Olympic-Brand-Guidelines Compressed Removed Removed
Olympic-Brand-Guidelines Compressed Removed Removed
Olympic-Brand-Guidelines Compressed Removed Removed
These guidelines are intended to help bring the Olympic
brand to life – a visual identity inspired by our heritage and
driven by our vision of building a better world through
sport. The system balances consistency and flexibility
to maximise impact through every application. Just like
in sport, there are lines to stay within, but those margins
aren’t meant to stop the exceptional; they simply frame it.
Let's move the world.
Inspire human Build a better world Unite the world on and Excellence, respect
potential every day through sport off the field of play and friendship
Since ancient times, the Olympic Games have What can sport accomplish in a complex and The Olympic Games are about bringing people Our values help bring out the best in us. We
measured human potential — inspiring the best ever-evolving world? A lot. Sport shows us together. Nations and generations of diverse strive for excellence and encourage people to
of us. Unlocking potential isn’t just for elite ath- we’re all chasing the same dreams — that backgrounds and beliefs. A celebration of what do the best they can. We promote respect in
letes chasing world records. Potential is inside anyone, from anywhere, can aspire to compete we share and the power of our differences. many different ways, respect for yourself, for the
everyone looking to get better — to be better — at the highest level. Sport can help people find Faster. Higher. Stronger. Together. rules, for your opponents, for the environment
every single day. their confidence, their spirit, their creativity. and for the public. We celebrate friendship,
which is the hallmark of the Olympic Games.
Sport can build friendships and bridge nations. There is more that unites than divides us.
Athletes are competitors, but respect each
other in victory and defeat. Sport is a way in —
a universal language accepted everywhere. It
shows us we’re not that different after all.
Inspiring optimism about the future.
Promoting peace through sport. Ambition.
Aspiration. Promise and potential.
Shared by all people, everywhere. Everlasting.
Timeless. Essential. Enduring.
United in diversity. United in solidarity. Bringing
the world together. Uniting people through
empathy and celebrating differences and
Full of energy and enthusiasm. Dynamic,
inspiring, active and exciting. Igniting passion
in us all.
Innovative and sustainable ideas, methods and
milestones that help move the world forward.
Positive social impact for a better world. Push-
ing the limits. Inspiring potential.
Committee abcdefghi
Infographics Grids
Isolation area
The isolation area corresponds to 1/4 the diam-
eter of a ring. No other typography, text, graphic
and/or photographic element may overlap the
Olympic rings.
Minimum size
The Olympic rings should appear no smaller
than 8 millimetres or 30 pixels wide. In special
cases, provided that the legibility and integrity
of the Olympic rings are retained, the rule on
minimum size might not be applied, with the
prior consent of the IOC.
1/4 X X 1/4 X
1/4 X
Do not rotate. Do not recreate with objects, shapes, people or products. Do not place any elements over the top of the rings.
Pantone 3005 C Textile Cotton 18-4440 TCX Pantone 137 C Textile Cotton 14-1064 TCX Pantone 426 C Textile Cotton 19-4205 TCX
HEX #0078D0 Madeira 1297 HEX #FFB114 Madeira 1137 HEX #000000 Madeira 1007
RGB 0, 120, 208 RAL 5015 RGB 255, 177, 20 RAL 1028 RGB 0, 0, 0 RAL 9005
CMYK 100, 40, 0, 0 CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100
Pantone 355 C Textile Cotton 17-6153 TCX Pantone 192 C Textile Cotton 18-1763 TCX Pantone White Textile Cotton 11-0601 TCX
HEX #00A651 Madeira 1051 HEX #F0282D Madeira 1147 HEX #FFFFFF Madeira 1001
RGB 0, 166, 81 RAL 6037 RGB 240, 40, 45 RAL 3020 RGB 255, 255, 255 RAL 9016
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 95, 90, 0 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
disabled buttons.
These colours may be used in support of
Olympic colours only, and should not be used
prominently in application. This helps maintain
the meaning and impact of the Olympic palette.
Outside of illustrations, extended colours may HEX #E67324 HEX #FA841E HEX #FFB114 HEX #FFCE19 HEX #FFE045 HEX #FFF08C
RGB 230, 115, 36 RGB 250, 132, 30 RGB 255, 177, 20 RGB 255, 206, 25 RGB 255, 224, 69 RGB 255, 240, 140
be applied only with similar tones. For example, CMYK 5, 70, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 58, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 35, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 18, 100, 0 CMYK 0, 10, 83, 0 CMYK 0, 0, 53, 0
on an infographic, the extended blues may be
used in support of Olympic blue. *
*Olympic colour
HEX #005A46 HEX #00804D HEX #00A651 HEX #00CB50 HEX #6BDB83 HEX #AAE8B8
RGB 0, 90, 70 RGB 0, 128, 77 RGB 0, 166, 81 RGB 0, 203, 80 RGB 107, 219, 131 RGB 170, 232, 184
CMYK 100, 45, 85, 30 CMYK 100, 20, 95, 16 CMYK 100, 0, 100, 0 CMYK 75, 0, 82, 0 CMYK 52, 0, 60, 0 CMYK 27, 0, 32, 0
HEX #980F30 HEX #BF192B HEX #F0282D HEX #FF555F HEX #FF9196 HEX #FFC7C9
RGB 152, 15, 48 RGB 191, 25, 43 RGB 240, 40, 45 RGB 255, 85, 95 RGB 255, 145, 150 RGB 255, 199, 201
CMYK 27, 100, 80, 24 CMYK 14, 100, 93, 10 CMYK 0, 95, 90, 0 CMYK 0, 78, 53, 0 CMYK 0, 50, 27, 0 CMYK 0, 25, 10, 0
HEX #000000 HEX #2E2E2E HEX #5A5A5A HEX #969696 HEX #B4B4B4 HEX #E5E5E5
RGB 0, 0, 0 RGB 46, 46, 46 RGB 90, 90, 90 RGB 150, 150, 150 RGB 180, 180, 180 RGB 229, 229, 229
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 94 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 50 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 35 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 10
Solid colour
Use colour boldly in application to create International International International
space and impact, with big hits of white and Olympic
big hits of colour. Select colours that align with
the tone or theme of the communication. For
example, white feels more elegant and red
more energetic. When in doubt, use white —
a key Olympic colour and a neutral backdrop
for content.
International International International
Avoid gradients or effects in most circum- Olympic Olympic Olympic
Committee Committee Committee
stances. Olympic colours are most powerful
when pure. In digital, use black or white gradi-
ents only when overlayed on images.
Combining colour
Olympic colours and medal colours may be
combined with white or black only. For example,
white or black text may appear on an Olympic
green background.
Construction and
Isolation area
To maintain legibility, ensure that no elements 1/2 x x 1/2 x 1/2 x
crowd the surrounding space and that they
1/2 x
do not sit uncomfortably close to the edge of
a surface. International
The isolation area that surrounds Tier 1 lockups
corresponds to half the height of one ring. Committee
1/2 x
Secondary lockup
Olympic Committee
1/2 x
Construction and
Isolation area (FRENCH)
To maintain legibility, ensure that no elements 1/2 x x 1/2 x 1/2 x
crowd the surrounding space and that they
1/2 x
do not sit uncomfortably close to the edge of
a surface. Comité
The isolation area that surrounds Tier 1 lockups
correspond to half the height of one ring. Olympique
1/2 x
Secondary lockup
Comité International
1/2 x
Construction and
Isolation area (bilingual)
Bilingual lockups speak to a wider audience and 1/2 x x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x
offer a more sustainable option when creating
1/2 x
printed materials. Bilingual lockups are avail-
able available in French first and English first Comité International
arrangements. International Olympic
To maintain legibility, ensure that no elements Olympique Committee
crowd the surrounding space and that they
1/2 x
do not sit uncomfortably close to the edge of
a surface.
Secondary lockup
Olympic Lausanne
Committee 12.05.2022
Tier 2 lockups are for IOC activities, including
products, programmes and events. They are
typeset in Olympic Headline. Examples include
Olympic Day and Olympic Agora. There are
three lockup arrangements for various layout
and composition needs.
Horizontal lockup
The minimum size is defined by the width of the OLYMPIC
rings: 8mm for print or 50px for digital.
Vertical lockup
The minimum size is defined by the width of the
rings: 8mm for print or 50px for digital.
Construction and
Isolation area
The construction grid provides a consistent
structure and visual rhythm. To ensure legi- 1/2 x x 1/2 x 1/2 x
bility, no elements may be placed nearby. The
isolation area that surrounds Tier 2 lockups
1/2 x
correspond to half the height of one ring.
1/2 x
Horizontal one-line lockup Vertical lockup
1/2 x 1/2 x
1/2 x
1/2 x x 1/2 x 1/2 x
1/2 x
1/2 x
1/2 x
1/2 x
35 Logo system Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Tier 2
In professionally designed applications and
templates, the designation may be separated
from the Olympic rings to create space for,
or align with, other elements along the grid.
Key elements such as rings, titles and photos
should most often be locked to an edge
of the grid.
AGORA 23.05.2021
Art of the
Committee AGORA
Committee AGORA
The typography should be black or white only. No other colours Do not use Olympic Headline in the Tier 1 lockups. Tier 1 lockups should always be typeset in Regular;
are permitted. never Medium or Bold.
Tier 1 lockups should always use title case never all caps, except for Tier 2 horizontal lockup should be aligned with the rings. The text in Tier 1 stacked lockups should never be on two lines.
special-case acronyms.
COMMITTEE NAME International
Olympic Committee
Sport in the Olympic Programme International Federation recognised by the International Organisation recognised by the International Olympic Committee
Olympic Committee
Event organised with the support of the International With the support of the International Olympic Committee
Olympic Committee
Non-Latin alternates
Russian Bebas Neue Bold
Chinese Noto Sans CJK CS Bold
Korean Noto Sans CJK KR Bold
Japanese Noto Sans CJK JP Bold
Hindi Noto Sans Devanagari
ExtraCondensed Bold
Arabic Noto Sans Arabic
ExtraCondensed Bold
43 Typography
Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Olympic Headline Olympic Headline Regular
With looser spacing and wider proportions,
Olympic Headline Regular is the most versatile
style of this family. It may be used for short Olympic Headline Condensed
world record
For extra impact, the condensed and com-
pressed styles can be used for very short titles
of six words or less.
History of the
Olympic Headline is only available in uppercase.
Variable font
For professional designers, Olympic Headline is
also available as a variable font: a single file that
includes all styles. It allows for variations along
two axes: width and slant. This format allows the
designer to adjust the font to a specific need and
is also useful for digital/interactive animations.
Olympic Sans is a contemporary interpretation
of Akzidenz-Grotesk, a typeface designed in
1896, the same year that the modern Games
were born. Olympic Sans was designed in 2020
by Fabian Harb in Basel, Switzerland.
Arial Regular
Arial Italic
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
3 July–11 August
Non-Latin alternates
Russian Roboto Regular
Chinese Noto Sans CJK CS Regular
Korean Noto Sans CJK KR Regular
Japanese Noto Sans CJK JP Regular
Hindi Noto Sans Devanagari Regular
Arabic Noto Sans Arabic Regular
Burkina Faso
→ 2024 Events
45 Typography
Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Olympic Sans Olympic Sans Bold
Olympic Sans should be set in sentence case.
All caps may be used very sparingly in specific
she won every women’s gymnastics event.
applications such as table headers and small
labels. The same applies to digital, as it is hard
for users to scan large amounts of capital-
ised text.
Olympic Sans Regular + Regular Italic Olympic Sans Regular
→ Skateboarding
Georgia Regular
Georgia Italic
Georgia Bold
Georgia Bold Italic
Non-Latin alternates
Russian Spectral Regular
Chinese Noto Serif CJK CS Regular
Korean Noto Serif CJK KR Regular
Japanese Noto Serif CJK JP Regular
Hindi Noto Serif Devanagari Regular
Arabic Noto Naskh Arabic Reguliar
Empowering you
Opening Ceremony
47 Typography
27:05.64 * Boost
Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Olympic Serif Olympic Serif Regular + Regular Italic
Olympic Serif should be used as a complement
to the other type families. It is best used as
feature text, such as pull quotes or titles in need Olympic Serif Bold
Olympic spirit
long reading experiences, but Olympic Sans
should be considered first.
Olympic Serif should be set in sentence case.
All caps may be used very sparingly in spe- Although the Olympic Games took place Johann Olav Koss won four
cific applications such as table headers and during the Bosnian War, the Bosnia and
small labels. Olympic gold medals. For his
Herzegovina four-man bob team consisted
of one Croatian, two Bosnians and a performance, he was named
Olympic Serif has a special small caps char-
acter set available as an OpenType feature, as Serbian – the best possible example of the Sports Illustrated magazine’s
outlined on the following page. Olympic spirit at the worst of times. Sportsman of the Year.
6x2-5=7 6x2-5=7 0 0
use proportional numbers.
→ →
When typesetting superscripts, use the
OpenType feature to show the optically cor-
rected figures.
Old-style numbers
0123456789 0123456789
Small caps
These should be used for acronyms, like IOC,
or for titles that would stand out too much in
all caps, but still need to be delineated from
regular text.
Tabular numbers
0123456789 0123456789 →
CO2 CO₂ →
a2+b2 a²+b² →
Rags and widows This is a good rag. This is a bad rag. This paragraph is perfectly typeset. Do not leave widows at the end of paragraphs.
For optimal readability, it’s important not to Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and Olympism is a based on the joy world by educating
create lines of text that are too long or too short. combining in a balanced whole the qualities of philosophy of found in effort, the youth through sport
body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture life, exalting and educational value of practiced without
Shorter text can fit in narrower boxes, while
and education, Olympism seeks to create a combining in a good example and discrimination of
longer reading demands longer lines. way of life based on the joy found in effort, the balanced whole the respect for universal any kind and in the
educational value of good example and respect qualities of body, will fundamental ethical Olympic spirit, which
For long text, there should be between 40 for universal fundamental ethical principles. and mind. Blending principles.The goal requires mutual
and 70 characters per line. For shorter text, sport with culture of the Olympic understanding with
there should be between 30 and 50 charac- and education, Movement is to a spirit of friendship,
ters per line. Olympism seeks to contribute to building solidarity and fair
Olympic House is a privately funded investment by the IOC in
create a way of life a peaceful and better play.
sustainability, operational efficiency and the local economy and
These rules do not apply to titles. local development. The estimated construction costs amount
to CHF 145 million. Eighty per cent of the construction costs of Olympic House is a privately funded investment by the IOC in sustainability, operational efficiency
Olympic House have gone to local companies and contributed to and the local economy and local development. The estimated construction costs amount to
the development of local competencies. This investment will secure CHF 145 million. Eighty per cent of the construction costs of Olympic House have gone to local
companies and contributed to the development of local competencies. This investment will
an asset owned with an increase in value for the IOC instead of cash secure an asset owned with an increase in value for the IOC instead of cash out for rent higher
out for rent higher than the value of the building over 50 years. than the value of the building over 50 years.
Emphasis This is just the right amount of emphasis. This is far too much emphasis.
palette may be used where additional hierarchy
is required.
Headlines should appear in black or white in
most cases, but may appear in an Olympic or
Sport is one of the most powerful platforms for
promoting gender equality and empowering
women and girls. As the leader of the Olympic
Olympic Team 2030
Movement, the IOC is taking continuous action
medal colour on a white background. Body to advance gender equality.
copy and other text should not use colour. Great progress has been made in terms of
balancing the total number of athletes partic-
ipating at the Games; however, many other
challenges and gaps remain. The IOC is work-
ing to address these inequalities through lead- At the UN General Assembly in October 2015, Olympic hosts can create powerful economic
Do not use colour typography on photos. ership development, advocacy and awareness confronted with the global refugee crisis that legacies. They include macro-economic indices
campaigns, and by appointing more women to has seen an estimated 65.3 million people in the such as increases in national GDP – USD 16.8 bil-
leadership roles within the administration and world displaced, IOC President Thomas Bach lion for the London 2012 Games, 9.5 billion for
key governance positions. announced the creation of the Refugee Olympic Sochi 2014 and 9.6 billion for Rio 2016. Econom-
Colour is used in digital typography to high- Team to take part in the Olympic Games Rio 2016.
Ten months on from the announcement, 10 ath-
ic impact can also be measured in heightened
global visibility and esteem, increases in tourism,
light interactivity for instance, applying blue letes were competing alongside 11,000 fellow and the creation of new skills and new jobs.
Body text should never be in colour. Do not use multiple vibrant colours in Do not combine colour text with colour Do not use colour typography on photos.
close proximity. backgrounds.
IOC Refugee
Sport is one of the most powerful platforms for
promoting gender equality and empowering
women and girls. As the leader of the Olympic
Olympic Team 2030
Movement, the IOC is taking continuous action
to advance gender equality.
Section Titles
Audiovisual services
• 3 screens
• 3 projectors (Full HD)
• 2 laptops Computers
• Swisscom WIFI, 20 MB
• Panasonic video mixer
x cm
• Panasonic remote camera
• Panasonic full HD robotic
• Wireless handheld mics
• Headsets for translation
• 2 interpreters ‘booths
• Require the presence of our
technician in the technical x cm
36 people
12 people
12 people
8 people
The conference centre of the
Olympic House is located on the Château
ground floor. It has a large modular de Vidy
meeting room the Stadium fully ←
equipped for meetings and confer-
ences and able to welcome up to
250 people, depending on the layout.
All rooms have access to daylight
through skylights.
56 to
The conference centre has 4 addi- 264 people
tional meeting rooms not modular
located on north side. Rooms are
named after upcoming editions of
the Olympic Games:
Multifunctional centre,
55 Typography modular rooms
Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Remember to keep a lot of white in your com- Field of play Sport lines Colour block
positions, and always try to create alignment
between the different graphic devices and
These crops do not use the shapes of the artwork. These compositions are misaligned.
Do not place the same types of graphic devices next to each other.
Do not add new graphics or shapes. When adding the Olympic rings or text to graphics, ensure there is ample space surrounding each element.
Balance summer and winter sports, as well as
individual and team sports.
Represent countries from each continent
where possible.
The ratio of men and women should be equal
whenever possible.
Balance people of diverse backgrounds and
Mixing wide and close-up shots in layout builds
visual interest and hierarchy. Straight, head-on
shots as well as bird’s-eye view can also create
a clean and graphic sensibility.
Images should have deep blacks and crisp
highlights, while holding shape and detail, never
blown out. They should hold an edge if placed
on white. Colour should feel natural and vibrant,
not over-saturated. Images should look natu-
rally white balanced, not stylised. Avoid colour
effects and photo filters.
There are four main themes of Olympic images.
Depending on the application, sometimes it
will be best to balance all themes; other times
it will be more useful to focus on one. The
themes are:
• Action
• Emotion
• Heritage
• Editorial
When selecting images for digital use, be cog-
niscent of text placement and favour centrally
focused images. In most instances, the top and
bottom of the image will be where copy and
metadata may be placed.
Do not use images with a focal point that is covered by text. Do not add any styling or effects to typography on top of photos. Do not place low contrast text ontop of photography
Do not place text on top of busy photographs. Do not add any styling or effects to typography on top of photos. Do not place text on top of busy photographs.
Future Host
Vibrance + saturation Black and white Corner of image darkened to increase visibility of rings.
Do not add unnatural styling or effects. Do not add artificial colouring. Do not blend images or create supernatural environments.
Together High Aspirations Synchronised Olympic Torchbearer Olympic Torchbearer Celebrate Humanity
by Francesco Ciccolella by Francesco Ciccolella by Francesco Ciccolella by Francesco Ciccolella by Francesco Ciccolella by Francesco Ciccolella
Themes: unity, solidarity, teamwork, Themes: sport, achievement, inspiration, Themes: unity, teamwork, solidarity, Themes: optimism, hope, peace Themes: optimism, hope, peace Themes: celebration, solidarity,
togetherness, friendship, sport measuring human potential togetherness, sport Versions: red, blue, green and yellow Versions: red, blue, green and yellow achievement, unity, togetherness
Versions: blue and green Versions: red, blue, green and yellow Versions: blue and green
Do not rotate or alter the original intention of the concept. Do not combine multiple illustrations.
instances. In specific cases where the use of
colour provides particular functional or aes-
thetic benefit, pictograms may be filled with an
Olympic or medal colour when appearing on a
white background only.
Ski Jumping ←
a stroke or successive Scotland that the first rules Isles in the 15th century.
strokes in accordance with were established in 1754.
the Rules." That’s the first But some research shows
rule in the Rules of Golf. that a similar sport was
Do not use multiple pictogram versions or colours in a single layout. Do not combine colour pictograms with colour backgrounds. Do not use colour pictograms on photos.
Sliding Centre ←
Olympic Park →
A very simple sport, golf Golf is undoubtedly one of practised beforehand un-
consists of "playing a ball the oldest existing codified der the name “colf” or “kol-
with a club from the teeing sports. Indeed, it was in ven” in the Netherlands,
ground into the hole by the city of St. Andrews in and arrived on the British
Ski Jumping ←
a stroke or successive Scotland that the first rules Isles in the 15th century.
strokes in accordance with were established in 1754.
the Rules." That’s the first But some research shows
rule in the Rules of Golf. that a similar sport was
There are many ways to express data without
the use of complex graphics. Highlighting key
figures with the Olympic Headline typeface or
presenting them in tables offers a very readable
Lorem Ipsum ABC
and elegant way to format dense data.
Dollor Sit DEF
Amet Callebum GHI
Ipsum Dollor JKL
Sit Amet MNO
Complex table
Compares, ranks or displays multiple pieces of data
Venue Venue Name of Name Seating Standing Total Temporary Legacy Current Post- Games-time warm-up capacity
number name zone of cluster bowl area gross seating seating use Games (if required)
(if applicable) capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity use
Number of Brief
fields of play description
Biathlon Biathlon
Bobsleigh Bobsleigh
Luge Luge
Curling Curling
Ice Hockey Ice Hockey
Skating Short Track
Figure Skating
Speed Skating
Alpine Skiing Downhill
Giant Slalom
Alpine Combined
National Team Event
Part-to-whole charts show how partial
elements add up to a total.
Sunburst Grader
Compares variations between multiple pieces of data in proportion to the whole. Expresses multiple points of data in proportion to the whole.
Comparison charts compare data between
multiple distinct categories.
Revenue distribution
National Olympic
Committees Around
the World
Bubbles Pie
World Programmes
USD 210,353,000
Continental Programmes
33 7 36 5 USD 222,050,000
IOC Subsidies
for Participation
USD 50,000,000
USD 20,200,000
Icons, such as those presented in Chapter 8,
and spot illustrations may be used to highlight
information or data. The theme of the artwork
should correspond to the data.
Numbers in USD
$887M $887M
$833M $833M
$775M $775M
Salt Lake City Turin Vancouver Sochi PyeongChang Support to the Support to the
2002 2006 2010 2014 2018
Olympic Games International Federations
5.2 5.7
National Olympic
Committees Around
the World
54 Asia
44 Oceania
50 Americas
Avoid using multiple Olympic colours in a single chart. Avoid using Olympic Sans to highlight numbers.
Avoid putting data on top of the chart. Avoid using multiple Olympic colours to highlight numbers.
Africa Asia
54 44
National Olympic
Committees Around
the World
113 Infographics Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
118 Grids and formats
119 Digital grids and formats
120 Rings and alignment
121 Fine lines
122 A4 portrait layouts
123 A4 landscape layouts
124 Display layouts
125 Digital layouts
126 Spacing in digital
127 Layering digital components
Labo arcipsa ndeleni millaborum labo.
Es as qui optatqui voluptatiur aliquam,
odissimus, si voloribus dit dunte
magnihicati is ut dolores que natur
dessi ulliqui volorecatur, et, ommolori
acestiusae porporror aliti doluptatisto
werertte oekrt.
In most applications, the margin should be
equal on all four sides. Printed double-page
spreads are an exception where extra margin
space is needed in the middle of the document
to ensure good readability.
Title of
Olympic layouts. The size of the rings should
align with text line heights — most often one,
two or three lines of type.
the document
On digital interfaces, the logo should centrally
align with the navigation element rather than
the text height.
Auxiliary text
goes here
120 Composition Olympic Brand Guidelines International Olympic Committee
Fine lines
Lines are used to organise information and
subdivide layouts. They reinforce the grid and
are an essential part of the Olympic brand.
They can be placed vertically or horizontally
and should be contained within the grid.
They should never extend past the margins
of a layout.
Most commonly used at 0.3pt (like the line Games concept
on the left of this text block), thin lines may
be optically adjusted to best suit a particular
and legacy Athlete experience is at the heart
of the Olympic Games. The success
of the Games depends on their
application. They should never be thicker than
performance, so ensuring the best
the body text weight. possible conditions for them both on
and off the field of play is critical.
Lines are most commonly used in black. They
can also be white when used on a darker back- This begins with the Olympic Village(s), which
ideally should be close to the competition
profound and impactful. Spectators and fans
do not simply watch the Games; they
ground, or a 50% tint of black when black is too The Olympic Games have the power to deliver long-lasting
and training venues to limit travel times. It also
extends to the athletes’ participation at
experience them through a variety of initiatives
before and during the event that provide
stark. Colour is permitted in very few cases, benefits that can positively impact a community, its image the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and
the creation of opportunities for Olympians to
authentic opportunities to participate in the
heart of the action.
most notably in digital and only as an accect and its infrastructure. To take full advantage of the opportunities come together in a spirit of celebration. Some initiatives are already well
One effective way to ensure an optimal established, such as the Torch Relay and the
that hosting the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games can
along side text, never as a devider. athlete experience is to involve them in Opening and Closing Ceremonies, while
provide, clear objectives must be in place for what you the decision-making process from the very others such as open warm-ups, mass events,
beginning, with roles in the planning and sports initiation programmes and open days
want the Games to deliver to your citizens, city, region and delivery of the Games, and an Athletes’ are under development. Many activities are
country. And to be truly sustainable, these objectives must Commission within the Organising Committee. free, making the Games even more accessible
The spectator and fan experience is also for everyone. Other activities are amplified
align with your long-term development planning and goals. crucial to the success of the Games. The through online platforms to connect the
Games provide an experience that is modern, physical with a digital experience.
A4 portrait is the official format for printed pub- Committee Committee Committee
Margins: 7mm
Number of columns: 12
Column gutter width: 5.5 mm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect Praesent blandit, lorem vel to pellen- Sed in nibh id felis tincidunt bibendum.
tetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ati pellen tesque tempus, lacus massa a vehicula Curabitur eget consectetur est. Duis
tesque maximus leo ac fermentum. turpis, ida feugiat tortor leo et odio. sit amet porttitor augue. Integer viverra
Pellentesque id ligula nec nunc tempus Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam into mat iaculis risus, a semper quam aliquam
condimentum. Donec fermentum act tis est. Etiam molestie mauris aquis id. Etiam varius nulla lorem, sed tempor
cumsan nisl vel gravida. Donec ullamat convallis suscipito placerat. Maecenas metus fringilla ac. Nam posuere nec
corper in velit eu pharetra. Suspen pellentesque sed arcu pretium ultri. mauris id fringilla. A hac habitasse plate
tincidunt, nisi vel semper ornare, duida Nunc condimentum elementum lacus, a dictumst. Integer pharetra at justo
libero vehicula est, iaculis ultricies sit amet placerat est interdum vitae. idan porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
diam nulla at nisi. Mauris bibendum leo Vestibulum acti lectus et augue luctus consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed situ
id velit posuere, ut aliquet dui laoreet. scelerisque sit amet sit amet tellus. amet porta erat, quis blandit nisi. Nullat
Fusce dictum sem sed nunc sagittis diam nil, suscipit sed interdum sed,
cursus. Sed ut egestas turpis, in cursus Sed sodales dapibus dui, vitae ultricies posuere dapibus ex.
mi. Integer a malesuada ex, ac iaculis ex. Vivamus tristique diama feugiat,
velit. Suspendisse finibus odio lorem. interdum velit sed, dictum nunc. Mauris Pellentesque id ligula nec nunc tempus
Sed sodales dapibus dui, vitae ultricies elit libero, varius quis tellus a, suscipit condimentum. Donec fermentum act
ex. Vivamus tristique diama feugiat, sodales felis. Aliquam dignissim non cumsan nisl vel gravida. Donec ullamat
interdum velit sed, dictum nunc. Mauris enim vulputate vestibulum. Proin iaculis corper in velit eu pharetra. Suspen
elit libero, varius quis tellus a, suscipit luctus velit sit amet rhoncus sidamet. tincidunt, nisi vel semper ornare, duida
sodales felis. Aliquam dignissim non Sed in nibh id felis tincidunt bibendum. libero vehicula est, iaculis ultricies
enim vulputate vestibulum. Proin iaculis Curabitur eget consectetur est. Duis diam nulla at nisi. Mauris bibendum leo
ETIAM VIVAMUS luctus velit sit amet rhoncus. sit amet porttitor augue. Integer viverra id velit posuere, ut aliquet dui laoreet.
iaculis risus, a semper quam aliquam Fusce dictum sem sed nunc sagittis
Praesent blandit, lorem vel to pellen- id. Etiam varius nulla lorem, sed tempor cursus. Sed ut egestas turpis, in cursus
tesque tempus, lacus massa a vehicula metus fringilla ac. Nam posuere nec mi. Integer a malesuada ex, ac iaculis
convallis suscipito placerat. Maecenas consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed situ interdum velit sed, dictum nunc. Mauris
tetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ati pellen
Sed in nibh id felis tincidunt bibendum. tesque maximus leo ac fermentum.
Curabitur eget consectetur est. Duis Pellentesque id ligula nec nunc tempus
sit amet porttitor augue. Integer viverra condimentum. Donec fermentum act
iaculis risus, a semper quam aliquam cumsan nisl vel gravida. Donec ullamat
id. Etiam varius nulla lorem, sed tempor corper in velit eu pharetra. Suspen
metus fringilla ac. Nam posuere nec tincidunt, nisi vel semper ornare, duida
mauris id fringilla. A hac habitasse plate libero vehicula est, iaculis ultricies
a dictumst. Integer pharetra at justo diam nulla at nisi. Mauris bibendum leo
idan porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id velit posuere, ut aliquet dui laoreet.
consectetur adipiscing elit. usce dictum sem sed nunc.
ADIPISCING 22 Name of the document Section title 23 Name of the document Section title
Margins: 7mm
Number of columns: 12
Column gutter width: 4.5mm International
Olympic Section Title Document Title 23
Inside pages
Inside layouts use the same metrics as the LOREM Etiam scelerisque
cover, but an additional gutter is added on the IPSUM
justo interdum
left and at the top of the document. These are
used to add space between the content and the
lines surrounding the layout.
Dolor consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur eros tincidunt non. In ac ornare sapien.
adipiscing aqui
adipiscing elit. Pellentesque maximus volut Duis vitae ipsum eget exto lobortis molestie
tpat lacus, a lacinia purus fringilla eget. non vel leo. Phasellus a maximus sapien.
Aliquam mattis eleifend maximus. Sed sem Donec atti scelerisque sed nisi sed blandit.
per est eu nibh consequat blandit. Vestib Laoreet nunc mattis et. Sed vehicula quam
ulum eget elit enim. Phasellus mattis ut lect non faucibus malesuada. Crasti sagittis
us sit amet volutpat. Nunc varius, velita turpis metus, ut porttitor justo blandit situa
ne rutrum volutpat, augue nun porta massa, amet. Nulla elit metus, volutpat efficitur
at luctus augue nibh sed. Suspendisse si semper id, euismod eu diam. Aliquam torta
Olympic amet odio at vitae lacus sagittis sollicitudin tor felis, mollis quis faucibus, imperdiet
vel vel erat. Aenean a rutrum enim, ut bibendum ipsum. Etiam commodo ullamo
pretium lacus. Cras nisi lorem, consectetur corper vehicula.
placerat accumsan lobortis, fermentum inta
leo. Morbi pharetra nisl augue, in egestas Nunc finibus ligula non maximus a blandit.
lectus tempor vel. Quisque eleifend dictum Vestibulum nec nunc at lorem rutrumo
odio eget euismod. In cursus purus non faucibus id viverra purus. Nunc malesuada
accumsan consequat. Cras augue at lectus, magna nibh, nec volutpat condimentum
volutpat in tristique a, semper qui augue. in. Donec imperdiet, nulla actio scelerisque
Nulla ornare nec nisi at scelerisque. Nullam rhoncus, orci nuncti lacinia quam, non
LOREM IPSUM eleifend ullamcorper dolor mat interdum. blandit nunc augue sit amet tortor. Phasel
lus tincidunt nisl ipsum, fermentum dict
Maecenas porta enim at finibus sollicitudin. mi commodo vel. Suspendisse situan amet
Etiam scelerisque at justo sed interdum. sollicitudin diam. Nunc enim purus, tempus
Nullam eu elit id leom rutrum tempus. Duis molestie scelerisque nec, feugiat finibus
ADIPISCING Dui sodales venenatis nunc, eget dignissim uere congue vestibulum sed, tincidunt nec.
For the sections that require greater emphasis, Extra Large Large Medium Small
1600 px wide 1025 px wide 577 px wide 375 px wide
images can be full bleed, breaking the grid.
For headings
Bring headings closer to the content they relate
to so they are associated by proximity. Leave an
adequate gap above headings to separate them
from the previous content.
For tables
The height of tables should be contained
so several items are visible in one view-
port. The number of items visible in a table
viewport should be 5 to 9 given working
memory capacity.