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Genius 20 en Ver 1.2

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Table of Contents
1 About this document ........................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Document information ............................................................................................................... 7
2 Hardware .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 KMPRO - Processor board .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 KMREL - Relay board ................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 KMRELXT - External relay board ............................................................................................... 14
2.4 KMIO8 I/O board ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 TFT colour touch display........................................................................................................... 16
2.6 KMCTB – Car Top Revision Board ............................................................................................. 17
2.7 KMCOP – Car Operating Panel Board ....................................................................................... 19
2.8 KMCOPXT – Car Operating Panel External Board..................................................................... 21
2.9 KMBUS4 – Bus module ............................................................................................................. 22
2.10 Displays ................................................................................................................................ 23
2.10.1 KMDOTL – Dot Matrix Display ..................................................................................... 23
2.10.2 KMDOTS – Dot Matrix Display..................................................................................... 24
2.10.3 KMPC4.3 – V2 .............................................................................................................. 25
2.10.4 KMTFT2.8 - V1 ............................................................................................................. 26
3 Operation ....................................................................................................................... 27
3.1 Basic features ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Menu structure ........................................................................................................................ 27
3.2.1 Operating concept ........................................................................................................... 27
3.3 The Genius 20 command range ............................................................................................... 28
3.4 Blue and grey input fields ......................................................................................................... 29
3.5 Abbreviations and addressing .................................................................................................. 29
3.6 Operation via command level .................................................................................................. 31
3.7 Backup and recovery ................................................................................................................ 34
3.7.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 34
3.7.2 Parameter backup ........................................................................................................... 35
3.7.3 Backup on SD card ........................................................................................................... 35
3.7.4 Data recovery .................................................................................................................. 35
3.8 Software update ....................................................................................................................... 36
4 Shaft selection ................................................................................................................ 38
4.1 The absolute encoder system .................................................................................................. 38
4.1.1 Installing the absolute encoder ....................................................................................... 39
4.1.2 Installing the magnetic switch ......................................................................................... 44

5 Prewired installation ...................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Shaft connections ..................................................................................................................... 45
5.1.1 Car and Landing Door safeties ......................................................................................... 46
5.1.2 Slack rope switch ............................................................................................................. 47
5.1.3 Overspeed governor ........................................................................................................ 48
5.2 Pit Junction Box and Shaft Pit Connections .............................................................................. 49
5.2.1 Pit Station (EN81-1, EN81-2)............................................................................................ 50
5.2.2 Pit Inspection Control Station (EN 81-20)........................................................................ 51
5.3 Power unit connections - KC10 ................................................................................................ 52
5.3.1 BLAIN valve block............................................................................................................. 52
5.3.2 Bucher CLR/V valve block ................................................................................................ 53
5.3.3 Bucher i-valve block ......................................................................................................... 54
5.4 Travelling cable fixation ........................................................................................................... 56
5.5 Car doors .................................................................................................................................. 57
5.5.1 VVVF5+ door connections ............................................................................................... 57
5.5.2 VVVF7+ door connections ............................................................................................... 58
5.5.3 Bus door (G3) ................................................................................................................... 59
5.5.4 Bus door (G4) ................................................................................................................... 60
5.5.5 Bus door (G5) ................................................................................................................... 61
5.6 Connections in the shaft (L.O.P.s, hall lanterns) ...................................................................... 62
5.6.1 With Genius serial bus ..................................................................................................... 62
5.6.2 Without Genius serial bus ............................................................................................... 63
5.7 Car’s inspection box placement ............................................................................................... 64
5.8 UPS installation and maintenance instructions ....................................................................... 65
5.8.1 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 65
5.8.2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 65
5.8.3 UPS connection instructions ............................................................................................ 66
5.9 Led strip installation ................................................................................................................. 68
5.10 Braking resistor installation instructions ............................................................................. 68
5.11 Firefighters Lifts (EN 81-72) ................................................................................................. 69
6 Installation and first movement instructions ................................................................. 70
6.1 Instructions for safe use of installation pendant station ......................................................... 70
6.2 Installation Connections ........................................................................................................... 73
6.3 Hydraulic Lifts ........................................................................................................................... 74
6.3.1 First movement................................................................................................................ 74 Powering up the installation ............................................................................................................... 74 Turning on the controller’s circuit breakers ........................................................................................ 74 Safety chain check ............................................................................................................................... 75 First movement procedure .................................................................................................................. 75

6.4 ATLAS MRL - Traction lift with gearless motor ......................................................................... 76
6.4.1 Zetadyn inverter 4C ......................................................................................................... 76 First movement ................................................................................................................................... 76 Powering up the installation .......................................................................................................... 76 Turning on the controller’s circuit breakers ................................................................................... 77 Safety chain check .......................................................................................................................... 78 Motor parameters .......................................................................................................................... 79 First movement procedure ............................................................................................................ 81
6.4.2 Yaskawa inverter ............................................................................................................. 83 First movement ................................................................................................................................... 83 Powering up the installation .......................................................................................................... 83 Turning on the controller’s circuit breakers ................................................................................... 83 Safety chain check .......................................................................................................................... 84 Motor parameters .......................................................................................................................... 85 Auto Tuning .................................................................................................................................... 88 First movement procedure ............................................................................................................ 91
6.4.3 Frenic inverter ................................................................................................................. 93 First movement ................................................................................................................................... 93 Powering up the installation .......................................................................................................... 93 Turning on the controller’s circuit breakers ................................................................................... 93 Safety chain check .......................................................................................................................... 94 Motor parameters .......................................................................................................................... 95 First movement procedure ............................................................................................................ 96
6.5 Traction lifts with geared VVVF motor ..................................................................................... 98
6.5.1 First movement................................................................................................................ 98 Powering up the installation ............................................................................................................... 98 Turning on the controller’s circuit breakers ........................................................................................ 98 Safety chain check ............................................................................................................................... 99 Motor parameters ............................................................................................................................. 100 First movement procedure ................................................................................................................ 102 Auto Tuning (optional) ...................................................................................................................... 104
7 Ride comfort ................................................................................................................. 107
7.1 Stage 1 .................................................................................................................................... 108
7.2 Stage 2 .................................................................................................................................... 109
7.3 Stage 3 .................................................................................................................................... 111
8 Special instructions and guidelines .............................................................................. 113
8.1 Reduced clearances according to EN 81-20 & EN 81-21 in hydraulic lifts – Inspection
operation and restoration to normal operation ............................................................................. 113
8.1.1 Lift with reduced Headroom clearances ....................................................................... 113
8.1.2 Lift with reduced Shaft Pit clearances ........................................................................... 114
8.1.3 Lift with reduced Headroom and Shaft Pit clearances .................................................. 114
8.2 Reduced clearances according to EN81-20 & EN81-21 in traction lifts – Inspection operation
and restoration to normal operation .............................................................................................. 116
8.2.1 Lift with reduced Headroom clearances ....................................................................... 116
8.2.2 Lift with reduced Shaft Pit clearances ........................................................................... 117
8.2.3 Lift with reduced Headroom and Shaft Pit clearances .................................................. 117
8.3 Reset Pit Inspection ................................................................................................................ 119
9 Parameter description .................................................................................................. 120
9.1 The Genius 20 main menu...................................................................................................... 120

9.2 Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 122
9.2.1 General settings ............................................................................................................. 123 Lift info .............................................................................................................................................. 127 VVVF (Inverter) .................................................................................................................................. 128 VVVF speed selection ........................................................................................................................ 129 Hydraulic lift ...................................................................................................................................... 130 Homelift ............................................................................................................................................. 134 Landing heights ................................................................................................................................. 135 Landing distance ................................................................................................................................ 136 DCP .................................................................................................................................................... 137 Group................................................................................................................................................. 138 Output DS1 ................................................................................................................................... 140 Car selection – landing call ........................................................................................................... 141 Green lift............................................................................................................................................ 142 Genius Bus Setting ............................................................................................................................. 143 Quick start ......................................................................................................................................... 144 Building access................................................................................................................................... 145 Landing labels .................................................................................................................................... 146 Display moving text ........................................................................................................................... 147 EN 81-20 ............................................................................................................................................ 149 Lift attendant ..................................................................................................................................... 150 Travel ................................................................................................................................................. 151 Deceleration ...................................................................................................................................... 153 Deceleration control .......................................................................................................................... 155 Call management............................................................................................................................... 156 Door preopening ............................................................................................................................... 157 Relevelling ......................................................................................................................................... 158 UCM control ...................................................................................................................................... 159 Absolute encoder .............................................................................................................................. 160
9.2.2 Doors.............................................................................................................................. 161 Hinged doors 1 .................................................................................................................................. 163 Safety light curtain ....................................................................................................................... 164 Door 1 signals .................................................................................................................................... 165 Door times ......................................................................................................................................... 167 Door open button (DO) ..................................................................................................................... 168 Door close button (DC) ...................................................................................................................... 169 Function load/door stop .................................................................................................................... 170 Monitoring waiting area .................................................................................................................... 171 Door motor switch off (DM) .............................................................................................................. 172 Doors block mask .............................................................................................................................. 173 Dividing door ..................................................................................................................................... 173 Warning signal before door close ...................................................................................................... 174 Dog leash ........................................................................................................................................... 175
9.2.3 Inputs/Outputs .............................................................................................................. 176 Door side 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 177 In car .................................................................................................................................................. 180 Cabin Fan ...................................................................................................................................... 183 General inputs ................................................................................................................................... 184 General outputs................................................................................................................................. 188 Transfer I/O ....................................................................................................................................... 192 Time relay .......................................................................................................................................... 193 Time relay 1 .................................................................................................................................. 193 Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 194
9.2.4 Mode.............................................................................................................................. 195 Release/Block calls door 1 ................................................................................................................. 198 Normal operation .............................................................................................................................. 200 Car calls side 1 .............................................................................................................................. 201 Landing calls side 1 ....................................................................................................................... 201 Door parking side 1 ...................................................................................................................... 202 Parking ......................................................................................................................................... 202 Clock travel ........................................................................................................................................ 203 Special service ................................................................................................................................... 206

4 Special travel ..................................................................................................................................... 207 Start special travel ........................................................................................................................ 209 Fire case ............................................................................................................................................. 210 DS1 open mask ............................................................................................................................. 212 Floor fire case ............................................................................................................................... 213 Firemen travel ................................................................................................................................... 214 DS1 open mask ............................................................................................................................. 216 Evacuation ......................................................................................................................................... 217 Evacuation door masks ................................................................................................................ 219 Switch off ........................................................................................................................................... 220 Switch off group ........................................................................................................................... 221 Visitor ................................................................................................................................................ 222 Penthouse ......................................................................................................................................... 223 Hold to run ........................................................................................................................................ 225 Turn off mode.................................................................................................................................... 226 Stand by mode................................................................................................................................... 227 Car lift ................................................................................................................................................ 228 Lift Boy............................................................................................................................................... 229 Earthquake ........................................................................................................................................ 230 AWT Transport .................................................................................................................................. 232 Dangerous goods ............................................................................................................................... 234 Sabbath mode ................................................................................................................................... 236 Pawl device ........................................................................................................................................ 238 Pawl device mask ......................................................................................................................... 239
9.2.5 Special functions ............................................................................................................ 240
........................................................................................................................................ 242
...................................................................................................................................... 243 KM_MON ..................................................................................................................................... 244
....................................................................................................................... 245
........................................................................................................................................ 246
9.3 Language ................................................................................................................................ 248
9.4 Status ...................................................................................................................................... 249
9.5 Bus system indication ............................................................................................................. 253
9.5.1 KMPRO, KMREL, KMCTB ............................................................................................. 253
9.5.2 Landing bus .................................................................................................................. 253
9.5.3 Car bus .......................................................................................................................... 254
9.6 Setup (commissioning) ........................................................................................................... 255
9.6.1 Special tools - Homelift .................................................................................................. 256
9.7 Certification ............................................................................................................................ 257
9.8 Tools ....................................................................................................................................... 259
9.8.1 Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 260
...................................................................................................................................... 261
............................................................................................................................ 263
9.8.2 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................... 264
9.8.3 Data / Software ............................................................................................................ 265
.............................................................................................................................................. 266
.............................................................................................................................................. 267
9.8.4 Travel /signal cycles .................................................................................................... 268
9.8.5 IO assignment ............................................................................................................... 269
9.9 Battery .................................................................................................................................... 269
9.10 Log ...................................................................................................................................... 270
9.10.1 Error ......................................................................................................................... 270

9.10.2 General info .............................................................................................................. 271
9.10.3 Events ....................................................................................................................... 271
9.11 DCP ..................................................................................................................................... 272
9.12 Rescue ................................................................................................................................ 272
10 Errors 273

1 About this document
1.1 Document information
Modification no 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Modification date
Modified by
Title Genius 20 Operation manual
Date of issue: 11/03/2019 Language: ENG

Chapter Created by: Approved by:

1-10 P. Garoufalis L. Siomos

2 Hardware
2.1 KMPRO - Processor board
KMPRO is the main board of the Genius 20 controller and it essentially controls the operation of
the whole lift. Its terminals are described in the following image and table.

Figure 2.1: Genius 20 processor board

Technical data:
❑ Dimensions (WxHxD) = 78x210x32,2 mm (35mm in depth with plug-in terminals)
❑ 32-bit Cortex - M7 CPU, 168 MHz clock frequency
❑ Monitoring electronics (watchdog)
❑ Program memory 2 MB flash + 32Mbit external Flash
❑ Working memory RAM 512Kbyte , SRAM 4Kbytes + external 1Mbit
❑ Storage battery CR 1220, 3 V
❑ Parameters stored on exchangeable SD card
❑ Parameters loadable via USB ports (USB1 (PC), USB2 (stick))
❑ LEDs for diagnosis without display
❑ 3 serial interfaces (group connection, modem connection, COM-server connection)
❑ Drive monitoring (PTC, maximum pressure, minimum pressure, controller fault, brake
❑ Pulse input for digital shaft selection
❑ Functions for emergency call system

LED displays:

LED 1: Genius 20 CBUS:

CBUS – Car bus active (enable/data flashing)

LED 2: Genius 20 LBUS:

LBUS – Landing bus active (enable/data flashing)

LED 3: Selection signals:

VU = lower prefinal switch
SUZ = bottom/zone magnetic switch
LED8 SM = central magnetic switch
SO = top magnetic switch
VO = upper prefinal switch

LED 4: Recall activation

LED7 RDN = recall down movement
RUP = recall up movement
REC = recall mode

LED 5-LED 6: Processors:
ST4-ST5 - Processor 2 statuses

LED 7: Supply
LED3 3V3 - 3.3V supply available (on)
5V - 5V supply available (on)
12/24V - 24V supply available (on)


LED 8: Processors:
ST1-ST3 - Processor 1 statuses

Figure 2.2: LED displays on Genius 20 KMPRO


J1: AWG-KON → select whether selection signals come

from absolute encoder or selector block

J2: IMP → pulse level selection (HTL/TTL)

T1: Buttons:
T1: Reset → reset processor board



Figure 2.3: Jumpers and buttons on Genius 20 PB

Block Terminal IO Description

X1 Connection to KMREL board
X2 Connection to the travelling simulator
X3 Connection to the first KMIO8 board (8 input/output signals)
X4 Connection to the second KMIO8 board (8 input/output signals)
X5 Connection to KMRELXT board
X6 Connection to the hand terminal
X7 Connection to COM server
X8 USB connector
OT1 I Overtemperature 1 (P.49)
OT2 I Overtemperature 2 (P.50)
RDN I Downwards movement in recall mode (P.47)
XK2 RUP I Upwards movement in recall mode (P.46)
REC I Recall mode (P.45)

VU Lower prefinal switch
SUZ Bottom/zone magnetic switch
XK4 SM Central magnetic switch
B1 SO Absolute encoder signal / Top magnetic switch
A1 VO Absolute encoder signal / Upper prefinal switch
XK5 - DCP connection
XK6 Connection to the Group Board
Lbus BUS connection to the landing bus module
Cbus BUS connection to the Car Top Revision Board (KMCTB)
XK8 24VDC supply
XK9 Connection to the pulse generator
IO1 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO2 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO3 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO4 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO5 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO6 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO7 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO8 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO9 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO10 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO11 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO12 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO13 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO14 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO15 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO16 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO17 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO18 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO19 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO20 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO21 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO22 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO23 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO24 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO25 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO26 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO27 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO28 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO29 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO30 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO31 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO32 I/O Freely programmable input/output
XK14 Battery connection (12VDC)
AL I Alarm input
+EV Emergency supply (+12VDC)

2.2 KMREL - Relay board
Technical data
❑ Dimensions (WxHxD) = 78 x 170 x 36 mm
❑ 6 safety circuit queries via opto-couplers
❑ 1 light voltage query via opto-coupler
❑ Safety circuit
❑ Phase monitoring
❑ Indication possibilities without display
❑ Relay for shaft light switching
❑ 2 freely programmable relays

Figure 2.4: Genius 20 relay board

LED displays:
There is also a LED indication for the following, declaring whether the corresponding input/relay
has been activated or not:
❑ L1 - Phase L1 active (LED on)
❑ L2 - Phase L2 active (LED on)
❑ L3 - Phase L3 active (LED on)
❑ L4 - Light voltage L4 active (LED on)
❑ Safety points S1-S6
❑ Monitoring input MON
❑ KMT, KR1, KR2, KSL and KEN relays
❑ K5, K6 and K7 safety relays

DIL switch:
❑ S1 - Test of safety relays K5, K6, K7

❑ K5, K6, K7 - Safety relays
❑ KEN - Slow contactor activation
❑ KSL - Shaft light relay
❑ KMT - Mute safety relays
❑ KR1-KR2 - Freely programmable relays (24VDC, 1 change-over)

Block Terminal IO Description
X1 Connection to KMPRO
XK1 Phase monitoring
XK2 Single phase circuit (Lighting)
XK3 C Freely programmable relay KR1
XK4 C Freely programmable relay KR2
NO Shaft light connection (6A)
XK5 C Shaft voltage input
OD O Moving with open doors (Relevelling or door preopening function)
NOUT O Neutral output connection (main contactors)
EN I Slow contactor activation
S1 I 1st feedback point of the safety chain
S2 I 2nd feedback point of the safety chain
Intermediate feedback point of car door contacts (in case of EN 81-
S3 I
20 and two doors with common opening)
XK6 S4 I 3rd feedback point of the safety chain (Car Door Contacts)
Intermediate feedback point of landing door locks (in case of EN
S5 I
81-20 and two doors with common opening)
4th feedback point of the safety chain (Landing Door Locks) – End
S6 I
of safety chain
MON I Monitoring input
NIN I Incoming neutral connection

2.3 KMRELXT - External relay board
The external relay board will only be used in hydraulic lifts in order to activate the valve contactors (up,
down, fast, delta/star).

Figure 2.5: Genius 20 external relay board

❑ KSD – Delta/Star travel signal (24VDC, 2 change-over contacts)
❑ KUP – Upwards movement travel signal (24VDC, 2 change-over contacts)
❑ KDN – Downwards movement travel signal (24VDC, 2 change-over contacts)
❑ KFA – Fast movement travel signal (24VDC, 2 change over contacts)
KFA – Fast movement travel signal (24VDC, 1 change-over contact)

Block Terminal IO Description

X1 Connection to KMPRO board
S6 I 4th feedback point of the safety chain – End of safety chain
FA O Fast contactor activation
DN O Down contactor activation
UP O Up contactor activation
ST O Star contactor activation
DE O Delta contactor activation

2.4 KMIO8 I/O board
There are 8 electronic inputs/outputs (I/Os) on the I/O board.
The status is displayed by LEDs. If the LED is on, it means that the respective I/O is activated.
8 I/Os means that each output can be permanently charged with 100 mA (in case of 24V switching
voltage) if 8 connected I/Os are simultaneously activated. Each individual I/O can only be charged
with a maximum of 500 mA.

Figure 2.6: Genius 20 I/O board

Caution: Temporary short circuits can be absorbed while sustained ones can’t be absorbed.

Block Terminal IO Description

X1 Connection to KMPRO board
1 I/O Freely programmable input/output
2 I/O Freely programmable input/output
XK1 3 I/O Freely programmable input/output
4 I/O Freely programmable input/output
- Common voltage
1 I/O Freely programmable input/output
2 I/O Freely programmable input/output
XK2 3 I/O Freely programmable input/output
4 I/O Freely programmable input/output
+ 24VDC supply

2.5 TFT colour touch display
Technical data
❑ TFT touch 4.3“
❑ 72 MHz CPU frequency
❑ 512 kB FLASH program memory
❑ 64 kB SRAM working memory
❑ RS485 interface, 10-pole ribbon cable connector or optionally 8-pole modular jack
❑ Dimensions (WxHxD) = 92 x 150 x 10 mm

The TFT colour touch display serves for operation, programming, error analysis as well as direction
and position indication for emergency rescue.

Figure 2.7: Genius 20 hand terminal

2.6 KMCTB – Car Top Revision Board
KMCTB is placed inside the car top revision box. It communicates with the main board via BUS and it is
used for the connection of all functional elements which are installed in the car such as the door(s)
operator(s), the emergency call system, the load control device, the arrival gong device etc. The board
terminals are described in the following table.

Figure 2.8: Genius 20 Car Top Revision Board

Block Terminal IO Description

FL I Full load (C.48.1)
OVL I Overload (C.48.2)
Door open signal during evacuation (Rear Door) (C.50.1)
Door nudging (Rear Door) (C.50.2)
OB2 I Obstruction (Rear Door) (C.50.3)
Door open signal during evacuation (Front Door) (C.49.1)
Door nudging (Front Door) (C.49.2)
OB1 I Obstruction (Front Door) (C.49.3)
AL I Alarm signal
ES I Emergency Stop (C.48.3)
IDN I Inspection mode – Downwards movement (C.48.4)
IUP I Inspection mode – Upwards movement (C.48.5)
INS I Inspection mode activation (C.48.6)
- Common voltage for XK4:1-5.
DT2 I Door Motor Overtemperature(Rear Door) (C.50.4)
CL2 I Close limit switch (Rear Door) (C.50.5)
OL2 I Open limit switch (Rear Door) (C.50.6)
XK5 - Common voltage for XK5:1-3 and XK2:5
DC2 O Door Close signal (Rear Door) (C.50.7)
+ +24VDC
DO2 O Door Open signal (Rear Door) (C.50.8)

Block Terminal IO Description
DT1 I Door Motor Overtemperature (Front Door) (C.49.4)
CL1 I Close limit switch (Front Door) (C.49.5)
OL1 I Open limit switch (Front Door) (C.49.6)
XK6 - Common voltage for XK6:1-3 and XK3 :5
DC1 O Door Close signal (Front Door) (C.49.7)
+ +24VDC
DO1 O Door Open signal (Front Door) (C.49.8)
XK7 Emergency Light (NC contact) (C.52.1)
XK8 S BUS connection to the controller board (KMPRO)
L4 Lighting circuit phase
XK9 KFN Car Fan (NO contact) (C.48.7)
KCL Car Light (NO contact) (C.48.8)
IO1 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.1)
IO2 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.2)
IO3 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.3)
IO4 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.4)
IO5 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.5)
IO6 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.6)
IO7 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.7)
IO8 I/O Freely programmable input/output (C.51.8)
+EV +12VDC
AL I Alarm signal (COP A)
XK11 -
S BUS connection to the 1st COP board (KMCOP)
+EV +12VDC
AL I Alarm signal (COP B)
XK12 -
S BUS connection to the 2nd COP board (KMCOP)
AL O Alarm signal

2.7 KMCOP – Car Operating Panel Board

KMCOP is the main board of the Car Operating Panel (COP). It is connected via SPI (Serial Peripheral
Interface) and is interconnected to the Car Operating Panel extension board (KMCOPXT). The board
connections are described in the following table.

Figure 2.9: Genius 20 Car Operating Panel Board

Block Terminal IO Description

+EV +12VDC
AL O Alarm signal
XK1 -
S Bus connection to the Car Top Revision Box (KMCTB)
XK2 Alarm filtering (NO contact)
XK3 S Bus connection to the voice unit
XK4 S Bus connection to the COP display
IO9 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO10 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO11 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO12 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO13 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO14 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO15 I/O Freely programmable input/output
IO16 I/O Freely programmable input/output

The connectors for the COP buttons are described in the following table. For each connector, there is a
respective LED on the board, displaying its status. If the LED is on, it means that the respective I/O is

Connector Pin IO Description
24VDC button supply
J1 -
IO1 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J2 -
IO2 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J3 -
IO3 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J4 -
IO4 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J5 -
IO5 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J6 -
IO6 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J7 -
IO7 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J8 -
IO8 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J9 -
DO1 I/O Door Open button (Front Door)
24VDC button supply
J10 -
DC1 I/O Door Close button (Front Door)
24VDC button supply
J11 -
DO2 I/O Door Open button (Rear Door)
24VDC button supply
J12 -
DC2 I/O Door Close button (Rear Door)
12VDC button supply
J13 -
AL I/O Alarm button

JP1 increases KMPRO board’s address as it’s described below. The first extension (calls: 9-16 - Adr.
56) will be connected to Μ1 terminal. The second extension (calls 17-24 - Addr, 57) will be connected
to M2 terminal and the third (calls 18-32 – Adr. :58) to M3 terminal.

2.8 KMCOPXT – Car Operating Panel External Board
KMCOPXT is the extension board of the Car Operating Panel. It is interconnected to the Car Operating
Panel board (KMCOP). The board connections are described in the following table.

Figure 2.10: Genius 20 KMCOPXT

The connectors for the COP buttons are described in the following table. For each connector, there is a
respective LED on the board, displaying its status. If the LED is on, it means that the respective I/O is

Connector Pin IO Description

X1 Connection with KMCOP
24VDC button supply
J1 -
IO1 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J2 -
IO2 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J3 -
IO3 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J4 -
IO4 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J5 -
IO5 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J6 -
IO6 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J7 -
IO7 I/O Call button
24VDC button supply
J8 -
IO8 I/O Call button

2.9 KMBUS4 – Bus module

The KMBUS4 bus module provides 4 electronic inputs/outputs of 24V in npn or pnp design. 64
KMBUS4 modules each can be connected to car bus and landing bus. The KMBUS4 can be
installed in the shaft or in the cabin. In general, the Genius 20 bus consists of two lines for power
supply to the modules and one line for the signals.

Structure and functions:

❑ 4 short-circuit-proof (not sustained short-circuit-proof) freely programmable inputs/outputs
❑ 4 I/O status LEDs of inputs/outputs
❑ Buzzer
❑ 1 LED for the operating mode indication.
LED flashes: KMBUS4 is OK.
❑ The jumpers JP1 - JP32 are used for addressing (0 - 63).

Figure 2.11: Genius 20 Bus module

Block Terminal IO Description

XK1 S BUS connection
24VDC supply
IO1 Freely programmable input/output
IO2 Freely programmable input/output
IO3 Freely programmable input/output
IO4 Freely programmable input/output

Normally the following address ranges are used to address the KMBUS4.
Landing bus addresses:
0 – 63: address range for landing modules.

Car bus addresses:

0 – 47: address range for landing modules of door side 2 (in case of selective external door control).
48-63: address range for modules in the lift car.

2.10 Displays
2.10.1 KMDOTL – Dot Matrix Display
The KMDOTL is a Dot Matrix Display that may be installed in the Car Operating Panel or in the Hall

Figure 2.12: Genius 20 Dot Matrix Display

Block Terminal IO Description

XK1 S BUS connection
24VDC supply
IO1 Freely programmable input/output
IO2 Freely programmable input/output
IO3 Freely programmable input/output
IO4 Freely programmable input/output

2.10.2 KMDOTS – Dot Matrix Display

KMDOTS is a Dot-Matrix Display that may be installed in the Landing Operating Panel or in the Hall

Figure 2.13: Genius 20 Dot Matrix Display

Block Terminal IO Description

XK1 S BUS connection
24VDC supply
IO1 Freely programmable input/output
IO2 Freely programmable input/output
IO3 Freely programmable input/output
IO4 Freely programmable input/output

2.10.3 KMPC4.3 – V2
KMPC4.3 is a TFT display that may be installed in the Car Operating Panel or in the Hall Lantern.

Figure 2.14: Genius 20 TFT 4.3’’ Display

Block Terminal IO Description

XK1 S BUS connection
24VDC supply
IO1 Freely programmable input/output
IO2 Freely programmable input/output
IO3 Freely programmable input/output
IO4 Freely programmable input/output

2.10.4 KMTFT2.8 - V1
KMTFT2.8 is a TFT display that may be installed in the Landing Operating Panel or in the Hall

Figure 2.15: Genius 20 TFT 2.8’’ Display

Block Terminal IO Description

XK1 S BUS connection
24VDC supply
IO1 Freely programmable input/output
IO2 Freely programmable input/output
IO3 Freely programmable input/output
IO4 Freely programmable input/output

3 Operation
3.1 Basic features
The Genius 20 controller is equipped with a 4.3" graphic display touchscreen. It provides a
structured and comprehensive overview of all inputs, outputs and error memories and equally serves
to parameterise the controller.
Operation is intuitive and therefore only requires a short training period.

3.2 Menu structure

The Genius 20 main menu structure is intuitive. The menu structure depicted here only serves as
overview and thus only shows the first menu items. A more detailed description is given further

Figure 3.1: Menu structure

3.2.1 Operating concept

Select a menu item in the main menu to go to the associated menu pages. Pages can be changed
using the < and > arrows in the upper green bar. The respective parameters are distributed to these
menu pages. The menu pages contain sub-menu pages which in turn contain further queries
associated with a parameter that can be edited there.
By clicking the Menu button, you get back to the main menu. By pushing the CMD (command)
button, the command level can be accessed. Use the (back, continue) buttons to
scroll forward and backward.

Figure 3.2: Home menu Figure 3.3: Submenu

3.3 The Genius 20 command range

The Genius 20 command range allows to enter commands, change between pages and go back to
the Home menu.

Menu Menu → back to main menu

CMD Command → open the command level

=> Go to next page

<= Go to previous page

After opening the command level using CMD, any other parameter page can be called directly when
entering 7 and the three-digit page number (e.g. page 60 → 7060 → OK).

3.4 Blue and grey input fields
On the numerous system configuration pages, you will find blue input fields, the value of which can
be changed, and grey fields, which cannot be edited.

Depending on the controller settings it is therefore made easier for the user during set-up to change
only the required and relevant parameters. This is much more convenient and helps to achieve
faster one's goal. Parameters not yet realised in the system are also shaded in grey.

3.5 Abbreviations and addressing

Various abbreviations are used for operation and programming in order to realise clearer

> Go to next page (top right)

< Go back to previous page (top left)
T Parameter requiring to enter a time value in seconds
t Parameter requiring to enter a time value in milliseconds
I *) Parameter requiring to determine an electronic input
O *) Parameter requiring to determine an electronic output
IO *) Parameter requiring to determine an electronic input and output

*) Explanation of I/O addressing with Genius 20.

In Genius 20, the port range is given an address (connection range, slot) which is assigned to the
processor-, car- or landing bus depending on the location.

Short Max. I/O number

Bus Address range
Processor P
Car C 0-63 48*4 + 16*8
Landing L 0-63 48*4 + 16*8

The parameter description below indicates the addressing in the following form:

I:VVVF failure x.yy.z

x = location (P, C, L)
y = address (0-63 for C and L)
z = 1-4 for Car and Landing address 0-47
1-8 for Car and Landing address 48-63

Addressing example:

O: out of order L 00 4
The output is on the bus, address (slot) 0, port 4.

3.6 Operation via command level
The following table provides an overview of possible input commands which can be entered using
the "CMD" button at the bottom of the display. Each command input must be confirmed using the
"OK" button. "CL" serves to delete the entry. Pressing the "CMD" button again deletes the input

Command overview

CMD Action Description Info

Door 1 is opened regardless of the
1 Open door 1
door open permission.
Door 2 is opened regardless of the
2 Open door 2
door open permission.
3 Close door 1 and door 2 The doors are closed.
Indication of DCP information in the
4 Show DCP information
status text window.
5 Door blocking on/off Doors are blocked or released. Varying status
Enables or disables the landing
6 Switch off landing control control. No calls in the landings are Varying status
Serves to simulate car and landing
7 Call simulation calls. The controller processes the
Serves to simulate the recall control
by means of the software. Safety
8 Recall control on / off Varying status
circuit equipment will not be
9 TSG and RSB button Only in case of homelifts. Serves to
simulate TSG activation and RSB
reset by means of the software.

CMD Action Description Info

If a modem is connected and
01 Initialise modem configured in the menu, it can be re-
If enabled, the absolute encoder
Show (relative) absolute values are displayed in the controller
encoder values status window relative to the lowest
If enabled, the actual absolute
Show (actual) absolute encoder values are displayed in the
encoder values controller status window (value on
magnetic tape).
DCP: Package I7 provides the inverter with
97 Send / do not send the estimated path value for the Varying status
package I7. upcoming travel.
The lift is called to landing xx. The car
15* = car call for
1xx Car call for landing xx calls of a selective second door side
landing 5
follow those of the first door side.

CMD Action Description Info
25* = upwards
Upwards landing call for Makes an upwards landing call,
2xx landing call for
landing xx depending on the call release.
landing 5
35* = downwards
Downwards landing call for Makes a downwards landing call,
3xx landing call for
landing xx depending on the call release.
landing 5
Checks all relay outputs as well as
401 Relay test travel signal outputs to the frequency
Displays any folders and files
403 Display the SD card data
available on the SD card.
404 Display test Checks the Genius 20 bus displays.
Checks the IO32 card on the
405 I/O test
processor board for functioning.
Saves parameter and settings to the
600 Save data
internal flash memory.
All set display characters per landing
Data transmission to
601 are transmitted to the displays
connected to the Genius 20 bus.
Restart of the control computer is
6060 Controller restart
Displays all complete backups
692 Display backup folder
(folders) on the SD card.
Backs up the current lift software on
697 Lift software backup the SD card if no current backup is
698 Current software version Displays the current software version.
Restores the software saved on the
Restore software with
SD card in the root - for this purpose,
698xxx Restore lift software suffix 001 using
the file name index (3-digit number)
must be entered.
The UCM test mode
can only be enabled if
Delete UCM error / UCM
700 Deletes the current UCM error. the car is in the zone
and no UCM error is
Travel to upper final limit Car travels to upper final limit switch
switch (also required for TÜV test).
Travel to lower final limit Car travels to lower final limit switch
switch (also required for TÜV test).
703 TÜV test mode
Triggers a UCM valve test for
hydraulic systems which, in case of
704 UCM valve test
successful test, must shut down for
UCM fault.
Enter page number (three digits) to go
7xxx Call parameter page
to the associated parameter page.
800 Delete error Deletes the current error.
Landing bus:
xx is the address of the bus module
Set I/O at the landing bus (between 00 and 63)
8xxy y is the I/O number
(1 to 4 for address 00-47 and
Set I/O at processor board 1 to 8 for address 48-64)

Processor board xx:

CMD Action Description Info
- 64: relay outputs
- 66: IOs 1-8 from the IO32 board
- 67: IOs 9-16 from the IO32 board
- 68: IOs 17-24 from the IO32 board
- 69: IOs 25-32 from the IO32 board

y is the I/O number (1 to 8)

Car bus:
xx is the address of the bus module
(between 00 and 63)
Set I/O at the car bus
y is the I/O number
(1 to 4 for address 00-47 and
1 to 8 for address 48-64)
Reset I/O Deletes the I/O number. See structure
of 8xxy.
Reset I/O Deletes the I/O number. See structure
of 08xxy.
208206 Set absolute encoder zero Sets the absolute encoder zero to the
current position.

3.7 Backup and recovery
3.7.1 Overview
Genius 20 enables saving software, parameters and error memories on a micro-SD card as well as
restoring software and parameters.

Saving and restoring all data to and from the micro-SD card:
Genius 20 flash memory Micro-SD card
Software (.bin) SAVE001
Parameters 691 -> Save ….
Error memories 692000 <- Restore SAVE999

Saving and restoring only the software to and from the micro-SD card:
Genius 20 flash memory Micro-SD card
Software (.bin) SAVE001
Parameters 697 -> Save ….
Error memories 698001 <- Restore SAVE999

Saving and restoring only the parameters to and from the micro-SD card:
Genius 20 flash memory Micro-SD card
Software (.bin) SAVE001
Parameters 691 -> Save ….
Error memories 693000 <- Restore SAVE999

3.7.2 Parameter backup
Backup in internal memory:
The changed data are saved using the command 600. In this case, the data are written in the internal
flash memory of the Genius 20. Saving only takes approximately 2s.
Use the start screen or Home menu to go to the command level. Use CMD to open the input menu
and enter 600 plus confirmation using the OK button for saving.

The display indicates: "Parameters are saved" "OK". OK completes the saving process.

3.7.3 Backup on SD card

In order to make the data available for external use (in a Genius 20) or when exchanging the Genius
20 KMPRO board, command 691 serves to effect a complete backup to micro-SD card. All
parameters, the operating software and the errors in chronological order are stored in a folder on
the micro-SD card.
If there is no micro-SD card in the Genius 20 KMPRO, the backup is cancelled after 10s at the latest
displaying "BACKUP ERROR". If you confirm with "Yes", the process can be aborted.
"Opening" the data written to the micro-SD card on the PC is not possible. However, these data can
be copied and sent or be replaced/amended by other files.

3.7.4 Data recovery

When a Genius 20 KMPRO board has to be replaced you can use a previously created backup on
SD card to restore the original state.
First insert the micro-SD card containing the required data into the SD card slot. Use command 692
to list the backups available on the micro-SD card. Enter command 692 plus the required backup
number (= above-mentioned serial number) to load the backup (e.g. 692001).
Use command 693 and the serial backup number to restore only the parameters (e.g. 693002).

3.8 Software update
Updating the software entails risks and should therefore only be carried out using these instructions
and by trained staff. Faulty updating can destroy the lift controller. Therefore, you must carefully
read the sections below.

The following points must be fulfilled to be able to carry out a software update:
❑ micro-SD card available
❑ software available (GENIUS_SW_V1_002B.DMP)
❑ PC, notebook or netbook available to copy new files

Update steps (overview)

The update steps are explained in chronological order in the following. They are imperative to avoid
a faulty software update.
❑ Copy the new software (GENIUS_SW_V1_002B.DMP) to the micro-SD card
❑ Insert the micro-SD card into the controller
❑ Enter 691, confirm with OK (all current data are stored)
❑ In this way the current software, parameters, settings are backed up in a SAVE folder on
the micro-SD card
❑ Enter 698xxx (e.g. 698000) and confirm with OK -> updates the software using the
GENIUS_SW_V1_002B.DMP file in the root directory of the card

Updating the software

If the controller is already in operation, put it out of operation first. Make sure that the car is empty
and change the operating mode. There are several possibilities:
❑ Recall mode - by enabling the recall switch in the control cabinet
❑ Out-of-order mode - by turning off the master switch
It must be ensured in any case that the car cannot move due to landing or car calls, as this would
disturb or even render the updating procedure impossible. Disabling the landing control is not
Now insert the micro-SD card - if required with adapter - into your PC, netbook or similar. It is
recognised as mass storage device. Then copy the supplied software GENIUS_SW_V1_002B.DMP
into the root directory of the micro-SD card. Remove the card and insert it into the controller.

Carrying out the update

In the status overview, open the input keyboard by clicking the CMD button. Now the screen should
be as follows:
Restart the controller using the 6060 → OK commands. Enable the CMD menu again after the
restart and open the input menu.
The current program as well as the error log will be saved in the next step. Enter 691 for this purpose
and confirm with OK. Now the lift software can be updated by entering 698 and the backup number
(e.g. 000). Click OK again to confirm. You will be asked a few questions which you should usually
answer YES. The controller now runs the fully automatic update process. As soon as the main menu
is displayed again, the update is completed.
Here a short update overview:
Main menu → CMD → 6060 OK → main menu → CMD → 691 OK → 698000 OK

Checking the update
Quickly check the most important parameters after the update. They are:
❑ lift type
❑ absolute encoder values
❑ door masks
❑ building accesses
They are visible in the general parameters. If all parameters match the expected values, the system
can be put into service again.

4 Shaft selection

4.1 The absolute encoder system

This system consists of a magnetic tape in the shaft and a reader fixed to the car. Systems in which
doors are open within the zone require a magnetic switch to generate the second zone signal for
the safety circuit. The magnetic tape contains a type of barcode indicating the car position with an
accuracy of +/- 1 mm. The magnetic tape is fed through the reader so that the maximum distance
between reader hall sensors and magnetic tape is 1 mm.

This technology allows for speeds up to 10 m/s, with minimum noise generation.
The magnetic tape is fixed to a holder in the top of the shaft and stretched in the shaft pit using a
tension spring. Genius 20 includes an option of an extra switch located in the tension spring in the
shaft pit, in order to check the continuity and the tension of the magnetic tape of absolute encoder.
The magnetic tape data are permanently read by a reading unit (reader) and transmitted to the
KMPRO board. The processors are therefore provided with the absolute car position and, due to
the landing distances registered during teach-in and zero, they can control the car motion.
Connection to the controller is established via the bus and the travelling cable in which one wire is
used for each discrete signal.

Two independent zone signals (Z1, Z2) are always required for travelling and/or relevelling with
open doors within the zone. These signals are evaluated by the safety circuit on KMREL board.
Zone signal 1 (Z1) is generated by the absolute encoder and emulated by Genius 20.
Zone signal 2 (Z2) is generated by an additional magnetic switch which is placed in a special
aluminium holder mounted on the car frame and is activated by 20cm magnets placed in the shaft
in each level. The magnetic switch is connected to Genius 20 by means of the travelling cable. This
zone must be a few mm longer than zone 1, i.e. zone signal 1 must always be received a few
milliseconds after zone signal 2 when approaching.

Genius 20 furthermore emulates the following discrete signals:

❑ Upper prefinal switch (VO)
❑ Lower prefinal switch (VU)
❑ Pulses (1000 pulses/m)
❑ Switch

4.1.1 Installing the absolute encoder
First install the reader on the car using the provided bracket (figure 4.2). The direction arrow of the
reader points upwards. Ensure an accurately vertical installation. Check this by means of a bubble
level. Now mount the magnetic tape holder on the shaft ceiling (figure 4.3).

Figure 4.1: Absolute encoder views

Figure 4.2: Absolute encoder reader and bracket

Figure 4.3: Installing the shaft selection

Please observe that the steel side of the magnetic tape must slightly touch the plastic guide during
operation. Now attach the magnetic tape to the tape holder. The direction arrow of the magnetic tape
points upwards. Hold the packaging containing the magnetic tape with the opening facing upwards and
travel downwards in inspection mode.

In this way the magnetic tape is pulled out of the box. Cut off the magnetic tape at the corresponding
length in the lowest position (fixing in the shaft pit), untwist it and feed it through the reader (magnetic
side = reader side).

Now fix the magnetic tape in the shaft pit (figure 4.4). Please observe again that the steel side of the
magnetic tape must slightly touch the plastic guide during operation.

Use a plumb to check the magnetic tape installation in order to make sure that the required deflection is
provided independently of the lift car position.

Figure 4.4: Installing the shaft selection

Figure 4.5: Magnetic tape installation

In case of installation with extra switch at the tension spring, check the following figures for its
placement (figure 4.6 and 4.7).

Figure 4.6: Installling the extra switch

Attach the magnetic tape to the tape holder. Please observe that the tensile force is approx. 3 - 5 kg.
To achieve the 5kg force required for the correct operation of the system, the tape holder must be
lifted 40mm from its default position (figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7: Installling the extra switch

4.1.2 Installing the magnetic switch
In case that relevelling or door preopening function is required, the controller must receive one more
zone signal. This signal is generated by a magnetic switch mounted on the car and in order to do
so, the following parts must be installed:
In the shaft:

❑ a pair of 10cm or 20cm magnets (depending on the type of the holder, check figure 4.9),
placed one upon the other, per level to determine the landing zone.
In the car frame:

❑ a magnetic switch, SUZ. The magnetic switch is placed in a special aluminium holder
mounted on the car frame and it is activated by the landing zone magnets placed in each




Figure 4.8 Magnetic switch facing the respective magnet on the guide rail
[1] = Guide rail
[2] = 10cm or 20cm magnet







Figure 4.9: Proximity switch metallic bases for 10cm and 20cm magnets
[1] = Proximity switch base
[2] = 10cm or 20cm magnet

In order to place the magnets, move the lift to the lower level. The car must be stopped in the exact level
position. Place a double magnet on the guide rail, in such way that the magnetic switch is facing the
exact middle of the magnets. The same procedure must be followed for each level.

5 Prewired installation
5.1 Shaft connections
In general, both in EN 81-1/2 and EN 81-20 cases, the shaft overview could be described by the
figure below. The position of the controller may differ per case, but the structure principle of the
prewired installation is as depicted below:




[1] = Shaft Pit connections

[2] = Pit Junction Box
[3] = Controller

5.1.1 Car and Landing Door safeties


[2] [3] [4]

[1] = Pit Junction Box (PJB). It serves as a junction box for the required connections of the pit.
[2] = Landing door locks’ cable.
[3] = Landing door lock contacts’ cable (applicable only in semiautomatic doors).
[4] = Landing door locks grounding cable.
[5] = Controller.

In case of EN 81-20 and 2 doors with common opening, the doors’ connection should be modified
accordingly. For more information and detailed instructions, always refer to the job specific electrical

5.1.2 Slack rope switch


[2] [3]

[1] = Slack rope switch

[2] = Connection cable
[3] = HRC terminal located in the controller

5.1.3 Overspeed governor

TSG [5]




[1] = Overspeed governor test coil (optional)

[2] = Overspeed governor reset coil (optional)
[3] = Overspeed governor safety contact
[4] = Connection cable
[5] = TSG terminal located in the controller

5.2 Pit Junction Box and Shaft Pit Connections






















YL / GN 3

















[3] [5]
Press this button
for em ergencycall
Elevator Alarm

[1] = Pit Junction Box (PJB). It serves as a junction box for the required connections of the pit.
[2] = Power socket.
[3] = Emergency stop.
[4] = Intercommunication device – Slave module.
[5] = Ladder Safety Contact (optional).
[6] = Car/ Counter Weight Buffer Contact (optional).
[7] = Overspeed governor’s tension device switch.
[8] = Pit Inspection Reset Button (optional).
[9] = Interconnection cables between the Pit Junction Box and the controller. The cables are
connected directly to the respective terminal strip of the controller.
[10] = Pit Junction Box terminal strips located in the Control Panel.

Apart from these, in the Pit Junction Box are also connected the Pit Station in EN 81-1/2 and the
Pit Inspection Control Station in EN 81-20. Both cases are described in the following chapters.

5.2.1 Pit Station (EN81-1, EN81-2)




[1] = Pit Station unit. It contains an emergency stop switch, an alarm button, a telephone socket
and a power socket.
[2] = Pit Junction Box (PJB). It serves as a junction box for the required connections of the pit.

5.2.2 Pit Inspection Control Station (EN 81-20)






[1] = Pit Inspection Control Station. It contains the inspection operation switch, an emergency stop,
“RUN” button, up and down direction buttons as well as an alarm button.
[2] = Pit Junction Box (PJB). It serves as a junction box for the required connections of the pit.

5.3 Power unit connections - KC10
5.3.1 BLAIN valve block
KC10 KC10
Power unit element
terminal wire number
Low speed ascent valve A48/6A 1
coil COM 5
High speed ascent B48/7 2
valve coil COM 5
High speed descent C48/6B 3
Valve block
valve coil COM 5
Low speed descent D48/8 4
valve coil COM 5
SV 6
Overload pressure OL 10
switch 0V 13
Mechanical pressure 3.1 8
Low pressure switch
switches 3.2 9
Full load pressure FL 11
switch 0V 13
24V 12
Voltage supply
Electronic pressure 0V 13
switch Overload contact OL 10
Full load contact FL 11
U2 14
Motor thermistor
0V 13
U1 15
Oil thermistor
0V 13
Table 5.1 Power unit connections with Blain valve block

A48 C48 COM


B48 D48 SV





16x0.75 mm2





[1] 11





K C-10






Blain valve block

[1] = Connection to the controller’s KC-10 terminal strip

[2] = Connection to the valve block KC-10 terminal strip

5.3.2 Bucher CLR/V valve block
KC10 KC10
Power unit element
terminal wire number
A48/6A 1
Descent valve coil
B48/7 2

C48/6B 3
Valve block Ascent valve coil
D48/8 4
SV 6
Emergency lowering coil
OL 10
Overload pressure switch
0V 13
Mechanical pressure 3.1 8
Low pressure switch
switches 3.2 9
FL 11
Full load pressure switch
0V 13
24V 12
Voltage supply
0V 13
Electronic pressure switch
Overload contact OL 10
Full load contact FL 11
U2 14
Motor thermistor
0V 13
U1 15
Oil thermistor
0V 13
Table 5.2 Power unit connections with Bucher CLR/V valve block



B48 D48 COM STH 0V




16x0.75 mm 2














3.2NS PE







[1] = Connection to the controller’s KC-10 terminal strip

[2] = Connection to the valve block KC-10 terminal strip
[3] = Bucher feedback cable
[4] = NTA-2 Power supply unit (placed in the controller)
[5] = Descent valve coil
[6] = Ascent valve coil

5.3.3 Bucher i-valve block

Power unit element
terminal wire number
UD+ 4
Up Down coil
UD- 3
Valve block
Emergency stop Down ESD+ 2
coil ESD- 1
U2 8
Motor thermistor
0V 7
U1 9
Oil thermistor
0V 7
Mechanical pressure 3.1 5
Low pressure switch
switch 3.2 6
Table 5.3 Power unit connections with Bucher i-valve block





UD- 3.1


UD+ 3.2


10x0.75 mm 2












[1] = Connection to the controller’s KC-10 terminal strip

[2] = Connection to the valve block KC-10 terminal strip

In some cases, though the IKC10 connections may differ and a 16pole connector may be used
according to the next table and figure.

Power unit element
terminal wire number
UD+ 4
Up Down coil
UD- 3
Emergency stop Down ESD+ 2
Valve block
coil ESD- 1
Emergency lowering SV 10
coil CSV 11
U2 8
Motor thermistor
0V 7
U1 9
Oil thermistor
0V 7
3.1 5
Low pressure switch
3.2 6
Mechanical pressure Full load pressure FL 13
switch switch 0V 7
Overload pressure OL 12
switch 0V 7
24V 14
Voltage supply
Electronic pressure 0V 7
switch Overload contact OL 12
Full load contact FL 13
Table 5.4 Power unit connections with Bucher i-valve block










16x0.75 mm




















[1] = Connection to the controller’s KC-10 terminal strip

[2] = Connection to the valve block KC-10 terminal strip

5.4 Travelling cable fixation
The travelling cables are connected to the controller and to the top of the car revision box. Their
installation must be made according to the following directions:

❑ Pick a horizontal and a vertical route in the shaft where the cable can be fixed without
interfering with the movement of the car.
❑ Fix the cable horizontally from the point of entrance in the shaft until the position picked in
the previous step.
❑ Fix the travelling cable bracket to the vertical travel picked in the first step. The bracket must
be fixed in the middle of the lift’s travel.
❑ From that point on, the cables must form a curve equal to half the length of the lift’s travel
and they must be fixed to the second bracket positioned in the bottom of the car.
❑ Finally, the cables must be directed to the top of the car and connected to the respective
terminal strip of the revision box.




[1] = Car’s floor

[2] = Travelling cable
[3] = Travelling cable bracket

The figure above is indicative and should be modified accordingly in each case (depending on the
controller’s position).

5.5 Car doors
5.5.1 VVVF5+ door connections
VVVF5+ door operator is presented below connected with an emergency supplier. Door operator is not
provided with emergency supplier unless it has been ordered.

[1] = Door supply.

[2] = Door commands.
[3] = Motor connection.
[4] = Open/close limit switches, light curtain and thermistors.
[5] = Priority inputs. It is connected to the floor level output of the emergency supplier.
[6] = Emergency supplier output. Connected to door operator supply.
[7] = Emergency supplier supply.
[8] = Input used for the door open signal during emergency operation. A magnetic switch or a relay from
the control panel may be used to activate this input.
[9] = Battery of emergency supplier.
[10] = Door operator fermator VF5+.
[11] = Emergency supplier.

5.5.2 VVVF7+ door connections
VVVF7+ door operator is presented below connected with an emergency supplier. Door operator is not
provided with emergency supplier unless it has been ordered.

[1] = Door supply.

[2] = Motor connection.
[3] = Motor's encoder connection.
[4] = Priority inputs. It is connected to the floor level output of the emergency supplier.
[5] = Open/close limit switches, light curtain and thermistors.
[6] = Door commands.
[7] = Emergency supplier output. Connection with door supply.
[8] = Floor level output. It is connected to the respective input (4) of the door operator.
[9] = Emergency supplier supply.
[10] = Input used for the door open signal during emergency operation. A magnetic switch or a relay
from the control panel may be used to activate this input.
[11] = Battery of emergency supplier.
[12] = Door operator fermator VF7+.
[13] = Emergency supplier.

5.5.3 Bus door (G3)

[1] = Car Top Box.

[2] = Bus door contact cable – 2x1 mm2
[3] = Bus door commands cable – 4x0,75 mm2
[4] = Power supply cable – 3x1 mm2
[5] = Battery for emergency opening
[6] = Magnetic switch. It is used for door opening enable signal during normal operation and
door open signal during emergency operation.
[7] = Door operator

5.5.4 Bus door (G4)





[1] = Door supply cable – 3x1 mm2
[2] = 9x0.75mm2 cable for door commands, thermistors and open/close terminal switches
[3] = Battery for emergency opening
[4] = Magnetic switch. It is used for door opening enable signal during normal operation and
door open signal during emergency operation.
[5] = Bus door contact cable – 2x1 mm2
[6] = Door operator ECC+ 230V

5.5.5 Bus door (G5)






[1] = Door supply cable – 3x1 mm2

[2] = 14x0.75mm2 cable for thermistors and open/close terminal switches
[3] = Battery for emergency opening
[4] = Magnetic switch. It is used for door opening enable signal during normal operation and
door open signal during emergency operation.
[5] = Bus door contact cable – 2x1 mm2
[6] = Door operator G5

5.6 Connections in the shaft (L.O.P.s, hall lanterns)
5.6.1 With Genius serial bus





[1] = BUS terminal strip located in the Control Panel.

[2] = BUS cable
[3] = 3x1.5 mm2 connection cable between LOPs and KMAD module (BUS Adaptor).

5.6.2 Without Genius serial bus

[1] = LOP terminal strip located in the Control Panel.

[2] = LOP connection cable

5.7 Car’s inspection box placement
According to the existing standards, a stopping device must be provided on the car roof. This
device must be placed in an easily accessible position and no more than 1m from the entry point for
inspection or maintenance personnel.
The stopping device is an emergency stop button and it is installed in the car’s inspection box. It
must be clear that, in any case, after the inspection or maintenance of the lift, the inspection
box must be placed in such position that the distance of the emergency stop button is less
than 1m from the landing door. For that reason, it is suggested that the inspection box should be
placed as near as possible to the car door mechanism as shown in the following diagram.
In cases where the EN 81-20 is applied and there are 2 car doors, one more stopping device is
added to fulfil the standard’s requirements.








[1] = Revision box

[2] = Inspection box
[3] = COP
[4] = LOP
[5] = Prewired installation trunk

5.8 UPS installation and maintenance instructions

5.8.1 Installation

All UPS devices are shipped out fully charged. The initial charge is usually enough to run a test
evacuation, after the installation of the lift. The UPS requires charging for 12-24 hours before setting
the lift to normal operation. A fully charged UPS can withstand 2-3 consecutive evacuations,
although not needed since the evacuation system is designed to evacuate once on the nearest level.

5.8.2 Maintenance

The UPS must be tested during the periodical inspection of the lift (at least once a month):

❑ Check the input voltage to ensure proper charging.

❑ Run an emergency evacuation test* to check the effectiveness of the UPS and cause partial
discharge of batteries. In order for the batteries to meet their full life cycle (3-4 years
average), they need periodically to partly dis-charge and re-charge.

*The emergency evacuation test must be triggered by turning off the mains switch of the building
while the lift is traveling and in any case is not positioned inside any level’s door unlocking zone.
Don't try to trigger an emergency evacuation by turning off the controller's mains switch because it
will be ineffective.

5.8.3 UPS connection instructions
The following instructions are valid for installations that require the UPS to be fixed inside the shaft.
1. Fix the UPS holder to a suitable position inside the shaft, nearby the control panel cabinet.
The holder comes with a fixing set and cable ties for securing the UPS position .

Figure 5.1. UPS holder

2. Fix the junction box to a suitable position inside the shaft, ensuring that both connections,
to the control panel and to the UPS, are feasible. A 5m cable is provided in order to connect
the junction box to the control panel's UPS terminal strip.

Figure 5.2. UPS junction box Figure 5.3. 5m cable

3. Make the connections according to the following diagram.

Figure 5.4. UPS connection diagram

5.9 Led strip installation

The following materials are required for the LED strip installation.

(A) LED strip (B) Junction box (C) Wall brackets

and cable ties

Installation procedure:

❑ Mount the LED strip on the wall, using the wall brackets and cable ties provided. There
should be one wall bracket per meter.
The suitable position should be depicted in the installation drawings. In case there is no
suggested position, mount the LED strip on a wall so that it will face the controller cabinet (if
there is one inside the shaft) and the motor.
The LED strip should cover the whole shaft height vertically.

❑ In case the LED strip is longer than the shaft height, mount the excess LED strip horizontally
on the wall, about 1m over the pit floor.

❑ Mount the junction box on the shaft wall

❑ Connect the junction box supply cable to the respective terminal inside the controller cabinet
according to the drawings.

In case there are more than one LED strips, mount the second one on the shaft wall so that they
form a vertical line. Connect the supply cable of the second LED strip to the junction box of the
first one, according to the drawings.

5.10 Braking resistor installation instructions

In Yaskawa inverters, the braking resistor should be mounted in the shaft according to the following

❑ In order to ensure proper cooling of the braking resistor the required spacing is 30mm.
❑ The braking resistor can be installed vertically but only according to the following figure. The
resistor should never be mounted with the leads pointing upwards.

5.11 Firefighters Lifts (EN 81-72)
Electrical equipment installation distances

The following installation instructions must be followed in order to ensure full compliance to EN 81-
72 in terms of electrical equipment protection against water.

Please install the well cable trunk at least 1m away from walls containing landing doors (Zone D).

Please install the following equipment at least 1m above the pit floor (Zone E):
❑ Pit Stop / Pit Inspection Control Station
❑ Pit Junction box
❑ Pit emergency stop
❑ Pit power supply socket
❑ Pit intercom terminal (optional device)



A Firefighter’s lift car

B Fire level

C Leakage water from fire level floor

D IPx3 protected area in the well

E IP 67 protected area in the well

6 Installation and first movement instructions
This chapter describes in detail the steps that the installer must follow in order to put the lift into
operation. The instructions are categorized according to the lift type.

The single-phase supply voltage should be 230VAC ± 5%, while the 3-phase supply voltage should
be 400VAC ± 5%.

Caution! After opening the main switch, the single-phase circuit supplied from
terminal X2: R, N remains live!

6.1 Instructions for safe use of installation pendant station

Controller installation mode
The Installation Pendant Station (IPS) enables the controller to enter a special “Installation
Mode”. In this mode the lift can move without having any of the safeties or the absolute encoder
connected. In order to do so the following prerequisites have to be met:
❑ activation of the controller “Installation Mode”,
❑ continuous safety chain,
❑ movement using “Installation UP” or “Installation DOWN” commands.

If the Recall or Inspection mode is activated and the respective inspection control station is
connected to the controller, the controller will ignore “Installation UP” or “Installation DOWN”
commands, as the Recall and Inspection modes have a higher priority than the “Installation

During “Installation Mode” the controller will ignore most faults and will continue moving under
the responsibility of the Pendant Station operator. Only faults that may cause risk of injury or
destruction of equipment will not be ignored.

All controllers contain the Pendant Station infrastructure by default.

In case there is no Pendant Station available you can still enter the Installation Mode, without
being able to move though. In order to do so, a bridge should be placed between terminal pins
0V and IMD at IPS2 terminal strip. Alternatively, the Installation Mode can also be activated by
the hand terminal. This option can be found in menu Setup → Installation mode.

Installation Pendant Station operation
In order to safely use the Installation Pendant Station, the following connections have to be
❑ Connect the three-phase power supply cable from the building to the controller and from the
controller to the motor / power unit to the respective terminals (also between the subpanels,
if this is a case).
❑ Connect the interconnection cables between controller cabinets (when they exist).
❑ In case of traction lifts, connect the motor brakes, the motor thermistor and the motor brakes
monitoring to the respective XMT terminal in the controller or to the inverter panel.
In case of hydraulic lifts, connect the power unit to the respective KC10/iKC10 terminal in
the controller.
❑ Connect the single-phase power supply to the respective controller terminal X2.
❑ Connect the installation pendant station (IPS) to the controller at the respective IPS terminal.
❑ Turn on the mains switch provided by the building and then the mains switch of the control
panel (MSW), in order to power up the installation. Check if the phase failure relay (FFR) of
the control panel functions properly by observing the LED indicator. If the LED does not light
up there is an error. In order to restore it, turn off the mains switches and reverse 2 phases
in the power supply terminals L1, L2, L3 of the controller. For example, reverse the two
wires of the power supply cable that are connected to L1 and L2 terminals. Follow the safety
regulations, and check again the phase failure relay.
❑ Turn on the single-phase supply, the safety chain and the car door supply RCDs (RCD1,
RCD2 and RCD3).
❑ Turn on the socket supply MCB (FS) to turn on the controller lighting unit.
❑ Activate “Installation mode” from the installation pendant station (IPS) by turning the
Installation Operation Switch (INS) to inspection position.
❑ Turn on the power supply unit, the UPS and the safety chain MCBs (FPS, FUPS and FC).
❑ Check the activation of the controller. The following image must be displayed on the screen.

Figure 6.1: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, Installation mode activated

❑ In case of traction lifts, turn on the motor brakes MCB (FBR).

In case of hydraulic lifts, turn on the transformer and valves MCBs (FT and FVS).
❑ If there is need for car or shaft lights, turn on the respective MCB (FCL or FPL).

CAUTION!! After turning on any MCBs, the respective circuits will be under voltage.
Please, make sure that you always consult the electrical drawings and do not proceed to
any operation to circuits that remain under voltage. There is high risk of electrocution.

The elevator can be operated by pressing the RUN and UP or DOWN buttons simultaneously
on the installation pendant station (IPS).

CAUTION!! In this mode, there are uninstalled or deactivated safeties. Movement should
be performed with extreme caution under the installation pendant station operator’s
responsibility, making sure that there is no injury danger. The alarm siren will be
functional only after the travelling cable FC has been connected to the car top box and
the controller.

When the installation has been completed, turn off the mains switch of the control panel (MSW)
and then the mains switch provided by the building, in order to power off the installation. Turn
off all MCBs and RCDs to make sure that there is no power to any circuit and disconnect the
Installation Pendant Station (IPS) from the controller by detaching the IPS terminal. Follow the
“First movement” procedure, as described in the next paragraphs.

6.2 Installation Connections

The first movement of the lift requires continuity of the safety chain. Therefore, all the safety
devices must be connected, those in the shaft through the HRC terminal strip, those in the pit
through the Pit Junction Box, and those in the cabin through the traveling cable. Finally, the
connection of the inspection boxes is necessary.
In any case, the installation of all safety devices is the standard procedure to be followed before
the first movement. In special cases, where the lift must perform its first movement without the
installation of safety devices, it is recommended to locally connect the components of the
prewired installation in order to ensure the continuity of the safety chain. These components
would be the HRC and TSG terminal strip, the Pit Junction Box, the Car Top Revision box and
the inspection boxes.

ATTENTION! After the first movement of the lift, install properly all the safety
devices. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of accident.

In cases that there is also a UPS included, it must be connected before moving the lift for the
first time. Further information on the UPS unit connection can be found in paragraph 5.8.

6.3 Hydraulic Lifts
6.3.1 First movement
As long as the connections described in the previous paragraphs are correct, the next step is to
power up the installation and move the lift.

❑ Turn the recall switch to MAN position in order to put the lift into recall mode.
❑ Turn on the mains switch provided by the building and then the mains switch of the controller
(if it is installed), in order to power up the installation. Check if the phase failure relay (FFR)
of the controller functions properly by observing the led indicator. If the led does not light up
there is an error. In order to restore it, turn off the mains switches and reverse 2 phases in
the power supply terminals L1, L2, L3 of the controller. For example, reverse the two wires
of the power supply cable that are connected to L1 and L2 terminals. Follow the safety
regulations, and check again the phase failure relay.

❑ Turn on the single-phase supply, the safety chain and the car door supply RCDs (RCD1,
RCD2 and RCD3) (if applied).

In order to put the controller into operation, the following circuit breakers must be turned on:
❑ FPS, main board supply
❑ FT, transformer supply
❑ FCL, car light supply
❑ FVS, valves supply
❑ FC, safety chain
❑ FUPS, UPS power supply

The main board must be activated. At the green bar at the bottom of the hand terminal screen, next
to the Genius hash, the message "Recall" should be displayed, which signifies the activation of the
controller’s recall mode.

Figure 6.2: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, controller’s recall mode activated

Turn the recall switch to NORM position to deactivate the controller’s recall mode. Check the
continuity of the safety chain by watching either the KMREL respective LED indicators or the safety
points’ indicators at the hand terminal STATUS menu. The main board receives feedback from 6
different points of the safety chain:

❑ S1. It is the first feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The first feedback
signal checks the safety devices of the shaft (travel limit switches, overspeed governor, etc),
the controller’s inspection box and the safety gear.
❑ S2. It is the second feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The second
feedback signal checks the continuity of the safety devices of the cabin and the
semiautomatic landing door’s contacts.
❑ S3. It is the third feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the car door contacts. In case of EN 81-20 with two doors
and common opening though, the S3 feedback point checks the continuity of the 2nd car
door contacts only.
❑ S4. It is the fourth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the car door contacts. Apart from cases of EN 81-20
with two doors and common opening, points S3 and S4 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
❑ S5. It is the fifth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices contacts. In case of EN 81-
20 with two doors and common opening though, the S5 feedback point checks the continuity
of the 1st landing door-locking devices contacts only.
❑ S6. It is the sixth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices. Apart from cases of
EN 81-20 with two doors and common opening, points S5 and S6 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
In case of discontinuity of the safety chain and depending on the breaking point, all or some of the
safety chain indicators will remain turned off. The indicators appear on the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal. Use a multimeter to check if at the start of the safety chain the voltage is ~ 230V
AC. In case of no indication, check the FC condition and repeat the measurement. If the voltage is
~ 230V AC but the indicators are still turned off, check the connections of safety devices of the
In case of lifts with reduced headroom and/or pit clearances, it is necessary to restore the safety
system to normal operation for the safety chain to be continuous. In order to do so, make sure that
all landing doors are closed and the secondary landing door contacts are activated and then operate
the RSB switch in the controller.
After the completion of the safety chain turn again the recall switch to MAN position. Check on the
hand terminal screen if the recall mode of the controller is activated.

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the UP button to move the cabin upwards or the DOWN
button to move the cabin downwards.

6.4 ATLAS MRL - Traction lift with gearless motor
In Atlas lift, the inverter-motor combinations are the following:

❑ Zetadyn inverter 4C – Ziehl Abegg motor

❑ Yaskawa inverter – Ziehl Abegg motor
❑ Yaskawa inverter – Kleemann motor
❑ Yaskawa inverter – gearless motor by other manufacturer

The instructions that must be followed depend on the type of the inverter chosen for the specific

6.4.1 Zetadyn inverter 4C

As long as the connections described in the previous paragraphs are correct, the next step is to
power up the installation and move the lift.

❑ Turn the recall switch to MAN position in order to put the lift into recall mode.
❑ Turn on the main 4-pole switch of the main controller in order to power up the installation.
Check if the phase failure relay (FFR) of the main controller functions properly by observing
the led indicator. If the led does not light up there is an error. In order to restore it, reverse
2 phases of the power relays of the controller, for example V with W, follow the safety
regulations, and check again the phase failure relay.
❑ Turn on the single-phase supply, the safety chain and the car door supply RCDs (RCD1,
RCD2 and RCD3) (if applied).
❑ Afterwards, check the activation of the inverter.

Watch the inverter screen. In case of activation, the following image will be displayed.

Ziehl - Abegg AG
Phone +49 794016308



Figure 6.3: Zetadyn keypad display

In order to prepare the inverter for the first movement please refer to the ZETADYN 4C manual and
more specifically to the chapter 8 Start-up. Make sure that you enter or check the parameters of
menus 1-4 (paragraphs 8.2 – 8.5).

In order to put the controller into operation, the following circuit breakers must be turned on:

❑ FPS, main board supply

❑ FT, transformer supply
❑ FCL, car light supply
❑ FBR, brake supply
❑ FC, safety chain
❑ FUPS, UPS power supply

The main board must be activated. At the green bar at the bottom of the hand terminal screen, next
to the Genius hash, the message "Recall" should be displayed, which signifies the activation of the
controller’s recall mode.

Figure 6.4: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, controller’s recall mode activated

Turn the recall switch to NORM position to deactivate the controller’s recall mode. Check the
continuity of the safety chain by watching either the KMREL respective LED indicators or the safety
points’ indicators at the hand terminal STATUS menu. The main board receives feedback from 6
different points of the safety chain:

❑ S1. It is the first feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The first feedback
signal checks the safety devices of the shaft (travel limit switches, overspeed governor, etc),
the controller’s inspection box and the safety gear.
❑ S2. It is the second feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The second
feedback signal checks the continuity of the safety devices of the cabin and the
semiautomatic landing door’s contacts.
❑ S3. It is the third feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the car door contacts. In case of EN 81-20 with two doors
and common opening though, the S3 feedback point checks the continuity of the 2nd car
door contacts only.
❑ S4. It is the fourth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the car door contacts. Apart from cases of EN 81-20
with two doors and common opening, points S3 and S4 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
❑ S5. It is the fifth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices contacts. In case of EN 81-
20 with two doors and common opening though, the S5 feedback point checks the continuity
of the 1st landing door-locking devices contacts only.
❑ S6. It is the sixth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices. Apart from cases of
EN 81-20 with two doors and common opening, points S5 and S6 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.

In case of discontinuity of the safety chain and depending on the breaking point, all or some of the
safety chain indicators will remain turned off. The indicators appear on the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal. Use a multimeter to check if at the start of the safety chain the voltage is ~ 230V
AC. In case of no indication check the FC condition and repeat the measurement. If the voltage is
~ 230V AC but the indicators are still turned off, check the connections of safety devices of the
In case of lifts with reduced headroom and/or pit clearances, it is necessary to restore the safety
system to normal operation for the safety chain to be continuous. In order to do so, make sure that
all landing doors are closed and the secondary landing door contacts are activated and then operate
the RSB switch in the controller.
After the completion of the safety chain turn again the recall switch to MAN position. Check on the
hand terminal screen if the recall mode of the controller is activated.

Each motor has a metal plate with its data to a visible position. Some of these data are stored in the
inverter in order to optimize the system performance.

Motor data are stored in Motor name plate sub-menu. To display the parameters of the menu and
their saved values follow the procedure below:
❑ Since the inverter is activated, the menu is displayed by pushing any button.

❑ Press the (▼) button until the Motor name plate menu is displayed.
❑ Press the (ENTER) button to enter the parameter list. The first parameter (MOT_TYP) of the
menu will be displayed on the screen.
❑ Press the (▼) button to display the next parameter.

Activate by any control key esc

LCD & Password

Motor name plate
Encoder & BC


Motor name plate

Motor type
n 60 rpm

Motor name plate

n 60
rpm Motor‘s rated speed
f 10.0 Hz

Motor name plate

Hz Motor’s rated frequency
p 10

Motor name plate

f 10.0 Hz
p 10 Motor’s pole pairs
I 16.0 A

Motor name plate

p 10
I 16.0 A Motor’s rated current
U 360 V

Motor name plate

I 16.0 A
U 360 V Motor’s rated voltage
P 4.5 KW

Motor name plate

KW Motor’s rated power
cos phi 0.75

Motor name plate

P 4.5 KW Motor’s power factor
cos phi 0.75
TYP star
(only for asynchronous motors)

Motor name plate

cos phi
star Motor’s type of connection
M_MAX 2.0

Motor name plate

TYP star Motor’s maximum torque
M_MAX 2.0

Figure 6.5: Parameter values for motor SM225.40-20

If it is necessary to change the value of one parameter, follow the procedure below:
❑ Since the inverter is activated, the menu is displayed by pressing any button.

❑ Press the (▼) button until the Motor name plate menu is displayed.
❑ Press the (ENTER) button to enter the parameter list. The first parameter (MOT_TYP) of the
menu will be displayed on the screen.
❑ Press the (▼) button until the parameter whose value want to change is displayed
❑ Press the (ENTER) button to activate the specific parameter. Its stored value is displayed in
the first line on the screen, while the value to be changed is displayed in the second.
❑ Enter the desirable value by pressing the (▼) or (▲) button.
❑ Press again the (ENTER) button to store the new value.


Activate by any control key esc

LCD & Password

Motor name plate
Encoder & BC


Motor name plate

------------------- Motor type
n 70 rpm

Motor name plate Motor‘s rated speed

n 60 rpm
f 10.0 Hz


Motor name plate Increase parameter value

n 70 rpm
60 Decrease parameter value

Motor name plate

n 60 rpm

Figure 6.6: Changing parameter’s value in Zetadyn inverter

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the UP button to move the cabin upwards and watch
the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be displayed at the
Info menu.

CU-Functions _ _ _ _ _ _ 08

CONFIG 00: Spare

I:RF RV 1 . V1..4..
O: . . MB RB . . . VG1

Figure 6.7: Zetadyn inverter display during the upward movement in recall mode

The cabin must move upwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu on the
hand terminal will become green.

UP direction indicator

Figure 6.8: Activation check of the Genius 20

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the DOWN button to move the cabin downwards
and watch the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be
displayed at the Info menu.

CU-Functions _ _ _ _ _ _ 08
CONFIG 00: Spare
I:RF RV . 2 V 1 . . 4 . .
O: . . MB RB . . . VG1

Figure 6.9: Zetadyn inverter display during the downwards movement in recall mode

The cabin must move downwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu
on the hand terminal will become green.

DOWN direction

Figure 6.10: Activation check of the Genius 20

In case the lift moves downwards, despite pressing the UP button, the direction of movement
should be changed. In order to do that, enter the Control system menu and select the MO_DR
parameter. Change the value from LEFT to RIGHT or from RIGHT to LEFT.

Attention! The sequence of the motor phases or the sequence of the inverter output,
must never be alternated in order to change the direction of movement.

6.4.2 Yaskawa inverter

As long as the connections described in the previous paragraphs are correct, the next step is to
power up the installation and move the lift.

❑ Turn the recall switch to MAN position in order to put the lift into recall mode.
❑ Turn on the main 4-pole switch of the main controller in order to power up the installation.
Check if the phase failure relay (FFR) of the main controller functions properly by observing
the led indicator. If the led does not light up there is an error. In order to restore it, reverse
2 phases of the power relays of the controller, for example V with W, follow the safety
regulations, and check again the phase failure relay.
❑ Turn on the single-phase supply, the safety chain and the car door supply RCDs (RCD1,
RCD2 and RCD3) (if applied).
❑ Afterwards, check the activation of the inverter.

Watch the inverter screen. After its activation, the following image will be displayed.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= 0.00%
U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF
Figure 6.11: Yaskawa keypad display

In order to put the controller into operation, the following circuit breakers must be turned on:

❑ FPS, main board supply

❑ FT, transformer supply
❑ FCL, car light supply
❑ FBR, brake supply
❑ FC, safety chain
❑ FUPS, UPS power supply

The main board must be activated. At the green bar at the bottom of the hand terminal screen, next
to the Genius hash, the message "Recall" should be displayed, which signifies the activation of the
controller’s recall mode.

Figure 6.12: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, controller’s recall mode activated

Turn the recall switch to NORM position to deactivate the controller’s recall mode. Check the
continuity of the safety chain by watching either the KMREL respective LED indicators or the safety
points’ indicators at the hand terminal STATUS menu. The main board receives feedback from 6
different points of the safety chain:
❑ S1. It is the first feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The first feedback
signal checks the safety devices of the shaft (travel limit switches, overspeed governor, etc),
the controller’s inspection box and the safety gear.
❑ S2. It is the second feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The second
feedback signal checks the continuity of the safety devices of the cabin and the
semiautomatic landing door’s contacts.
❑ S3. It is the third feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the car door contacts. In case of EN 81-20 with two doors
and common opening though, the S3 feedback point checks the continuity of the 2nd car
door contacts only.
❑ S4. It is the fourth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the car door contacts. Apart from cases of EN 81-20
with two doors and common opening, points S3 and S4 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
❑ S5. It is the fifth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices contacts. In case of EN 81-
20 with two doors and common opening though, the S5 feedback point checks the continuity
of the 1st landing door-locking devices contacts only.
❑ S6. It is the sixth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices. Apart from cases of
EN 81-20 with two doors and common opening, points S5 and S6 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.

In case of discontinuity of the safety chain and depending on the breaking point, all or some of the
safety chain indicators will remain turned off. The indicators appear on the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal. Use a multimeter to check if at the start of the safety chain the voltage is ~ 230V
AC. In case of no indication check the FC condition and repeat the measurement. If the voltage is
~ 230V AC but the indicators are still turned off, check the connections of safety devices of the
In case of lifts with reduced headroom and/or pit clearances, it is necessary to restore the safety
system to normal operation for the safety chain to be continuous. In order to do so, make sure that
all landing doors are closed and the secondary landing door contacts are activated and then operate
the RSB switch in the controller.
After the completion of the safety chain turn again the recall switch to MAN position. Check on the
hand terminal screen if the recall mode of the controller is activated.

Each motor has a metal plate containing its data at a visible position. Some of these data are stored
in the inverter in order to optimise the system performance.
Motor data are stored in parameter group E: Motor Parameters. To display the parameters of the
menu and their stored values follow the procedure below:

Step Display

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display U1-01= 0.00%
appears. U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Press the ^ or the ˅ key until the Parameter Setting
Mode screen appears.


Press the “ENTER” key to enter the parameter menu A1-00= 0
tree. Select Language


Motor Parameters
Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the E Parameter E1-01= 380 V
group. Input Voltage Setting



V/f Pattern Input Voltage Setting
E1-01= 380 V E1- 01= 380 V
5 Press the “ENTER” key twice. Input Voltage Setting (310 ~ 510)
" 380 V "

V/f Pattern Selection
E1- 03= F
6 Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the next parameters.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Press the “ESC” key until you return to the initial U1-01= 0.00%
7 U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Table 6.1: Checking motor parameters in Yaskawa inverter

In the following example the value of the parameter C1-02 (Deceleration Ramp 1) is changed from
1.50 (default) to 2.50 seconds.

Step Display

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display U1-01= 0.00%
appears. U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Press the ^ or the ˅ key until the Parameter
Setting Mode screen appears.


Press the ENTER key to enter the parameter A1-00= 0
menu tree. Select Language


Basic Setup
Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the C C1-01= 1.50sec
Parameter group. Accel Ramp 1



Accel/Decel Accel Ramp 1
C1-01= 1.50sec C1-01=1.50sec
5 Press the ENTER key twice. Acccel Ramp 1 (0.0-600.00)
" 1.5sec "

Decel Ramp 1
Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the parameter C1-02 =1.50sec
6 (0.0-600.00)
" 1.5sec "

Decel Ramp 1
Press the ENTER key to view the current setting C1-02=001.50sec
7 (0.0-600.00)
value (1.50sec). Left digit flashes.
" 1.5sec "

Decel Ramp 1
Press F1 (left), F2 (right) or RESET until the C1-02=001.50sec
8 (0.0-600.00)
desired number is selected. “1” flashes.
" 1.5sec "

Decel Ramp 1
9 Press the ^ key and enter 002.50 (0.0-600.00)
" 1.5sec "

Press the ENTER key and the drive will confirm

10 Entry Accepted
the change.

Decel Ramp 1
The display automatically returns to the screen C1-02 =2.50sec
shown in step 4. (0.0-600.00)
" 1.5sec "

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Press the “ESC” key until you return to the initial U1-01= 0.00%
12 U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF
Table 6.2: Changing parameter’s value in Yaskawa inverter

The procedure of Auto Tuning is carried out in the Electronics Factory during the testing of the order.
A report of this procedure is delivered with the order. The following instructions can be used in
special occasions that the Auto Tuning is required to be executed on site.
Three different types of Auto Tuning must be performed:
• Stationary Auto Tuning (T2-01 = 1)
• Initial Magnet Pole Search Parameters Auto-Tuning (T2-01 = 3)
• Stationary Encoder Offset Auto-Tuning (T2-01 = 4)
At first set the lift into recall mode by the recall switch located in the controller cabinet.
Change the value of the b1-02 parameter from 1 to 0 (b1-02 = 1 ➔ b1-02 = 0). That way the S1, S2
inputs on the inverter are no longer valid as direction commands. Instead the movement commands
are given only by the operator keypad.
Change the value of the parameter H2-02 from 51 to 6 (H2-02 = 51 ➔ H2-02 = 6). By changing the
value of H2-02, the inverter output for the contactor activation is constant.
Press the UP-Inspection button located in the controller cabinet. That way the contactors are
activated and the Auto Tuning menu can be accessed. Do not release the inspection button until
the Auto – Tuning process is completed.
The following example demonstrates the procedure that must be followed in order to complete the
Stationary Auto Tuning.
If the Auto Tuning is completed successfully, restore the value of the parameters b1-02 (b1-02 = 0
➔ b1-02 = 1) and H2-02 (H2-02 = 6 ➔ H2-02 = 51) in order to proceed to the first movement of the

Step Display

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= 0.00%
1 Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.
U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Auto - Tuning
Press the ^ or the ˅ key until the Auto - Tuning screen


PM Tuning Mode
3 Press the ENTER key to enter the parameter menu tree. T2- 01 = 0 *0*
Standard Tuning


PM Tuning Mode
4 Press the ENTER key to select the value for T2-01. T2-01 = 0 *0*
Standard Tuning

PM Tuning Mode
5 Press the ^ key to change the value to “1”. T2-01 = 1 *0*
Tune - No Rotate

6 Save the setting by pressing ENTER.

Entry Accepted

PM Tuning Mode
7 The display automatically returns to the T2-01 parameter. T2- 01 = 1 *1*
Tune - No Rotate


Mtr Rated Power
Press the ^ key to access the motor rated power T2- 04 = 4.00 kW
parameter T2-04. (0.00 ~ 650.00)

Mtr Rated Power
Press the ENTER to access the motor rated power T2- 04 = 0 04.00 kW
parameter T2-04 value. (0.00 ~ 650.00)

Mtr Rated Power
Press F1, F2, RESET, ^ and ˅ to enter the motor power T2- 04 = xxx.x xkW
nameplate data in kW. (0.00 ~ 650.00)

11 Press ENTER to save the new value.

Entry Accepted

Mtr Rated Power
12 The display automatically returns to the display in step 8. T1- 02 = xxx.xxkW
(0.00 ~ 650.00)

Repeat steps 8-12 to set the following parameters:
• T2-05: Rated voltage
• T2-06: Motor rated current
• T2-08: Number of motor poles
• T2-09: Motor base speed
• T2-16: Encoder resolution

After entering the data listed on the motor nameplate, 0.00 Hz/ 0.00A
press ^ to confirm. Tuning Ready?
Press RUN key

- A.TUNE - DRV Rdy

Tune Proceeding
15 Press the RUN key to activate Auto-Tuning. X.XX Hz/ X.XX A

<<<<<< >>>>>>

16 Auto-Tuning finishes in a couple of minutes.
Tune Successfull

Table 6.3: Stationary Auto-Tuning Mode

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the UP button to move the cabin upwards and watch
the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be displayed on the

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= x.xx%
U1-02= x.xx% RSEQ
U1-03= x.xxA LREF
Figure 6.13: Yaskawa inverter display during the upward movement in recall mode

It is not necessary that the upwards movement must be followed by the FWD indication of rotation
and the downwards movement by the REV indication. It may also be the other way around.
The rotation that the inverter indicates is not related to the direction of the cabin, but to the rotation
of the motor axis and therefore the axis of the encoder.
The cabin must move upwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu on the
hand terminal will become green.

UP direction indicator

Figure 6.14: Activation check of the Genius 20

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the DOWN button to move the cabin downwards and
watch the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be displayed
on the screen.
If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be displayed on the screen. If during the
upward movement the direction of the motor was REV, in the downward movement must be FWD.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= x.xx%
U1-02= x.xx% RSEQ
U1-03= x.xxA LREF
Figure 6.15: Yaskawa inverter display during the downward movement in recall mode

The cabin must move downwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu on the
hand terminal will become green.

DOWN direction

Figure 6.16: Activation check of the Genius 20

In case the lift moves downwards, despite pressing the UP button the direction of movement should
be changed. In order to do that, change the wires of the inverter’s directions input S1-S2.

Figure 6.17: Changing the inverter’s direction inputs

ATTENTION! The sequence of the motor phases or the sequence of the inverter
output, must never be alternated in order to change the direction of movement.

6.4.3 Frenic inverter

As long as the connections described in the previous paragraphs are correct, the next step is to
power up the installation and move the lift.

❑ Turn on the main switch of the building power supply in order to power up the installation.
❑ Turn on the main board supply MCB FPS.
❑ Turn on the single-phase supply RCD (RCD1) (if applied).
❑ On the hand terminal, press the CMD button and then type 8 and press OK in order to put
the lift into recall mode.
❑ Afterwards, check the activation of the inverter.

Watch the inverter screen. After its activation, the following image will be displayed.

Figure 6.18: Frenic keypad display

In order to put the controller into operation, the following circuit breakers must be turned on:

❑ FT, transformer supply

❑ FCL, car light supply
❑ FBR, brake supply
❑ FC, safety chain
❑ FUPS, UPS power supply

The main board must be activated. At the green bar at the bottom of the hand terminal screen, next
to the Genius hash, the message "Recall" should be displayed, which signifies the activation of the
controller’s recall mode.

Figure 6.19: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, controller’s recall mode activated

Deactivate the controller’s recall mode from the hand terminal menu. Check the continuity of the
safety chain by watching either the KMREL respective LED indicators or the safety points’ indicators
at the hand terminal STATUS menu. The main board receives feedback from 6 different points of
the safety chain:

❑ S1. It is the first feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The first feedback
signal checks the safety devices of the shaft (travel limit switches, overspeed governor, etc),
the controller’s inspection box and the safety gear.
❑ S2. It is the second feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The second
feedback signal checks the continuity of the safety devices of the cabin and the
semiautomatic landing door’s contacts.
❑ S3. It is the third feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the car door contacts. In case of EN 81-20 with two doors
and common opening though, the S3 feedback point checks the continuity of the 2nd car
door contacts only.
❑ S4. It is the fourth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the car door contacts. Apart from cases of EN 81-20
with two doors and common opening, points S3 and S4 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
❑ S5. It is the fifth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices contacts. In case of EN 81-
20 with two doors and common opening though, the S5 feedback point checks the continuity
of the 1st landing door-locking devices contacts only.
❑ S6. It is the sixth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices. Apart from cases of
EN 81-20 with two doors and common opening, points S5 and S6 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.

In case of discontinuity of the safety chain and depending on the breaking point, all or some of the
safety chain indicators will remain turned off. The indicators appear on the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal. Use a multimeter to check if at the start of the safety chain the voltage is ~ 230V
AC. In case of no indication check the FC condition and repeat the measurement. If the voltage is
~ 230V AC but the indicators are still turned off, check the connections of safety devices of the
In case of lifts with reduced headroom and/or pit clearances, it is necessary to restore the safety
system to normal operation for the safety chain to be continuous. In order to do so, make sure that
all landing doors are closed and the secondary landing door contacts are activated and then operate
the RSB switch in the controller.

After the completion of the safety chain activate again the controller’s recall mode from the hand
terminal menu.

Each motor has a metal plate containing its data at a visible position. Some of these data are stored
in the inverter in order to optimise the system performance.
Motor data are stored in parameter group P: Motor 1 Parameters. To display the parameters of the
menu and their stored values follow the procedure below:

Step Display

Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display


Press the “PRG/Reset” key to enter the parameter

selection menu.

Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the desired parameter

group, e.g. P parameter group for the motor parameters.

Press the “PRG/Reset” key to enter the specific group

parameter selection menu.

Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the desired parameter

5 e.g. P 03 parameter for the motor rated current, and
press the “PRG/Reset key” to edit the parameter.

Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the parameter value

and then press the “PRG/Reset” key register it.

Press the “FUNC/DATA” key until you return to the initial


Table 6.4: Checking motor parameters in Frenic inverter

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the UP button to move the cabin upwards and watch
the controller hand terminal display. The cabin must move upwards and the corresponding indicator
in the Genius status menu on the hand terminal will become green.

UP direction indicator

Figure 6.20: Activation check of the Genius 20

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the DOWN button to move the cabin downwards and
watch the inverter display. The cabin must move downwards and the corresponding indicator in the
Genius status menu on the hand terminal will become green.

DOWN direction indicator

Figure 6.21: Activation check of the Genius 20

In case the lift moves downwards, despite pressing the UP button, the direction of movement should
be changed. In order to do that, change the wires of the inverter’s directions input FWD-REV.

Figure 6.22: Changing the inverter’s direction inputs

ATTENTION! The sequence of the motor phases or the sequence of the inverter
output, must never be alternated in order to change the direction of movement.

6.5 Traction lifts with geared VVVF motor
6.5.1 First movement
In case an EN 81-1 + A3 compliant overspeed governor is installed, make sure that is properly
connected to the controller. The lift can travel only if the governor’s safety coil is activated so in
case it is not connected to the controller, the lift will not be able to move.

As long as the connections described in the previous paragraphs are correct, the next step is to
power up the installation and move the lift.

❑ Turn the recall switch to MAN position in order to put the lift into recall mode.
❑ Turn on the main 4-pole switch of the main controller in order to power up the installation.
Check if the phase failure relay (FFR) of the main controller functions properly by observing
the led indicator. If the led does not light up there is an error. In order to restore it, reverse
2 phases of the power relays of the controller, for example V with W, follow the safety
regulations, and check again the phase failure relay.
❑ Turn on the single-phase supply, the safety chain and the car door supply RCDs (RCD1,
RCD2 and RCD3) (if applied).
❑ Afterwards, check the activation of the inverter.

Watch the inverter screen. After its activation, the following image will be displayed.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= 0.00%
U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Figure 6.23: Yaskawa keypad display

In order to put the controller into operation, the following circuit breakers must be turned on:
❑ FPS, main board supply
❑ FT, transformer supply
❑ FCL, car light supply
❑ FBR, brake supply
❑ FC, safety chain
❑ FUPS, UPS power supply

The main board must be activated. At the green bar at the bottom of the hand terminal screen, next
to the Genius hash, the message "Recall" should be displayed, which signifies the activation of the
controller’s recall mode.

Figure 6.24: Genius 20 hand terminal screen, controller’s recall mode activated

Turn the recall switch to NORM position to deactivate the controller’s recall mode. Check the
continuity of the safety chain by watching either the KMREL respective LED indicators or the safety
points’ indicators at the handterminal STATUS menu. The main board receives feedback from 6
different points of the safety chain:

❑ S1. It is the first feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The first feedback
signal checks the safety devices of the shaft (travel limit switches, overspeed governor, etc),
the controller’s inspection box and the safety gear.
❑ S2. It is the second feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. The second
feedback signal checks the continuity of the safety devices of the cabin and the
semiautomatic landing door’s contacts.
❑ S3. It is the third feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the car door contacts. In case of EN 81-20 with two doors
and common opening though, the S3 feedback point checks the continuity of the 2nd car
door contacts only.
❑ S4. It is the fourth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights
up on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the car door contacts. Apart from cases of EN 81-20
with two doors and common opening, points S3 and S4 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.
❑ S5. It is the fifth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices contacts. In case of EN 81-
20 with two doors and common opening though, the S5 feedback point checks the continuity
of the 1st landing door-locking devices contacts only.
❑ S6. It is the sixth feedback point of the safety chain. If the corresponding indicator lights up
on the main board, the safety chain is continuous until the feedback point. This feedback
signal also checks the continuity of the landing door-locking devices. Apart from cases of
EN 81-20 with two doors and common opening, points S5 and S6 are bridged and therefore
simultaneously activated.

In case of discontinuity of the safety chain and depending on the breaking point, all or some of the
safety chain indicators will remain turned off. The indicators appear on the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal. Use a multimeter to check if at the start of the safety chain the voltage is ~ 230V
AC. In case of no indication check the FC condition and repeat the measurement. If the voltage is
~ 230V AC but the indicators are still turned off, check the connections of safety devices of the
In case of lifts with reduced headroom and/or pit clearances, it is necessary to restore the safety
system to normal operation for the safety chain to be continuous. In order to do so, make sure that
all landing doors are closed and the secondary landing door contacts are activated and then operate
the RSB switch in the controller.

After the completion of the safety chain turn again the recall switch to MAN position. Check on the
hand terminal screen if the recall mode of the controller is activated.

Each motor has a metal plate containing its data in a visible position. Some of these data are
stored in the inverter in order to optimise the system performance.
Before proceeding to the first movement, there are certain parameters that have to be
programmed correctly in order to optimise the system performance. These parameters concern
motor and installation data and can be found in the following parameters groups E: Motor
Parameters, F: Option Settings, O: Operator Related Settings.

Parameter Description Value

E1-01 Input Voltage Setting AC power supply nominal voltage (Volt)

E1-04 Maximum Output Frequency Nominal motor value (Hz)

E1-05 Maximum Voltage Nominal motor value (Volt)

E1-06 Base Frequency Nominal motor value (Hz)

Nominal motor value (A)

E2-01 Motor Rated Current
it is set automatically after auto tuning is
Calculated by the inverter according to the
motor’s nominal values
E2-02 Motor Rated Slip
it is set automatically after auto tuning is
Calculated by the inverter according to the
motor’s nominal values
E2-03 Motor No-Load Current
it is set automatically after auto tuning is
According to the motor
E2-04 Number of Motor Poles
it is set automatically after auto tuning is
Nominal motor value (kW)
E2-11 Motor Rated Power
it is set automatically after auto tuning is
F1-01 Encoder Resolution According to the encoder

Table 6.5: Parameters that have to be correctly programmed before the first movement

To display the parameters of the menu and their stored values follow the procedure below:

Step Display

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display U1-01= 0.00%
appears. U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Press the ^ or the ˅ key until the Parameter Setting
Mode screen appears.


Press the “ENTER” key to enter the parameter menu A1-00= 0
tree. Select Language


Motor Parameters
Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the E Parameter E1-01= 380 V
group. Input Voltage Setting



V/f Pattern Input Voltage Setting
E1-01= 380 V E1- 01= 380 V
5 Press the “ENTER” key twice. Input Voltage Setting (310 ~ 510)
" 380 V "

V/f Pattern Selection
E1- 03= F
6 Press the ^ or the ˅ key to select the next parameters.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
Press the “ESC” key until you return to the initial U1-01= 0.00%
7 U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Table 6.6: Checking motor parameters in Yaskawa inverter

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the UP button to move the cabin upwards and
watch the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be
displayed on the screen.

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= x.xx%
U1-02= x.xx% RSEQ
U1-03= x.xxA LREF
Figure 6.25: Yaskawa inverter display during the upward movement in recall mode

It is not necessary that the upwards movement must be followed by the FWD indication of
rotation and the downwards movement by the REV indication. It may also be the other way
The rotation that the inverter indicates is not related to the direction of the cabin, but to the
rotation of the motor axis and therefore the axis of the encoder.
The cabin must move upwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu on
the hand terminal will become green.

UP direction

Figure 6.26: Activation check of the Genius 20

While the controller is in Recall mode, press the DOWN button to move the cabin downwards
and watch the inverter display. If the lift moves without a problem, the following image will be
displayed on the screen. If during the upward movement the direction of the motor was REV, in
the downward movement must be FWD.

- MODE - DRV Rdy
Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= x.xx%
U1-02= x.xx% RSEQ
U1-03= x.xxA LREF
Figure 6.27: Yaskawa inverter display during the downward movement in recall mode
The cabin must move upwards and the corresponding indicator in the Genius status menu on the
hand terminal will become green).

DOWN direction

Figure 6.28: Activation check of the Genius 20

In case the lift moves downwards, despite pressing the UP button the direction of movement
should be changed. In order to do that, change the wires of the inverter’s directions input S1-

Figure 6.29: changing the inverter’s direction inputs

ATTENTION! The sequence of the motor phases or the sequence of the inverter
output, must never be alternated in order to change the direction of movement.

The procedure of Auto Tuning is suggested only if the first movement that was attempted was
unsuccessful. In that case the type of auto tuning that must be executed is the Stationary Auto
Tuning (T1-01 = 1).
At first the value of the parameter H2-02 must be changed from 51 to 6 (H2-02 = 51 ➔ H2-02
= 6). By changing the value of H2-02, the motor contactors remain energized during the whole
process of Auto-Tuning. The following steps until the completion of the procedure are displayed
in the following diagram.

Step Display

- MODE - DRV Rdy

Speed Ref (OPR)
U1-01= 0.00%
1 Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.
U1-02= 0.00% RSEQ
U1-03= 0.00A LREF

Auto - Tuning
Press the ^ or the ˅ key until the Auto - Tuning screen


Tuning Mode
3 Press the ENTER key to enter the parameter menu tree. T1- 01 = 0 *0*
Standard Tuning


Tuning Mode
4 Press the ENTER key to select the value for T1-01. T1-01 = 0 *0*
Standard Tuning

Tuning Mode
5 Press the ^ key to change the value to “1”. T1-01 = 1 *0*
Tune - No Rotate

6 Save the setting by pressing ENTER.

Entry Accepted

Tuning Mode
7 The display automatically returns to the T1-01 parameter. T1- 01 = 1 *1*
Tune - No Rotate


Mtr Rated Power
Press the ^ key to access the motor rated power T1- 02 = 4.00 kW
parameter T1-02.
(0.00 ~ 650.00)

Mtr Rated Power
Press the ENTER to access the motor rated power T1- 02 = 0 04.00 kW
parameter T2-02 value.
(0.00 ~ 650.00)

Mtr Rated Power
Press F1, F2, RESET, ^ and ˅ to enter the motor power T1- 02 = xxx.x xkW
nameplate data in kW.
(0.00 ~ 650.00)

11 Press ENTER to save the new value.

Entry Accepted

Mtr Rated Power
12 The display automatically returns to the display in step 8. T1- 02 = xxx.xxkW
(0.00 ~ 650.00)
Repeat steps 8-12 to set the following parameters:
• T1-03: Motor rated voltage
• T1-04: Motor rated current
• T1-05: Motor base frequency
• T1-06: Number of motor poles
• T1-07: Motor base speed

After entering the data listed on the motor nameplate, 0.00 Hz/ 0.00A
press ^ to confirm. Tuning Ready?
Press RUN key

- A.TUNE - DRV Rdy
Tune Proceeding
15 Press the RUN key to activate Auto-Tuning. X.XX Hz/ X.XX A

<<<<<< >>>>>>

16 Auto-Tuning finishes in a couple of minutes.
Tune Successfull


Table 6.7: Stationary Auto-Tuning Mode

If the Auto – Tuning procedure is completed successfully, change the value of the parameter
H2-02 from 6 to 51 (H2-02 = 6 ➔ H2-02 = 51) and repeat the procedure of first movement
described in the previous paragraph.

7 Ride comfort

IMPORTANT NOTE: Riding comfort adjustments must be carried out in a balanced car. Guide
rails must be oiled and you must be sure of their alignment and verticality. The parameter values
given in this guideline are assistive and indicative, so they can change accordingly from site to
site due to the uniqueness of every installation.

U (m/s) 1 2 3

C5-07 C5-07
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]


t (sec)
S1-10 S1-06 S1-07 S1-11

S1-04 S1-05

[1] = Up/Down Command

[2] = Start of position lock (DC injection)
[3] = Start of movement
[4] = End of movement
[5] = End of position lock (DC injection)
[6] = Main contactor off

C1-01: Acceleration ramp 1

C1-02: Deceleration ramp 1
C5-07: Threshold

In the above diagram, the ride sequence has been divided in three stages for better
understanding. If any changes need to be done in order to improve the ride quality, the
abovementioned sequence needs to be followed.

Explanation of speed control loop

Parameter C5-07 sets the limit after which groups of speed control gains are switched
automatically. The default value of C5-07 is set to 2% which means 2% of the nominal speed.
For example, for rated speed 1 m/s, the threshold of 2% will be 0,02 m/s. The three groups of
parameters are:
✓ Speed under 2% threshold at start: C5-03 and C5-04
✓ Speed over 2% threshold: C5-01 and C5-02
✓ Speed under 2% threshold at stop: C5-13 and C5-14
We have divided the ride in three stages having as a reference the above switching points.

7.1 Stage 1

Starts right after inverter has been enabled (direction command has been given), until motor
reaches the speed defined by C5-07 threshold. After the direction command, S1-10 time starts
counting. After S1-10 time elapses the inverter starts feeding the motor. Now both S1-06 and
S1-04 start counting at the same time. The motor stands still (position lock at start) electrically
for a time defined by S1-04 and the brakes will open after S1-06 elapses. If during the time that
remains after S1-06 elapsed until the end of S1-04 (start of movement) a rollback occurs, please
refer below to eliminate it. Refer to the Appendix for a quick way to isolate the zero-speed point
(position lock at start).
Speed in this stage is under the 2% threshold. Inverter applies the group of speed control gains
for speeds under 2% at start (C5-03 and C5-04).
If you receive a vibration or noise from the motor exactly at the start of movement, then C2-01
should be modified.
Find below all the parameters related to this stage:

Responsiveness of speed control loop

C5-03: Proportional gain of speeds below 2% threshold at start.
Default value = 3 (In case of poor speed response, increase in increments of 1)
C5-04: Integral time gain of speed below 2% threshold at start.
Default value = 0.8 (Rarely needs to be modified)

S1-04: DC injection at start (position lock).
Default value = 0.7 (Rarely needs to be modified)
S1-06: Brake release delay.
Default value = 0.4 (Change in increments of 0.1)

Position lock gains

S3-01: First position lock gain at start.
Default value = 20 (In case of roll back, increase in increments of 5)
S3-02: Second position lock gain at start.

Default value = 2.20 (If rollback occurs, increase in increments of 0.1 and ONLY if S3-01 cannot
solve the problem)

Additional position lock gains

C5-19: Additional proportional gain during position lock at start.
Default value = 1

C2-01: S curve acceleration at start.
Default value = 1.7 (In case of motor vibrations or noise exactly at the start of movement,
increase in steps of 0.1)

If after modification of parameters, you are still getting poor speed control or still rollback occurs
you should check if encoder offset is correct and/or perform an auto-tuning.

7.2 Stage 2

Starts when acceleration is going over 2% and ends when the speed during deceleration
reaches the 2% threshold. During acceleration the group of speed control gains changes
automatically (C5-01 and C5-02).
C1-01 defines the acceleration time until the nominal speed is reached. A longer acceleration
distance increases the effectiveness of the acceleration rate.
Lift is travelling now with high speed. The deceleration starting point until landing is defined in
Genius 20’s parameters: Decel. Up/Down Vrated and inverter C1-02. A longer decelerating
distance increases the effectiveness of the deceleration rate.

In case of Genius 20 with absolute encoder the following parameters have to be changed:
Setup → Deceleration → Decel. Up Vrated (mm): Deceleration for nominal speed in up
Setup → Deceleration → Decel. Down Vrated (mm): Deceleration for nominal speed in down

In case of Genius 20 without absolute encoder, the prefinal switches should be placed on the
guide rails with respect to the distances mentioned below.

The starting deceleration distance is related to the nominal speed and to the client’s preferences.
A good starting point, for both of the cases mentioned above, is the following:
For nominal speed 1 m/s = 1500mm
For nominal speed 1.6 m/s = 2400mm
NOTE: Smoother deceleration results can be achieved by increasing the deceleration distance
along with extending the C2-03 angle time. This means that in case that the deceleration
transition feels too jerky and C2-03 angle needs to be widened by increasing the value, the

deceleration start must also be shifted to earlier point by increasing the above values from
Genius 20 menu or placing the prefinal switches further away from the limit floors. Otherwise,
the inverter won’t manage to complete the ramp to the desired point and an awkward stop will

Responsiveness of speed control loop

C5-01: Proportional gain of speeds over 2% threshold.
Default value = 3.0 (In case of poor speed response, increase in increments of 1)
C5-02: Integral time gain of speed below 2% threshold.
Default value = 0.3 (Rarely needs to be modified)

C1-01: Acceleration time.
Default value = 2.0. (In case of too hard acceleration rate or speed overshoots, increase in
increments of 0.2)
C1-02: Deceleration time
Default value = 1.9 (If deceleration rate is too hard or speed undershoots, increase in steps of

C2-02: S curve acceleration at end.
Default value = 1.0 (In case of motor oscillation/vibrations/noise, increase in increments of 0.1)
C2-03: S curve deceleration at start.
Default value = 0.9 (In case of motor oscillation/vibrations/noise, increase in increments of 0.1)
C2-04: S curve deceleration at end.
Default value = 1.5 (In case of motor oscillation/vibrations/noise, increase in increments of 0.1)
C2-05: Jerk bellow leveling speed.
Default value = 0.5 (In case of motor oscillation/vibrations/noise, increase in increments of 0.1)

7.3 Stage 3

Starts when the speed, during deceleration, drops under the 2% threshold and ends when the
inverter deactivates the main contactor. The end of deceleration is reached so when the speed
gets under the 2% threshold again, the group of speed control gains changes automatically (C5-
13 and C5-14). In case of a motor vibration or noise at the end of movement, then C2-05 should
be modified.
Genius 20 deactivates the landing signal and S1-07 and S1-05 starts counting. The motor
stands still (position lock at stop) electrically for a time defined by S1-05 and the brakes will
close after S1-07 elapses.
After S1-05 elapsed inverter stops feeding the motor and S1-11 starts counting (this gives
enough time for main contactor to be deactivated). The parameters that are related to this stage
are described below:

Parameters related to the delay switching off main contactor:

General Settings → VVVF:
t: v0 off>HS off: Delay for switching off the main contactor (Increase if necessary)

Responsiveness of speed control loop

C5-13: Proportional gain of speeds below 2% threshold at stop.
Default value = 3.0 (In case of poor speed response, increase in increments of 1)
C5-14: Integral time gain of speed below 2% threshold at stop.
Default value = 0.3 (Rarely needs to be modified)
S1-05: DC injection at stop (position lock).
Default value = 0.6 (Rarely needs to be modified)
S1-07: Brake close delay.
Default value = 0.4 (Change in increments of 0.1 if necessary)

Position lock gains

S3-03: Position lock gain at stop.
Default value = 2.0 (In case the motor cannot stand still during position lock, increase in
increments of 1)
S3-16: Torque limit reduction time.
Default value = 1000 (Determines the time needed to reduce the torque after position lock)
C2-05: Jerk bellow leveling speed.
Default value = 0.5 (In case of motor oscillation/vibrations/noise, increase or decrease in
increments of 0.1)



During commissioning of the lift, it is very common to receive a roll back at the beginning of the
ride. It is advisable to observe only the part of the ride where the lift is in a position lock. In order
to do so, please follow the steps that are described below:
✓ Bring the lift in the middle of the highest floor and be sure that the cabin is empty.
✓ In d1 change the recall speed to 0.
✓ You should now have a proper view of the lift.
WARNING: After this point, nobody should enter the lift. Proceed with extreme caution.
✓ Give an up or down direction to the lift by using controller’s inspection buttons (recall).
Observe that, the time sequence of brakes and torque is executed, except that the lift is not
moving (zero speed reference).
✓ If there is a roll back or shock when the brakes are open or vibrations, use parameters
described in Stage 1 to eliminate the problem.

8 Special instructions and guidelines
8.1 Reduced clearances according to EN 81-20 & EN 81-21 in
hydraulic lifts – Inspection operation and restoration to normal

When there are reduced clearances at the shaft headroom and/or pit of a hydraulic lift, the
following procedure has to be followed in order to operate the lift in inspection mode from the part
of the shaft with the reduced clearances:

8.1.1 Lift with reduced Headroom clearances

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top:
• Enter the car top. When any landing door above the lowest level opens, the safety system will
be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• In case there is a headroom safety beam, move it to inspection position.
• In case of a headroom safety beam, check that the green LED indicator (GIH), indicating it has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to inspection position.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (RRUN) and UP (RIBU) or
DOWN (RIBD) buttons on the car top inspection control station (RIB) simultaneously.

In order to restore normal operation:

• Move the foldable car top balustrade to normal position.
• Move the headroom safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Car Inspection Switch (RINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the car top.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.

8.1.2 Lift with reduced Shaft Pit clearances

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the shaft pit:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door at the lowest level opens,
the safety system will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• Move the pit safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the pit safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (PRUN) and UP (PIBU) or
DOWN (PIBD) buttons on the pit inspection control station (PIB) simultaneously.
In order to restore normal operation:
• Move the pit safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Pit Inspection Switch (PINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the shaft pit.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.
• Reset pit inspection mode (as described in paragraph “Reset Pit Inspection”).

8.1.3 Lift with reduced Headroom and Shaft Pit clearances

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top:
• Enter the car top. When any landing door opens, the safety system will be activated and normal
operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• In case there is a headroom safety beam, move it to inspection position.
• In case of a headroom safety beam, check that the green LED indicator (GIH), indicating it has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to inspection position.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (RRUN) and UP (RIBU) or
DOWN (RIBD) buttons on the car top inspection control station (RIB) simultaneously.

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the shaft pit:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door opens, the safety system
will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• Move the pit safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the pit safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (PRUN) and UP (PIBU) or
DOWN (PIBD) buttons on the pit inspection control station (PIB) simultaneously.

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top and the shaft pit simultaneously:

• Enter the car top and the shaft the pit through the pit access door. When any landing door opens,
the safety system will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• In case there is a headroom safety beam, move it to inspection position.
• In case of a headroom safety beam, check that the green LED indicator (GIH), indicating it has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the pit safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the pit safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN and UP or DOWN buttons on
both the car top (RIB) and the pit inspection control stations (PIB) simultaneously.

In order to restore normal operation:

• Move the foldable car top balustrade to normal position.
• Move the headroom safety beam to normal position.
• Move the pit safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Car Inspection Switch (RINS) back to normal position.
• Switch the Pit Inspection Switch (PINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the car top and the shaft pit.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.
• Reset pit inspection mode (as described in paragraph “Reset Pit Inspection”).

8.2 Reduced clearances according to EN81-20 & EN81-21 in
traction lifts – Inspection operation and restoration to normal

When there are reduced clearances at the shaft headroom and/or pit of a traction lift, the following
procedure has to be followed in order to operate the lift in inspection mode from the part of the
shaft with the reduced clearances:

8.2.1 Lift with reduced Headroom clearances

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door.
• Press the Emergency STOP button in order to stop the lift operation.
• Move the counter weight safety beam to inspection position. When the beam is removed from
the normal position, the lift will stop operating in normal mode.
• Restore the Emergency STOP button to its normal state.
• Enter the car top. When any landing door above the lowest level opens, the safety system will
be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIH), indicating that the counter weight safety beam has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to inspection position.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (RRUN) and UP (RIBU) or
DOWN (RIBD) buttons on the car top inspection control station (RIB) simultaneously.
In order to restore normal operation:
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to normal position.
• Move the counter weight safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Car Inspection Switch (RINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the car top and the shaft pit.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.

8.2.2 Lift with reduced Shaft Pit clearances
In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the shaft pit:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door at the lowest level opens,
the safety system will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• Move the car safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the car safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (PRUN) and UP (PIBU) or
DOWN (PIBD) buttons on the pit inspection control station (PIB) simultaneously.

In order to restore normal operation:

• Move the car safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Pit Inspection Switch (PINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the shaft pit.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.
• Reset pit inspection mode (as described in paragraph “Reset Pit Inspection”).

8.2.3 Lift with reduced Headroom and Shaft Pit clearances

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door opens, the safety system
will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Move the car safety beam to inspection position.
• Move the counter weight safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the car safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Enter the car top.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIH), showing that the counter weight safety beam has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to inspection position.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (RRUN) and UP (RIBU) or
DOWN (RIBD) buttons on the car top inspection control station RIB simultaneously.

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the shaft pit:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door opens, the safety system
will be activated and normal operation of the lift will be neutralized.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• Move the car safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), indicating that the car safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection position, lights up.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN (PRUN) and UP (PIBU) or
DOWN (PIBD) buttons on the pit inspection control station PIB simultaneously.

In order to move the lift in inspection mode from the car top and the shaft pit simultaneously:
• Enter the shaft pit through the pit access door. When any landing door opens, the lift will stop
operating in normal mode.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Pit Inspection Switch (PINS), located in Pit Inspection
Box (PIB), to inspection position.
• Move the car safety beam to inspection position.
• Move the counter weight safety beam to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIP), showing that the car safety beam has been properly
placed to inspection mode, lights up.
• Enter the car top.
• Activate inspection mode by switching Car Inspection Switch (RINS), located in Car Inspection
Box (RIB), to inspection position.
• Check that the green LED indicator (GIH), indicating that the counter weight safety beam has
been properly placed to inspection position, lights up.
• Move the foldable car top balustrade to inspection position.
• The lift can be moved with inspection speed by pressing the RUN and UP or DOWN buttons on
both the car top (RIB) and the pit inspection control stations (PIB) simultaneously.

In order to restore normal operation:

• Move the foldable car top balustrade to normal position.
• Move the counter weight safety beam to normal position.
• Move the car safety beam to normal position.
• Switch the Car Inspection Switch (RINS) back to normal position.
• Switch the Pit Inspection Switch (PINS) back to normal position.
• Evacuate all personnel from the car top and the shaft pit.
• Manually reset the secondary landing door contacts (SDC) of all the landing doors you have
• Close and lock all landing doors.
• Restore normal lift operation by operating the normal operation restoration switch (RSB) inside
the controller cabinet.
• Reset pit inspection mode (as described in paragraph “Reset Pit Inspection”).

8.3 Reset Pit Inspection

In order to reset the Pit Inspection mode, the up call button of the lowest landing operating panel
should be used. The user should constantly press the button for more than 5 seconds and then
release it. After 3 seconds the button should be pressed again constantly for more than 5 seconds
and then it should be released. If the procedure is successful, then the up call button registration
led should flash 3 times indicating that the reset is completed.

This method for resetting the Pit Inspection is not applicable in some cases (i.e. Duplex or Group
lifts). In such cases, the Pit Inspection mode should be reset by using either the key switch (PRB)
in the lowest landing operating panel or by selecting the corresponding menu in the hand terminal
(Setup→Pit Reset).

9 Parameter description
The Genius 20 parameters are distributed to internal pages. To edit or view the values, use the
menu navigation or direct access the associated pages.
Call the required page by entering 7 plus the three-digit page number (e.g. page 60: CMD -> 7060
-> OK).

9.1 The Genius 20 main menu

The Genius 20 main menu serves to select and enter the parameter level. The names of the
individual "tiles" allow to pick the required parameter or diagnostic function.
The main menu has a function-related segmentation, i.e. various parameters can be accessed in
different ways. Use the CMD command to go directly to the required page.

Figure 9.1: Main menu

Parameters This menu items serve to make all basic settings. These are the most important
general parameters, door settings, input/output, operating mode, special,
emergency etc.

Language Serves to select the system language.

Status Lift status page with command input and possibility to go to further overview

Save This menu item appears if parameters were altered previously. Values are not
only saved on the processor, but also on the storage medium (SD-card/USB
flash drive).

Setup For first commissioning of a lift by a technician, only a few parameters are
required. They can be selected here directly.

Certification Functions to facilitate the acceptance test by authorised bodies (e.g. travel time

Tools This item assists in settings, diagnostic functions, backup and recovery, data
tools, travel and signal curves and analysis of I/O assignments.

Battery Display of information on +24V supply voltage, battery voltage, charging voltage
and current.

Log Information on incidents and triggered errors.

Display Car or landing display.

DCP Direct control of a DCP inverter with display of inverter indication. This page can
only be selected if the DCP is enabled.

Release Display for emergency rescue.

9.2 Parameters
Due to the variety of the different cases in the "Parameter" section we have introduced a sub-menu
for parameters. All parameters are accessible from here.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7057-> OK]

This parameter menu is divided into:

❑ "General settings" like number of landings, frequency inverter, landing height, building
accesses, scrolling texts, etc.
❑ Configuration regarding "doors" like times, accesses, door signals, etc.
❑ Parameterisation of "inputs/outputs" for door sides, car, control cabinet and general
controller values.
❑ The "mode" subsection serves to configure operating states for normal travel, various
possible special travels, fire emergency, passenger control, penthouse, etc.
❑ "Special" is used to set the language, time and several special functions.

9.2.1 General settings
The menu item "General Parameters" provides access to information containing basic settings.
Starting with the first page (060), use the top right and left arrows to go to other pages. Direct access
to these pages is possible by command 7 plus 3-digit page number.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7060 or 7091 or 7000 or 7027 or 7062 -> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Here you can enter general lift information. The
manufacturer is taken from the company code. Further
information can be entered. Currently the following
Lift info information is available:
[CMD → 7176 → OK] Lift ID; Manufacturer; Street 1; Street 2; House number;
Postcode; City;
For further information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Number of landings.
Note for groups:
All lifts of one group have the same number of landings. It
Number of landings contains all the landings that can be reached by any lift of 2-63
the group.
Example: Lift 1 has B, G, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and lift 2 has G, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 → number of landings = 9.

Number of door sides.

Number of entries (1): one access 1 1-2
(2): two accesses

Number of call buttons in the landing.

Number of buttons (1): Single-button control 2 1-2
(2): Two-button control (upwards or downwards call)
Definition of the zone length in mm (= zone length Z1). A
number of calculations is based on the definition of the rail
length, which are required by the controller for the shaft
selection, e.g.
❑ speed measurement
❑ determination of landing distances (if required, the
pulse constant)
Zone length 100 2-511
❑ determination of the emulated zone length (Z1) if
using the absolute encoder. The position of the door
zone (Z2) magnets depends on this. Usually Z2 is
supposed to be 10 cm longer than Z1 (5 cm upwards
and 5 cm downwards).
❑ determination of the monitored zone to detect any
unintended car movement (UCM).
Definition of the maximum value of a step to level the car in
Max. step (mm) 25
the landing.
Asks whether a rope-traction lift is operated with frequency
inverter. By choosing “YES”, the frequency inverter’s
VVVF (Inverter)
parameters are made visible. Press > to go to pages with YES/NO
[CMD -> 7061 -> OK]
inverter parameters (page 061). For further information
regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Query whether a hydraulic lift is operated. By choosing
Hydraulic lift
“YES”, the parameters for hydraulic lifts are made visible.
[CMD -> 7003 ->
Press > to go to pages with hydraulics parameters (page 3). YES/NO
7189 -> 7005 ->
For further information regarding this submenu, check the
7051 -> OK]
corresponding chapter.
Query whether a homelift is operated. By choosing “YES”,
the parameters for homelifts are made invisible. Pres > to
go to pages with homelft parameters (page 238). For further
[CMD -->7238 -> OK ]
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.
Read and if necessary, enter the absolute landing heights
Landing heights
and the absolute encoder zero on page 4. For further
[CMD -->7004 -->
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.
Entry of landing distances in sub-menu page 11. For further
Landing distances
information regarding this submenu, check the
[CMD -> 7011-> OK]
corresponding chapter.

DCP Query whether the frequency inverter is operated with DCP.

[CMD -> 7183 -> By choosing “YES” the DCP parameters are made visible. YES/NO
7103 -> OK] Press > to go to the DCP information page.

Query whether several cars are to run as a lift group. By

Group choosing “YES” the group parameters are made visible.
[CMD -> 7026 -> Press > to go to pages with group parameters (page 26). For YES/NO
7008 -> OK] further information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Query whether the energy-saving functions should be
enabled. With selecting ‘Yes’ the parameters for green lift
Green lift
are released. Press > to go to pages with energy-saving YES/NO
[CMD -> 7109-> OK]
parameters (page 109). For further information regarding
this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Serves to make special settings for the bus. Press > to go to
Genius Bus setting pages with bus setting parameters (page 102). For further
[CMD -> 7102-> OK] information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.
Query whether the quick start functions are to be activated.
By choosing ‘Yes’ the parameters for quick start are
released. Necessary precondition for this process is an
inverter supporting this function and an appropriate wiring.
Quick start
In consequence of this function, the main contactors as well NO YES/NO
[CMD -> 7035-> OK]
as the inverter (with direction and “zero speed”) are being
controlled. Press > to go to pages with quick start
parameters for start-up. For further information regarding
this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Determination of the access-related shaft situation on door
Building access sides 1 and 2. A maximum of 64 accesses are possible per
[CMD -> 7001-> OK] door side. For further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.

Defines the main landing and thus influences the parking

behaviour and the call processing. If the parking mode (see
parameter "Parking mode") is selected, the main landing is
preferentially occupied.
In the case of single-button systems with direction-
dependent call cancellation (see parameter "Direction-
dependent call cancellation") the main landing serves to
Main landing determine the collective direction. All landing calls in 2 1-64
landings below or in the main landing are effected upwards.
Correspondingly, the landing calls above the main landing
are effected downwards.
In the case of two-button groups with different numbers of
landings in the lower section, setting the main landing has
the effect that all the landing calls below or in the main
landing are assigned to the car covering the lower section.

Determines the landing names for the Bus displays on page

Landing labels
18. For further information regarding this submenu, check
[CMD ->7018-> OK]
the corresponding chapter.

Display moving text Determines the scrolling texts for display on the bus system.
[CMD -> 7006 -> For further information regarding this submenu, check the
7007 -> OK] corresponding chapter.

Serves to make special settings for the EN81-20 standard.

EN 81-20 For further information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

For further information regarding this submenu, check the

Lift attendant
corresponding chapter.

Determines a delay time in milliseconds after which the

t: Starting delay (ms) 0 0 - 4000
travel is to be started.

Setting of travel values (Change to page 29). For further

information regarding this submenu, check the
[CMD -> 7029-> OK]
corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Deceleration Setting of deceleration values (change to page 30). For
[CMD -> 7030 or further information regarding this submenu, check the
7036 -> OK] corresponding chapter.

Setting of deceleration control (change to page 207). For

Deceleration control
further information regarding this submenu, check the
[CMD -> 7207 ->OK]
corresponding chapter.

Specification of call processing (Change to page 31). For

Call management
further information regarding this submenu, check the
[CMD ->7031-> OK]
corresponding chapter.

Query whether the safety relays are to be muted when

passing through landings.

Query whether the safety relays are to be muted when

Mute safety relays passing through landings. The safety relays are being muted YES/NO
completely by taking away the 24V.

Query whether "Door preopening" should be enabled. Select

"NO" to change to "YES". Press > to go to pages with
Door preopening
parameters for pre-opening doors (page 63). For further YES/NO
[CMD->7063-> OK]
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Query whether the "relevelling" function should be enabled.

Relevelling Select "NO" to change to "YES". Press > to go to pages with
[CMD->7064-> OK] relevelling parameters (page 64). For further information
regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Universal control means:

A landing call (only one) is only accepted if
❑ the hinged door(s) is/are closed,
Universal control NO YES/NO
❑ there is no car call,
❑ 3 seconds after the idle time has elapsed - prior to
this, car calls will be preferred.

Query whether the UCM control should be enabled. By

choosing “Yes”, the parameters for UCM control are
UCM control
released. Press > to go to pages with parameters for UCM YES/NO
[CMD->7065-> OK]
control (page 65). For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query whether the absolute encoder is to be activated as

means of selection. By choosing “Yes”, the parameters for
Absolute encoder
UCM control are released while other selection methods are YES YES/NO
[CMD->7069-> OK]
set to “No”. For further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.

Query whether the recall travel is supposed to be limited. It

serves to determine that an upwards/downwards recall
Recall run is limited YES/NO
travel is stopped in the upper/lowest landing. Here, the
travels ends when reaching the lowest landing.

In the following chapters, the submenus mentioned in the table above will be further described.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7176]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
A freely selectable ASCII text (max. 20 characters) may
be entered here.
Lift ID At the same time the freely configurable lift-ID serves as
folder name for all data/back-ups saved on this
installation’s storage medium (SD-card/USB flash drive).

Prescribed text taken from company code of the first ASCII-

Manufacturer text

First optional ASCII-text indicating installation’s location ASCII-

Street 1 text

Second optional ASCII-text indicating installation’s ASCII-

Street 2 text
location (street).
Optional text providing information about the house ASCII-
No text
number of the installation’s location.

Optional text providing information about the ZIP-code of

the installation’s location.

Optional ASCII-text providing information about the

installation location (city).

[Direct access: CMD -> 7061]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first output for the inverter
1.O: Inverter signals signals when transferred on parallel on

Time from the start after which the inverter is

t: VVVF release (ms) 100 0-1000ms

Time from the start after which the inverter is

t:VVVF direction (ms) 300 0-1000ms
assigned with the direction signal.

Time from the start after which the inverter is

t: VVVF speed (ms) 500 0-1000ms
assigned with the speed selection.

Change to sub-menu page 34.

The controller provides 8 different speeds.
They are transmitted to the inverter by 5
coded speed signals (binary, Gray). In case
of linear control, only 5 speeds can be
VVVF speed selection
[CMD -> 7034-> OK]
This menu serves to assign speeds with
output signals.
Press the circles to enable or disable a signal
(green = enabled). Confirm the completed
settings by pressing the "OK" button.

Check whether the fast inspection travel is to

Use v1 for insp. YES/NO
be performed at intermediate speed v1.

Time elapsing between switch-off of the v0

speed signal (approaching speed) and the
t:v0 off->dir. off (ms) direction signal. It corresponds to the time 500 0-2000ms
provided to the inverter for an electrically
controlled stop.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range

Time elapsing between switch-off of the v0

speed signal (approaching speed) and the
t:v0 off->HS off (ms) main contactors. It corresponds to the time 4000 0-2000ms
provided to the inverter for switching off the

[Direct access: CMD -> 7034]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7003 -> 7189 -> 7005 -> 7051]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Time after which the system changes from

t:Star delta time (ms) 1500 0-2000 ms
star start-up to delta operation.

Selection whether star-delta is used for

Delta also at down NO YES/NO
downwards direction.

Time after which the car is parked in the

T:Parking time (s) 600 0-600 s
lowest landing.

Selection whether a frequency-controlled

hydraulics governor is used. Press > to go
to pages with frequency-controlled VVVF.
Change to sub-menu page 61 which
serves to set various parameters of a YES/NO
[CMD-> 7061-> OK]
frequency-controlled hydraulics system.
For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
When the time span for the valve overrun
is set to 0, both pump motor and valves
switch off simultaneously. For valve
overrun larger than 0, and given the pump
motor’s contactor is switched off during
upward travel, the valve remains open for
the time span indicated in “t: valve overrun”
t: Valve run on-Up (ms) 0 0-4000ms
(milliseconds). Only after that, the valve
Note the following: The subsequently given
pump overrun parameters are deactivated
when a value for the valve overrun is set.
In the event of a downward travel, there
exists no valve overrun.
Serves to select which output or relay
creates the motor overrun (pump overrun).
A relay contact is located in the valves
control circuit which makes sure that they
O:Motor run on are switched off before the pump by the
overrun time.
If this parameter is assigned with an
addressing, the following 3 parameters
must also be programmed.
Time span during upward travel
(milliseconds) which indicates by how
t: Motor run on- Up (ms) 1000 ms 0-2000 ms
much the valves close earlier than the
contactors switch off.

Serves to select whether the pump overrun

is switched on during downward travel.
When travelling down, an activated overrun
Motor run on down NO YES/NO
leads the valves to close before the
contactors are deactivated; resulting in a
smooth stop.

Time span during downward travel

(milliseconds) which indicates how earlier
t: Motor run on-Down (ms) 500 ms 0-2000 ms
the valves close than the contactors switch

Selection which output serves to issue the

intermediate speed V1.
O: Speed V1 If this parameter is assigned with an
addressing, the following 2 parameters
must be programmed.

Query whether fast inspection travel is to

Use v1 for inspection NO YES/NO
be effected at intermediate speed V1.

Query whether the V3 signal is to be put

Use v3 with v1 NO YES/NO
out to reach the intermediate speed.

Selection which output serves to issue the

O:Speed Vn
relevelling speed Vn.

Query to set a time frame for standstill (in

minutes) after which a warm-up drive
needs to be performed. Set a time from
minimum 15 minutes to maximum one day
t:Warm-up time (min) or - by entering value 0 - deactivate the 0 0-1440
warm-up drive.
If this parameter is assigned with a value
larger than 0, the following parameter must
be programmed.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
State the target floor for the warm-up drive.
If the lift is already standing in this landing,
warm-up floor 2 1-64
it will run to the lowest (or currently
opposite) landing instead.
Enables the valve test. Once a day, at a
predefined time, the valve test is executed,
if enabled. In this case, the two valves are
being activated independently and
successively in order to check whether a
Valve test car movement is detectable. If no car NO YES/NO
movement is registered, both valves are
fully functional and the installation remains
in operation. In any other case, the
installation is put out of operation with a
“valve error”.
Indicate the hour in which the daily valve
Valve test hour 0-23 0
test is to be carried out.
Query whether a run corresponding to the
warm-up run is to be conducted prior to a
valve-test. This run is intended to
Move before Valve test NO YES/NO
compensate a possible pressure loss
which can occur after an installation’s
longer immobility.

Selection of the input to test the control

block of a hydraulic system using the RUN
signal: During standstill the RUN-signal is
I:Valve run
turned off and reactivates within 2s after
the lift starts travelling. At the end of the
travel RUN is again deactivated within 2s.

Selection of the input to test the control

block of a hydraulic system using the
READY signal: the signal is active when
the hydraulic system operates in error-free
I:Valve ready
standstill. When the lift starts travelling,
READY switches off within 2s and re-
activates at the end of the run within
another 2s.

Selection of the input to test the control

I:Valve (SMA) block of a hydraulic system using the valve
(SMA) signal.

Time delay in milliseconds for the SMA 1700-6000

t: iValve delay (ms)
signal. ms

Selection of an input to test a hydraulic

system’s independently activated valve 1:
The conducted monitoring procedure is
I:Valve monitoring 1
similar to the one performed for a brake
signal in VVVF-installations. The brakes
are open while travelling (activated) and
closed during standstill (not activated).

Selection of an input to test a hydraulic

system’s independently activated valve 2.
I:Valve monitoring 2
The monitoring procedure is conducted as
described for valve 1 above.
Activate the valve test for both valve 1 and
2 when travelling in upward direction.
Monitor in up direction If the signal switching is subject to error as YES YES/NO
in the case of a brake activation, the errors
101 to 104 will be reported.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Activate the valve test for both valve 1 and
2 when travelling downwards.
Monitor in down direction If the signal switching is subject to error as NO YES/NO
in the case of a brake activation, the errors
101 to 102 will be reported.
Activate the valve test for valve 1 and 2
when travelling in both upward and
downward direction.
Monitor in both directions NO YES/NO
If the signal switching is subject to error as
in the case of brake activation, the errors
103 to 104 will be reported.

[Direct access: CMD ->7238]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Selection whether KMCTB board is used in
the installation.

Definition of an output for the activation of

O: Cabin light
cabin light.

Definition of an output for the activation of

O: Cabin fan
cabin fan.

Definition of an output for the activation of

overspeed governor device. This output is
addressed in KMREL board.
O: Overspeed
This output activates the submenu “Special
tools” (Menu> Setup> Special tools). For
further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.
Definition of an output that enables the reset
of relay RSDC in case of installations with
reduced clearances.
O: RSDC reset This output activates the submenu “Special
tools” (Menu> Setup> Special tools). For
further information regarding this function,
check the corresponding chapter.
Definition of an input in order to deactivate
I: Stop refresh display the displays in case of power supply

[Direct access: CMD -> 7004]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Entry of the absolute encoder zero, if
known. This value is read and set by the
absolute encoder during TeachIn. In case
there is deviation between landing door and
car door sills, ABS reference point can be
manually changed.
It indicates the height of landing 1 at the
absolute encoder.
Note: In the controller, the height of landing
ABS reference point
1 = 0. 0 0-999999 mm
If the ABS zero is changed within the limits
of landing distances (and not more), the
distances between the subsequent floors
are not affected by these alterations. It is
thus possible to correct a zero value already
set. In case the distance indeed changes by
a value larger than the pre-set landing
distance, the entire area is shifted as a
Entry or reading of the height of landing 2. It
is calculated by entering the distance
between landings 1 and 2 according to the
following: height of landing 2 = 0 + distance
landings 1-2.
Landing 2 3000 0-999999 mm
Note: Changing this value results in
changes of the associated landing distance
as well as alterations to the subsequent
distances, since the zero value remains the
reference point!

Entry or reading of the height of landing 3. It

is calculated by entering the distance
between landings 2 and 3. Height of landing
Landing 3 3 = height of landing 2 + distance landings 6000 0-999999 mm
2-3 etc.
The following pages contain further landing
heights, if required.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7011]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Entry of the distance between landing 1 and

Distance 1 – 2 landing 2 in mm (from one door sill to the 3000 0-999999 mm

Entry of the distance between landing 2 and

landing 3 in mm etc. The following pages
Distance 2 – 3 3000 0-999999 mm
contain further landing distances, if

[Direct access: CMD -> 7183 ->7103]

The “DCP info” page is filled automatically after successful communication with inverter.

The “DCP setup” page serves to make some inverter-specific settings. These settings depend on
the inverter type.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Normally, a keystroke for the inverter menu
on the DCP operation page is sent multiple
times. And an end telegram when releasing
Send menu key one
the key. The default value is “NO”. Some NO YES/NO
inverters, however, require only one
telegram. In this case select “YES”. The
same applies to the menu end key.

When released, some inverters require an

end-telegram. Other inverter types however
Send menu end key are not capable of processing such an end- YES YES/NO
signal. Thus, when choosing “NO” the end-
signal will not be issued.

Please note: Since the beginning of 2015

this parameter is automatized under the
DCP log and therefore no longer required.
The inverter DCP log serves to send the
Use 16 bit NO YES/NO
travel path to destination. If the distance to
the next landing is over 30 meters, you must
set the parameter to "YES".
Caution: Some inverters do not yet
understand this telegram.

Some inverter types require V0 to be

Use V0 in inspection NO
activated during an inspection run.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7026 ->7008]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Number of cars in group Selection of the number of group cars. 0-16

Selection of car/lift number in the group. Each

car is given a number based on a consecutive
Number in group numbering. The car number is sent in the group 1-16
log, which serves to inform the other cars about
the status.

Time in seconds after which this lift leaves the

group, i.e. to release the landing in which this
T:Car out of group car is positioned for other group lifts (e.g. 60 0-9999 s
blocking due to hinged doors which are open
for a longer time).

Select whether all lifts in a particular landing are

Open all doors by la.call NO YES/NO
to open their doors in case of a landing call.

When activating the push buttons, one landing-

bus may be used by two group lifts.
If one of the lifts falls out of operation, the bus
O: Bus switchover
and supply voltage of the adjoining lift are taken
over by a relay which is activated via the closed

Selection of the uppermost landing of this

group lift. All group lifts always receive the
same number of landings. It is composed of the
total number of landings of the lift travelling the Number
Top floor lowest and that of the lift travelling the highest. of 1-64
If lift 1 = B,G,1,2,3 and lift 2 = G,1,2,3,4 - the landings
number of landings for both lifts is 6. The lowest
one of lift 1 = 1, the highest one = 5. The lowest
one of lift 2 = 2, the highest one = 6.

Bottom floor Selection of the lowest landing of this group lift. 1 1-64

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
When the parameter is set to “No”, the lift’s bus-
displays are activated normally.
With changing the parameter to “Yes” however,
all displays with a set (soldered) bus-jumper
are activated with group-settings.
Lift A’s displays are connected onto A’s line for
Display with Group.JP NO YES/NO
the level. Lift B’s displays are likewise
connected onto A’s level-line. In order to
display the lift group’s landing information
correctly, the group-jumper settings need to be
applied to lift B’s displays. Therefore, the
parameter “Display with Group.Jp” is to be set
“Yes” for lift B and “No” for lift A.
Special group settings for door side 1 can be
entered here.
Output DS1 For further information regarding this submenu,
[[CMD → 7162 → OK] check the corresponding chapter.
Info: this function is only available for
KMGROUP boards.
This page serves to enter special group
settings for car selection.
Car selection – landing
For further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD → 7166 → OK]
Info: this function is only available for
KMGROUP group boards.
This parameter serves to set the output for
reporting that the data transmission to the
O:Data transmis.
group board is defective. This output serves to
initiate a reset at the group board. (Only used
in special cases!)
Delay time in case of faulty data transmission
which needs to elapse before the above
descriped output is activated. If this output is
T:Delay to enable(s) 0 0-9999 s
not programmed the software will initiate a
reset oft he group board. Entering value 0
disables the function.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7162]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Entry of the first address on the landing-bus
modules for the direction of travel on door
side 1 for ‘Up’ and ‘Down’.
Entry of the first address on the landing-bus
1.O:On going dir.
modules for the travel continuation direction
on door side 1 for ‘Up’ and ‘Down’.

Entry of the first address on the landing-bus

1.O: Out of order
modules for the ‘out of order’- information.

Entry of the first address on the landing-bus

1.O: Car here
modules for the information ‘car here’.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7166]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Entry of the first address on the landing-bus
1. IO: CS DS1-UP modules for the car selection ‘Up’ on door
side (DS) 1.

Query whether the car selection ‘UP’ is

installed on door side 1.

Entry of the first address on the landing-bus

1. IO: CS DS1-
modules for the car selection ‘Down’ on door
side (DS) 1.

Query whether the car selection ‘Down’ is

installed on door side 1.

Entry of the first address on the landing-bus

1. IO: CS DS2-UP modules for the car selection ‘Up’ on door
side (DS) 2.

Query whether the car selection ‘UP’ is

installed on door side 2.

Entry of the first address on the landing-bus

1. IO: CS DS2-
modules for the car selection ‘Down’ on door
side (DS) 2.

Query whether the car selection ‘Down’ is

installed on door side 2.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7109]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Time in seconds after which the car light is
switched off. The initial point is the last
T:Car light off (s) completed door movement. Setting the 60 0-9999 s
value to 0 does not effect an automatic

Time in seconds after which the display on

the bus are switched off. The initial point is
T:Display off (s) the last completed door movement. Setting 0 0-9999 s
the value to 0 does not automatically shut-
down the displays (deactivation).
In order to save electricity the hand-terminal
display dims after the pre-set time interval
(in seconds) elapses.
T:HT_Display off (s) 0 0-9999 s
Here, setting the value to 0 deactivates the
shutting-down process (dimming) of the
Defines whether the car lights are switched
Light off with open off when the lift parks with open doors. A
door? power loss will result to the re- activation of
the car lights.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7102]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

"YES" serves to send the gong signal on the

Arrival Gong YES YES/NO
bus, if e.g. a landing has been approached.

When selecting „YES“, a gong signal in the

Only for landing call landing will only be issued when the landing
was approached due to a landing call.

Definition of the distance from which the

Gong distance (mm) signal referring to the next approached 500 0-9999
landing is to be given.

On going direction Defines whether an on going direction gong

gong is to be put out.

Defines whether a gong is to be put out

Gong on door1 open NO YES/NO
when the door1 opens.

Defines whether a gong is to be put out

Gong on door2 open NO YES/NO
when the door2 opens.

"YES" serves to activate a voice output

which is connected to the bus. The voice
Speech on bus YES YES/NO
output thereupon plays texts for landing and
status information.

Definition of the distance from which the

Speech distance(mm) voice output for the next approached 500 0-9999
landing is to be given.

"YES" serves to activate a voice output,

which is connected to the bus, at the start of
the travel, according to the direction of the
Speech on direction NO YES/NO
travel. In this case, text no.76 is the voice
output for upwards movement and text
no.77 for downwards movement.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7035]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Delay time of quick start when its activation is conducted
t: Delay after DC be the door-closing signalof the controller. By setting the
0 0-9999s
(ms) value 0, quick start may only be activated by the input
“Quick start” which is described below.

Input which initiates the quick start. Generally, this is a

magnetic switch which is enabled during the last third of
the door’s closing movement. As a consequence, the main
I:Quick start
contactors as well as the inverter with direction and “zero
speed” are activated. Thereby, the drive is already
magnetized without initiating a car movement yet.

This output transmits the ‘zero speed’ to the inverter. When

disabling the output, the inverter is being transferred the
required speed for travelling. Depending on the type of
O:Quick start
inverter used in the installation, the target speed might
already be available along with the zero speed; thus
merely requiring the latter to be switched off.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7001]

❑ The “ALL” button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again.
❑ Change the access individually by pressing the landing number.
❑ Do not forget to save any changes using “OK”.

When entering the landing names, both numbers as well as alphabetic characters are applicable.
On the entry mask one can see alphabetic and special characters under the numbers. By keeping
the button pressed (approx. 2 seconds), the displayed characters switch. Note that there are only 2
numeric/alphabetic characters per landing.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7018]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Entry of the landing name for landing 1.
After all alterations have been conducted,
Floor 1 the new floor marking is transferred to
displays via the bus and saved (command
601-OK or via Menu Tools).

Entry of the two-digit landing name for

Floor 2
landing 2.

Entry of the two-digit landing name for

Floor 3
landing 3 etc.

The status descriptions may be altered individually. A selected text can be changed using the
keyboard entry and saved with the Enter symbol at the bottom right. The symbol ‘X’ cancels the
input dialogue and the smaller, inverse ‘x’ symbol serves as delete key for alphabetic characters.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7006 -> 7007]

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]
Select the text to change it using the

Select the text to change it using the


Select the text to change it using the PRIORITY

touchscreen. TRAVEL

Select the text to change it using the SPECIAL

touchscreen. SERVICE

Select the text to change it using the FIRE

touchscreen. EMERGENCY

Select the text to change it using the


Select the text to change it using the


Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]

Select the text to change it using the


Select the text to change it using the OUT OF

touchscreen. ORDER

EMERGENCY Select the text to change it using the EMERGENCY

TRAVEL touchscreen. TRAVEL

Select the text to change it using the EMERGENCY

touchscreen. CALL

Select the text to change it using the


Here all previously entered texts can be

reset to their corresponding default
versions (reload default texts). Any text
Load default
modified before will be deleted.
Please note: Default texts always reload
according to the set menu language.

For maintenance reasons, the (landing or car) door contacts can be bridged by a bypass switch,
according to of EN 81-20. When doing so, the lift can be moved only in inspection and
recall mode. While moving with the bypass switch activated, it is mandatory to provide an audible
signal along with a flashing light under the car.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7055]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input which activates the
bypass circuit.
I: Door bypass on In order to activate the bypass circuit, the car
door must be closed (close limit switch active)
and inspection or recall functions must be
Definition of an input which is used for
monitoring the bypass switch and the inputs
I: Door bypass off
themselves; Only Bypass On or Off may be

Definition of an output for the activation of the

O: Door is bypassed warning devices when traveling with the
bypass switch on.

Query whether the interlocking contacts need

Doors monitor to be checked for opening in the case of both YES YES/NO
open cabin doors as well as open shaft doors.

Waiting time until contacts switch and the test

is conducted.
t:delay to test S6(ms) When this value is set to 0, the testing of the 1500 0 – 9999ms
door contact is activated by means of the
door-open limit switch.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7028->7082]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Setting an input for the monitoring of the cabin light

I:Cabin light sensor
via an external sensor.

Battery control Query whether the battery is to be monitored. NO YES/NO

Determine at which percentage of travels with

Step Err(in %) registered step errors the user wishes an error 1 0-100%
message to be issued to the control centre.
Step Threshold
Setting a threshold at which a step error is detected. 25 1-49mm

O:Step Error is Determine an output for reporting the error message

detected of a step error.

Query whether the interlocking contacts need to be

Doors monitor checked for opening in the case of both open cabin YES YES/NO
doors as well as open shaft doors.

Waiting time until contacts switch and the test is

t:delay to set conducted. When this value is set to 0, the testing
1500 0-9999 ms
S6(ms) of the door contact is activated by means of the
door-open limit switch.
Determine an output for filtering an emergency call
O: Alarm Filtering
(prevention of misuse) while traveling.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7029]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
The travel monitoring time defines the time
interval between the beginning of the car
movement and standstill. If the set time frame
45 s (EN 81
T: Travel timer (s) elapses before the target landing has been 0-180 s
approached, a corresponding ‘travel
monitoring time’ error message will be

Definition of rated speed in mm/s.

Nominal speed
This speed is the lift’s normal fast travelling 1600 0-9999 mm/s

Definition of maximum speed in mm/s.

This parameter describes the car’s maximum
applicable speed and is computed based on
Maximum speed the nominal speed plus additional 10 %. 1600 + 10%
0-9999 mm/s
(mm/s) If this value is exceeded, the lift stops and the = 1760
message ‘maximum speed exceeded’ is
displayed. Entering value 0 deactivates the
speed monitoring.
Distance between highest landing and upper
final limit switch in mm. If after having
covered the above indicated distance the
final limit switch cannot be reached yet (while
e.g. “moving to final limit switch”), the
following error message is indicated: “final
Final switch up (mm) 100 999 mm
switch not reached”.
Note: At any rate, the set value needs to be
somewhat larger than the distance between
the highest landing and final limit switch since
otherwise, the entire installation stops before
reaching the mounted switch.

If this output is defined, it is activated when

the lift reaches the “speed (mm/s)” indicated
O: Speed limit in the following parameter. As soon as the
defined speed returns to a lower level, the
output is deactivated.

With a defined speed limitation output, this

parameter is activated. The value entered
Speed (mm/s) here determines a speed in mm/s which – 300 0-9999 mm/s
when exceeded – marks when the previously
defined output is to be activated.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
This parameter defines the distance during
the beginning of the travel which the car is
covering in the wrong direction. This may be
MAX Rollback (mm) 0 0-100 mm
caused eg. by wrongly adjusted inverter
parameters. By entering the 0 value, this
parameter is deactivated.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7030 -> 7036]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Distance provided to the drive for stopping
in upward direction. If the drive (inverter)
Stopping distance Up
requires 3 cm from creeping velocity to 5 0-9999 mm
v0 (mm)
standstill, the stopping distance must be set
to 30.
Distance provided to the drive for stopping
in downward direction. If the drive (inverter)
Stopp. dist. Down v0
requires 3 cm from creeping velocity to 5 0-9999 mm
standstill, the stopping distance must be set
to 30.
5 0-9999 mm
Stop. distance up vn Distance provided to the drive for stopping
(mm) in upward direction in relevelling speed.

5 0-9999 mm
Stop.dist. down vn Distance provided to the drive for stopping
(mm) in downward direction in relevelling speed.

Deceleration distance (in millimetres) for

intermediate speed 1 (vZ1). Necessary
Deceleration vZ1 (mm) 500 0-9999 mm
precondition is the utilization of intermediate
speed 1 on page 034 (speeds).

Deceleration distance (in millimetres) for

intermediate speed 2 (vZ2).
Deceleration vZ2 (mm) 1200 0-9999 mm
Necessary precondition is the utilization of
intermediate speed 2 on page 034 (speeds).

Deceleration distance (in millimetres) for

intermediate speed 3 (vZ3).
Deceleration vZ3 (mm) 0 0-9999 mm
Necessary precondition is the utilization of
intermediate speed 3 on page 034 (speeds).

Switchover point to creeping velocity in

upwards travel. Distance to destination
Decel. Up Vrated (mm) 2000 0-9999 mm
(millimetres) in which the creeping velocity
is to be reached in upward direction.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Switchover point to creeping velocity in
Decel. Down Vrated downwards travel. Distance to destination
2000 0-9999 mm
(mm) (millimetres) in which the creeping velocity
is to be reached.

Definition of the cabin’s approach speed into

the zone in mm/s. When contemplating the
drive curve it can be seen that after
Approach speed travelling with normal speed and the
100 0-9999 mm/s
(mm/s) deceleration interval, the approach speed is
used until standstill. The indication of this
speed value primarily serves to check up on
the drive curve.
Definition of the minimum deceleration after
travelling with rated speed. If the set
Min. deceleration 0-9999
deceleration value is too small, the lift car 0
(m/s2) mm/s2
cannot stop in time and thus an error
message is issued.

Test point = x mm Test point distance (internal use).

The deceleration control circuit monitors the approaching speed when arriving at the last landings.
For this purpose, there is a deceleration-control point installed at both upper are and bottom of the
shaft. At those points, the approaching speed is required to be less than a predetermined value.
If this deceleration cannot be performed, an emergency stop will be affected due to this error.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7207]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Setting of the maximum permissible speed

Speed limit(mm/s) 0-9999 mm/s
at the deceleration control point.

This is the output of the monitoring circuit,

O:Speed<Speed limit which is active as long as the speed limit is
not being exceeded.

This is the output of the monitoring circuit. It

O:Bypass in enables the deactivation of the monitoring
acceleration process when the installation is accelerating
from the final landing.

Set an input for the monitoring of the

I:Safety relay monitor
deceleration control’s safety circuit.

Set an input for the dropout monitoring of

Magnet.switch monitor the deceleration control switch and the
associated contactors.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7031]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Dir. depend. Call Selection whether landing calls are to be

cancel. cancelled direction-dependently.

Distance delete calls Distance to target destination (in

1200 0-9999mm
(mm) millimetres) at which calls are deleted.

Time for call acceptance blocking (in

T: Blocking call (s) seconds) when two buttons are 0
simultaneously pressed.

Selection whether landing calls are

Landing calls selective NO YES/NO
selectively processed.

Selection whether car calls are selectively

Car calls selective NO YES/NO

Select whether the internal calls have

priority over the external calls.
This parameter is especially used at lifts
installed in places with public traffic and
correspondingly restricted areas, and a
Cabin call has priority zero-load monitoring is not practical. NO YES/NO
If this parameter is activated, landing calls
are saved but not processed as long as a
car call is present. This prevents
unauthorized users in the car from
accidentally entering a restricted floor.

In order to approach with open/opening doors the following requirements must apply:

❑ existence of a safety circuit (safety relays K5, K6, K7) on the Genius central electronic unit.
❑ use of a selection system with 2 zone signals.
❑ override of door switches in the zone.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7063]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Distance to the landing at which the doors

Distance (mm) 50 mm 0-9999 mm
are caused to open.

Maximum Speed Maximum speed at which the doors are

300 mm 0-9999 mm
(mm/s) caused to open.

In order to relevel with open doors, the following requirements must apply:

❑ existence of a safety circuit (safety relays K5, K6, K7) on the Genius central electronic unit.
❑ use of a selection system with 2 zone signals.
❑ override of door switches in the zone.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7064]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Stop distance up vn Stopping distance in upwards direction for
5 mm 0-9999 mm
(mm) relevelling.

Stop dist. down vn Stopping distance in downwards direction

5 mm 0-9999 mm
(mm) for relevelling.

Maximum step at which the levelling

Relevelling step (mm) 20 mm 0-9999 mm
process is initiated.

Maximum number of levelling attempts.

After reaching the maximum number,
Max. relevelling cycle 3 0-9999
levelling is ceased in order to avoid
permanent oscillation.

Query whether levelling is to be performed

before travelling. When selecting “No”, that
means, if car calls are already active,
relevel before travel NO YES/NO
levelling is no longer carried out to
accelerate processing, spare the
mechanics and save energy.

Determination of an output to control the

O:Bode relay
Bode descent protection for levelling.

Time in ms which elapses from stopping to

T:Relevel delay (ms) 1000ms 0-9999 ms
initiating the levelling process.

UCM control, a requirement of EN 81-1/2 A3 and EN 81-20, checks the protection from any
unintended car movement. Depending on the lift type and selection device to stop and hold the car,
you must make some settings.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7065]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the UCM control speed. When
the UCM control speed is exceeded, the lift
v UCM check STOPS immediately and the system goes 0-9999 mm/s
out of operation with reporting the "v UCM
exceeded" error message.

Selection of an output to activate

components during UCM tests. For
example, an inverter may be forced to
O:UCM test mode
increased acceleration via a defined input
or a relay forced to interrupt the safety

Acceleration rate calculated from the UCM

Acceleration (m/s2)
control speed.

Selection of the reader manufacturer:
[Direct access: CMD -> 7069]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
When using a reader by Co. ELGO (model
LIMAX2 or LIMAX2M), this parameter is to
ELGO-LIMAX be configured to “Yes”. The selection of the YES YES/NO
remaining reader types is set to “No”
When using an absolute encoder by Co.
WACHENDORFF (model WSGA58B), this
parameter is to be configured to “Yes”. The NO YES/NO
selection of the remaining reader types is
set to “No” automatically.

9.2.2 Doors

The Doors menu provides an overview of the types (hinged doors, automatic doors) and distribution
of accesses. Furthermore, you can release calls, define door signals and determine door times.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7037 or 7047 or 7190 -> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Query whether one door can only open at a time in a

Exclusive lock NO YES/NO
through car.

Query whether hinged doors (side 1) are to be enabled. By

Hinged doors 1 choosing “Yes”, the parameters for hinged doors are
[CMD -> 7038 -> released. Press > to go to pages with parameters for YES/NO
7045 -> OK] hinged door assignment side 1. For further information
regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query whether hinged doors (side 2) are to be enabled. By

choosing “Yes”, the parameters for hinged doors are
Hinged doors 2
released. Press > to go to pages with parameters for
[CMD -> 7039 -> YES/NO
hinged door assignment side 2 (page 39). For further
7046 -> OK]
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Call of page 42 which serves to determine the door control

Door 1 signals
signals (e.g. light curtains, closing force limiter). For further
[CMD -> 7042 or
information regarding this submenu, check the
7169 OK]
corresponding chapter.

Call of page 43 which serves to determine the door control

Door 2 signals
signals (e.g. light curtains, closing force limiter, etc). For
[CMD -> 7043 or
further information regarding this submenu, check the
7175 -> OK]
corresponding chapter.

Call of page 44 which serves to determine the door times

Door times
(e.g. idle time, opening check time, etc). For further
[CMD -> 7044->
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Door open button Call of page 117 which lists settings associated with door
(DO) open buttons (e.g. inputs, opening masks). For further
[CMD -> 7117-> information regarding this submenu, check the
OK] corresponding chapter.
Query whether there is a door closing button. Select “NO”
Door close button
to change to “YES”. Press > to go to pages with
parameters for the door closing button (page 48). For YES/NO
[CMD -> 7048->
further information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Function load/door- Query whether there is a door stop/load button. Select

stop “NO” to change to “YES”. Press > to go to pages with door
[CMD -> 7049-> stop parameters (page 49). For further information
OK] regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query whether a waiting area monitoring is available. If

Monitor waiting area
yes, change to page 50 in order to parameterise it. For
[CMD -> 7050-> YES/NO
further information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Door motor switch Query whether door motors are available. If yes, change
off (DM) to page 67 in order to parameterise them. For further
[CMD -> 7067-> information regarding this submenu, check the
OK] corresponding chapter.

Doors block mask Change to page 188 in order to determine the door masks.
[CMD -> 7188-> For further information regarding this submenu, check the
OK] corresponding chapter.

Query whether partition doors are available. If yes, change

Dividing door
to page 9 in order to parameterise them. For further
[CMD -> 7009-> YES/NO
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Query whether a Siemens door is installed. If yes, it will

Siemens YES/NO
be activated.

Query whether a warning signal is to be put out. If yes,

Warning before DC
change to page 10 in order to parameterise it. For further
[CMD -> 7010-> YES/NO
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Query whether the dog-line function is installed. If so, a

Dog leash
warning signal for dog will be activated. For further
[CMD -> 7112-> YES/NO
information regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

Accesses shaded in green are equipped with hinged doors. Accesses with grey font which are not
shaded in green do exist, but don’t have hinged doors. Accesses marked in red are not enabled in
the access masks.
The “ALL” button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the access individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes using
[Direct access: CMD -> 7038 -> 7045]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Definition of the output for the lock magnet of

O:Lock magnet
door side 1.

Time in milliseconds which elapses between

reactivating S2 (hinged doors have been
T:S2 on->lock mag. on closed) and switching on the lock magnet on
200 0-9999 ms
(ms) door side 1. This parameter is active only if the
output for the lock magnet has been defined
Time in milliseconds for opening delay of the
lock magnet, after car doors have started
t:Open delay (ms) opening. By entering value 0, the cabin doors 30 0-9999 ms
are to be unlocked only after they are
completely open.
Time in seconds after which the lock should
T:Time bolt off (s) no longer be activated (applicable to all 600 0-9999 s
operating models).

Determines whether the lock is switched off or

Bolt off in zone NO YES/NO
on in the zone.

Determines whether the lock is to be switched

Bolt off outside zone NO YES/NO
off or on outside the zone (e.g. for inspection).

Query whether a safety light curtain is

Safety light curtain NO YES/NO
installed as a replacement for the cabin doors.

The parameters of the submenu “Hinged doors 2” are exactly the same with the ones for the 1st

[Direct access: CMD -> 7083]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an output for the actuation of a
O:Reset light curtain relay serving the reset of a safety light
curtain after a breakdown.

Definition of an input for the initiation of a

I:Reset light curtain reset at the safety light curtain via a
separate reset-button.

Selection of a rolling text which is to be

Rolltext number displayed in the event of a breakdown or 0 1-10
intermission at the safety light curtain.
Query whether a reset of the safety light
curtain is to be permitted when issued via a
Reset over landing call NO YES/NO
landing call. Ordinarily, a reset is only
initiated via a cabin call or reset button.
Output for a notification, e.g. acoustic
O:light curtain detect signal, indicating an intermission at the
safety light curtain.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7042 -> 7169]

Parameter Value
Description Default value
[Direct access] Range
I:Light curtain Definition of the input for evaluating the light
curtain signal.

Selection whether the light curtain signal is

*Contact type N.O./N.C.
based on a N.O. or a N.C. contact.

Definition of an input to monitor the function

I:Light curtain OK of the light curtain according to EN81-20. A
NO contact (N.O.) is provided here.

Definition of the input for evaluating the C.49.3 (door 1)

I:Force limiter
closing force limiter signal. C.50.3 (door 2)

Selection whether the force limiter signal is

*Contact type N.O./N.C.
based on a N.O. or a N.C. contact.

I:Door open limit Definition of the input for evaluating the door C.49.6 (door 1)
switch open limit switch. C.50.6 (door 2)

Selection whether the door open limit switch

*Contact type N.O./N.C.
signal is based on a N.O. or a N.C. contact.

Definition of the input for evaluating the door

I:Door close limit close limit switch. For an installed switch, C.49.5 (door 1)
switch the following addresses apply: C.49.4 (door C.50.5 (door 2)
1), C.50.4 (door 2).

Selection whether the door close limit switch

*Contact type N.O./N.C.
signal is based on a N.O. or a N.C. contact.

O:Door open Definition of the output for the door opening C.49.8 (door 1)
signal signal. C.50.8 (door 2)

O:Door close Definition of the output for the door closing C.49.7 (door 1)
signal signal. C.50.7 (door 2)

Parameter Value
Description Default value
[Direct access] Range
Definition of an output which serves to
provide the door controller with the signal for
slow forced closing, given the “nudging
signal” is active.
Definition of the output for the activation of
O: Additional
the retiring cam (when there is a VVVF door
retiring cam
and a retiring cam).

Time delay from the activation of the

t: Delay On (ms) additional retiring cam until the door 1500 0-5000 ms

Time delay in milliseconds for the retiring

t: Delay Off (ms) 1500 0-5000 ms
cam deactivation during door opening.

O: Door is fully Definition of the output for the signal

open indicating that the door is fully open.

Definition of an output for the signal that the

O: Door open due
door cannot be closed due to an interruption
to LC
of the light curtain.

The parameters of the submenu “Door signals DS2” are exactly the same with the ones for the 1st

[Direct access: CMD -> 7044]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
The door-opening check time describes the
time interval provided to the door drive for
T:Door open time (s) 15 0-99
opening the door. After the door-opening check
time has elapsed, idle time starts.
Definition of the door-closing check time
(seconds) which describes the time interval
T:Door close time (s) provided to the door drive for closing the door. 15 0-99
After the door-closing check time has elapsed,
the door opens again.

T:Staytime landing call Idle time (=waiting time) when processing

3 0-99
(s) following landing calls.

Idle time (= waiting time) when processing

T:Staytime car call (s) 3 0-99
following car calls.

T:Door close delay (s) Definition of the door closing delay (in seconds). 0 0-99

Definition of the nudging time (in seconds)

T:Nudging time (s)
which is allowed to elapse before doors are 0 0-99
forced to close.

Definition of the switching delay between door

t:Door open/close (ms) open signal and door close signal and vice 200 0-9999
versa (in milliseconds).
When this parameter is activated, a car call
Ignore timer with car causes the idle time to be skipped and initiates
call an immediate closing of doors and continuation
of travel.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7117]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of the input for the door open

I:Door 1 open button C.54.1
button on door side 1.

Definition of the input for the door open

I:Door 2 open button
button on door side 2.

Query whether the door opening function is

Door open: Allow to be carried out based on the door opening NO YES/NO

Query whether the door opening function is

Door open: car-mask to be carried out based on the current door NO YES/NO

Query whether the door opening function is

Door open: all-mask NO YES/NO
to be carried out based on all door masks.

Query whether the door opening function is

Door open: always YES YES/NO
to be always executed.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7048]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the input for the door close
I:Door close button button. If existent, the doors on door side 1 C.54.2
and 2 are being closed.
Selection whether the door closing process
is immediately initiated when the door close
Door immediately close NO YES/NO
button is pressed. The switchover is already
taking place in the opening phase.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7049]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the input for the car loading
I: Load/door-stop
Definition of the output for signalling the
loading function. Also, this can either be the
separate acknowledgement signal for the
loading button or an extra signalling.
Furthermore, this address may be identical
to the input address, given the button
employed is not provided with a separate
call-/acknowledgement. The loading
O: Load/door-stop
function can thenceforth be interrupted by a
car call (parameter down), the “door close
button” (parameter down) or by repeatedly
tapping the loading button. For the latter
option, the value “Button blinking” needs to
be set to “Yes”, since only for a non-active
acknowledgment the button can be polled
on the bus.
Selection whether a pressed load button is
Button blinking NO YES/NO
to flash for signalling.

During the loading function, car calls are

Delete car calls automatically deleted when “Yes” is NO YES/NO

Definition of the loading time, i.e. the time

T:Load (s) interval for which the doors are to be kept 60 0-999

By selecting “Yes”, the activated loading

End by car call NO YES/NO
function is ended by a car call.

By selecting “Yes”, the activated loading

End by door close
function is ended by enabling the “door NO YES/NO
close button”.

Selection whether an activated load button

End by press again NO YES/NO
is reset by being pressed again.

Definition of the first input for the car/loading

1.I: Load/door-stop

[Direct access: CMD -> 7050]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
the number of landings there are further
1.I:DS1 open (landing)
inputs for waiting area monitoring on door
side 1.

Definition of the input for a waiting area

I: DS1 open (cabin)
monitoring of door side 1 in the car.

Definition of the first input for waiting area

1.I:DS1 close (landing) monitoring on door side 1; that is, further
inputs result from the number of landings

Selection whether waiting area monitoring

*Contact type signal 1 is to be based on a normally open N.O./N.C.
(N.O.) or a normally close (N.C.) contact
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
the number of landings there are further
1.I: DS2 open (landing)
inputs for waiting area monitoring on door
side 2.

Definition of the input for a waiting area

I: DS2 open (cabin)
monitoring of door side 2 in the car.

Definition of the first input for waiting area

1.I:DS2 close (landing) monitoring on door side 2; that is, further
inputs result from the number of landings

Selection whether waiting area monitoring

*Contact type signal 2 is to be based on a normally open NO YES/NO
contact (“Yes”=“N.O.” and “No”=“N.C.”).

[Direct access: CMD -> 7067]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Selection whether the door motor is to be
switched off after reaching the final open
DM off – door open position. If “Yes” is selected, the door motor NO YES/NO
turns off when doors are open while under
a “No” setting, it remains in operation.
Selection whether the door motor is to be
switched off after reaching the closing time.
DM off – door close For “Yes”, the door motor is switched off at NO YES/NO
the end of closing time, while under the “No”
setting, it remains in operation.
Selection whether the door motor is to be
switched off after closing S6.
If “Yes” is selected, the door motor is
DM off – door close NO YES/NO
switched off along with the door’s S6 signal,
while under “No” the door motor remains in
Selection whether the door motor is to be
switched off after reaching the door close
DM off – door close lim. limit switch. If “Yes” is selected, the door
sw. motor is switched off after having reached
the door close limit switch, while under “No”
the door motor remains in operation.
Selection whether a door motor switched off
in closed position is to be switched back on
during travel. If “Yes” is selected, the door
DM on at travel YES YES/NO
motor is switched on during travel, while
under “No” the door motor remains out of

Accesses shaded in green are disabled / blocked. The “ALL” button serves to select all landings or
no landings if you press the button again. Change the access individually by pressing the landing
number. Do not forget to save any changes using “OK”.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7188]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7009]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for the partition door signal.
The system detects an opening of the partition
I:Dividing door doors when the partition door signal is received.
This is due to the latter being a potential removing
N/C signal (normally open contact).
Definition of the input for the key which starts the
I:Dividing door drive
partition door travel.

Definition whether the "priority travel" scrolling

text is to be indicated on the display when
Rolltext priority travel NO YES/NO
activating a partition door travel. A possibly
selected "special travel" text will be deactivated.
Definition whether the "special travel" scrolling
text is to be indicated on the display when
Rolltext special travel NO YES/NO
activating a partition door travel. A possibly
selected "priority travel" text will be deactivated.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7010]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of the time in seconds for how

T:Warning signal time 0 0-99
long the warning signal is to be put out.

Definition of the output for the warning

O:Warning signal DS1
signal of door side 1.

Definition of the output for the warning

O:Warning signal DS2
signal of door side 2.

The dog-leash function enables an optical/acoustic signal (1 signal switch per second) when a car
call is detected and doors are about to close hence. The dog-leash time describes the duration of
the warning signal for dogs. Note that this function cannot be combined with “Warning before DC”.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7112]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of the dog- leash warning signal’s

T:Dog-leash Time(s) 5 0-99
duration (in seconds).

Definition of the output for signaling the

O:Dog-leash DS1
dog- leash light/acoustic on door side 1.

Definition of the output for signaling the

O: Dog-leash DS2
dog-leash light/acoustic on door side 2.

Query whether the dog-line warning signal

is only to be put out in conjunction with an
only with cabin calls YES YES/NO
active car call or generally before the doors
are closed.

9.2.3 Inputs/Outputs

The Input/Output menu serves to define local input/output functions. The functions are distributed
to the shaft, the car and the control cabinet. In addition, you can define general functions and transfer
[Direct access: CMD -> 7068->OK]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Change to page 127 to define
Door side 1 inputs/outputs of the shaft on door side 1.
[CMD -> 7127 -> 7052 For further information regarding this
-> 7120 -> 7123-> OK] submenu, check the corresponding
Change to page 128 to define
Door side 2 inputs/outputs of the shaft on door side 2.
[CMD -> 7128 -> 7053 For further information regarding this
-> 7121 -> 7124-> OK] submenu, check the corresponding
In car
Change to page 129 to define
[CMD -> 7129 -> 7131
inputs/outputs of the car. For further
-> 7133 -> 7054 ->
information regarding this submenu, check
7122 -> 7125 -> 7126 -
the corresponding chapter.
> OK]
General inputs Change to page 130 to define general
[CMD -> 7130 -> 7132 inputs. For further information regarding
-> 7200 -> 7201 -> this submenu, check the corresponding
7145 -> 7212 -> OK] chapter.

General outputs Change to page 145 to define general

[CMD -> 7146 -> 7187 outputs. For further information regarding
-> 7198-> 7199 -> this submenu, check the corresponding
7202 -> OK] chapter.
Selection of various transfer inputs and
Transfer IO
outputs. For further information regarding
[CMD -> 7193 -> 194 -
this submenu, check the corresponding
> OK]
Selection and definition of time relay
functions. Change to the time relay
Time relay
parameters page. For further information YES/NO
[CMD -> 7213-> OK]
regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.
Change to page 074 to configure all
Setup inputs/outputs. For further information
[CMD -> 7074-> OK] regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7127 -> 7052 -> 7120 -> 7123]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first input on the landing bus, i.e.
depending on the number of landings there are
further inputs for landing calls on door side 1. The
1.IO:Landing call call button is connected at the access number 1. If L.00.1
two direction buttons (up/down) are installed, the
up-button is to be connected here. It thus follows
that IO2 belongs to the down-button.
Definition of the second input for landing calls, i.e.
depending on the number of landings there are
2.IO:Landing call L.01.1
further inputs for landing calls on door side 1. This
defines the order of numbering.
This parameter is only active for installed groups:
Definition of the first input for car calls. That means
1.IO:Car selection car
activation at the configured address corresponds
with a car call. Within the group, this has the same
effect for the lift as a car selection.
Definition of the first output which is intended for
1.O:landing call feedback concerning released landing calls. Here it
released would be possible to connect an indicator field
which serves to report the current condition.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Definition of two subsequent IOs at the controller
intended for landing call up/down. Given the control
IO2:Landing call in CC cabinet’s position in one landing, it is thus possible
to use the corresponding BUS-module and transfer
the call directly to the controller.
Definition of the first output for the
upwards/downwards direction display. This output
1.O:Direction up/down
may serve to connect e.g. a light board for status
Definition of the first output for upwards/downwards
1.O: On g.direct.
travel continuation direction. This output may serve
to connect e.g. a light board for status display.

Definition of the first output for the out-of-order

1.O: Out of order signal. This output may serve to connect e.g. a light
board for status display.

Definition of the first output for displaying that the

1.O: Car running car is operating. This output may serve to connect
e.g. a light board for status display.

Definition of the first output for displaying that the

1.O: Car busy car is busy. This output may serve to connect e.g.
a light board for status display.
Definition of the first output for displaying that the
car is in the required landing. That is, the lift is
1.O: Car here
positioned within the zone and the zone signal SM
is available.
This parameter configures the previous parameter
When door complet “1.O:Car here”: If “Yes” is selected, the output
open signal for the display is only activated under the
condition that the door(s) are open additionally.
Definition of an output indicating an active landing
call. One can indirectly activate a staircase light
using an extra relay: When a landing call is pressed
O: Landing call pressed in any landing, a pulse with approx. 1s duration is
activated. This pulse is repeated every 30s until the
travel terminates. Further information: This function
is applicable in any operating mode.

Definition of the first output for gong when travelling

1.O:Gong up/down

Definition of the first output for gong when travelling

1.O:Gong up

Definition of the first output for gong when travelling

1.O:Gong down
Definition of an output address indicating after
which bit-address the car position is to be
displayed. On the hand terminal bus-module page
O: Car position (CP)
letter “A” indicates the subsequently required bits.
The car position may be configured using the
following 4 parameters.
When “Yes” is selected, the car position is issued in
linear mode. The remaining configuration
CP code linear NO YES/NO
parameters for this output type are automatically
set to “No”.
When “Yes” is selected, the car position is issued in
binary mode. The remaining configuration
CP code binary YES YES/NO
parameters for this output type are automatically
set to “No”.
When “Yes” is selected, the car position is issued in
Gray code. The remaining configuration
CP code Gray NO YES/NO
parameters for this output type are automatically
set to “No”.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
The start value can be determined for all output
CP code starts with 1 types. When “Yes” is selected, it starts with 1; for YES YES/NO
“No” with 0.

The parameters of the submenu “Door side 2” are exactly the same with the ones for “Door side 1”.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7129 ->7131 ->7133 -> 7054 -> 7122 -> 7125-> 7126]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of inputs for car calls. “YES” serves to flexibly
assign call buttons with an address on larger panels, e.g.
Cabin Call lockup YES/NO
with more than 24 landings. Enter the bus module address
to which each individual button is connected.
Definition of the first input for the car call button, i.e.
1.IO:Car call depending on the number of landings there are further
inputs for car calls.

Definition of the second input for the car call button, i.e.
2.IO:Car call depending on the number of landings there are further
inputs for car calls). This defines the order of numbering.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first output for the car call
acknowledgement. Depending on the number of floors,
1.O:Car call
further outputs for the car call acknowledgment follow. It is
used when call & acknowledgment are connected
Query whether a car call cancellation option is intended.
This would enable passengers to cancel an issued car call
by pushing the corresponding call-button again. A
Car call cancelation precondition for the functioning of this option requires calls
and call acknowledgments to be connected to the
controller via separate IOs. Also, the parameter 1.O: Car-
call acknowledgment must be programmed.
Definition of an input for the start signal. In case of lifts with
two landings, no call buttons are used in the panel. The
I:Start "Start" initiates car calls.
Attention: First and second car call must be programmed!
*Not yet implemented

I:Outer control off Definition of an input for switching off landing control.

Definition of an input for the full load signal. When full load
I:Full load is activated, the display indicates “Full load”. Additional text C.48.1
can be defined under the menu section for scrolling texts.

Definition of an input for the overload signal. When

overload is activated, the display indicates “Overload”.
I:Overload C.48.2
Additional text can be defined under the menu section for
scrolling texts.

Selection whether the overload signal is based on a

*Contact type N.O./N.C
normally open (N.O.) or a normally close (N.C.) contact.

Definition of an input for the zero-load signal when no

I:Zero load
cabin load is performed.

Landing with zero Definition of the door masking in case that the I: Zero load
load is activated.

I:Half load Definition of a half load signal input for cabin loading.

O:Driving Definition of an output for the travel signal.

Dividing door Query whether partition doors are available. If yes, change
[CMD -> 7009-> OK] to page 67 in order to parameterise those. YES/NO
This setting is also available in Parameters - Doors.

Cabin fan Query whether a car fan is to be activated. If "YES",

[CMD -> 7134-> change to the fan parameters page. For further information YES/NO
OK] regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Definition of an output to signal the out-of-order state in the

O:Out of order

O:Full load Definition of an input for the full load signal; indicated e.g.
on the display in the car.

Definition of an input for the overload signal; indicated e.g.

on the display in the car.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range

Definition of an output to issue an acoustic signal.

O: Acoust. Signal
Rings out in case of e.g. overload, fire emergency, ect.

Definition of two outputs to indicate the travel direction

(up/down). Display in the car on e.g. a luminous indicator

O: Acoust. Signal Definition of the output for acoustic acknowledgement of,

feedback inter alia, call buttons.

O2:Ongoing Definition of two outputs to indicate the travel continuation

direction direction (up/down).

O:Door open text Determination of an output to signal that the door will open.

Definition of an output address which determines from

which bit location the car position is to be indicated. On the
1.O:Car position
bus module page in the hand terminal, the letter “A”
illustrates the subsequently necessary bits.
The car position is configured as follows:
“Yes” issues the car position in linear mode. The remaining
CP code linear configuration parameters for this output mode are NO YES/NO
automatically set to “No”.

“Yes” issues the car position as a binary code. The

CP code binary remaining configuration parameters for this output mode NO YES/NO
are automatically set to “No”.

“Yes” issues the car position as code Gray. The remaining

CP code Gray configuration parameters for this output mode are NO YES/NO
automatically set to “No”.

The starting value can be set for all output modes. “Yes”
Code starts with 1 YES YES/NO
begins with 1, “No” begins with 0.

Definition of two outputs to control the arrival gong

O2:Arrival gong

O:Gong up/down Definition of an output for a gong (up/down).

O2: On going dir.

Definition of two outputs to control the next direction gong.

Definition of an output which serves to report that the cabin

O:Close door(TXT)
doors are trying to close.

Determination of an output which activates a voice

O:Trigger speech
announcement device by triggering.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7134]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of an input for the fan button in the

IO: Fan button
cabin operation panel.

Determination of the time interval for which

the fan is to run when the button is
T: Active time (s) 0 0-999
activated. When this time interval elapses,
the fan is turned off.
Query whether an activated fan button is to
Blinking NO YES/NO
flash (acknowledgement signal).

Query whether the fan button must be

End: Fan button active NO YES/NO
pressed to terminate the process.

Query whether the fan is to run

Active on travel NO YES/NO
automatically during each travel.

Determination of the time interval for which

T:Run on (s) 0 0-999
the fan is to run after the car has stopped.

Query whether the fan is to maintain

Active on out of order running in the event of an error, such as e.g. NO YES/NO
“Out of order”

Change to page 130 to define inputs/outputs of the control cabinet.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7130 -> 7132 -> 7200 -> 7201-> 7145 -> 7212 -> OK]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an input which is used in cases
where a device in the car is checking the car
I:Cabin light sensor lights status. The device activates this input
when the car lights are off, and the lift is set
in “out of service” mode.
Definition of an input to check, whether
brake shoe 1 – which is controlled by the
I:Check brake 1
inverter - opens and closes properly when
Definition of an input to check, whether
brake shoe 2 – which is controlled by the
I:Check brake 2
inverter - opens and closes properly when

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an input to check, whether
brake shoe 3 – which is controlled by the
I:Check brake 3
inverter - opens and closes properly when

t:Delay check Definition of the delay time for the check

0-9999 ms
brakes(ms) brake.

Definition of an input to check the sink

I:Check sink prev.

Determine an input to consider a

temperature switch in order that no
I:Hydraulic warm up
unnecessary warm-up travel is carried out
in warm temperatures.

Definition of an input to activate the

installation travel.

Definition of an input for controlling an

I:Installation Up
upwards installation travel.

Definition of an input for controlling a

I:Installation Down
downwards installation travel.

Definition of an input which activates the

I:Emergency call
emergency call.

Definition of an input requesting to speak

I:Please speak
during an emergency call.

Definition of an input for deleting the active

I: Delete actual error
errors e.g. via monitoring center.

Definition of an input/output to block

simultaneous start up in case of multiple
installations. For this purpose, this I/O must
IO:Starting block
be programmed at each installation and
connected to the corresponding I/Os of the
other installations

Definition of an input to signal the

I:REG inverter OK
regulator’s operational readiness.

I:MIN-Minimum Definition of an input to monitor the

pressure minimum pressure sensor.

I: MAX-Maximum Definition of an input to monitor the

pressure maximum pressure sensor.

Definition of an input to monitor the machine

I: Machine room temp.
room temperature.

I:MAI-maintenance Definition of an input for maintenance.

Definition of an input for the certification

I:Certification switch

Definition of an input for minimum room

I:Min. room tempera.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the 1. input for the building
services; 8 successional I/Os are being
1I:Building services
assigned. With these inputs it is possible to
transmit 8 different status signals.
Definition of an input to monitor over
I:Over temperature temperature 1.
OT1 Over temperature is controlled for all normal
travels as well as for inspection runs.

I:Over temperature Definition of an input to monitor over

OT2 temperature 2.

I:Over temperature Definition of an input to monitor over

OT3 temperature 3.

Definition of an input to monitor over

I:Over temp.(DM1) DT1
temperature 4 (door 1 motor thermistor).

Definition of an input to monitor over

I:Over temp.(DM2) DT2
temperature 5 (door 2 motor thermistor).

Definition of an input for an extra shaft light

I:Shaft light on/off

Definition of an input for temperature travel.

Especially in the case of glass elevators, it
can happen that the air in the lift strongly
heats up when there is strong sunlight. In
I:Temperature run
this case, travel between the upper and
lower floors can be triggered via the entry
"Temperature travel", in order to achieve
some air exchange.
Definition of an input for the fast button of
I:Inspection fast the inspection bulb if the standard input at
KMCTB is not used.
This parameter defines the input for
moniroting the light voltage if the monitoring
process is NOT to be conducted via the L4-
connection at Genius 20 KMREL.

I:Full load Definition of an input for the full load signal.

I:Overload Definition of an input for the overload signal.

Definition of an input for the zero load

I:Zero load

I:Half load Definition of an input for the half load signal.

Definition of the input to switch off the

I:Outer control off
landing control.

Definition of an input for an emergency call

system error. If the input signal is applied for
I: Error emerg. Call
at least 10 seconds, the failure of the
emergency call system is indicated – as is
the case if e.g. there is no GSM reception.

I: Emergency stop Definition of an input for an emergency stop

(MR) switch in the machine room.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an input which serves to set
time to 3 o’clock. Here, one may connect a
I: Set time to 3 o’clock
DCF clock which generates a pulse to
synchronize time at 3 h.
Definition of an input to control an external
safety relay: the external safety relay is
connected with each landing’s zone signal
as well as in a row amongst each other. If
the car is parked in the landing, the row
signal is interrupted, whereas for the car
being outside the zone it is closed. The
software monitors the disconnection within
the zone and landing and checks up on the
I: Test ext. safety jumper outside of the zone. If the row signal
relays is interrupted in the landing but outside the
zone, the installation reports “ext. safety
relay active!”, whereas when not-opening in
the zone “ext. relay inactive!” will be
indicated. In both cases, a rope traction lift
stops the car in the next landing and a
hydraulic lift initiates a downwards
evacuation run. By enabling recall,
inspection or the command 800-OK, the
error can be reset.

Definition of an input for the activation of the

I: Inspection on (pit)
inspection mode (from the pit).

Definition of an input for the upwards

I: Inspection up (pit) movement during the inspection mode
(from the pit).
Definition of an input for the downwards
I: Inspection down (pit) movement during the inspection mode
(from the pit).

Definition of an input for the emergency

I: Emergency stop (pit)
stop signal (from the pit).

Definition of an input for reset inspection

(pit) according to EN 81-20. If this input is
defined, it must be activated after a
I: Reset inpection (pit)
successful inspection (Pit), in order to return
to normal operation. A perquisite for this is
that the safety circuit is closed.
Definition of an input which causes the
I:Moving text (1) scrolling text with a corresponding moving
text number to be indicated on the displays.

Number of the scrolling text which is to be

Moving text number 9 1-99
displayed when the input is active.

Definition of an input which causes the

I:Moving text (2) scrolling text with a corresponding moving
text number to be indicated on the displays.

Number of the scrolling text which is to be

Moving text number 8 1-99
displayed when the input is active.

Change to page 146 to define further inputs/outputs.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7146 -> 7187 -> 7198-> 7199 -> 7202 -> 7078 OK]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an output to signal and process
the following faults:
O:Collection fault
Controller fault (= inverter fault)
Travel monitoring time exceeded

T: Delay collection fault Time in seconds for the delay of the

0 0-99
(s) collective fault output.

Determination of an output to suppress the

O: Alarm Filtering
emergency call (alarm filtering).

Determination of an output to signal the

O:Level "level" state. The message is sent if the car
is within the zone.

O:Overspeed gov. car Determination of an output to activate the

test governor coil.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

O:Overspeed gov. cw Determination of an output to activate the

test counterweight limiter.

O: Reset overspeed Determination of an output to reset the

gov. speed limiter.

Determination of an output to activate the

O:Door bridging
bridging of door contacts.

Determination of an output to signal that the

O: Recall
recall mode has been activated.

Determination of an output to signal that

O: 3Phase fault there is a phase error (wrong phase
direction or missing phase).

Delay time which elapses between the

occurance of a phase error until its
t:delay (ms) recognition as such. The phase monitoring 0 0-9999 ms
operates independently from whether an
output for phase error is programmed.

Definition of the first output to signal the out-

O:Out of order 1
of-order state.

Definition of the second output to signal the

O:Out of order 2
out-of-order state.

Definition of the third output to signal the

O:Out of order 3
out-of-order state.

Determination of an output to signal that the

O:Shaft VO
upper prefinal switch is activated.

Determination of an output to signal that the

O: Shaft VU
lower prefinal switch is activated.

Determination of an output to signal that the

O:v > limit speed is currently exceeding the rated

The output is activated if the current speed

O:v > 0.3 m/s
exceeds 0.3 m/s.

The output is activated when the rated

O:Speed Vn
speed is reached.

Determination of an output to signal normal

O:In order

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an output which activates a
safety brake in rope traction lifts with
O:Safety brake gear when the inverter does not supply
appropriate outputs/contacts (e.g. inverter
with integrated main contactors.)

Definition of the delay time for the safety

t:delay(ms) brake. The delayed initiation of the safety
brake is meant to reduce noise emission.

Definition of an output for restarting the

O:Reset inverter
frequency inverter.

Definition of an output to switch the shaft

light, e.g. using a relay. During the switching
O:Shaft light on/off
procedure, a pulse length of approx. 500 ms
is applied.
Definition of an output for reporting “Zone”.
The message is issued when the car is
O:Car is in safe zone
located within the zone and the signal
transmitter-centre has responded.

Determination of an output to signal the

O:Deceleration point deceleration point when switching from
rated speed to a slower velocity.

Determination of an output to signal that

O:v0 offpoint
speed v0 is decreasing.

O:Brake Determination of an output to signal the

overmovement brake over-excitation.

Determination of the delay in ms with which

t:On delay (ms) 800 0-9999 ms
the starting torque is to be activated.

Definition of an output to signal that the lift

O: Temp. Run
is carrying out a Temperature Run.

Determination of an output to signal that the

O:Driving (1)
lift is running (driving signal applies).

Determination of an output to signal that the

O:Driving (2)
lift is running (driving signal applies).

Definition of an output to control a hinged

O:Hinged stanchion

Determination of an output for the

emergency stop. If an emergency stop is
initiated, the following actions will be
O: Emergency stop
❑ immediate stop of the installation
❑ deletion of all car calls
❑ landing calls no longer accepted
It is only after entering a car call, that normal
operation will be restored.
Determination of an output for the
emergency stop. If an emergency stop is
O: Emergency stop initiated, the following actions will be
(pit) conducted:
❑ immediate stop of the installation
❑ deletion of all car calls

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
❑ landing calls no longer accepted

Definition of an output, which is activated at

every change of direction, also during the
post-regulation or inspection travel, in order
O: Movement dir. is to control a counter. This is necessary in the
changed case of lifts with components which are only
permitted to exceed a certain number of
travels / directional changes, e.g. Plastic

Definition of an output signalling the active

O:Emergency call
emergency call.

Definition of an output signalling to speak

O:Please speak
during an emergency call.

Definition of an output for signalling an

O: Inspection 1
active inspection run.

Definition of a second output for signalling

O: Inspection 2
an active inspection run.

Definition of a third output for signalling an

O: Inspection 3
active inspection run.

Definition of an output for travel counter

indication. Under the menu item “Special” –
O: Travel counter
“Maintenance interval” the settings for
travel counting are parameterized.
Definition of a pulse output for travel
counter indication in upwards direction.
O: Travel counter up Under the menu item “Special” –
“Maintenance interval” the settings for
travel counting are parameterized.
Definition of a pulse output for travel
counter indication in downwards direction.
O: Travel counter down Under the menu item “Special” –
“Maintenance interval” the settings for
travel counting are parameterized.

Definition of an output indicating that the car

is above the programmed height H1. This
O: Position > H1
output may be used for various purposes
e.g. Switching on a light.

Height H1 (mm) Definition of the height H1. 0-999999 mm

Definition of an output indicating that the car

O: Position < H2
is lower than the programmed height H2.

Height H2 (mm) Definition of the height H2. 0-999999 mm

Address- output via which the motor fan

O: Motor fan
(preselection relay) is enabled.

T:Fan overrun time (s) Overrun time of the motor fan in sec. 3 0-9999 s

With transfer-IO it is possible to transmit signals between controller, car or landing without using
additional travelling cable cores.

Using the transfer I/Os 1-6, one individual transfer I/O can be determined; the parameter 1.I:Transfer
serves to determine the first I/O of any number of consecutive transfer I/Os. In this process, I/Os
with addresses less than 48 on the landing bus are created with one I/O each on the bus module.
In case of addresses greater than 48, the I/Os are arranged in a directly consecutive series. The
parameter L.I:Transfer serves to determine the last I/O of the sequence.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7193 -> 7194]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of an input that is to be

I: Transfer 1
transferred to the corresponding output.

Definition of the output to which, the above-

O: Transfer 1
mentioned input is transferred.

Definition of the first input that is to be

1. I: Transfer
transferred to the corresponding output.

Determine the last input of a series of

L. I: Transfer
consecutive transfer I/Os.

Definition of the first output to which, the

1. O: Transfer
above-mentioned input is transferred.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7213]

Selection and definition of time relay functions. Change to the time relay parameters page.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7191-> OK]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

I:Time relay 1 Definition of an input to enable a software-

activation operated timer function.

Definition of an output which serves to

operate the timer function with the following
O:Time relay 1 active parameters.
Precondition: Activation via the input for
time control.
Definition of the delay (in milliseconds) after
t:Turn on delay(ms) which the output is switched on when the 2500 0-9999 ms
input signal is applied.

Definition of the delay (in milliseconds) after

t:Turn off delay(ms) which the output is switched off when the 1500 0-9999 ms
input signal is applied.

Change to page 074 to configure all inputs/outputs.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7074-> OK]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

YES enables all "out-of-order" outputs also

Inspection: out of order YES YES/NO
in case of inspection.

YES enables all "out-of-order" outputs also

Recall: out of order YES YES/NO
in case of recall.

YES enables all "out-of-order" outputs also

Shutdown: out of order YES YES/NO
in case of shutdown.

YES enables all "out-of-order" outputs also

Fire eme.: out of order YES YES/NO
in case of fire emergency.

Evacuation: out of YES enables all "out-of-order" outputs also

order in case of fire evacuation.

9.2.4 Mode
The status menu serves to define operating states (see pictures below). By activating the operating
states, you can enable or disable accesses and calls, invert door parking positions and change
parking levels.

Order or priority from lowest to highest:

Normal operation → Special travel 1 → Special travel 2 → Special travel 3 → Special travel 4 →
Special travel 5 → Special travel 6 → Evacuation → Fire case → Fire service travel → Shutdown
[Direct access: CMD -> 7032 -> 7085 -> 7033 -> 7157-> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Query whether calls (landings) are released or
Release/Block calls door
blocked. Select "NO" to change to "YES". Press
> to go to pages with call release parameters YES/NO
[CMD -> 7040 or 7185 -
(page 40), which are further described in the
> OK]
corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range

Query whether calls (landings) are released or

Release/Block calls door
blocked. Select "NO" to change to "YES". Press
> to go to pages with call release parameters YES/NO
[CMD -> 7041 or 7186 ->
(page 41), which are further described in the
corresponding chapter.

Normal operation Change to page 80 to define "normal operation".

[CMD -> 7080 or 7079 -> For further information regarding this submenu, YES/NO
OK] check the corresponding chapter.

Clock travel Change to page 86 to define "clock travel 1". For

[CMD -> 7086 -> 7089 -> further information regarding this submenu, YES/NO
7090 -> 7092-> OK] check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 58 to define "Special service".

Special service
For further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7058-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Special travel 1 Change to page 184 to define "special travel 1".

[CMD -> 7184 or 7081 -> For further information regarding this submenu, YES/NO
OK] check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 81 to define "special travel 2".

Special travel 2
For further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7081-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 81 to define "special travel 3".

Special travel 3
For further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7081-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 81 to define "special travel 4".

Special travel 4
For further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7081-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 81 to define "special travel 5".

Special travel 5
For further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7081-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Change to page 81 to define "special travel 6".

For further information regarding this submenu,
Special travel 6
check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD -> 7081-> OK]
Information: Special travel 6 has highest priority
among the special travels.
Query regarding the fire case function. YES
Fire case
changes to the pages to define the fire case
[CMD -> 7135 or 7139 or NO YES/NO
functions. For further information regarding this
140 or 141 -> OK]
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query regarding firemen mode settings. YES

Firemen travel
changes to the pages to define the firemen mode
[CMD -> 7136 or 7177 - NO YES/NO
functions. For further information regarding this
> OK]
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query regarding evacuation mode. YES changes

to the pages to define the evacuation parameters.
[CMD -> 7137 or 7142 or NO YES/NO
For further information regarding this submenu,
7182 -> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Query regarding the switch-off function. YES
Switch off
changes to the pages to define the switch-off
[CMD -> 7138 -> 7072 -> NO YES/NO
parameters. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query regarding the visitor control. YES changes

Visitor control to the pages to define the visitor control
[CMD -> 7160-> OK] parameters. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Query regarding the penthouse control. YES
Penthouse changes to the pages to define the penthouse
[CMD -> 7155 or 7180 or control parameters. For further information NO YES/NO
181 -> OK] regarding this submenu, check the corresponding
Query regarding dead man's control. YES
changes to the pages to define the dead man's
Hold to Run
control parameters. For further information YES/NO
[CMD -> 7195-> OK]
regarding this submenu, check the corresponding
Query regarding the turn-off mode. YES changes
to the pages to define the turn-off mode.
Turn-off mode function: If the turn-off mode input
is activated, the lift goes to an adjustable landing,
Turn off mode the door is opened and closed and the light is
[CMD -> 7077-> OK] switched off. After a few seconds, the turn-off
mode output is deactivated and the system is
disconnected from the main supply.
For further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.
Query regarding the standby mode. YES
Stand by mode changes to the pages to define the standby mode
[CMD -> 7084-> OK] parameters. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Query regarding the operation as car lift. YES
Car lift changes to the pages to define the car lift NO YES/NO

Query regarding the lift-boy mode. Selecting

Lift boy “YES” changes to the page which serves to NO YES/NO
parameterize the lift-boy mode.

Change to page 211 to define "Earthquake". For

further information regarding this submenu,
[CMD -> 7211-> OK]
check the corresponding chapter.

AWT transport Change to page 215 and 216 to define "AWT

[CMD -> 7215-> 7216 -> transport". For further information regarding this
OK] submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Query regarding dangerous goods transport.

YES changes to the pages to define the
Dangerous goods
dangerous goods transport parameters. For NO YES/NO
[CMD -> 7161-> OK]
further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.
Query regarding the Sabbath function. YES
Sabbath mode changes to the pages to define the Sabbath
[CMD -> 7115 -> 7116-> function parameters. For further information NO YES/NO
OK] regarding this submenu, check the corresponding

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range

Query whether a pawl device is available. By

Pawl Device selecting “YES“, one can release the parameters YES/NO
of the pawl device.

Query regarding to system settings. “YES”

Special functions changes to the page to define special function YES/NO

[Direct access: CMD -> 7040 -> 7185]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
1.I:Block landing calls the number of landings there are further
inputs, to block landing calls, if activated.

Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on

1.I:Block car calls the number of landings there are further
inputs to block car calls, if activated.
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
1.I: Block land. + car the number of landings there are further
calls inputs to block landing and car calls, if
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
the number of landings there are further
1.I:Release landing call
inputs, to release landings (landing call
push button), if activated.
1.O: Release landing Definition of the first output to release
call landing calls.

If landing calls are released (e.g. by using a

Automatic call key-operated switch), this landing is called NO YES/NO
automatically with “YES”.
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on
the number of landings there are further
1.I: Release car call
inputs to release landings (car call push
button), if activated.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value

Definition of the first output to release car

1.O: Release car call

If car calls are released (e.g. by using a key-

Automatic call operated switch), this landing is called NO YES/NO

Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on

1.I:Release floor the number of landings there are further
inputs to release landings, if activated.

1.O: Release floor Definition of the first output to release floor.

Note: In order to be effective, releases must be activated under normal operation or clock travel
respectively. For this purpose, the parameter “lock or unlock doors” described in the menu of “Normal
Operation” must be set to YES and correspond to the respective submenu.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7080 -> 7079]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Change to the page with car call masks of
Car calls side 1 door side 1. Accesses shaded in green are
[CMD -> 7100-> OK] enabled. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Change to the page with landing call masks of
door side 1. Accesses shaded in green are
Landing calls side 1
enabled. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Change to the page with door parking masks
of door side 1. Accesses shaded in green
Door parking side 1 means parking with closed doors. For further
information regarding this submenu, check
the corresponding chapter.
Change to the page with car call masks of
door side 2. Accesses shaded in green are
Car calls side 2
enabled. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Change to the page with landing call masks of
door side 2. Accesses shaded in green are
Landing calls side 2
enabled. For further information regarding this
submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
Change to the page with door parking masks
of door side 2. Accesses shaded in green
Door parking side 2 means parking with closed doors. For further
information regarding this submenu, check
the corresponding chapter.
Query regarding the parking option. YES
changes to the pages to define the parking
functions. For further information regarding YES/NO
[CMD -> 7087-> OK]
this submenu, check the corresponding

Serves to define whether the door is released

Lock or unlock doors NO YES/NO
or blocked after a travel.

Definition of a landing where the lift is always 0-max.
Floor forced stop up (=deactivate
stopped when going upwards. landings

Floor forced stop Definition of a landing where the lift is always 0-max.
down stopped when going downwards. landings

The "ALL" button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the car call acceptance individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any
changes using "OK".
[Direct access: CMD -> 7100]

The "ALL" button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the landing call acceptance of door side 1 individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget
to save any changes using "OK".
[Direct access: CMD -> 7100]

The "ALL" button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the parking mode individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes
using "OK".
[Direct access: CMD -> 7095]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7087]

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]
Definition of the fixed parking landing’s 0 0-max.
Fix floor
number. (=deactivated) landings

Query whether the lift is to park in the

Main stop parking NO YES/NO
main landing.

Query whether the distribution for

Decided by ΚΜGroup parking this system is to be made by the NO YES/NO
group controller.
Definition of the time interval necessary
for approaching the parking landing.
T: Parking time(s) When this time has elapsed - after the 0-999 s
last travel - the lift goes to the parking
Query whether the doors are to be
Door open in park
opened after having approached the NO YES/NO
destination parking landing.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7086 -> 7089 -> 7090 -> 7092]

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]

T:Travel begin Definition of the clock travel starting

0 0000-2359
(hhmm) time in hours and minutes.

Definition of the clock travel end time in

T:Travel end (hhmm) 0 0000-2359
hours and minutes.

Definition of the input in the control

I:control cabinet
cabinet to activate the clock travel.

Definition of the input in the car to

activate the clock travel.

Definition of a landing call input to

I:Landing call DS1/2
activate the clock travel.

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]
Definition of an input for starting the
clock travel. Here, a short push on the
button suffices for activation. At this
I: Start with pulse
input the clock travel remains in
operation until the signal reaches “I:
End with pulse”.
Definition of an input for ending a clock
I: End with pulse travel. The start was initiated previously
by the “I: Start with pulse” signal.

Definition of an output to display the

clock travel. If the parameter
“Acknowledge blinking” is activated as
O:Clock travel active
well, the “clock travel” signal is switched
on/off in one second intervals, thereby
indicating the clock travel at hand.
Under default setting (No), an active
clock travel is displayed on all outputs
listed. When “Yes” is chosen, the output
Acknowledge blinking NO YES/NO
“O:Clock travel active” changes in one
second intervals. The remaining
outputs are not affected.
Determination whether car calls are to
Delete car calls be deleted when the clock travel is NO YES/NO

Determination whether landing calls are

Delete landing calls to be deleted when the clock travel is NO YES/NO

1.O:Clock travel activ Definition of the first output to indicate

DS1 the active clock travel on door side 1.

1.O:Clock travel activ Definition of the first output to indicate

DS2 the active clock travel on door side 2.

Definition, whether in case of an active

clock travel, the priority travel scrolling
Rolltext priority travel text is to be displayed. By setting the NO YES/NO
parameter to “Yes”, the remaining
options change to “No” automatically.

Definition, whether in case of an active

clock travel, the special travel scrolling
Rolltext special travel text is to be displayed. By setting the NO YES/NO
parameter to “Yes”, the remaining
options change to “No” automatically.
Definition, whether in case of an active
clock travel, the emergency travel
Rolltext emergency scrolling text is to be displayed. By
travel setting the parameter to “Yes”, the
remaining options change to “No”
Determination whether the doors are
Lock or unlock doors released or blocked when the clock NO YES/NO
travel is activated.

Definition of the landing where the lift is 0 0-max.

Floor forced stop up
to stop when going upwards. (=deactivated) landings

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]

Floor forced stop Definition of the landing where the lift is 0 0-max.
down to stop when going downwards. (=deactivated) landings

Change to the page with car call masks

of door side 1. Accesses shaded in
Car calls side 1
green are enabled. Same settings apply
as under normal operation.
Change to the page with landing call
masks of door side 1. Accesses shaded
Landing calls side 1
in green are enabled. Same settings
apply as under normal operation.
Change to the page with door parking
masks of door side 1. Accesses shaded
Door parking side 1 in green means parking with closed
doors. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.
Change to the page with car call masks
of door side 2. Accesses shaded in
Car calls side 2
green are enabled. Same settings apply
as under normal operation.
Change to the page with landing call
masks of door side 2. Accesses shaded
Landing calls side 2
in green are enabled. Same settings
apply as under normal operation.
Change to the page with door parking
masks of door side 2. Accesses shaded
Door parking side 2 in green means parking with closed
doors. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.
YES changes to the parking parameters
Parking configuration page. Same settings YES/NO
apply as under normal operation.

“Special service” mode is about six different call acceptance configurations which can be activated
via a corresponding landing call.
Functional description:
An activated special travel service renders traveling under normal operation impossible. Clock travel
and special travel remain unaffected.

Prerequisites for switching into special service are:

❑ No active car calls
❑ Zero contact is closed (empty car)
❑ Landing call for special function (1-6) applies
When these conditions are met, the installation switches into the call acceptance (1-6) status
corresponding to the issued landing call and activates the associated door-opening mask.
The installation remains in this condition for a time span that there are active car or landing calls for
this special function.
If necessary, the installation will switch to the next call acceptance configuration should there be
active associated landing calls.
Note: For reasons of safety, it is recommended to block all car calls in the door opening mask for
normal travel when configuring the special service.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7058 -> 7059]

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]
Change to the page with car call masks of
door side 1. Accesses shaded in green are
Car calls side 1
enabled. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.
Change to the page with landing call masks
of door side 1. Accesses shaded in green
Landing calls side 1
are enabled. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.
Change to the page with car call masks of
door side 2. Accesses shaded in green are
Car calls side 2
enabled. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]
Change to the page with landing call masks
of door side 2. Accesses shaded in green
Landing calls side 2
are enabled. Same settings apply as under
normal operation.

Change to the page with special service


Number of the moving text (scrolling text)

Moving text number which is to be displayed in case of special 0-12

[Direct access: CMD -> 7184 -> 7081]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Start special travel Change to page 99 to define the beginning of "special
[CMD -> 7099-> travel 1". For further information regarding this YES/NO
OK] submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
T:Reservation Definition of a reservation time for special travel,
30 0-999
time(s) measures in seconds after activation.

Definition, whether in case of an active special travel,

Rolltext priority the priority travel scrolling text is to be displayed. By
travel setting the parameter to “Yes”, the remaining options
change to “No” automatically.
Definition, whether in case of an active special travel,
Rolltext special the special travel scrolling text is to be displayed. By
travel setting the parameter to “Yes”, the remaining options
change to “No” automatically.
Definition, whether in case of an active clock travel, the
Rolltext emergency emergency travel scrolling text is to be displayed. By
travel setting the parameter to “Yes”, the remaining options
change to “No” automatically.
O:Special travel Definition of an output for signaling an active special
active travel.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first output, i.e. depending on the
1.O:Special travel
number of landings there are further outputs on door
side 1 which serve to signal an active special travel.

Definition of the first output, i.e. depending on the

1.O:Special travel
number of landings there are further outputs on door
side 2 which serve to signal an active special travel.

O:Text special Definition of an output for signalling an active special

travel travel by means of a special text.
Change to pages with car call masks of door side 1.
Accesses shaded in green are released. The
Car calls side 1
representation is identical to the one for normal
Change to pages with landing call masks of door side
1. Accesses shaded in green are released. The
Landing calls side 1
representation is identical to the one for normal
Change to pages with car call masks of door side 2.
Accesses shaded in green are released. The
Car calls side 2
representation is identical to the one for normal
Change to pages with landing call masks of door side
2. Accesses shaded in green are released. The
Landing calls side 2
representation is identical to the one for normal

Indication of the speech-text number (extra table)

Speech text-number which defines the text to be put out during special 66 0-99

Select the priority of the lift in the group on a special

travel. Each lift can be assigned to a corresponding
Priority level in
priority level. 0 stands for no consideration, while 8 0 0-8
stands for the highest priority. For the same
entitlement, all lifts must be assigned to level 1.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7099]

Description Default value Value Range
[Direct access]

Determination of an input to start

I:Control cabinet
special travel.

Definition of a first input which – if

1.I:Spec. trav. outside activated - serves to initiate the special not defined,
1 travel. Depending on the number of landing bus
landings, further inputs follow.
Definition of the landing for priority
travel on door side 1. If the priority travel
parameter is applied to one landing
Floor special travel 0 0-max.
only, the automatically per level set IO’s
DS1 (=deactivated) landings
can be restricted. This way one reduces
the number of inputs on the bus
Definition of the first input, i.e.
1.I:Spec. trav. outside depending on the number of landings, not defined, car
2 there are further inputs which, if bus
activated, serve to initiate special travel.
Definition of the landing for priority
travel on door side 2. If the priority travel
Floor special travel parameter is applied to one landing 0 0-max.
DS2 only, the automatically per level set IO’s (=deactivated) landings
can be restricted. This way one reduces
the number if inputs on the bus module.

YES serves to delete any active car

Delete car calls NO YES/NO
calls prior to initiating special travel.

YES serves to delete any active landing

Delete landing calls NO YES/NO
calls prior to initiating special travel.

YES means that landing calls will still be

Accept landing calls accepted when running in special NO YES/NO

YES serves to open doors in reversal

DS1 open in floor NO YES/NO
floor on doors side 1.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7135 -> 7139 -> 7140 -> 7141]

Parameter Value
Description Default value
[Direct access] Range
P39 on the
I:FC in control Definition of an input to activate the fire case
cabinet function in the control cabinet.

Selection whether the fire signal is applied by a

*Contact type normally close contact or a normally open N.O/N.C.

Definition of an input to activate the fire case

I:FC in floor side1
function in the landing on door side 1.

Definition of an input to activate the fire case

I:FC in floor side2
function in the landing on door side 2.

Selection whether the fire signal is applied by an

*FC in floor signal N/C contact (=Y) or N/O contact (=N) on door side NO N.O./N.C.

I:FC end Definition of an input to switch off/active fire case.

Parameter Value
Description Default value
[Direct access] Range
Definition of the time span (seconds) after which
T:Time to close
the doors absolutely have to be closed in case of 0 0-99 s
Change to page 168 to define “DS1 open mask”
for door side 1. The activated landings allow an
DS1 open mask
evacuation in case of fire on door side 1. The
[CMD -> 7168 ->
doors of a locked landing will not be opened!
For further information regarding this submenu,
check the corresponding chapter.
DS2 open mask
Change to page 168 to define “DS2 open mask”
[CMD -> 7168 ->
for door side 2.

Definition of the first input, i.e. there are further

1.I: Smoke
inputs to evaluate the smoke detectors of door
detectors D1
side 1 (Dynamic fire case control).

I: Smoke detectors Definition of an input to evaluate an extra smoke

D1 detector at door side 1.

Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on the

1.I: Smoke landings there are further inputs to evaluate the
detectors D2 smoke detectors of door side 2 (Dynamic fire
case control).

I: Smoke detectors Definition of an input to evaluate an extra smoke

D2 detector on door side 2.

Selection whether the smoke detector signals are

*Smoke detectors
applied by normally close contacts or normally N.O./N.C.
open contacts.

Smoke dectectors Selection whether an active smoke detector is to

active: FC trigger a fire case.

Definition of an output for acoustic signalling of

O:Acoustic signal
the active fire case function.

Definition of an output (pulse) for visual signalling

O:Text fire case
of the active fire case function.

Definition of an output to signal that the fire

O: Reach to target
evacuation floor is reached.

Selection whether in case of fire the light curtain

are to be ignored. YES initiates the doors to be
Ignore light curtain NO YES/NO
closed by force. The light curtain signal will not be
factored in.
Floors fire case Change to the page to define the order of fire
[CMD -> 7143-> case landings. For further information regarding
OK] this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

Selection whether the fire case messages are to

Fire case in group NO YES/NO
be transmitted via the group log.

Definition of the first output to signal the active fire

O:Fire case active 1
case function.

Parameter Value
Description Default value
[Direct access] Range

Definition of the second output to signal the active

O:Fire case active 2
fire case function.

Definition of the third output to signal the active

O:Fire case active 3
fire case function.

Definition of the first output; i.e. depending on the

number of subsequent landing, there are further
1.O:FC active DS1
outputs which serve to signal an active fire case
on door side 1.
Definition of the first output; i.e. depending on the
number of subsequent landing, there are further
1.O:FC active DS2
outputs which serve to signal an active fire case
on door side 1. (In case of selective door control)

The "ALL" button serves to select/unselect all landings if pressed repeatedly. Change the door-
opening mask individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes using
[Direct access: CMD -> 7168]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7143]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of the first safe landing. The main
FC: Safe floor 1 fire case landing where the lift is to go in
case of fire.

Definition of the second safe landing. It

FC: Safe floor 2 corresponds to the first alternative landing if
the main fire case landing signals a fire via
the smoke detector.

Definition of the third safe landing. It

FC: Safe floor 3 corresponds to the second alternative
landing if the first alternative landing signals
a fire via the smoke detector.

FC: Safe floor 4

As before, but one landing further on, etc.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7136 ->7197->7177]

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
Definition of an input for the firemen key in
the landing or control cabinet. This input
activates the firemen mode: the car travels
to the firemen landing and remains
reserved with open doors until the firemen
key in the car is activated and a car call is
If there’s no programmed firemen key on
the inside, the car call can be executed
I:FT key floor/controller
directly. In this case, during firemen mode
it’s more more possible to resend the car
into the firemen landing by enabling the
landing firemen key again.
The firemen travel is terminated when the
car is located in the firemen landing and one
or more firemen keys are switched off. A
previous firemen travel is no loger

Definition of the landing in which the

Floor FT 1 0-max. landing
firemen key is located.

Definition of an input for the firemen key in

I:FT key car
the car.

Selection whether the inputs for the firemen

*Contact type: travel signal are applied by normally close N.O./N.C.
contacts or normally open contacts.
Automatic return to the FT floor: If the fire
key is removed during or after a firemen
Automa. back to Floor travel, the car will automatically move back NO YES/NO
into the FT floor and remain there with the
doors open.
Change to the page to set door masks for
DS1 open mask firemen mode. For further information
[CMD -> 7178-> OK] regarding this submenu, check the
corresponding chapter.
This parameter serves to determine
whether DS1 in the firemen-landing is to be
opened in the case of a firemen-travel. This
Open DS1 on floor NO YES/NO
parameter is queried only if both doors in
the firemen-landing are activated at the FT-
door mask.

Parameter Default
Description Value Range
[Direct access] value
This parameter serves to determine
whether DS2 in the firemen-landing is to be
opened in the case of a firemen-travel. This
Open DS2 on floor NO YES/NO
parameter is queried only if both doors in
the firemen-landing are activated at the FT-
door mask.
Query whether in firemen mode may always
only one door be opened even in case of
the possibility to load through directly. For
Exclusive lock YES YES/NO
firemen lifts according to EN 81-72:2015
this is required, therefore the parameter
must necessarily set “YES”.

Definition of an output for visual signalling

O:Text FT
of the active firemen mode.

Selection whether a note concerning the

FT text on speech mo. active firemen mode is to be put out via the YES YES/NO
bus voice output.

Definition of an output to signal the active

O:FT active
firemen mode.

Definition of the first output used to display

the door side which is possible for opening
1.O:DO Acknowledge in the car durin firemen mode. The second
door side will automatically be assigned to
the subsequent I/O.
This parameter serves to determine
Reach to target whether the lift has reached the FT floor in YES/NO
case of activated firemen travel.

Selection of the function of the door close

CloseBtn deact.: D
button. The door keeps closing when the YES YES/NO
button is released.

Selection of the function of the door close

CloseBtn deact.: D stop button. The door stops when the button is NO YES/NO

Selection of the function of the door close

CloseBtn deact.: D
button. The door will open again when the NO YES/NO
button is released.

D close on car Selection whether the door is closed upon a

command car call.

Selection of the function of the door open

OpenBtn deact.: D
button. The door keeps opening when the YES YES/NO
button is released.

Selection of the function of the door open

OpenBtn deact.: D stop button. The door stops when the button is NO YES/NO

Selection of the function of the door open

OpenBtn deact.: D
button. The door will close again when the NO YES/NO
button is released.

The "ALL" button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the door mask individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes using
[Direct access: CMD -> 7178]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7137 -> 7142 -> 7182]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Definition of an input for UPS which activates

I:UPS Evacuation
the evacuation mode.

Definition of an input which enables an

evacuation travel. This serves to create an
I: ET release
evacuation chain where always only one lift is

Determination of a delay time in seconds.

After this interval has elapsed, the evacuation
T:ET delay (s) travel will be started. The counter starts when 0 0-999 s
the evacuation signal arrives at “I:ET USV
Definition of a landing to which people are 0-max.
Floor ET (=deactivate
evacuated. landing

Definition of an output to signal that the

O:ET active
evacuation mode is active.

Definition of an output to signal that the car

has reached the evacuation landing or has
O: In ET floor
already been there. The evacuation travel
ends thereupon.

Query whether the evacuation travel has

ET prior fire case NO YES/NO
higher priority than the fire case.

Query whether the evacuation travel has

ET prior fire service NO YES/NO
higher priority than the fire case.

Change the page to set door mask into

Evacuation door evacuation mode. For further
masks information regarding this submenu, check
the corresponding chapter.
Query whether the system is to change to
normal operation after the evacuation travel
Free after ET although the evacuation mode is active NO YES/NO
(Delay time 10 sec. after termination of

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
When selecting “YES”, further operation is
possible in accordance with the parameter
settings described under “Number of
movements”. When selectiong “NO”, the lift
will shut down in the evacuation landing.
Limited further operation is however stil
possible via parameter: “I:Free after ET”
Definition of an input for releasing travels after
an executed evacuation given certain
preconditions are fulfilled. This parameter is
only available, when free after evacuation
I:Free after ET travel is set to “No”. (see above) If this input
is activated, only car calls are permissible.
Hence, travels are released/permitted under
the conditions of the parameter “Number of
This parameter serves to determine the
number of travels which are allowed to be
conducted under emergency power supply.
When the maximum number of travels is
Number of
reached, this will be indicated at the end of the 0 0-20
last run by emitting an acoustic signal for 10
Setting this parameter 0 allows infinite
number of travels.
Determination of an input in order to define
the intended evacuation direction (upwards).
I: Evac. up direction
Usually the signal is given by the frequency
Determination of an input in order to define
I: Evac. down the intended evacuation direction
direction (downwards). Usually the signal is given by
the frequency inverter.

Definition of an output for visual signalling of

O:Text ET
the active evacuation mode.

Query whether an evacuation is to be initiated

by the inverter in DCP in case the inverter has
Evacuation by DCP detected a supply interruption/phase error. NO YES/NO
Note: This is not supported from all inverter
Query whether the load direction signal is to
be transmitted by the inverter via DCP to the
Evac. direction by controller in order to determine the
DCP evacuation direction.
Note: This is not supported from all inverter
Selection whether the evacuation travel is to
be carried out in speed v1. When activating
Speed = v1 NO YES/NO
the parameter by choosing YES, the other
speed options are set to NO.

Selection whether the evacuation travel is to

be carried out in speed v2. When activating
Speed = v2 NO YES/NO
the parameter by choosing YES, the other
speed options are set to NO.

Selection whether the evacuation travel is to

be carried out in speed v3. When activating
Speed = v3 NO YES/NO
the parameter by choosing YES, the other
speed options are set to NO.

Selection whether the evacuation travel is to

be carried out in vrated. When activating the
Speed = vrated NO YES/NO
parameter by choosing YES, the other speed
options are set to NO.

The "ALL" button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the door mask individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes using
[Direct access: CMD -> 7106]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7138 -> 7072]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for the switch-off function in the
car. If the car is in an operating mode with lower
priority, it changes to the operating mode "shut-down
(car)" and activates the following functions:
❑ Display: "Shut down car" at TFT
❑ If the car is travelling, the current destination is
I:SO key car still approached.
❑ Deletion of all calls
❑ Car light is switched off
❑ When the key is removed, the lift immediately
changes to the original operating mode or
possibly to an operating mode activated in the
Definition of an input for the switch-off function in the
If the car is in an operating mode with lower priority,
it changes to the operating mode "shut-down
(landing)" and activates the following functions:
❑ Display "Shut down landing" at TFT
❑ Deletion of all landing and car calls and blocking
of the entire call acceptance.
❑ If the car moves away from the shut-down
landing when the shut-down function is initiated,
it will stop in the next possible landing without
I:SO key floor opening the doors and approach the shut-down
❑ In the shut-down landing, the door is opened and
closed when the idle time has elapsed.
❑ The lift car light is switched off if the
corresponding parameter "Switch car light" in the
"Relay addresses" parameter set is
❑ When the key is removed, the lift immediately
changes to the original operating mode or
possibly to an operating mode activated in the
Definition of an input for the switch-off function in the
I: SO input control
control cabinet. The function is analogous to the
above-mentioned function " I:SO key floor".

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Selection whether the inputs for the switch-off signal
*SO key floor
are applied by normally close contacts or normally N.O./N.C.
open contacts.

Door open in Selection whether the doors are to remain open or

landing closed after the switch-off function is enabled.

Group Query whether several cars are to run as a lift group.

[CMD -> 7073 -> By choosing “YES” the group parameters are made YES/NO
OK] visible.
Definition of an input for switching-off the installation
(controller/light off) via a temporary impulse (>10
I:Start SO with
msec.) e.g. by enabling a push-button. Usually, this
is carried out with a key switch in landing or control

I:End SO with Definition of an input for switching back on; likewise

pulse performed via an impulse.

Definition of the first landing to be approached after

initializing the switch-off function, in order to urge 1-max.
Floor: Call 2
people to leace the car. It is usually the landing in landing
which the switch-off key is located.

Definition of a landing where the car is parked after 1-max.

Floor: Switch off 2
initializing the switch-off function. landing

Definition of an output for optic signaling of the active

O:SO active
switch-off function.

The "ALL" button serves to select all the elevators of group or no elevators if you press the button
again. Choose the number of elevators individually by pressing the elevator number. Do not forget
to save any changes using "OK".
[Direct access: CMD -> 7073]

[Direct access: CMD -> 7160]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on the
1.IO: Visitor control
number of landings, there are further inputs for
the visitor control function on door side 1.

Definition of the second input, i.e. depending on

2.IO: Visitor control
the number of landings, there are further inputs
for the visitor control function on door side 1.

Definition of the first input, i.e. depending on the

1.IO: Visitor control
number of landings, there are further inputs for
the visitor control function on door side 2.

YES causes the lift to start in entry landing only in

Consider zero load the case of a detected “load” within the car. YES YES/NO
Otherwise the lift will not move.

If the visitor control is activated, the lift moves into

Automatic car call the entry landing where the car call for the visitor NO YES/NO
landing can be set automatically.

When travelling with the visitor, other calls can be

Exclusive travel NO YES/NO
ignored by setting this parameter to YES.

When the lift is approaching the entry landing, it

T: Timeout (s) is reserved to visitor travel for this maximum time 60 0-99 s
interval (in seconds).

YES opens door side 1 when arriving in the main

DS1 open in main YES YES/NO

YES opens door side 2 when arriving in the main

DS2 open in main YES YES/NO

[Direct access: CMD -> 7155 -> 7180 -> 7181]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Definition of an input to activate the penthouse

control in the car.

If there is no call button in the car, "YES" serves

Autom. car call YES YES/NO
to set an automatic call to the penthouse.

Definition of an output for visual signalling of the

O:Penthouse active
active penthouse control.

I:PH release call Definition of an input for Penthouse floor release.

Definition of an input which releases the

Penthouse floor if it is activated once. If it is
I:Button on/off
activated again, the Penthouse floor is blocked

Definition of an input to release the car calls to the

I:With reserve time
Penthouse for a specific time span.

Definition of a reservation time (seconds), which

determines how long a car call from visitor landing
T: Reserve time(s) 15 0-99
is to be waiter for. After this time interval elapses,
visitor mode is reset.

Definition of an output for visual signalling of the

O:PH active
active penthouse control.

"YES" means that no other landing calls are

Exclusive travel YES/NO

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input to activate the visitor mode.
IO: Visitor When the input is activated, the car travels to the
main floor.

YES causes the lift to start in entry landing only in

Consider zero load the case of a detected “load” within the car. NO YES/NO
Otherwise the lift will not move.

If the visitor control is activated, the lift moves into

Autom. car call the entry landing where the car call for the visitor NO YES/NO
landing can be set automatically.

When the lift is approaching the entry landing, it

T:Timeout (s) is reserved to visitor travel for this maximum time 121 0-999
interval (in seconds).

IO: call with zero Definition of an input for Penthouse landing call
load with zero load consideration

Dead man mode function: The simultaneous pressing of the travel button while also activating a car
call (landing button) causes the lift to travel and level at the landing. When the travel signal is
switched off during travel (by letting go of the travel or landing button) the lift stops immediately.
Only by reactivating the travel and landing button it is possible to reinitiate the travel.


❑ Should no travel button be programmed, it is sufficed to initiate a car call (landing button)
for traveling
❑ Landing control is disabled in this operation mode. It is however possible for a landing call
to be permitted under certain conditions (please see “Register landing call”).

[Direct access: CMD -> 7195]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input activating the dead man
I: Hold to Run

Definition of an output for reporting an active the

O: Hold to Run
dead man mode.
Definition of an input for the travel-button if it
needs to be considered when travelling in dead-
man’s mode. Should there be no programmed
I:Start to move
travel-button, it is possible to conduct a travel in
dead-man’s mode by means of the landing button
This function causes the installation in dead-
man’s mode to only accept landing calls when the
Register landing call lift is standing and no calls already apply. This NO YES/NO
function is only possible when there is no
programmed travel-button.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7077]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

I:Turn off mode Definition of an input to switch the turn-off mode.

Definition of an output for the turn-off mode to

O:Turn off mode
switch the main contactor.

Floor: Turn off Definition of the landing to which the lift goes for
mode turn off.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7084]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an output signalling the active
standby mode.

Selection whether the inputs for the standby

*Contact type: mode signal are applied by normally close N.O./N.C.
contacts or normally open contacts.

Definition of a time in seconds when the standby

T:Standby (s) 300 0-999 s
mode is to be activated.

Definition of the maximum delay time (in seconds)

for which, after switched back to normal operation
from standby, the installation has to wait for a
T:switch on time (s) report about whether VVVF is ready. Should no 0 0-999 s
ready message be received in this time, a
controller error will be registered and the lift will
go out of operation.

Definition of an input to switch off the standby

I:Standby off ΝΟ

Definition of an input to switch on the standby

I:Standby on ΝΟ

Definition of an input which signals the ready

I:VVVF ready state (after standby) of the inverter to the ΝΟ

Function procedure:

❑ In standstill all signal lights for approaching and departure are red.
❑ Lift is called by a landing call (e.g.: floor 1 DS1) and starts travelling.
❑ Traffic light signal light in floor 1 DS1 (Red/off) turns off, lift opens DS1, door-open switch
❑ Position signal (Red/Green) shines in green, the car boards, the sensor signalling its
presence turns active.
❑ Display “Drive up” of DS1 lights up until the car has left the light curtain of DS1; then the
display shows “Stop”.
❑ If the car moves to far up, i.e. the light curtain of DS2 is interrupted, the display shows “back
❑ After entry of the destination landing (or automatic call) the position signa turns red and the
doors close.
❑ Approaching to the destination landing, doors open, door-open limit switch activates, display
indictes either “Drive up” or “back up” depending on the right direction in which the car is to
leave the lift
[Direct access: CMD -> 7158]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for the sensor indicating
I: Car presence presence. This presence sensor is a precondition
for the issuance of an automatic car call.
Definition of the first output of the floor traffic light;
there are 3 reserved outputs per door side and
floor. The outputs of the traffic light are arranged
1.O:FIoor traffic
as follows:
IO1: O position signal (before the car) Green
IO2: O position signal (before the car) Red
IO3: O traffic light Red
Definition of the first output of the position signal
in the car; 5 successive outputs are assigned as
IO1: O Drive UP DS1
1.O:position signal
IO2: O Back up DS1
IO3: O Drive UP DS2
IO4: O Back up DS2
IO5: O Stop DS1 und DS2

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
With car lifts with only 2 floors, this parameter
enables the setting of an automatic call to the
other floor. A precondition to this function is the
Automatic car call YES/NO
existence of a presence sensor in the lift car and
the activation of the light curtain during the
process of embarking the lift.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7196]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for switching the control into
lift-boy mode. During lift boy mode, landing calls
I:Lift boy active
are not accepted directly but reported to the lift
boy as a request.
1.O:landing call Definition of the first output of call request for
DS1 reporting landing calls on door side 1 to the cabin.

Definition of the first output of call request for

1.O:landing call
reporting landing calls on door side 2 to the cabin.
(In case of selectivity)

In case of an earthquake there will appear a status report on the hand terminal in order to narrow
down the possible causes.
Here, the following correspondence applies:
1=Activation by vertical/seismics-warning
2=Activation by horizontal
3=Activation by counterweight/seismics-activated
[Direct access: CMD -> 7211]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for the detection of an
earthquake case by means of the monitoring of
I:Horizontal the horizontal vibration. In this case, the lift is set
to continue traveling until next landing, where it
Definition of an input for the detection of an
earthquake case by means of the monitoring of
I:Vertical .
the vertical vibration. In this case, an evacuation
run to the next landing will be initiated.
Definition of an input for the detection of an
earthquake case by means of the monitoring of
the counterweight. In this case, an evacuation run
to the next landing will be initiated insuch a
direction to ensure the lift is moving away from the
Definition of an input for evaluating the fact that
the seismic detector has been activated during
pre-screening. When this input is activated, the
I:Seismic stand by cabin moves to the next landing and remains
mode there waiting for 60 seconds. Should no
earthquake be detected during this time span, the
installation will automatically return to normal
Definition of an input for activating the earthquake
case by means of the monitoring of the seismic
activity. In this case, the lift will run an evacuation
I:Seismic mode to the next landing which lies in such direction as
to ensure the cabin’s moving away from the
counterweight. The installation will go into
standstill there.
Input for monitoring whether the seismic detector
is in operating state. If this should not be the case,
I:Seismic is ok
the installation will be put to standstill at the next

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
This output is meant for initiating the testing
routine for the seismic detector. Usually, this
testing procedure is conducted every 24h.
O:Test seismic Therein, an earthquake case is being simulated
at the seismic detector while the input “Seismic
mode” at the controller evaluates the simulated
This input is used for resetting the earthquake
I:Reset case in mode2 and mode 3; mode1 is reset
automatically after 60 seconds.

Number of the rolltext (scrolling text) which is to

Rolltext number 0-10
be displayed in an earthquake case

The AWT Transport is an automatic goods transport system which integrates the lift. A
distinction is made between goods transportat according to the PSB or SWISSLOG standard.
The selection is made via page 216. If SWISSLOG PLC is set “YES”, the system switches from
PSB to the SWISSLOG method and page 215 is adapted accordingly.

If the respective key operated switches are installed in the landings and in the car, you can also
switch over to manual operation in the PSB mode.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7215 -> 7216]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an input for reporting the “ready”
I:PSB ready signal of the freight transportation system’s
Definition of an input for the signal “Automatic
mode” of the freight transportation system’s
I:Automatic mode
controller. This signal will remain until the next
manual mode.
Definition of an output which turns active after the
key for manual operation in the cabin has been
O:req for automatic pulled, thereby indicating to the controller of the
freight transportation system a request for
automatic mode.
Definition of an input for the “Manual release”
signal of the freight transportation system’s
I:Manual release
controller. This signal is preconditioned on a
previous manual mode by the lift controller.
Definition of an output for the manual mode of the
freight transportation system’s controller. Manual
mode is activated by a key switch in the
O:Manual mode
corresponding landing. When the manual mode
signal of the transportation system applies, the lift
will start travelling to the aforementioned landing.
Definition of the first input; i.e. depending on the
1.I:Command from
number of landings, further inputs for calls to the
respective landing can follow.
Definition of the first output; i.e. depending on the
1.O:Automatic number of landings, further outputs for signaling
mode(OAM) the automatic mode via e.g. an indicator lamp in
the floor can follow.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Definition of the first output; i.e. depending on the
1.O:Manual mode number of landings, further outputs for signaling
(OMM) the manual mode via e.g. an indicator lamp in the
floor can follow.
Definition of an input for releasing the manual
operation in the cabin. For this purpose, it is
I:Request to manual necessary to pull the key for manual operation
in car upon arrival in the landing and to then put it in the
car. Afterwards, the target landing may be
Entry of delay time of starting when the lift is
T:Delay (s) ready in the landing with closed doors until a 15 0-200 s
ready signal is fed back to AWT operation.

1.IO:SWISSLOG Entry of the first I/O for the AWT operation with
PLC Swisslog.

Number of the rolltext (scrolling text) which is to

Rolltext number 0-10
be displayed in

The dangerous goods transport is activated in the landing with a key. First, all calls are deleted, and
then the lift approaches the landing in which the key was enabled and the door opens. The activated
dangerous goods mode remains active with open doors until the reservation time elapses. If the key
in the car is not still activated, the lift returns into normal mode after reservation time has elapsed.
In case of an activated car key, the doors remain open and the dangerous goods can be loaded in.
If a car call was emitted for this transport (last selection is valid), the key remains activated in the
cabin. Now, the landing switch is to be enabled until the doors are closed completely. It is only then
that the lift travels to the desired landing.
Upon arrival, the doors remain closed until the key is activated in this particular landing. Then, doors
open and the dangerous goods may be unloaded. Thereupon, the key is to be removed from the
cabin in order to terminate the transport.

Case apart - Australian standard: Here a key-operated switch with 2 active positions is required in
the landings. Position 1 serves to activate the transport of dangerous goods and to call the lift.
Position 2 is used to close the doors.

Note: In operating mode “dangerous goods “, blocked landings are approached according to the
release settings in the release mask for clock travel 1.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7161]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Address input for the key switch “Dangerous
Goods” on the cabin operation panel which
I: Car key
serves to activate the “dangerous goods”
1. Address input on a bus module in each
landing where either I/O or dangerous
1.I: Landing key DS1
goods keys are connected for activating the
1.Adress input on a bus module in each
landing. It defines at which I/O the doors are
1.I:Close doors DS1 to be closed and travel to be started with the
signal “Dangerous Goods Door-close” (Only
for Australian dangerous goods mode)
1. Address input on a bus module in each
landing where either I/O or dangerous
1.I: Landing key DS2
goods keys are connected for activating the

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
1.Adress input on a bus module in each
landing. It defines at which I/O the doors are
1.I:Close doors DS2 to be closed and travel to be started with the
signal “Dangerous Goods Door-close” (Only
for Australian dangerous goods mode)

Output to signal an active dangerous-goods

O:Dangerous Goods

Output which serves to define a

conventional audio-response for an active
O:Text Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods transport. For this
purpose a pulse of 1 sec. duration is issued.
Number of the audio-response text which is
Speech text-number to be issued via a BUS-audio response 70
in the event of a dangerous goods transport.
Maximum reservation time until actuation of
the car key for an activated dangerous
T:Reserve time (s) goods transport in the landing. After this this 30 0-999 s
time interval elapses, normal mode is

The Sabbath-function was integrated to account for the particularities in the Jewish faith community.
The function is activated/deactivated with the parameter “I: Sabbath mode”. If a specific beginning
and ending time is determined, it will be taken into account during the activation signal. More

❑ all push buttons in the car are deactivated (Exception: emergency call button)
❑ car light and fan are activated automatically
❑ In each landing there is a display indicating that the Sabbath control is in operating mode.
When active, these displays are illuminated. The corresponding parameter is “1.O:Sabbath
activ” (Sabbath-function active)
❑ Lift car and main landing are equipped with further illuminated displays which flash while
the lift travels. Parameters are “O: Sabbath main landing” and “O: Sabbath in cabin”.
❑ the lift serves all landings periodically: up and down
❑ in each landing the lift stops and waits for 10-15 seconds (adjustable) before continuing its
❑ in the main landing the lift waits for 2-4 minutes (adjustable) before continuing its travel
❑ at the end of the Sabbath-function the lift parks in the main landing for 30 seconds
(adjustable) and the illuminated displays flash during this time interval.
❑ when the cabin operation panel is switched into activity (combined operation for various
religions) calls can be accepted. Prior to this, the illuminated display is switched off so that
the intended travel can be conducted before restoring the Sabbath-function.
❑ during operation in Sabbath-function, light curtains and over load signals are ignored
❑ in case of two door sides, all doors open simultaneously
❑ the parameter “T: Stop in main landing” must be larger than “T: Stop between floors” (Stop
❑ the parameter “T: Stop between floors” must be larger than “T: Door open time” and “T:
Staytime landing call (s)” (both in “Door times” menu, CMD -> 7044).

[Direct access: CMD -> 7115 -> 7116]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Address input for activating the Sabbath-
I:Sabbath Mode

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
Sabbath-function starting time in hours and
minutes. If the starting time is set to 0, the
T:Sabbath Begin (hhmm) 0
activation input serves as Sabbath-function
starting point.
Sabbath-function ending time in hours and
minutes. If this value is set to 0, the release
T:Sabbath End (hhmm) 0
of the activation input marks the Sabbath-
function ending point.
Address output for the illuminated display of
1.O:Sabbath active each landing, which are connected to the
bus modules.

Address output for the illuminated display in

O:Sabbath main landing
the main landing panel.

Address output for the illuminated display In

O:Sabbath in cabin
the cabin operation panel.

Definition of an output for deactivating the

O:Cabin call disable
cabin calls.

Definition of an output for deactivating the

O:Landing call disable
landing calls.

Dwell time in the landings during which the

landing doors remain open – measure in
T:Stop between floors (s) 12
seconds. Afterwards, door closing time
Dwell time in the main landing during which
the landing doors remain open – measure in
T:Stop in main landing (s) 180
seconds. Afterwards, door closing time
Sabbath-function ending time in seconds.
T:Stop Sabbath mode (s) During this interval, the illuminated display 180
blinks again.
By choosing YES, it is possible to set calls
COP active at the lift’s cabin push-buttons. For a NO YES/NO
detailed procedure see description above.

A pawl device is a device which fixates the lift at the rails or shaft walls, thereby preventing it from
sinking during a loading procedure. This in turn means that when the lift is to resume travel, it first
needs to be lifted in order for the holding bolts to retract, and then start travelling to the desired
When stopping, the lift makes a halt (30-50 mm) above the landing in order to enable the pawling
device to activate and extend. Afterwards, the lift descends in regulating speed until it touches down
on the device.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7159 -> 7217]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Definition of an output for controlling the
O:Device retraction
impact buffer (retracting).

Definition of an output for controlling the

O:Device extension
impact buffer (extending).

Definition of an input for signaling retracted

I:Device retracted
impact buffers.

Definition of an input for signaling extended

I:Device extended
impact buffers.

Definition of an input for deactivating the

I:Disable pawl device
pawl device.

Definition of an input for recognizing when

I:Buffer compressed the cabin touches down on the bolts; e.g. via
a push switch.
Definition of an input for maintaining a
I:Pressure compensation minimum pressure in the master cylinder
after touchdown of the cabin.
Definition of the distance from the center of
Dst for PD operation (mm) the landing at which the cabin is to stop 25 20-45 mm
when extending the bolts.

Tolerance for the above described distance

Tolerance(mm) 5 2-25 mm
from the center of the landing.

Query whether the cabin is allowed to start
travelling in upwards direction with
Non stop travel in up. dir. extended holding bolts in order to be able to NO YES/NO
retract the latter during travel without
stopping for this purpose.
Delay time which must pass before
enquiring whether the holding bolts are
t:delay for retraction(ms) 3000 0-9000 ms
retracted when travelling in upwards
direction without a stop.

Accesses shaded in green are equipped with pawl devices. Accesses with grey font which are not
shaded in green do exist, but don’t have hinged doors. Accesses marked in red are not enabled in
the access masks.
The “ALL” button serves to select all landings or no landings if you press the button again. Change
the access individually by pressing the landing number. Do not forget to save any changes using
[Direct access: CMD -> 7218]

9.2.5 Special functions
The “Special functions” menu serves to make settings regarding rather the system than the lift. Here
you can set the menu language and the system time, for instance.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7151 -> 7156 -> 7119 -> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Date/Time Setting the system time. For further information
[CMD -> 7147-> regarding this submenu, check the corresponding
OK] chapter.

Setting of special sequences. Internal parameter

for development. [=0] is the default value. [=2], for
Multifunction 0
instance, serves to display the page number of
the parameter pages in the headline.

For further information regarding this submenu,

Modem Port
check the corresponding chapter.

Query concerning the application of maintenance

intervals. YES changes to pages for
parameterizing maintenance intervals. For further YES/NO
[CMD -> 7164 ->
information regarding this submenu, check the
7165 -> OK]
corresponding chapter.
Indication of system faults. For example, I/O
Fault Setup
conflict due to double assignment, unavailable
[CMD -> 7154 ->
but required bus modules. For further information NO YES/NO
7024 -> 7025 ->
regarding this submenu, check the corresponding
“YES” causes the shaft light control to switch into
pulse mode for activation of a latching relay.
Every switching of the shaft light at Genius
causes an impulse with 700 ms to be issued. The
Shaft light impulse
shaft light relay KSL will only be controlled for the
amount of time given by this impulse. There will
be no notification about the shaft light at the
Definition of the simulator runtime after having
been started. When this time (in seconds) has
T:Simulation time
elapsed, the simulation is terminated and landing 20
call control and door blocking are reset

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
This provides the possibility to trigger a
printscreen using a defined I/O port. On the
I:Page Printscreen touchscreen this is done by simply pressing the
Genius hashtag. For this purpose, an SD card
must be available in the hand terminal.
This serves to provide the possibility to run the
controller in demo mode.
Demo mode 0 = Demo mode disabled 0
1 = Operation with simulator
10 = Operation without simulator

Internal for testing:

If [bit 0 = 1] is set, the car will always stop at the
beginning of the zone when going to the next
landing. Then the lift is supposed to relevel and
Simulation type go to the centre of the zone. 0
If [bit 1 = 1] is set and landing control off and doors
are blocked, the lift will execute an emergency
stop every 2 minutes. This serves to examine the
stopping behaviour.

"YES" serves to automatically indicate the status

Show status page YES YES/NO
page after the configured switching time.

"YES" serves to automatically indicate the display

Show display page NO YES/NO
page after the configured switching time.

"YES" serves to automatically indicate the status

Show release page NO YES/NO
page after the configured switching time.

If the hand terminal is not operated, one of the

T:Switch time pages pages configured above will be displayed after an
(s) adjustable time in seconds. If the value is 0, none
of the pages will be displayed.

If you change the date or time, the current time is sent to the bus.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7147-> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Year Setting the current year (2 digits). 2013-2099

Month Setting the current month (2 digits). 1-12

Day Setting the current day (2 digits). 1-31

Hour Setting the current hour (2 digits). 0-24

Minute Setting the current minute (2 digits). 0-59

Second Setting the current second (2 digits). 0-59

[Direct access: CMD -> 7204-> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Setting of the modem transfer speed (baud
Baud rate 19200 xxxxx

KMTFT Defines whether KMTFT is available or not. YES/NO

Defines whether KM_Mon is available or

EEML is a manufacturer -independent
standard (Escalator Elevator Markup
Language) for remote data transmission
specifically for lifts.
When this parameter is activated, the
EEML data following I/O’s are assigned for the NO
necessary taps in the safety circuit.
The data format cannot be directly emitted
by the control. Hence, it is necessary to
connect a suitable PC to the modem-

KM_MON is a monitoring software which is specially devoled for Genius 20 control. It enables to
access the controller via telemaintenance.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7208-> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

Modem Query whether modem is connected. NO YES/NO

Definition of a time interval after which the

T:Time out (s) connection is to be disabled again if there 300 0-999 s
is no detectable data transfer.
Query whether a MS Digifon is used, since
it cannot be detected automatically. When
MS Digifon NO YES/NO
using the MS Digifon, the parameter
“Modem” must be set as well.
Entry of the monitoring center’s number Max. 12
prefix. The number is dialled via modem. digits

Entry of the monitoring center’s telephone Max. 12

Phone number
number. The number is dialled via modem. digits

[Direct access: CMD -> 7164 -> 7165]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Entry of the maximum value of the lift
operating hours. When this value is
Max. operating hours OHC exceeded, the lift is switched to “out of
order” mode. Entering value 0 deactivates
this function.
Entry of a percentage, which after being
OHC message after (%%) exceeded initiates a maintenance 90 (in %)
notification to be put out.
Query whether the lift is to be put out of
Out of order OHC order effectively or whether it is only to be YES/NO
Entry of the maximum value of the lift
travels. When this value is exceeded, the
Max. travel counter (TRC)
lift is switched to “out of order” mode.
Entering value 0 deactivates this function.
Entry of a percentage, which after being
TRC Message after (%%) exceeded initiates a maintenance 90 (in %)
notification to be put out.
Query whether the lift is to be put out of
order effectively or whether it is only to be
Out of order TRC YES/NO
displayed when exceeding the maximum
TRC value.
Entry of the maximum value of the lift’s
direction changes (DC)”. When this value
Max. direction change
is exceeded, the lift is switched to “out of 0 0-99999999
order” mode. Entering value 0 deactivates
this function.
Entry of a percentage, which after being
DC message after (in %) exceeded initiates a maintenance 90
notification to be put out.
Query whether the lift is to be put out of
order effectively or whether it is only to be
Out of order after max DC YES/NO
displayed when exceeding the maximum
DC value.
Display the current operating hours
Actual value OHC

Actual value TRC Display the current travel counter.

Display the current direction change

Actual value DC

[Direct access: CMD -> 7154 -> 7024 -> 7025 -> 7210]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range

IO not assigned Missing I/O assignments are signalled by "YES". NO YES/NO

IO conflict Double I/O assignments are signalled by "YES". YES YES/NO

Important modul not Required modules are signalled by "YES" (e.g. bus module
exist. in shaft pit missing).

Missing modules are signalled by "YES" (e.g. landing button

Module not exist. NO YES/NO

DS1/DS2 open Query of the door opening mask which serve to determine
mask which doors are allowed to open in case of an error.

The system is checked for valid car movement every 15

Cabin movement seconds. [=0] deactivates the test. A positive value refers to
the number of times the lift is checked for movement.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range

This threshold refers to the minimum distance of the car

Threshold (mm)
movement in mm during operation.

The car movement can also be checked when starting. [=0]

Start cabin
deactivates the test. A positive value refers to the number of
times the lift is checked for movement when starting.

This threshold refers to the minimum distance of the car

Threshold (mm)
movement in mm when starting.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 1

O: Error type 1 Activated output when error type 1 occurs.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 2

O: Error type 2 Activated output when error type 2 occurs.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 3

O: Error type 3 Activated output when error type 3 occurs.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 4

O: Error type 4 Activated output when error type 4 occurs.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 5

O: Error type 5 Activated output when error type 5 occurs.

The output listed below will be activated upon a defined error

Error type 6

O: Error type 6 Activated output when error type 6 occurs.

9.3 Language
The "Language" menu serves to select the system language. You can activate the language by
selecting it on the screen. Then all parameters / text will be loaded in the corresponding language.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7110-> OK]

Currently you can choose from 6 languages: German, English, Swedish, Dutch, French and Greek.

9.4 Status
The "Status" menu serves to display an overview of the controller status. Here you can open any
page and execute commands directly.

On the left you can see a symbolic lift with a maximum of 12 visible landings. If the actual lift has
more than 12 landings, the picture is shifted in such a way that the car is displayed in the middle
and the landings shift accordingly.

From left to right:

❑ landing number
❑ square symbol red = blocked or green=released landings for door 1 landing calls
❑ square symbol red = blocked or green=released landings for door 1 car calls
❑ cabin symbol. When within the zone, the car is coloured yellow, during travel it is red and
orange (depending on speed applied). In the symbol, there are small arrows indicating the
direction of the onward journey. The current target landing is marked with a “Z”. When doors
are being opened, this is indicated by small yellow stripes both left and right from the
particular doors.
❑ square symbol red = blocked or green=released landings for door 2 car calls
❑ square symbol red = blocked or green=released landings for door 2 landing calls

When a call is registered in a released landing, green symbols turn blue with either a white dot in
the centre (car call) or white arrows indicating the onward direction (landing call).
Above the entire illustration, the landing number (here red “0”) marks the current lift position.

The TRC travel counter, the OHC operating hours counter, the relative or absolute encoder position
(depending on the chosen setting), the current speed V and the STP step are displayed in the upper
middle area of the car. During operation, the opening and closing state for 2 doors with the
respective times (in seconds) is indicated.

Underneath one can find fields which may be activated.

The lower 6 buttons indicate the states "door open" (arrows point outwards), "door closed"(arrows
point inwards), "SIM=simulator" de-/activate, SL="shaft light on/off", D-BLK="block door", L-
BLK="landing call on/off". Touch these boxes to trigger the associated function. The 2 uppermost
buttons control the travel to the lowest (3 arrows point downwards) and highest landing (3 arrows
point upwards).

On the right you can find the most important controller signals, such as:
❑ S1= Safety circuit 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ S2= Safety circuit 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ S3= Safety circuit 3 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ S4= Safety circuit 4 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ S5= Safety circuit 5 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ S6= Safety circuit 6 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ MON= Contactor monitoring (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ L4= Cabin light (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ VO= Upper prefinal switch (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ SZ= Signal switch zone (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ SM= Signal switch center (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ VU= Bottom prefinal switch (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ ES= Emergency Stop (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ K5= K5 safety relay (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ K7= K7 safety relay (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OT1= Overtemperature 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OT2= Overtemperature 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ REC= Recal (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ RUP= Recall up (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ RDN= Recall down (green=active; grey=not active)

❑ UP= Direction UP (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ DN= Direction DOWN (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ RUN= Inverter travel (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ V0= Inverter speed v0 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ V1= Inverter speed v1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ V2= Inverter speed v2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ V3= Inverter speed v3 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ VN= Inverter rated speed (vnenn) (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ LS1= Light curtain 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ LS2= Light curtain 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OB1= Obstruction door 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OB2= Obstruction door 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OL1= Open-limit switch door 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ OL2= Open-limit switch door 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ CL1= Close-limit switch door 1 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ CL2= Close-limit switch door 2 (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ DO1= Door 1 open (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ DO2= Door 2 open (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ DC1= Door 1 close (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ DC1= Door 1 close (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ KFN = Car fan (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ AL= Alarm (green=active; grey=not active)
❑ KCL= Car light (green=active; grey=not active)

The lower blue field contains the status text with a maximum of 7 lines which provides information
about the current state of operation.

The green bar below starts with the Genius hash. If you touch this hash and if there is additionally
an SD card in the hand terminal (symbol “iSD), a screenshot of the currently visible screen will be
saved as a file on the hand terminal SD card.
The symbol next to it displays the BATTERY state: green in different shades means OK; red triggers
a battery change or it means that no battery is connected.
The operating state is displayed next to the battery symbol. Here you can see "Normal mode". At
the far right of the green bar, the current time of the day as well as the non-/existent SD card in the
hand terminal (grey=no/green=yes) are indicated.

At the bottom of the screen there are the Menu button, the command entry button (CMD), change
to previous and next page and, if required "OK" for confirmation.

9.5 Bus system indication
All signals of the processor board (KMPRO), the I/O32 cards, the relay board (KMREL) and KMCTB
board (C48-C51) are displayed here. If a bus module is not available, the name is shaded in red.

9.5.2 Landing bus

The landing modules of door side 1 are displayed. The I/O ports with the assignment abbreviation
and the switching state are displayed per module.

When changing to the next page you can either display the landing bus with modules 32..63 (if
assigned) or the car bus.
At the bottom there are the Menu button, the CMD button and the button to change to the previous
and next page.

9.5.3 Car bus
Here the car bus or the landing modules of door side 2 are displayed (in case of a second door side
it is the car bus). The 8 I/O ports with the assignment abbreviation and the switching state are
displayed per module.

At the bottom there are the Menu button, the CMD button and the button to change to the previous
and next page.

9.6 Setup (commissioning)
The "Setup" menu summarises the aspects (as described in "Parameters") that must compulsorily
be parameterised by the mechanic for initial commissioning.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7111-> OK]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
Set the absolute encoder zero. For this
purpose, the lift is parked in the lowest
landing. By selecting this parameter, the
Set ABS zero point controller receives the information that the
detected value for the absolute encoder
represents the zero point or respectively
the lowest landing.
Here you can enter the landing heights
Landing heights referring to the zero point per landing. You
[CMD -> 7004-> OK] can also see the settings in "Parameters -
General settings".
Here you can enter the distances between
Landing distances the individual landings. You can also see
[CMD -> 7011-> OK] the settings in "Parameters - General
Deceleration Here you can enter all deceleration values.
[CMD -> 7030 and 7036 -> You can also see the settings in
OK] "Parameters - General settings".
Here you can enter all values regarding the
Travel travel submenu. You can also see the
settings in "Parameters - General settings".
This menu is activated only in case of
homelift, after the activation of either one or
Special tools both of the following outputs in the Homelift
[CMD -> 9 -> OK] menu (page 238):
❑ O: Overspeed governor.
❑ O: RSDC reset.
Select this function to enable the reset of
Pit reset lift to normal operation after pit inspection
Input which serves to activate the
installation mode. If this mode is activated
via this input, this has the same effect as if
a jumper for installation mode was fitted.
Installation mode That means: no ABS is being considered, NO YES/NO
as speed only V0 (max 0.2 m/s) is possible.
This input can only be reset here in this
menu. After a fall of voltage or a reset the
previous state is restored automatically.

Note: To set the upwards and downwards stopping distance you must first travel up and down. If
you select the two parameters, the information field contains a suggestion for the setting.

9.6.1 Special tools - Homelift

This page is only available for homelifts after the activation of the corresponding inputs in Homelift
menu (page 238).

❑ TSG button enables the activation of the overspeed governor device.

❑ RSB button enables the reset of RSB switch, in case of installations with reduced

9.7 Certification

The "Certification" menu provides functions that are useful for acceptance by authorised inspection

Important for all inspections:

Note: Prior to any tests, the car must be cleared from any persons and secured against re-

Select the depicted function in order to start it. The status is displayed by automatically changing to
the status window.
The "Reset/End certification" function triggers a controller restart. This is necessary after the test in
order to deactivate the "Certification" function.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7192 -> 7056 -> OK]

Description Condition
[Direct access]
Selecting this function starts a travel to the upper limit
switch. The travel is completed by interrupting the
safety circuit (S1) when the upper limit switch is
Before the function is
After leaving the limit switch (S1 is applied again
called, the car should be
Move to final switch up when going down), hydraulic lifts will go to the lowest
parked in the uppermost
landing and stay in the out-of-order status. Resetting
is only possible by hand (e.g. inspection, reset).
Rope-traction lifts must be removed from the final
limit switch by recall or other means. They will then
resume normal operation.

Selecting this function starts a travel to the lower limit

switch. The travel is completed by interrupting the Before the function is
Move to final switch safety circuit (S1). called, the car should be
down After leaving the final limit switch - which must only parked in the lowermost
be effected by authorised persons - the lift will landing.
resume normal operation.

Description Condition
[Direct access]

Select this function to affect the next travel with a

travel check time of 2s. Therefore, the travel will be
Test travel time
aborted for exceeding the travel check time.
Resetting is only possible by hand (e.g. recall, reset).

Select this function to execute the valve test for

hydraulic lifts. In order to meet the requirements of
EN81-2/A3, an additional down valve can be used if
the function of the down valves is monitored.
When starting the function, down valve 1 will be
opened for 5s in order to check if the car starts to The car should be parked in
Valve test move. In case of movement, the lift switches to the the lowermost landing.
out-of-order mode and displays the error message
"fault valve 1". If the car does not move, valve 2 will
be opened for 5s. Test and response correspond to
those mentioned for valve 1, but with the error
message "fault valve 2".
Resetting is only possible by hand (e.g. reset,

1) The car is parked with

closed door without load in
the second last landing
Select this function to check the device for detecting
2) or with full load in the
UCM and triggering the "unintended car movement" with
second landing.
closed doors.
3) The KEN relay is
required for jumpering
when starting to move.

By selecting this function you can change to the entry

Make a car call mode. Via keyboard commands you can make car
calls, e.g. car call to landing 3 → 13 OK.

Select this function to reset the controller and

Reset/End certification
terminate the test mode.

Select this function to disable inputs I: Full Load and

I: Overload. When the function is activated, the above
Bypass Overload-Full signals are bypassed and the lift can be moved at full
load or above the rated load.
Reset will take place automatically 5 minutes after
the activation of the function.
Select this function to change the recall speed from
recall to nominal. After the activation of this function
Recall with nomimal you can move the lift with nominal speed.
speed Reset will take place automatically when movement
with recall will be interrupted or 2 minutes after the
activation of the function.

9.8 Tools
All commands can be executed by numerical codes. Commonly used functions can be called directly
for simplification. Furthermore, you can select pages to analyse the speed profile or the travel curve
with travel signal indication.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7012 or 7022 -> OK]

[Direct access]
[CMD -> 7013 or 7014 -> For further information regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
For further information regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD -> 7015-> OK]

For further information regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD -> 7016-> OK]

Travel / signal cycles

For further information regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD -> 7020-> OK]

IO assignment
For further information regarding this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.
[CMD -> 7153-> OK]

Internal parameter: By selecting this button, all parameter pages of the controller are
PrtScrn parameter pages stored to the SD card (iSD) of the hand terminal (HT) as images (BMP). Precondition
(iSD) is that an SD card has been plugged into the HT and that the HT has suitable software.
There are currently 226 different parameter pages.

Internal parameter: By selecting this button, all status pages of the controller are
PrtScrn Status pages (iSD) stored to the SD card (iSD) of the hand terminal (HT) as images (BMP). Precondition
is that an SD card has been plugged into the HT and that the HT has suitable software.

Internal parameter: By selecting this button, the TRC travel counter and the OHC
Reset TRC & OHC
operating hours counter are reset.

Under menu – parameter – special – maintenance interval one can set restrictions for
the lift operation such as monitoring the operating hours counter OHC, travel counter
TRC and any changes of direction. This is relevant for instance in case of installations
Reset service interval
with plastic ropes which are only fit to perform a limited number of travels/changes in
direction. In order to reset these counters, the above item is selected and the
procedure recorded in the log.

9.8.1 Adjustment
[Direct access: CMD -> 7013 -> 7014]

[Direct access]

Save all system parameters in the processor as precautionary measure against

Save parameter power failures. If any parameters were changed, the main-menu pages display
an additional, yellow “SAVE” button – pushing the latter has the same effect.

The display- and special texts at the landings (2 characters) are sent to the
displays and saved there via the bus. Afterwards, the displays perform a restart
Communication to display
in order to make the new texts available. This process can be triggered by the
direct command 601-OK.

This item is responsible for transferring different configuration parameters to the

Communication to
travel simulator Genius 20-SIM. Under normal lift operation this function has no
relevance except for internal testing.

Depending on the type of installation at hand, surveillance functions shall be de-

Surveillance /activated. If for instance a hydraulic lift’s relay boards is not equipped with phase
[CMD -> 7021-> OK] monitoring, this function must be deactivated. For further information regarding
this submenu, check the corresponding chapter.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7021]

Parameter Default Value

[Direct access] value Range
NO serves to switch off the phase monitoring.
YES activates it.
The Genius 20-KMREL is equipped with 3
Phase control phase-inputs for phase monitoring. YES YES/NO
Important: Proper connection requires a neutral
conductor in order to ensure the phase
direction is being processed correctly!

NO serves to switch off the battery monitoring.

YES activates it.
The Genius 20- KMREL is equipped with a 12V
lead battery as emergency supply.
While operating under normal mode the battery
is fed with the necessary charging current. At
Battery control midnight, the battery is discharged temporarily YES YES/NO
in order to check whether the battery voltage is
still stable. If over a period of 3 days all tests
remain unsuccessful, the controller will indicate
“Please check /replace battery”
The battery symbol on the hand terminal
flashes at one-second intervals.

NO serves to switch off the recall control so that

Return motion controller its inputs REC, RUP, RDN are being ignored. YES YES/NO
YES turns the inputs active again.
NO serves to switch off the contactor drop
monitoring. YES activates it.
When this surveilance is enabled, the controller
monitors whether the MON input is active after
Contactor drop monitor. YES/NO
the end of travel. If the controller does not
detect the input active, the lift switches into out
of order mode and a corresponding error is
NO serves to switch off the contactor pull-in
monitoring. YES activates it.
When this surveillance is enabled, the
Contactor monitor. on controller monitors whether the MON input is YES/NO
inactive during the travel. In case the controller
detects the input active, the lift switches into out
of order mode.

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
NO serves to switch off the car light monitoring.
YES activates it.
The Genius 20 relay board checks whether a
current flow at the cabin light. If not, the cabin
light is either defective or switched off. If,
Cabin light monitor. YES YES/NO
however, the cabin light is switched on with no
current being available in the light circuit, the lift
goes to “out of order”-mode. The display at the
hand terminal shows the error message “Error
cabin light”.

NO serves to switch off the alarm monitoring.

YES activates it.
The controller is equipped with an alarm input
“AL”. The alarm is triggered when the input
connects to potential “0 V”. If the alarm signal
is active for more than 5 seconds and an
emergency call system is installed, a
Alarm control connection for voice communication with the YES YES/NO
control centre will be established automatically
by means of a pre-installed modem.
The only exception applies if the parameter “O:
Alarm Filtering” on the page for “General
outputs 2/6” is set to YES. In that case, no
connection for voice communication will be

NO serves to blind out certain errors in DCP

Error DCP communication communication. YES, serves to display it and YES YES/NO
respond accordingly.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7114]

Parameter Default Value
[Direct access] value Range
If you call this parameter, a TeachIn is
TeachIn zero point executed and the zero point is read by the
absolute encoder.

Set stop distance up Define the upwards stopping distance.

Set stop distance down Define the downwards stopping distance.

Define the upwards deceleration path for

Set decel. up Vrated

Define the downwards deceleration path

Set decel. down Vrated
for Vrated.

Start the TeachIn travel from the lowermost

Learning travel up

Start the TeachIn travel from the

Learning travel down
uppermost landing.

9.8.2 Diagnostics
[Direct access: CMD -> 7015]

[Direct access]
After selecting this menu item, the hand terminal switches to the “Display”
Test display on bus Every display connected to Genius 20 Bus and hand terminal starts to first
[CMD -> 7404-> OK] indicate all programmed landing- and then all special texts. After this long test
procedure is terminated, the Bus-displays return to normal operation and the
hand terminal changes back to the diagnosis page.

After selecting this menu item, the hand-held terminal switches to the “Status
2” page (KMREL+KMPRO+KMCTB). In the second signal area with 4 lines
(IO1, IO9, I17 and I25) the 32 signals from the IO32 card are indicated. With
IO32 test this test, the IO-signals are set according to a certain pattern which is then
counterchecked in order to investigate whether the inputs have set the
signals likewise.
The direct command for this procedure is “405-OK”.
This menu item serves to test all relays on the relay board.
Attention: Prior to conducting this test, all connectors from the relay board
which are activated with a relay as well as the connector from the processor
board for parallel inverter activation must be disconnected! This way, no
unintended action can be performed.
The hand-held terminal changes to “Status 2”-page
KMREL relay test (KMREL+KMPRO+KMCTB). First, all travelling relays as well as free relays
are switched through: They are all alternately activated collectively and
individually. Then, all travel signals are transmitted to the inverter – output by
output. Finally, all relays are activated and deactivated collectively. The test
is finished.
The relay test may also be started with the command “401+OK”.

9.8.3 Data / Software
[Direct access: CMD -> 7019]

This page shows all currently installed software products. These are:
❑ Date and time of the last saved set of parameters
❑ the Genius 20 software version currently at use
❑ the central processing units “In-application-processor software” version; this is the
controller’s boot loader
❑ the bus driver version used on the Genius 20 controller board
❑ the version of the connected hand terminal
All software types can be read in as a file.

General information:
Media SD-card and USB-flash drive need to be equipped with FAT32 data system and must contain
one partition only!

Folder structure (for both SD-card and USB-flash drive):

❑ If there is no data stored on any of the memory media, a new action such as e.g. data back-
up, parameter saving etc. will automatically induce a new “Genius 20” folder to be created
in the root. This folder will then be the reference for all data!
❑ If a lift ID was assigned, all data referring to the installation at hand will be saved in a
corresponding subdirectory. If no lift-ID is provided for, no further partitions will be made.
❑ Unlike before, saved data will no longer be stored in a “SAVExxx” folder but labelled with
current date and time according to a “YYMMDD_HHMMSS” format; i.e. always a two-digit
year-month-day_hour-minute_second. The back-up folder is below the lift-ID folder.
❑ Naming conventions:
- SW: software
- DRV: driver
- IAP: In-Application Programming = boot loader
- HT: hand terminal

Performing a back-up is sensible prior to conducting a test, adjusting settings or exchanging
hardware (processor board). By selecting these menu items, one initiates all controller data to be
saved on a flash-drive or SD-card so as to be able to recover it on another hardware.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7016]

[Direct access]
This item is active when a valid SD-card is plugged on the Genius 20
controller board. When selected, this function serves to save all
parameters, log-files, the software, processor-IAP and a current parameter-
text-file into a back-up folder (labelled with date and time) on the SD-card.
Its main folder carries the name of the lift-ID which – if assigned - is saved
Complete to SD card
under the lift-information menu item.
After activating this button several bars will appear on the display, indicating
the different back-ups for several times until at the end, an OK-button
appears on the display so as to make sure there is enough time to properly
read the information on the display.

This menu item is active when a valid USB-flash drive is plugged on the
Genius 20 controller board.
Complete to USB drive
The process of backing-up the data corresponds to the description for using
a SD-card.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7017]

These menu items are active when either a SD-card or a USB-flash drive is detected on the
processor board.
When choosing one particular memory medium, further distinctions are made in terms of which
software needs to be recovered specifically.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7219]

[Direct access]

Selection for complete recovery of the Genius 20 software, the Genius 20 IAP (boot loader)
and parameters. The log on the controller remains unaffected! Depending on the files
[CMD -> 7220-> OK]
available, complete back-ups might be listed here for selection and direct activation.

Selection for recovering solely Genius 20 software. Any other software remains unaffected.
only software
Depending on the files available, the Genius 20 software versions in the different memory
[CMD -> 7221-> OK]
medium folders are displayed here for selection and direct activation.

Selection for recovering saved parameters. Any other software remains unaffected.
only parameter Information: If parameters are saved in a Temp-subdirectory, these procedures are
[CMD -> 7222-> OK] conducted from the menu. The desired parameter configurations which are to be recovered
can be selected here and re-saved to the processor.

Selection for recovering saved logs. Any other software remains unaffected. Depending on
only history
the files available, the log-files in the different memory medium folders are displayed here
[CMD -> 7223-> OK]
for selection and direct activation.

[Direct access]
Selection for recovering the processor’s saved IAP (boot loader). Any other software
only IAP
remains unaffected. Depending on the files available, the IAP’s in the different memory
[CMD -> 7224-> OK]
medium folders are displayed here for selection and direct activation.

Selection for recovering the bus driver on the processor board. Any other software remains
only Bus Driver
unaffected. Depending on the files available, the Genius bus driver in the different memory
[CMD -> 7225-> OK]
medium folders are displayed here for selection and direct activation.

Selection for recovering software of the hand terminal. When running the update, please
do not disconnect the hand terminal, since otherwise the update might be incomplete. Any
Ηand terminal
other software remains unaffected. Depending on the files available, the hand terminal
[CMD -> 7226-> OK]
softwares in the different memory medium folders are displayed here for selection and
direct activation.

9.8.4 Travel /signal cycles

[Direct access: CMD -> 7020]

[Direct access]

Curve 1 Travel curve (yellow) and acceleration/deceleration (green)

Curve 2 Signal curves of the inverter (upper half).

Curve 3 Not defined yet.

9.8.5 IO assignment
In order to look for a specific IO-assignment, select the address button and enter the desired
IO for querying its function. Underneath the button a list of all the assignments corresponding
to that particular IO will appear. Normally, only one assignment parameter should be given
here. If there are more, a double assignment is at hand. In order to rectify such a situation,
select the listed parameter and change its configuration on the next appearing configuration
[Direct access: CMD -> 7153]

9.9 Battery
In addition to the current supply voltage, the charging voltage and the state of the emergency battery
connected to terminals XK14 (+BAT; -) is displayed.

If the battery charging is switched on, this is signalled on the screen as well as the requirement for
charging and the current charging current. At the bottom there is the Menu button and the button to
change to the previous and next page.
General: A battery test is executed automatically every 8 hours. If the test is successful, everything
is ok. If not, this is displayed during each travel by "Please check BATTERY!". After 5 negative test
results the lift is switched "out of operation".

9.10 Log
The "Log" menu serves to call errors and incidents chronologically. The general section provides
information on the operation.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7148-> OK]

9.10.1 Error

Change to the indication of errors occurred so far.

The stored errors are displayed. The latest ones at first. You can read the short information
containing date, time and absolute encoder position. Pressing the error changes to the status display
and the state of the controller at that time is displayed (including all signals and position...). The
arrows at the bottom serve to go to the previous or next errors stored. The "Menu" button terminates
the view.

9.10.2 General info

Change to the indication of general statistical incident counts. This is only for information.
[Direct access: CMD -> 7150-> OK]

The "Menu" button terminates the view.

9.10.3 Events

Change to the display of the events occurred so far.

[Direct access: CMD -> 7149-> OK]

The stored events are displayed. The latest ones at first. You can read the short information
containing date, time and absolute encoder position.
The arrows at the top serve to go to the previous or next events stored. The "Menu" button
terminates the view.

9.11 DCP
This menu item is only visible or selectable if the DCP connection has been turned on. This is
done in the menu "Parameters - General settings - DCP Y/N".
In DCP3/4 mode with inverter, the display, the control keys and the status messages are
displayed here. The status is always the current inverter state. This dialogue serves to
parameterise the inverter as if it was operated directly using its control unit.

9.12 Rescue
In the event of required release of people, the car position, the speed and the step are displayed

The travel direction is indicated by the arrow: if no arrow is visible, the car is in the zone. If the
arrow is green, the speed is less or equal than 0.1 m/s. If it is greater, the arrow is red (as a
warning). The landing name and the zone are displayed below.

10 Errors

Errors that are reset automatically.

Errors that are reset both manually and automatically.
Errors which need to be reset manually by entering 800+OK.
Errors which need to be reset manually by entering 700+OK.
Errors which require a reset procedure.
Notifications which are reset automatically.

Error code : 0
Reset Automatic
Short text NO_ERR
Long text No error
Reaction General

Error code : 1
Reset Automatic
Short text Module do not exist!
Long text Critical module not\alive!
Description A function was programmed to a non-existing Bus-module.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Remedy - Install the missing module
- Re-programm the desired function on an existing module

Error code : 2
-- Reserved error code

Error code : 3
-- Reserved error code

Error code : 4
-- Reserved error code

Error code : 5
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall / Reset
Short text K5 not active!
Long text K5 activity is wrong
Description The control contact of safety relay K5 reports a permanently deenergized relay despite the zone being
approached or travelled through.
Reaction General The control switched into “out of operation 5“
Rope The control stops in the next possible landing.
Hydraulic The control stops in the next possible landing and descends into the lowest landing from there.
Remedy - Check selection signals SM/SZ (First SZ and then SM must turn active when approaching the
- Check selection signals for voltage (When a signal is active one should be able to measure a 24V
voltage between the signal and +24V).
- Check the DIL switch “S1“ on the KMREL board (All switches must be positioned on “off”)”
- Check the jumper “J3“(refer to the wiring diagram)
- Visually check the safety relays K5/K6/K7 (deformed contact pins)
- Check the connection KMPRO to KMREL board

Error code : 6
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text K5 always inactive!
Long text K5 permanently inactive!
Description The control contact of safety relay K5 reports a permanently inactive relay despite having left the zone.
Reaction General The control switched into “out of operation 6“
Rope The control stops in the next possible landing.
Hydraulic The control stops in the next possible landing and descends into the lowest landing from there.
Remedy - Check selection signals SM/SZ (First SZ and then SM must turn active when approaching the zone.)
(Pay attention to the LEDs over the relays)
- Check selection signals for voltage (When a signal is active one should be able to measure a 24V
voltage between the signal and +24V.)

- Check the DIL switch „S1“ on the Genius 20-relay board (All switches must be positioned on “off”)
- Check the jumper „J3“ (refer to the wiring diagram)
- Visually check the safety relays K5/K6/K7 (deformed contact pins)
- Check the connection KMPRO to KMREL board

Error code : 7
Reset Automatic
Short text S1 interruption
Long text S1 interruption in normal mode
Description The safety circuit 1 was interrupted during travel.
Reaction Due to the interruption of the safety circuit the lift is forced to stop and the control switches into “Out-of-
operation” mode.
Causes - Main switch was switched off
- Safeties MCB FC has triggered
- Speed governor or lift arrestor contact have triggered
- Other contact before the S1 tap has triggered (refer to the wiring diagram)
Remedy - Measure voltage between S1 and NIN
- If no voltage can be detected, check the safety circuit contacts
- If some voltage can be detected but is not indicated properly by the control it might that the
optocoupler on the KMREL board is defective. Replace optocoupler or KMREL board.

Error code : 8
Reset Automatic
Short text S1 interruption
Long text S1 interruption in inspection mode
Description The safety circuit 1 was interrupted during travel
Reaction General Lift stops and no further inspection run can be carried out
Causes - Main switch was switched off
- Safeties MCB FC has triggered
- Speed governor or lift arrestor contact have triggered
- Other contact before the S1 tap has triggered (refer to the wiring diagram)

Remedy - Measure voltage between S1 and NIN

- If no voltage can be detected, check the safety circuit contacts
- If some voltage can be detected but is not indicated properly by the control it might that the
optocoupler on the KMREL board is defective. Replace optocoupler or KMREL board.

Error code : 9
Reset Automatic
Short text S2 interruption
Long text S2 interruption
Description The safety circuit was interrupted during normal operation.
Reaction General Due to the interruption of the safety circuit the lift is forced to stop and the control switches
into “Out-of-operation” mode.
Causes - Emergency stop was activated
- Revolving door contact has opened
- Other contact between S1 tap and S2 tap has triggered (refer to the wiring diagram)

Remedy - Measure voltage between S2 and NIN

- If no voltage can be detected, check the safety circuit contacts
- If some voltage can be detected but is not indicated properly by the control it might that the
optocoupler on the KMREL board is defective. Replace optocoupler or KMREL board.

Error code : 10
Reset Rope automatic/Hydro 800+OK
Short text S2 In, S1 Off
Long text S2 active, but S1 not active
Description This is not a logical state since the safety circuit is fed in after the S1 tap.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Rope The lift comes to a halt
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - Jumper in the safety circuit
Remedy - Remove jumper(s) in the safety circuit

Error code : 11
Reset 800+Ok / Reset / S6 opens during inspection mode
Short text S6 permanently active
Long text S6 was bridged in inspection
Description The control expects the safety circuit to be interrupted when letting go of the direction button during inspection
mode. If this does not happen (S6 remains on), this error is recorded.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Causes - Jumper in the safety circuit
Remedy - Remove jumper(s) in the safety circuit

Error code : 12
Reset Automatic
Short text Car emergency stop!
Long text Emergency stop in car is pressed
Description The emergency stop in the car is monitored by the control. When the emergency call is activated, this error
is reported.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Causes - Emergency stop in car is activated
Remedy - Reset the emergency stop

Error code : 13
Reset Automatic
Short text Inverter fault
Long text Inverter fault
Description The inverter reports an error to the control
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Hydraulic -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Causes - Check wiring of the fault message contact (refer to the wiring diagram)
- Check the error log of the inverter
Remedy - Remove the error at the inverter

Error code : 14
Reset Automatic
Short text Overtemperature 1
Long text Overtemperature 1
Description The PTC thermistor in the travel motor or respectively in the pump motor of the hydraulic reservoir indicated
a violation of the maximum allowed temperature (60°C) in one of these operating equipments to the control
at input OT1.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Rope At standstill: After cool down the installation will resume operation
When travelling: The control stops in the next possible landing. After cool down the installation
will resume operation.
Hydraulic At standstill: After cool down the installation will resume operation
During travel: When travelling upwards, the installation stops immediately and approaches the
lowest landing. The installation resumes operation after a cooling-down period.
Causes - High number of travels
- High ambient temperature
- Defective engine / defective engine fan
Beseitigung - See cause

Error code : 15
Reset Automatic
Short text Overtemperature 2
Long text Overtemperature 2
Description The PTC thermistor in the travel motor or respectively in the oil of the hydraulic reservoir indicated a violation
of the maximum allowed temperature (110°C) in one of these operating equipments to the control at input
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Rope --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hydraulic At standstill: After cool down the installation will resume operation
During travel: When travelling upwards, the installation stops immediately and approaches the
lowest landing. The installation resumes operation after a cooling-down period.
Causes - High number of travels
- High ambient temperature
- Defective engine

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 16
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Contactor control drop
Long text Contactor control drop
Description The control cannot read in the input “MON” after the end of travel. (contactor not deenergised)
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Rope The control stops in the next possible landing.
Hydraulic The control stops in the next possible lading. Therefrom, the lift descends into the lowest
Causes - Main- or brake contactor defective
- Close auxiliary contact of the contactors
- Lock the preselection relay on the KMREL
Remedy - Replace defective contactor/relay

Error code : 17
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Contactor monitor on
Long text Contactor monitor permanently on
Description The control recognized the input “MON” after beginning of travel (contactor not energized)
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order” mode
Rope The control stops in the next possible landing.
Hydraulic The control stops in the next possible lading. Therefrom, the lift descends into the lowest
Causes - Main- or brake contactor defective
- Close auxiliary contact of the contactors
- Lock the preselection relay on the KMREL
Remedy - Replace defective contactor/relay

Error Code: 18
Reset Automatic
Short text Err Light Screen D1
Long text Err Light Screen D1
Description The control cannot detect a signal at the light curtain input. (Serves to monitor the functioning of the light
curtain according to EN81-20)
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Failure or disruption at the light curtain/control unit
- Defective input at the controller

Remedy - Check light curtain; output function OK must be configurated as a contact maker (N.O.)
- Check wiring
- Check up on the input status-wise
- Should the input be defective it can be re-parameterized to another free I/O at any time

Error code : 19
Reset Automatic
Short text Recall UP and DOWN
Long text Recall UP and DOWN are activ!
Description Both direction signals apply at the controller even though the recall function is switched off.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order“ mode
Remedy - Let go of the direction switch
- Check wiring
- Check jumper position on the KMPRO board (refer to the wiring diagram) (Jumper REC/RUP/RDN

Error code : 20
Reset Automatic for rope / 800+Ok for hydraulic
Short text Up final switch
Long text Final switch upper floor!
Description If the lift stands above the flush position in the highest landing and the S1 is interrupted, this error will be
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order“ mode
Rope The control switches into normal mode when S1 is closed.
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing and remains there in “out-of-order” mode until the
error is reset.

Causes - Brake has been released manually – the lift coasts away upwards.
- deceleration distance is not set correctly
- temperature-dependent hydraulic system
- control does not decelerate correctly
- emergency-stop switch is not positioned correctly
Remedy - Set the deceleration distances correctly
- Check parameters of the controller

Error code : 21
Reset 800+Ok / Recall
Short text Down final switch
Long text Final switch lower floor!
Description If the lift is standing more than 50mm underneath the flush position of the lowest landing and the S1 is
interrupted, this error will be recorded.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order“ mode
Rope The control switches into normal mode when S1 is closed.
Hydraulic The control switches into normal mode when S1 is closed.
Causes - deceleration distance is not set correctly
- temperature-dependent hydraulic system
- car is overloaded
- control does not decelerate correctly
- emergency-stop switch is not positioned correctly
Remedy - Set the deceleration distances correctly
- Check parameters of the controller

Error Code: 22
Reset Automatic
Short text Err Light Screen D2
Long text Err Light Screen D2
Description The control cannot detect a signal at the light curtain input. (Serves to monitor the functioning of the light
curtain according to EN81-20)
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Failure or disruption at the light curtain/control unit
- Defective input at the controller
Remedy - Check light curtain; output function OK must be configurated as a contact maker (N.O.)
- Check wiring
- Check up on the input status-wise
- Should the input be defective it can be re-parameterized to another free I/O at any time

Error code : 23
Reset Automatic
Short text Inspection UP and DOWN
Long text Inspection UP and DOWN are activ!
Description The controller recognizes both inspection-direction-switches as active.
Reaction General The control switches into “Out-of-order“ mode
Causes - Both switches are activated
- Input at the controller is defective
Remedy - Check position of switched
- Check inputs on the status page (IUP/IDN)

Error Code : 24
Reset Automatic
Short text Overtemperature 3
Long text Overtemperature 3
Description Monitoring of further components for overtemperature as required by EN81-20; otherwise as overtemperature
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
In standstill: The installation resumes operation after a cool-down period.
During travel: The control initiates a stop in the next nearest landing and resumes operation
after a cool-down period.

Causes - High number of travels

- High surounding temperature
- Defective fan
Remedy - See causes

Error code : 25
Reserved error code

Error Code: 26
Reset Automatic
Short text Overtemperature 4
Long text Overtemperature 4
Description The thermistor in the first door motor indicated a violation of the maximum allowed temperature in motor.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
In standstill: The installation resumes operation after a cool-down period.
During travel: The control initiates a stop in the next nearest landing and resumes operation
after a cool-down period.

Causes - High number of travels

- High surounding temperature
- Defective fan
Remedy - See causes
Error code : 27
Reset 800+Ok / Recall / Inspection
Short text Error Travel time
Long text Travel time!
Description Travel time is exceeded.
During travel between two adjacent landings, the time limit determined in the parameter “Travel time” is
Reaction General The controller initiates an emergency-stop and switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The lift comes to a halt.
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - Valves are not energized / valves are clogged
Hydraulic - Rectifier is defective
- Electric valve activation is defective
- Frequency control is defective
- Outputs of the KMPRO are defective (not in the case of DCP)
Causes - Brake does not release
Remedy See causes

Error Code: 28
Reset Automatic
Short text Overtemperature 5
Long text Overtemperature 5
Description The thermistor in the second door motor indicated a violation of the maximum allowed temperature in motor.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
In standstill: The installation resumes operation after a cool-down period.
During travel: The control initiates a stop in the next nearest landing and resumes operation
after a cool-down period.

Causes - High number of travels

- High surounding temperature
- Defective fan
Remedy - See causes

Error code : 29
Reset Automatic
Short text Recall up input active
Long text No recall but recall UP is active
Description The controller recognizes the “up” input of Recall as active despite the Recall control being deactivated.
Causes - Direction button is being pushed even though the Recall control is not switched on.
- Input at the controller is defective

Remedy - Release direction button

- Check input on the status page (RUP)

Error code : 30
Reset Automatic
Short text Recall down input!
Long text No recall but recall DOWN is active!
Description The controller recognizes the “down” input of Recall as active despite the Recall control being deactivated.
Causes - Direction button is being pushed even though the Recall control is not switched on.
- Input at the controller is defective

Remedy - Release direction button
- Check input on the status page (RDN)

Error Code : 31
Reset Automatic
Short text Inspection up input?
Long text No inspection but inspection UP is active
Description The controller recognizes the “up” input of inspection as active despite the inspection control being
Causes - Direction button is being pushed even though the inspection control is not switched on.
- Check input on the status page (RDN)
Remedy - Release direction button
- Check input on the status page (IUP)

Error code : 32
Reset Automatic
Short text Inspection DOWN input?
Long text No inspection but inspection DOWN is act.
Description The controller recognizes the “down” input of inspection as active despite the inspection control being
Causes - Direction button is being pushed even though the inspection control is not switched on.
- Check input on the status page
Remedy - Release direction button
- Check input on the status page (IDN)

Error Code: 33
Reset 800 + OK
Short text Seismic device not ready
Long text Seismic Device not ready
Description The controller cannot detect a “ready” signal from the seismics detector
Reaction The installation is put out-of-order in the next floor.

Causes - Failure or disruption at the seismics detector

- Defective input at the controller
Remedy - Check seismics detector
- Check up on the input status-wise
- Should the input be defective, it can be re-parameterized to another free I/O at any time

Error code : 34
Reset 800 + OK
Short text D1 Open/Close Limit-Sw.
Long text Open/close limit switch door 1 together
Description The controller recognizes both door 1 limit switches as active
Causes - Limit switch wiring not correct
- Input at controller is defective
Remedy - Check wiring
- Check NC (normally closed contact) setting in parameters
- Check input on the status page (OL1/CL1)

Error code : 35
Reset 800 + OK
Short text D2 Open/Close Limit-Sw.
Long text Open/close limit switch door 2 together
Description The controller recognizes both door 2 limit switches as active
Causes - Limit switch wiring not correct
- Input at controller is defective
Remedy - Check wiring
- Check NC (normally closed contact) setting in parameters
- Check input on the status page (OL2/CL2)

Error code : 36
Reset Automatic
Short text Software final switch
Long text sortware final up switch
Description The value determined by the absolute encoder does not coincide with the reference value for the highest
landing which is determined by the controller (zero-point +nlandings)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The controller initiates an emergency stop.
Hydraulic The controller initiates an emergency stop and descends into the lowest landing.

Causes - Reading error of the absolute encoder
- Defective connection
- Magnetic tape not installed correctly (Installation manual!)
- Defective travelling cable
- Defective CPU

Remedy - See causes

- Check landing heights (Menu -> Setup)

Error code : 37
Reset Automatic
Short text Undershoot lowest floor
Long text Undershoot or reference level not correct
Description The value determined by the absolute encoder does not coincide with the reference value for the highest
landing which is determined by the controller (zero-point)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The controller initiates an emergency stop.
Hydraulic The controller initiates an emergency stop and descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - Reading error of the absolute encoder
- Defective connection
- Magnetic tape not installed correctly (Installation manual!)
- Defective travelling cable
- Defective CPU

Remedy - See causes

- Check zero point (Menu -> Setup)

Error code : 38
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall / By entering a cabin call
Short text Door 1 did not close
Long text Door 1 did not close after 5 retry
Description The controller initiated 10 attempts for closing, during all of which the safety cicuit failed to successfully close
given the predetermined control time for the closing of doors.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - defective interlocking contact
- defective door contact
- control time for closing doors is set too restrictively
- door motor has too little contact pressure

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 39
Reset Input Reset Earthquake (Parameter -> Mode -> Operation mode 4/4 -> Earthquake ->I:Reset xxx )
Short text Seismic Device 24H
long text Seismic Device 24H test not ok
Description The controller checks the seismic device every 24 hours automatically so that the Earthquake function is
ensured. This error message will be issued, should the controller detect an error.
Reaktion The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Ursachen - Failure or disruption at the seismics detector
- Output/Input at the controller is defective

Beseitigung - Check seismics detector

- Check wiring
- Check output test seismic and input seismic mode

Error code : 40
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text ACCU Error
Long text ACCU-Control Error
Description The lead-battery which is mounted to the controller is either defective or not connected (is only checked in
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The lift stops in the current landing
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - battery disconnected
- defective battery

Remedy - See causes

If the battery should be defective, one deactivates the monitoring via the menu “Tools ->
Adjustment -> Surveillance -> Battery control j/n”
We highly URGE you to note that the battery needs to be replaced both at your installation and in
the maintenance book.

Error Code: 41
Reset 800+Ok
Short text Brake error
Long text Brake error
Description This error code indicates that there has been a brake error prior to reset or restart.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - A brake error that existed prior to shut-down/reset was saved

Remedy - Remove the brake error as indicated under error code 43-46 and reset with 800+OK

Error code : 42
Reset Automatic
Short text Phase Error
Long text Phase Error
Description The integrated phase sequence detects a phase failure or a wrong direction of rotation.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The lift stops in the current landing
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - Phase failure in the mains
- Phases are not clamped correctly L1/L2/L3
- Defective fuse in the controller/allocation

Remedy - See causes

If the phase sequence monitoring is not needed, one can deactivate the monitoring via the menu
“Tools -> Adjustment -> Surveillance -> Phase control j/n”
We highly URGE you to note this circumstance both at your installation and in the maintenance

Error code : 43
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Brake 1 not opened!
Long text Brake 1 not opened!
Description 3 seconds upon termination of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are opened. That is, in case
of an error, the input brake1 is still applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the brake does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring is not correct
- Brake MCB (FBR)
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 44
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Brake 1 not closed!
Long text Brake 1 not closed!
Description 3 seconds upon termination of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are closed. That is, in case of
an error, the input brake1 is not applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the brake does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring is not correct
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.
Error code : 45

Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Brake 2 not opened!
Long text Brake 2 not opened!
Description 3 seconds upon termination of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are opened. That is, in case
of an error, the input brake2 still applies.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the brake does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring is not correct
- Brake MCB (FBR)
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 46
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Brake 2 not closed!
Long text Brake 2 not closed!
Description 3 seconds upon termination of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are closed. That is, in case of
an error, the input brake 2 is not applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the brake does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring is not correct
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 47
Reset Automatic
Short text Machin Room TEMPERATURE!
Long text Machine Room over Temperature (MRT)!
Description The maximum allowed mashine room temperature has been exceeded. The controller reads the
corresponding input MRT as active.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode. Should this error occur during travel, the
current ride will be completed nonetheless.
Rope The lift stops in “out-of-order” mode at the current landing.
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - mashine room temperature too high
- Threshold at the thermostat not set correctly
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page (MRT)
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 48
Reset Automatic
Short text Maximum pressure!
Long text Maximum hydraulic pressure!
Description The hydraulic system reports to the controller that the max. allowed operating pressure is exceeded. The
controller reads the input MAX as active.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode. An emergency stop is conducted.
Rope --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Causes - maximum pressure exceeded
- wrong settings at the hydraulic manifold
- For Bucher-SIUA defective contact
- wiring not correct
- lift car is overloaded
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Note the error description of the hydraulic manufacturer

- Check input on the status page (MAX)
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 49
Reset Automatic
Short text Minimum pressure!
Long text minimum hydraulic \npressure!
Description The hydraulic system reports to the controller that the min. allowed operating pressure is exceeded. The
controller reads the input MIN as active.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode. An emergency stop is conducted.
Rope --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Causes - minimum pressure not achieved
- wrong settings at the hydraulic manifold
- wiring not correct
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Note the error description of the hydraulic manufacturer
- Check input on the status page (MIN)
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 50
Reset Automatic
Short text Minimum Room TEMPERATURE!
Long text Machine Room Minimum Temperature!
Description The minimum allowed machine room temperature is underrun (5°C)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode. Should this error occur during travel, the
current ride will be completed nonetheless.
Rope The lift stops in “out-of-order” mode at the current landing.
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - Machine room temperature too low (<5°C)
- Threshold at the thermostat not set correctly
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input
Remedy - See causes
- Check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 54
-- Rerserved error code

Error Code: 56
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Err missing vo
Long text Err missing vo
Description This error message will be issued by the controller should the pre-limit switch “up“ not be detected 3 times
under the impulse method.

Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.

Causes - Reading error signal switch “Middle“(counts landings multiple times)
- Wiring is faulty
- Defective pre-limit switch
- Damage at the travelling cable
- Input is faulty
Remedy - See causes

Error Code: 57
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall
Short text Err missing vu
Long text Err missing vu
Description This error message will be issued by the controller should the pre-limit switch “down“ not be detected 3 times
under the impulse method.

Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.


Causes - Reading error signal switch „Middle“ (counts landings multiple times)
- Wiring is faulty
- Defective pre-limit switch
- Damage at the travelling cable
- Input is faulty
Remedy - See causes

Error Code: 58
Reset Automatic
Short text Machine room emergency stop
Long text Emergency stop in machine room is pressed
Description The emergency stop button in the machine room is being monitored by the controller. When activated, this
error message is issued.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order“ mode.
Causes - Emergency stop in machine room has been activated
- Defective input
- Wiring is faulty
Remedy - Reset emergency stop
- See causes

Error code : 61
Reset 800 + Ok / By entering a cabin call
Short text retrys close Door 2
Long text Door 2 did not close after retrys!
Description The controller initiated 10 attempts for closing, during all of which the safety circuit failed to successfully close
given the predetermined control time for the closing of doors.
Reaction General The controller switches “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - defective interlock contact
- defective door contacts
- control time for the closing of doors is set too restrictively (too short)
- door motor has to little contact pressure

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 62
-- Reserved error code

Errorcode : 63
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM erron
Short text UCM by speed!
Long text UCM was detected by speed
Description The controller checks the lift speed in the zone. If the measures speed value should be higher than the one
given in “Menu -> Parameter -> General settings -> UCM -> v UCM check” the controller will initiate an
emergency stop.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - UCM detected
- approaching speed too high
- reading error of the absolute encoder
- parameters are not set correctly

Remedy - See causes

- Entering the value “0“ disables the speed monitoring

Error code : 64
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text UCM by speed!
Long text UCM was detected by position
Description After leaving the zone the controller recognizes the shaft doors to be open (S6 not closed) and thus detects
a UCM situation.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - UCM detected
- reading error of the absolute encoder

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 65
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text Locked fault!
Long text Locked fault occurred!
Description This error serves for internal error analysis. // If this error should be displayed, please conduct a controller
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.

Error code : 66
Reset Automatic
Short text Cabin light!
Long text cabin light error!
Description The controller recognizes a missing phase for the cabin light. At the connecting terminal L4 on the relay board
a 230V supply cannot be decteted.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The lift stops in the current landing
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - phase failure
- wiring not correct
- defective input

Remedy - See causes

If the light monitoring should not be necessary one disable the monitoring via the menu „ Tools ->
Adjustment -> Surveillance -> Cabin light monitor j/n“

Error code : 67
Reset Automatic
Short text Car light switch off!
Long text Cabin-light switched off!
Description Notification that the cabin light switch has been switched off at the controller.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The lift stops in the current landing
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - cabin light switch is being activated


Error code : 68
Reset Automatic
Short text Small head room UP!
Long text small head room to move up in inspection!
Description Notification that the Inspection end switch which is simulated by the software was reached during upward
Reaction General
Causes - end switch has been reached

Remedy - leave the end switches by travelling downwards

- check parameters

Error code : 69
Reset Resolve error and enter 800+OK afterwards
Short text Apron input door 1!
Long text Apron input not active in normal mode at door 1!
Description Under normal operation, the controller expects to receive input about the hinged apron being retracted.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - hinged apron folded out
- wiring not correct
- defective input

Remedy - retract hinged apron

- in case of automatic folding, please note the operating procedures
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 70
Reset 800+Ok and note the instructions for retracting the aprons
Short text Apron magnet Door 1!
Long text Apron input is bridged!
Description Should the installation be equipped with a holding magnet (HM) for aprons, then an input about the HM’s
retraction will be expected when issuing the output for the HM.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - hinged apron folded out even though the HM is supplied with current.
- wiring not correct
- defective input
Remedy - retract hinged apron
- in case of automatic folding, please note the operating procedures
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 71
Reset 800+Ok and note the instructions for retracting the aprons
Short text Apron not activ in normal mode at door 1, because of S chain!
Long text Apron not activ in normal mode at door 1, because of S chain!
Description If the controller recognizes the S6 input to open during travel, the holding magnet for the hinged apron
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - S6 has been opened during travel

Error code : 72
Reset 800+Ok and note the instructions for retracting the aprons
Short text Apron input door 2!
Long text Apron input active in normal mode at door 2!
Description Under normal operation, the controller expects to receive input about the hinged aprion being retracted.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - hinged apron folded out
- wiring not correct
defective input
Remedy - retract hinged apron
- in case of automatic folding, please note the operating procedures
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 73
Reset 800+Ok and note the instructions for retracting the aprons
Short text Apron magnet Door 2!
Long text Apron magnet output door 2 active but no effect on input!
Description Should the installation be equipped with a holding magnet (HM) for aprons, then an input about the HM’s
retraction will be expected when issuing the output for the HM.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - hinged apron folded out even though the HM is supplied with current.
- wiring not correct
- defective input
Remedy - retract hinged apron
- in case of automatic folding, please note the operating procedures
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 74
Reset 800+Ok and note the instructions for retracting the aprons
Short text Apron door 2 S chain!
Long text Apron activ in normal mode at door 2, because of S chain!
Description If the controller recognizes the S6 input to open during travel, the holding magnet for the hinged apron
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - S6 has been opened during travel

Error Code: 75
Reset 800 + Ok

Short text Cabin door is bridged
Long text Cabin door is bridged
Description Notification that the safety circuit S4 is bridged. Prerequisite for this is that monitoring is activated in the lift
attendant menu.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Bridge at S4

Remedy - Check wiring

Error Code: 76
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Landing door is bridged
Long text Landing door is bridged
Description Notification that the safety circuit S6 is bridged. Prerequisite for this is that monitoring is activated in the lift
attendant menu.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Bridge at S6

Remedy - Check wiring

Error code : 77
Reset Automatic
Short text Small Pit room DOWN!
Long text small Pit room to move down in inspection!
Description Notification that the inspection limit switch which is simulated by the software has been reached during
downward travel.
Reaction General
Causes - Simulated limit switch has been reached

Remedy - Leave the limit switch by travelling up

- check parameters

Error code : 78
Reset Automatic
Short text Apron distance!
Long text Because of apron distance not possible to move down more!
Description The min. distance from the shaft pit which is allowed to be reached with an out-folded apron has been reached
during downward travel.
Reaction General The controller initiates an emergency stop
Causes - limit has been reached
- parameters not set correctly

Remedy - retract the hinged apron, retract the telescopic apron

- check parameters Menu -> Parameter -> Input/Output -> In car -> Auto hinged apron -> Dist.limit
to drive

Error code : 79
Reset 800 + Ok / Recall / Reset
Short text Brake 3 not opened!
Long text Brake 3 not opened!
Description 3 sec. after the beginning of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are released; that is in case of
an error the input Brake3 is still applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - brake activation does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring not correct
- Brake MCB (FBR)
- defective input

Remedy - see causes

- check input on the status page (BR3)
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 80

Reset 800 + Ok / Recall / Reset
Short text Brake 3 not closed!
Long text Brake 3 not closed!
Description 3 sec. after the termination of travel, the controller checks whether the brakes are closed; that is in case of
an error the input Brake3 is not applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - brake activation does not function properly (refer to wiring diagram)
- brake shoe contact is not set up correctly
- wiring not coorect
- defective input

Remedy - see causes

- check input on the status page (BR3)
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 81
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Sink lock not opened!
Long text Sink lock not opened!
Description 3 sec. upon beginning of travel, the controller checks whether the monitoring contact of the descent protection
has opened; that is in case of an error the input “control descent protection” still applies.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the descent protection does not function properly (see wiring diagram)
- wiring not correct
- defective input

Remedy - see causes

- check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 82
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Sink lock not closed!
Long text Sink lock not closed!
Description 3 sec. upon termination of travel, the controller checks whether the monitoring contact of the descent
protection has closed; that is in case of an error the input “control descent protection” is not applied.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - activation of the descent protection does not function properly (see wiring diagram)
- wiring not correct
- defective input

Remedy - see causes

- check input on the status page
If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time.

Error code : 83
Reset Automatic
Short text IO not assigned!
Long text IO not assigned!
Description It is being referred to an IO which no function is assigned to.
Reaction Assign the desired function to the IO

Error code : 84
Reset Automatic
Short text Module not alive!
Long text Module not alive!
Description A function was programmed on to a physically not existing module
Reaction - integrate the module into the installation
- program the function onto another module

Error code : 85
Reset 800 + Ok
Short text doors are bridged
Long text doors are bridged
Description This error message appears when S4 or S6 are bridged but cannot be distinguished in the case of 2 door
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.

Causes - Bridges were not removed after set-up
- Wiring is faulty
- Door contact is faulty
Remedy - See causes

Error code : 86
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text Valve-Test < 24 Hour!
Long text Valve test have not done more than last 24 hour!
Description The controller checks the valves every 24 hours so that the UCM function is ensured. If the testing is not
conducted, this error will be registered.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Another kind of error prevents the lift from travelling „normally” thereby also rendering the valve
test unfeasible.
- After having exchanged the board the time is no longer indicated correctly.

Remedy - see causes

Error code : 87
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text UCM at hydraulic KUP!
Long text UCM at hydraulic KUP!
Description During an automatic valve test the “KSD” contactor is being activated. If the controller then detects a cabin
movement into downward direction, it is to assume that there is a leaky “down valve”.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - leaky valve
- wiring error
Reset - see causes
- compare to wiring diagram

Error code : 88
Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text UCM at hydraulic KSD!
Long text UCM at hydraulic KSD!
Description During an automatic valve test the “KUP” contactor is being activated. If the controller then detects a cabin
movement into downward direction, it is to assume that there is a leaky “A3 valve”.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - defective contactor
- defective auxiliary contact
- wiring error (K2 contact is bridged)

Reset - see causes

- compare to wiring diagram

Error code : 89
Reserved error code

Error code : 90
Reset Automatic
Short text Conflict IO address
Long text Conflict IO address
Description Two functions were programmed onto the same IO adress.
Reaction - change parametrisation
- the I/O assignment can be checked as follows:
Menu -> Tools -> IO-Assignment -> select Adress e.g. C51.1

Error code : 91
Reset Contact the hotline
Short text KLMN bus driver or SPI communication error
Long text KLMN bus driver or SPI communication error

Description Communication between CPU and the bus driver is disturbed.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The controller stops in the next possible landing,
Hydraulic The controller stops in the next possible landing and the lift then descends into the lowest
Remedy Change the KMPRO board

Error code : 92
Reset 800 + Ok / Reset
Short text Maximum speed!
Long text Maximum speed!
Description The controller detects a travelled speed which is higher than the value set in „Menu -> Parameter -> General
settings -> Travel -> Maximum speed“
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Rope The controller initiates an emergency stop.
Hydraulic The controller conducts an emergency halt and the lift then descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - maximum speed has been reached
- absolute encoder reading error
- paramters are not set correctly

Reset - check the parameters (the value should lie between the rated speed and the speed governors
tripping speed)
- Entering the value „0“deactivates the monitoring.
Should this type of error occur more frequently and possibly together with an absolute encoder
reading error, one should consider exchanging the abosulte encoder (consult the hotline)

Error code : 93
Reset 800+Ok / Reset
Short text Deceleration UP!
Long text Deceleration UP!
Description The controller is capable of measuring the deceleration of the cabin and thus serves as simulated
deceleration monitoring. After having switched to the slower speed, the real deceleration of the cabin is
measured. Should this value not coincide with the one set under „Parameter > General settings >
Deceleration > Page2 > Min. deceleration (mm/s2), this error will be indicated.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - above parameter is not set correctly (the value should be slightly smaller than at the inverter)
- control does not decelerate correctly
- hydraulics do not decelerate correctly

Remedy - see causes

- Entering the value “0” deactivates the monitoring.

Error code : 94
Reset 800+Ok / Reset
Short text Deceleration DOWN!
Long text Deceleration DOWN!
Description The controller is capable of measuring the deceleration of the cabin and thus serves as simulated
deceleration monitoring. After having switched to the slower speed, the real deceleration of the cabin is
measured. Should this value not coincide with the one set under „Parameter > General settings >
Deceleration > Page2 > Min. deceleration (mm/s2), this error will be indicated.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - above parameter is not set correctly (the value should be slightly smaller than at the inverter)
- control does not decelerate correctly
- hydraulics do not decelerate correctly

Reset - see causes

- Entering the value “0“ deactivates the monitoring.

Error code : 95
Reset Automatic
Short text Step (-) in up movement
Long text Stop before level in up movement
Description The lift stopped BEFORE the landing during upward travel (cabin positioned too low)
Reaction General The controller relevels if relevelling is activated.

Causes - braking deceleration is not set correctly
- load-dependent hydraulic system
- unprecise control (open loop)
- disruption during DCP transmission
Reset - set braking deceleration (reduce) (readjust only if this error occurs at each landing equally)
- readjust landing height
- readjust control

Error code : 96
Reset Automatic
Short text Glide in up movement!
Long text Cabin glide in up movement!
Description The lift has passed by the landing during upward travel (SoZone)
Reaction General The controller relevels if relevelling is activated.
Causes - braking deceleration is not set correctly
- load-dependent hydraulic system
- unprecise control (open loop)
- disruption during DCP transmission
Reset - set braking deceleration (increase) (readjust only if this error occures at each landing equally)
- readjust landing height
- readjust control

Error code : 97
Reset Automatic
Short text Glide in down movement!
Long text Cabin glide in DOWN movement!
Description The lift has passed by the landing during downward travel (SuZone)
Reaction General The controller relevels if relevelling is activated.
Causes - braking deceleration is not set correctly
- load-dependent hydraulic system
- unprecise control (open loop)
- disruption during DCP transmission

Reset - set braking deceleration (increase) (readjust only if this error occurs at each landing equally)
- readjust landing hight
- readjust control

Error code : 98
Reset Automatic
Short text Step (+) in DOWN move!
Long text Cabin stoped in DOWN movement!
Description The lift stopped BEFORE the landing during downward travel (cabin positioned too high)
Reaction General The controller relevels if relevelling is activated.
Causes - braking deceleration is not set correctly
- load-dependent hydraulic system
- unprecise control (open loop)
- disruption during DCP transmission
Reset - set braking deceleration (reduce) (readjust only if this error occurs at each landing equally)
- readjust landing hight
- readjust control

Error code : 99
Reset Contact hotline
Short text Deceleration is small or ABS pos. is wrong. Upper / lower floor!
Long text Deceleration is small or ABS pos. is wrong. Upper / lower floor!
Description The controller reads an invalid value from the absolute encoder (the allowed range is: (zero point – 900mm
as lowest bound) +nlandingdistances+900mm as highest bound)
Reaction General
Causes - reading error of the absolute encoder

Error code : 100

Reset Automatic

Short text DCP ERROR!
Long text Error DCP communication!
Description The controller recognizes a malfunctioning during the communication with the frequency inverter
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-oder” mode. Should the error occur during travel, it is first
checked whether the inverter would initiate the deceleration with proper timing. If this is not
the case, an emergency stop is conducted.
Causes - jack not connected properly
- isolation of the cable jammed inbetween
- wiring not correct (for longer distances it is curcial to use a shielded and twisted cable)
- shield not placed/cable not led properly
Reset - See causes

Error code : 101

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text Valve 1 not opend!
Long text Valve 1 not opend!
Description In the case of electronically monitored valves, an opening of the down valve1 has not been detected
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Defective Valve
- Valve is not set correctly
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Reset - see causes

- check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time. ( I: Check
valve 1)

Error code : 102

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text Valve 1 not closed!
Long text Valve 1 not closed!
Description In the case of electronically monitored valves, it has not been recognized that upon termination of travel the
down valve1 has closed.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Defective Valve
- Valve is not set correctly
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Reset - see causes

- check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time. ( I: Check
valve 1)

Error code : 103

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text Valve 2 not opend!
Long text Valve 2 not opend!
Description In the case of electronically monitored valves, it has not been recognized that upon beginning of travel the
down valve2 has opened.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Defective Valve
- Valve is not set correctly
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Reset - see causes

- check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time. ( I: Check
valve 2)

Error code : 104

Reset 800+ Ok

Short text Valve 2 not closed!
Long text Valve 2 not closed!
Description In the case of electronically monitored valves, it has not been recognized that upon termination of travel the
down valve2 has closed.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Defective Valve
- Valve is not set correctly
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Reset - see causes

- check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time. ( I: Check
valve 2)

Error Code: 105

Reset Automatic
Short text BY PASS input
Long text BY PASS input
Description Door contacts can be bridged by means of the bypass function. The controller checks up on the inputs of the
bypass function. Only “on” or “off“ may apply.
Inspection must be active for bypass to be switched on.
Causes - Doors not closed (Door close limit switch must be active)
- Inspection not switched on
- At the same time, both bypass “on“ and „off“ apply/do not apply

Error code : 106

Reset Automatic
Short text No Group packet!
Long text Group packet was not received
Description After having issued a group telegram, the controller expects to receive a response from the remaining parts of
the group. Should this not happen, this error will be recorded.
Reaction - Wiring not correct
- Cable guiding (it is curcial to use shielded and twisted cables)
- Defective group board

Error code : 107

Reset Automatic
Short text Inspection end limit!
Long text Inspection: end limit switch is active!
Description The inspection limit switch was surpassed during upward travel
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop.
Causes - Limit switch surpassed
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Leave limit switch in downward direction
- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 108

Reset Ensure proper functioning of the limit switch by means of a recall travel initiated via activation of the limit switch.
Short text Inspection end limit!
Long text Inspection: end limit switch is active!
Description If there is no 0V applying on the programmed input when approaching the highest landing, the controller will
immediately switch into “out-of-order” mode. The error message “Error inspection limit switc” will be indicated
in the TFT.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Rope The lift stops in the upper-most landing.
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing. Revelling remains active.
Causes - Limit switch not wired
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Reset Since the inspection limit switch is of highest importance to ensure the technicians safety, it is impossible to
conduct an inspection run until the proper functioning of the inspection limit switch is confirmed. Resetting this
error via reset or by entering 800 is not possible.
The lift may be moved by using the Recall function or in the case of hydraulic installations by means of the
software Recall. As soon as the error is rectified it will be necessary to move the lift into the upper-most landing
(e.g. via Recall function). Here, an incoming 0V is considered as a verification for the proper functioning of the
inspection limit switch.
Afterwards, the installation can resume normal operation and it is also possible to travel under inspection again.

Error Code: 109

Reset 800 + Ok
Short text Pulse not detected
Long text Pulse not detected
Description The controller cannot detect any impulse from the encoder under the impulse method.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Failure of the encoder
- Wiring is faulty
Remedy - See causes
- Check whether the jumper for the impulse method is mounted

Error code : 110

Reset Automatic
Short text Short circuit LBus +24V
Long text Short circuit LBus to +24V
Description The controller detects a short circuit between the landing bus and 24V.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Short circuit between landing bus and 24 V
Remedy - Disconnect the landing bus. If the error is then still being indicated, it is rooted in the control cabinet.
- Remove the LBus connection on the KMPRO board. If the error is then still being indicated, contact
the hotline.
- If the error disappears after disconnection of the landing bus, the error is to be found in the shaft.

Error code : 111

Reset Automatic
Short text Short circuit LBus 0V
Long text Short circuit LBus to 0V
Description The controller detects a short circuit between the landing bus and GND (0V).
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Short circuit between landing bus and GND

Remedy - Disconnect the landing bus. If the error is then still being indicated, it is rooted in the control cabinet.
- Remove the LBus connection on the KMPRO board. If the error is then still being indicated, contact
the hotline.
- If the error disappears after disconnection of the landing bus, the error is to be found in the shaft.

Error code : 112

Reset Automatic
Short text Short circuit CBus +24V
Long text Short circuit CBus to +24V
Description The controller detects a short circuit between the car bus and 24V.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Short circuit between landing bus and 24V

Remedy - Disconnect the car bus. If the error is then still being indicated, it is rooted in the control cabinet.
- Remove the CBus connection on the KMPRO board. If the error is then still being indicated, contact
the hotline.
- If the error disappears after disconnection of the car bus, the error is to be found on the car/travelling

- If the installation is equipped with 2 door sides and a selective door controlling it is furthermore
necessary to check the car bus in the shaft.

Error code : 113

Reset Automatic
Short text Short circuit CBus 0V
Long text Short circuit CBus to 0V
Description The controller detects a short circuit between the car bus and GND (0V).
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Short circuit between car bus and GND

Remedy - Disconnect the car bus. If the error is then still being indicated, it is rooted in the control cabinet.
- Remove the CBus connection on the KMPRO board. If the error is then still being indicated, contact
the hotline.
- If the error disappears after disconnection of the car bus, the error is to be found on the car/travelling
- If the installation is equipped with 2 door sides and a selective door controlling it is furthermore
necessary to check the car bus in the shaft.

Error code : 114

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text RUN/READY on stop mode
Long text NGVA3-Fault: RUN/READY on in stop mode
Description The electronic valve block sends the “run and ready” signal during standtill.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective NGV (during standstill only the “ready“ signal is allowed to apply)
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 115

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text RUN/READY both on run.
Long text NGVA3-Fehler RUN/READY on between lift running
Description The electronic valve block sends the “run and ready” signal while travelling.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective NGV (during standstill only the “run” signal is allowed to apply)
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 116

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text RUN/READY off stop mode
Long text NGVA3-Fault: RUN/READY off in stop mode
Description The electronic valve block send neither the “run” nor the “ready” signal during standtill.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective NGV (during standstill the “ready” must apply)
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 117

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text RUN/READY both off runn.

Long text NGVA3-Fault: RUN/READY off between lift running
Description The electronic valve block send neither the “run” nor the “ready” signal while travelling
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective NGV (while travelling the “run” must apply)
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 118

Reset 800+ Ok / Recall
Short text SM SZ Sequence!
Long text SM SZ sequence wrong
Description The zone switch switching sequence is wrong. When approaching the zone the Sz signal must arrive first,
followed by the SM signal.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Zone magnets not set correctly
- Landing hight not set correctly (cabin does also not stop in flush position)
- Defective input (SZ)

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page

Error code : 119

Reset Automatic after entry of the telephone number
Short text Dial number not set
Long text Emergency center dial number not set
Description If the controller is set to serve as an emergency call system, it requires the entry of an emergency call telephone
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - No telephone number provided

Remedy - Enter a phone number under „ Menu -> Parameter -> Emergency“

Error code : 120

Reset Automatic
Short text Modem communication!
Long text Error communication to serial modem
Description If there is a modem which is indicated as active at the controller (emergency or remote diagnostics) but cannot
be detected, this error will be issued consequently.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Modem switched off
- Cable unplugged
- Defective cable
- Modem operation activated even though there is no modem available at the installation

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 121

Reset 800+Ok / Recall / Reset
Short text Error opening door 1
Long text Error opening door 1
Description The controller failed to identify open car doors after 5 attempts to open the doors (S4/6 does not open)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective door drive
- Wiring error (KMCTB -> door drive)
- Defective bus module output

Remedy - See causes
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 122

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text cabin movement!
Long text No valid cabin movement!
Description The controller is permanently monitoring whether the car is moving. If no car movement is detected, this error
will be issued prior to reaching the travel control time.
(refer to description: Parameter > Special > Fault setup > Cabin movement“)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Rope The controller performs an emergency stop
Hydraulic The controller performs an emergency stop and the lift then descends into the lowest landing
Causes - Parameters not set correctly
- Lift does not move inspite of active drive commands

Remedy - See causes

- Entering the value „0“ disabled the monitoring

Error code : 123 ( only with Bucher IValve System )

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text Ivalve A: no OV
Long text Ivalve A : no OV detect in phase-A
Description The controller expects a „GND“ signals from the SMA contact during the time span „A“ at the input „control
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective IValve electronic card
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input
- When starting (soft starter is activating), the run is aborted prior to the opening of the valves (short
tapping during inspection run)
- When relevelling (relevelling is started and aborted again due to teetering of the car)

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time
- Read the system description Ivalve/SMA
- Set the parameter “IValve deceleration” to 3000 ms

Error code : 124 ( only with Bucher IValve System )

Reset 700 + Ok // Tools > Adjustment > Page 2 > Delete UCM error
Short text Ivalve B: No 24V
Long text Ivalve B: No 24V detected in Phase B (Standstill)
Description During standstill, the controller expects the SMA contact (24V) to close within the time span „B“ of the „Control
Ivalve“ input
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective IValve electronic card
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time
- Read the system description Ivalve/SMA

Error code : 125

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text SZ permanently on!
Long text SZ permanently on!
Description The zone switch SZ is permanently perceived as active by the controller. It needs to be switched off outside of
the zone.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Zone magnets are not set correctly, so that the magnet switch can no longer be switched off (pay
attention to the polarity)
- Defective magnet switch
- Wiring not correct
- End in travelling cable (compare to wiring diagram)
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 126

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text SZ permanently off!
Long text SZ permanently off!
Description The controller is never able to recognize the zone switch SZ. Within the zone however it needs to be detected.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Zone magnets are not set correctly, so that the magnet switch can no longer be switched on (pay
attention to the polarity)
- Defective magnet switch
- Wiring nor correct
- Switch not connected
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 127

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text SZ not active in zone!
Long text SZ not active in zone!
Description The controller expects an activated “SZ” signal in the zone.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Zone magnets not set correctly
- Landing heights in the controller do not correspond to the real installation
Remedy - See causes

Error code : 128

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text SZ toggle not detected!
Long text SZ toggle not detected!
Description The controller expects a change in the “SZ” signal during travel. Outside of the zone, the signal needs to be
inactive and active within the zone.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Zone magnets are not set correctly so that the magnet switch cannot be switched on or off (pay
attention to the polarity)
- Defective magnet switch
- Wiring not correct
- Switch not connected
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 129

Reset Automatic
Short text Turn off command
Long text Abnormally request to turn off movement cmd
Description If for some reason the controller is forced to conduct an emergency stop this notification will be recorded.
Please consult the entries before and after this error in the error log since they might contain hints concerning
the reason for the emergency stop.

Causes - See error log

Error code : 130

Reset Automatic
Short text Emergency Center Err!
Long text Error: emergency center not reachable!
Description This error is reported if the controller serves as emergency device and the control room cannot be contacted
during a routine call.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Telephone line is disrupted
- No perception in case of a GSM-based emergency call device

- Telephone system is misaligned (number for an outside line is dialed)

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 131

Reset 800+ Ok / Recall
Short text Movement on start!
Long text Error: movement on start!
Description The controller monitors whether the car starts moving within 3 sec. Of activation of the travelling signals. If no
car movement is detected, this error is issued before travel control time is reached. (compare to: Parameter >
Special > Fault Setup > Start cabin movement“)
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Parameter not set correctly
- Lift does not move even though a travelling command was given

Remedy - See causes

- Entering value „0“ disables the monitoring

Error code : 132

Reset Automatic
Short text Alarm always on!
Long text Alarm always on!
Description If the controller detects the alarm button to be “activated” for more than 10 minutes, this notification will be
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Alarm button activated
- Short circuit on “AL” or “EC”
- Travelling cable
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 133

Reset Automatic
Short text ABS not exist!
Long text ABS(WACHENDORF) not exist!
Description If an absolute encoder by Co. Wachendorf is being employed and the controller is not receiving any data from
it, this notification will be reported.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective ABS
- ABS not connected
- Wiring not correct
- Defective travelling cable
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- It is absolutely curcial to use shielded cables which are twisted in pairs for connecting the ABS.

Error code : 134

Reset Automatic
Short text ABS not exist!
Long text ABS(ELGO) not exist!
Description If an absolute encoder by Co. Elgo is being employed and the controller is not receiving any data from it, this
notification will be reported.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective ABS
- ABS not connected
- Wiring not correct
- Defective travelling cable
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- It is absolutely curcial to use shielded cables which are twisted in pairs for connecting the ABS.

Error code : 135
Reserved error code

Error code : 136

Reserved error code

Error code : 137

Reserved error code

Error code : 138

Reserved error code

Error code : 139

Reset Automatic
Short text Recall en. in 2 input
Long text Recall enable in two point
Description The “REC” input (P.45) on the KMPRO as well as one additionally programmed input for recall (Parameter >
Input/Output > General Inputs > I: Recall) are simultaneously active.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Both inputs are active
- Wiring error
- Parameter not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 140

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text Input emergency call!
Long text Error: input emergency call
Description If an emergency call system is used, the input „Parameters > Inputs/Outputs > General inputs > Page 5 > I:
Error Emergency call syst. of the fault alarm contact of the NS must be connected. If the input is activated, this
error is stored.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Rope The lift terminates its run and then stops.
Hydraulic The lift terminates its run and descends into the lowest landing.
Causes - Emergency call system is reporting an error
- No power supply coverage when GSM
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- Check input on the status page
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error Code : 141

Reset 800+ Ok
Short text Reset apron active!
Long text Input reset apron permanently on!
Description The controller recognizes that the “reset” input for the hinged apron is permanently active. If the apron is to be
reset, there should only be a „reset impulse“.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Reset switch hanging/switched permanently
- Wiring error
- Defective input

Remedy - If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 142
Reset Automatic
Short text ABS magnet band!
Long text Error ABS magnet band!
Description The ABS reading head communicates a defective magnetic tape to the controller.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop.
Causes - Defective magnetic tape
- Magentic tape not installed correctly (compare ABS (absolute encoder) installation manual)
- ABS reading error
- Wiring not correct (for longer distances it is crucial to use a shielded cable which is twisted in pairs)
- Shield not applied/ cable not led properly

Remedy - See causes

Error code : 143

Reset Automatic
Short text No inverter-READY!
Long text Inverter ready input not active!
Description Only for installations with a “standby” function: The controller expects to receive a “ready“ signal, which is to
be issued as soon as the inverter accepts drive commands.
Should such a signal not be received, this notification will be recorded.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Inverter not ready
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 144 ( Only for Bucher IValve System )

Reset 700+ Ok
Short text Ivalve B2: no 0V->6sec!
Long text Ivalve B2: 0V not detected after 6sec!
Description The controller expects to receive a “GND” signal from the SMA within 6s.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Rope ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hydraulic The lift descends into the lowest landing
Causes - Defective IValve electronic card
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time
- Read system description for Ivalve / SMA

Error code : 145 ( Only with Bucher IValve System )

Reset Automatic
Short text IValve IO Error!
Long text IValve IO Bus module not recognized!
Description If the inputs for monitoring the Ivalve are programmed on a bus module, it must be ensured that the controller
always "sees" this module, i.e. the module is active. Should the module fail, the control recognizes this and
stops the system.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Defective Bus module
- Bus module is not properly mounted to the bus cable (loose contact)

Remedy - Exchange the Bus module

- Press Bus module again to restore proper fit

Error Code : 146

Reset 800+Ok / Recall / Reset
Short text Error opening door2
Long text Error opening door2
Description After 5 attempts to open the doors, the controller remains unable to detect any door opening (S4/6 does not
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.

Causes - defective door operator
- wiring error (KMCTB -> door operator)
- defective BUS-module output
Remedy - see causes
- Should the output be defective, it can be re-parameterized to another I/O at any time

Error code : 147

Reset Menu> Tools> Page 2> Reset Maintenance Interval (Only for Users with Priority Level)
Short text Maintenance interval
Long text Maintenance interval reached!
Description The value set under Menu -> Parameter -> Special -> Maintenance intervall has been reached. The
maintenance interval can be effected from number of travels, operating hours and direction changes. The
elevator needs to stop for maintenance.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Maintenance interval has been reached

Remedy - Menu –> Tools -> Page 2 -> Reset service intervall

Error code : 148

Reset Automatic
Short text KMCTB is not alive!
Long text KMCTB is not alive!
Description The KMCTB board is permanently monitored so that its unrestricted function is always guaranteed.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - KMCTB board is not connected to the bus.
- Defective KMCTB
- No communication between controller and car (bus disturbed)

Remedy - Connect KMCTB properly

- Change KMCTB board.
- Check the wiring of the car bus.

Error code : 149

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text ext. safetyrelays inactive
Long text external safetyrelays inaktive
Description If an external safety circuit is being used, the controller offers a possibility to monitor it. The controller expects
a status change at the monitoring input in order to ensure the proper functioning of the safety circuit. Should
the controller detect a permanently inactive signal one can expect an error case.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop.
Causes - Monitoring function has activated
- Defective safety relay
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input (Menu > Paramater > Input/Output > General inputs > Page 5 -> I:Test ext.

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 150

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text ext.safetyrelays.active
Long text external safetyrelays active
Description If an external safety circuit is being used, the controller offers a possibility to monitor it. The controller expects
a status change at the monitoring input in order to ensure the proper functioning of the safety circuit. Should
the controller detect a permanently active signal one can expect an error case.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop.
Causes - Monitoring function has activated
- Defective safety relay
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input (Menu > Paramater > Input/Output > General inputs > I:Test ext. safetyrelays)

Remedy - See causes
- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 151

Reset Automatic
Short text mode_change_1
Description Inspection was activated during travel
Causes See description

Error code : 152

Reset Automatic
Short text mode_change_2
Description Recall control was activatived during travel
Causes See description

Error code : 153

Reset Automatic
Short text mode_change_3
Description Installation run was activated during travel
Causes See description

Error code : 154

Reset 800 +Ok / automatic when S6 is being closed
Short text CAM_TIME_OUT
Description When the locking magnet is activated by the controller, the safety circuit should close (S6). If this is not the
case, this error notification will be recorded.
The controller deactivates the interlock and a retry is conducted after 50 sec.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop.
Causes - Defective locking magnet
- Wiring not correct
- Defective output (Relay)
- Locking contact not set correctly
Remedy - See causes

Error code : 155

Description There is a problem in the CPU.
Remedy Contact hotline

Error code : 156 (only for activated deceleration monitoring control)

Reset Automatic after entry of the I/Os
Short text no. IOs defi. for decal. Contr.
Long text No inputs defined for deceleration control
Description The installation is equipped with a deceleration monitoring control (VZK), where the controller represents part
of the monitoring unit. Hence, several I/Os need to be defined. This notification will be issued should they not
be programmed,
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Deceleration control active but no I/Os were programmed

Remedy - Programm I/O „Menu > Parameter > General settings > Deceleration control“

Error code : 157 (only for activated deceleration monitoring control)

Reset Automatic after entry of the speed value
Short text Nominal speed is not set
Long text Nominal speed is not set
Description If the installation is equipped with a deceleration monitoring control (VZK) where the controller represents part
of the monitoring unit, it is absolutely necessary to set a nominal speed.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Deceleration control active but no nominal speed is set

Remedy - Set nominal speed: „Menu > Parameter > General settings > Travel > Nominal speed“

Error code : 158 (only for activated deceleration monitoring control)

Reset 800+Ok / Reset
Short text Safety circuit decel. Contr.
Long text Safety circuit for deceleration control tripped
Description When the installation is equipped with a deceleration monitoring control (VZK) where the controller
represents a part of the monitoring unit, an external safety circuit will be used for this. It will be permanently
monitored by the controller to ensure proper functioning. This error message will be issued, should the
controller detect an error.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop
Causes - Error in the safety circuit
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 159 (only for activated deceleration monitoring control)

Reset 800+Ok / Reset
Short text Contact. Drop decel. control
Long text Contactor monitoring for deceleration control
Description When the installation is equipped with a deceleration monitoring control (VZK) where the controller
represents a part of the monitoring unit, the contactors and relays which are used for this purpose are
monitored as to whether they pull in and release.

Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode and conducts an emergency stop
Causes - Defective contactor/relay
- Burnt contact
- Wiring not correct
- Defective input

Remedy - See causes

- If the input should be defective it can be parameterized to another available I/O any time

Error code : 160

Reset Automatic
Short text Modul inspection in pit!
Long text Modul inspection in pit is not alive
Description The bus module responsible for the inspection control in the pit is not recognized by the controller.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Bus module not connected
- Defective bus module
- I/Os parameterized onto a non-existing module

Remedy - Connect module

- Check parameters

Error code : 161

Reset Automatic
Short text Pit emergency stop!
Long text Emergency stop in PIT is pressed
Description The emergency stop at the car is monitored by the controller. This notification is recorded after activation of
the emergency stop.
Reaction General The controller switches into “out-of-order” mode
Causes - Emergency stop activated in the pit
- Defective input
- Wiring not correct
Remedy - Reset emergency stop
- See causes

Error code : 162

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text Bolt Position

Long text Pawl Device Bolt Position
Description Impact bolt could not be extended/retracted into the right position.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Bolts stick mechanically/faulty drive
- Limit switch is not set correctly
- Defective input
Remedy - See causes

Fehlercode : 163
Reset Automatic
Short text Demo Mode on
Long text Demo Mode on
Description The controller has been switched to demo mode
Remedy See Description

Error code : 164

Reset Automatic
Short text Demo Mode off
Long text Demo Mode off
Description The controller was switched back from demo-mode into normal operation.
Remedy See description

Error code : 165

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text open limit D1
Long text open limit D1 not detectet
Description Should the operating mode require the door open limit switch (Inspection of door contacts with lift attendant,
exclusive lock), it will be monitored by the controller.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Switch not configurated correctly (N.O./N.C.)
- Doors are not opened completely/faulty switch
- Wiring is faulty
- Defective input
Remedy - See causes
- Should the input be defective, it can be re-parameterized to another free I/O at any time.

Error code : 166

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text open limit D2
Long text open limit D2 not detected
Description Should the operating mode require the door open limit switch (Inspection of door contacts with lift attendant,
exclusive lock), it will be monitored by the controller.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Switch not configurated correctly (N.O./N.C.)
- Doors are not opened completely/faulty switch
- Wiring is faulty
- Defective input
Remedy - See causes
- Should the input be defective, it can be re-parameterized to another free I/O at any time.

Error code : 167

Reset 800 +Ok
Short text Door error out of zone
Long text Door error between floors
Description This error message can occur for door operators where reaching the final position initiates closing and for
which the door-close-relay is switched off during travel. The lift stands between landings and door safety
circuit is missing. When a travel command is issued, the controller activates the door-close-relay for the
duration of the door- close monitoring time.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - Faulty door contact
- Faulty interlocking contact
- Door drive does not have enough contact pressure
- Mechanical error at the door closing mechanism
Remedy - See causes

Error Code : 168
Reset 800 +Ok
Short text No movement reg. (DCP)
Long text No movement register by inverter (DCP)
Description Once the controller has sent a drive command to the inverter, the inverter must issue a response within 2
seconds in order to report the commencement of travel.
This error message is issued after 7 unsuccessful attempts.
Reaction General The control switches into “out-of-order” mode.
Causes - faulty communication
- faulty settings at the inverter
- cable shield not connected

Remedy - See causes


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