Instructions For Dancing by Nicola Yoon
Instructions For Dancing by Nicola Yoon
Instructions For Dancing by Nicola Yoon
A Better Version of Me
1. Enemies to Lovers--Asking the perennial question will
they kill each other or will they kiss each other? I’m kidding.
Of course they’re going to kiss.
2. Love Triangle--Everyone loves to hate love triangles,
but actually they’re great. They exist so the main character
can choose between different versions of themselves: who
they used to be, and who they’re still becoming. Side note:
If you ever find yourself choosing between a vampire and a
werewolf, choose the vampire. See #1 below for more on
why you should (obviously) choose the vampire.
3. Second Chance--These days I realize this is the most
unrealistic trope. If someone hurts you once, why would you
give them the chance to do it again?
1. Vampires--They’re sexy and will love you forever.
2. Angels--They have wings that they’ll use to envelop you
or to take you away from this place to wherever you need to
3. Shape-shifters--Jaguars and leopards mostly, but basically
anything in the big cat family. I once tried reading about
dinosaur shape-shifters. T. rexes, pteranodons, apatosauruses,
etc. They are as horrifying as you think they are.
Excerpted from Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon. Copyright © 2021 by Random House. All rights
reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the