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Carbon Steel Cast Billet Ingots, Billets, Blooms and Slabs For Re-Rolling Purposes - Specification

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IS 14650:1999

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Indian Standard



ICS 77.140

@ BIS 1999


NEW DELHI 110002

April 1999 Price Group 2

Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee, MTD 4


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau oflndian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Wrought
Steel Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council.

With the establishment of various types of new steel re-rolling units in the country, a need was felt to formulate
an Indian Standard for semi-finished steel for re-rolling into various steel products for which no semi-finished
product standard is available at present. On the request of manufacturing as well user industry, the committee
examined the issue and decided to formulate an Indian Standard for semi-finished steel which may be used for
any steel product irrespective of its use.

In this standard, the requirements of carbon steel cast billet ingots, billets, blooms and slabs for re-rolling into
different steel products conforming to various product standards are covered. The requirements of this standard
are also applicable to billets, blooms and slabs produced by continuous casting process.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement pf this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
1S 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding o~f numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 14650:1999

Indian Standard


1 SCOPE 3.2 Billet

1.1 This standard covers the requirements of carbon A semi-finished product obtained by forging, rolling
steel cast billet ingots, billets, blooms and slabs for or continuously casting, usually square and not
rolling into different steel products conforming to exceeding 125 mm x 125 mm in cross section with
applicable Indian Standards. The requirements of this rounded corners and is intended for further processing
standard shall also be applicable to billets, blooms and into suitable finished product by forging or re -rolling.
slabs procluced by continuous casting process.
3.3 Bloom
1.2 The requirements of this standard shall not be
applicable for those steel products for which semi- A semi-finished forged rolled or continuously cast
finished material standards exist. product. The cross section is square or nearly
rectangular (excluding slab) and the cross section is
generally more than 125 mm x 125 mm (or equivalent
The following Indian Standards contain provisions cross-sectional area).
which through reference in this text, constitute
provision of this standard. At the time of publication, 3.4 Slab
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are A semi-finished rolled, forged or continuously cast
subject to revision, and pm-ties to agreements based on product intended for re-rolling or forging. The cross
this standard are encouraged to investigate the section is rectangular. The thickness does not exceed
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the one-third of the width.
standards indicated below:
3.5 Microalloying Elements
[S No. Title

228 Methods of chemical analysis of pig Elements, such as niobium, vanadium and titanium,
iron, cast iron and plain carbon and added singly or in combination to obtain higher
low alloy steels strength levels combined with better formability,
weldability and toughness as compared with non-
1956 Glossary of’ terms relating to iron
alloyed steel produced to equivalent strength levels.
and steel
8910:1978 General technical delivery require- 4 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL
ments for steel and steel product General requirements relating to the supply of steel
11371:1988 Method for macroetch test of shall conform to IS 8910.
wrought steel products
12037: 1987 Micrographic examination by 5 MANUFACTURE
sulphur print (Baumann Method)
5.1 The steel shall be manufactured by any process of
3 TERMINOLOGY steel making at the discretion of the manufacturer. It
may be followed by secondary refining.
For the purpose of this standard, the following
definitions in addition to those given in the relevant 5.2 Steel shall be supplied semi-killed or killed.
part of IS 1956 shall apply. Rimming steel may also be supplied only by special
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
3.1 Cast Billet Ingot
For the purpose of this standard, cast billet ingot shall
be defined as in ot generally of cross section not more 6.1 The chemical composition of steel shall conform
than 200 mm which can be rolled directly into to the ladle analysis requirements of the relevant
merchant products. Cast billet ingot is also sometimes finished product standard under which the blooms,
known as ‘pencil ingot’. billets slabs or cast billet ingots has been ordered.

IS 14650:1999

6.1.1 Theladle analysis ofsteel shall recarried either 8.1.1 Drilling shall be taken from the sample
by the method specified in the-relevant pm of IS 228, representing two-thirds, one half and one-third of
or any other established instrumental/chemical height from bottom of the ingot separately.
method. In case of dispute, the procedure given in the
8.2 In case of billets, blooms and slabs (including
relevant part of’ IS 228 shall be the referee method.
continuously cast) the sample for check analysis shall
However, where the method is not given in IS 228 or
be taken from the location as shown in Fig. 1.
its relevant parts, the referee method shall be as agreed
to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

G3 .——
6.1.2 When the steel is killed by aluminium alone,
the total aluminium content shall not be less than i+
0.02 percent. When the steel is killed by silicon alone,
the silicon content shali not be less than 0.10 percent.
When the steel is silicon-aluminium killed, the silicon
content shall not be less than 0.03 percent and total
aluminium content shall not be less than 0.01 percent.

6.1.3 When micro-alloying elements like Nb, V and

Ti are used individually or in combination the total
content shall not exceed 0.2 percent.

6.1.4 Details of elements other than those specified 9 DIMENSIONS

may be supplied, if agreed at the time of enquiry.
9.1 The size and shapes of cast billet ingots shall be
6.1.5 If carbon equivalent is specified, it shall be subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser
based on the ladle analysis and shall be calculated by and the manufacturer.
the following formula:
9.1.1 The preferred size for width across flat of billets,
Mn Cr+Mo+V + Ni+Cu
Carbon Equivalent = C + ~ + ~ — blooms and slabs (including continuously cast) Shall
be 50, 63, 65, 71, 75, 80, 90, 100, 125, 150, 165 and
6.1.6 When steel is required in copper-bearing 200 mm.
quality, it shall be designated with a suffix Cu with the
9.1.2 Widths other than those specified, may be
normal designation.
supplied as per the mutual agreement between the
6.1.7 Nitrogen content of the steel should not exceed manufacturer and the purchaser.
0.012 percent and shall be ensured by the
9.2 Length of billets, blooms, slabs shall be
manufacturer by occasional check analysis.
preferably from 3 and 13 metres. Other lengths can
6.2 Check Analysis also be supplied subject to mutual agreement between
the purchaser and the manufacturer.
Check analysis shall be carried out on the finished
product from the standard position. Permissible 10 TOLERANCES
variations in the case of check analysis from the limits
10.1 In case of cast billet ingots, a tolerance of
of ladle analysis shall be as specif~ed in the relevant
+5 mm shall be permitted on the specified width
finished product standard.
across flat and a tolerance of *150 on the specified
6.2.1 Variation shall not be applicable both over and length.
under the specified limits in several determinations in
10.2 In case of billets, blooms and slabs (including
one heat.
continuously cast), the following tolerances shall
6.2.2 Check analysis shall not apply to rimming steel. apply:

7 SAMPLING Produc~ Width Across Thickness Tolerances

Flat on Width/
At least one ladle analysis shall be taken from one Thickness
cast. mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
CHECK ANALYSIS Billets Up to and —
including 75
8.1 In the case of cast billet ingots, if required, the Over 75 —
samples for product analysis shall be prepared by
forging/rolling down to 30 mm round section. Blooms Up to and — +4.5
including 150 –3.0


IS 14650:1999

Product Width Across Thickness Tolerances 10.3 A tolerance of~150 mm shall be permitted on
Flat on WidtW the specified length of billets, blooms, slabs and
Thickness continuously cast billets, blooms and slabs.
mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
11.1 Cast billet ingots shall be supplied reasonably
Over I 50 — +6.0 free from harmful defects, such as segregation, piping,
cracks, inclusions, blow-holes, etc.
Slabs — Up to and +3.0 11.2 Billets, blooms -and slabs shall be free from all
including 150 –4.() harmful defects, such as cracks, surface flaws;
— laminations and rough, jagged and imperfect edges.
Over 150 +3.0
–6.0 11.3 Billets, blooms and slabs shall be reasonably free
— from all camber, off flat, out of square, round comers,
Up to and +6.0
ridges of gas cutting, tapers and pit of scar-fkg.
including 300 –3.0
Over 300 — +5.0 11.4 The following supplementary requirements of
–10.0 tolerance that are considered suitable for use with each
material shall be applicable when mutually agreed to
and specified in the order:

Defects Product Tolerance

(1) (2) (3)
Camber (on lateral edge) Slab 8 mm per metre of length subject to
50 mm, Max
Bend Slab (off flat) 8 mm per metre of length subject to
50 mm, Max
Bloom/Billet 5 mm per metre
Out of square Slab S 0.01 x width in mm

Bloom/Billet Up to and including 5 mm Max measured as diagonal

150 mm I difference
in cross section
Over 150 mm 7 mm Max
Round corners Rolled slab Plain thickness at the extreme edge
shall be 20.5 x thickness in mm
Ridges due to gas cutting Slab Less than or equal to uniform ridges
spread over the entire cross section. A
single ridge of 20 mm or limited
num-ber of ridges with more than
5 mm depth
Taper (width variation on Slab 6 mm, Max
the same surface)
Edge slanting (width -variation Slab 10 mm. Max
on top and bottom surface at one
Convexity (difference in Slab 6 mm, Max
thickness from edge to curve)
Chamfering (length variation Slab 10 mm, Max
on top and bottom surface at one
Wedge (thickness variation at Slab 3 mm, Max
the edges along the cross
Scarfing pits Slab/Bloom/Billet Depths 0.05 x thickness
Width >6 x depth in mm

IS 14650:1999

12 OTHER TESTS 13.3.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed by

tbe provisions of Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
If mutually agreed to between the purchaser and the 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
manufacturer, the macro examination (see IS 11371) The details of conditions under which the licence for
and sulphur print tests (see IS 12037) may be carried the use of Standard Mark may be granted to
out for cast billet ingots. manufacturers or producers may be obtained from
13 MARKING the Bureau of Indian Standards.

13.1 Each cast billet ingot, billet, bloom and slab shall 14 ORDERING INFORMATION
be legibly stamped or painted with the cast number; While placing an order for the ingots/continuously cast
and the name or trade-mark of the manufacturer. billets, blooms and slabs covered by this standard, the
13.2 The ends of billets, blooms and slabs shall be purchaser should specify clearly the following:
painted with a suitable colour code. a) Steel grade;
b) Size of ingotlbillet, bloom, slab and
13.3 BIS Certification Mark)ng continuously cast billet, bloom and slab;
The material may also be marked with the Standard c) Size and dimensions of end product;
Mm-k. d) End use;
e) Tests and test report required; and
f-) Special requirements, if any.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote .—
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BKS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. MTD 4 ( 4174 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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