Ib Ess Summer Pack 2023: This Paper Is Your Summer Homework
Ib Ess Summer Pack 2023: This Paper Is Your Summer Homework
Ib Ess Summer Pack 2023: This Paper Is Your Summer Homework
4. 1.4 Sustainability
ECOCENTRIC:Puts ecology and nature as central humanity.
How did the following landmarks lead to the development of local and global environmental pressure groups,
the concept of stewardship, and raising public awareness via increased media coverage?
1.2 Systems: an assemblage of parts and their relationship forming a functioning entirety or whole
2nd: the entropy of a closed system increases; when energy is transformed into work, some energy is always lost as
waste heat
Steady-state: in open systems, continuous inputs and outputs of energy and matter, system as a whole remains in a
constant state, no long term changes.
Static: no change over time; when the state of equilibrium is distributed, the system adapts a new equilibrium; can’t
occur in living systems
Positive: results in a further decrease of output and the system is destabilized and pushed into a new state of
Negative: tends to neutralize or counteract any deviation from an equilibrium and tends to stabilize systems
Transfers: occur whwn energy or matter flows and - Energy to energy(light converted to heat by radiating
changes location but does not change its state surfaces)
Natural capital is natural resources that produce sustainable natural income of goods and services.
Sustainability Indicators
EF(Ecological Foot print): The ecological footprint (EF) is the amount of land and water that is required to support a
human population at a given standard of living – providing all the resources and assimilating all the waste
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs: (EIAs) incorporate baseline studies before a development project is
undertaken. They assess the environmental, social and economic impacts of a project; predicting and evaluating
possible impacts and suggesting mitigation strategies for the project. They are usually followed by an audit and
continued monitoring. Each country or region has different guidance on the use of EIAs
• POLLUTION: The contamination of air, water, or soil by substances that are harmful to living organisms.
*Pollutants may be in the form of organic or inorganic substances, light, sound or thermal energy, biological
agents or invasive species.
• Point source: Pollution that can be traced back to a single origin or source (ex. sewage treatment plant
• Non-point source: Pollution which cannot be traced back to a single origin or source (ex. storm water runoff,
water runoff from urban areas and failed septic systems).
Species: is a groupof organisms(living things) sharing common characteristics that interbreed and produce fertile
Population: a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time.
Community: a group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat.
Ecosystem: a community of independent organisms (biotic factors) and the physical environment (abiotic factors) which
they inhabit.
Photosynthesis: a process of producers making their own food (glucose) and producing oxygen from water and carbon
Biomass: the living mass of an organism or organisms but sometimes refers to dry mass.
Gross Productivity: the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time.
GPP: by producers
GSP: by consumers
Net Productivity: the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time after allowing for losses to respiration.
NPP: by producers
NSP: by consumers.
Different Biomes:
Tropical Rainforest – hot and wet areas with broadleaved ever green forest. Within 50 north or south of the equator.
High rainfall and high temperature, high insolation as near equator. There are amazingly high levels of biodiversity, many
species and many individuals of specie. There are very large evergreen trees, small shrubs, orchids.
It is estimated that tropical rainforest produces 40% of NPP of terrestrial ecosystems. But the problems it has, are that
50% of human population live near the equator, so they damage the biome, they are exploited for human economical
Desert – dry areas which are usually hot in the day and cold in the night, there are tropical, temperate and cold deserts.
It covers 20-30% of earths surface, about 300 of north or south of the equator. Water is limited in the deserts. There are
few species and very low biodiversity, there are only the ones who adapted to the conditions. Soil can be rich, because
the nutrients are not washed away from the water. NPP is low because the amount of plants and animals are limited,
because of the water. Desertification is the human activity
Temperate Grassland – fairly flat areas, that are covered with grass, they are located 400 – 600 from the equator, either
north or south. The net productivity is not very high, because its only grass that grows on the land, nothing else. And
with that the animals that are growing are small size as well. Humans use grass lands for the crops.
Temperate Forest - mild climate and deciduous forest. Located 400 – 600 north or south of the equator, it has 4
seasons, there also are fewer species than tropical rainforest, it has the second highest NPP after the tropical rainforest.
Much of the temperate forests, have been cleared because of human activities.
Arctic Tundra – Tree less plain with permafrost, cold and very low precipitation, dark nights. It is 10% of lands surface, it
is located on the arctic cap. Water is limiting but the fire can stop the climax community forming. There are no trees but
there Is a thick mat, covered by mosses and grasses. It has very low biodiversity, and soil is poor. With that the NPP is
very low, humans use it for mining.
Ecosystem Structure:
Food chain: shows a flow of energy from one organism to the next.
Trophic level: a position that an organism or a group of organisms in a community occupies in a food chain.
Producers or autotrophs: which manufacture their own food from inorganic substances.
Detritivores: consumers that derive their food from detritus or decomposing organic material.
Ecological pyramids
Pyramid of numbers: shows the number of organisms at each trophic level in a food chain
● Only uses samples from populations, so it’s impossible to measure biomass exactly.
Pyramid of productivity: contains the flow of energy through each trophic level; shows the energy being generated and
available as food to the next trophic level during a fixed period of time.
Shows the actual energy transferred and allows for rate of production.
Very difficult and complex to collect energy data as the rate of biomass production over time is required
Trophic efficiency: only 10% of the energy is transferred to the next, so the trophic efficiency=10%.
Population Interactions
● A population is a group of organisms of the same species living in the same area at the same time and capable of
● Population density is the average number of individuals in a stated area.
● Competition between members of the same species is Intraspecific competition.
● Individuals of the different species, competeting for the same resource is called Interspecific competition.
● The other outcome is that one species may totally outcompete the other, this is the principle of Competitive
Predation – happens when one animal, the predator, eats another animal, the prey.
Parasitism - is a relationship between two species in which one species lives in or on another gaining its food from it.
Mutualism - s a relationship between two or more species in which both or all benefit and none suffer.
● It may occur on bare ground where soul formation starts the process or where no soil has already formed, or
where the vegetation has been removed.
● Early in succession, GPP and respiration are low and so NPP is high as biomass accumulates.
Zonation:is the change in communıty along an environmental gradient due to factors such as changes in altıtude,
Latitude, tidal level or distance from shore /coverage by water.
1. Predation – pray animals increase, predators increase -> pray decreases and the predators decrease
Other facts:
· Environmental resistance
Density-independent limiting factors (abiotic factors when effects do not depend on the population density)
· Climate
· Weather
· Volcanic eruptions
· Floods
J- curves
1. Microbes 3. Fish
· Niche generalists
Collecting data:
*Sampling methods:
Abiotic Factors:
TERRESTERIAL: soil texture, slope, soil moisture, drainage and mineral content,temperature,light intensity,wind speed
pH: pH meter
Temperature: thermometer
content can vary enormously so all the water should be removed and
5. For accurate results this should be repeated 3–5 times so that a mean
4. Dry it at about 60–70°C until it reaches a constant weight. Water content can vary enormously so all the water should
be removed and the mass given as dry weight.
5. For accurate results this should be repeated 3–5 times so that a mean
Secondary Productıvıty
3. After a certain amount of time measure the mass of the animal again.
*Pitfall Traps
*Sweep Nets
*Tree Beating
*Kıck Sampling
*Dichotomous key
*Lincoln Index:Capture,Mark,Release,Recapture
Species richness: number of different species present in an area (more species = greater richness)
Species evenness: the relative abundance of the different species in an area (similar abundance = more evenness)
Types of Diversity
Biodiversity- the numbers of species of different animals and plants in different places can be considered at
2. Species diversity- the number of different species within a given area or habitat.
3. Habitat diversity- the number of different habitats per unit area that a particular ecosystem or biome contains.
Simpson’s reciprocal index- in which 1 is the lowest diversity where N = the total number of organisms of all
species and n = the total number of organisms of a particular species
● In hotspots there are unusually high numbers of endemic species- those only found in that place.
Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution which is outlined in The Origin of Species, published in 1859
● When species are formed by gradual change over a long time when populations of the same species become
separated, they cannot interbreed and may start to diverge if the environments they inhabit change.
● Separation may have geographical or reproductive causes; humans speed up speciation by artificial selection
of plants and animals and by genetic engineering
● Large flightless birds (e.g. emu, ostrich, rhea, cassowary) only found in Africa, Australia, South America
● cichlid fish in the lakes of East Africa, Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi
● Llamas and camels (llamas in South America and camels in Africa and central Asia)
E. O. Wilson- a biologist at Harvard, thinks that the current rate of extinction is 1000 times the background rate and
is caused by human activities
Biologists thing: we are the sixth mass extinction called the Holocene extinction event
● already wiped out many large mammal and flightless bird species.
● humans alter the landscape on an unprecedented scale.
● previous mass extinctions were due to physical (abiotic) causes over long time spans.
Worldwide Fund for Nature produces periodic report called the Living Planet Report
1. when modern humans spread over the Earth about 100 000 years ago
● stage of succession
● Inertia
● Natural hazards
● loss of habitat
● fragmentation of habitat
● pollution
● overexploitation
● spread of disease
5. A large body
7. Seasonal migrants
8. Poor dispersers
11. Minimum viable population size: that is needed for a species to survive in the wild is a figure that
scientists and conservationists consider
22. Minimum viable population size: that is needed for a species to survive in the wild is a figure that
scientists and conservationists consider.
Extinct Species
● now introduced dogs have taken over the ecological role of the thylacine
● Dodo
● ground-nesting bird
Endangered species
● Rafflesia
● single sexed
*Food sources
*Natural products(Rubber (latex) is from rubber trees, linen from flax, rope from hemp, cotton from cotton plants,
silk from silkworms.Honey, beeswax, rattan, natural perfumes, timber are all from plants or animals,medicines….)
• *Environmental services:( Soil aeration depends on worms.// Fertilization and pollination of some food
crops depend on insects//soil and water resorces are protected by vegetation//Wastes are broken by
• Gene pools
• Future potential for even more uses(miners uses canaries for understending toxic gases//indicator species
eg lichens, can show air quality.
• Recreational
• Ecotourism
• Ethical/intrinsic value
• Biorights self-perpetuation
CONSERVATION : biologists do not necessarily want to exclude humans from reserves or from interacting
with other organisms
PRESERVATION: biology has an ecocentric viewpoint which puts value on nature for its own intrinsic
worth, not as a resource that humans can exploit
• highly bureaucratic
• eg Environmental Protection Agency of the USA (EPA), Environmental Protection Department of China.
• very diverse
• 1973 Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).
• 1987 Brundtland Commission on Our Common Future - first defined sustainable development
• 1992 Earth Summit Rio de Janeiro produced Agenda 21, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the
Rio Declaration leading to BAPs (biodiversity action plans) Earth Council Global Biodiversity Strategy
Approaches to conservatIon
Species-based conservation
1.Cıtes: Its aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten
their survival
4.Flagships species: These species are charismatic, instantly recognized, popular and can capture our imagination
5.Keystone species: A keystone species is one that plays a critical role in maintaining the structure of the ecosystem in
which they live
Keystone Species
● Their disappearance can have an impact far greater than and not proportional to their numbers or biomass.
• ECOTONES: Edge effects occur at ecotones (where two habitats meet and there is a change near the boundary).
• CORRIDORS: Corridors which are strips of protected land may link reserves. These allow individuals to move
from reserve to reserve and so increase the size of the gene pool or allow seasonal migration.
• Exotic or invasive species may also get into a reserve via the corridors.
• UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere programme (MAB): The MAB reserves have, if possible, buffer zones. This is
a zone around the core reserve which is transitional.
Economic Water Scarcity: This is when the supply of water exists, but there is not enough money to extract,
treat and transport it.
Physical water Scarcity: This is when the demand for water exceeds the supply of water. Arid areas don't
necessarily have a physical water scarcity if the demands are low.
Water Stress: This is when there is a shortage of water for economic reasons, physical reasons or both. If
there is water stress then wetlands, ecosystems, agricultural land, industrial production and ultimately
humans can all be affected.
• Sustainable: use of a resource at a rate that does not impact future generations
• Sources of freshwater:
– Surface water (lakes, rivers, streams)
• Replacing water in aquifers is a very slow process as it requires water to infiltrate the soil and rock to reach the aquifer.
(often difficult to use at sustainable levels)
• Some aquifers cannot be refilled as they are no longer exposed to an area for refilling. (cannot be used sustainably)
• Grey water recycling – ex; use shower water for flushing or garden
• Rainwater harvesting
• Drip irrigation
• Many countries in the Middle East, which has one of the world’s highest population growth rates, face water
• Most water in this dry region comes from the Nile, Jordan or Tigris rivers.
Process of Eutrophication
● May result in dead zones (oceans or freshwater) deeper into the lake
a. Define the term species . (1)
b. Describe how populations of individual species interact within an ecosystem, using named examples to
support your answer. (5)
3. Figure 1 below shows how the sun’s energy flows along a food chain and Figure 2 shows one way
in which solar energy can be converted into electricity.
Figure 1
Figure 2
[Source: Adapted from E P Odum, Ecology, A Bridge Between Science and Society, (Sinauer Associates Inc, 1996) page 89. © E P
Odum. Reproduced by permission of the estate of E P Odum.]
(a) Describe and explain what is happening to energy along the food chain in Figure 1.
(b) Describe the process by which the sun’s energy is used by plants.
(c) State two energy sources that could be used in the power station in Figure 2.
4. Figure 3 shows the nutrient cycles for a temperate deciduous woodland and for an area nearby where
the woodland has been cleared for mixed farming.
Figure 3
[Source: Nagle and Spencer, Diagram showing nutrient cycles for a temperate deciduous woodland and mixed farming from Advanced
Geography Through Diagrams, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). By permission of Oxford University Press]
(ii) Identify the main differences between the two nutrient cycles in Figure 3.
(a) It has been suggested that “extinction is a natural process therefore we should not worry about the loss
of biodiversity”. Give two reasons why you either agree or disagree with this statement.
(b) List two advantages and two disadvantages of the role of captive breeding programs and zoos in the
conservation of endangered species.
(i) Advantages
(ii) Disadvantages
Figure 4 shows rates of net primary productivity (NPP) for different biomes around the world.
Figure 4
(b) Explain why rates of net primary productivity are higher in some parts of the planet
than others. [2]
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(c) Suggest two ecological reasons why certain ecosystems are considered more
biologically significant than others. [2]
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(d) Outline one human activity threatening a named area of biological significance. [1]
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7 . Figure 5: Graph showing changes in the populations of two forest species over time.
(i)Explain the relationship between the prey and predators shown in Figure 5. [2]
........................................................................................................................... (2)
8. Outline the evolutionary processes that link habitat diversity to species diversity.
(iii) State one method of dealing with eutrophication after it has occurred.
(b) (i) Explain what is meant by the term endangered species, giving an example.
(ii) List three factors which may lead to a species becoming endangered.
(c) Give three ways in which efforts are made to protect endangered species, with an example for
(d) How might natural selection lead to an increase in species diversity?