi A) However effective the drugs used
zorlaştırıyordu. in the treatment of malaria may be, it
is still important to control the
A) Since the units of measurement in mosquito that causes the disease.
scientific research had not been
standardized before, there was much B) Though the drugs used in the
difficulty in scientific communication treatment of malaria are extremely
about 200 years ago. important, the control of the
mosquito, which causes the disease,
B) Due to the lack of standards for is even more so.
the units of measurement in scientific
research, scientific communication C) If the mosquito that causes
until about 200 years ago was very malaria could be controlled, the
difficult. drugs used in its treatment would
cease to be important.
C) It was about 200 years ago that, as
there were no standards for the units D) Since new drugs are extremely
of measurement in scientific effective in the treatment of malaria,
research, it was extremely difficult to there is less need now to control the
have any scientific communication. mosquito which carries the disease.

D) It was very hard to have any E) Control of the mosquito which

scientific communication about 200 carries malaria has proved far more
years ago because there was a effective than any of the drugs that
serious lack of standards for the have been used in its treatment.
units of measurement in scientific

E) Until about 200 years ago, the

units of measurement in scientific
research were not standardized, and
this lack of standards made scientific
communication difficult.


42- Vücudun kendini önemli ölçüde

yenilemesini sağlayan öğle uykusu,
özellikle Arjantin ve Filipinler gibi
sıcak ülkelerde uygulanan yaygın bir

A) In hot countries like Argentina and

the Philippines, siesta is a common
tradition which is particularly
practised in order to help the body
renew itself remarkably.

B) Generally practised in hot

countries like Argentina and the
Philippines, siesta is a popular
tradition that helps the body renew
itself with ease.

C) Siesta helps the body renew itself

substantially, and it is a common
tradition mostly practised in hot
countries such as Argentina and the

D) Siesta, which helps the body

renew itself considerably, is a
widespread tradition especially
practised in hot countries such as
Argentina and the Philippines.

E) In addition to being a widespread

tradition mainly practised in hot
countries like Argentina and the
Philippines, siesta helps the body
renew itself to a great extent.


PASSAGE TEST 44- We understand from the passage

that function rather than form ------ .
Architects and engineers engage in
design quite explicitly, and they typically A) is the main requirement in the
do so with distinct objectives. Architects design of public buildings
tend to focus on form over function, B) as often been the distinctive
whereas engineers tend to do the interest of an architect
opposite. For most architects, the design
C) should be given priority by
of a building has firstly to do with how it
looks, both inside and out, and how it architects and engineers alike
fits in with nearby buildings. Architects D) is what engineers are primarily
are also expected to give considerable concerned with
thought to how the building will be used, E) is what often causes a controversy
how people will move through it, how it among architects and engineers
will feel, although such considerations
do not always seem to be foremost in 45- According to the passage, Although
their minds judging by results. Indeed, if architects ought to be concerned with
architectural criticism is taken at face how buildings will be used, ------ .
value, architects do seem to be
principally concerned with the texture of A) they usually come to an
a building’s facade, the appearance of its agreement with the engineers about
public spaces, the furniture with which it
who is responsible for such matters
is filled. Architects seem to pay close
attention to details, even down to the B) this is clearly a requirement which
nature of the lighting fixtures and the they often overlook
hardware on doors and windows, but not C) their main mission is usually to
always to how they will be operated or ensure that all fitting and appliances
how they will fulfill their purpose. work efficiently
Nevertheless, such considerations D) some concentrate on the outside
collectively constitute architectural and appearance of a building
interior design. E) they are often criticized for doing
so at the expense of appearances
43- According to the passage, one
point that an architect has to take 46- From the passage we understand
into consideration is ------ . that by interior design what is meant
is ------ .
A) the structural features of his
design in relation to the facade A) the choice and placing of the
B) the costs that will be incurred by accessories and furniture inside a
his design building
C) the way the new building will look B) the design of the facade
in its surroundings C) only the lighting project and the
D) how the new building will be appliances to be used
ventilated D) the use of space both inside and
E) how crowds of people can be outside the building
managed inside a building E) the operational systems and
requirements of a building


With corporate workplaces becoming 48- According to the passage team

increasingly competitive, performance building in an office ------ .
and results are the assessment factors
that remain at the top of a management's A) is not impossible due to a lot of
priority list. Almost every manager is obstacles among employees
hell-bent on achieving, and in many
B) leads to motivation and trust but it
cases, bettering his assigned targets.
Team building in an office helps foster is not efficient
better and open communication between C) mounts the contact between
employees themselves, and also employees and authority
between employees and the higher D) is not a controversial issue
management. It goes a long way in because there is a great agreement
improving professional relations, about its benefits
understanding and co-operation, and E) is only necessary in terms of the
this is very much reflected in the quality expression
of work done.Team building in the
workplace significantly contributes 49- We can conclude from the
towards employee motivation and
passage that ------ .
building trust among employees, thereby
ensuring better productivity. Making the
team, a unit and improving coordination A) If we want to cooperate in a
between its members is one of the workplace, we have to keep pace with
important goals to be achieved on the decisions
way to success. B) team building contributes to
success of employees and
47- We can understnad from the managements
passage that ------ . C) there are some shortcomings in
communication and relations but
A) team building is the only target in management’s inflexibleness handle
a workplace these probems
B) without cooperation, any manager D) both professionals and experts are
cannot control the relations among very satisfy with the improving
employees conditions in the workplaces
C) thanks to the motivation, team E) authorities are expected to achieve
building improves productivity more their targets in the future
D) improving coordination is the 50- The word “ priority “ in the
most crucial factor for the passage refers to ------ .
E) all managers have to be strong- A) preeminence
minded B) inferiority
C) unimportance
D) request
E) exclusion


The greatest feat of civil engineering 52. It is clear from the passage that ---
since Roman times was the French
achievement between 1666 and 1681 of A) the upkeep of the canal would be
the Languedoc canal to link the expensive
Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic B) the Languedoc canal would not
Ocean. It was conceived of by King
make those who build it rich
Francis I and discussed by him with
Leonardo da Vinci. It was first surveyed C) as ocean-going ships increased in
in 1539. As a result of the civil and size, the usefulness of the
religious disorders in France, however, Languedoc canal declined
nothing happened until 1661 when Pierre D) the site of the Languedoc canal
Riquet worked out a scheme for was ill-chosen
supplying enough water to the summit of E) many supported the building of the
the canal. Jean Colbert secured the canal as there was such a great need
interest of the young King Louis XIV, and for it
in 1666 the work started. The whole
canal was 150 miles long with 102 locks, 53. According to the passage, once
a tunnel, and 3 aqueducts. It evoked
the Languedoc canal was finished ----
world admiration, and was the prototype
of all future European grand canal
designs even though its usefulness to A) the scope of civil engineering was
France was quickly nullified by the re-assessed
rapidly increasing size of ocean-going B) better systems of construction
ships. were put forward
C) problems connected with the
51. It can be understood from the locks began to emerge
passage that ----. D) plans to build canals in other parts
of the world were soon changed
A) the construction of the canal was E) the whole world was filled with
first started by Leonardo da Vinci admiration for it
B) the Languedoc canal was, for
more than a century, no more than a 54. The passage makes it obvious
project that ----.
C) the earliest proposal for the A) Louis XlV himself contributed
Languedoc canal dates back to at usefully to the design of the canal
least Roman times B) it would not have been possible to
D) King Francis I was opposed to have constructed the Languedoc
Leonardo da Vinci’s plans for the canal in the time of Leonardo da
Languedoc canal Vinci
E) by the time the canal was finished, C) the building of the Languedoc
there was nothing very remarkable canal posed a great many challenges
about it D) the design of the Languedoc canal
was not as original as has often been
E) the project may not make possible
the construction of the Languedoc


Anyone who has spent even a little time 56. We can understand from the pass
with an autistic boy or girl soon age that the treatment of autism ----.
becomes familiar with the behaviours
that set these children apart. But how A) should not be attempted before
do parents and doctors know if a baby the patient is three years old
has autism? Early diagnosis has proved
B) should, ideally, begin very early in
difficult, but if it were possible, it would
lead to much more effective treatment life
for the younger a child is the more C) will go on for several years and
malleable is the brain. So, the inability to must not be hurried
detect autism until a child is two or three D) is only successful when the
years old is a terrific disadvantage, as it patient cooperates
eliminates a valuable window of E) has advanced rapidly in recent
treatment opportunity, when the brain is years
undergoing tremendous development.
Researchers, however, are closing in on 57. According to the passage,
techniques that could detect autism in research is currently being carried
babies as young as six months and
out to ----.
perhaps even at birth. The results of
these new tests are expanding the under
standing of autism and raising hopes for A) find ways of detecting autism in
much earlier, specialized care that could very young babies
improve a toddler’s chances for a more B) develop new ways of treating
normal life as a child, teenager and adult. autism in young children
C) establish why autism occurs
55. We can infer from the passage D) help autistic children to help each
that an autistic child ----. other to combat the problems
E) establish the extent to which
A) has obvious genetic markers autism is a hereditary disorder
B) hates being different from other
children 58. It is clear from the passage that th
C) has very little chance of ever ose born with autism ----.
having an ordinary life
D) usually has a disruptive effect on A) invariably have an extremely
other children malleable brain
E) has distinct behavioural traits very B) will always be severely
different from those of other children handicapped by this condition
C) are not aware of their problem and
so are indifferent to it
D) will probably be enabled, before
too long, to live a reasonably normal
E) usually display incredible talents
in very specific areas


The loss of global biodiversity is 60. According to the passage, compared

occurring at an alarming rate. Since the with other continents, Europe ----.
1970s, the area of tropical forests
destroyed worldwide exceeds the land A) is far more advanced in the
mass of the European Union. Animal and improvement of its farming practices
plant species are disappearing.
B) owns a far greater area of
Overfishing has depleted stocks around
the world. Poor farming practices have wetlands and forests with a wide
depleted soils while allowing the range of animal species
invasion of harmful species. Destruction C) is the only continent to have had
of wetlands has left low-lying areas its ecosystems most extensively
extremely vulnerable to storms and damaged
natural disasters. Especially in Europe, D) has suffered so much loss in its
ecosystems have suffered more human- biodiversity that its variety of plant
induced damage than those on any other species has declined a great deal
continent. Only about 3 per cent of E) has been able to sustain the
Europe’s forests can be classified as diversity of its animal species despite
undisturbed by humans, and the
the spread of urbanization
continent has lost more than half of its
wetlands. The spread of urbanization
and the over-exploitation of resources is 61. In the passage, a very small
having an enormous impact on percentage of the forests in Europe
biodiversity. ----.
A) seem to have been over-exploited
59. In the passage, the biodiversity in and, therefore, ecologically damaged
the world ----. B) have been reserved for animal and
plant species
A) has been completely immune from C) have been used for urbanization
any kind of human-induced damage and exploited
B) can only be sustained through the D) can be considered to be
preservation of forests as well as ecologically suitable for biodiversity
wetlands E) have remained untouched by
C) can be preserved intact only if human exploitation
poor farming practices can be
prevented globally 62- According to the passage, the
D) is declining so fast that its effects depletion of global fish stocks ----.
can be observed in various ways A) has mainly resulted from the loss
E) can best be observed in tropical of wetlands on all the continents
forests, which also contain large B) has an adverse impact on the
areas of wetlands world’s biodiversity
C) has caused much damage to
Europe’s ecosystems in particular
D) is far more alarming in the tropical
regions than in any other part of the
E) cannot be prevented unless
overfishing is forbidden worldwide


PARAGRAPH COMPLETION C) The legend of Atlantis is

frequently featured in many books,
63- The jaguar Is sometimes called movies, television series, and other
Americans El Tigre by South and creative works
Central Americans. ----. Both names D) While there are many hypotheses
convey the awe and reverence this about Atlantis, the vast majority of
largest New World cat inspires. Their scientists conclude that Atlantis
gold coat spangled with black never existed
rosettes was said to be the stars of E) According to the legend, an island
night. In the Mayan religion, the sun called Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean
took the form of a jaguar when was swallowed by an earthquake
traveling through the underworld
65- The term "broadband" refers to
A) Jaguars are closely related to telecommunication in which a wide
lions, tigers, and leopards band of frequencies is ready to send
B) Jaguars live in the rain forests and information. ----. It allows users to
in Central America access the Internet at higher speeds
C) They are known to be the largest than traditional modems. High-speed
members of the cat family there Internet allows users access to
D) Jaguars are strong swimmers and advance data processing and high-
climbers and prefer to live by rivers speed transmission technologies.
E) Long ago, they called it Yaguara,
the "cat that kills with a single A) They include cable modem,
spring" wireless access, satellite access, and
power line access
64- 4.Atlantis is an island whose B) It is frequently used as another
existence and location have never term for high-speed Internet access
been confirmed. The first references C) However, there are also many
to Atlantis are from the classical advantages of using broadband
Greek philosopher Plato, who said it D) There was obviously no need to
was engulfed by the ocean as the dial-up your Internet provider
result of an earthquake 9,000 years E) The information was downloaded
before his own time. ----. They also into his computer at a higher speed
added that Plato made up the story
using elements that may have been
drawn from real events.
A) Plato described Atlantis as an
ideal state, and the name is
considered synonymous with Utopia
B) Plato's accounts of Atlantis are in
his works Timaeus and Critias and
these philosophical dialogues are the
earliest known references to Atlantis


66- Future computer chips may not 68- (I) Even if it sounds odd to many of
have wires, but miniature radio us, some ice cream manufacturer
transmitters and receivers. ---- . Here allegedly once tried a ketchup ice
a team of scientists has
cream. (II) Ketchup dates back as far as
demonstrated a wireless
communication system built on a 1600 AD, when sailors traveling to
chip. The discovery could lead to China discovered a sauce
earthquake detectors and listening called ketsiap. (III) It was a sauce that
devices for the military. Also it could was made out of soy or oysters and
usher in a new generation of faster didn't contain tomatoes. (IV) This
computers. version quickly changed ingredients to
include mushrooms, anchovies and
A) That’s the promise of research at
the University of Florida lemon peel. (V) Then in the late 1700's
B) This has been hailed as the most tomato ketchup began the
radical advance in information transformation to today's sweet tomato
technology version.
C) The result will be a world-wide
network of computers A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
D) So the network of information can
be accessed by anyone 69- (I) After the release of his film
E) Indeed, it soon became obvious Titanic in 1997, Director James
that they offered many advantages Cameron announced that the next
over existing systems movie he would make would be Avatar.
(II) It took him years to produce the film
IRRELEVANT SENTENCES as it had an astronomical budget that
approached 400 million dollars. (III)
67- (I) Rainforests are extremely Meanwhile, Jake falls in love with a
important in the ecology of the Earth. (II) Na’vi, and is forced to choose between
the Avatars and his Na’vi love. (IV) In
They cover about 7% of the Earth's
the film, Jake and his team go to
surface and are havens for millions of Pandora, a jungle-covered moon,
plants and animals. (III) The plants of searching for valuable minerals. (V)
the rainforests generate much of the Since humans are unable to breathe on
Earth's oxygen and remove carbon Pandora, human avatars are created out
dioxide from the atmosphere. (IV) There of them.
are many types of tropical rainforests in
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
the world. (V) However these plants are
also very important to people in other
ways; many are used in new drugs that
fight disease and illness.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


70- (I) Various estimates suggest that by RESTATEMENT

2050 nearly one third of the world’s 72- The horse has made a greater
energy needs could come from contribution to civilization than any other
renewable sources such as solar power, animal
wind power, geothermal power and
hydrogen fuel cells. (II) One should A) No animal has played a larger role in
man's social development than the
protect the environment even if this horse.
causes fuel prices to rise. (III) This B) Horses have been offering their
leaves the other two thirds to come from assistance to man since the beginning of
conventional fossil fuels such as oil and history
gas. (IV) We have to find a balance C) Without horses, it is somewhat
between the need to protect people’s doubtful that civilisation would ever have
way of life and the environment, and the happened.
need to provide them with affordable D) Since the dawn of history, man has
energy. (V) Furthermore, we have to been exploiting the horse to a great
find a balance between the cost of extent.
E) Civilizations flourished thanks to
developing new technology to get the
many animals that helped man, one of
most from fossil fuels, and the cost of which was the horse.
developing new power sources.
73- Far more devastating for the
A) I B) II C) II D) IV E) V author than the loss of his house to
fire was the destruction of the sole
71- (I) We benefit from the results of copy of his latest novel.
mathematical research every day. (II)
The fibre-optic network carrying our A) In his latest book, the author tells
telephone conversations, for example, of the pain he suffered when he lost
was designed with the help of his home in a devastating fire.
mathematical research. (III) Our B) The author was devastated to find
computers are the result of millions of his house burnt down with
hours of mathematical analysis. (IV) everything in it, among which was
Mathematics is a basic component of the only manuscript of his latest
the primary and secondary education novel.
curricula. (V) Weather prediction, the C) The only thing the author was able
design of fuel-efficient automobiles and to rescue from the flames which
airplanes, traffic control, and medical destroyed his home was the sole
imaging all depend upon mathematical copy of his latest book.
analysis. D) Even more difficult for the author
than writing a single book was seeing
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V it destroyed when his house burnt
E) Even the destruction of his home
in the fire was not as hard for the
author to bear as the burning of the
manuscript of his new novel.


74- Having arrived at the church, E) Though they admit that there is a
Martin sat down at the front listening need for reform, millions of Germans
to the music. nevertheless fear the process, which
will inevitably be painful, and seek to
A) After martin had arrived at the postpone it.
church, he heard a lovely music at
the front. DIALOGUES
B) After he had arrived at the church,
Martin sat down at the front and 76- Cynthia: I've got to read this report
listened to the music. before I go to the meeting tomorrow.
C) In order to sit down at the front Rafi : It's not a big deal. If you start
and listen to the music he arrived at now, you will finish it soon.
the church early. Cynthia: ………
D) At the church Martin wanted to Rafi : Then you should have started
listen to the music so he arrived at reading it a long time ago.
the church early.
E) Martin fount a seat at the front A) But the report has got over two
because he came to the church early. hundred pages.
B) I guess you're right. I must go
75- Millions of Germans are uneasy back to my room now.
about the prospect of reform because C) I would like to read it, too. I've got
they fear the process will be painful, plenty of time.
but they suspect that in the long run D) You don't have to. No one will
it will have to come. notice that you've lost it.
E) We don't need to attend the
A) As they expect the process of meeting. It's not mandatory.
reform will prove extremely painful,
millions of Germans are reluctant to
admit that in the end it will have to
B) Though it‟s obvious that, sooner
or later reform is inevitable, the
feeling among a lot of people in
Germany is that it should be
postponed for as long as possible.
C) A great many people in Germany
find the likelihood of reform worrying
as they are afraid it will prove
unpleasant, but they have a feeling
that in the end it will be inevitable.
D) Since the process of reform
promises to be unpleasant, the
majority of Germans are trying to
pretend that it need never happen.


77- Jill: Tom has got very good ideas 79- Craig : This is interesting. Eighteen
but he cannot explain them very well. new
Sam: …….. fish species have been caught off the
Jill : He takes notes of his creative coast of the south western tip of
ideas, and I've read some of them. England in recent years.
Sam : I would like to be able to have a Sam : What’s the explanation? Have all
look at them. their natural enemies been killed off?
Craig : ----
A) I know. He would be a great Sam : Well, that sounds plausible. After
scientist if he were given a good all, fish are cold-blooded creatures and
education. need suitable surroundings.
B) Stop telling me about Tom. You
know I don't like him at all. A) They don’t offer any explanation.
C) I used to have some great ideas Your guess is as good as mine.
too, but no one was interested. B) That’s one possible explanation,
D) How do you know that he has got but it’s certainly not the most likely.
very good ideas? C) No. Apparently it’s the result of
E) I don't want to sound rude, but I global warning. They are moving
simply do not care. north to cooler waters.
D) Possibly. But what I want to know
78- Frank: I heard you are taking a is, where have they come from?
Spanish class at the community E) No. I don’t think so, anyway. Why
college. do you ask?
Jerry: Yes, I'm going to Guatemala next
spring and I thought knowing a little 80- Richard: There must be an
Spanish would make the trip easier. explanation for why gossiping is so
Frank: ……… popular.
Jerry: I have a course catalogue. We Mary: ----
can see whether or not they're offering a Richard: Isn’t it more likely to
French course next semester. disconnect us from the people we
gossip about?
A) I had done the same thing when I Mary: I see your point, but what they
went to live with my sister who is mean is “nice” gossip.
living in France.
B) It will take you more time to A) Yes, it is done intensively all over
master it. the world.
C) Could you tell me how you found B) In fact, there is. Psychologists say
the course? that gossip makes us feel connected
D) I'm visiting my brother in to others.
Marseilles next year. Maybe I should C) Well, what’s your explanation?
take a French class. D) When there is gossip about public
E) Are you satisfied with that course? figures, it seems to make them more
E) People may say they don’t gossip
‒ but usually they do!



1-A 47-C
2-B 48-C
3-D 49-B
4-A 50-A
5-C 51-B
6-E 52-C
7-B 53-E
8-A 54-C
9-C 55-E
10-C 56-B
11-D 57-A
12-B 58-D
13-B 59-D
14-E 60-C
15-C 61-E
16-A 62-B
17-B 63-E
18-C 64-D
19-D 65-A
20-C 66-A
21-B 67-D
22-A 68-B
23-E 69-C
24-A 70-B
25-D 71-D
26-C 72-A
27-D 73-E
28-C 74-B
29-A 75-C
30-C 76-A
31-B 77-D
32-D 78-D
33-A 79-C
34-D 80-B


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