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SSPC Paint 27-1982 (2004)

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SSPC-Paint 27

November 1, 1982
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Basic Zinc Chromate-Vinyl Butyral Wash Primer1

1. Scope 3.4 SSPC STANDARDS:

1.1 This specification covers a two-component basic zinc SSPC Guide 13 Guide for the Identification and Use
chromate-vinyl butyral wash primer for structural steel surfaces of Industrial Coating Material in
prior to painting. Computerized Product Databases
PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance
1.2 It is intended that this coating be used primarily on Painting of Steel
clean steel free of rust and scale or on clean galvanized metal SP 1 Solvent Cleaning
cleaned according to SSPC-SP 1, “Solvent Cleaning”; but it
may be used, when specified, on steel with very slight amounts 3.5 ASTM INTERNATIONAL STANDARD:
of rust. It is to be applied by brush or spray in accordance
with SSPC-PA 1, “Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of D 3925 Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and
Steel.” Related Pigmented Coatings

2. Description 3.6 FEDERAL STANDARD:

2.1 Basic zinc chromate-vinyl butyral wash primer is a DoD-P-15328 Primer (Wash), Pretreatment
pretreatment for metals which reacts with the metal and at the (Formula No. 117 for Metals)
same time forms a protective vinyl film which contains an inhibi-
tive pigment to help prevent rusting. This coating is supplied 3.7 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE
as two components which are mixed together just prior to use. (ANSI) STANDARD.
The base contains an alcohol solution of polyvinyl butyral resin
pigmented with basic zinc chromate. The diluent contains an Z129.1 Hazardous Industrial Chemicals—
alcohol solution of phosphoric acid which reacts with the vinyl Precautionary Labeling
resin, the pigment, and the steel. Details of the composition
are given in Federal Specification DoD-P-15328. 4. Composition
2.2 This primer contains approximately 10% by volume 4.1 Ingredients, proportions, and analysis shall be as
of nonvolatile film-forming solids (pigment and binder). The specified in Federal Specification DoD-P-15328.
theoretical spreading rate for a 0.5 mil (13 micrometers) dry
film thickness is 320 square feet/U.S. gallon (7.9 square 5. Properties
meters/liter). Actual spreading rates can be significantly
lower. 5.1 The paint shall meet the requirements of Federal
Specification DoD-P-15328.
3. Referenced Standards
6. Labeling
3.1 The standards referenced in this specification are listed
in Sections 3.4 through 3.7 and form a part of this specifica- 6.1 Labeling shall conform to ANSI Z129.1.
6.2 Technical data shall be provided for at least all data
3.2 The latest issue, revision, or amendment of the refer- elements categorized as “essential” in SSPC-Guide 13.
enced standards in effect on the date of invitation to bid shall
govern unless otherwise specified. 6.3 MARKING OF CONTAINERS: Each container of
each component shall be legibly marked with the following
3.3 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any information:
of the cited reference standards and this specification, the
requirements of this specification shall prevail.
This paint contains chromate pigments. Users are urged to follow all health, safety, and environmental requirements in applying, handling,
and disposing of these materials.

SSPC-Paint 27
November 1, 1982
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

Name: Basic Zinc Chromate-Vinyl Butyral Wash Primer When spot treating, cover only spots free of old paint. Slight
Specification: SSPC-Paint 27 overlap of existing paints is generally not harmful provided
Component: adherence of the wash primer to the old paint is satisfactory
Lot Number: and the old paint is not lifted.
Stock Number: The next coat of paint may be applied as soon as the
Date of Manufacture: wash primer is dry, usually from one half hour to four hours
Quantity of Paint in Container: later, except when otherwise authorized by the inspector.
Information and Warnings as may be required by This wash primer should be applied over clean, dry steel;
Federal and State Laws: however, a slightly damp surface may be painted over,
Manufacturer's Name and Address: provided adequate normal butyl alcohol is used in the thinner.
If the surface is excessively wet, the vinyl butyral resin will be
6.3 DIRECTIONS FOR USE: The following directions use thrown out of solution and form a gel, or the dried film will turn
shall be supplied with each container of paint: white, become brittle, and lack adhesion to the steel.
This wash primer is not intended for use as a shop coat
Directions for Use of Basic Zinc Chromate-Vinyl for steel, and it should be recoated with the prime coat of paint
Butyral Wash Primer before exposure, preferably within 24 hours.

This paint is intended to be used primarily on clean steel 7. Inspection

free of rust and scale or on clean galvanized metal; but it may
be used, when specified, on steel with very slight amounts of 7.1 All materials (coatings) supplied under this specifica-
rust bloom. tion are subject to timely inspection by the purchaser or his
Four volumes of base shall be mixed with one volume of authorized representative. The purchaser shall have the right
diluent as follows: first, break up the pigment settled in the base to reject any materials supplied which are found to be defective
with a wooden paddle, mechanical stirrer, or mixer, and mix to under this specification (see Note 9.1). In case of dispute, un-
distribute the pigment evenly throughout the base. After the base less otherwise specified, the arbitration or settlement procedure
is thoroughly mixed, slowly pour one volume of the diluent into established in the procurement documents shall be followed.
four volumes of the base with constant agitation. Do not pour If no arbitration or settlement procedure is established, then a
off the liquid which has separated from the pigment and then procedure mutually agreeable to the purchaser and material
add the diluent to the settled pigment to aid mixing. Material supplier shall be used.
which is not mixed properly may gel and be unfit for use. The
base shall be mixed with the diluent in quantities which will 7.2 Samples of paints may be requested by the purchaser
be applied within six to eight hours after mixing. Primer that and shall be supplied upon request along with the manufac-
cannot be used within a maximum of eight hours after mixing turer’s name and identification for the materials. Samples may
with diluent shall be discarded and not used. Screen paint be requested at the time the purchase order is placed or may
before applying. be taken from unopened containers at the job site.
Apply the wash primer by spraying or brushing. Spray-
ing is generally the preferred method, but brushing may be 7.3 Unless otherwise specified, the sampling shall be in
desirable over rough or poorly prepared steel. Roller coating accordance with ASTM D 3925.
may be used only if specified. Paint brushes should be clean
and dry, or wetted with alcoholic solvents. When sprayed, 8. Disclaimer
the primer must be deposited on the surface wet; if dusting is
encountered, move the gun closer to the surface; if already 8.1 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all
within six inches (15 cm) of the surface, decrease atomizing information furnished in SSPC standards and specifications is
air pressure or increase the liquid pressure, or add thinner. as accurate, complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot
Where thinning is desired isopropanol (99% grade) or assume responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from
butanol (normal butyl alcohol) or denatured ethanol should the use of any materials, coatings, or methods specified herein,
be used. At least 25% thinning is usually necessary to get a or of the specification or standard itself.
uniform application. Use denatured ethyl or isopropyl alcohol
to clean equipment. 8.2 This specification does not attempt to address problems
Apply to a dried film thickness of 0.3 to 0.5 mils (8 to 13 concerning safety associated with its use. The user of this
micrometers) dry or approximately 3 to 5 mils (75 to 125 mi- specification, as well as the user of all products or practices
crometers) wet. Note that at this thickness, which should not described herein, is responsible for instituting appropriate
be exceeded, the base metal will show through the coating as health and safety practices and for ensuring compliance with
evidenced by uneven coloring. This is the normal appearance; all governmental regulations.
do not attempt to hide the base metal completely.


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