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Unit 4 LSTM

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Natural Language Processing

Pushpak Bhattacharyya
CSE Dept,
IIT Patna and Bombay


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 1


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 2

Feedforward Network and

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 3

Backpropagation algorithm
j …. Output layer
wji (m o/p
…. neurons)
Hidden layers
…. Input layer
(n i/p neurons)

n Fully connected feed forward network

n Pure FF network (no jumping of
connections over layers)
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 4
General Backpropagation Rule
• General weight updating rule:
Δw ji = ηδjoi
• Where

δ j = (t j − o j )o j (1 − o j ) for outermost layer

= ∑ (w δ
k∈next layer
kj k )o j (1 − o j )oi for hidden layers

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 5

Recurrent Neural Network

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 6

Sequence processing m/c

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 7

E.g. POS Tagging

Purchased Videocon machine

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 8

E.g. Sentiment Analysis
Decision on a piece of text
h0 h1


a11 a12 a13

o1 o2 o3 o4

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I like

h0 h1 h2


a21 a23

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 10

I like the

h0 h1 h2 h3


a31 a34

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 11

I like the camera

h0 h1 h2 h3 h4


a41 a44
a42 a43

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 12

I like the camera

h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5


a51 a54
a52 a53

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 13

Notation: input and state
n xt : input at time step t
n st : hidden state at time step t. It is the
“memory” of the network.
n st= f(U.xt+Wst-1) U and W matrices are

n f is Usually tanh or ReLU (approximated by


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 14

Tanh, ReLU (rectifier linear
unit) and Softplus
x −x

tanh = e −e
x −x
e +e tanh =

f ( x) = max( 0, x)
g ( x) = ln(1 + e )
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 15
Notation: output
n ot is the output at step t

n For example, if we wanted to predict

the next word in a sentence it would be
a vector of probabilities across our

n ot=softmax(V.st)

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 16

Backpropagation through time
(BPTT algorithm)
n The forward pass at each time step.

n The backward pass computes the error

derivatives at each time step.

n After the backward pass we add

together the derivatives at all the
different times for each weight.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 17

A recurrent net for binary
• Two input units and one output
• Given two input digits at each 00110100
time step.
• The desired output at each time 01001101
step is the output for the column
that was provided as input two 10000001
time steps ago.
– It takes one time step to
update the hidden units
based on the two input time
– It takes another time step for

the hidden units to cause the


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 18

The connectivity of the
• The input units have
feed forward

• Allow them to vote 3 fully interconnected hidden

for the next hidden units
activity pattern.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 19

What the network learns
n Learns four distinct patterns of activity for the
3 hidden units.

n Patterns correspond to the nodes in the finite

state automaton

n Nodes in FSM are like activity vectors

n The automaton is restricted to be in exactly

one state at each time

n The hidden units are restricted to have exactly

one vector of activity at each time.
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 20
Recall: Backpropagation Rule
• General weight updating rule:
Δw ji = ηδjoi
• Where

δ j = (t j − o j )o j (1 − o j ) for outermost layer

= ∑ (w δ
k∈next layer
kj k )o j (1 − o j )oi for hidden layers

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 21

The problem of exploding or
vanishing gradients
– If the weights are small, the gradients shrink

– If the weights are big the gradients grow


• Typical feed-forward neural nets can cope with

these exponential effects because they only
have a few hidden layers.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 22


(Ack: Lecture notes of Taylor

Arnold, Yale and

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 23

LSTM: a variation of vanilla

Vanilla RNN

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LSTM: complexity within the

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Central idea
n Memory cell maintains its state over

n Non-linear gating units regulate the

information flow into and out of the cell

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A simple line diagram for

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 27

Stepping through Constituents

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 28

Again: Example of Refrigerator
n Visiting service person is becoming
rarer and rarer,
(ambiguous! ‘visit to service person’ OR ‘visit by service

n and I am regretting/appreciating
my decision to have bought the
refrigerator from this company
(appreciating à ‘to’; regretting à ‘by’)

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 29

n ‘Visiting’: ‘visit to’ or ‘visit
by’ (ambiguity, syntactic opacity)

n Problem: solved or unsolved (not

known, semantic opacity)

n ‘Appreciating’/’Regretting’: transparent;
available on the surface

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 30

4 possibilities (states)
Clue-1 Clue-2 Problem Sentiment

Visit to service Appreciating solved Positive

Visit to service Appreciating Not solved Not making
person sense!

Visit to service Regretting solved May be reverse

person sarcasm

Visit to service Regretting Not solved Negative


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 31

4 possibilities (states)
Clue-1 Clue-2 Problem Sentiment

Visit by service Appreciating solved Positive

Visit by service Appreciating Not solved May be sarcastic

Visit by service Regretting solved May be reverse

person sarcasm

Visit by service Regretting Not solved Negative


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 32

LSTM constituents: Cell State

The first and foremost component- the controller of flow of information

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 33

LSTM constituents- Forget

Helps forget irrelevant information. Sigmoid function. Output is between

0 and 1. Because of product, close to 1 will be full pass, close to 0 no pass

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 34

LSTM constituents: Input gate

tanh produces a cell state vector; multiplied with input gate which again
0-1 controls what and how much input goes FOWARD

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Cell state operation

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15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 37

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 38

Better picture (the one we
started with)

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Another picture

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LSTM schematic greff et al. LSTM a Space
Odyssey, arxiv 2015

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 41


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 42

Required mathematics

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Training of LSTM

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 44

Many layers and gates
n Though complex, in principle possible to
n Gates are also sigmoid or tanh networks

n Remember the FUNDAMENTAL

backpropagation rule

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 45

General Backpropagation Rule
• General weight updating rule:
Δw ji = ηδjoi
• Where

δ j = (t j − o j )o j (1 − o j ) for outermost layer

= ∑ (w δ
k∈next layer
kj k )o j (1 − o j )oi for hidden layers

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 46

LSTM tools
n Tensorflow, Ocropus, RNNlib etc.

n Tools do everything internally

n Still insights and concepts are inevitable

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LSTM applications

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 48

Many applications
n Language modeling (The tensorflow tutorial on PTB is a good
place to start Recurrent Neural Networks) character and word
level LSTM’s are used
n Machine Translation also known as sequence to sequence
learning (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.3215.pdf)
n Image captioning (with and without attention,
n Hand writing generation (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.0850v5...)
n Image generation using attention models - my favorite (
n Question answering (http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/...)
n Video to text (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.00487...)

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 49

Deep Learning Based Seq2Seq
Models and POS Tagging
Acknowledgement: Anoop Kunchukuttan, PhD Scholar, IIT Bombay

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 50

So far we are seen POS tagging as a sequence labelling task

For every element, predict the tag/label (using

function f )
I read the book ● Length of output
sequence is same as
input sequence
f f f f ● Prediction of tag at
time t can use only the
words seen till time t

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 51

We can also look at POS tagging as a sequence to sequence transformation
Read the entire sequence and predict the output sequence (using
function F)
● Length of output
sequence need not be
I read the book
the same as input
● Prediction at any time
F step t has access to the
entire input
● A more general
PRP VB DT NN framework than
sequence labelling

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 52

Sequence to Sequence transformation is a more general framework than
sequence labelling

● Many other problems can be expressed as sequence to sequence

○ e.g. machine translation, summarization, question answering, dialog
● Adds more capabilities which can be useful for problems like MT:
○ many → many mappings: insertion/deletion to words, one-one
○ non-monotone mappings: reordering of words
● For POS tagging, these capabilites are not required

How does a sequence to sequence model work? Let’s see two paradigms

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 53

Encode - Decode Paradigm (5)… continue till
end of sequence
tag is generated

Use two RNN networks: the encoder and (4) Decoder

the decoder generates one
element at a

(3) This is used

to initialize the <EO
decoder state PRP VB DT NN
(1) Encoder S>
processes one
sequences at a
time h0 h1 h2 h3 h4

s0 s1 s1 s3 Decodin
(2) A representation
of the sentence is
I read the book


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 54

This approach reduces the entire sentence representation to a
single vector

Two problems with this design choice:

● This is not sufficient to represent to capture all the syntactic and
semantic complexities of a sentence
○ Solution: Use a richer representation for the sentences
● Problem of capturing long term dependencies: The decoder RNN will
not be able to able to make use of source sentence representation after
a few time steps
○ Solution: Make source sentence information when making the next
○ Even better, make RELEVANT source sentence information

These solutions motivate the next paradigm

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 55
Encode - Attend - Decode Paradigm

Represent the source

sentence by the set of
output vectors from the

Each output vector at time t

is a contextual
representation of the input
at time t
s0 s1 s2 s3
Note: in the encoder-
decode paradigm, we
I read the book ignore the encoder outputs

Let’s call these encoder

output vectors annotation
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 56
How should the decoder use the set of annotation vectors while predicting
the next character?
Key Insight:
(1)Not all annotation vectors are equally important for prediction of the next
(2)The annotation vector to use next depends on what has been generated so
far by the decoder

eg. To generate the 3rd POS tag, the 3rd annotation vector (hence 3rd word) is
most important

One way to achieve this:

Take a weighted average of the annotation vectors, with more weight to
annotation vectors which need more focus or attention

This averaged context vector is an input to the decoder

For generation of ith output character:
ci : context vector
aij : annotation weight for the jth annotation
oj: jth annotation vector
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 57
Let’s see an example of how the attention
h0 h1
mechanism works


a11 a12 a13

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 58


h0 h1 h2


a21 a23

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 59


h0 h1 h2 h3


a31 a34

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 60


h0 h1 h2 h3 h4


a41 a44
a42 a43

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 61


h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5


a51 a54
a52 a53

o1 o2 o3 o4

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 62

But we do not know the attention weights?
How do we find them?

Let the training data help you decide!!

Idea: Pick the attention weights that maximize the POS

tagging accuracy
(more precisely, decrease training data
loss)function that predicts the attention weights:
Have an attention

aij = A(oj,hi;o)

A could be implemented as a feedforward network which is a component of the

overall network

Then training the attention network with the rest of the network ensures that
the attention weights are learnt to minimize the translation loss
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 63
OK, but do the attention weights actually show focus on
certain parts?

Here is an example of how attention weights represent a soft alignment for

machine translation

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 64

Let’s go back to the encoder. What type of encoder cell should we use there?
● Basic RNN: models sequence history by maintaining state information
○ But, cannot model long range dependencies
● LSTM: can model history and is better at handling long range dependencies

The RNN units model only the sequence seen so far, cannot see the sequence
● Can use a bidirectional RNN/LSTM
● This is just 2 LSTM encoders run from opposite ends of the sequence and
resulting output vectors are composed

Both types of RNN units process the sequence sequentially, hence parallelism is

Alternatively, we can use a CNN

● Can operate on a sequence in parallel

● However, cannot model entire sequence history
● Model only a short local context. This may be sufficient for some
applications or deep CNN layers can overcome the problem
15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 65
Convolutional Neural Network

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 66

CNN= feedforward +
n Whatever we learnt so far in FF-BP is useful
to understand CNN
n So also is the case with RNN (and LSTM)
n Input divided into regions and fed forward
n Window slides over the input: input changes,
but ‘filter’ parameters remain same
n That is RNN

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Remember Neocognitron

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 68

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 69
Convolution § Matrix on the left represents an
black and white image.

§ Each entry corresponds to one

pixel, 0 for black and 1 for white
(typically it’s between 0 and 255
for grayscale images).

4 § The sliding window is called

3 a kernel, filter, or feature detector.
2 4 3
§ Here we use a 3×3 filter, multiply
2 3 4 its values element-wise with the
original matrix, then sum them up.

§ To get the full convolution we do

this for each element by sliding the
filter over the whole matrix.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 70

CNN architecture
n Several layers of convolution with tanh or ReLU
applied to the results
n In a traditional feedforward neural network we
connect each input neuron to each output neuron in
the next layer. That’s also called a fully connected
layer, or affine layer.
n In CNNs we use convolutions over the input layer to
compute the output.
n This results in local connections, where each region
of the input is connected to a neuron in the output

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 71

Learning in CNN
n Automatically learns the values of
its filters
n For example, in Image Classification
learn to
n detect edges from raw pixels in the first layer,
n then use the edges to detect simple shapes in the
second layer,
n and then use these shapes to deter higher-level
features, such as facial shapes in higher layers.
n The last layer is then a classifier that uses
these high-level features.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 72

Remember Neocognitron

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15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 74
What about NLP and CNN?
n Natural Match!

n NLP happens in

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 75

NLP: multilayered,
Semantics NLP

Part of Speech
Discourse and Coreference
Increased Analysis Marathi French
Complexity Semantics
Hindi English


POS tagging


22 Apr, 2017 LG:nlp:pos:pushpak 76

NLP layers and CNN
n Morph layer à
n POS layer à
n Parse layer à
n Semantics layer

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 77

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 78

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 79

n Gives invariance in translation, rotation
and scaling

n Important for image recognition

n Role in NLP?

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 80

Input matrix for CNN: NLP

§“image” for NLP ßà word

§in the rows
3 4
§For a 10 word sentence using a
2 4 3
100-dimensional Embedding,
2 3 4

§we would have a 10×100 matrix

as our input

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 81

Credit: Denny Britz


15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 82

CNN Hyper parameters
n Narrow width vs. wide width
n Stride size
n Pooling layers
n Channels

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 83

Abhijit Mishra, Kuntal Dey and Pushpak Bhattacharyya,
Learning Cognitive Features from Gaze Data for Sentiment and Sarcasm
Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network, ACL 2017, Vancouver, Canada,
July 30-August 4, 2017.

15 jun, 2017 lgsoft:nlp:lstm:pushpak 84

Learning Cognitive Features from Gaze
Data for Sentiment and Sarcasm
n In complex classification tasks like
sentiment analysis and sarcasm
detection, even the extraction and
choice of features should be delegated
to the learning system
n CNN learns features from both gaze
and text and uses them to classify the
input text
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