Tutorial Sheet 2
Tutorial Sheet 2
Tutorial Sheet 2
Tutorial Sheet-2
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Q. 1 For the transmission network in Fig. 1 and its corresponding oriented graph in Fig. 2, select the
tree T(2,4,7,8)- and write the B, C matrices. Verify the orthogonality relations. Choosing ground as
reference bus, write the A matrix.
Q.2 For the graph in Fig. 3 select the tree T(2,4,5,6).
(i) Write the fundamental loop matrix C and the fundamental cutset matrix B. Verify the relation BCT
= 0 and Cb = -BlT.
(ii) Write the augmented incidence matrix Aa and the incidence matrix A by choosing 4 as reference
node. Arrange A as [Ab ¦ Al] corresponding to the tree T(2,4,5,6) and verify Bl= Ab-1Al.
Q.3 Repeat Q.2 for the tree T(3,5,6,7).
Q.4 For the oriented graph in Fig.4 select tree T(6,7,1,4,5). Write the B and C matrices and verify BCT=
0. Write the incidence matrix A with 6 as reference node and derive B from A.
Q.5 Consider the linear graph in Fig. 5 which represents a 3-bus transmission system with all shunt
admittances at a bus lumped together. Each transmission line has a series impedance of 0.02 + j0.08
and a half line charging admittance of j0.02 (all in pu). 0 is the ground bus.
(i) Compute Ybusby inspection as well as by the analytical formula.
(ii) Compute Zbus analytically by the procedure using graph theory.
(iii) Verify Zbus Ybus = U.
Q.6 Consider the system shown in Fig. 6. It shows a transmission network with series reactances of
transmission lines all in pu as shown. The line charging and shunt impedances are neglected.
(i) By choosing the appropriate tree for the graph, write B and C matrices. Write the incidence matrix
A with 6 as reference node.
(ii) Verify BCT = 0 and deduce the fundamental cutset matrix from the A matrix.
(iii) Compute Ybus matrix with ground as reference.
(iv) Choosing 6 as reference bus, compute Zbus using the procedure of graph theory.
(v) In the Ybus derived in (iii), since ground bus is isolated, delete the row and column corresponding to
the ground bus to get a reduced Ybus. Verify that this reduced Ybus is the inverse of Zbusobtained in (iv).
Q.7 In the Ybusof Q.6, eliminate the nodes 3 and 5 and obtain the reduced admittance matrix with ground
bus as reference.
Q.8 The system impedance data for the system in Fig. 7 is given in Table-1. Lines 1-0 and 2-0 represent
the transient reactances of the generators connected at buses 1 and 2, respectively.
(i) Write a general purpose computer program for eliminating buses from a given Ybus.
(ii) Implement the program for the above system to eliminate all buses except 6 and 7 to obtain a reduced
2 X 2 bus admittance matrix.
Q.9 For the system in Q. 8 neglecting all series resistance and also omitting- line 2-4.(i) Compute Zbus
with ground as reference bus.(ii) Compute Ybuswith ground as reference.(iii) Verify that Zbus Ybus = U.
Table - 1
(1) (2)
(1) 1 (2)
2 4
7 8
(3) 9
1 2
7 3
5 4
4 3
3 4
1 2
8 6
5 6
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.5
5 6
0 0
1 2
4 3