B3 - Audit Evidence
B3 - Audit Evidence
B3 - Audit Evidence
Audit Evidence
Definition of Assertions
The four major audit evidence decisions are: • Implicit statements made by management in preparing financial
statements which state that the financial statements do not contain any
1. Which audit procedures to use. material error or misstatements with regard to assets and transactions.
2. What sample size to select for a given procedure.
3. Which items to select from the population. • The Assertions in ISA 315 are a series of statements which deal with
the underlying bases on which the financial statements are prepared
4. When to perform the procedure. and deal with the measurement, presentation and disclosure of the
various elements of financial statements and related disclosures.
6. Sampling techniques in Audit (ISA 530) 6. Sampling techniques in Audit (ISA 530)
Audit sampling: is the application of audit procedures to less than Methods of sampling in accordance with ISA 530:
100% of items within a population such that all sampling units have a • Random selection -Ensures each item in a population has an equal
chance of selection in order to provide the basis of conclusions about chance of selection
the entire population. • Systematic selection- A number of sampling units in the population is
divided by the sample size to give a sampling interval.
1. Statistical sampling - is the one that allows each sampling unit to • Haphazard selection- The auditor selects the sample without
stand an equal chance of selection. following a structured technique – the auditor would avoid any
2. Non-statistical sampling – does not consider the probability theory conscious bias or predictability
and is wholly dependent on the auditor's judgment. • Sequence or block selection - Involves selecting a block(s) of
continuous items from within a population
• Monetary Unit Sampling selection - this selection method ensures
that each individual $1 in the population has an equal chance of being
• Judgemental selection – selecting items based on the skill and
judgement of the auditor
Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 19 Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 20
Question 01
ISA 500: Audit Evidence states that: “The auditor should
obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to be able to draw
reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit
Review Questions on Required:
Audit Evidence (a) Define ‘audit evidence’
(b) Explain four sources of audit evidence.
(c) Provide explanation on the following terms in relation
to audit evidence:
(i) Sufficiency of audit evidence
(ii) Reliability of audit evidence
(iii) External confirmation
(iv) Analytical Procedures
Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 21 Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 22
Question 02 Question 03
Audit standards requires an auditor to obtain The auditor has a responsibility to design audit
sufficient appropriate evidence to be able to draw procedures to obtain sufficient and appropriate
reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit evidence. There are various audit procedures for
opinion”. obtaining evidence, such as external confirmation.
a. Explain five factors which determines sufficiency Required: Apart from external confirmation:
of audit evidence (5 marks) • State and explain FOUR procedures for obtaining
b. Explain FOUR factors which influence the evidence and; for each procedure, describe one
reliability of audit evidence. (4 marks) assertion that is being addressed and one that is not
being addressed by the procedure.
Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 23 Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 24
Question 04 Question 05
The auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to be able Auditors may seek information of knowledgeable persons
to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the audit opinion. throughout the entity or outside the entity and obtaining
“Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of audit evidence; representations from a third party. This procedure is commonly
appropriateness is the measure of the quality of audit evidence and its referred as audit confirmation.
relevance to a particular assertion and its reliability.” Required
Required a. What characteristics should an audit confirmation possess
Discuss the extent to which each of the following sources of audit if an auditor is to consider it as sufficient appropriate audit
evidence is appropriate and sufficient: evidence?
i. oral management representations in respect of the completeness of b. Distinguish between a positive and a negative accounts
sales where the majority of transactions are conducted on a cash basis receivable confirmation.
ii. flowcharts of the accounting and control system prepared by a
c. In confirming a client’s accounts receivable, what
company’s internal audit department characteristics should be present in the accounts if the
iii. Yearend suppliers statement-presentation? auditor is to use negative confirmations?
iv. Physical inspection of a tangible non-current asset by an auditor
d. In which areas of audit may an auditor seek confirmation?
v. Comparison of items of income and expenditure for the current
period with corresponding information for prior periods
Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 25 Compiled by EmmaChris, 0714965564 26
Question 06
Question 05 a. The examination of evidence is fundamental to the audit process. ISA
500: Audit Evidence states that: “The auditor should obtain szfJicien1
• ISA 620 using the work of an Auditor’s Expert appropriate evidence to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base the
deals with the auditor’s responsibilities relating to audit opinion “. Audit Evidence will comprise source documents and
accounting records underlying the financial statements’ assertions and
the work of an individual or organization in a field corroborative information from other sources.
Each of these sources presents the auditors with differing considerations
of expertise other than accounting or auditing, as to the quality of the evidence so produced.
when that work is used to assist the auditor in i. Define ‘audit evidence’ (2 marks)
obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence. ii. Explain four sources of audit evidence. (8 marks)