25 High Elfs and The Union
25 High Elfs and The Union
25 High Elfs and The Union
the Union
In this month’s issue we look at the teams from the majestic isle of
Ulthuan and how repeated scandals eventually brought about the
creation of the Elf Union.
Galadrieth Gladiators
All style, not substance
Prince Moranion
A class act
Fulathian Filibusters
It’s about time
Elfheim Eagles
Arcane advances
Swift Twins
Sibling rivalry
Who’s Who
The full player and staff
Gridiron Gazette – High Elves and the Union
Cooking up a
storm Galadrieth Gladiators
The Gladiators are one of - By Dolf Ungerhaagen
the few teams who keep a
weather mage Considering they are Ulthuan’s premier team, the Gladiators have something of a
permanently retained on
checkered past. Their early history appears to be somewhat lost, most likely the
the staff. Stormbrew
players and staff were too focused on decadent partying to actually write anything
Highcloud’s skills came
into play one game while down. Thus, their recorded history begins in the 2460s but in reality they are a
facing snotling much older team than that.
opposition. Smeggy ‘the
Glider’ Marshjuice had History
been making quite the
name for himself with his 2468 – The Ashvale Valar and Dar-Ellarath Beachtrees teams both financially collapse and as we’ll
new winged outfit. see later the Elfheim Eagles are formed. However, the best players from both teams were actually
Tossed by the team troll signed by the Gladiators and saw the team go on a 3 year high with the bolstered new talent.
he literally flew over the
opposition teams heads. 2470 – The zenith of that high sees the Gladiators win the Blood Bowl trophy, defeating the
That was until Highcloud Gouged Eye in the final. Their first ever win of one of the majors saw the most expensive post-
conjured up a storm to match parties ever recorded. At the behest of Morvael the Phoenix King, the party spread out over
whisk him away into the all of Ulthuan. Sadly, the players themselves, after such a bruising encounter with the Orcs, missed
heavens and on a one- it. They were too busy getting emergency apothecary and hair stylist appointments!
way trip around the frigid
far reaches of Norsca. Morvael was so pleased he demanded the team win the trophy again next year as an excuse to
throw another such party.
Looking good
2471 – The Gladiators had been developing the running game, in odds with the normal majestic
High Elf preference for passing. They went the whole season and didn’t throw a single pass as they
All Elf teams are
focused on the run. It was a disaster! They are dumped out of the Blood Bowl and in a rage,
pampered, but the
Morvael exiles the team from Ulthuan! They are forced to play on the road.
Gladiators took it to new
levels, their spending was
beyond excessive. Hot 2485 – After a barren patch the Gladiators reach the Blood Bowl quarterfinals where they play the
Dwarf Giants. 2-0 up and with the Giants reduced to 9 players, things were looking good. Then a
spring saunas, personal
teleportation spells and dummy ball packed with explosives killed one of the High Elves – a cruel trick! The Gladiators and
chimera skin kitbags were their fans stormed over to the Giants dug-out for revenge but met the immovable wall of the Giants
cheerleading squad. 110 fans were killed, most of the Gladiators squad injured and unfit to
the norm. No preen too
continue. The Giants went on to win the game!
far, no pamper too exotic.
It's no wonder the team
2489 – With the NAF collapsing, the Gladiators fall on hard times. In desperation they sign a huge
faced financial ruin when
the NAF collapsed and sponsorship deal with McMurty’s to promote something called a ‘veggie’ burger - would you
the money tap was turned believe it was meat free? Clearly aimed at the Elf market. As part of the deal a name change is
off. also forced on the team, for one season only they became the McMurty’s Big Murt Gladiators.
2490 – The Court of Eagles, a conclave of High Elf princes, buy the Gladiators and restore the
Underachievers previous team name. At last, fans thought, this once great team would have some pride and
honour restored. Alas no, even this new deal had some small print that was to see the Gladiators
With one solitary Blood descend further into farce. The owners were now allowed to play themselves if they wanted to and
Bowl title to their name, so eager but talentless young princelings took the place of seasoned veterans on the pitch.
the Gladiators have never
lived up to their promise. 2492 – Trying to arrest their descent, the Gladiators sign Bo Gallanté and results seems to improve
All of their other awards but he only stays for a season. He’s never said why he left but clearly something wasn’t right with
and honours lack any real the team.
credibility such as ‘Best
Post Match Party - 2470’ 2501 – Lucien Swift, long term and long-suffering team captain leaves the Eagles to become a full
or ‘Most Aesthetic Pass – time free booter with his brother. Without his steady hand at the rudder are the Gladiators about
2483’. It’s about time to plunge into another period of poor form again?
they won something!
Gridiron Gazette – High Elves and the Union
Celestial Comets
What do Dungeon Bowl players do when they graduate college but don’t get signed to a Blood Bowl team? They create
their own team of course! The Comets were formed when Elves of all races grouped together to make their own team and
venture onto the astrogranite. However, they didn’t entirely leave their old habits behind them. Before the game kicks off
the Comets have been known to set up teleporters ‘borrowed’ from a College dungeon and place them under the trap
doors on the pitch. It certainly explains why a player in the Comets backfield carrying the ball can suddenly appear in the
oppositions half so easily for an unexpected (not to mention quick) score. Sneaky blighters!
Gridiron Gazette – High Elf / Elf Union
Other Races
The below are players from other races who through some strange twist of fate, ended up playing for a High Elf or Elf Union team.
The below are Elves who have worked on any team.
The below are Elves who have worked on any team.
Name Team Status
Ferrestrial Goldhoove Everbold Unicorns Alive
Ffarren Branchstrength Elfheim Eagles Alive
Oriel Blaze Celestial Comets Alive
Orion Spangletongue Unknown Alive
Rufaeo Tryl Celestial Comets Alive
Silvyen Swiftstep Elfheim Eagles Alive
Vorean Dawnstar Elfheim Eagles Alive
Name Team Status
Gwion Falconeye Celestial Comets Alive
Jorral Brightarm Elfheim Eagles Alive
Lariala Vinetree Kallahir Swifts Alive
Lyborel Lakebreeze Elfheim Eagles Alive
Soaren Hightower Elfheim Eagles Retired
Solenis Firepass Celestial Comets Alive
Valen Swift Elfheim Eagles Alive
Name Team Status
Fanafriel Cleardawn Elfheim Eagles Alive
Foreleon Summerdraft Elfheim Eagles Alive
Harelyon Tallelm Elfheim Eagles Alive
Highelm Lyrpadre Elfheim Eagles Alive
Ibrahim Golddawn Elfheim Eagles Alive
Lonell Swift Celestial Comets Alive
Nyresol Featherstep Elfheim Eagles Alive
Oderaen Highreach Elfheim Eagles Alive
Pinedweller Cumulus Elfheim Eagles Alive
Threllas Surehands Celestial Comets Alive
Gridiron Gazette – High Elf / Elf Union
Name Team Status
Byufell Triehugger Elfheim Eagles Alive
Caelis "The Avenger" Thyll Celestial Comets Alive
Cathvren Fairlock Elfheim Eagles Alive
Disoryl Seawind Elfheim Eagles Alive
Dolfar Longstride ** Freebooter ** Dead – Killed by Roxanna Darknail
Ellenari Tespeth Celestial Comets Alive
Erewine Ar-Khorigan Elfheim Eagles Retired
Eron Bluetree Celestial Comets Alive
Fennel Tallelm Elfheim Eagles Retired
Filamir Tylanis Celestial Comets Alive
Jarren Unknown Alive
Kaprica Rootstem Elfheim Eagles Alive
Kerredith Morr Elfheim Eagles Alive
Kyrnos the Reaper Celestial Comets Alive
Lassolegs Gladhandriel Elfheim Eagles Alive
Lithoryl Palesilver Elfheim Eagles Alive
Moraes Quickstem Elfheim Eagles Alive
Norelius Quiverstep Elfheim Eagles Alive
Oakwarmth Salladrien Elfheim Eagles Alive
Opaldawn Mardiell Elfheim Eagles Alive
Raichoel Riverflow Elfheim Eagles Alive
Rowan "Rootstem" Elderbranch Elfheim Eagles Retired
Ruatha Tembilin Elfheim Eagles Retired
Sussurrus Morr Elfheim Eagles Alive
Tall Erreden Elfheim Eagles Alive
Ullerien Morr Elfheim Eagles Alive
Urion Brantho Celestial Comets Alive
Winsom Anglepoise Unknown Alive
Looking ahead . . . .
In issue 26 of the Gridiron Gazette we’ll be looking at old ideas re-imagined as we cast our steely gaze over the Old World Alliance
teams. We’ll be answering such questions as -
Final Fact!
With the teams captain leaving, the Eagles are in need of new leadership. There is a lot of weight therefore on college signee Orion
Spangletongue, billed as being the next big thing. Spangletongue, a stripling youth at a mere 80 years old, has been ripping up the
record books in the college leagues. He really shot to fame when he became the first player outside of the professional game, to
make a long bomb pass from deep within his own half and then catch it himself to score in the oppositions half. It’s a lot of pressure
on the young players shoulders, can he live up to it?