Case Study 1
Case Study 1
Case Study 1
This paper is a real life case study describing how a much celebrated resort Hotel having a beautiful ocean front adopted
environmental initiatives at every stage of its supply chain. The initiatives started with their own operations first. Thereafter, the
Hotel considered its inbound logistics part of the supply chain as well as the outbound part of the supply chain and worked with
suppliers, waste handlers and other business partners to green these stages too. The case describes many details of the action
plans incorporated by the Hotel in its process of greening all operations. Because it is in the case study format emphasis has been
given to describe exact procedures of greening the supply chain. It is the objective of the case writer to inspire players in the Hotel
and Hospitality industry to adopt green supply chain initiatives into their supply chain and contribute towards the sustainability of
the region.
Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management, Hotel Industry, Sustainability
Relevance of Green Supply Chain in if any. This initiative, thus, involves a framework where
the company would need to consider the inbound logistics
the Industry Today phase of the supply chain, production or internal supply
chain, outbound logistics phase, and reverse logistics
In today’s world, many business organizations have woken phase (Rao, 2002; Rao & Holt, 2005; Rao, 2007; Sarkis,
up to the increasing relevance of sustainable development. 1999; Seuring & Muller, 2007).
Many companies have adopted environmental initiatives
as an integral part of their operations, incorporating The strategic framework for green supply chain
innovative concepts such as environmental sustainability, management has proved to be a very effective roadmap
responsible purchasing and manufacturing, triple bottom followed by multitudes of companies in different countries
line, better compliance to national and international all over the world. For many of them, especially for larger
environmental standards, environment friendly waste companies, such initiatives have helped them achieve
management, and so on, into their overall company environmental performance (Rao, 2002, Bacallan, 2000),
strategy (Hsu, et al., 2013; Bacallan, 2000; Rao & Kondo, enhanced brand image and social standing, as well as
2010). These organizations have also realized that if economic performance and competitiveness (Sharma et
sustainability has to be achieved, the green initiative has al., 2015; Rao & Holt, 2005). In addition to companies
to encompass the entire stretch of the operations of a achieving their individual benefits, our natural
company, and include suppliers, customers, waste handlers, environment has clearly been a predominant beneficiary
and other business partners in the process (Cervera & because the framework of green supply chain management
Flores, 2012; Sharma, Rajan, Jose & Rao, 2015). Thus, involves and makes ‘green’ a host of small, medium, and
the green supply chain approach is incorporated where large companies all along the supply chain, and leads to
companies need to identify environmental aspects at nothing less than clearly contributing to making ‘green’
every stage, encompassing all suppliers’ operations and industries in the region. This makes the green supply chain
those of other business partners, assess the environmental management framework a very important requirement in
impacts associated with the aspects, and design action any region, anywhere in the world (Cervera & Flores,
plans to mitigate the adverse effects on the environment 2012; Sharma, Rajan, Jose & Rao, 2015).
Green Supply Chain Management in Hotel Azure: A Case in Sustainability 29
● Requiring suppliers to stop providing
environmentally questionable materials.
● Reducing items that are difficult to dispose of after
● Reducing the use of virgin materials by sourcing
and using more recycled, reused, and recyclable
materials (Sarkis, 2001; Rao & Kondo, 2010;
Simpson, et al., 2007).
(b) Greening suppliers in Inbound logistics:
● Selecting suppliers by environmental criteria
● Requiring suppliers to specify environmental
impacts of the product content
● Requiring that the products that are supplied must
have green attributes
Source: Sarkis (1999)
● Specifying that the products must not contain envi-
In a subsequent section we discuss the case of Hotel ronmentally hazardous attributes
Azure, where this idyllic resort and hotel implemented ● Requiring suppliers to provide information
green supply chain management in its operations. Usually
(MSDS) about their environmental aspects (MSDS
one hears about green supply chain in manufacturing set-
ups. All the same, service organizations too, like hotels & = material safety data sheet) (Rao & Kondo, 2010).
resorts, hospitals, BPO units and even educational
institutions can very well incorporate this framework and Making the Production Process Green by:
contribute towards greening of industry (Rao, Pulupudi &
Sen, 2017). ● Using environmentally friendly raw materials in
The logic behind adopting green supply chain management
is that Hotel Azure realized that in addition to making its ● Substituting environmentally questionable
own operations proactively environmental friendly, it materials.
could contribute to making the rest of the industry green ● Always taking environmental criteria into
by inspiring the suppliers, waste handlers, and other consideration during production.
service providers to be environmentally friendly. To
achieve this objective, the hotel decided to adopt the Green ● Using clean fuel, renewable energy, solar energy,
Supply Chain Management Framework to help provide a and so on in production.
workable roadmap (Seuring, 2001, Sarkis, 2012). ● Encouraging environmental design considerations.
● Optimizing process to reduce solid and liquid waste,
Features of Green Supply Chain and emissions.
● Internal recycling of materials within the production
In general, the green supply chain management has the phase.
following features:
● Recovery of company’s end-of-life products. Again, Song (2012) recognizes that supply chain
● Providing customer with information on management, though so needed and relevant in the
environment-friendly products and/or production tourism industry, is rather rare in the existing literature. In
the past few decades, the tourism industry has evolved and
modernized in a considerable manner. This has also
● Use of environmentally friendly transportation promoted implementation of supply chain management
(Sarkis, 2001, Seuring, 2001). among organizations constituting the industry. Song
believes that in view of the tourism industry becoming
Green Supply Chain in the TourisM fiercely competitive, adoption of supply chain linking all
business partners rather than single tourism entities would
Industry: A Brief Literature Review certainly help in achieving a competitive advantage.
However, the sustainability aspect or ‘green’ initiative
Green Supply Chain Management, or GSCM in the encompassing the tourism supply chain does not feature
manufacturing industry has all along attracted widespread in a significant way.
research in academia over the past few decades.
Contrastingly, studies of GSCM in the service industry Tigu and Călăreţu (2013) consider supply chain
have been very few in number (Zhang, Song & Huang, management in the tourism industry with an emphasis on
2008; Hong, Kwon & Roh, 2009). Recently, most a hotel chain in Romania. They observed that the supply
researchers have focused on how to incorporate chain in tourism involves multiple participants, such as
sustainability in supply chain management so as to tourism services suppliers, tour-operators and reselling
improve the performance of the manufacturing industry travel agencies, and most importantly, hotel guests or
(Zhu, Geng, Fujita & Hashimoto, 2010; Lee, Kim & Choi, clients. In order to enhance customer satisfaction, Tigu
2012; Rao & Holt, 2005). Indeed, very few research is and Călăreţu observed that hotels strive to attain objectives
available on green supply chain contribution toward which include excellence in services, high ROI, reduced
achieving better performance in the service industry. demand uncertainty, and also environmental sustainability
However, there is tremendous relevance in incorporating in their supply chain. However, the sustainability aspect is
sustainability in the supply chain process of the service not held in high priority.
industry (Kamal & Fernando, 2015).
Michailidou et al. (2016) looked upon the tourism industry
Walker et al. (2014) consider sustainable OM (Operations as one of the most dynamic and far reaching sectors in the
Management) as the implementation of social, economic, world today. In this industry there are many complex and
and environmental objectives into the operations of an inter-related activities which constitute efficient
individual firm and operational linkages that go beyond the development of tourism. These activities comprise
firm to include the supply chain and communities. They economic, environmental, social, cultural, and political
have explored how the existing literature has considered dimensions in the overall supply chain. Although it does
sustainability initiatives on all phases of supply chains. play a key role in the development of economic progress
However, in their work as well, one does not come across in the region, tourism contributes toward environmental
research on supply chains in the services sector. degradation, especially in the popular tourism centers, and
also in climate change. Their research presents a
Zhang et al. (2009) have reviewed existing literature framework to estimate the environmental footprints of
on green supply chain management in the context of each link in the tourism supply chain framework based on
tourism. They acknowledge that studies on green supply lifecycle impact assessment theory. To demonstrate the
chain in the tourism context are much fewer compared to applicability of this framework, they considered two large
ones in the manufacturing sector. They consider the sea-side hotels in Greece. The framework was applied
benefit of looking at not only the individual enterprises with the help of a questionnaire and LCA (Life Cycle
but the entire value chain in tourism. Their research Analysis Software) SimaPro 8 software.
examines all characteristics of tourism products, and
brings out the drivers, challenges, and core issues in Hotel activities are highly inter-related with other
tourism supply chains (TSCs) as well as in tourism supply businesses, which provides a unique opportunity to
chain management (TSCM). This research also provides encourage their partners to help them attain their
a systematic review of available tourism studies from the environmental mission too (Lakshmi, 2002). Whenever
supply chain perspective, and proposes a framework for hotels manage and operate their activities of serving their
TSCM research in this new and exciting field. This guests, Michailidou says they should focus on several
framework, they expect, would also be of importance to aspects, such as logistics management, inventory
tourism and hospitality decision makers. management, information technology, procurement
Green Supply Chain Management in Hotel Azure: A Case in Sustainability 31
and distribution, and lean and green supply chain ● The hotels have made extensive use of solar energy.
practices. This would help not only to reduce their own ● Procure biodegradable soaps and detergents all the time.
environmental footprints but also contribute to making
the region ‘green’.
Green Design Best Practices in the Hospitality
Amemba (2013), considers green supply chain best
Industry in Kenya
practices in the Kenyan hospitality industry. The author
looks at how the hospitality industry in Kenya is ● Clean and well-fenced garbage disposal and com-
implementing environmental procurement, design for posting areas are present.
environment, environmentally friendly operations, cleaner
production, and environmental waste management as best ● Dry toilets and dual flush toilets are used for water
practices. Amemba observes that in Kenya Green Supply efficiency.
Chain Management is getting popular mainly because of ● Minimum use of the generator, with excess power
escalating deterioration of the environment. For instance, being stored in batteries to be discharged later.
there is a diminishing supply of raw material resources,
waste sites are overflowing, and the level of pollution ● A water meter is fixed in every unit to monitor water
generated from waste sites is ever increasing. However, usage.
the companies are also realizing that in the process of ● Water-efficient shower heads have been installed.
being environment friendly, green supply chain is making
● Charcoal briquettes are used to heat water.
good business sense, even leading to higher profits. In
fact, it is a business value driver and not a cost center. ● Piping is extended into designated “cooking huts”
within the village, which will make use of biogas for
In the research, Amemba explores how the green supply cooking and heating.
chain management elements, such as green procurement,
green manufacturing, green operations and reverse
logistics, and finally, waste management, lead to the Green Operations and Reverse Logistics Best
implementation of the best practices which constitute Practices in the Hospitality Industry in Kenya
● Using bucket showers to conserve water.
Amemba’s research brings out the following best practices
● Wastewater or grey water is recycled and reused for
as implanted by hotels in Kenya.
● Laundry is not carried out every day, unless
Best Practices in Green Procurement demanded.
● Using low-energy bulbs and solar energy for lighting ● Hotels consolidate laundry to conserve water.
of entire campus. ● Energy consumption and water consumption is
● Using solar energy wherever possible. continuously monitored.
● Using solar water heaters and solar-powered
communication systems. Green Manufacturing Best Practices in the
● Procurement of environment-friendly charcoal Hospitality Industry in Kenya
briquettes for cooking.
● Procurement of eco-friendly detergents. ● Charcoal briquettes are used for cooking.
● Rainwater harvesting and storage. ● The hotels use solar energy for cooking.
● Using roof catchments to enhance water supply. ● The hotels practice energy efficiency – using the
generator to a minimum, with excess power being
● The hotels return all the non-recyclable glass waste stored in batteries to be discharged later.
to central glass industries for remanufacturing.
● Use of solar energy in cooking; use of char dust for
● Most of the food and vegetables are grown in the
heating water.
hotel campus using organic gardening methods.
● Water is heated by solar-powered heaters both for
● Rainwater is harvested for use during cleaning.
cooking and cleaning.
32 Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems Volume 9 Issue 2 & 3 April & July 2020
Waste Management Best Practices in the Hotel Azure and Green Supply Chain
Hospitality Industry in Kenya ManaGeMent
● Organic waste is composted within the hotel campus
and given to a licensed waste handler. Hotel Azure was established about 40 years ago on the
golden coastline bordering the blue waters of the ocean. It
● Hotels practice garbage separation and composting. has brought tourists from all over the world through the
● Clean and well-fenced garbage disposal and ages. The coastline was studded with coconut trees and
composting areas are present. mountains which gave it an idyllic charm. Originally
● Grey water from every part of the hotel is collected discovered by pirates in the 16th century this region was
and re-used to water plants in the garden. converted into a bustling tourism and trading center. With
many foreigners visiting the place and several historic
● A three-chamber composting system to manage events taking place in the surrounding region, the locality
kitchen wastes is used; all garbage is separated became a melting pot of fascinating cultures, religion, and
before disposal. food. This, combined with the tranquility of the seas,
● Effective microorganisms in septic tanks to break provided a perfect backdrop for Hotel Azure.
down wastes are used. When it started, the hotel had only two blocks and less
● Reed bed system is used as part of their wastewater than 200 rooms. In 30 years it has grown to more than 500
management. rooms, 16 conference halls, and several specially decorated
suites. With the tremendous growth in the hotel’s size, the
● The hotels return all the non-recyclable glass waste
number of customers, and volume of business over the
to central glass industries, and waste oil is sent for years, Hotel Azure received many awards and recognition
recycling; non-biodegradable packaging is sent back from different national agencies for best in location, best
for recycling. in food services, and best in landscape competition. All
● Wastes are segregated before disposal; organic these awards and recognition showed that Hotel Azure’s
wastes are composted. search for excellence in service, quality, and customer
satisfaction was in existence all along. From quality
● Wetland system is constructed to manage wastewater. service, the hotel now sought to achieve proactive
● Regular testing of effluent is always carried out, environmental management, as shown by its interest in
using inspection and collecting drains; there is an sustainability and environmental preservation.
elaborate solid waste handling system based on 3 R
– Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. How Hotel Azure Started the Green Supply
● Organic food waste is composted in a scavenger- Chain Roadmap
proof site, and applied as manure in the kitchen
garden. Hotel Azure wanted to start the process by first focusing
● Metallic wastes (e.g. cans) are taken for recycling; on the production phase of its own operations.
whereas tins from paint are returned to the
manufacturer and waste oil is donated to staff for use Production or Internal Logistics Phase
in the domestic kitchen.
First, the environmental ‘aspects and impacts’ related to
Taking a note that research is not that abundant in the all company operations and activities were identified. The
sustainable supply chain management in the tourism process was in line with the ISO 14001 system of
industry, in the following sections the case of Hotel Azure environmental standards. Aspects include the hotel’s
is presented. We believe that for hotels and other entities activities, services, or products (which, incidentally, is
in the tourism industry, both the concept of supply chain the hotel service provided to the customers), which impact
management and sustainability are extremely relevant, the environment. An environmental impact is a change
and they lead to the achievement of a competitive to the environment caused by environmental aspects. For
advantage in a big way, in addition to ensuring that the example, when a hotel carries out a cleaning activity, the
industry is ‘green’. environmental aspect is the cleaning agent in
Green Supply Chain Management in Hotel Azure: A Case in Sustainability 33
the wastewater, and water itself, because it is a depleting and a likelihood rating. The score was the product of the
natural resource. The environmental impact is potential severity rating and likelihood rating. The more severe the
water pollution. Another example is when the hotel impact and more likely in frequency the aspect, the higher
provides hot water for the bathrooms; the environmental was the score.
aspect comprises emissions from the boiler. The
associated impact will be air pollution. The action plans were drawn up to address the aspects
having higher scores.
At Hotel Azure, a steering committee was created,
comprising people who identified all the environmental
aspects and the associated impacts by means of a walk-
through survey. Some of the aspects identified were:
Environmental Aspects
● Use of toxic chemicals in cleaning activities, which
is huge in a large hotel set up.
● Generation of solid and liquid waste, from kitchen
activities and cleaning activities; also from a large
amount of packaging used for all raw materials
which are sourced.
● Producing emissions in the air, from boilers, refrig-
erators, air-conditioning, cooking ovens. and other
● Use of fossil fuels like coal, LPG, oils.
● Use of electricity, water, and other materials.
● Generation of toxic wastes.
● Use of land and other natural resources.
Environmental Programs and Action Plans
● Providing kitchen services with ingredients which
are environment friendly, such as organically grown
Use of electricity, water, and other materials were found
farm vegetables, coffee and tea, meats, and so on;
to have a high score. So, the hotel drew up action plans to
as much as possible, fresh fish was served straight
address the aspect of using electricity, water, and so on.
from the ocean.
Associated Impacts of these Aspects Action Plan to Address Electricity use and
● Pollution of air. Incorporate Conservation
● Land contamination, land degradation.
● Water contamination. ● Use plants on the flat roofs of cottages to keep
● Rise of sea-level. temperature down so there is less need for air-
● Health hazard, prevalence of disease. conditioning.
● Global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion. ● Use solar panels on the sloping roofs to generate
● Lack of conservation of natural resources like electricity as well as for solar water heating.
materials, water, electricity, and land. ● All lighting posts on the beach line to be powered by solar panels.
steps-in-identification-and-evaluation-of-environmental- ● Use of natural lighting wherever possible.
● Train all employees to conserve electricity.
The Hotel also wanted to arrive at a priority score for each
In addition, the hotel planned to set up a bio-gas plant to
aspect so that action can be taken on aspects which are a
generate clean electricity using kitchen waste.
priority. For this, each aspect has a severity rating
34 Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems Volume 9 Issue 2 & 3 April & July 2020
Chemical sprays were to be replaced by water jets to Earlier, Hotel Azure was using several toxic and hazardous
dissolve oil and grease in the kitchen. items such as could be found in bleaches, cleansers,
disinfectants, insecticides, highly inflammable dry-
Action plans to educate employees to reduce consumption cleaning chemicals, and toilet and drain cleaners. These
of electricity, water, and other materials were made. were replaced by items which contain environmentally
friendly components.
When shopping, employees were advised to use reusable
bags. Solvents, acids, oils and greases, paints, pesticides, and
adhesives were all sourced in an environment friendly form.
All suppliers were asked to supply items having: Hotel Azure made it a point to always stress two kinds of
● A large volume of recycled and recyclable items. benefits upon adopting environment friendly procedures.
● Reusable items. In the first place, the hotel emphasized the need for the
industry to go green, and explained how the suppliers
● items which can be easily disposed off.
would help relieve the environmental burden in the region.
● environment friendly components. This could be achieved if the suppliers carried out waste
management properly, so that there is no toxic emission
Also, all suppliers were asked to provide MSDS (Material
released to the atmosphere, no toxic wastewater is emptied
Safety Data Sheet), detailing the exact volume of
into the water bodies, there is no land contamination, and
hazardous components, if any, and emergency procedures
so on.
listed, in case of a spill or leak.
Secondly, Hotel Azure also informed the suppliers that all
Making the Suppliers go Green
over the world organizations were becoming more and
Hotel Azure introduced a detailed program for suppliers more conscious of sustainability. Of course, these
and other business partners to make them environment organizations were conscious of the necessity of their own
friendly. production process being environmentally sustainable. In
addition, however, they also wanted their entire supply
Holding Environment Awareness Seminars and Workshops chain to go green. They were deciding more and more that
for Suppliers they would only do business with suppliers who were
With this initiative Hotel Azure periodically invited all its
suppliers to come together and listen to a panel of Hotel Azure explained to the suppliers that they can remain
speakers talking about: in business and stay competitive only if they become and
● Air pollution caused by emissions from various remain green. Hence, their sustainability efforts would
manufacturing and service processes. make perfect business sense.
● Water pollution caused by discharge of wastewater Supplier Rating System According to Environmental
which sometimes contains environmentally hazard- Criteria
ous substances, into rivers, lakes, and other water
Hotel Azure developed a supplier rating system broadly
bodies. under the following criteria:
● Land contaminations caused by landfills, leakages ● Hotel Azure first asked the supplier to check if they
of chemicals, and toxic output. have:
● Global warming and other climate change problems ● Industrial wastewater discharge.
due to the generation of greenhouse gases such as
carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and so on, upon ● Hazardous waste storage.
burning fossil fuels. ● Hazardous waste treatment.
● Ozone layer depletion on account of CFC use. ● Use/storage of hazardous materials.
● Waste management related problems. ● Air emissions.
● Land contamination caused by the use of plastic, and If any of these are present and the supplier monitors and
so on. controls them, then they get a high score.
Thereafter, the hotel assured the suppliers that their Otherwise, the supplier gets a low score. If these items are
environmental team would actively participate to help not present, then the supplier gets a high score.
suppliers address and overcome their specific
● Hotel Azure asked the supplier if their facility treats
environmental concerns.
industrial wastewater prior to discharge. If yes, the
36 Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems Volume 9 Issue 2 & 3 April & July 2020
supplier gets a high score, otherwise a low score. Environment-friendly Waste Management
● Hotel Azure asked the supplier if their facility has Before the green initiatives started at Hotel Azure, the
air emissions. If yes, whether it controls and treats hotel generated toxic solid as well as liquid waste. Waste
the emissions prior to discharge. If yes, the supplier handlers were given the responsibility of addressing
gets a high score, otherwise a low score. this problem. They would pick up the toxic waste and treat
it to remove the toxicity. Usually, such waste, after
In this manner, for every item applicable to suppliers, the neutralization, would be put in landfills. The liquid waste
hotel enquires and monitors the environmental initiatives would be discharged in water bodies.
taken up by the supplier; for each such item the supplier
is scored. These scores are added up to generate an overall However, nobody made the effort to monitor how the
score. Only if the score is high the supplier is retained by waste handlers were treating the waste.
the hotel. Otherwise, the supplier is replaced. Once the green initiatives started, the hotel appointed a
steering committee to keep track of the waste and monitor
Greening the Outbound Logistics Phase at Hotel how it was being treated.
The hotel also set up a waste treatment plant inside the
campus where all liquid waste would accumulate. In any
Hotel Azure adopted various strategies to make its
case, because the cleaning agents were environment-
outward logistics ‘green’.
friendly, the waste was not toxic. However, all liquid
● Green marketing waste was led to the wastewater treatment plant to undergo
● Environment-friendly waste management neutralization. Only the leftover solid sludge was given to
the waste handlers for dumping in the landfill.
● Environment-friendly transportation
Environment-friendly Transportation
● Green labeling
The hotel had a large amount of transportation services
Green Marketing associated with its operations involving vehicles bringing
This strategy dealt with how the hotel played a proactive in hotel guests, vehicles transporting hotel guests after
role in delivering a service which was sustainable in a their stay, huge volumes of incoming materials such as
very significant way. The hotel took extreme care to make vegetables, meats and fish, other food ingredients,
cooking supplements, cleaning items, stationery, linens,
every operation as totally environment-friendly as
towels, tablecloths, packaging, and so on. The suppliers
possible, such as cleaning aspects, where environmentally
were asked to use vehicles with emission-free engines for
questionable products were substituted with sustainable transportation. But for the vehicles used by the hotel
ones; kitchen and food providing services, where guests, a different set up was devised.
organically grown vegetables, meats, coffee, and other
food materials were used, along with fresh fish from the All vehicles used by guests were stopped at a very
ocean, as much as possible; keeping the seafront devoid comfortable and attractive pavilion close to the main
of garbage, and so on. hotel. The incoming guests alighted there, were served
drinks, and then they were brought to the main building
In addition, the hotel went out of its way to communicate by hotel-owned golf carts which were run by electricity.
to all its customers and potential customers, including
other hotels and resorts in the nearby region, regarding the The same was done for outgoing guests, with the golf
sustainability initiative they adopted. They did this to carts bringing the guests to the pavilion where taxis and
educate other players in the market and inspire the market vehicles would be waiting to transport them.
as a whole to contribute to making the industry ‘green’.
Green marketing also helped to satisfy an implicit need in ReachinG Greener HeiGhts and
the customer to go to a resort which is totally free of EducatinG the Hotel Industry
toxicity, emissions and hazardous material. The customers
said that they loved to go to a resort for rest and
The environmental initiatives carried out by Hotel Azure,
rejuvenation, where there is no CFC, no PCBs, and no
in the form of a green supply chain management, has
plastic waste lying around, and the environment nourishes
come a long way from what the hotel envisaged when
the health.
they started.
Green Supply Chain Management in Hotel Azure: A Case in Sustainability 37
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