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Mba 2nd Sem Syllabus Updated

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Department of Management

Programme Scheme for Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Th – Theory; P- Practical; Pro – Project, T- Total; Cr – Credit

Th /P /Pro
Program Course Code Course Name Credit Sem

M.B.A MBA-201 Marketing Management 4 2 Theory

M.B.A MBA-202 Financial Management 4 2 Theory
M.B.A MBA-203 Research Methodology 4 2 Theory
M.B.A MBA-204 International Business 4 2 Theory
M.B.A MBA-205 Project - 1 2 2 Project
Sem-2 Total Credit 18
Marketing Management

Program Master of Business Administration

Semester II
Course Title Marketing Management
Course Code MBA 201
Course Credit 4
Course Type Core Theory Course

1. Course Summary
This course aims to acquaint students with the fundamentals of marketing and their
application in business decisions. The course examines the role and importance of
marketing in business organizations. The purpose of the course is to enable the students
to apply marketing concepts and theories to realistic marketing situations.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Define and understand the key marketing concepts, and their application in business
decisions. ( L3).
CO-2. Develop an understanding of the marketing environment and the way they impact
the organizations and challenges faced by the business organization. (L-2)
CO-3. Evaluate the impact of using different marketing strategies for a product. (L-5)
CO-4. Apply the knowledge of market research in gathering data and information from the
primary source for decision-making. (L-3)
CO-5. Formulate a marketing plan that will meet the need and goals of the organization (L-6)

3. Course Contents

Sr. No Units Unit Outcomes

After the successful completion of

the unit, the learner should be
able to:

1 Unit 1-Introduction to Marketing: 1. Develop a sound understanding

 Definition of Marketing of marketing management
 Nature and Scope of Marketing concepts.
 Core marketing concepts
 Importance of Marketing
2 Unit2 – Process of Marketing and Marketing 1. Discuss the Marketing planning
Environment: process
 Marketing Planning Process 2. Describe the Marketing
 Micro Environment environment and analyse its
 Macro Environment impact on the business
 Marketing Mix
3 Unit 3- Strategies of Marketing 1. Develop marketing strategies.
 Developing Marketing Strategies and 2. Explain the marketing
Plans. challenges faced by the
 Corporate and Divisional level Strategic organisations
 Business Unit level Strategic Planning
 Marketing Challenges
 Marketing in the 21st century
 Marketing Competitiveness
4 Unit 4: Marketing Research 1. Apply the research technique in
the business scenario to gather
 Meaning data.
 Marketing Research Process
 Significance.
5 Unit 5- Designing a Customer-driven 1. Explain the buying behaviour of
strategy: the consumer and organisation.
 Consumer Buying Behaviour
 Organizational Buying Behaviour
6 Unit 6 - Study of market segments: 1. Demonstrate the bases for
 Identifying Market Segments segmentation
2. Discusses the target
 Market Targeting
marketing strategies
7 Unit 7- Creating a Brand: 1. The student is expected to
 Crafting the Brand Positioning know the importance of brand
 Creating a Brand Equity equity

8 Unit 8 – Product Decision 1. Explain the product strategies in

 Concepts of Product, Product relation to new product
Characteristics, and Classifications development, packaging, and
 Product Planning & Policy product mix decisions.
 New Product Development
 Test Marketing
 Product Life Cycle.
 Product Mix Decisions
 Packaging and Labelling Decisions.
9 Unit 9 – Pricing Decisions and Strategies 1. Examine the pricing strategy
 Objectives of Pricing and methods
 Pricing Policies
 Pricing Methods
 Pricing Procedures
 Managing Price Changes.
10 Unit 10 – Integrated Marketing 1. Discuss the relevance of IMC.
2. Analyse the various marketing
Communications (IMC): communication mix
 Communication objectives
 Steps in developing effective
 Selecting the marketing communication

11 Unit 11- Advertising: 1. Analyse various promotional

 Advertising Objectives strategies
 Advertising Budget
 Advertising Copy
 AIDA model
Sales Promotion
 Tools and Techniques of sales
 Push-pull strategies of promotion.
Personal selling:
o Steps or Process in Personnel Selling
12 Unit 12: Digital Marketing 1. Examine the various sales
 Components of Digital Marketing promotion techniques.
 Digital Marketing Communication
 Pros and Cons of Digital Marketing
 Social media marketing:
 Overview of social media marketing
 Online and Mobile Advertising
13 Unit 13: Marketing Channels 1. Evaluate different marketing
 Channel Functions
 Integrated Multichannel Marketing System
 Channel Levels
 Types of Intermediaries
 Types of Retailers and Wholesaling
14 Unit 14: Designing and Managing Services 1. Understand the unique
characteristics of services
 Concept, Definition 2. Analyse the GAP Model of
 Unique Characteristics of Services service quality
 Marketing Strategies for Service Firms –
 GAP Analysis of Service Quality
15 Unit 15: Rural Marketing 1. Understand the importance of
rural market.
 Scope and Importance of rural 2. Analyse the rural marketing
marketing environment
 Urban vs rural market 3. Identify the challenges in rural
 Rural Marketing Environment marketing
 Challenges in rural marketing
16 Unit 16: International Marketing 3. Evaluate various global market
entry strategies
 Growing Importance of International 4. Identify the challenges in global
Marketing marketing
 Scope and Challenges

4.Course Articulation Matrix (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific Outcomes

Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3 PSO-4

CO-1 3 - 1 1 - 2

CO-2 2 2 - 3 - -

CO-3 1 3 - 2 - 2

CO-4 3 2 2 2 - 3

CO-5 3 3 3 2 2 2

3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

5. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
 Course Self-Learning Material
 Kotler, P. & Keller, K. L.(2016) – Marketing Management, Pearson Education.
 Ramaswamy, V. S. & Namakumari, S. – Marketing Management: Global
Perspective-Indian Context, Macmillan Publishers India Limited.
b. Recommended Reading
 Kotler& Armstrong (2012). Principles of Marketing Pearson/PHI.
 Saxena, R. (2009). Marketing Management. TMH.

c. Magazines and Journals

 The IUP Journal of Marketing Management

d. Websites
• https://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/2274
• https://nptel.ac.in/courses/110104068
• https://oercommons.org/

e. Other Electronic Resources

 Course Video Lectures on Bright Space
Financial Management

Program Master of Business Administration

Semester II
Course Title Financial Management
Course Code MBA202
Number of Credits 4
Course Type Core Practical Course

1. Course Summary
The core objective of this course is to build a strong foundation of concepts of financial management
among learners. This course will help the learners to understand the significance of investment
decision, financial decision and dividend decision taken up by the organisations. The measures put in
place to manage inventory, cash and receivables are also learned in this course. The working of the
organisation in terms of working capital policies, capital budgeting plans, capital structuring and risk-
return trade off lays a foundation to understand the effective business operations which in turn help
future mangers to gain knowledge on seeking right decisions in this regard.
2. Course Outcomes (COs)
After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
CO-1. Enumerate the financial environment within which organizations operate [L-1]
CO-2. Describe the financial objectives of various types of organizations and the
respective requirements of stakeholders [L-2]
CO-3. Determine the alternative sources of finance and investment opportunities and
their suitability in particular circumstances [L-3]
CO-4. Analyse the factors affecting investment decisions and opportunities presented to
an organization [L-4]
CO-5. Assess the techniques in managing working capital L-5]

3. Course Contents

Sr. Units Unit Outcomes

After the successful completion of the
unit, the learner should be able to:
1 Unit 1- Introduction to Finance:  Trace the evolution of financial
 Introduction management
 Meaning and Definition  Understand the functioning of
 Scope Modern Financial Management
 Functions  Outline the role of Financial
 Objectives Manager
 Role and responsibilities of Financial Manager
2 Unit 2- Indian Financial System:  Understand the Indian financial
 Introduction system & its functioning
 Components: Financial Market, Financial
Instruments and Financial Intermediaries
3 Unit 3- Sources of Finance & Time Value of Money:  Understand the various sources of
 Introduction to Sources of Finance financing
 Sources of Finance: Equity capital, Debenture,  Assess the role of Time value of
Preference capital, and term loans. money both present value and
 Introduction to Time Value of Money, future value of money
Meaning, Definition, Significance  To develop practical aspects of
 Techniques of Time Value of Money: compounding and discounting
Compounding and Discounting. techniques useful for determining
deposit accumulation, loan
amortization and interest on growth
4 Unit 4 - Cost of Capital:  Understand the way in which
 Introduction specific cost of various sources of
 Meaning finance is computed
 Definition  Compute the weighted average cost
 Components of Cost of Capital of capital
 Computation of Specific cost of long- term
sources of capital
 Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
5 Unit 5- Capital Budgeting  Discuss the relevance of Capital
 Introduction Budgeting decision in financial
 Meaning management
 Definition  Apply various appraisal techniques
 Importance and recommend the decision for
 Process of capital budgeting choice of the project.
 Project Appraisal techniques: Discounted and
Non-Discounted Cashflow Techniques
6 Unit 6 – Capital Rationing:  Examine the importance of risk
 Introduction analysis in capital budgeting
 Meaning  Ration limited investment capital
 Significance among competing capital projects to
 Conflicts in NPV and IRR Capital budgeting maximize returns.
under risk and uncertainty
7 Unit 7- Leverages and EBIT-EPS Analysis:  Illustrate the interrelationship of
 Introduction to Leverage business risk and financial risk in
 Meaning of Leverage determining a firm's optimal capital
 Definition of Leverage structure.
 Types of Leverage: Operating, Financial, and  Discuss the EBIT-EPS approach to
Combined Leverage compare alternative capital
 EBIT-EPS analysis for various financing plans, structure using mathematical and
BEP analysis graphical interpretation
8 Unit 8- Capital Structure Decision:  Define an optimum capital
 Introduction structure and discuss the impact of
 Meaning capital structure on the market
 Definition value of shares
 Objectives  Explain the various factors that
 Forms of Capital Structure influence capital structure
 Financial Structure vs. Capital Structure decisions
 Optimum Capital structure
 Determinants of capital structure
9 Unit 9- Capital Structure Theories:  Review the assumptions definitions
 Introduction and symbols relating to capital
 Theories of Capital structure: Traditional structure theories
Approach and Modern Approach (Net Income  Discuss about the theories that are
Approach, Net Operating Income Approach, in favor of capital structure and
Modigliani-Miller Approach) those that consider capital structure
decisions to be irrelevant
10 Unit 10- Dividend Decisions and Corporate Actions:  Describe the types of dividends and
 Introduction how they are distributed.
 Meaning and Forms of dividend  Demonstrate the factors that
 Types of Dividend Policy influence dividend decisions and
 Determinants of Dividend Policy. why dividend policy is relevant to
 Different Corporate Actions: Implication of investors.
bonus issue, rights issue, share split and buy  Explain the difference between
back of shares share splits, reverse splits and bonus
11 Unit 11- Theories of Dividend Policy:  Compare the different theories that
 Introduction explain corporate dividend policies.
 Relevance of Dividend Theory: Walter’s model
and Gordon’s model
 Irrelevance of Dividend Theory: Modigliani
and Miller’s Approach
12 Unit 12- Working Capital:  Describe various components of
 Introduction Working Capital
 Meaning  Examine the relationship between
 Classification liquidity and profitability in Working
 Needs Capital.
 Determinants
 Sources of Working Capital
 Significance of Adequate Working Capital
 Liquidity vs. Profitability
13 Unit 13- Operating cycle:  Demonstrate the working of an
 Introduction Operating cycle and its practical
 Operating cycle applications.
 Estimation
 Risk- return Trade off
 Estimation of gross operating cycle & net
operating cycle
14 Unit 14 – Inventory Management:  Understand various inventory
 Introduction control techniques used in the
 Meaning organization.
 Types of Inventories
 Objectives
 Techniques of Inventory Management: Stock
level, Minimum Level, Re-order Level,
Maximum Level, danger Level, EOQ, ABC
Analysis, VED Analysis, HML Analysis
15 Unit 15- Cash Management:  Identify the needs and significance
 Introduction of managing optimum level of cash
 Significance level in the organization.
 Motives
 Objectives
 Determinants of Cash Management
16 Unit 16- Receivables Management:  Assess the requirement of proper
 Introduction credit policies and managing
 Needs techniques of receivables by
 Determinants of credit policy business entity.
 Optimum Credit Policy

4. Course Articulation Matrix (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Outcomes (POs) Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3 PSO-4
CO-1 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 1
CO-2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2
CO-3 2 3 3 3 2 3 1
CO-4 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
CO-5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

5. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
 Course Self-Learning Material
 Khan & Jain (2008). Financial Management,15thEdition, TMH.
b. Recommended Reading
 Pandey, I. M. (2006). Financial Management, 9th Edition, Vikas Publishing.
 Kothari, R. (2005). Contemporary Financial Management, Macmillan.
c. Websites
 https://www.merlot.org/
 https://swayam.gov.in
d. Other Electronic Resources
 YouTube videos


Programme Master of Business Administration

Semester II
Course Code MBA 203
Course Credits 4
Course Type Core Theory Course

1.Course Summary

Research is an intellectual and curiosity-based process that examines phenomena, issues or topics
based on a person's personal, academic, and/or corporate interests. This course aims to provide
management students with an understanding of the foundations of research methodology as well
as an orientation towards research. Each unit of the course provides students with a thorough
understanding of the research process. The course begins with a discussion of the formulation of
research questions, which serve as the basis for the development of research objectives. The
ensuing units are set to identify and discuss concepts and procedures associated with sampling,
data gathering, analysis, and reporting. The research skills gained are an application a range of
quantitative and/or qualitative research techniques to business and management problems/issues
and report them.

2. Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

 CO 1: Understand the basic components of research design (L-1)

 CO 2: Formulate research questions and develop a sufficiently coherent research design by

using Exploratory and Descriptive Research methods. (L-2,3)
 Co 3: Explain the sampling designs, measurement and scaling techniques, and different
methods of data collection (L-3)
 Co 4: Demonstrate understanding and proficiency with the techniques of data analysis and
data interpretation, (L-5)
 Co 5 : Assess the components of academic report writing and develop a research proposal
/final report for research endeavor in management (L-7)
6. Course Contents

Sr. Units Unit Outcomes

After the successful completion of the
unit, the learner should be able to:

1 Unit 1: Introduction to Research

1. Understand why research skills
 Need for research orientation are crucial for managerial
 Definition of Research decision making.
 Characteristics of good research 2. Explain the meaning of
 Research Method and Research Methodology research.
 Research approaches
 Objectives of the research 3. Differentiate between
 Types of Research research methods and
 Research and scientific method research methodology.
 Scope of research in functional areas 4. Understand various types of
5. Why research follows the
scientific method.

2 Unit 2: Research process and understanding variable

1. Explain clearly various steps in
the research process.
 Steps in the research process 2. Develop the skills for following
 Important aspects of problem definition a systematic approach in
 Variables defining the research problem.
 Types of variables
 Discrete and categorical variables 3. Apply the concepts of the
 Nominal and Ordinal variables relationship between variables
 Qualitative and quantitative variables in framing a decision-making
 Types of variables in the Decision model model.
 Examples to explain the concept of variables in
the decision model
3 Unit 3: Formulation of a research problem and framing
1. Understand and develop the
components of a Research
 Formulation of Research Question from problem.
decision maker’s problem 2. Formulate a research question
 Management decision problem to framing the with objectives.
research question
 Rephrasing the research question 3. Frame hypothesis to test
 Understanding the problem in the context of causality between variables.
Environmental Factors
4. Evaluate the Pros and cons of
 Research Proposal outsourcing external consultants
 Internal versus External Research Consultants visa-vis Internal company
 Case studies research experts
4 Unit 4: Research design: Exploratory research
1. Understand the meaning and
 Meaning of Research design significance of a Research design.
 Components of Research design
2. Classify research designs and
 Classification of Research design
explain the difference among
 Difference between Exploratory and them.
conclusive research design
 Basic differences between Qualitative and 3. Describe the exploratory and
Quantitative Research conclusive research designs
 Exploratory research design: Goals,
Characteristics, and methods

5 Unit 5 Conclusive research design 1. Explain the 2 types of conclusive

research design.
 Conclusive research 2. Describe the components of
 Descriptive research- Goals, examples, descriptive research design.
Research design 3. Differentiate between Cross-
 Cross-sectional and Longitudinal studies sectional and Longitudinal
 Causal research studies.
 Approaches adopted in Qualitative research
6 Unit 6: Experimental research a. Understand the terms and
concepts applicable to
 Experimental research Experimental studies.
 Principles of Experimental Research b. Describe the commonly used
 Commonly used experimental designs experimental research
 Decision on experimental designs designs.
c. Select the appropriate
research designs for
conducting research
7 Unit 7: Methods of data collection 1. Distinguish between primary data
and secondary data
 Distinguish between primary data and 2. Describe different methods of
secondary data collecting primary data and
 Identify the sources of secondary data choose the appropriate method
 Examine the criteria for evaluating secondary
 Different methods of collecting primary data
8 Unit 8: Sampling and sampling design 1. Understand the Need and
Concept of Sampling
Introduction to the leadership concept 2. Identify the population,
 Concept of sampling sample, sampling unit and
 Census versus sample sampling frame.
3. Understand the characteristics
 Advantages of sampling over complete
of Sample Design .
 Steps in sample design
 Characteristics of a good sample design
 Sampling error
 Sample size determination
9 Unit 9: Sampling types 1. Define the terms Probability
sampling and non-probability
 Types of Sampling–Probability and Non‐ sampling.
Probability Sampling. 2. Appreciate the choice of
 Probability sampling methods different types of sampling to
 Non-Probability sampling methods study and estimate the
 Probability Sampling V/S Non-Probability characteristics of the entire
Sampling population.
10 Unit 10: Measurement and scaling
1. Explain the concepts of
 Attitudes, attributes, and beliefs measuring and scaling.
 Issues in attribute measurement
2. Discuss and classify different
 Scaling of attitudes scaling techniques.
 Goodness of measurement scale
 Techniques of measurement
 Comparative and non-comparative scaling

11 Unit 11: Designing a suitable questionnaire.

1. Explain the guiding
Questionnaire considerations in the
Designing a questionnaire construction of the questionnaire
Reliability and validity
Steps in questionnaire design
12 Unit 12: Data Preparation
1. Display skill in coding, editing and
 Steps in the data processing tabulation of data
 Data Editing
2. Be aware of the problems in
 Data coding processing the data
 Data tabulation
 Missing values and outliers
13 Unit 13: Data Analysis 1. Understand the concept of
hypothesis testing
 Descriptive statistics 2. Describe and apply various
 Hypothesis testing procedure techniques of data analysis
 Parametric and non-parametric tests 3. Demonstrate the application
 Chi-square test of the chi-square test,
 Correlation test correlation test and regression
 Regression analysis analysis for application in
 Case study Academic project work
14 Unit 14: Report Writing 1. Understand the importance of
the Research Report
 Purpose of Research Report 2. Develop and organize the
 Types of Research Report contents of a research report
 The structure of the research report specific to the research
 Report writing problem
15. Unit 15 Academic Project Report preparation
1. To develop a research proposal
 Problem identification by and independently carry a
 Framing Objectives and Hypothesis research project from proposal
 Research methodology preparation to generation of
 Preparation of the questionnaire the final report for a research
 Data coding project in management.
 Data analysis
 Report format

4. Course Articulation Matrix (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Outcomes (POs) Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3 PSO-4

CO-1 1 2 1 2

CO-2 1 3 1 1 1

CO-3 2 2 1

CO-4 2 2 1

CO-5 1 1 2

5. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading
1. Course Self-Learning Material
2. Kothari, C.R. (2004), Research Methodology: Methods and
Techniques. 4th Edition, New Age International Publishers, New
b. Recommended Reading
3. Deepak Chawla & Neena Sondhi(2011), Research Methodology –
Concepts and cases-Vikas Publication, New Delhi
4. Cooper D.R & Schindler P.S (2007), Business Research Methods,
c. Magazines and Journals
1. https://www.aima.in/knowledge-resources
2. Cecile M. Schultz (2021), The Future of HR accessed through
The Future of HR | IntechOpen
3. Qualitative Method Versus Quantitative Method in Marketing
Research: An Application Example at Oba Restaurant
4. Business World
d. Websites
1. https://egyankosh.ac.in/handle/123456789/90719
2. https://www.coursera.org/ Understanding Research Methods
3. http://nptel.ac.in/ Research methodology
e. Other Electronic Resources
1. Course Video Lectures on Bright space
2. Introductory Business Statistics
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License v4.0
3. Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices, 2nd edition By
Anol Bhattacherjee http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/oa_textbooks/3
Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Programme Master of Business Administration

Semester II
Course Title International Business
Course Code MBA 204
Course Credits 4
Course Type Core Theory Course

1.Course Summary

The aim of this course is to create a strong understanding of the International Business
Environment. The students are taught the basic concepts of international trade and business, as
well as the prevailing issues and trends in global trade. The students are also taught about trade
policy and how it impacts businesses, global institutional structures, trade agreements, and
regional trade blocs; as well as understand the functionalities of the World Trade Organization. This
course also emphasizes on understanding India’s international trade strategies. Students get an
understanding of export procedures and export processing zones, tariff structures, depreciation
and convertibility of currency, and the impact of trade in general as well as on various development

2.Course Outcomes (COs)

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO-1. Understand the concepts and basis for international trade and business [L-2]
CO-2. Understand and apply specific trade theories such as comparative cost advantage, factor
endowment and new models [L-3]
CO-3. Evaluate the modes of entry into international business and approaches [L-5]
CO-4. Identify trade laws & agreements and understand the national and international
institutions central to trade [L-2]
CO-5. Evaluate varied economic integrations for promoting trade and investments [L-5]

3.Course Contents

Sr. Units Unit Outcomes

After the successful completion of the unit,
the learner should be able to:

1 Unit 1: Introduction to International Business 2. Define International Business and

explain the differences between
 Overview of International Business domestic and international business.
 International Business vs. Domestic Business 3. Discuss the drivers of Globalization.
 Drivers of Globalization 4. Identify the advantages of
 Influence & Scope of International Business international trade.
 Advantages of International Trade 5. Understand the scope and influence
of international business.

2 Unit 2: Review of Economic Theories of International 3. Examine theories that explain why it
Trade is advantageous for a country to
engage in international trade.
 Mercantilism 4. Analyze the economic theories of
 Absolute Cost Advantage international trade.
 Comparative Cost Advantage Theory
 Relative Factor Endowment Theory
 Country Similarity Theory
 Product Life Cycle Theory
3 Unit 3: Approaches of International Business and 1. Discuss the approaches of
Modes of entry into International Business international trade.
2. Examine the various modes of entry
 Approaches of international business into international business.
 Export and Import 3. Identify in brief the advantages and
 Contract Manufacturing limitations of these modes of entry.
 Management Contracts
 Turnkey Projects
 Licensing and Franchising
 Joint Ventures
 Mergers & Acquisitions
 Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
 Foreign Direct Investment
4 Unit 4: International Business Environment 1. Explain the various aspects of the
international business environment.
 Economic Environment 2. Understand how environmental factors
 Social and Cultural Environment impact international business.
 Political Environment
 Technological Environment
5 Unit 5: Domestic Policies and International Trade 1. Distinguish trade policies from domestic
 Trade Policies vs. Domestic Policies 2. Identify different types of domestic
 Different types of Domestic Policies policies.
6 Unit 6: Trends in Global Trade and Balance of Payments 1. Identify the tends in global trade.
with special reference to India 2. Understand India’s Balance of
 Trends in Global Trade
 Balance of Payments in India
7 Unit 7: The Global Institutional Structure: World Trade 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of
Organization (WTO) and General Agreement on Trade WTO.
& Tariff (GATT) 3. Understand the trade provisions put
forth under GATT.
 WTO & its Establishment
8 Unit 8: Regional Trade Blocs (RTB): Types, Advantages 3. Identify the types of regional trade
and Disadvantages blocs.
4. Understand the significance of
 Types of Regional Trade Blocs
 Advantages and Disadvantages of RTBs regional trade blocs.
5. Discuss the benefits & limitations of
regional trade blocs.
9 Unit 9: International Trade Agreements 5. Understand the concept and policies of
International Trade Agreements.
 General Agreement on Trade & Tariff (GATT)
 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
 Trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS)
 Trade-related investment (TRIMS)
10 Unit 10: India’s Industrialization Strategy and 1. Explain how the Indian Industry has
International Trade evolved internationally post the
 Review of economic planning strategies and issues 2. Understand India’s international
 Challenges and Opportunities trade strategies.
11 Unit 11: Export-Import Procedures and Documentation 2. Discuss the export and import
procedures in brief.
 Export-Import Procedures in Brief 3. Identify the documentation
 Major documents required for export and import requirements for export and import
transactions transactions.
12 Unit 12: International Financial Institutions 1. Discuss the financial environment.
2. Explain the roles of international
 IMF financial institutions.
 World Bank 3. Describe IDA and its role.
 International Development Association
13 Unit 13: Foreign Trade Promotion in the Indian Context: 1. Explain the various trade promotion
Incentives & Organizational Support measures and schemes available to
business firms.
 Foreign Trade Promotion Measures & Schemes 2. Understand the institutional support
 Organizational Support provided by the GOI to facilitate foreign
 Export Processing Zones trade in the country.
14 Unit 14: Impact of Global Trade 1. Examine the impact of global trade on
various developmental indicators.
 Impact of Trade on Growth
 Impact on Agriculture
 Impact on Poverty & Inequality
 Impact on other Developmental Indicators

15 Unit 15: International Economic Integration 2. Understand economic integration.

3. Distinguish between different forms of
 The Changing World Context economic integration.
 Economic Integration 4. Understand economic integration in
different parts of the world.
4. Course Articulation Matrix (CO-PO-PSO Map)

Programme Specific Outcomes

Programme Outcomes (POs)

PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PSO-1 PSO-2 PSO-3 PSO-4

CO-1 2 2 3 1 3 2 1

CO-2 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 1

CO-3 2 3 3 1 3 2 1

CO-4 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 2

CO-5 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 1 2

3: Very Strong Contribution, 2: Strong Contribution, 1: Moderate Contribution

5. Course Resources

a. Essential Reading

1. Course Self-Learning Material

2. Cherunilam Francis (2020). International Business Text and Case, 6th Ed.,
Prentice-Hall of India.
b. Recommended Reading
1. Jain, R. K. (2012). Foreign Trade Policy and Handbook of Procedures, 17th Ed.
2. Aswathappa, K. (2020). International Business, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill.
3. Cherunilam Francis (2019). International Trade and Export Management, 21st
Revised Ed. Prentice Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Katsioloudes Marios & Hadjidakis Spyros (2007). International Business: A
Global Perspective, 1st Ed. A Butterworth-Heinemann Title.
c. Magazines and Journals
1. Journal of International Business and Economics
2. International Business Review
d. Websites
1. https://www.coursera.org/
2. http://nptel.ac.in/
e. Other Electronic Resources
1. https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm
2. Course Video Lectures on I-Learn

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