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Studying of Effect The High Range Water Reducer Super Plasticizer Retarding Admixture On Properties of Concrete

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016 219

ISSN 2229-5518

Studying of Effect The High Range, Water-

Reducer/ Super plasticizer, Retarding admixture
on Properties of Concrete
Hanadi Abdulridha Lateef

Abstract— Due to high temperatures in Iraq, especially in the summer, concrete pouring need to be under certain circumstances, where concrete need
to addition some additives to increase the workability and delay the initial setting time.In recent decades, tremendous success has been achieved in the
advancement of chemical admixtures for Portland cement. Most efforts have concentrated on improving the properties of concrete and studying the
factors that influence on these properties. Since the compressive strength is considered a valuable property and is invariably a vital element of the struc-
tural design, especially high early strength development which can be provide more benefits in concrete production, such as reducing construction time
and labor and saving the formwork and energy. The effect of superplasticizer and retarding properties of fresh and hardened concrete has studied; the
properties of concrete such as slump, compressive strength and water absorption under normally curing concrete, hence, an experimental investigation
conducted to determine the optimum dosage for the admixture and to study the effect of over dosage of the mentioned admixture, together with one
control mixed. The difference between concrete mixes comes from dosage of admixture, which used at amounts 500,1000,1500 and 2000 ml/ 100 kg of
cement were prepared. The test results revealed that effect of admixture on properties of concrete are dependent upon it dosage.

Index Terms— chemical admixtures, initial setting time, superplasticizer, workability.

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T HE practical use of concrete as a construction material
depends upon the fact that it is plastic in the freshly mixed
state and subsequently becomes hard, with considerable
the workability without changing the water/ cement ratio. Or,
it can be used to increase the ultimate strength of concrete by
reducing water content while maintaining adequate workabili-
strength. This change in its physical properties is due to the
ty [6].
chemical reaction between cement and water, a process known
Retarding admixtures are used to delay the rate of setting
as hydration. Hydration involves chemical changes, not just a
drying out of the material, hydration is irreversible. The reac- of concrete. High temperatures of fresh concrete (30°C) are
tion is gradual, first causing stiffening of concrete, and then often the cause of an increased rate of hardening that makes
development of strength, which continues for a very long placing and finishing difficult such as an exposed aggregate
time. Under certain ideal conditions it is probable that con- surface [3],[4 ]. One of the most practical methods of counte-
crete would continue to increase in strength indefinitely [1]. racting this effect is to reduce the temperature of the concrete
An admixture, according to the ASTM C-125-97a stan- by cooling the mixing water and/or the aggregates. Retarders
dards, is a material other than water, aggregates or hydraulic do not decrease the initial temperature of concrete. The bleed-
cement that is used as an ingredient of concrete or mortar, and
ing rate and bleeding capacity of concrete is increased with
is added to the batch immediately before or during mixing. A
retarders [3]. Retarding admixtures are useful in attempts to
material such as a grinding aid added to cement during its
manufacture is termed an additive [2], [3],[4].When water is decrease slump loss and extend workability, especially prior to
added to cement, paste is formed which gradually stiffens and placement at elevated temperatures. Retarding admixtures are
then hardens. The stiffening of cement paste is called setting. also useful when difficult or unusual conditions of placement
Basically, setting is a process of transformation from an initial occur, such as placing concrete in large piers and foundations,
state, a scattered concentrated suspension, to a final state, a cementing oil wells, or pumping grout or concrete over consi-
connected and strengthened system of particles. This trans- derable distances [4].
formation in the practice of cement and concrete is obtained
by chemical reactions between cement particles and water (i.e., PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE
cement hydration). Normal setting of cement is associated Workability
with the hydration of Alite (impure C3S) and formation of the
Workability is defined as "the ease with which concrete can
calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) phase [5].
be deformed by an applied stress. The obtainable deformation
While concreting in hot weather, both setting time and
depends "on the volume fraction of the aggregate and the vis-
compressive strength are adversely affected. To prevent con-
cosity of the cement paste". It is measured by means of the
crete from the adverse effects of hot weather, admixtures are
"slump test." Even though many researchers, have proposed
usually incorporated in it. A retarding admixture holds back
different methods to measure the workability of flowing con-
the hydration process, leaving more water for workability and
crete, including flow table, the slump test remains widely in
allowing sufficient time for the concrete to be placed, com-
use. The slump test is a semi-static test that fails to measure
pacted and finished. Superplasticiser (SP) is used to increase
the properties of flowing concrete under dynamic conditions.
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016 220
ISSN 2229-5518
Workability of concrete is affected by many factors including
initial slump, type and amount of cement, temperature, rela-
tive humidity, mixing criteria (total mixing time, type of mixer,
and mixer speed), as well as the presence of chemical and
mineral admixtures.
Setting Time
Setting time is determined in terms of initial set and final
set. These are arbitrary points between initial water-cement
contact and the beginning of strength gain. Initial set is the
point in time when the cement paste starts to stiffen consider-
ably. Beyond this point, further mixing of the concrete is harm-
ful. Final set on the other hand, is the point in time when the
concrete starts to gain strength. Initial set usually occurs with-
in 2 to 4 hours, while final set takes 5 to 8 hours after initial
water-cement contact. The Vicat needle test is used for mea-
suring setting times. The primary purpose of determining set-
ting time is for quality control.
The rate of slump loss is greatly increased under hot
weather concreting resulting in a reduction in the time during
Cement: One type of Portland cement; ordinary Portland ce-
which concrete can be transported, handled and placed. Addi- ment (OPC) was applied. Total percentages for its oxides,

tional water is often added at the jobsite to compensate for compound composition and some properties were fulfilled to
such a high slump loss. This results in a weaker and less dura- the requirement of Iraqi specifications No. 5/ 1984 [8]as de-
ble concrete, with a higher water cement ratio. The maximum noted in Table 1.
allowed concrete temperature is usually set at 85 to 90 °F (29 to Aggregate: The fine aggregate used was local sand, while the
32°C) depending on the type of application. Extremely high coarse aggregate used crushed gravel with maximum size 19
temperatures have detrimental effects on the properties of mm.
All their met the requirements of Iraqi specifications No. 45/
fresh and hardened concrete [7].
1984 [9]with respect the sieve analysis and chemical properties
as denoted in Table 2, 3, 4 and 5.
PROPERTIES OF HARDENED CONCRETE Water: Normal tap water was used as mixing water.
Compressive Strength
Compressive strength is mainly affected by the water/ ce- TABLE 3
ment ratio of the concrete mixture. Strength decreases as the w CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SAND
/c ratio increases. Other factors affecting compressive strength
include: age of the concrete, cement type and content, aggre-
gate type, and mineral and chemical admixtures. The ultimate
strength of concrete depends on the rate and degree of hydra-
tion of the cement. Higher rate of hydration results in higher
early strength, but lower ultimate strength. A "more complete"
degree of hydration however, results stronger and denser con- TABLE 4
crete at later age [7]. SIEVE ANALYSIS OF GRAVEL

The basic objective of this present research is to study the in-
fluence of :-
1- Investigate the effects of superplasticizer and retarding on
properties of concrete.
2- Determine the optimum dosage for admixture.

• Hanadi Abdulridha Lateef ,Basrah Technical Institute, Southern Techincal
University, Iraq. E-mail: hanadi_ridha@yahoo.com IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016 221
ISSN 2229-5518
cimens which were square in shape measuring 150mm accord-
TABLE 5 ing to B.S.I 1881 part 116: 1989 [15]. The specimens were tested
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF GRAVEL at age of 1, 7 and 28 days strength of the concrete under nor-
mally water curing.
- Water absorption

The water absorption test was performed according to

ASTM C 642-97 [16] and carried out on 150mm cube speci-
mens at age 28-days under normally curing. In this test, the
specimens were weighted before and after immersion in water.
Water absorption was then determined as the difference in the
weight of specimen before and after immersion in water rela-
tive to the weight of specimen before immersion in water, ex-
pressed in percentage.
Admixture: Synthetic based superplasticizer with a retarding RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
effect was used. Its commercial known as ISOPLAS SP- 530 a- Results of fresh tests
(ISOLA) . ISOPLAS SP- 530 is a high range, water-reducer/
TABLE 6 The results of the tested summarize in tables 7,8 and 9. The
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF ISOPLAS SP- 530 measured properties were initial setting time, slump and fresh



Fresh Tests
super plasticizer, retarding admixture for concrete that meets
requirements of specification ASTM C494 type G [10] accord-
ing to manufacture certificate. Table 6 shown the technical
description for it.
density. The measured values for initial setting time, slump
and fresh density indicate that the control mix has the lowest
value when compared it with their corresponding mixes that
containing of SP. The value of initial setting time, slump and
Control mixes (reference) designed for 28-days characteris-
fresh density for different dosages of SP plotted as a graphics
tic strength of 30 MPa according to ACI 211.1-95 [11] . In the
shown in the Figures 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
laboratory experiment, the applied five concrete mixes were
The reduction of initial setting time for control mix M0
selected to cover the effect of the dosage of admixtures on
compared to M1, M2, M3 and M4 were 39.53%, 69.35%, 79%
properties of produced concrete with normally water cured (0,
and 83,44% respectively. From Fig. 1, it is clear that initial set-
0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2)% by weight of cement. All mixes were de-
ting time increases by increasing dosages.
signed to have fixed proportions of total cement content of 410
The reduction slump for control mix M0 compared to M1,
kg/m3 , sand 730 kg/m3, gravel 1040 kg/m3 and 190 free water
M2, M3 and M4 were 34%, 53.52%, 63.74% and 67.65% respec-
content. After mixing the materials, the following fresh tests
tively. From Fig. 2, it is clear that slump increases by increas-
were determined for each concrete mix;
ing dosages. However the SP will help to retain the concrete in
- Initial setting time according to ASTM C403-99[12].
liquid state for a longer time. In addition, over dosage of these

- Slump according to ASTM C143-98 [13]. TABLE 8

- Fresh density according to ASTM C138-2000 [14].

Hardened Tests
The following hardened concrete tests were determined for
each concrete mix:
- Compressive strength

Compressive strength test involve the manufacture of test spe-

admixtures will lead to high slump, which will not give true
IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016 222
ISSN 2229-5518


b- Results of hardened concrete tests

The results of the tested summarize in tables 10. The meas-

ured properties were compressive strength and water absorp-
tion tests. The results showed that all the concrete mixes with
presences SP admixture exhibited improvement in compres-
sive strength and noticeable reduction in water absorption
compared to their control mixes. Since addition of SP will pro-
vide more water for concrete mixing, not only the hydration
slump that we expect and desire. process will not be disturbed, but, it is accelerated by the addi-
The reduction fresh density for control mix M0 compared tional water from defloration of cement particles. Hence, in-
to M1, M2, M3 and M4 were 2.07%, 2.79%, 3.55% and 6.08% crease in dosage will increase the entrapped water and pro-
respectively. mote hydration of cement. The values of compressive strength
for the different dosage of SP admixture for 1, 7 and 28 days
are then shown as a graph in Fig. 4.
The increase ratio in compressive strength for M1, M2 and
M3 mixes compared to M0 control mix were 2.18%, 6.31% and
10.91% respectively. The effect of over dosage of these admix-
ture will lead to reduction in compressive strength. Optimum
dosage of SP is found based on highest ultimate strength that

present at age 28 days is 1500 ml/ 100kg of cement. Dosage
with lower or higher than this optimum value will reduce the
compressive strength. The reduction in water absorption at 28-

Results of Compressive strength and Absorp-

Fig. 1. Initial setting time for mixes at different SP dosages


Fig. 2. Slump of mixes at different SP dosages

days in normally curing for M1, M2, M3 and M4 mixes com-

pared to M0 control mix were 7.03 %, 21.09%, 35.93% and
48.43% respectively.

IJSER © 2016

Fig. 3. Fresh density of mixes at different SP dosages

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 10, October-2016 223
ISSN 2229-5518
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9. Requirements of Iraqi specifications No. 45/ 1984.
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Society for Testing and Materials, Vol. 04.02.
very high dosages of SP tend to impair the cohesiveness of
14. ASTM C 138-2000, Test Method for Unit Weight, Yield and Air
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3- The results showed that all the concrete mixes with pre- dards, Vol.04.02.
sences SP admixture exhibited improvement in compres- 15. B.S.I 1881 part 116: 1989.
sive strength and noticeable reduction in water absorp- 16. ASTM C642-97, Standard Test Method for Density, Absorption,

tion compared to their control mixes. and Voids in

4- The effect of over dosage of these admixture will lead to

reduce the compressive strength.
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IJSER © 2016

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