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Elçin Mahmud Sumqayıt Şəhəri, Tel: 055 3959796

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Elçin Mahmud Sumqayıt şəhəri, Tel: 055 3959796

Listen to the passage and answer 9. Make up a sentence.

questions 1 – 6 1. my telephone 2. because 3. was
4. I 5. hadn’t paid 6. cut off
1. The passage is mainly about … . 7. the bill
A) the function of the hands A) 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 B) 3, 1, 6, 2, 4, 7, 5
B) language and logical thinking C) 1, 3, 6, 2, 4, 5, 7 D) 1, 3, 6, 2, 5, 4, 7
C) left-handers’ imaginations E) 4, 5, 7, 2, 3, 1, 6
D) how brain of left-handed people works
E) five sense and their responses 10. Choose the correct conjunctions.
It would be better for you not to use your car more, … petrol
2. Choose true sentences according to the passage. is getting expensive.
A) The right hemisphere is responsible for controlling the 1. as 2. though 3. if 4. although
right side of the body. A) 1, 3 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 4 D) 3, 4 E) 2, 4
B) Right-handers are good at boxing.
C) Sometimes right-handers mix letters. 11. Choose the correct variant.
D) Left hemisphere of the brain of a left-handed person is The piece of furniture we bought recently for our hall is …
dominant. than the old one.
E) Left-handed people can have good imaginations. A) more comfortable B) most comfortable
C) a little comfortable D) the more comfortable
3. Answer the question according to the passage. E) the most comfortable
What is in the centre of the left hemisphere?
A) smell and taste 12. Choose the correct exclamatory sentences.
B) sight and hearing 1. How religious the Aborigines are!
C) language and logical thinking 2. How long river the Mississippi is!
D) good imagination 3. How wonderful your suggestion is!
E) touch and hearing 4. How magnificent tower it is!
A) 1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,3
4. Complete the sentence according to the passage. D) 3,4 E) 1,4
Both sides of the body receive the same information from
the brain because … . 13. Choose the correct articles.
A) they are different … Irish Sea is situated between … Great Britain and …
B) they are similar Ireland, which make … British Isles.
C) they are connected A) The, -, -, the B) -, -, -, the
D) they are various C) The, the, the, - D) -, -, the, the
E) they are same E) The, the, -, -

5. Write the answer to the question according to the passage. 14. Choose the correct modal verb.
What are left-handed people good at? Jane … drive a car when she was fifteen.
1. football 2. boxing 3. tennis A) was able B) has to
4. physics 5. baseball C) has been able D) will be able to
A) 2,3,5 B) 1,2,3 C) 3,4,5 E) couldn’t
D) 1,2,4 E) 2,4,5
15. Choose the correct variant.
She’s learned the rules, …
6. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
A) was she? B) wasn’t she? C) doesn’t she?
Sometimes being left-handed can cause ... .
D) is she? E) hasn’t she?

16. Choose the correct variant.

7. Choose the correct variant. 1. to read in the original 2. to cut by a knife
It’s advisable … your blood pressure … before going in for 3. to go by train 4. to enter into the room
sport. A) 1, 4 B) 1, 3 C) 3, 4
1. to get, checking 2. to get, checked D) 1, 2, 4 E) 1, 2, 3
3. to have, checks 4. to have, checked
A) 1, 4 B) 2, 3 C) 3, 4 17. Choose the wrong variant.
D) 1, 2 E) 2, 4 Ask him … .
A) how old he is
8. Choose the correct variant. B) to put off the visit
… archeologists’ expedition will be delayed, will …? C) to complain about the new house
A) This, they B) That, it C) These, it D) to ask for help
D) These, they E) Those, they E) that he was much time
Elçin Mahmud Sumqayıt şəhəri, Tel: 055 3959796
18. Which adjectives are close in meaning? 23. The main idea of the passage is to give some information
1. fearless 2. sinister 3. courageous about … .
4. cowardly 5. faithful A) different books in physics
A) 1, 5 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 4 B) Humphry Davy’s laboratory
D) 1, 3 E) 3, 4 C) working in a bookshop
D) Faraday’s discoveries
19. Complete the sentence. E) unsuccessful experiments
The girl … is French.
A) I gave the book to 24. Which statement is not given in the passage?
B) which was given the book to A) H. Davy provided Michael Faraday with money to make
C) who were given the books to his experiments.
D) to that was given the book B) Michael Faraday is one of the greatest scientists in the
E) what gave the book to me world.
C) Michael Faraday made a lot of discoveries in science.
20. Choose the correct sentences in the Passive Voice. D) Spending long months and years Michael Faraday
1. Ready-made costumes are sold here. studied electricity.
2. Are the ready-made costumes woollen? E) Physics was one of the fields of science in which Michael
3. The ready-made costumes are woollen. Faraday made his experiments.
4. Are ready-made costumes sold here?
A) 1, 3 B) 3, 4 C) 2, 4 25. Choose the correct variant.
D) 1, 4 E) 2, 3 M. Faraday worked in a bookshop and it gave him a chance
21. Choose the sentences with the noun in the Possessive A) to save more money B) to write books himself
Case. C) to broaden his knowledge D) to sell books
1. Today children’s lives are much more different. E) to make experiments
2. Robots will make mens’ life easier in future.
3. Each year the world’s birth rate is increasing. 26. Choose the correct answer to the question according to
4. Mary’s spent much time on watching television. the passage.
A) 1, 2 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 1, 3 Why is Faraday’s name connected with the history of
D) 2, 4 E) 1, 3, 4 electricity?
A) for the discoveries in chemistry
22. Choose the correct tense form. B) for making glass which was a new kind
Emily … us when we told her about our adventures. C) for different experiments
A) would believed B) has believed C) believe D) for the invention of a new kind of steel
D) hasn’t believed E) didn’t believe E) for finding “a machine” which can produce electricity

27. Write the answer to the question according to the

Read the passage and answer questions 23-30. Why did Michael have to work in a bookshop?
A) He was born in a wealthy family.
1. Michael Faraday is one of the greatest scientists B) He didn’t want to go to school.
in the history of man’s work in electricity. He was born in C) His family was poor.
London in 1791, in a poor family. He couldn’t get a good D) He had no interest in books.
education. Working in a bookshop gave him a great E) Working in a bookshop is better than in laboratory.
opportunity to read many different books and increase his
knowledge. 28. Complete the sentence with your own words according
2. Later, Michael began to work at Humphry to the passage?
Davy’s laboratory. He was England’s greatest scientist of It took Michael a long time … …. .
the time. Like Davy, Michael became interested in
electricity and spent long months, years to study it. Finally,
he found that electricity could be made by “a machine”. It
was the father of all the great machines that make electricity
today. It was a great moment in the history of man’s 29. Which word from paragraph 2 best fits the definition “a
electrical experiments. piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do
3. Faraday made a new kind of glass and steel, a particular job”?
about two thousand different experiments and countless
discoveries in chemistry and physics.
30. Write two adjectives from the passage which
characterize Faraday’s experiments.

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