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Template Prosiding Univeristas Bahasa Inggris

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Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853


(TIMES NEW ROWMAN, 14 pt, Bold)
Author1*, Author 2, Author 3

Afisiliasi Author

Keywords: Abstract: Abstracts are written concisely

Keywords consist of 3 to 5 words and/or and factually, including research objectives,
groups of words; Written in order of word research methods, results and conclusions.
urgency; Between keywords are separated by abstract written in one paragraph; written in
commas (,). one language (Indonesian); Summary length
ranges from 150 - 200 words. Avoid
*Correspondence Address: referring to and using unfamiliar
Written with the author's email abbreviations. Times New Roman 10 font
correspondence type, with one (1) line spacing. In

Avoid sub-subs in the introduction. The introduction should contain the
background of the problem, problems and research objectives. The percentage of
introductory page length is between 10-15% of the total length of a manuscript.
References are indicated by writing the author's family name and year of
publication, without page numbers. The theoretical basis is presented in complete,
concise sentences and is truly relevant to the purpose of writing a scientific article.
The manuscript is written with a line density of 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12

Inform briefly about the materials and methods used in the research,
including the subjects/materials studied, the tools used, the experimental design or
design used, the sampling technique, the variables to be measured, the data
collection techniques, the analysis and the statistical models used. Avoid writing
statistical formulas excessively. If using a well-known method, state the name of
the method only. If necessary, state the reference source used as a reference. For
qualitative research, research methods can adjust. Manuscripts are written with a
line density of 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 font.


P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853

The format of research results and discussion is not separated, given the limited
number of pages available to authors. Manuscripts are written with a line density of
1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 font. Research results can be presented with the
support of tables, graphics or images as needed, to clarify the presentation results
verbally. Table titles and graphs or image captions are arranged in the form of
concise phrases (not sentences). The image/graphic caption is placed below the
image/graph, while the table title is placed above it. The title begins with a capital
letter. Do not repeat writing the numbers that have been listed in the table in the
discussion text. If you want to emphasize the results obtained, it is better to present
them in another form, for example a percentage or difference. To show the numbers
in question, just refer to the table containing the numbers. In general, international
journals do not want statistical language (such as: significantly different, treatment,
etc.) to be written in the discussion. Avoid copying and pasting statistical analysis
results tables directly from statistical data processing software.
Example Tables and Figures:

The discussion material mainly examines whether the results obtained are in
accordance with hypothesis or not, and put forward the argument. Citing references
in the discussion should not be too long (if necessary, avoid this). Citations of
research results or other people's opinions should be abstracted and written in their
own sentences (do not use exactly the same sentences). Collections of similar
research can be referred to in groups.

P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853

Conclusions should be answers to research questions, and not expressed in
statistical sentences. Written along one paragraph in essay form, not in numerical
form. The manuscript is written with a line density of 1.5 spacing, Times New
Roman 12 font.

General provisions for writing a bibliography:
The bibliography is arranged alphabetically based on the author's name in alphabetical
Author name provisions: the name displayed is the author's last name (surname) followed
by the initial (and middle) initial name abbreviation if any. If there is more than one author,
then the way of writing is the same. If there are two or more people, the word and uses the
& symbol. Writing reference titles begins with a capital letter on each syllable, except
Examples of writing can be seen in the explanation of each type of literature that is worth
referring to. If the library source is an article in a scientific journal, it is written in the
following order: author's name. (year). article title. journal name. Volume (number): pages
(Journal name in italics). If there is more than one author, the names are written the same
and the last author's name uses.
Rahmathulla, V.K. Das P.Ramesh, M. &Rajan, R.K. (2007).Growth Rate Pattern and
Economic Traits of Silkworm Bombyx mori, L under the influence of folic acid
administration.J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. 11(4): 81-84
Suharyanto, A.(2016).Pusat Aktivitas Ritual Kepercayaan Parmalim di Huta Tinggi
Laguboti, Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA, 4 (2): 182-195.

If the library source is a textbook, it is written in the following order: author's name, (year),
book title. volume (if any). edition (if any). publisher city: publisher name (book title in
Arikunto, S. (2002).Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Nawawi, H. (2012). Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University

P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853

If the library source is a translated book, it is written in the following order: original
author's name. (year). translation book. translated book title. volumes (if any). edition (if
any). translation. publisher city: publisher name (Book title in italics).
Bourdieu, P. 2010.Dominasi Maskulin.Terjemahan Stephanus Anwar Herwinarko.
Yogyakarta: Jalasutra.
Steel, R.G.D. &Torrie, J.H.1991.Prinsip dan Prosedur Statistika: Suatu Pendekatan
Biometrik. Terjemahan B.Sumantri. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

If the library source is in the form of an article in a book, the collection of articles is written
in the following order: the name of the author of the article. article title. in: editor name if
any followed by (Ed) (if single) or (Eds (if more than one) in brackets.(year).book title.
volume (if any).edition(if any).publisher city: name publisher (Book title in italics).
Ancok,D.Validitas dan Reliabilitas Instrumen Penelitian.dalam: Singarimbun dan Efendi
(Eds). (1999). Metode penelitian survey. Jakarta: LP3ES
Linz,J & Stephan,A.Some Thoughton Decentralization, Devolutionand The Many
Federal Arrangements. In: Jhosua K (Ed). (2001). Crafting Indonesian Democracy.
Bandung: Penerbit Mizan

If the library source is an article in a proceeding, it is written in the following order:

author's name. (year). Seminar manuscript title. proceeding title. seminar venue.
implementation time (Article title is italicized).
Setiawan, D. (2015). Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter di Era Global. Prosiding
Penguatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Membangun Karakter Kewarganegaraan di
Era Global. Seminar Nasional dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Guru. Medan 28
November 2015.

If the library source is an unpublished scientific work (for example: thesis, dissertation and
research report), it is written in the following order: author's name. (year). Title of research
report. research project name. city of issue: publishing agency/institution
(Thesis/thesis/dissertation/research reports are in italics).
Latifah,S.S. (2011), Perbedaan Kerja Ilmiah Siswa Sekolah Alam dalam Pembelajaran
P.Issn : 2808-859X
E.Issn : 2809-0853

Sains dengan Pendekatan PJBL Yang Terintegrasi, Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana

Univesitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Adjuh, R. (2001). Pengaruh Faktor Budaya terhadap Kemiskinan Masyarakat Nelayan di
Desa Percut Kabupaten Deli Serdang.Tesis. Sekolah Pascasarjana UNIMED.

If the library source is in the form of an article in a general newspaper/magazine, it is

written as follows order: name of author. (year). title of article. name of
newspaper/magazine. city, date of publication and page (Article title in italics).
Syamsuddin,A.(2008).Penemuan Hukum Ataukah Perilaku Chaos?
Kukuh, A. (2008). Obsesi Pendidikan Gratis Di Semarang. Suara Merdeka. Semarang 5
Maret. Hlm. L

If the library source is an online journal article, it is written in the following order: author's
name.(year). article title. journal name. volume (number): pages (Journal name in italics).
Ernada, S.E. (2005). Challenges to The Modern Concept of Human Rights. J. Sosial-
Politika. 6(11): 1-12
Siregar, N.S.S. (2016). Tingkat Kesadaran Masyarakat Nelayan terhadap Pendidikan Anak,
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik UMA,4 (1): 1-10.

If the library source is an online article (internet) without a place of publication and a
publisher, written in the following order: author's name. (year). article title. Downloaded at
the website address date (Article title in italics).Contoh:
Hariyanto, M, (2012). Ilmu Sosial dan Hegemoni Barat: Tantangan Bagi Ilmuan Sosial
Muslim. Diunduh di http://muhsinhar.staff.umy.ac.id/ilmu-sosial-dan-hegemoni-
barat- tantangan-bagi-ilmuan-sosial-muslim/ tanggal 09 Juli 2017
Levy, M. (2000). Environmental scarcity and violent conflict: a debate. Diunduh di
debate.html tanggal 4 Juli.

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