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Unit 42

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Life skills

Beyond space 13
42 Life skills
A 1 Look at the photos. Match each thought to the
people in the photos.
• She doesn’t understand me.
• This is fun!
• They are terrible.
• I hate doing this.
• That’s boring.

2 Think of one piece of advice for each person to

help them deal with life better.
3 Read the presentation quickly. Which of these
titles is best in your opinion? Discuss your
• You can change
• Six steps to happiness
• It’s all in your mind

4 Read again. Match the paragraph heading with

six paragraphs. There are two extra.
a It’s not always personal
b Don’t expect everyone to be perfect
c You can’t turn back the clock
d Avoid exaggeration
e Don’t believe everything your friends tell
f Life isn’t black and white
g The truth is hard to accept
h Don’t let your emotions get the better of
C you

5 Discuss the questions.

a Which of the six pieces of advice do you
think is best? Why? Which, if any, do you
agree with?
b Which piece of advice would be the least


14 Unit 42
Jumping to conclusions
Life! It’s a lot of fun but it can also be challenging. Things
People sometimes jump to conclusions with little evidence. Take
Silvia for example: She argued with a co-worker at lunch. At work,
don’t always go your way. Life can let us down and can her boss was not happy with her report. When she got home had
sometimes fail to deliver what we were hoping for. That’s just an argument with her roommate. A few minutes later she was in
the way it is. But sometimes the problems that trouble us her room, thinking, ‘nobody likes me’. But of course that isn’t true.
are the ones that we create in our own minds so maybe it’s To identify hasty conclusions, watch out for clue words such as, all,
time to stop blaming other people, bad luck, the weather, our
none, most, many, always, everyone, never, sometimes, usually,
football team or whatever, and look to ourselves. Here are a
hardly ever, etc.
few simple tips we can use to instantly change the way we live
for the better. 1 Read through these hasty conclusions. Why are they hasty
conclusions? How can we make them true?
1 My life’s a mess. I just wish I could disappear’; ‘Why do these
things always happen to me? ; If only someone understood 1 All Brazilians love football.
me’. Thoughts like these help no one. Overdramatizing 2 Every teenager get up late.
a situation only makes it worse. Try and put things into 3 It always rains on the weekend.
perspective a little, take a few steps back, sleep on it, ask a 4 People who live in big cities are less caring than people
friend for help. Things are rarely as bad as they seem. who live in the countryside.
5 Everyone loves a box of chocolate for a present.
2 So your boss didn’t give you the promotion that you really 6 Math is hard for people who are good at languages.
wanted and that you worked hard to obtain. Well, that’s
a shame – things don’t always work out the way we’d like 2 Talk about some hasty conclusions you have heard.
them to, but it doesn’t mean your boss doesn’t notice you.
Maybe someone else was better suited for the position.
Similarly when your soccer team loses, they don’t lose just Grammar I wish / if only
to upset you. Maybe they didn’t play very well. Things go 1 Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs in the
wrong for a million and one different reason. It’s not all box. Check the presentation on the text. Then complete the
about you. rule.

3 People are not the enemy. Try not to look at people so understand not say can study
simplistically. Everyone is an individual. Open your mind to
other possibilities. Get to know people as individuals, they 1 I just wish I .................... disappear.
might surprise you. 2 If only someone .................... me.
3 If only I .................... harder for that.
4 Do you sometimes snap at your co-workers or family 4 I wish I .................... those things to my parents.
member just because they asked you for something?
Just because you feel angry, it doesn’t mean they’re being Rule
unreasonable. Maybe you’re tired or hungry. Maybe To talk about how we would like things to be different
other problems are getting in the way of you thinking now or in the future we often use: I wish or if only and
clearly. Maybe you’re overreacting. It’s good to feel but the ............................... tense (Sentences 1 and 2)
it’s important to take a step back before you act on those
feelings. 2 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.
5 No one gets it right all of the time and that includes you! 1 If only my parents ................. me off all the time. They just
So don’t expect life to always work out the way you think don’t understand me. (not tell)
it should. If others let you down, be kind to them. If you’re 2 If only the teacher ................. my dad. He wouldn’t be so
not living up to your own expectations, be kind to yourself. angry with me now. (no tell)
If you’re always looking for perfection in others, you’re sure 3 I wish I ................. up all night. I’m so tired now. (not stay)
to be disappointed.
4 If only my football team ................. occasionally.(win)
6 Don’t dwell on the past. There’s no point thinking “If only 5 I wish our boss ................. us so much work today. I
I’d studied harder for that test or done a better effort on that wanted to go out this evening and now I can’t. (not give)
project. Or I wish I had worked harder on that project. You 6 If only I ................. to my wife. She wouldn’t be so upset
didn’t study and failed. You didn’t give a full effort on the with me right now. (not lie)
project and didn’t get the promotion. There’s nothing you
can do to change any of that. Learn from it and make sure 7 I wish my brother ................. with his mouth open. It’s
you don’t make the same mistake again. disgusting! (not eat)
8 I wish Annie ................. me to her party. Lots of my
SO THERE YOU GO. KEEP THESE TIPS IN MIND AND friends were invited. (invite)
p. 68

Life skills 15
Vocabulary Life’s ups and downs Listening
1 Find the expressions in the presentation on the previous text 1 Look at the photos and discuss the questions.
(p. 15) and match them with their definitions.
1 What’s their occupation?
1 to (not) go your way 2 How are their lives similar and how are they different?
2 to blame someone or something 3 How do you imagine they feel about their future?
3 to let someone down
4 to try your hardest
5 to get in the way of something
6 to dwell on something
7 to (not) work out the way we’d like them to
8 to (not) live up to you expectations

a to disappoint someone
b to do your best
c to think about someone for a long time
(often meaning you can’t make a decision about it)
d when the results of something are(n’t) what we’d hoped
e when the results are as good as you hoped or bad as you
f to say something is someone’s fault
g to obstruct or prevent something
h when things happen (or not) the way you want them to

2 Use the expressions from the previous exercise to complete

the text. 2 Listen to a radio program. Which of the two life choices in
the photos in exercise 3 does Jo, a career advisor, recommend
that Alex pursues next year?
OK, so I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have 3 Listen again and choose the correct answers.
been playing football in the house. Now the
window’s broken – that’s certainly going to 1 Approximately how many students who left university
last year found a job?
...................... my plans for a house party this
a A quarter
weekend. Mom and Dad are going to say I’ve
...................... them ...................... and that I’m b Two-thirds
not responsible enough to be left alone in c Three-quarters
the house. Well I didn’t ...................... it for too
2 How much does a university course cost in total?
long and decided to try and do something to a $25,000.00
make them proud. I decided to make dinner. I b $13,000.00
...................... my ............. ......... , I really did, but c $30,000.00
things have 5
............. ......... well and the pie’s bit of
really 6
...................... 3 What does Jo think about young people’s prospects?
a disappo intmen t. It hasn’t
. I mean I though t it was going a They are very depressing.
to my ......................
b There are many reasons to be optimistic.
to be a beautiful golden brown color like in the
c They will have to study very hard to get a good job.
book, but mine is black all over. I ......................

the oven. I think it’s hotter than it says it is. And 4 Which one of these sentences is not mentioned in
when the chip pan. I mean how did that catch relation to Alex?
fire? Some days nothings seems to ......................
a He feels pressure to go to university.
my ....................... Oh well, the table looks nice. b He’s not clever enough to go to the university.
Although that candle does look a bit close to the c He’s doesn’t know what he wants to study.
curtains. Oh dear! I need some water. Quick!
5 What does Jo recommend to people in Alex’s situation?
a To delay going to university
b To have a holiday before going to university
c To do what his friends are doing

16 Unit 42
Vocabulary Work and education
1 Match the words and the definitions.
1 Work experience
Are you in control?
s that you’re not
2 A school leaver Mostly a’s – Oh dear. It seem
really in control of life’s little
problems. Try not to It’s not always easy to keep on top of things when
don’t go your way.
3 Career advisor be so aggressive when things there are so many little things in life that are out
bad at dealing with life’s
4 Higher education Mostly b’s – You’re not
to assert yourself
little problems, but you still need r people want.
of your control. But can you keep a cool head
5 A degree and not always give in to what
when things aren’t going your way and all around
rt at dealing with
6 A graduate Mostly c’s – You are an expe you others are losing theirs? Take the quiz and
what you want and
life’s little problems. You know
7 Life experience the best way of getti ng it.
find out …
8 A degree course
a Practical wisdom gained from living 1 Your younger sister is practicing the guitar loudly in
her bedroom. You’re trying to study. What do you say
b Experience of having a job to her?
c What you study at university a Turn it off. Now!
d Someone who has recently finished school
b I’d rather you didn’t practice right now. I need to
e University study study.
f Someone who has recently finished university
c Would you like to borrow my headphones?
g A qualification you get from a college or university
h Someone who gives advice about work and further
studies 2 Your best friend wants to play a football game on the
computer. You’d prefer to go out and play real game.
2 Complete the paragraph using the words from Exercise What do you say to him?
1. You can only use each word once. a OK.
I won’t finish school for another two years, but I’m b I’d sooner go to the park and play football for
already a bit worried about what to do. It would be a real.
good to get some 1......................... but there aren’t a lot c How about we play on the computer for half an
of good jobs for 2......................... so I think I’ll go straight hour and then we go to the park and play?
into 3.......................... It’ll be much easier to find work
as a 4.......................... I’m not sure what 5.........................
I want to do yet, and I’m going to see a 6......................... 3 It’s the weekend and you’re sleeping in. Your dad’s in
a bad mood. He storms into your room and says, ‘It’s
to get some advice about this. Once I give my about time you got out of bed and did something.’
......................... I’m not sure I want to go straight into What do you say?
a career. It would be nice to have a bit of time off and a Dad I’m sleeping.
get some 8..........................
b I’ll be down in half an hour.

Speaking c Ok, Dad. What do you want me to do?

1 Read the sentences and write A (agree) or D

(disagree). Discuss.
4 You got 60% on a test. How do you feel?
a Really angry. Why didn’t I get 70%?
1 It’s a good idea to get work experience when
you’re still at school. b That’s OK, I suppose.
2 All students should see a careers advisor before c Oh Well, I’ll study harder for my next test.
they leave school.
3 Higher Education isn’t for everyone. 5 Your sister or brother keeps borrowing your clothes
without asking. What do you say?
4 It’s important to get a good degree to be
successful in life. a I’m telling Mom.
5 Doing a degree course is too expensive. b I’d prefer it if you didn’t keep take my things.
c If you want to borrow something, why don’t you
Reading just ask?

1 Read the quiz from a magazine and choose your answers.

6 You and your friend need to catch a train that leaves
in half an hour. Your friend wants to walk to the sta-
2 Compare your answers with a partner
tion but he isn’t quite ready. It takes 20 minutes to get
3 Now read the key. Do you agree with the advice? Do you there. What do you say to him?
think this is fair description of you? Why (not)? a No way. I’m getting a taxi.
4 Works in pairs. The key suggests that c answers are b I’d prefer to take a taxi.
always the best way to behave. Look at each of the
questions again an decide if you agree with this. In which c No problem as long as we leave in the next two
instances do you think a or b might be better? Why?

Life skills 17
If only / I wish 5 Read and complete the second sentence so it means
1 Read and choose. Does the person regret their present or a the same as the first.
past action?
a I would rather you don’t/didn’t ask so many
a If only I didn’t have so much homework. questions. I’m tired.
b I wish I had said what I felt. b I’d prefer to invite/inviting George than Henry.
c If only I’d gone to bed earlier. c It’s time Natalie starts/started behaving more like an
d I wish I could speak French. adult.
e If only I hadn’t said anything. d Would you prefer it if we take/took a break for five
f I wish John would call.
e I’d sooner spend/spent the money on a new TV.
2 Read and complete. Use the correct form of the verbs in f I’d prefer it if they don’t/didn’t come this evening.
the box. g We’d sooner you don’t/didn’t let your dog come in
a I wish dad would ........................ to me. our garden.
b If only he ........................ what it’s like to be a teenager. h It’s time someone takes/took this problem seriously.
c I wish he had ........................ me go to the party.
d I wish I hadn’t ........................ so angry with him. 6 Read and complete. Use between two and five words
e I only I could ........................ him. including the word given.
f I wish he ........................ so angry. a Play tennis or volleyball? Tennis is my choice.
g If only I had ........................ less strict when he was a PREFER
child. I .................................................................................. tennis.
h I wish I hadn’t ........................ so much when he was b You need to learn to ride a bike.
younger. TIME
3 Read and complete. Use the words in brackets in the It’s ___________________________ to ride a bike.
correct form. Use contractions where possible. c The film starts too late. I can’t watch it.
a I don’t feel very well. ........................ I ........................ so
If _____________________________ start so late.
much. (if only / not eat)

b You have to be 18 to watch this film. ........................ I d I’d prefer to eat at home.
........................ so young. (I wish / not be) WE
I’d rather _______________________ at home.
c Debbie’s so complicated ........................ I ........................ e I told Dad a lie. That was a mistake.
what she was thinking. (I wish / know) WISH
I ___________________________ Dad a lie.
d I don’t know how to do this homework. ........................ f Can we go to France this year, rather than Italy?
I ........................ attention in class today. (if only / pay) PREFER
I __________________________ we go to France this
e I can’t hear a thing today ........................ I ........................ year.
to that concert last night. (I wish / not go) h Someone needs to tell her
f I really wanted to see that film. ........................ you
It’s _____________________________ her.
........................ me the ending. (I wish / not tell)

g We’ve still got one more hour of school.

........................ we ........................ home now. Writing
(If only / can go)
1 You are going to write an article for your university
4 Read the sentences and write down two regrets for each magazine. Choose one of the topics below.
one; one past and one present.
a I’ve got a really bad headache. • Doing a degree course is a waste of
• ............................................................................................. time and money.
• .............................................................................................
• The government should give
b My sister plays her music really loud. scholarships to all the committed
• ............................................................................................. students.
• .............................................................................................
c I don’t have any money.
• ............................................................................................. Write your article between 120-150 words.
• .............................................................................................

18 Unit 42

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