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Cbc-Brochure UHR

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rant SOLUTION FOR INDUSTRIAL BULK MATERIAL C-FLEX Conveyor Belt COVER RUBBER SELECTION ‘The most suitable cover rubber should be selected according to the kind and Lump size of materials transported and operating condition of the belt such as Impact height, Abrasiveness, Desired belt life | omaaa Application Physteal Prop enies See | “me 5 Fete | tos racian ancetais Re | wacteore | pints, | Meco | Meccan General asm ‘Gouge resistance. Suitable for ‘Stone, Rocks, as x “0 2s BS M24 materials 80 crs 450 150 ssw | cz mnycigatewanne | cSt ® " “ w® BSNIT ‘material te. a0 7 400 150 Ses * " o ‘s a eo i = ° ~ - ‘Abrasion ASA for tanepadting mater roy (they ran ote 0 18 400 80 fasta He eal os Sonos en Tron = | 2 = 125 350 200 ‘also cut, abrasion & Year ‘Sintered Ore, ‘Surface, 150°C 125 350) 200 ow a tims, | Sea ws |e = 10 300, 200 potutermnar see [tscmes | uegeame | oo » m= ma RF eo 7 = = Resistar 1S FRAS ‘coal & such types of mines whore 8 v 380) 200 cawcan(c) [peel resistance ‘vegetable oils and fats Pe Coen eeran eran Soe | Rapaa [A 7 = Note : Belts of any other grade and standards can be made on request CBC indi: 1 Conveyor Belt C-FLEX Conveyor Belt Types of C-FLEX conveyor belts for each use & application + General Conveyor Belt Nylon/NylonConveyor Belt (NN) Polyester/Nylon Conveyor Bett (EP) ‘Super Abrasion Resistant Conveyor Belt (SAR) Heat Resistant Conveyor Belt (HR/SHR/UHR) Chemical Resistant Conveyor Belt (CR) il Resistant Conveyor Belt (OR) Heat & Oil Resistant Conveyor Belt (ORHR) Flame Resistant Conveyor Belt (FR) Pipe Conveyor Belt Rough Top Conveyor Belt Inclined (Chevron Cleated) Conveyor Belt Steel-Mesh Conveyor Bett (IW/SW/IWR) Steel Cord Conveyor Belt (ST) ‘Skim Coat bs ' Bottom Cover Excellent in abrasion and ‘lexiilty, provides wearing surface against pulleys and idles, adhesion between pies for protecting against ply separation Carcass Extremely low stretch characteristics of fabric and good troughabiity. ‘Tompaunded for excollont Conveyor Belt Construction C-FLEX Heavy Duty conveyor and Elevator Belts. Various Knds 0 abre carcass and wide ranges of tension rating make it possible to select the best conveyor belt forthe intended application. f eS = vt Raw Ww ia a ‘Top Cover Designed to protect the ‘carcass trom service ‘conditions lke ol, neat, C-FLEX Conveyor Belt 35n G3SNOTOUs UaLaVNaAG]_-EW KOS | KEW KOS- | Mew KOS | MEW KOS- | KEW NOS [eRUEID N (ebei0ny) Aa ov ama NoIs3Hav waH5IH O13na| _XeWy60s-_ | _ xe x05 eM «Os- | EWI KOS- | REUTHOS= [AAUEUD SE[ _GONOD US T>) Mao} J0AEO G3SIWINIA NOLWNINYTZG aNv] EWI KOS" | _—reUTKOS- | FEU KOS- | weUT KOS | ~REUT KOS [AAUEUD S| GORDO US IR) Ala o17eNEO GauvNIWia 3uNIVs LNOF/s0Mds] 9.027/514 96 | _>.0ct/s%196 | D.0st/su ez [>.o0r/s4 zz | 9.0z/=4 ee DNIOY Was NOTSSHOY| GaN] OT ort sy sy a (@BereNY) Nek OV ASOWTW Aid OL Ald ONY Atd Of __O'ZT ozt oe oe oe TRUUN | GOROD WS T>) Ala OF JeNeS ¥aN02 4ONOUWNINVG | _ OT owt se se se [HUN | GOR0D Ua g'F=) Aig 6NES GaPIM WIN) uoIsoUPY asn G3DNOTONd UaLaW NANG] OBTS uBay ie4y ANVISISaY uvaM uaLiae] ost oat os os ose uw 207 uojseiay| “a5vSn/aan WIONOTSTUNSNal —_XEW SE seu se xeuse | seuse | xewse_| v.oous ‘ssanauval “3aN1 UIHDIH STUNSNG| Busby s0uy ‘ujus = | - - * (-upus 002) ss- | (ww ost) ss- |(nuw ost) ss-| os: or % yoog® buorg ur oben a salivadoud ONIaDV UaLL3¢| Busby 20uy jun ZT)0%- 7 7 - - (un zr)ov- or or se se % nbuosig oysuel or obvony DuOLT/s14 BOT | aot eat _| a.0st/em aor fo.sex/e ez | 9.00T/= zc fansai/ sun NOWIGNOD SNID¥| S59 s759 o759 aso | sso [v.s00us SSaNGUVA (008 Ose Ose ose ose [are Fears © woReoIO DNIDNOD @ONLAND waSSHI] _—_O'STS ove sue sae | sere | ow wabueng e7sue1 Somodoid J9N05| ‘avor xoTS| “DNvISIO an sav wasn] OTS oT ves obs ops | ne NOUWONOTS 3a “SUSWELDRIVEDSWVILINY OSTY] OOF ose on 32 [INVISNOO SHIH HONOYHL NUNS ‘ONaAsNe| OSE ose ‘002 ser oor Qe wad waGMOa| ‘ONINZGUWH ONY ONINSNOWED wassm]__OSE, ose 08 ‘22 __[INVISNOD. /oaxv1a0 “soNvAsisa4 1v3H ¥aL136| 00S 005 zz ost scr De mad anny] AUAUSISRY SUNIVESEWal| INSWIVIUL WOIWGHD Twinads| [eIMPOW UBIH) | (SeIMPOW YF Hum 3unu onus orev ¥31136| a a a a7 NN_| aa 7NN HID “dawoo | aaawnoanoo aniviogas | ATvioaas wads) | uasuN | uas ‘annoawos maa waaa so wesun | /uas fun /uas| reo0z:1/a0 | reoozae | servos: | rears! | veerssi NOUWora3a5 1038 3V¥9 UH WaHLO wIAO] _()PL-UH aH ELuH z-uH | Tun wavu9| WuaHt voaW 40 s20viNvAay] WUSHL VOI SuYUVANSY £1348 INVisisa¥ 1V3H 40 SAGVHD SNOIYVA JO AGNLS SALLVYVdINOD indi: CB Conveyor Belt MEGA THERM (300°C-500°C) MEGA THERM High Temperature Material/Heat Resistant Conveyor Belting, suitable to withstand Material Temperature between 300°C-500°C(Peak/Lump/Sporadic) and Fines/Powdery material under 300°C is made of Cover Rubber with EPDM(Ethylene Propylene Dine Monomer), a polymer, best known for Heat Resistant characteristics. Molecular structure, Chemical Bonding and composition of EPDM are responsible for better Heat Resistivity character as compared to SBR/NR- SBR compounds used for HRT1/HRT2/SHR & HR T3/UHR belts, Special variety and correct phr of Anti Oxidant & Anti Ozonant chemicals incorporated in the compound, ensures No Cracking or Delayed Cracking of MEGA THERM Covers upon prolonged usage and exposure to high temperature. Anti Flame characteristics also reduces the incidents of Burn through holes. Most significant feature of MEGA THERM belt is it's High Adhesion Value of 12/12 as against 3.5/4.5(kN/m width) of 11, T2 & T3 belts. This Higher Adhesion Characteristics both before and after ageing thus eliminates the possibility of Cover to Ply and Ply to Ply de-lamination. Italso eliminates the possibility of Splice/Joint failure. MEGA THERM are produced and tested as per International Standard GB/T20021( HRT4) . CBC india C-FLEX Conveyor Belt CHEVRON CLEATED INCLINED & ROUGH TOP CONVEYOR BELT Type of Rough Top Belt 2ply Black roughtop x Bare * 2oly Tan roughtop x Bare ply Black roughtop x Bare * Sply Tan roughtop x Bare * Sply Blown Niele roughton x Bare This belt was designed for transporting fragile or easil Special Features * Cushioning effect absorbs vibration and reduces sippage. * Usabio atthe angle of 25-35 degroes, depending on goods to be carried. deformed goods such as glass, paper bags, carton box etc. The slip resisting * Low friction coefficient with bare back bottom, surface is ideal Structure of Rough Top + Two oF three pes of synthetic fabrics provide high for steep oncline/ Fou sttength and flexi decline 7 gecececete + Various colored cover rubbers are available, applications. Incline (Chevron- Coase Omen od Cleated) conveyor belt is used to carry coal and mineral core, Powdery such as sand, fine coal and grain materials up steep inclines. Chevron-Cleats increase the quantity of granular materials in heavy duty incline applications. Multi-V Cleated Belt Special Features + High quality fabric with iow tech + Cleat angle and ptch «Steep Incline Belt (G15 Type) _Steep Incline Belt (625 Type) are designed fr smooth rave over satanpacie) nea 208 stv pata rea ‘am rotum irs soo | 28s | 250 a 0 | 200 | 250 wm «Higher angle of 17-00 600] 385 | 250 to | seo. | 20 ° eee fo | ass | 250 orm 750 | 550 | 250 450 | 200 | 70 too | S50 | 280 + Wear resistant ard co | 600 | 70 soo | 720 | <0 olresistant black 1900 | 600 |. 370 +1000 | 760° | 80 rubber qual is we troso | 750 | 0 avaiable 200 | 760 | 280 tata CBC indi: 5 LEX Conveyor Belt Side wall Conveyor Belt ‘This type of sidewal bot has no fn and normaly used forthe inclination within 0-16" The cross-fin provides better perforance to be used ta high degree of incination up to 15-60" designed two corrugated sidewalls molded to cross-rigid base belt. This belt is developed in order to meet larger capacities with considerable stabili and strength. ‘and wider basobet ‘construction is suttable for the application up to more than 60° Cross Rigid Base Belt In order to give maximum stabiityn the transverse direction this basebet is reinforced with specially designed flament fabrics which provides better retumside suppor, no wear and tear of cleats ‘and cover nisbers available with various ‘compounds ike abrasion resistance, ol heat, fame resistance, Type Special Features * Increase the transporting capacity to 4 times compared to standard conveyor belt + Save instalation space due to the possibilty of increasing the angle of incination up to 90° + Protect the matorial from fiction by soli cleats mounted on the bet. Comparison of Gross Section Area Various Installation + Gross Rigel Base Sot + Standard CormayorBet Stipe L-type, SType + AL-Type amma 4a fF . CBC india C-FLEX Conveyor Belt Constructional Elements C-Flex Steel Cord Belt HW Structual elements of C-Flex Belt [i Vypical Configurations of Stee! Cord CBC india Steel Cord The cord used in C FLEX is made of specially developed High Carbon Steel. While manufacturing the belt, this high tensile strength cord is held longitudinally in a single layer under pre-detemined tension to ensure proper alignment The standard constructions of steel cord used are 7x7, 7x19. The cords are coated suitably with zinc to protect the same from corrosion as well as to ensure superior bonding between cord and rubber. C-Flex has high strength to cross section ratio which ensures higher modulus. Filaments constituting the cord have lower elongation and higher flexibility. Ratio of diameter of core to outer strand are so designed that penetration of Rubber into the Cord interstices is maximised. The penetration has multifold effect e.g. notching effect of the wire against one another is prevented, corrosion resistance is increased, strength is increased, elongation is reduced Alternate application of S & Z lay cord eliminates the accumulation of residual torsion Bonder Rubber Bonder Rubber ensures permanent bond between rubber and cord. It is designed to ensure adequate penetration inside the cord, to prevent corrosion, to impart greater pull out strength and elevated dynamic efficiency. Also, it has inherent resistance to thermal degradation, a feature which facilitates splicing. The bonder compound is designed to help synchronised fusion. Rubber Cover The premium quality rubber cover of C-Flex has high tensile strength, high elongation, high resistance to abrasion and may conform to any national/international standard as desired by the customer, In addition, = ‘gail iat C-Flex also available with Oil, Heat and Fire Resistant grades to ee meet specific service ag requirements. Bae Hint napa gird C-FLEX Conveyor Belt Steel Mesh Grade (IW-Type) Steel Mesh Conveyor Belt ‘+ The smaler elongation for stos! mesh belt reduces the length of take-up. ‘+ Excalent adhesion between steel mesh and cover rubber to resist fex fatigue and impact + Single carcass reinforcement has much better feexbilty, ‘Stoo! mesh belt offers superior resistance to the repeated mpacts, The special design of steel mesh conveyor belt consists of brass-coated steel cords in both warp and filling directions. This steel mesh conveyor belt was developed to solve the problem with longitudinal cutting, tearing conventional steel cord belt. Been Cover Rubber Designed to meet partcuiar sorvicos Binder Yarn st Cord(Weft) Steel Cord(Warp) Bottom Rubber Grade| |W350 IW500_ (W630, (ws00 1w1000 1w1250 1wW1600 Tensile Suength Warp) | watem | 350 500 20 200 “000 7250 “800 Tension Rating raten | 35 50 «3 0 100 15 160 Tensile Suength wet) | kotem | 90 % %0 15 135 15 175 Carcass Twcmress | nm | 32 a2 32 45 45 60 60 Weignt vont | 3.85 245 295 415 500 635 190 ule Diameter om | 260 250 250 400 00 600 0 Steel Mesh Grade (IWR-Type) Grade] IW630R | IW800R}IW1000R| IW1250R|IW1400R| IW1600R | IW1800R | Iw2000R Tenaie Strength Warp) [isiem | 630 | 600 | 1000 250 | 1400 | 1600 1800 7000 Tension Rating tam | 63 20 100 ns | M0 160 180 200 Tensile Suengin wet | raem | 200 | 200 | 200 20 | 200 200 200 200 Carcass Trcmess | nm | 50 56 56 oa | 04 72 72 72 Weight rom | __a4s_| 405 _|_s20 c4o_| 690 790 210 280 C-FLEX Conveyor Bet| THE STEEL CARCASS C-FLEX Conveyor Belt CONSTRUCTION ‘The C-FLEX Elevator Botts are constructed with specially designed straight warp “open type" steel cords with built-in ‘Standard Belt construction clastic, E-cords, in the wam direction onto which rigaity Strength/construction Belt thickness Improving wott cords are ted using a special weaving SW6303+3 mm 11mm techniques. SW8003+3 mm 12mm SW1000 313 mm 12mm ‘This special structure means that nelther the warp nor the weft SW1250414 mm 15mm cables are deformed in any way, but they lay perfectly straight sw1400 414 mm 15mm all over the bet length, resuting in maximum strangt SW 1600414 mm 15mm performance and high resistance to damage. SW 1800414 mm 15mm SW2000 4-4 mm 15mm The open steel E-cords allow maaimum rubber penetration, Recommended minimum covers. minimizing corrosion penetration in case of belt damage and Other combinations to order. resulting in very high rubber to stee! adhesion “The rubber penetration deep into the warp cables functions as lubricant forthe twined steel wires forning the cords increasing Belt Carcass Construction the elasticity of the E-cords. ‘Type Warp cords diam. Pitch SW 630 2.00 mm 4.63 mm SW 800 285 mm 8.67 mm SW 1000 285 mm 5.38 mm SW 1250 3.90 mm 7.04 mm SW 1400 390 mm 6.25 mm SW 1600 290 mm 5.00 mm SW 1800 290 mm 5.50 mm SW 2000 2.90 mm 4.65 mm Weft Cords (C-FLEX Steel Carcass standard diameter 1.29 mm pitch 6.67 mm Low Elongation FLEX clovator bats cispay only 0.8% permanent eongaton at maximum recommended working eas (safety ‘actor 10), ensuring consultant belt tension, even at long centre ostances. Asa nie fetus th tel carcass lye an east slogtion of 0.15%, reas shock resin and towing to bat on oer igh crowned putes, ter ety Inoue eraght tach ay fh bat aly, ne east eongaton the veraion nba Caress of C-FLEK bat th cable ve zo lng hen subjected toa load aration teen 20% and pees 100% of the maximum recommended load at 10-fold safety produc CBC india . C-FLEX Conveyor Belt C-FLEX STEEL CORD BELT Fields of application FOR BUCKET ELEVATOR “arse {ash elevators in power plants fertilizer plants The CALE or bce evs a Sal acest cones er elevator belt constructed with special quality, low elongation yet hig concrete mixing plants elasticity steel cords in the length and cross rigid cables in the width eee ‘Their construction and characteristics diffe from those of traditional stee! cable bets “Thoy are destined for heavy duty industrial appications with long centre distances, requiring stable running and reliable belts with high safety factor. grain elavators in port silos Bat qualities, Type 60 highly abrasion resistant max, ambient temp.60°C cover hardness 60°A shore C-FLEX Bevator Bots consist ofa stool carcass in 2 sold rubber mass that cannot delarinate. The bun elasticity allows running over sighty crowned puleys wile the cross rigid we't construction results in excellent Type T100 highly abrasion resistant max. ambient temp. up to 100°C continuous, short peaks 110°C ‘cover hardness 64°A shore “The C-FLEX Elevator Bott program offers a choice of very high abrasion resistant rubber covers or excellant high-heat resistant qualties Qualities ‘Type 1130 good abrasion resistant max. C-FLEX belts are avaiable in four diferent qualities, ambient temp. up to 130°C 1) Type T80, high abrasion resistant qualty on SBR basis continuous, short peaks 150°C 2) Type T100, a heat resistant quality on modified SBR basis cover hardness 66° shore 3) Type T180, a high-heal resistance quailty on EPDM basis 4) Type OR, an ol resistant quality on Neoprene bass. Type CR —olland fat resistant anti-static 'S0 284 flame retardant ISO 340 Cover thickness on pulley face and bucket face as per customer ‘cover hardiness 70°A shore specification or standard arrangement. Type T100 and 1130 are destined for use in ambient temperatures of For high temperature applications consult our respectively 100°C and 130°C maximum with short duration peak technical depariment. temperatures of respectively 100°C and 150°C. ‘Type 7130 Ie successfully in use in various plants handling product with temperatures up to 165°C. Although the bot Ife in su ‘operational concitions is shorter than achieved atthe recommended maximum temoerature of 130°C, te Ife in these condltons i stil vary acceptable and the belts give a satisfactory economic ite The deciding factor isthe reigning ambient temperature inside the elevator casing. Manufacturing norms All bat types are manufactured in accordance wih OIN 22102 and ISO o CBC india CB Calcutta Belt Centre (Bombay) 207, Janmabhoomi Chambers, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai - 400 001. INDIA Tel.: 91-22-6610 6000 Fax: 91-22-6610 4100 E-mail: info@cbe.in website: www.coc.in

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