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Cees Transformer Protection and Control RET615 Product Guide ABB Transformer Protection and Control TMRS75689 RETIS Broduct version: 5.0 FFT Contents 4. Deserpptor Inpuls and outputs, 2. Standara configurations 3 17. Staton communica feteetion functions: “ Tecnnical data. ical 16 onal HMI ted ARB solutions Vounting methods. ‘and plugin uni 7. Measurements, 22, Selection and orcering data 1 seri data Og 24, Tao's. 10, 2 dara. 25, Oyper securly 11, Constton monitering 28, Terminal diagrams 42, Trinecirouit supervision aif sup 14, Fuse favure supenvisics 18, Access contro Discames ity an ig 2016 86, boltavonaras or egitered tears AGE ane elon are repeereesceman othe A chsh espe roles Transformer Protection and Control RETEIS TMRS756007 L Issued: 2016-05-20 Revision: L 1. Description RETS15 is a dedicated transformer pro nets, unitand step-up trans ransformer bicoks in utlily and industy power dstrburon aystems, RETS1S is a me’ e's Relion® arodvet family and part of its 618 protection ary onto product characterized by their compactress and withorawa Ro engineer pp, the es has been esignad to I potential of tne IEC 81850 sta bbeon given the appication so: putinto ition 2 suppost. 54 bus according to Mode ONPS, supported by using converter SPA-ZC 302 AEE 2. Standard configurations RETS15 is available m e:ght alternative sta contgurations, ne slandara signal con‘iguralion can be alleted oy means ¢ signal matrx er the grach cal applica ityol the Protection and Control ED Manag ne PON application con? guration functicnalty 0 Upports the creation of multi-layer ogee ‘net ons utilizing various og cal elements including timers and ‘Ip-flops. Sy comeining ‘on blocks the relay cation vith default c fons outputs, function: rary inputs, one and alarm 518 » tool to b navy ne supported fr tions in RETS1S ‘mus! be adlec gurl able in the Transformer Protection and Control RET6IS _ - Product version: 5.0 F TMRS756897 | ‘conriauRnion O RET615 | TRANSFoANERPROTECTON AND CONTROL RELAY smunsno | 3 easier L ou tha 4) SR} iain cord oan Figure 1. Funetionaity overview for standard configuration & Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RET6IS _ - 0 RETG15 | Ta%sForwen pnovecrion vo coNTROL RELAY st#NDARO ‘CONFIGURATION C5) pee | JQ) | freee ee ta am = oe Figure 2. Funetionaity overview for standard configuration & ABE Transformer Protection and Control Product version: 5.0 Ft TMRS756897 | aw Ess Funetionalty overview for standard configuration © O RET615 | TANSFoRWER PROTECTION AND CONTROL RELAY spNDARD |G ‘conFiGuATON Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RET6IS _ O RI "TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND CONTROL RELAY sTaNDAAO oe consigunmion | D aia - ae re # i, ae |} _—__——S ae cnr ven | ii com Figure 4, Funetionality averview for standard configuration D ABE 7 Transformer Protection and Control RET6IS _ - Product version: 5.0 F TMRS756897 | (=) eee RET615 | TRANSFoAVERPROTECTON AND CONTROL RELAY A] BLE) ee a @ smwosno |g cconiaunanion Figure 5. Functionality averview for standard configuration E Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS TMRS756891 | sim RET615 | TRANSFOAVERPROTECTON AND CONTROL RELAY igi sumo | F CcoNFIGURATION Figure 6. ABE Functionality overview for standard configuration F Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 RET6IS _ - Product version: 5.0 F 8 “TRANSFORMER PROTECTION AND CONTROL RELAY ‘sunoaro = RET615 comcunmon |G orm Figure 7. Funetionalty overview for standard configuration G Transformer Protection and Control RETEIS ~~ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756891 | Un RET615 | TRANSFOANERPROTECTON AND CONTROL RELAY 10m Fy ooh 2 mh ‘omens rT : aie uu. Figure 8, Funetionalty overview for standard configuration H H Sunano cconmauarion easier Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Table 1. Standard configurations ‘Description “ranstermersiffe-enal with low-impedance re Irprotecton on the HV ede ‘ranstormer eiferental with lowimpedance rere sd earthtaut protection onthe LY side “Transformer cife-enial with high impadance resircted earth faut prolecion oa the HN sda ‘arstormereffe‘ental wth high-mpessnee restricted earth-fauk protection on the Lv side “Transformer etfe-ental ith voltage protselion and measurements, ana lovin Hy side ‘Stdoont, coe > ne resricted earth ‘aul oroteetion on the “ranstermer aiteemial with voltage protection anc measurements, and lov impedance restricted earth “alt prorection on the Li side Transformer aiferental FY sie ith wottage protection and measurements, and high-mpedance res ‘rarstarmer differential ith voltage protection and mezsurements, and high-mpedance restricted eartlault pratecton on the Li side fee earn aul prosecton on the Transformer Protection and Control BETO Product version: 5.0 FP TMRS756891 | Table 2, Supported functions Faretion [esses A [ee [ee Fe [Fr Protcthr “so nn dcion oct”) FHLPTOE ea Cea eae Tica nncdiacanal avait" PHEBTEET pie ie apa ee preteen ih ssa anetees bigot py a ho rote, stntaneouy sage PapToa eee Tniecional catia prlocan aa sage ERLBTGEE GET ya ra ay eT Sey wart ae a8 Honea carn ia istacion igh ERBPTSET : ae eo ca soe ee ey a nw 105) Tgave-eaquancecvecantssccion WEPTER ee ee Rosia varie piaseen RovTON £ £ gw a "vs pas nding pokcian Piet t t i qari ai Tn wage ka Pato £ £ : eg a “Fve:rnas tomal owed priocian wo” THAT arg gp yar arp a ‘ibis and watsnionoaus darn”) TRSPTOR oF a co preteen fr e=onding ransom Hinercaiysiabilsedowingedancovesweed URereNBE PG i arc t | Sarit protection. | \ | | | I | Wighanpedarce sosed ratios cata REFS Fe ra ew we aia poieion Ceceme eee Hea ear ae iiss sae EE a roe Las eee Loe ee er ‘i wae anc sARS Gy ay iT Ey Gy Gy iapose wiecon ianpoase ea eee te ‘Gites cil PERE TT ERT Ta TTT TT a ‘icici Sn Bex SEE ey acs 2 Baring sich ei ESisiat coy i i port i Beconmeir si atin Bee 3 E ring ses nso EeSkSit OTT eT 2 “ap change poston don BORE a 3 1 coy 4 ‘Gieativeaka condoning ‘SSH FFE EE GEST EG TF “ip ii pain ese Eee es 2 Fins tas wert BEGSAVE t t i ere i Fie counter tor madines and devices” wOSORT cel cl a 4 2 i i L Binbaes ocd BORE i fi i i 4 i i i iad oe vee Bee oC i i mee i Fiero Fern poy pony 1 “nea ad masa ‘ui LET ET TTT PRET ‘Saga Sea ace Sais PERE ERE TT Fost int weatiroment Rese £ Bey ce ae “Tee poae vakage measremedd ain : t t T Saar ae escdial vatage measurement RESIN £ £ cee Tiveespase poner and onary measurement | PEW £ £ eee a AEE Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L BETES ~ = Product version: 5.0 Fi Table 2. Supported functions, continued Function Teco [A 5 e DIE F € cl RTDinA messirene meecose mm Freqioney meamirerent Fine £ £ £ E i oa a IEC 6650.9 LE samp vali soning ©) SMIVSENDER : : : faa a a iE 6165089 LE camped volo eceiing SAIVRCV Y ¢ ¢ ST a (wotaga sharing) | | I | L other iin ple var 38) ne) # pa a a 4 a ii pase nor pee. Second asciion) | TPSGAPE oa ra poy 1 iui pee var 208 winulaeseuten) TPMGBG Va poy 4 ies ter 508) “Pisape SOT Te PO Tie dey a8 pa Sroeaaee aaa aa “Fine diy oni a) ToNgaRe aaa ya 4 Beteesot@ pet erase aaa aaa ive 8 peat Tiavcaee SOE POT {Geneve cond pit (8 po) Veecaaee ncn sing wa ean 2B sass aaa pos 4 integer van nove @ po woucaee 4 4 i + 4 ¢ t . éenriguaton ' . . = optional LY the tncan octal be was on he waevlagy le tenga 8, Protection functions ne relay orates a ther The relay feat supervises the the ree-pl age ranstortne: cillerential p windings to prevert premature aging of stage to provide fast and select¥ve protection “or pnase-to- windings, Multin'# stages of short eiroull, phase overctre phase shett circus, winging interturn fault ard bushing fas" —_nagatwve- secuance and ea’ back ion are ion. Be: 1d harmonic restrarr, separately available for beth sices of the ranstormer -d waveform-tased blocking aiger thm ersures stabilty Fath ta sec on tha measu culated former energization and a fith harmonic restran! residual ing on the chose ensures good protection stabil ty al moderate standard yy also features tn a ta ower translormers. Sensitive restricled @ protection, trves-onase undervoltage protection earth-faut sroteetion completes the overall citfe a ‘yellage protection, Further, the protection proviging detecton of even single ata oreaker talure protection Its close to the neural eat ns of the transformer Enhanced with optional hardware ard sofware. th dotaction channels for a rection of lecled lor role: ner windings. Wh Impedanes restr ault protection is usec neither stapizing resisters nos variators are needed and as a further benefit the t i difter trom those of the pi unit pratection ‘ot \d earths ‘12 clfeult breaker, Susbar and cable compartment of metal 1d door sensor rlerlace is available on the neuta ear onal communcaton module Fast tripping inoreases stall salety and seaurity and limits material camaga in ar are fault situation. A binary input and o, option 0 nary outputs (HSO) it turtne me with pared te the normal power autouts 1 faut d ob ul module can ve solectea eres, and therefore hgh speed fault clea Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756891 | RET6IS —_ — — — | Product version 4. Application allows up fo eight analog signals to be measured viathe six ATO ETS" pro! ‘or two-winding power inputs and the two nA inputs using transducers. The RTD and varstorners and power generator-transformer blacks, The mA inguts can be used for measuring the ail temperature at tha mer. Furthermore, the FTO/mA ng the 1 comprehensive protection bettem and top 0! t eign stangard configurations ot ambient ar temgerature, Inet ons for detection and elimination at operat onal ansformar tauits ion of ary-type cower ns ana pi 0 temperature se wer the RTDIMA inputs phase thermal overload 9 of the RTD inpusa ring input on load tae changer. Alternatively, the tap chang ined via a mA-transdu ccontigurazons A. ©, power translormers wth earthed FY sic Temperature measurement sonliguraltion features low-impeda 3 configurations etler high-impedance REF proteotion B,D, F and M configurations fit vans \ side neutral or the LY side with a new! The B, D, F ang H configura indication can be RTDIMA module offered for the stancard configurations E-H allows up t measured va the two RTD inputs and tne 0 a using pli The RTD inputs car uring the oil ewth b, perature anc tl c measurement over te RID inputs extencs rree-phade thermal overload protection of oF on and H include prasewoltag? oa tap changer, Ine fap changer position ncicalion ean ce overvoitage and tained via a mA transeucer, requires, the anal ion value rage semperature ar tap changer canoe ing analog horizontal GOS! alvo be im modules ave available, The optonsl yravons AD Two optional F nf nodule ol bus, thus improvn +10 Figure 9. Protection af a two-winding power tanetormer with RETS15 standard configuration A earth-feult we differential protect protection wth numerical on tre transtormer’s MY 5 winding ¢ guration A. The mat al Flore 9 ilustates the ovol ciple is ap AEE Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 RETSIS _ __ Product version: 6.0 FP Figure 10, Protection af a two-winding power transformer with RET61S standard contiguration D Figure 10 tustra transformer wth RE a two-wns arth fault Y PR. ais Figure 11, Protection of a two-winding power transformer with RETS1S standard configuration E Figure 11 ‘lust transformer wth FETS: protection used in this lion of a two-winging cow ferential pro tion, Add sional dats configuration © The main protection with numerical w= mpedance on example is transtorme” © applied on the tran Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RETéIS _ - Product version: 5.0 FP1 Figure 12 Protection of a wo-winding power tanstormer with RETBIS standard configuration E Floure 12 lustra olection 6 lransformer's BY side, The ATO inputs & 16 sre utl transfoirier with RET616 standarc configura fot montorng the © lure and o the clon used in this application exarno'e i ranslormer, Additionally, REU6*S with the standard al protection, Restricted earth-fault configuration 8 \¢ used 36 aulomatio voltage regulator for th i apalied on the onioad tae changer of the translorme ABE Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RETeIS ~ = Product version: 5.0 FFT 1S teal 5. Supported ABB solutions come a The 618 series protection relays togeth a customizable gravhical disolay Management Unit COM ‘owiser-based HMI, which provides visualaing single-tne nimio diagrams for switengear bay solutions, The SLD feature solution for telable po ss especially uselul when 615 series relays without the opti © Wee KM of the whole susstaton, including reay- specific single-line diagrams, wnich makes ly accessible, Substation dawioet ant power systems. To faciitale the system engineering, AB! rolays are supalied wth connectivity pack: connectiity Sackages include a compilation of sof relay information, including srgie-lne diagram information mplates and a full lay dstamogel, The dala mode! nck event and parameter lists. With the connectivity aackages, the HMI, which improves per relays can be readily configured using POM with’ COMBONS oF the network eo syslem McroSCADA Pro, '§single-ine wiagram feature are used. T also provides an overview es, The SON 00 essed trough the We In aaiition, COWS0OS can oe used as a local data warehouse for the substation's tocnnical c for the 1d by the ceviees. The collected network sive reporting and at fault stuations sy using the data ristorian ang event hancling features of COMBQUS. Tre ristarical data can be used for ‘curate mentoring o! proc nent performance, using esleulstions based lime and nstorieal A better ung ‘ocess dyramies i process measurements ntrol and mar sournentation a The 815 series relays offer nativ 2 aso including brary and anaio: messaging. In acct sampled values of analog zing of netwars reosiving of samples val Compared to traditional hard-wired, inte peer-to-pee! offers pro: system 428 of vollages is supported. ynemunication over a switched Ethernet LAN nd versatile platform for power system the distinct ve features of the protection f the EC tion. Amon: proacn, betation automa! ard prove cevices and yabled by the fullimpiementation standard, are ‘ast inuous suservicion of the ity, and an en the svostato systems, su network-evel ¢ MoroSCana inherent fexbilty regarding « protection relay seresil prove 0086 Analyzer int 1d analyzing the ner zontal IMGQOS enables the folowing 61850 application during commissioning ang operation at station leve, Itlogs all GGOSE improved system At substation level, COMB005 uses the data contentof thebay- events during substation operation to ena level devices to enhance sunstation leve’ functionality supervision. Tablo 2. Supported ABB solutions Product Version Substation Management Unt COWSI0S “20 Pi oriater 4-1 or later (Eaton 2) MictoSCADA Pro SYS 600. 93 FP? orlater 9.4 or leter (Eaton 2) ‘System 20008 5.1 orlster Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RESIS - — — — | Product version: 5.0 FP1 ABB MicroSCADA Pro! System 800% Utity: Ec 60870-5-104 Industry: OPC. ‘Analog and binary horizontal. I1Ec 61880 ‘GOOSE communication f= IEC 61850 1 -_ Figure 13, ABB power eystem example using Relion relays, GOMBDOS and MieroSCADA ProvSystem BO0xA, 6. Control Re breaker via the ton In adition to the ch B15 integrates functionality for the 6 extenal inaut or output HMI or by means of reme an be integrated to the ake" conto! the relay are inter: moter-operal it Sreaxer truck and for tet position 18 of the external vO module can net sf the applicator n enables releasing of sore initially resenec 5 ene control block wich 8 toute oft ‘lay in the standard ‘ol and its position indication, Two physic 12s should binary inputs and two ptysical binary outputs are non eontralebie rd conti inte use, Depending on the chosen sian: ents for the nerelay the num 3 binary inputs an primary device are not met, the use of varies. Further, some standard configura nould to ideo nal hardware modules thal increase £7 available binary inputs ang outputs. ne optional large graphical LCD of the relay's HMI inclu single-Ine clagram {S_9) with postion indication for the tne amount of avallable binary inputs or outpuls of the tthe standard appleation rary devices, Interlocking schemes required by tne 2 mod fe configured using the signal m onalty of SOME lo reease some 5 AEE 19 Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 L clay continuously measures the high veltage (HV) sid= « voltage (LV) sice phase Ihe protected transformer. In adcil ne symmetrical components of the currents and voltages, maximum current demans value over a user-selectable me frame, the active anc reactive power, the cower factor and the active and reactve ener c are also obtained from the protection ‘unctons of th Depending on tt figuration residual yollage and the voltage secusniee © iculated values \d cone 2 standard fon mariter the relay also mneasures the phase vollages, the For standard configuration A, B, C and D RTD/mA puts are 1d a8 an option. By means of the optonal RTDImA madule ne relay can measure up to eight analog signsls such juss va the shc RTD inputs of the 6wo MA inputs using transducers: lemparature, oressure ang lap changer position w For standard configuration E, F, Gang H ATO/mA inputs are an option, By means of these nputs the measure up to three arlog signals such preseure and tp inputs othe one mA inputs using trarsaue tempera 1 two RID tion values vi ng" p The measured values can be accessed via the local HM or va the commun eatian nteriace of th The -essed /ocally or remotely using the Web values can also be s HIV The relay is provided with a load profile re profile feature stores the historiesl load! data captured periodea! lime interval (gemand interna COMTRADE format, rer, The lo " he recores aren 8. Disturbance recorder The relayis provided with adisturbance 12 anaiog ang 64 bin canbe s: order featuring upto The analog ch rents ang vollages mesures The avalog channels can be set loltigg: when the measured value falls De® OF xxceeds the set values ne rising or the fall 6 binary sigral or or both, By cofau't the binary channels are set to record external or internal re'ay relay stages, or signals, suc" as 0° np sighals, or an external relay convl signa’ via a binary input, can t the recording, Recorded inlormat on is stored in & ren-volatile memory and can be uploaded for subseauent faull sriye. 9. Event log To collect sequence-cf-everts information, the relay has & non. volatile memory caosble of storing ents with t associates lime stamps. The non-volatile memory retars its ala ever if he reay temporarily loses ils auxiliary supply. The event log facilitates ger faults anc iled pre- and post-fault analyses of isturbances. The considerable capacity 19 process and store data and nts in the relay facilitates meeting ne growing information demand of fulure network configurations. The sequence: of events information ean be either vie local HM! 6° remotely va the communication interface of the rolay. The inforrration can also be ace: using the Web» HMIL 10, Recorded data The relay has the capacity lo store the records of the ‘aull events, The records esr be used Io analyze the system events, Fach record inet je anc ang da time star can be triggerea by the start or the trip signal of a block, ar oy beth, The available measurement modi DFT, RMS and peak-to-peak, Fault measurement values at the moment when any protect starts, In aston, the maximum demand current with arded, 108, for example, The fault val ing Ihe records are stored in Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 L ‘Ti sor Fur Cure Veg Furepn tpecte data Figure 14 Recording and event capabilities overview 14. Condition monitoring EPPA USER LEVEL PROCESSLEVEL ormaigematou Sa" , eT 12, Thp-ctot supadson The cordilion men toring functions of the rey monitor the performance and the conditen of breaker, The mon toring comprises the spring SF6 gas pressure, the travel lime and the inactivity ti circuit breal The monitoring {unetions proxide onerationsl cite it breaser which can be used ‘or scheduling preventive ‘eaker maintenance. In adktion, the how many nou! led cevice he mainte? napiing seredulng of time-based preventive of the device: AEE cull, provides oper: avalablily and operability of the tp © © it breaker is in its closed ‘monitoring both when the © andin ts open position, It also detects loss of circuil-breaker 13, Self-supervision The relay’s built-in sel: upervision system continu: shy monitors the stale of ne relay software. Any faut or malfunction aetected s used for aler ne relay nardivare ard the operation of he operator A permanent relay fault blocks the protection ‘unetione to proven incorrect operation, Transformer Protect RETEIS _ Product version: 5.0 FPA vand Control _ TMRS756897 L 14, Fuse failure supervision Dapening on the enosen stanciarc ion, th Includes fuse Isle supervision funetionalily lures between the vision urement lage me lected elther by the by the delta voltage and jon of a faire, the tuse failure supervision function etivales an sla ke voltsge-ceoendent Sn tune 4 unintenced operation. oveuil ang the negative tee! 15, Access control To protect the relay from unauthorized access and to main‘air iformation ntegrity, the relay is prov ded with a four-level, roe. based authentication system with edministrator-programmable ircivictual th adhrinistrator love's. The aceess control apmligs to the local HMI, the Web Hill and POMBO. asswords operator, enginse anc 16. Inputs and outputs Tre relay 's equicpec wth sx onase-current inguts and one utral-cur ral stor six shase-current inguts, on: fcurtent input, three phase. voltage inputs are one -esidual voltage input. The fed level of the current inputs is 1/5 & anc V, Bott voltages can be vvesholds 16. to-earth ition, the binaty input nase-to-phase vollages and ohas conmected. In a GV OC are selected ty edusting the relays parameter sett Al binary inputs ary wih the signal matrix POMBO. oulputs contacts are feely configuracle application configuali Asan oxtion for standard contiguratons A, 8, Cand 0, the relay sic RTD inauts and two rmA inputs, By means of the na) TOA module the relay offer i analog signals such as temperature, pressure and tap chat position values via Lhe six ATD inputs 0 Using tanscucers. The val an measure up {0 €i 7 the two mA inputs Jos can, apart am measurng and monitoring pu using the offer for tripping and alarm pus ¢ optional mult purzase pretection funetions. Asan option for stanaard offers wo RTD inputs any configurations E, F, Gand the relay fone mA inp Asan option s binary input ang output module can be having three high speed binary outeuts (480), decreasing ‘urtrer the tola! ope 6 ms.con 10 the normal power culputs. line with ypicaly & the Inpulfoutaut overview table and the terminal dagrar selectable in the bay softara. The three phase-voltage inputs and the residual-voltage input covers the rated voltages 60 for more information about the inputs ang euipute, Tabled. Inpuvoutput overviw ‘Std. cont. Order code digit Analog channels os 7 a vr RD Ey 03 7 - 20-880 . oe : : : abaeaie! : A 3 : ia Geo 7830 - “ | | | +3480 c BA 7 - 8 4PO+6SO 6 5 L | L | | | 86 i 5 : 3 wbotd8e 6 +3480 r Tao 7 5 12 4PO+6SO . sc | l [eet | c te > 3 12 who 1280 . e +3480 Ss TBA 17 is “8 "2PO+680 (2 4 H L | L | | | BE FD 7 5 8 4PO+2S0 (2 1 +2490 17. Station communication are avsilable trough these protocols However, some The relay supports a range of communi including IEC 61850 Editon 2, IEC 6185 60870-8-703, Modbus® and DNP2, Profibus OP Yt mmmunication is supported with using the protocol 2, Oper comerter SPA-ZC 3 munication ‘unetionaity, for example, horizontal sornmunication between the relays, is only enanlec by tne IEC sation protoee! o| is 8 eore part of the relay as the oplicalion is luly based on standard Transformer Protection and Control T TMRS756891 L versions IEC 61850-9-2 LEprotocol, The intensed other 678 has the latest spploation ‘or sample values snares the voltages sang the best series relays, having voltage based functions ang 9-2 cios.ago the 815 relays with process bus based ap uracy time sy ition 2 supe ing tor suestaton ap nality moa feracilty for mocern substations. 1 in ‘ul suport of stangard device mocie ‘unctonailty suppertng fer high ac pplcations can utli ‘| authonty feature. ications us: cifferent teat app rd advanced station cor two op rt with galver wet network interface avaliable, jonally, parameter The third Ethemet intertac connectivity or any other Ethernet ceviee lo an IEG 61850 stallon bus inside a switengear 1, for oxar mote 0. Etherne: networks cy can 5@ achieved using tne high- availabilty (SR) protocol o” the paralio (PRP) of a witn self-nealing eng using es, Ethernet radurdancy can 68 61850, Mocbus and DNPS rs 850 communication implementation st monitoring and control ‘unetions, settings, disturbance recaraings and tau’ record oesed using tne IEC 61859 cre sturtoang -ordings are avaiacle to ary Ethernet based application in no standaro COMTRAZE fle format. Tre relay suocorts simultaneous event reporting lo live dllerent cents on t station bus, The relay can exchange data with other devices RST? in managed swtc using the EC ) protocol appled so Ethemet oas The relay can send binary anc analog signals te other devic using the IEC 818: (Genetic Onject Orientes The Substation Event) prota. Binary OSE messaging can, ‘or improves tne system ava fasea communication. The network redundancy is IEC 81850 standard species network reduncaney which y for the subst example, be employed for protection ang interleeking protection schemas. The relay meets tne GOOSE performance ‘s defined in the IEC oe requirements for trigping applications in gistrioution ‘alocels are able substations, as detined by the IED 61850 standard (<10 ms come a falute af a link oF switch with a zero site over hr retwork node nas wo fata exonange between tha devices). Tre relay alse suport time. In bats the orate ne sencing anc receving of analog values using GOOSE tical Ethernet cots eedicatas for one network connection, messaging. Analog bles cacy transfor of The crotoce's rely on the dupl transmit ralag meacuremant valuse ousr the ctation ue, thus Information and eroviia a zre ew'tch over tm ths inks oF facilitating for example the sending of measurement values switches fail, thus futiling all tne stringent real-time weer the relays when controling parallel running requrements of suostation automation, transformers. » PRP. each network rode is n parallel, The networks are competely sched to two independent bus by sencing sand by ctionality the Tre relay also sup sample values of analog curents and volac values of voltages. With this fur opeloges. The networks operate in 9 time recow tinuous ch receiving sample be replaced with Ethernet providing 2: galvanic interpane! wring communication. The measured vlues are ansterred as seaunoancy #9 avers faiures, AEE Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756891 L RET6IS _ Product SSG Ethernet switch ae Ethemet switch] 1e-c g4g59 PRP jemet switch REF615 REF620 RET620 REF615 Figure 15. Parallel redundancy protocol (PAP) gation Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L fetes sr Product version: 5.0 FP1 Devices not supporting WSR coor p= ta] & I 1 1 [LJ | eduraans Reduraanc] Reduraans Boe Boe Boe LL IEC 61850 HSR Figure 16, High availabilty seamless redundancy (HR) solution Junrelated sata ornecton at up to 30 675 solution supports the IF more than 30 relays are 10 be 0 split the network in avoids single point of silty of the eommunic ring solutios standats imeroves the ne ds AEE Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L BETES — ——— Product version: 5.0 Fi THB Waragod Etornet swith swith RSTPeupport pooveodoes L tors for the trort por modules, The relay oan be connected to Ethernet 818: 302 is adapter. It Profiou serial bus is recuited, the 9-0in 7 Jered with Modous sera options. Modus imp Used. An option rreludes SPA-protacol emulation functionality. Tris fon, both tiva- are four wi mination and pull wath jumpers sol needed) retrioval of time stamped group and us! relay simultane quired jlementation supports two fa wo ilterent rm \g1ng of reactive ‘dings in EC. connection up cing fault ing of the active setting and re Transformer Protection and Control 1MRS756891 L RETéIS - _ The relay supports the following hgh acura with Powe Prot clock is 4/1 us. Th per EMC algorithn f the extern cy of grand: 788 support is inc ded in all variants havi grandmaster clock is not avalabe for shor! term. redundant Etherne! communication module thee Ethernet ring topslogy rcrwonization vis Modbus, ONP: + Moceive (slave: 1-s:p/2-s prowcols, # Transmit (naster): st Table 8. Supported station communication interfaces and protoco!s Interfaces/Protocols Ethernet ‘Serta ‘1OOBASE-TX RU-A6: *10DBASE-FK LC S-2027RS-485 Fier optle ST lec era508 : : - - eo 978509.7 5 : : i] : | - - MOOBUS RTUASCIT : : : : : . MODBUS TCP t : : : : : | - NPS (serial : - r - t : : NPS ToPAP: : : r : t - . 50870-5-"08 : - : - : : . Speed AEE Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | 18. Technical data Table 6. Dimensions ‘Descriplon Veo with Frame 177 mm case 164 me Hegnt | Frame 177 mm (aU) Case 460 me Cept | 201 mm {183 + 48 mm) ‘Weisht | Complete protection relay eikg Plugin unt only 21g Table 7. Power supply Description ‘Tyret ‘Type Nominal aunilary voltage U, 100, 110. 120, 220 240 AC, S0 and 60 HE 148,60, 110, 125, 220, 250 VOC. ‘Maximum inievuption tie in the auviliany | SO meal Uy DC votage wihout reseting the relay Auxiliary votage variation 7 38.110% of U, (8.264 V AC} 80.1205 of U, (384.300 ¥ DO) Startup thresnold i Burden of auniary vokage supaly under | DC 13.0 W inamina ue18.0 W (max) quiescent (P,Noperating corattion AC <16.0 W ¢nominalie2I.0 W [max.) Fipple in the OC auxiliary votage Tanase Max 15% of the BC value (at requery of 160, 24,3048 GOVOC 50..120% of U, (12.72 VDC) 182 V 00 (24 DC 80%) Bc «13.0 inemnaly<18 OW imax) Fuce pe Table 8. Energizing inputs Deserteton cry Raled iequevcy 50160 + ‘Current nputs Fated cuent |, 15a Thermal withstand capability + Continuously 208 + Forts 500 4 Cynamiccurtert withstand * Valtwave vaue Vaso Input impecance “220 ma, Votage inputs Fated wotage [60.210 VAC Vottage withstand | + conavous 2a VAC. + For 108, 360 AC Burden 2 tated voltage [005 vA Transformer Protection and Control RETSIS TMRS756891 | Table 9. Binary inputs Description vate Operating range Rated vatiage 220% of te rated volage 24. 250 VOC H16 19m Gurrent drain Power consumption 310, S700 mW “Threshole velags 16. 176v 0c Reaction time Bins Table 10. RTD/m& measurement (KRGGIO190} Description Vebie PTD inputs Suppories RTD sensors 400.9 platinum TOR 0.00385 (IN 43760) 250 0 platinum oR o.c03865 400 O neke! TOR ocost8 CIN 43760) 120 A nickel TOR o008i8 250 nickel ToR 00818 108 copper oR 000827 Supported esttance cange |. 2 KO IManimum lead resistance (hres wire measurement) 25.0 per lead Isolation 2 RY (nguss to protective sath) Response tne che PrDiresistaxce sensing currert | Maxum 033 mA rs Operation accuracy Fesistarce Temperature s 20% eraT 20 108 copper. 22°C mA inouts 0. 20ma Currant mput impedance 4ansos ‘Queraton accuracy | a0.5% 01 1001 mA Table 11, Signal output X100: $01 Desertstion Value Fated valtage 2501 AGIDG “Gontnuous contact carry isa Hake and cary for 308 Visa Make and cary for 05 = 1304 Breaking capacity when the contra-ciccul lme constant R40 ms, Hine contact load 4100.25 00.15 A 100 mA at 24:V AGINC AEE Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Table 12, Signal outputs and IRF output Desertoton vane Rated voltage 260 V AGIDE ‘Continuous contact cary isa Make and carry for 30 8 10.8 Make and carry05 8 ics Breaking capacity when the conto stant LUt 150 kts. 80 MH2 10 vir ime) #580. 2700 Mie 520.1000 wiz Fast transient disturbance test + All ports ak Surge immunity test, + Communication 1 AV, Ineto-earth + oer ports 4 4V line-to-2arth 2 AV, Inetostine Power frequency (50 He) magnate feld Imerunty test + Contras 300 Aim vias +000 aim Pulse magnets Feld mmunty est [000 Am 6.45 us Damped oscilatory magnetic eld immunity test, . 4100 in Sie £00 transientsts jotage dies and shertiteruptons 390/10 ms f60%/100 ms (6054/1000 me 3591/5000 me Tee 61000-4-18 TEC 60266-25, class IEEE C57 99.1-2002 “ec 61000-4-18 TEC 60256-26, class Ill lec 61000-4.2 eC 60255-26 IEEE 37.90 3.2001 lec 61000-46 JE 60255.26, clas Il ec 61000-4-2 |B 60255-26, class ll ny 50204 6 60255-25, lass IEEE C87.99 2.2008 lec er000.4.8 ec 60255.2 IEEE 097,90 1.2002 lec e1900-45 ec 60255.25 lec 61009-48 “Tec 6100.49 Hee 61000-4-1 lec 61000-4-11 ABE Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP Table 22. Electromagnetic compatibity tests, continued Description ‘Type test value Reference Power frequency mrmunity test Binary inpats only lec 61000-4-16 TEC 60255-26, cass A + Common mode 300 Vrms + iterential move 150 Vrms ‘Conducted common mode cistursances ene 150xiz lec e100. 18 Test lovel 3 (1041/10 V rms} Emission tests EN 55017 clase A 6025.26 cispR 1 CISPR 12 + Coneueted 015,050 Miz -<79 08 (iV) cuasi peak 86 08 qv} average: 05..30 Mie |-<79 6B (V4 cuasi peak : 60 0B LV) average, + Radiates i i 30..280 MH <40 48 (Vin quasi peak, measured at 10 m ddstance 230, 1000 Wie | 47 6B vim) quas peak, measured at 10m sistance 1. 3ahe 76 0B (Winn peak 86 0B (vin average, measured at’3 m distance 3.8GHz -<80 48 (vim) peak <60 48 (vii average measured at m sistance Table 23. Insulation tests Descrtlon ‘Type test value Reference Dielectic tests 2 RY, 60 He, Tin ee €0285.27 ‘500 V, $0 He, 1 min. communieaton Imoutes voiage test ‘SHY, 12160 us 05 J tec 60288-27 {V1 2150 us. 0.5, communicaton Insulator rasstance measurements Shoo wa 600 v oe “ec 60255.27 Protective banding resistence <1, 4A 608 lec 60285-27 Table 24, Mechanical tests Description Reference Requirement Vibration tests (emussidal) TEC 6008826 (teste) aes 2 ec s0285.21-1 ‘Shock ans bump tet TEC 60088.2.27 (est Ea shock} lass 2 EC 80088.2.29 (est Eb bump) ec g0255.21-2 Seismic test ee 60255.21-3 Class 2 Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS __ TMRS756891 | Table 25. Environmental tests Description ‘Type test vate Reference Diy neat test = as nat esse lec ec068-22 + tonateasecr Diy cold toet| sasnat2e6 ec 60068241 + 16nat-a0e Damp heat est SGeyeles (17 h+ 12hiat#28°C. “58S. IFC oc098-2-50, humiity 83% Change of tangerature esl + Scycies Gn 8h) leoeoss.2-16 at-25°C 498 Storage test + a6nat 40-0 ec 6008.24 +86 nat 85°C lec ec06a.2.2 Table 26, Product Description Feference LV directive 2008196/EC Standard “EN 60256.27 (2019) EN 60255-4 (2008) Table 27. EMC compliance Description EMC drectve tard Table 28, RoHS compliance Descrtotion plies wth RoHS directive 2002/05(EC AEE 2008/1081EC "TEN 60285-26 (2013) Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Protection functions Table 29. Three-phase non-I, 21 5% of set valve or 0 002 »Iy (at currents in the range ef 0.1.10 * ly) 25.0% ofthe set wake (at currents in the range of 10.43 I mamma rypecal Maximum vane tame 23.me, tins tans tems 28 ms 26ms 29ms “Typicaly 20 me Typicaly 0.96 <30 ms 0% ofthe et valve of #20 me 45.0% ofthe theoretical value or £20 ms 9 MS. No supsrass.on DFT SodBatt=n-t,,wheren=2.3,4 8, Peak to Peak: No suppression P-to-Pebachue: No suppression Table 30. Threo-phase non- hotelirinated - 2= Vunaing 1 3 = Winding 2 42 Winding 1 ane 2 Table 45, Numerically stabilized low-impedance restricted earth-fault protection (LREFPNDF] ‘Characteristic Vahie ‘Operation accuracy De cng onthe frequency of the measured current f, 22 He 22.5% ofthe sol value oF #9.002 x Start tne! 7 Minar Typeal Etaxirum lraue® 20-*set Oporatovaive 37 ms aims. F485 ms Reset ime " "Typically 40 ms eset ratio | Typical 0.96 Retardation ime | <35ms ‘Operate tme accuracy in defile time made | S10 of the set valve oF £20 ms Suppression of naronics "DFT: -S0eBatt=9 =f, wheen=2.3,4,5 Transformer Protection and Control RETSIS TMRS756891 | Table 45, Stabilized restricted earth-ault protection {LREFPNDF) main settings Perometor Rinetn ‘Vakuo Range) Step ‘Operate value LREFPNOF 5.80% 7 Hinenum operate tine TTREEPNOF 70” 500000 ms 1 Restaint made TUREEPNOF VE None . Harmonie? Start value 241 LREFPNOF T1050 1 ‘Operation VTREEPNOF Tren r Soft “Table 47. High-impedance based restricted earth-fault protection (HREFPDIF] Cherscorke Veo ‘Operation accuracy ‘Atthe Frequency 11.5% of he set value 030.002 » | Start time’ Figgas 20% set Oporto value Typicaly 22 ms (#8 ms) Iran 10.0 «set Operate vase Tyblealy 151s (26 me) Reset ime . | <60 ms eset ratio | Typical 0.96 Rotaraahan imo 60 ms ‘aerate ime accuracy in definite tme mode 2108 of the setvalue or #20 ms Table 48, Kigh-impedance based restricted earth-faut protection MREFPDIF} main settings Peraretor Funetin ‘Value ange) Stop ‘Operate value HREFPOIF 10. 500% 7 inimm operate tine THREFPOIF a0 300000 ms 4 ‘peration HirerPoir Tron r Ss olf Table 49. Circuit breaker failure protection (CCBRBRE) Cheractoriste Vaio ‘Operation accuracy ‘Operate te accuracy Reset ime Felardation ime Depending onthe tequency of te measured current f, 22 He 5% of the set value oF 20.002 » 1, 10% of the set value oF 120 ms Typicaly 40 ms 20m, AEE Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756897 RETSIS _ __ a - Product version: 6.0 FP Table 50. Circuit breakor failure protection (CCBRBRF) main settings Parenter Function ‘Valve (Range) ‘Sep ‘Current value ‘CCBRERF 0.05..2.00*1, 0.05) Cutent value Res Focararr (005.2001, 0.05 CB faite mode ‘ceBRaRF Curent - 2 = Breaker satus 8 ai bo mode CCBRERF oF - without check Curent check. Retip time cepraar 0000 me 10 CB toiure daay “coaRaRF Yo. 69000 ms Ho cB taut cel ‘ceBRaRr © 60000 ms 10 Table 51. Arc protection (ARCSARC) Charactorote Veh ‘Operation acauracy Div ofthe set value 20.01 | ‘Operate tme T | winmum Tyo Movomurn Operation mode = “ight Q 1B Hisms® seurrent’? 6 ms omse ‘Operation mode = "ight ony fons! 6 me eset ime - “Typical 40 05 Reset rato | Typicatyo.96 ‘Table 62. Are protection (ARCSARC! main sotings Pareretor Fanction Val (Rance) sep Phase san value AROSARE 050.4001 001 (Ground str vslie VARCSARG Toos 800 =, 001 ‘peration mode TARCSARG TY Uigreeurren fr 2 Light oni 3 = Bi contioled ‘Table 53. Mutiurpose protection (MAPGAPC) (Charactorote Value Operation accuracy 0% ofthe set value o 220 ms 44 Transformer Protection and Control RETSIS TMRS756891 | Table 54, Multipurpose protection {MAPGAPC) main settings Parameter Retin ‘Value (Range) ‘Step Start value MAPGAPC 19000.0. 109000 on Operate delay me TMAPGAPC, Fo, 200000 ms, “100 geration mode “MAPGAPC 112 Over io 2 Under Table 55. Operation charactoristios Parameter ‘Querating curve Hp ‘Gaeratng curve hyp ivellage aretecton) ‘Value (Range) ANSI Ext in = ANSI Very. ine ANSI Norm inv ANSI Mos inv ANSI Det. Tine LTE inv SLT inv 8° Tiny 915 IEC Nor, in. 10 IEC Very ime 11 SEC in 12 = HEC Ext. tw IEC ST nw ECL T inv IFC Def Time Pregrarmable 1a=RWype 49° ROY = ANS| Det, Tine IEC Det. Time nw Curve & Inv Curve G Programmable Inv Curves Inv Curve 5 28 Prosrammabie ABE TMRS756897 | Control functions. Table 55. Tap changer position indication (TPOSYLTC) Descrpltion Vabe Response time for binary inputs Typieal 100 ms Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS ~ _ __ TMRS756891 | Condition and supervision functions Table 57. Cireuit-breakor condition monitoring iSSCBR) ‘Character Valu ‘Current measuring accuracy 27 5h 07 20.002", (at currents in the range of 0.1,.10% hy) 350% (at currents in the range of 10 40 |) Operate ime seouraey 27 0% of the set value 0° 420 ms Traveling ime measurement +10 ms/-0 ms Table 68. Fuse failure supervision (SEQSPVC) ‘Cheractorise cry Operate time’ NPS function Urar= 1 set Neg Seog vetage | <3 ms Usaur® 5.0% set Neg Sag vottage | <18 ms Lev Dalla functon| AUST 1 set Voltage change rate | <9 ms AU=2.0 sel Votlaze change rate <24 ms Table 59, Runtime counter for machines aad devices (MDSOPT) Description Value Motor runtime measurement accuracy 05% AEE Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Measurement functions Table 60, Three-phase current measurement (CMNDU} (Cheractoritis Vetus ‘Operation accuracy Suppression of harmenies Depending on the frequency of the measured rent, #2 He. 205% oF 29002» |y (at eurens nthe range of 0.91..4.09 * 1,3 DFT SodBatf=n=t,,wheren=2,9,4,5 PAS. No suopression Table 61. Sequence current measurement (CSMSQI} (Charactortic Value ‘Operation accuracy ‘Suppression of harmonics Depending onthe frequency of the measured current My = #2 He 210% 9F 20002 » |, a curents inthe rarge of 9 01. 4.9% DET. $0 dBatt= nL, where n=2,3,4,5 Table 62. Residual current measurement (RESCMMXU) ‘Charactorttie Vale ‘Operation aecuraey ‘Suppression of harmonics Depend ng on he requency of he currentrmeasured: ti, He 205% or 00092 «1 at uments in the range of€.91..4.00» DFT -S0dBalf=n™ ty, wheren= PAS. No suopression Table 63. Three-phase voltage measurement (¥MIMXL} ‘Charactorttis vane ‘Operation accuracy ‘Suppression of harmonics bi Depencing on the frequency ofthe valtage measured, #2 Hz Atvollages in range 001..1.45 Us 30.5% oF 40,002 » Uy “80 oBalf= nf, where n=2,3,4 5, RMS. No cuppression Table 64. Residual voltage measurement (RESYMMXU) ‘Charactorttts Vetus ‘Operation accuracy ‘Suppression of harmonics Depending onthe Frequency af the measured current Wf, = #2 He 205% or 20002 * U, DFT SodBatf=n~t,,wheren RIS. No suporession 23.45, Transformer Protection and Control RETSIS TMRS756891 | Table 65. Sequence voltage measurement VSMSQI) ‘Cheractortsae vate ‘Operation accuracy ‘Suppression of harmonics OFT. $0 dBatt=a~t, ‘Depending on the Frequency of he vollage measured f, +2 Hz At voltages in range 0.01..1.18 «Up 1.0% or 20.002» Uy uheren=2.3,4 8, Table 65. Three-phase power and oneray measuroment (PEMMXU) ‘Characters ‘Operation accuracy ‘Suppression of harmonics Value ‘Atal ree currents in range 0.70... 20 * | Atal three vollages in range 0.59.1 15» U At the frequency f #1 Hz 341.9% for apparent power S 11.5% for active power Pend active energy"? +1 5% for reactive power Q and reactive encores") 120.015 for power factor OFT. -S0dBatt= at, ohere Table 67, RTD/mA measurement XRGGIO130) Description Vaio PTD inputs Suppariee RTD sensors 100.9 piatran TOR 0.00995 (IN 43760) 2502 platinum eR a00385 100 2 nickel TOR 900618 (IN 49760) 120 nek! TR aoe 250 Anche! TOR 000818 100 =p90r oR 000827 Supported “Sietanes cange 0 2Ka ‘Mayimum lead resistance (bee wire measurement 250 per lead Isolation 2 KY (ngurs to protective earth) Response tine ce PrDiresistance sensing currert | Maximum 0.33 mA rns Operation accuracy Fesistarce Temperature Veomertio, sre 108 copper 22°C ma inputs Supparies euntent ange 0..20™ma, Currant put impedance 4402019 ‘Oaeraton accuracy 405% of 1001 mA Table 68. Frequency measurement (FMNMXU} (Characteristic va ‘Operation accuracy 25m (im measurement ‘ange 35.75 H2} AEE 4 Transformer Protection and Control RETEIS. — Product version: 5.0 FRY TMRS756897 | Other functions Table 69, Pulse timer (PTGAPC) (Cheractoritis ‘Operale time accuracy Table 70. Time delay of (@ pes} (TOFPAGC) Vabe £1 0% ofthe set value oF 220 ms ‘Characteritis ‘Operate time accuracy Table 71, Time delay on (8 pes) (TONGAPC) Vale £1 0% ofthe set value oF 220 ms ‘Charactoritts ‘Opera tine accuracy abe 141 0% ofthe set value or #20 ms Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS ~ — —— Product version: 5.0 FFT TMRS756897 L 19. Local HMI Tre rey is avai able with two a sinall one, The large ¢ where the front single Ine diagram is required. displays, @ large one anc play is suted fe lay instalations auently used anc a small display 's suited for el use” int remotely controled substations where the relay s cn'y casionally accessed locally via the fort panel user interface, LOD disclays offer ront-an: User interface functonaity with menu navigation and menu yews. Hawover, tre large: nncreased Fort-panel usability win less menu croling and improved information ov In action, th splay incluces a user-conti (SLO) with oosition indicat equioment, Degending or 1 the relay displays th primary default single | 7 fan be madifec When the relay is in the remote mode, + ean € from a remote 1M ion of tne relay. Whe 1d only by using ds 6 Wen br fagram. Tre SLO vi wser-based Us: ation. 1 ‘ole selection of localremote mode via & bins fealure faciitales, for the substation to durin bbe operated remotely trom ine netws pe, th neue that all int terface. The defau according fo user requrem: ical Display Esitor in POM LD pages. use of an external sw local 3 that the circuit breat re control canter, SLD y using the 5 4 push button (L/A} for /ocalremote vis in the loca mos he local front cane! user inter itcan y Supper th hs hal Figure 18 Smal dieplay Figure 19. Large display Table 72, Small display. ‘Character size? Rows hthe view (Characters per row Small mone-spaced (6 » 12 pies) 5 20 Large, variable wish (13 = 14 anes) 3 Bor move Tablo 73. Large display (Charactor size? ows inthe view (Characters perrow Small mono-spaced (6 » 12 phish 10 20 Large, variable wish 12 » 14 abel) 7 Bormoe AEE 51 Product version: 5.0 FP1__ TMRS756897 | 20. Mounting methods he flush mounted a Further, strumen! cabinet by means of wth cut-outs for one or two relays. Alte ne rey can rs of AU, Combifex equipment frames. can be equpped unted side Figure 20. Flush mounting Figure 21 21. Relay case and plug-in unit ne relay cases are assigned to a certain tyne of plugcin uri, For salety reasons, the relay cases for current neasu ng relays are provided wih automatically operating contacts for short routing the C ndary circuits when a relay uni is withdrawn trom its case, Tre relay 1 provided with inte measuring Semi-flush mounting unting methods + Flush rrounti # Sem-flush rreurting * Seri-tlush mounting Ina 26 tit ‘© Rack mounting ell Mounting to a Mounting with: an ETXP equipment tra Figure 22, Semi-tlush mounting in @ 25° it 22. Selection and ordering data Use AB Library to informatio always containing note fe can be aratne be red, Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756891 | RETéIS __. i 23. Accessories and ordering data Table 74, Cablos ter (Order number ‘atical sensor or are protection, cable length |S m MRS 1205941 § ‘atieal sensor for are protectan, cable largin 8.9 m “wes 12084-9 ‘Onticl sensor for ate protecton cable length 59 m ames 1205a4-5 ‘Oatical sensor ter are protection, sable longtn 70 m wes 120536-7 ‘Ostieal sensor for are protectan, cable largih 10.0 m amps 120534-10 stical sensor or are protectan, cable length 15.0 m wes 120894-18, ‘atial sensor far ate protectin, abe length 20.0 m ames 120534-20 COnticl sensor for atc protection, cable length 25.0 m “anes 120584.25 (Oatisal sensor erate protectan, cape length 30.0 m amps 120534-30 Tablo 75. Mounting accessories tem (Order number Semicfush mounting &t "rs050806 ‘Wall mounting kt " 1mesososer Inelined sem-flush mounting kt “1sososs1 19" rack mountag kit wit eut cut for ene relay " amsososee 19° rack mounng Hitt cutout fer b¥0 relays " insososes ‘Mounting bracket fr one relay vith test swrteh ATP n AU Cambios (RNGT 19° vavant Ch " arcanz2642P000% ‘Mounting Bracket fr one relay 9 4U Comostex (RHGT 19° variant) | 2RCA022643P0001 19° rack mounting hit fe ove relay and ove RTAPIE let switch (he lest such sno! ineluded inthe Gelvery) | 2RGACZ1G52A0003 19" rack mounting hit fe ove relay ad eve RTAP24 test sich (te test sunt ib not neuen the Geivery) | 2RCAU22961A0003 Furetonal earthing lange fr RTD medules! | 2Rcana6s78A0001 Replacement kil for « Samberg SP M0 serestelay [cutout in the canter of Fe installation plate) 2Rea027671A0001 Replacement kt for a Stromberg SP <0 ceresielay (cutout on te lettor te ight! the installatin plate) | 2RCAO27874A0001 Replacement kit or v0 Stiomberg SP. senes relays | aRcaoz7ee0A0d01 19° rack replacement hil fr Stmberg SP 1346 senes relays (one cutout arcaozreseaoeot 19" rack repiacement ki for Strémberg SP_J315 series relays (vo cut-outs) | 2Rcao27e97A0001 Replacement hit for 2 Skomberg SP lb series relay | 2Rcanz7ee140001 Roplacoment hit for hice BBC §. series relays | 2ron02768240001 Replacement kt for a SPA 309 seres "eay | areao27eas40c0% AEE Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | recontigures unit ‘changed fromthe f fe Web bro ana Cont farameter selling values can be AM, pare! user intefac interlace eb HMI] or Prol IED Manager mpination with the reay-s ic connectivity functions, Fo pplication, 81860 cor communication, can be r HMI is used Table 75. Tools {Mis a The UInternet Explorer), For saci by default but it can be enabied via the loca fob HIM) lurctio 2 ited to rea neotivity package Is a c om products and y. The saals te connect and interaet wth the pretection re the risk 168 cortiguration and s fe tivty packages recu sp times, rotection relays af th’s product senes include a flexible uodate too! for adding ditional ocal 4M Ieroua 6 t0 the pe ols using POMECO, ne add sonal RVI argues: site future language iva Description Powe00 Wee browser RET615 Connect Package 26 (Rolup 20180626) or later 1£80, 690.1 1000r12 110 5 orlecer 54 Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756891 | fetes — | Table 77, Supported functions Rnction ‘Web HM poMe00 eay parameter seting . : Sanne of relay parameter setings inthe relay [ . [ : Signal moniorrg : : | : Disturbance recorder handing i : i : ‘Alarm LES viewng i . | : ‘Aocess control management F : | : Relay signal corrquraton (Signal Met [ : : Modbus communication conf guraton feommuration management : i : ONS commanieaion coniguston (communication management) : : IEC 60870-8-103 communication contiguraton feommunieaton management) . Saving of relay parameter setings is the fol f t . Dieturvance recerd analysis | | . XRIO parameter exportinrpatt : : : . Grapnical dsplay contigurstion i | . ‘aplication cantguration f t . C 67850 communication confguraton, GOOSE (commun) t configuration) . Paso elagram viewing f : Event lowing - : - . Saving of aver cala onthe user's PC : : ° ‘Onine mentary : . SS Sipisitad 25. Cyber security land Web HM use TLS encryption with a minimum of 128 bit key The re ay supports role based user aulhentication and length arotecting the data in tsnsil. In this case the used authorization, ean store 2048 audi tral € mmunceat on protoce's are FIPS and HTTPS, Alrear alle memory, The non-volatile memory is based on a nmurication ports ang optional protece! services can memory type which does nat need oallery backup 0° regular deactivated according lo the reauired system somponent exo nge to mana the memory storage, FTP AEE Transformer Protection and Control RETEIS” - Product version: 5.0 FP1_ TMRS756897 | 26. Terminal diagrams. Figure 23, “ / Terminal diagram of standard contigurations A-D ep ET615 L_ so so 9. Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS Product version: 5.0 FP1 TMRS756891 | Figure 24 3 A SEI not) vo o-P]" ollie = or Terminal diagram of standard configurations E-H TMRS756897 | Transformer Protection and Control BETES wa ao ao ————| Product version: 5.0 FPi —~ __. ts 27. Certificates Mv GL has issued an 15-4136, DIY GL has iesued an |Z for Reon 815 6 1511465, found on the product paae Adsitional certicates ean Transformer Protection and Control RETéIS _ _ TMRS756891 | 29. Functions, codes and symbols ‘able 79. Functions included inthe relay Function TES E1850 IEC 00817 EC-ANSI Protection “Three-shase non-drectonal overcurrent pro "prlproct Taka) Teie-t a tov stage PHIpTo2 fap 2 VsiP-1 “Thiee-ahase non-alrecional overcurrent protecton, | PHHPTOCI aa 1siP-2 (0) high staoe PkHPTOC2 fabs) [51-2 @ “hice phase non drestonal overcurrent potecion, — PLIPTOGT Fabs ap soPissP a1} instantaneous stage ousted ors paeiba Tlon-dtectional earth protecton. low stage | EFLPTOC! Flos a) Fsine(t EFLPTOC2 Flos 2) “518-1 2) Nor-drectonal earth faut protecton ngn stage EFHPTOC! fos ay Fsin2 ci ERHPTOC? Hes Fsin2@i egalvessequence overcurrent protection TNepToct fea Fas cn NsPTOC2 Hie 2) [452 Pesicua overvotage protection TRoverovt Fo a 596 (1) ROveTO ea 596 2) “Thvee-phace undervaliage protecton Tpreruvt fueai bra PHETUV2 fauc Bre, “Thiee-phase overveltage protecton Tpeprovt eo) “soc PRPTOV2 fue 59) “Thee paase Fermal overload protection. twoiime | T2PTTRY “sire Tisic (1 " aarigic (1) constants Siabilzed and instantaneous diferental sciecion for | TREPTOF1 (aati) Terr it} two-vinaing tanstormers Numerealystabilzed low-maedance restictoe earth “diaLo> tt) Vernceny fault protecton Figh:mpedance based restricted earth tout potecion’|HREFEOIFA “alos (3) “aman teat breaker failure protecton TCcBRERF1 | ate023 1) | SiBFIstNae (1) Master ti TTREPTRC! Master Te (1) “oa86 (1) TREPTRO? ‘Master Tre @i “oaes TRPPTRGS “aster Trp Gi “918s (3) TREPTRGE “Master Tre i “oss 4) TREPTRCS [Master Tre 1 “ oaies (5) ‘ive aroiecton TARCEARGI Varo i | sousont (1) AROSAROD “are @) | SOLISOML 2) AROSAR [ARC | SOUSONL (3) AEE 59 Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Table 78. Functions included inthe relay, continued Runctzn 61660 eo e06i7 TECANSI Tatpurposeprotecion wHaPaAPOI MAP MAP “mapcapce MAP (2) MAP (2) OMAPGAL MAP (3) MAP (3) UMAPsarca MAP (4) MAP (4) [MAPGAPCS MAP MAP (5) FMapcapcs MAP (6) MAP (6) /MaPGAPC MAP (7) MAP (7) Uwapcapce MAP (8) MAP (8) [MaPGaPCS PMAP MAP (9) EMAPGAPCIO MAP (70) ‘MAP (10) UMAPGAPCIL T MAP (at) MAP (17) OMaPSarcr MAP (12) MAP (12) UMAPSAPCTS MAP (73) MAP (13) UMaPGAPC MAP (74) MAP (14) | MAPGAPCIS MAP (15) MAP (18) UMAPGAPC MAP (30) ‘MAP (16) UMAPSAPCIT PMAP (17) MAP (17) EMaPGAPCIB MAP (78) MAP (18) ‘Contro} - Cireuil-breaker control CBXCBR1 Tres oceay T 1s OCB) Disconnector control “pexswn ‘Tes ont a) <= DCC IT} “pexswia [Tes once @ [ss once @) Earthng snitch control TEsxawit (Tos oesery |=s OE8C (1) Disconnector postion incication “pesxsitt [es ooci 1s 0 DC (1), Fpesxswia r <> 0 DC) “besxswia ‘Toso 12> DC (3) Earthng snitch indication “Essxewit ‘Tosoesa | les OFS (1) VESSXSWI2 Hes 068 @) 1 <> OES (2) ‘Tap changer positon indication TTposvirer PTposm (1) BAM (1), Condition monfioring and supervision - - Sreuitbeakar conten oniorng s8caRi ese sacw a “Trip circuit supervision "Tesscert His) TOM (1) FTesscare ites 2) “Tow 2) Fuse failure sugervision “seospver PFUSEF (1) 80(1), Faantme counter for machines and Geviges Tuosort1 Voprsin opr (1) . : Dstirbance recorder ROR oR FRA) Loa profile record YLOPRLRCT | LOADPROF (1) | LOADPROF (1) Transformer Protection and Control TMRS756891 | RETéIS __. i Table 78, Functions included in the relay, continued Function TES 61850 IES 60617 Fault record FuIRFRGT FAULTREG (1) FAULTREG (1) ‘Three-pase curent measurement channxu? Gi T caetid [312) Fara) Sequence curert measurement Fcswsoir A120 (1) Yin, 2.1941) Residual curent measurement TRESCAANKUT Hetty Hina RESCiamixu2 Hee) Hine) “Thies phace voltage measurement cca faut) bavi Residual voltage measure: TRESVMMAUT [U01) Fyne) Sequence voltage measurement Tvsmsort 1U1, U2, U8 (1) Tt, v2, voit) “hres phase porter and energy measurement TPEMIMXUT tay The RIDimA measurement Tyaasio130 Sean lero) (i) Fcr30 ce10) 1) Frequency measureent Twix ra Tray TEC 618603. LE samp value sending SMvSENOER "SuvseNDER "sMvSENDER IEG 6185032 LE sampled value eceiung wolage | SMV: Tswvrov swvrov sharing) pe L iinmum pulse timer @ pes} TPeapci Te Tu TRaAPG? Pai Tea TRaaPcs Pa) ‘Pa TRGAPcE Pa Pa ‘Mimmam pulse umer (2 pes, secone reseluton) TPSGAect “esa Tresay ‘inimom puise timer (2 pes, minute resolution) | TPMGAFCI Tew Hrewan Pulse timer @ pea) "proapct opr) ver PTeaPc2 [pty HPT “Time delay off (@ aes) TToréarci Tord FroF «1) TORGAPCA ror éi itor 2 TORGAPCa Tor 6) [ToF 8) TORGAPCA Tora Fro «) FTonaarct “ona Fone) TONGAPCE Tone Tron) ToNGAFCS Tone Tron ToNGAPCA ona Tron) Setreset@ posi SRGAPCI “sR in “span SRGAPC2 SSR) “sre ‘SRGAPCS ‘sr ‘ska ‘SROAPCA TSR aa) : Mow nvearci wv a nvearce “we iw @ AEE é Transformer Protection and Control RETeIS _ _ Product version: 6.0 FP TMRS756897 | Table 78. Functions included inthe relay, continued Rinction 61850 1 60617 IED-ANSI ‘Genevie contro paint (76 pes) SPOGAPCT SPC tt SPC tt) [spccaec2 [seca SPC Analog value sealing TScaaGapct Fscaain) ‘ScAq (1) [sonacapoe: Fscas2) song 2) “ScaaGapca ‘scaa ay ScAa (3) [ScnaGAPCa Veena ca CAA (4) integer value move Taviegapcr Faia cy via 30. Document revision history [Document rovsiow/dete Product vereton History 12008.07-08 20 First release iz008-10-01 “be Content updater cioi0-06-11 “30 Cortent updated to correspont fo the product verson oie01966 38 “36 Terminology updated Eizor009.7 “ae Content upsated Fis012-08-11 tao Content updated to correspond to the product version 672013-02-21 Vaoret | Content updated te correspond lo the product version HiD01 401-24 iso Content updated to correspond to the product vetson Ki2015-10-30, “s0=P1 nent updeted to cortespand to the product verson 2076-05-20 ‘soret Content updte Contact us ABB Oy Modium Voltage Products, Distribution Automation P.O, Bax 899) F-BS101 VAASA, Friar Prone Fax www.abb.com/mediumvaltage www abb.com/substationautomation ABB India Limited, Distribution Automation www abb.com/mediumvaltage www.abb.com/substationautomation Power and productivity for a better world™ : i, ED PAD

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