Correlative Conjunction
Correlative Conjunction
Correlative Conjunction
What is a correlative
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions
that connect words or phrases that are the same
part of speech or serve the same function within
a sentence.
How are correlative
conjunctions used?
Correlative conjunctions are used to make
writing flow more easily, reduce redundancy,
and make the relationship between equal words
or phrases within a sentence clear. Although
they can be used to allude to cause- and-effect
relationships, they don't have to be.
How to use correlative
Correlative conjunctions always come in
pairs. Many of these words can be used
without their correlative partners, and
when this is the case, the word isn't
acting as a correlative conjunction.
The common correlative conjunction pairs are
party and taking one car." The project requires both creativity
and attention to detail.
• as many/as
John has eaten as many apples
as Mary.
This structure is You can take as many books as
used to compare a you like from the library.
countable noun to The team scored as many goals
something else. as their opponents.