CL 263 Cert
CL 263 Cert
CL 263 Cert
has met the requirements of AC204, IAS Accreditation Criteria for Calibration Laboratories, and has demonstrated
compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2017, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories. This organization is accredited to provide the services specified in the scope of accreditation.
Effective Date July 22, 2023
Expiration Date June 1, 2024
WES-CP-001 Rev.01
EURAMET cg-15/v3.0
* If information in this CMC is presented in non-SI units, the conversion factors stated in NIST Special Publication
811 “Guide for the Use of the International System of Units (SI)” apply.
1The uncertainty covered by the Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) is expressed as the expanded
uncertainty having a coverage probability of approximately 95 %. It is the smallest measurement uncertainty that a
laboratory can achieve within its scope of accreditation when performing calibrations of a best existing device. The
measurement uncertainty reported on a calibration certificate may be greater than that provided in the CMC due to the
behavior of the calibration item and other factors that may contribute to the uncertainty of a specific calibration.
2When uncertainty is stated in relative terms (such as percent, a multiplier expressed as a decimal fraction or in scientific
notation), it is in relation to instrument reading or instrument output, as appropriate, unless otherwise indicated.
3Capability is suitable for the calibration of measuring devices in the stated ranges.