Student Learning in Museums Col LR
Student Learning in Museums Col LR
Student Learning in Museums Col LR
This paper summarises the literature relating to learning in museums, with particular
reference to the learning experience and outcomes for students in school groups.
It includes reference to recent studies drawing on the thinking of students
themselves and the attributes of enjoyable—and effective—learning experiences in
The author, Lynda Kelly, is Head of the Australian Museum’s Audience Research
Centre, and has over the last decade been a leading researcher in learning and
education experiences in museums. She has consulted widely in this field in
Australia and for museums internationally as a consultant.
The report was commissioned by The Sovereign Hill Museums Association to
refresh understandings of student learning in museums, and how it is the beginning
of a lifelong engagement in learning.
Recent work in the development of a new Australian History curriculum and the way
in which Australians engage with their history highlighted the importance of visits in
the early years of schooling to museums, galleries, and historic places in
encouraging students to learn about their heritage1. To be effective players in
achieving that goal, museums must be able to make the learning experience more
personal and relevant to the learner, encourage exploration of big open questions,
and which enables exchange of ideas with peers and experts.
The report will also be an important resource for advocacy in promoting an
understanding of the impact of visits to cultural institutions as part of the school
Tim Sullivan
Deputy CEO & Museums Director
June 2011
Paula Hamilton and Paul Nash, ‘At home with the past: initial findings from the survey’, Australian
Cultural History, Vol. 22, 2003; Tony Taylor, The Future of the Past: final report of the national inquiry
into school history, Monash University, Melbourne, 2000; Anna Clark, History’s Children: history wars
in the classroom, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2008; and ‘History’s Children’, Perspective, ABC Radio
National, 18 March 2008; Tim Sullivan, 'History in the new millennium or problems with history?', in
Understanding Museums: Australian museums and museology, D. J. G. Griffin and L. Paroissien
(eds), National Museum of Australia, 2011, published online at
Student Learning in Museums: what do we know? Report prepared for The Sovereign Hill Museums Association
by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 2
“In our conclusion the Museum is a great learning environment but with a few
touch ups every now and then it would be excellent” (Participant, 2003 Kids’
College, Kelly and Groundwater-Smith, 2009)
A large range of people visit museums2: from the very young to the very old; and
across different groups: families, friends, schools, couples. Museums are exciting
places for visitors as they tell stories about the objects they hold and the research
they undertake in a variety of ways. Museums are unique contexts for learning, often
called “free-choice” learning environments. Museums have the opportunity to shape
identities—through access to objects, information and knowledge visitors can see
themselves and their culture reflected in ways that encourage new connections,
meaning making and learning (Kelly, 2007).
Museums now operate across three spheres: their physical site; online (via websites
and social media) and in the mobile world. Museums will always have physical sites
– collections are fundamental to their very being. However, all trends point to the
growing use of the web and social media in communicating, networking, building
community and sourcing information. As well, mobile continues to increase as more
and more people have smartphones and are using them to connect with museum
content (see for example Burnette, et al 2011). The emergence of Web 2.0 now
means that individuals have more control over how, where and when they learn and
consult a wide range of information sources in their own time and space (Kelly and
Russo 2010). This means that old models of teaching are no longer sufficient. As
Cornu (2004) has observed in relation to schools, knowledge is now networked and
requires an understanding of a collective intelligence over and above individual
enterprise. The internet, and more specifically Web 2.0 has opened up a whole new
way of engaging audiences, specifically educational audiences, who are taking up
these tools in droves.
For the purpose of this report the term “museum” covers cultural institutions including natural history
and social history museums, science centres, historic sites and houses, as well as art galleries, that
have public programs and exhibitions that are physically visited by a variety of people. They also offer
online resources and mobile sites/programs.
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 3
Increasingly, museum visitors expect to be able to work, learn, study, and
connect with their social networks in all places and at all times using
whichever device they choose.” (Johnson et al, 2010).
In 2010 the Marcus Institute for Digital Education in the Arts (MIDEA), the museum-
focused branch of the New Media Consortium (NMC), released the Museum Edition
of the Horizons Report that considered technology use in museum settings. The
report identifies and described emerging technologies likely to have a significant
impact on museum education and interpretation in the next one to five years. The
four key trends identified include rich media; digitisation; connecting with content
from wherever the person happens to be and open content/social media3.
“Real learning gets to the heart of what it means to be human. Through
learning we re-create ourselves. Through learning we become able to do
something we were never able to do. Through learning we reperceive the
world and our relationship to it. Through learning we extend our capacity to
create, to be part of the general process of life.” (Senge, 1992)
Learning is an individual and social process that humans are constantly engaged in,
both consciously and unconsciously. Dewey (1938) suggested that learning was:
• the capacity to act intelligently in new situations through exercising personal
• the interplay and interaction of objective (external) and internal factors
• a transition between individuals and their current environment
• a lifelong process of growth
• social—a shared common experience
• flexible, yet directed.
One of the earliest, and still the most useful, constructions of museum learning is the
contextual model of museum learning proposed by Falk and Dierking (1992, 2000).
This model recognises that museum learning tales place across three contexts:
physical, personal and social. The physical context consists of the tools and settings
of the museum, including architecture, design, objects and subsequent reinforcing
events and experiences outside the museum. The personal context includes
motivations and expectations, prior knowledge, experience and beliefs, interests,
choice and control; as well as how these are perceived, filtered and ultimately
incorporated into memory and learning. The social context accounts for the
construction of knowledge via within-group mediation, facilitated mediation by others
and cultural mediation.
For a list of blog posts summarising the Horizons work see the reference list at the end of this report.
Student Learning in Museums: what do we know? Report prepared for The Sovereign Hill Museums Association
by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 4
“It has been like a treasure hunt. You have to find out information if you are to
succeed. In the same way we have been following clues that we have got
from our teachers and the people from the Museum, and in the end you get
the glory and the gold” (Participant, 2008 Kids’ College, Groundwater-Smith
and Kelly, 2010)
It has long been recognised that museum are educational institutions and that their
school audiences are critical in both sustaining visitation and, through offering a
positive and inspiring experience, can influence lifelong museum visiting habits (Falk
and Dierking, 1997). This report outlines the evidence for student learning in
museums under the frame of the contextual model of museum learning (Falk and
Dierking, 1992, 2000), coupled with review of published studies primarily drawn from
the work of DeWitt and Storksdieck (2008) and Groundwater-Smith and Kelly (2003-
2011)4. Given the parameters of this review, the focus is on the physical museum
space, coupled with the role of the teacher and museum staff. For more information
about the impacts of the online and mobile spaces on educational activities see the
list of resources at the end of this report.
The Personal Context and Student Learning
Field trips offer deep cognitive learning beyond facts and concepts to include
process skills and draw on other places of learning such as museums. Learning on a
field trip is a valuable supplement and addition to classroom instruction and a way to
prepare students for future learning (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
Students are more likely to remember social and personally relevant aspects of field
trips, yet also dislike and keep less favorable memories of these trips that seem
overly structured and leave little room for their personal visit agenda (DeWitt and
Storksdieck, 2008).
Based on the elaborateness of childrens’ descriptions it was concluded that high
personal involvement, links with the curriculum and multiple visits to the same
institution embraced long-term learning impact (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008;
Wolins et al, 1992).
Affective outcomes, such as increased motivation or interest, sparking curiosity or
improved attitudes towards a topic, may be more reasonable given the short-term
nature of field trips (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
Visits to science centres can positively impact attitudes towards science for students
who are already interested in and engaged with science (Jarvis and Pell, 2005).
Students felt that in order to be substantively engaged in cognitive learning they
needed to: know how things worked; be able to think through ideas; have
opportunities to ask questions; be able to handle, manipulate and closely examine
artefacts and exhibits; be able to seek out information from several sources in
language that is appropriate to their age and stage of development; and be
stimulated through all their senses (Kelly and Groundwater-Smith, 2009).
Background to the work of Groundwater-Smith and Kelly (2003-2011) can be found here:
Student Learning in Museums: what do we know? Report prepared for The Sovereign Hill Museums Association
by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 5
When looking at emotional learning, students expressed a desire to be emotionally
connected, while at the same time not emotionally confronted. The students in this
study indicated that they welcomed opportunities to be fully engaged with
provocative questions, fascinating and puzzling exhibits and clear, well-structured
and accessible information (Kelly and Groundwater-Smith, 2009).
In the majority of cases the aspect of the field trip that was recalled subsequently
was the content and/or subject matter presented during the field trip (Falk and
Dierking, 1997).
Even after years had elapsed, nearly 100% of the individuals interviewed could
relate at least one thing they learned during an early-elementary-school field trip, and
most could relate three or more things (Falk and Dierking, 1997). Students retained
information about sharks from an exhibition in a marine park in Italy up to three
months after a visit (Miglietta et al, 2008). Sixteen months after visiting a science
centre in Israel students recalled facts and details of their visit such as exhibitions,
activities and guides’ input (Bamberger and Tal, 2008).
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 6
The Social Context and Student Learning
Students are more likely to remember social aspects of their visit. The social
interaction occurring on a field trip is an important part of the experience and
supporting students’ in sharing their experiences enhances learning (DeWitt and
Storksdieck, 2008; Kelly and Groundwater-Smith, 2009).
Students like learning with their friends. While they recognised that a visit to the
Museum was primarily designed by their teachers to assist in their learning, they also
wanted it to be a satisfying social occasion when they could learn with and from their
peers (Kelly and Groundwater-Smith, 2009).
Visits are highly social experiences for students. A study of sixth graders stated that
they had more control over their own learning when interacting with their peers rather
than adults who tended towards control (Birney, 1988).
A study of student talk found that school visits to museums assisted in building
relationships between students through cooperative interactions and discourse
(DeWitt and Hohenstein, 2010).
The Physical Context and Student Learning
Students wanted to feel safe and comfortable and to move around readily
unimpeded by a number of prohibitive signs. They also wanted areas to be well-lit
and inviting and find physical spaces scaled to their ages and needs (Kelly and
Groundwater-Smith, 2009).
The novelty of the setting may distract from students’ conceptual learning if novelty is
strong (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 7
The degree of structure of a field trip is the subject of much disagreement in the
literature – how much should the experience be mediated and teacher/educator-led,
and how much should be student-led, based on free-choice learning? DeWitt and
Storksdieck (2008) identified several issues around structured visits:
• To maximise cognitive and affective outcomes field trips need to provide
moderate amount of structure while still allowing for free exploration.
• Well-designed worksheets can be effective in promoting discovery-based enquiry
if exposing students to a wide range of relevant information.
• Well-designed worksheets may tap into already available interpretive material
thus extending the richness of information.
• The use of pre and post visit activities can enhance the cognitive and affective
learning outcomes.
• In a museum setting structure experiences, such as guided tours, specific
detailed tasks can increase cognitive learning but may dampen enthusiasm.
• Structure, including worksheets, may limit the ability for students to explore and
engage with the unique aspects of the museum setting.
Based on a rage of studies, McManus (1985) recommended that worksheets should
be designed to encourage observation, allow time for observation, focus on objects
not labels, be unambiguous about where to find information and encourage talk.
“… it is important to create learning and educational experiences in a fun
environment. Children learn when they are happy and have hands on
experiences to stimulate their curiosity, language and questioning skills. The
Museum is a great learning tool without having to ‘prepare’ as much as we
learn more facts and information from the displays” (Participant, 2009
Teachers’ College, Groundwater-Smith et al, 2009)
Teachers value museums as sources of rich learning and social experiences (DeWitt
and Storksdieck, 2008; Falk and Dierking, 1997; Groundwater-Smith et al, 2009).
Teachers’ agendas for the trip will influence their subsequent classroom practice
(DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
Research reveals that teachers have complex and comprehensive reasons for field
trips, valuing these as learning and educational opportunities and as chances for
social and affective learning (DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
Teacher motivations for school trips include connecting with classroom curricular,
providing a general learning experience, enhancing student motivation, exposure to
new experiences, change in setting or routine and student enjoyment (Kisiel, 2005).
Students with teachers who were both enthusiastic about science and engaged in
extensive follow-up activities expressed more positive attitudes towards science after
their museum visit than students in other classes (Jarvis and Pell, 2005).
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 8
DeWitt and Storksdieck (2008) report that field trips are enhanced when the teacher:
• Becomes familiar with the setting before the trip.
• Orients students to the setting and agenda and clarify learning goals.
• Plan pre-visit activities aligned with curriculum goals.
• Allow students time to discover and explore during visit.
• Plan activities that support both the curriculum and account for the uniqueness of
the setting.
• Plan and conduct post-visit activities to reinforce the trip and enable students to
reflect on their experiences.
Comments from Teachers’ College participants (Groundwater-Smith et al, 2009)
revealed a mixed response to structured visits:
• “To some extent [preparation] can be done, but without destroying the thrill of
visiting the Museum; it will vary with the stage level.”
• “To maximise the learning of the students, you have to prepare the students in
• “I would always include a visit as part of a unit of work, also it would depend on
the purpose of the visit – to introduce students to an idea of consolidating
• “I feel this is important but there are always unexpected outcomes. I always come
to the Museum before a visit and make up a quiz for the class to do.”
• “Prior preparation has an enormous value to engage them [the students] with the
context of learning, using meta-language so that they can feel comfortable with
the ideas and concepts displayed.”
• “In relation to early preparation, whilst important for the smooth running of a visit
is not a high priority. I prefer to follow the children’s leads and spend more time in
areas where they are very engaged and this can only be gauged when moving
around the museum.”
• “There can be too much preparation and students begin to make assumptions
about the Museum before they get there. Sometimes being unaware of what is
going to happen allows for an element of surprise.”
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 9
“Education is the key and the museum is a real and concrete way of making
education relevant. Providing the opportunity of working with teachers
collaboratively is real education.” (Participant, Teachers’ College, Kelly and
Fitzgerald, 2011).
Limited research has been undertaken into the role of museum educators in school
visit and researchers are only beginning to examine the role of the museum in the
student visit (Griffin, 2004). However, of the literature consulted it is clear that
collaboration between teachers and museum educators and other staff in program
development brings positive results in terms of enhanced outcomes of student visits
and in strengthening relationships.
DeWitt and Storksdieck (2008) report that teachers’ goals may not be the same as
those of museum educators which, in turn, can cause confusion and impediments to
learning. Teachers also may have multiple goals for the visit, whereas museums
may be too focussed on the logistical aspects of the visit, such as wayfinding,
parental consent, safety forms, transportation, financial transactions and orientation
(DeWitt and Storksdieck, 2008).
When programs are developed in align with school curricular and teacher goals
rather than the museum’s objectives, integration of the visit into classroom practice is
more likely (Xanthoudaki, 1998).
Successful museum-school collaborations are often characterised by the museum
reaching out to teachers and developing material in conjunction with them (DeWitt
and Storksdieck, 2008; Groundwater-Smith et al, 2009).
Australian Museum staff who had participated in the 2009 Teachers’ College found
this had a positive impact upon all participants, and that teachers had a great deal to
offer in the way of advice. Staff felt that they had benefitted in terms of getting close
to their audience; learning about how the Museum could better engage teachers and
students; networking and connections made to enable further discussion and
consultation to take place; and stimulating new ideas for programs (Kelly and
Fitzgerald, 2011).
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 10
Overall, research reported by DeWitt and Storksdieck (2008) indicates that both
cognitive and affective learning can occur as a result of class visits to out-of-school
settings, but is influenced by:
• the structure of the trip
• setting novelty
• prior knowledge of students
• social context of the visit
• teacher agendas and actions on trip
• presence or absence of and quality of preparation and follow-up experiences.
In relation to the physical site, Groundwater-Smith and Kelly’s body of work (2003-
2011) concluded that the following design principles should be taken into account
when developing exhibitions that will attract and engage young people:
• Establish coherent goals and aims.
• Identify the necessary knowledge domains and skills required to derive maximum
• Provide conditions that give the learner an opportunity to explain, inquire,
interpret, apply and connect at a variety of levels and in enjoyable ways.
• Look for ways of attracting and holding interest.
• Differentiate to allow for varying experiences and abilities.
• Engage young people in deep knowledge and understanding that requires of
them higher order thinking.
• Facilitate active meaning making by going beyond simply telling.
• Support varying levels of interaction with exhibits, including hands-on
• Provide conditions for learner discovery.
• Provide social support by treating all participants with dignity and respect.
• Render museum practices visible.
• Be alert to feedback.
• Enable young people to make an ongoing contribution.
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 11
Learning is the process of applying prior knowledge and experience to new
experiences; this effort is normally played out within a physical context and is
mediated in the actions of other individuals. In addition, learning always involves
some element of emotion and feeling. Reflecting on the outcomes of this review it is
concluded that designing engaging physical, online and mobile museum experiences
for young people need to include the following elements:
• experiences that encourage discovery, interaction, cater for the unexpected,
provide many pathways to explore, give a taste for what happens behind-the-
scenes and are fun
• content that is challenging, real, authoritative, meaningful, encourages questions
and is well-organised and easy to navigate
• staff that can relate to young people, are respectful of their ideas and views, are
knowledgeable in their field and are easy to talk to
• opportunities to socialise, be with their friends and learn together.
Dr Lynda Kelly
13 June 2011
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 12
Bamberger, Y. and Tal, T. (2008). An Experience for the Lifelong Journey: The Long-
term Effect of a Class Visit to a Science Centre. Visitor Studies, 11(2), 198-212.
Birney, B. (1988). Criteria for successful museum and zoo visits: Children offer
guidance. Curator, 31, 292-316.
Burnette, A., Cherry, R., Proctor, N. and Samis, P. (2011). Getting On (not under)
the Mobile 2.0 Bus: Emerging issues in the mobile business model. In J. Trant and
D. Bearman (Eds). Museums and the Web 2011: Proceedings. Toronto: Archives &
Museum Informatics.
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Cornu, B. (2004). Networking and collective intelligence for teachers and learners. In
A. Brown and N. Davis (Eds). Digital Technology, Communities and Education (pp.
40-45). London: Routledge.
DeWitt, J. and Storksdieck, M. (2008). A Short Review of School Field Trips: Key
Findings from the Past and Implications for the Future. Visitor Studies, 11(2),
55562. Accessed 6 June 2011.
DeWitt, J. and Hohenstein, J. (2010). Supporting Student Learning: A Comparison of
Student Discussion in Museums and Classrooms. Visitor Studies, 13(1), 41-66.
Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and Education. New York: Kappa Delta Pi.
Falk, J., and Dierking, L. (1992). The Museum Experience. Washington: Whalesback
Falk, J., and Dierking, L. (1997). School Field trips: Assessing Their Long-Term
Impact. Curator, 40(3), 211-218.
Falk, J., and Dierking, L. (2000). Learning from Museums: Visitor Experiences and
the Making of Meaning. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press.
Griffin, J. (2004). Research on Students and Museums: Looking More Closely at the
Students in School Groups. Science Education, 88(Supplement 1), S60-S70.
Groundwater-Smith, S. and Kelly, L. (2010).Learning outside the classroom: A
partnership with a difference. In A. Campbell and S. Groundwater-Smith (Eds).
Connecting Inquiry and Professional Learning in Education (pp.179-191). London:
Groundwater-Smith, S., Fitzgerald, P. and Kelly, L. (2009). Finding the ‘e’ in
Museum: Explore, excite, examine, excavate, entertain, engage. Unpublished report
of the June 12 2009 Teachers’ College.
Jarvis, T. and Pell, A. (2005). Factors influencing elementary school childrens’
attitudes toward science before, during and after a visit to the UK National Space
Centre. Journal of Research In Science Teaching, 42(1), 53-83.
Johnson, L., Witchey, H., Smith, R., Levine, A., and Haywood, K., (2010). The 2010
Horizon Report: Museum Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.
Available online at Accessed 26 September,
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 13
Kelly, L. (2007). Visitors and Learners: Adult Museum Visitors’ Learning Identities.
PhD diss., University of Technology, Sydney.
Kelly, L. and Groundwater-Smith, S. (2009).Revisioning the Physical and On-line
Museum: A Partnership with the Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools. Journal of
Museum Education, 34(4), 55-68.
Kelly, L. and Fitzgerald, P. (2011). Cooperation, Collaboration, Challenge: How to
Work with the Changing Nature of Educational Audiences in Museums. In N. Mockler
and J. Sachs (Eds). Rethinking Educational Practice Through Reflexive Enquiry
(pp.77-88). London: Springer.
Kelly, L. and Russo, A. (2008). From Ladders of Participation to Networks of
Participation: Social Media and Museum Audiences. In J. Trant and D. Bearman
(Eds). Museums and the Web 2008: Selected Papers from an International
Conference (pp.83-92). Toronto: Archives and Museum Informatics.
Kelly, L. and Russo, A. (2010). From Communities of Practice to Value Networks:
Engaging Museums in Web 2.0. In F. Cameron and L. Kelly (Eds). Hot Topics,
Public Culture, Museums (pp.281-298). London: Cambridge Scholars.
Kisiel, J. (2005). Understanding elementary teacher motivations for science fieldtrips.
Science Education, 86, 936-955.
McManus, P. (1985). Worksheet-induced behaviour in the British Museum (Natural
History). Journal of Biological Education, 19, 237-242.
Miglietta, A., Belmonte, G. and Boero, F. (2008) A Summative Evaluation of Science
Learning: A Case Study of the Marine Biology Museum “Pietro Parenzan” (South
East Italy). Visitor Studies, 11(2), 213-219.
Senge, P. (1992). The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning
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Wolins, I., Jensen, N. and Ulzheimer, R. (1992). Children’s memories of museum
field trips: A qualitative study. Journal of Museum Education, 17(2), 17-27.
Xanthoudaki, M. (1998). Is it always worth the trip? The contribution of museum and
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by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 14
Australian Museum Online Resources
The Coalition of Knowledge Building Schools:
2010 Horizon Report Museum Edition: Commentary on the key drivers:
2010 Horizon Report Museum Edition: Commentary on significant challenges:
2010 Horizon Report Museum Edition: Commentary on technologies to watch:
Learning Trends in an Online World:
Web to Classroom Workshops:
How Would You Design An Exhibit Part 1:
How Would You Design An Exhibit Part 2:
e-Kids’ College November 2007:
Kids Talk About the Internet:
Teaching the Facebook Generation:
Twitter in the Classroom Boosts Student Engagement:
Student Learning in Museums: what do we know? Report prepared for The Sovereign Hill Museums Association
by Dr Lynda Kelly, 13 June 2011 Page 15