eNSP Description
eNSP Description
eNSP Description
eNSP updates
New added:
1. Integrates latest AC, AP, Center AP and RRU simulation equipment
2. eNSP support virtualbox 5.2.
Fixed Bugs:
1. Fix command line start parameter overflow problem.
2. Fix NE, CX equipment import no problem.
3. Fix win10 1703 system can only open a switch device problem.
4. Fix VPN IPSEC experiment, PC1 ping PC2 normal PC1 ping gateway ensp crashes.
5. Fix the problem that the USG5500 starts only when the server is set to, and add the help document FAQ.
1.The AC and AP devices in the software are all new versions of the device
package (V200R007C10). The configuration commands of the device package
(V200R003C00) change greatly. The original WLAN topology is no longer
Please pay special attention when importing WLAN topology directly.
2.Before installing the new version, uninstall the original software, delete the
eNSP folder in the installation directory completely, and delete the User->
AppData-> Local-> eNSP folder completely.
eNSP updates
New added:
1.Integrate latest ce6800/ce12800 simulate device(V800R013C00SPC560B560).
2.Delete cx200/ne5000e simulate device.
3.eNSP support virtualbox 5.1.
Fixed Bugs:
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1.Fix line memory leak.
2.Fix UI bug of multicast break down.
3.Fix thread leak of multicast line.
4.Fix frsw bug of map dones't effect after deleting it.
5.Fix ce6800 bug of no response after closing it.
6.Fix the bug of IPV6 PPP over FR.
eNSP updates
New added:
1.Console port of simulate pc.
2.Integrate NE5000E/CE12800/CX200 which were supplied by third party user in
support-e forum.(ensp is not responsible for update)
3.Publish ensp plugin interface development standard,user custom simulate device
can be integrated in eNSP.
4.eNSP support virtualbox 5.0 in default.
Fixed Bugs:
1.Fix IGMP version3 bug of simulate pc.
2.Fix poe bug of simulate ac.
3.Fix UI bug of multicast tab content of simulate pc in the high resolution
4.Fix GVRP bug of simulate ar.
5.Fix DDNS's configuration bug of simulate ar.(bug description:DDNS's
configuration can't be displayed.)
6.Fix Reboot's bug of simulate lsw.
7.Fix dhcp relay bug of simulate lsw.(bug description:simulate ap can't get ip
by dhcp relay of simulate lsw.)
8.Fix HRP bug of usg6000v.
9.Fix new zone creating bug of usg6000v.(bug description:usg6000v can't create
new zone.)
10.Fix heartbeat bug of usg6000v.(bug description:usg6000v's heartbeat is closed
in default.)
eNSP updates
New added:
1.IPSG feature of AR routers.
2.Qos feature of AR routers.
3.DSVPN feature of AR routers.
4.Cpcar feature of AR routers.
5.Port-mirror feature of AR routers.
6.Dhcpv6-snooping feature of switches.
7.NTP feature of switches.
8.Support usg6000v beta.
Fixed Bugs:
1.Fix MQC feature of AR routers.
2.Fix eNSP UI bug in the high resolution 1920*1080.
3.Fix the bug of save-as function.
4.Fix the bug of simpc can't slice ip packet.
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eNSP updates
New added:
1.QinQ feature of switches
2.Double tag VLAN mapping of switches
3.Traffic filtering of switches
4.DHCP Snooping of switches
5.LLDP feature of switches
6.MQC feature of AR routers
7.Exam function on the eNSP client
8.CLI Transparency on eNSP
Fixed Bugs:
1.Incorrect application of traffic policies to switches.
2.Abnormal display of interface rate of switches' Eth-Trunk interfaces.
3.NAT function of AR routers.
4.Master IP address in reverse order in the output of the display vrrp command
on AR routers.
5.AR routers' DNS function does not take effect in the NAT+DNS scenario.
6.The IGMPv3 feature does not take effect on simulated PCs.
7.eNSP may break down when a simulated PC pings an IPv6 address.
8.FR switches do not support PPP over FR.
9.FR switches obtain a packet twice from an inbound interface.
10.After a user double-clicks the .topo file to open the topology, the hub
interface cannot forward packets.
11.Other problems affecting normal use of eNSP.
New added:
1. Add support for AC6605 POE feature.
Bug fixed:
1. Unable to obtain IP address from DHCP server on switch after configuring vlan
mapping on it.
2. Switch crashed when configuring vlan on eth-trunk.
3. AR could not been started under certain enviroment.
4. Firewall crashed when running on Win8 and Win8.1.
5. Fix PPPoE+NAT bug of AR after configuring dialer-group.
6. Failed to send packet when using Virtual-Template as out interface and not
specifying next hop for static route.
7. Fix multicast bfd up/down bug of AR.
New added:
1. WDS function of WLAN now is supported.
2. Add a new simulation device of firewall - USG5500.
3. Add a new simulation device of WLAN - AC6605.
Bug fixed:
1. Fix the bug of client and server that Chinese characters can not display
correctly under English enviroment.
2. Fix STA display problem when receiving VAP information from multiple AP.
3. Fix STA occasionally disappeared when it's auto moving.
New added:
1. Simulation of automatic STA move is supported.
2. WLAN support simple functions of PoE power supply.
3. Multiple users can use eNSP simultaneously.
4. The version is compatible with VirtualBox v4.3.
5. The system MAC address can be saved when you click Save on topologies.
6. PCs and multicast sources can automatically generate multicast MAC addresses.
7. ARs support the transparent bridge functions.
8. Switches support the one-layer VLAN mapping function.
Bug fixed:
1. AR automatically restarts when you configure commands on it.
2. An AR cannot transparently transmit CAPWAP packets.
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3. An AR's Layer 3 Eth-Trunk interface cannot work in LACP mode.
4. Failed to ping the loopback interface on an IPSec tunnel set up between two
New added:
1. Added AC/AP/STA simulator
2. WLAN devices support the following features:
1> L2/L3 networking, inline/bypass mode, direct forwarding/tunnel forwarding
(supported by IPv4)
2> Static and dynamic Option 43
3> MAC address or SN based authentication or non-authentication
4> The AC delivers configurations to APs.
5> WEP, WPA-PSK, and WPA2-PSK authentication; 802.1x access authentication
for WPA/WPA2; data encryption not supported
6> Dual link backup
7> L2/L3 roaming
8> Simulate APs to provide 2.4G or 5G signals.
9> Simulate STAs to connect to APs.
3. The AR further supports the following features:
1> IPv6 transition
2> DHCPv6
3> NetStream
4. Added router of eNSP 1.0
New added:
1. added Windows Firewall detection to solve AR starting problem because of the
improper settings
2. added OS performance counter detection to solve switch starting problem
because of the improper counter settings
3. added new characteristics of AR's second layer: port isolation, port
security, MAC limit, MAC drift detection, eth-trunk and aging time configuration
of MAC address
Bug fixed:
1. fixed the switch crash bug when running on Win8
2. fixed the AR boot bug due to unrecognized virtual NIC
3. fixed the GRE tunnel bug
4. fixed the AR mutual interference bug in multiuser environment
5. fixed the missing bug on swithes when restoring configuration
6. fixed the bug on 64bit OS when dragging to open topo
7. fixed the bug of AR's STP status
8. fixed the bug of not being able to insert "?" when inputing commands
9. fixed the AR's VRRP bug
10. fixed the incorrect interface status of client and erver when double
clicking to open topo
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1. The new version needs VirtualBox to run AR simulator
2. Due to the upates of AR simulator, the configuration in old topos needs to be
changed manually
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Bug fixed:
1. fixed a bug in MPLS L2VPN
2. fixed an occasional crash when saving topo
3. fixed the loss of binding ports information in cloud
4. fixed the bug that commands in Laptop are case-sensitive
Bug fixed:
1. fixed the bug of loop while restarting device and restoring the smartlink
2. fixed the bug of content missing in CLI log files
3. fixed the bug of configuration files overwriting in overwrite installation
Bug fixed:
1. fixed frame relay switch and hub's unstable bug
2. fixed the time interval accuracy of data capture
3. fixed the crash bug of cloud device which caused by undo deleting port
4. fixed the Chinese garbled's bug in English operating system
5. fixed the crash bug of sim pc when switching to dhcp mode
6. fixed the ping bug after disabling the switches' mac learning function and
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using static mac address
7. fixed the bug that the ICMPv3 message sent by sim pc does not correspond with
the interface parameters
New added:
1. add cloud device
2. add frame relay switch device
3. add HUB device
4. add port isolation feature for switch
5. add GVRP feature for switch
6. add guide interface and open history feature
7. add arrow, save as, grid icon in the toolbar. Modify the position of icons in
the toolbar
Bug fixed:
1. fix the problem that the returned time of tracert commmand of simulate PC was
smaller than 0
2. fix the problem that the simulate PC cannot ping through loop address like
3. fix the prolbem that the simulate PC receive mixed-up data when the
destination ip is changed in the multicast feature test
4. fix the problem that the simulate PCs in different networks could ping
through when gateway is not set
5. fix the problem that the ping command could carry on when extra characters
are added after the IP address
6. fix the problem that the information of binding adapters cannot be loaded
when opening topo.
7. fix the problem that the device cannot be started when the console server is
closed in the distributed deployment
8. fix the problem of wrong display information of mapped static ARP in simulate
New added:
1. Ping, Traceroute, ipconfig, arp, dhcp feature for simulate PC
2. add the feature of opening saved topo files directly
3. support binding more than one interfaces to the same adapter.
4. add the feature of importing and exporting device configuration
5. add auto line wrap feature for CLI
6. Wireshark and VLC path could be modified manually
7. add the feature of saving topoboard as JPG and PNG
8. the line width and the line style of shape could be modified in the drawing
9. add the feature of adding shapes continuously, and right click to stop
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10. double click on the shape could start resizing operation, and click on the
blank area to end resizing
Bug fixed:
1. fix the problem that in operating system of some other languages, eg.
Spanish, German, program collapse when starting device
2. fix the problem that the device couldn't be started when it's bound to the
physical adapter
3. fix the problem that the switch could not load the new config file after
setting the next start-up config file
4. fix the problem of DHCP packet failing to be transfered through switch
5. all the device ports that are bound to the same physical adapter could UP
6. fix the problem that the same topoboard couldn't be loaded repeatedly
7. fix the problem that the picture couldn't be deleted when it's set as the
background of eNSP
8. fix the problem that the whole topoboard couldn't be printed
New added:
1. add new feature of checking for updates
2. add delete and capture data menu when right click on the device line
3. add new feature of daragging interface label
4. user can config the program path of the Wireshark and the VLC player
5. the background config could be saved
6. add horizontal and vertical alignment menu on the selected devices
7. add snap-to-grid feature for selected devices
8. add checkbox of auto snap to grid when adding devices
Bug fixed:
1. fix the problem that the device color remained while it has been stopped
2. fix the problem that the device can't be started when its com port is
modified after the conflict remind of com port
3. fix the switch port dosen't up when connecting to a simulate PC in the
distributed deployment
4. fix the problem that fail to bind physical adapter caused by incorrect
binding order
5. fix the problem of deleting extra characters when using CTRL+W in command
line interface
6. fix the problem of Serial line changing to solid line after undo and redo
7. fix the problem that the lines of routers show up after performing changing
its interface number, undo and redo operate
8. the dialog boxes of selecting topos and video path no longer effect each
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eNSP Beta 1.0.108 updates and bugs fixed
New added:
1. add Chinese version for the client program
2. modify the interface of binding physical adapters
3. add tips for WinPcap installation
4. add new feature of opening topo examples
5. add new feature of displaying grids in the topo edit area
6. add the snapping to grid feature for the devices
7. add new feature of removing devices and connections in the device interface
8. add support for changing font size of text tips
9. add support for opening related topo through dragging it to the topo edit
10. increase undo steps to 50
11. add notification of lacking VLC program when using multicast source
12. modify default font of CLI to monospace font
13. add support for displaying total number and selected number of devices in
the status bar
Bug fixed:
1. fix abnormal line switching caused by the refreshing problem of smart-link
flush packets
2. modify the device default name to Huawei
3. modify the displaying version of S3700
4. fix the problem of dhcp server group breakdown
5. modify the router port number corresponding to the real device. (the GE port
starts from 0)
6. fix the problem of process residue when the com number of the device collides
with some other process
7. fix the problem of continuously rebooting device process when the router
cann't start
8. modify to automatically distribute the com number when creating and loading
9. fix the inconsistent problem of connection lamps and interface up/down status
between AR and LSW
10. fix the process residue problem caused by the port collision of the device
and some other process
11. modify the invalidating method to improve the fluency
12. fix the BUG of dragging the topo area when the topo size is smaller than the
display size
13. fix the BUG of changing the text tip attribute when it's not changed in the
14. modify the contents of the help document
15. change the start-up picture
16. modify the tips of router config interface
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