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0449 Bangladesh Studies: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2013 Series

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2013 series


0449/02 Paper 2 (Environment and Development of Bangladesh),
maximum raw mark 75

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.

Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2013 series for most IGCSE, GCE
Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level components and some Ordinary Level components.
Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2013 0449 02

1 (a) Study the map of Bangladesh (Fig. 1) and name the following features:
area A – Sundarbans
river B – Padma/Ganges
main crop grown in area C – tea
power generated at D – HEP
hills E – Chitagong/Bandarban Hill Tracts (5 @ 1 mark each) [5]

(b) (i) Using Fig. 2, describe the distribution of arsenic pollution levels in Bangladesh.
0–50ppb/low – S-E/Chittagong area, N-W/Rangpur, Dinajpur, etc., central
area/Gazipur, Dhaka, S/centre of coast/Bhola, Patuakhali, etc.
50–500ppb – N-E/Sylhet, etc., across to western border/Tangail, Rajshahi, etc.,
E/Comilla, others – Khulna, Narail
500–1000ppb – western side/Jessore, Magura, etc., S/central/Barisal, Chandur etc.
+1000ppb/high – scattered, S-W/Bramanbari, Nawaganj, Pabna, Faridpur, Noakhall,
Feni, Khulna

Max 2 marks per contamination level – name of area, compass direction or locational
point. [4]

(ii) Explain how groundwater becomes polluted with arsenic.

withdrawal from tubewells for irrigation
lowered water level
oxygen moves into space
reacts with arsenic in rocks
enter water system (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(iii) What effects does arsenic pollution have on the people who drink the water?
dark/white patches
hard patches on skin
cancer of liver/kidneys
death/fatal (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(c) (i) What is the highest temperature?

28–30 °C [1]

(ii) Which month has the lowest temperature?

January [1]

(iii) What is the highest rainfall?

385 mm (380–390 mm) [1]

(iv) Which month has the lowest rainfall?

December [1]

(v) Explain why there are seasonal variations in the climate.

seasonal monsoon winds/changing wind directions
NE monsoon/November–February – blow from high pressure over Asia to low pressure
over Indian Ocean
deflected to right/Coriolis effect
SW monsoon/June–September – blow from high pressure over Australia to low pressure
over Asia

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Page 3 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
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pick up moisture from sea/onshore winds (3 @ 1 mark) [3]

(d) (i) A ‘The climate of Bangladesh is ideal for growing crops.’

B ‘Many problems are caused for farmers by Bangladesh’s climate.’

Give one piece of evidence which supports statement A.

Must have a link to the growing of crops
warm temperatures for sowing
length of growing season
monsoon rain/plentiful rainfall for germination/growing
sunny spells for ripening
dry spell for harvesting
very productive/list of crops that grow well [1]

(ii) Give one piece of evidence which supports statement B.

flooding caused by heavy monsoon rains/excessive rainfall
damages crop
washes away fertile soil
drought/dry period
scarcity of surfaced water
high temperatures – melts snows in mountains = flooding [1]

(iii) Which statement do you agree with the most? Give reasons for your answer.
Points can be taken from those in (i) and (ii) and developed.
No marks for stating A or B, only for reasons
Accept answers that support both statements [3]

[Total: 25]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 4 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
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2 (a) (i) Study Photograph A on the Insert, a satellite image of part of the Padma (Ganges)
Describe the river features seen in the photograph.
braiding/channels split
wide and narrow channels
sand bars
floodplain (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(ii) Explain how a delta, such as the Padma (Ganges), is formed.

heavy load carried by river
river’s speed checked (as it enters the sea)/slows
load deposited
no currents/strong tides to remove deposition
salt water/causes fine mud to coagulate/suspended
accumulates over time/builds up
distributaries branch out
advances seaward
deposition off-shore/out at sea (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(b) (i) Describe the location of areas affected by drought and coastal floods.
drought – western side
mainly north of Padma River
smaller scattered areas to south of river
S-W – strips
accept one named area e.g. Rajshahi, Natore, Jessore, Nawabganj,
coastal floods – to the south
on eastern coast
on islands of Ganges
Bay of Bengal
accept one named area e.g. Cox’s Bazaar, Chittagong, Noakhali,
Bhola, Khulna, etc.

Reserve 1 mark for each of drought and coastal floods (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 5 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
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(ii) Explain how coastal floods are caused.

cyclones/tropical storms
storm surges
strong/fast winds
coincide with high tides
raise waves to great heights
wall of water sweeps over land
funnels through Bay of Bengal
water shallower towards coast
high temperatures – water expands (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(iii) What can people and organisations do to limit the damage caused by coastal
warning system
education/awareness re. cyclone risk
cyclone shelters
plant mangroves
earth embankments/flood bank/barrages/sluice gates
raise buildings
supply of clean water to prevent disease
medical teams/mobile hospitals (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(c) (i) A ‘Climate change is causing heavier and more erratic rainfall.’
B ‘Climate change is causing less rainfall.’

Give one piece of evidence which supports statement A.

increasing frequency of tropical storms
heavier monsoons
late arrival of rains
more floods
changing temperatures cause rainfall patterns to alter/become erratic
increased heating – increased evaporation – increased rainfall [1]

(ii) Give one piece of evidence which supports statement B.

increasing drought/water shortage
changing temperatures cause rainfall patterns to alter
higher temperatures reduce condensation – less rainfall [1]

(iii) In your opinion, which pattern of climate change poses the greater threat to
Bangladesh, A or B? Give reasons for your answer.
Points can be taken from those in (i) or (ii) and developed
No marks for stating A or B, only for reasons
Accept answers that support both statements
Threats e.g. crops/livestock destroyed/lack of food/loss of life/communications
disrupted/harms economy/GDP
Credit references to different areas affected in different ways [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 6 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2013 0449 02

3 (a) (i) Aquaculture is also known as the Blue Revolution.

What is aquaculture?
fish farming/cultivation/rearing
use of ponds, tanks, lagoons, etc. to rear fish
use of breeding techniques, nutritious feed, research, etc. (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(ii) Using Fig. 5, describe the general trends in aquaculture production in Bangladesh.
general mark for increase
increase from 50 000–940 000/by 890 000 tonnes
flat/constant 1970–75
low/steady increase 1970–1985
rise in 1985–1987 then steady increase
very rapid/steep increase 1995–2004
decline 2004
static 2006
sharp rise to 2007

Max 1 mark for use of figures (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(iii) Why is aquaculture important to the people of Bangladesh?

increase in fish types available
price of fish reduced
supplements diet/source of food
provides protein
rotation with agriculture/rice in tidal and mangrove areas when floods
increase fish production
export earnings
provides jobs/employment/living
provides income
sustainable (3 @ 1 mark) [3]

(b) (i) What is meant by ‘sustainable development’?

to meet needs of generation whilst preserving resources for future generations
careful use of resources
not causing damage

(ii) Explain how the sustainable development of natural resources, such as forests,
can be achieved?
forests – use of biogas/biomass so trees not cut down
other building materials used
controlled logging/use of licences/limits imposed
fish – Restocking
quotas allotted
energy – use of HEP not fossil fuels
renewable power – wind, solar, etc.

Other examples may be used (ecotourism, recycling) (3 @ 1 mark) [3]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 7 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
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(c) (i) Using Fig. 6, describe the changes in coal production between 2002 and 2009.
general mark for increase
from 0–920 000 short tons
no coal production til 2004
small/slow production to 2005/0–480 000
rapid/steep increase to 2006
decline to 2007/to 380 000
then rapid increase to 2008/to 920 000
stable 2008 to 2009

Max 2 marks for use of figures (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(ii) How can the use of coal help to reduce deforestation?

use in industry (instead of charcoal)
example of industry – brickworks, cement, etc.
for power instead of fuelwood
energy for steam trains instead of wood
less need for wood (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(d) (i) There were many differing opinions when it was proposed to open a new coal
mine at Phulbari.
local farmer – I do not want to lose my home and fields to a coal mine
government official – Coal under the ground is worth more than growing rice on
the surface.

Give one piece of evidence in support of the farmer

knows no other job/only way to support family
heritage and culture destroyed/traditional
friends/family nearby
becomes landless
source of food and income
destroy fertile land
finite – what happens after it is used? [1]

(ii) Give one piece of evidence in support of the government official.

need coal for industry
for generating electricity
can be exported/foreign earnings/GDP
provides jobs for villagers
encourage other industries to area
reduce import bill [1]

(iii) Which opinion do you agree with the most? Give reasons for your answer.
Points can be taken from those in (i) and (ii) and developed.
To reflect opinions given – not environmental damage
No marks for stating A or B, only for reasons
Accept answers that support both statements [3]

[Total: 25]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 8 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2013 0449 02

4 (a) (i) Using Fig. 7, compare the production of wheat and pulses, noting the differences
and similarities.
both fluctuated
wheat always higher
pulses declined/wheat has had a general increase
wheat increased by 300 000 mt/pulses declined by 200 000 mt
both increased until 1992/93
wheat rapid decrease
pulses continued decline/wheat fluctuated
highest for wheat and pulses
lowest for wheat and pulses

Max 2 marks for use of figures (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(ii) Explain how technological advances, such as the Green Revolution, may have
caused the changes in wheat production between 1989 and 1999.
HYVs – to increase yield/double cropping
disease resistant
genetically engineered to cope with climatic conditions
Fertilisers – improves quality of soil
maintains fertility – no fallow period
faster production
Pesticides – to protect from loss of crop (by insect attack)
Herbicides to prevent growth of weeds/taking nutrients from crop
Irrigation stabilise water requirements
healthier growth
Machinery save time
less wastage

(4 @ 1 mark) [4]

(b) Explain how the farmers can grow crops in the infertile sand.
small hole/pit dug
line with jute/sack
fill with compost
provide nitrates, phosphates, minerals
plant seeds
harvest/reap/pick crops

Allow development (4 @ 1 mark) [4]

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(c) Complete the table below to compare a cottage industry and a large-scale industry.

cottage industry large scale industry

example weaving, handicrafts, pottery jute, textiles, sugar, garments, [2]

furniture, paper mills, etc

labour family/few workers more than 10 workers [2]

low wages higher wages

machinery simple/traditional technology sophisticated, expensive, [2]


export and little export, low earnings, high export, 80%value

earnings 20% value foreign exchange [2]

1 mark per type of industry for each category 8 × 1 mark

(d) (i) A ‘It is important to encourage more cottage industries to reduce unemployment.’
B ‘Investing in large-scale industries is necessary for Bangladesh’s continuing

Give one piece of evidence which supports statement A.

small scale
employs many people/reduces unemployment
supplements agriculture
employment for women
no education necessary
traditional/simple skills
limited outlay/cost/capital
80% employment but only 20% value of output [1]

(ii) Give one piece of evidence which supports statement B.

15% employment but 80% value of output – raises GDP
higher profits
earnings/foreign exchange – to reinvest
higher wages – less poverty
reduces needs for imports
attracts foreign investment [1]

(iii) In your opinion, which statement will be the more beneficial to Bangladesh? Give
reasons for your answer.
Points can be taken from those in (i) and (ii) and developed
No marks for stating A or B, only for reasons
Accept answers that support both statemetns [3]

[Total: 25]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 10 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
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5 (a) (i) On Fig. 9 complete the bar for 2009 when 73% lived in rural areas and 27% lived in
urban areas.
1 mark for correct positioning of line
1 mark for correct shading, even if line incorrect [2]

(ii) What does Fig. 9 show about the changes to rural and urban populations in
less in rural/more in urban

(iii) What are the effects in rural and urban areas of the changes shown in Fig. 9?
rural – less working population
old and very young left
less crop production/less fish caught
children need to help – less time to go to school
family bonds broken
deserted/rundown/under developed
urban – pressure on/lack of infrastructure/water, sanitation, waste disposal
limited accommodation, more slums/shanties
pressure on services/health care, education, etc.
more labour – leads to more unemployment
crime rates increase

Reserve 1 mark for each rural and urban [4]

(b) (i) Using Fig. 10, describe the changes that took place in each age group between
1979 and 2009.
0–14 years – decreased
15–64 years – increased
65+ years – increased

1 mark per age group [3]

(ii) Explain how improvements in health care have led to changes in the 0–14 years
age group that you described in (b)(i).
lower death rate/IMR – less need to have many children
education/awareness re. nutrition/family planning/vaccination
immunisation/vaccination schemes for children/proper treatment
family planning/contraception
NGOs provision of health care to poor
disease control programmes – TB, diarrhoea
improved maternal care (3 @ 1 mark) [3]

(iii) Give one reason for the change in the 65+ age group.
longer life expectancy/lower death rate/better health care, nutrition, etc. [1]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

Page 11 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2013 0449 02

(c) (i) Using Fig. 11, describe how the % of children in secondary schools in Bangladesh
changed compared to India and Pakistan.
greater increase than both India and Pakistan
30% cf 25%, 10%
nearly as much as India/closing the gap
nearly twice as many as Pakistan
allow description of changes = 1 (3 @ 1 mark) [3]

(ii) The % of children in primary schools is 95% in Bangladesh. Why is there such a
decrease when children go to secondary school?
need of children to work – to support themselves/family
poverty – not afford to send to school
problem re-educating girls (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(iii) Why is secondary education important?

training next generation of workers/skilled workers
higher levels of literacy and numeracy
for more demanding jobs/better jobs/use of technology
higher wages
go onto tertiary education – specialisations for economy
awareness of family planning (2 @ 1 mark) [2]

(d) ‘Developing occupational skills is more important than university qualifications for the
economic development of Bangladesh.’
How far do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and
examples where possible.
TVET related to needs of industry/agriculture unlike some degrees
not seen as prestigious as a degree
accessible by poorer students
accessible at secondary and tertiary level
more immediate effect on earnings/good wages
occupational skills have greater effect on GDP/economic growth

teacher training, livestock, pisciculture, poultry farming, tailoring, sewing, carpentry, electrical
repairs and maintenance, etc.

Only mark reasons, not degree of agreement

Allow development
Reserve 1 mark for examples of types of training/occupations to max 2
Accept answers that support both points of view [4]

[Total: 25]

© Cambridge International Examinations 2013

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