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4642 Using Spreadsheets To Develop Applied Skills in A Business Math Course Student Feedback and Perceived Learning

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Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE)

Volume 8 | Issue 3 Article 1


Using spreadsheets to develop applied skills in a

business math course: Student feedback and
perceived learning
Thomas Mays
Miami University, maysta@miamioh.edu

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Recommended Citation
Mays, Thomas (2015) Using spreadsheets to develop applied skills in a business math course: Student feedback and perceived
learning, Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE): Vol. 8: Iss. 3, Article 1.
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Using spreadsheets to develop applied skills in a business math course:
Student feedback and perceived learning
This paper describes the redesign of a business math course and its delivery in both face-to-face and online
formats. Central to the redesigned course was the addition of applied spreadsheet exercises that served as both
learning and summative assessment tools. Several other learning activities and assignments were integrated in
the course to address diverse student learning styles and levels of math anxiety. Students were invited to
complete a survey that asked them to rank course activities and assignments based on how well they helped
the student learn course material. Open-ended items were also included in the survey. In the online course
sections, students reported higher perceived learning from the use the spreadsheet-based application
assignments, while face-to-face students preferred demonstrations. Qualitative remarks from the online
students included numerous comments about the positive learning impact of the business application
spreadsheet-based assignments, as well as the link between these assignments and what students considered
the “real world.”

Applied business spreadsheets, spreadsheet assignments, business math, course redesign

Distribution License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0

This in the classroom article is available in Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE): http://epublications.bond.edu.au/ejsie/vol8/iss3/1

Mays: Using spreadsheets to develop applied skills in a business math course

1. Introduction
Spreadsheets are an integral part of organizational data analysis activities. In the
modern era of “big data”, individuals and organizations are confronted by an
increasingly data-driven world. As such, data analysis has become a key 21st century
skill. As reported by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE),
data management and analysis skills and related software proficiencies are in high
demand by today’s employers [8]. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills specifically
highlights the need for today’s students to develop strong information and
technology skills, including the ability to manage, evaluate and use information [10].
The use of computer-based spreadsheets in college courses provides a way to mesh
information management and analysis skills with technology skill areas. This is
particularly important in quantitative oriented courses.
To address these skill development needs, an introductory business math course was
redesigned to both include applied spreadsheet activities and assignments, and
deliver as an online course. The goal of this project was to create an applied course
that enables students to transform learned concepts into practical business
applications. A description of the redesign considerations and process, as well as the
results of surveys administered at the conclusion of each course section, are
presented here. The survey is provided in the appendix.
Prior to the redesign, the course focused primarily on developing business math
skills with limited attention to application oriented spreadsheet use. For example,
several lessons included instruction and resources on calculating descriptive
statistics and ratios, then required students to complete textbook problems using a
spreadsheet for reporting final answers. The course also included a limited number
and variety of learning activities and assessments.
Three identified problems directed the course redesign process. The first problem
involved addressing the need to foster the development of data, information and
software skills through the use of applied spreadsheets. These spreadsheets involved
merging the learning of quantitative business methods with business application and
spreadsheet analysis exercises. This is important because spreadsheets are used in
the course to help students develop applied skills appropriate for use in real world
applications. The second problem involved optimizing the course for online delivery.
The third problem involved student math anxiety and related issues with translating
math concepts to real world applications. A review of the literature on online course
design, spreadsheet use in classrooms, and anxiety mitigation was completed.
The redesigned course included a new focus on students developing applied
quantitative skills using spreadsheets. This involves not only learning introductory
quantitative concepts, but also the application of these concepts in a variety of real
world accounting, finance, and decision making scenarios. The student learning
outcomes for the course are listed below.

 Demonstrate the use of quantitative methods in solving common business


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 Apply quantitative techniques within the contexts of accounting, finance, and

 Present data and analysis in both written and visual forms.

2. Literature consulted during the redesign process

Several practices outlined by Richlin [11] were followed when redesigning the
course. This included following a structured course design process involving
alignment of course-level outcomes, lesson-level outcomes, learning activities, and
assessments. Furthermore, Richlin [11] discussed the importance of understanding
the variety of student learning styles and providing quality feedback to students.
Kuh, Schuh, Whitt, and Kinzie [6] found that student satisfaction was tied to
instructors providing timely and frequent feedback, as well as addressing the variety
of student learning styles. Both Tagg [14] and Tinto [16] discussed the importance of
providing frequent feedback to students. Clark and Mayer [1], Paloff and Pratt [9]
and Lehman and Conceição [7] discussed these same practices within the context of
online course design and facilitation.
A principal concern in online education is the notion of creating a sense of presence.
While presence may seem elusive in online environments, various methods have
been suggested to help build connections between teacher and student, as well as
among students. The Community of Inquiry framework as presented by Swan and
Ice [13] and the design and facilitation practices to encourage online presence as
described by Lehman and Conceição [7] are also reviewed here.
Spreadsheets are a well suited tool for use in a quantitative oriented courses. Several
researchers have reported positive results for the incorporation of spreadsheets into
the classroom. Conrad and Donaldson [2] used spreadsheet simulations to engage
online learners. To enhance student learning, Ray [12] used spreadsheet-based
simulations to integrate math into a biology course. Topcu [17] used spreadsheets in
an algebra course to improve student self-efficacy, and Warner and Meehan’s [19]
integration of spreadsheets led to enhanced statistics and computer skills, as reported
by students.
Strategies to specifically address math anxiety within online learning environments
include: the use of real world scenarios and giving meaning to tasks [4]; the use of
discussion forums to foster support [18]; and the use of video in online classrooms
[4,15]. Additionally, Furner and Gonzales-DeHass [3] provide a literature review on
the effects of math anxiety and strategies for its mitigation. Interestingly, many of the
anxiety mitigating approaches are also included as best practices in the course
development literature.

3. Course Redesign
Historically, many students who enrolled in this course had not completed math
courses beyond basic algebra. This necessitated retaining the math instruction part of
the course while enhancing the application aspects of the course. To support student
learning of spreadsheet formula development, tutorials were provided throughout

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the course. In addition to the spreadsheet-based tutorials, the online course redesign
included the development of a number of course-specific instructional videos that
demonstrated solving common business math problems both by hand and using
spreadsheets. Third party videos and resources were also integrated. Tutorials on
creating formulas and using spreadsheet functions were also provided in the
learning management system for both the face-to-face and online course sections. For
the online course, opportunities for developing presence were created through the
availability of instructor-developed videos, student discussion forums and a team-
project option for the final project.

3.1. Assignments and Grade Weights

One of the more significant changes to the course was the increase in the number and
type of assessments. This was done to increase the frequency of student feedback,
increase course presence in the online section, and to address a variety of student
learning styles. Integrating a number of lower-stakes assessments throughout the
course increased opportunities to provide feedback (see Warnock [20] for a review of
using multiple low-stakes assessments). Figure 1 illustrates the original assessment
weights, while Figure 2 illustrates the revised course.

Grade Weights



Figure 1: Assessment grade weights before course redesign

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Grade Weights
Final Project Participation



Figure 2: Assessment grade weights after course redesign

In the redesigned course, the core assignments included weekly textbook-based

problems (provided in the course textbook). The weekly homework assignments
generally involved scenarios from which the student needed to extract the relevant
data, then solve the problem. To complete the weekly homework assignments,
students were required to submit their work using a spreadsheet. Because of the
introductory nature of the course and potentially limited spreadsheet experience of
many students, the use of formulas in the spreadsheets was optional. However,
students were informed that using formulas in their homework spreadsheets would
result in partial credit being awarded for missed items.

3.2. Business Application Assignments

In addition to the weekly homework, spreadsheet-based business application
exercises were also assigned. These business applications were designed to replicate
quantitative scenarios faced by businesses in everyday situations, and they were
based on the author’s numerous years of small business ownership experience. The
business applications were designed to provide opportunities for students to make
connections between the textbook material and authentic application, and they
formed the core of the students’ applied spreadsheet work.
Developing the business application spreadsheets began with a review of course and
module-level objectives. The objectives focused on students demonstrating the
application of quantitative methods to solve common business problems.
Additionally, students were expected to demonstrate the ability to use written and
visual methods to communicate describe and analyse quantitative data. To help
students meet these objectives, the business application spreadsheets were designed.
The business applications involved three key areas: data, formulas and functions,
and analysis. Some spreadsheets required students to collect data, and others
provided a dataset. Students would then use appropriate functions, formulas, and

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visualizations, such as charts and conditional formatting, to address the problems

presented in the worksheet. Finally, students would analyse the results and complete
a short essay.
One example of a business application assignment required student’s to conduct a
breakeven analysis. Students generated their own data, then created formulas to
complete the break-even analysis at different cost levels. Students were also required
to create a chart visualizing their calculations. In the analysis section, students were
required to review their spreadsheets, then describe the impacts or implications of
the results. The business application worksheet assignments are listed in Table 1.
Figure 3 illustrates part of one of these business applications.
Table 1. Business Application Spreadsheets
Business Application Spreadsheet Concepts and Activities
Infographics and percentages Reading and analyzing data
reported in an infographic; use of
Crowd funding services cost analysis Creating formulas; analyzing
Introductory statistics Percent of total; MIN; MAX;
AVERAGE; STDEV; Reading and
analyzing data
Revenues and Expenses Creating formulas; Reading and
analyzing results
Calculating Sales Tax Finding web-based data; Creating
formulas; Reading and analyzing
Cash Discount Policies Creating formulas; Reading and
analyzing results
Breakeven Analysis Creating formulas; Reading and
analyzing results
Income Statements; Balance Sheets Creating formulas; Vertical
analysis; Ratios; Reading and
analyzing results
Depreciation Creating formulas; Reading and
analyzing results
Time Value of Money PV; NPV; FV; Reading and
analyzing results
Stock Market Research Finding web-based data; Creating
formulas, Reading and analyzing

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Figure 3. Example business application assignment

In another business application example, students were required to calculate sales

tax on a number of items in a number of municipalities. Students were asked to find
the appropriate sales tax data for each municipality through the official government
website and subsequently calculate sales tax.
Many of the business applications were structured in such a way that students could
use them as worksheets to solve problems outside of the course. Additionally, the
business applications included instructional resources, serving as a roadmap for
completing the assignments. Some business applications also included embedded
instructional videos. Unlike the homework assignments, students were required to
use formulas in all calculations in the business applications.

3.3. Final Project

The final project involved a multi-sheet workbook that was presented to students as
a precursor to developing a full business plan aimed at evaluating the feasibility of a
new venture. The workbook involved many of the key topics outlined in the course,
highlighting key or important areas in business. Students were required to use
formulas for all calculated cells. In addition, students were asked to create data
visualizations on several sheets, then proved a written analysis of their financial
plan. Table 2 lists the topics covered in the final project.
Table 2: Final project workbook tabs
Workbook tab Concepts and functions applied
Business and product description Descriptive information
Loan calculation Loan payments (PMT); Simple
formulas; Charting; Analysis

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Prices and costs Variable costs; Fixed costs; SUM;

Breakeven analysis Variable costs; Fixed costs;
Contribution margin; simple
formulas; Charting; Analysis
Income statement Revenues and expenses; SUM;
Simple formulas; Analysis
Balance sheet Assets, liabilities, and equity; SUM;
Future revenues and expenses Future value; FV; Charting; Analysis
Final analysis Analysis across spreadsheets

The online and face-to-face course versions were the same with the exception of
course modality. The course content, including the textbook, most learning resources
and the assessments remained the same. Since the online course was designed to be
delivered asynchronous, live classroom discussions and demonstrations were not
possible. This was addressed by incorporating several concept introduction and
problem demonstration videos to replicate the topics that would normally be
presented in face-to-face classrooms. In addition, several discussion forums were
added to the online course to foster interactivity among students. With the exception
of many of the instructional videos and the use of online discussion forums, the
online course site and related materials were also made available to the face-to-face
students as a part of the curriculum. While not all videos were available to the face-
to-face students, classroom-based demonstrations substituted for these learning

4. Methodology and data collection

To measure student perspectives on learning in the redesigned course, a survey was
distributed to students in both the face-to-face and online course sections. In
addition, student assignments were analysed for the use and accuracy of formulas
and analyses. The first semester course was facilitated in a traditional face-to-face
setting in a computer lab. After the first semester, the course was only delivered as
an online course. The research questions were as follows:

 Which learning activities and assignments do students perceive as being

most helpful in learning the course material?
 What are the differences between the online and face-to-face sections of
the course?
At the end of each semester, an instrument was distributed to gather data about how
students ranked course activities and assignments in terms of the impact on student
perceived learning. Students were asked to respond to the statement, “The following
activities and assignments helped me learn in this course,” after which a list of course
activities and assignments followed. A five-point Likert scale ranging from strongly

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disagree to strongly agree was used for responses. Students were also asked open-
ended questions including “Which activity or assignment was the most helpful in
this class?” and “Which activity or assignment was least helpful in this class?”. The
open-ended questions were analysed for common elements to help supplement the
survey data.

5. Results
The face-to-face course included 11 enrolled students as of the final day of class, with
seven students completing a survey instrument (n=7). The online courses included
students from four course sections, including 79 enrolled students with 32
completing a survey instrument (n=32). The course had only been offered once
during the study period using the face-to-face mode, thus a larger sample was not
possible. Tables 3 and 4 include frequencies and descriptive statistics for the survey
responses. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the percent of total statistics for each activity and
assignment and survey responses. Frequency tables are included in the appendix.

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Table 3. Face-to-face student feedback on assignments, percent of total,

sorted by Agree + Strongly Agree

Face-to-face course section: The following activities and assignments helped me learn in this
course, n=7
Strongly Strongly Agree +
Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Problem demonstrations 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 100%
Textbook homework 0% 14% 0% 57% 29% 86%
Discussion 0% 0% 14% 29% 57% 86%
Business applications 14% 0% 0% 14% 71% 85%
Summary sheets 0% 0% 14% 14% 71% 85%
Final project 0% 0% 29% 29% 43% 72%
Textbook readings 29% 14% 14% 14% 43% 57%
Word problems 14% 0% 43% 14% 29% 43%

Table 4. Online student feedback on assignments, percent of total,

sorted by Agree + Strongly Agree
Online course sections: The following activities and assignments helped me learn in this
course, n=34
Strongly Strongly Agree +
Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Business Applications 0% 0% 12% 24% 65% 89%
Final project 0% 3% 9% 41% 47% 88%
Textbook homework 0% 3% 15% 56% 26% 82%
Textbook readings 0% 3% 24% 53% 21% 74%
Summary sheets 0% 0% 29% 38% 32% 70%
demonstrations 3% 6% 26% 35% 29% 64%
Discussion 0% 3% 35% 50% 12% 62%
Word problems 0% 6% 44% 24% 26% 50%

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Face-to-face course section:

The following activities and assignments helped me learn in this

Problem demonstrations
Business applications
Summary sheets
Final project
Textbook readings
Textbook homework
Word problems

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 4. Face-to-face student feedback on assignments

Online course sections:

The following activities and assignments helped me learn in this

Business Applications
Final project
Summary sheets
Problem demonstrations
Word problems
Textbook homework
Textbook readings

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 5. Online student feedback on assignments

For the face-to-face course section, the highest percent share of strongly agree
responses occurred with demonstrations (86%), business applications (71%) and
summary sheets (71%). Summing the strongly agree and agree responses, the highest
responses were with problem demonstrations (100%), textbook homework (86%),
discussion (86%), business applications (85%), and summary sheets (85%).
For the online course sections, the highest percent share of strongly agree responses
occurred with business applications (65%), final project (47%) and summary sheets
(40%). Summing the strongly agree and agree responses, the highest responses were
with business applications (89%), final project (88%), and textbook homework (82%).

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Qualitative survey responses were positive towards the business application

assignments as learning tools and as ways to connect course material with the “real
world.” Students were first asked which activity or assignment was the most helpful.
In the face-to-face section, the business applications were mentioned most often as
being helpful, with students referencing the link between the assignments and the
real world. Of the 30 responses to qualitative items, 17 specifically mentioned the
business applications assignments as being the most helpful in learning course
material. The following are responses from students in the face-to-face course

 “Business applications, it applied to real life circumstances.”

 “Business Application assignments. They allowed you to see the bigger picture as to
why the information you learned was important.
 “Business Application exercises because they were like real life situations.”
The following are responses from students in the online course sections:

 “I think each time we had to complete an Excel sheet it not only helped us learn the
material but allowed us to see it used in a business sense. Using particular
calculations and formulas helped to round our skills and personally my confidence in
the problem solving.”
 “The business applications was the most helpful because I was able to learn a lot of
stuff on researching about personal finance and other business activities.”
 “The business applications put in perspective how you might use math every day.”
 “I liked the Business application assignments. I also think the final project gave us a
good insight into the business world of problem solving and business ethics. I
particularly liked the way it was structured into having a business and accounting for
the financial part of the business.”
 “The business applications. Gave you practical assignments to work on that had real
world applications.”
 “I like the business applications because I felt like it gave me hands on experience in
real situations.”
 “The business applications and final project were really good. I think they helped me
see how I can use Excel to help in business operations.”
Students were asked about the kinds of activities or assignments that would be
helpful in reducing anxiety and increase learning. Of the 22 responses, 15 reported
no having no anxiety or that anxiety was not an issue. Several items were mentioned
once, and increasing the use of spreadsheets was mentioned three times.
Students were also asked about how did their thoughts and attitudes towards math
change during the semester. In the responses listed below, Excel was mentioned
positively several times, as was the application of learned skills in life or business.

 “I learned more about how math is really applied in everyday life.”

 “I liked it more at the end of the semester. Excel was very useful!”
 “I like math more and how it relates to business.”

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 “Math is usually the last sought after subject but when you're able to apply it
towards business concepts successfully, it becomes clear to you how easy it is to use
but also how sensitive computing and calculating data really can be.”
 “I guess I can see how Excel can help me with math problems now.”
 “It seems to be easier to do through formulas through Excel, I still don't like math.”
 “I have always liked math...not always great at it but enjoy doing it and learning
about it. The fact that math was interpreted into business situations made it so
much more interesting and practical.”
 “I feel more comfortable with using Excel.”
Finally, students were asked which activities and assignments were least helpful. The
face-to-face course students mentioned word problems and the textbook most often,
with one participant mentioning the business applications, and another stating that
“Nothing was unhelpful”. In the online course sections, one participant remarked on
how they struggled with the business applications, while other responses included
“Not sure,” “None”, “It was all helpful,” and “No assignments were without
learning tools. All were helpful for the financial part of the business world.”
Speaking to the variety of learning preferences of students, while business
applications and the final project were mentioned most often, respondents also
referred to the summary handouts, discussions, word problems, and problem
demonstration videos as being helpful.

6. Discussion and Conclusion

This project focused on the development of applied spreadsheet assignments, the
migration of a course to online delivery, and the mitigation of student math anxiety.
It was found that students, particularly those online, valued the business application
and final project assignments as ones that most impacted their learning of course
material. Furthermore, the open-ended questions revealed that many students
regarded the business application assignments as gateways to real world experiences
in using spreadsheets. Math anxiety was not found to be a concern of students in the
studied course sections.

6.1. Most helpful assignments reported by students

The survey data suggest that the business application and final project assignments
impacted student perceived learning of course material, specifically in the online
course sections. Furthermore, the open-ended responses reflect favouritism for the
spreadsheet-based activities and assignments as aiding students’ perceived learning.
A consistent theme in the open-ended responses was the focus of the business
application and final project assignments on providing real world experience in the
use of spreadsheets in business, which was a goal set out by the author. This
illustrates that students in the studied course sections reported value in using
spreadsheets as learning tools, and these results warrant development of additional
applied spreadsheet assignments in this course.

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6.2. Differences between face-to-face and online sections

Unsurprisingly, there were differences between the face-to-face and online course
sections. While face-to-face students reported that the business application
assignments were helpful in learning course material (85% agree plus strongly
agree), other learning activities and assignments ranked higher. Since online students
did not have a synchronous class interaction experience, other modes of instruction
and resources were provided. Survey participants in the online section preferred the
applied exercises using spreadsheets, while the face-to-face section preferred in-class
demonstrations. However, any comparison of the two modalities using the collected
data must recognize the small sample size for the face-to-face course section. If this
question is to be further studied, a larger sample of face-to-face students would be

6.3. Conclusion
The connection that students reported between the spreadsheet assignments and real
world applications was important; it is key that students make connections between
classroom material and application, and that they find value in completing
coursework. Since data analysis skills continue to grow in importance to employers,
the development and use of applied spreadsheet assignments should continue to be
emphasized. Future research in this area should explore the impact of applied
spreadsheet assignments on student motivation, grade performance, and retention.
The course redesign process involved a thorough review of course objectives,
structure, learning materials, and assessments. The process was guided by reviewing
literature from Richlin [11], Palloff and Pratt [9], and Lehman and Conceição [7], and
the redesign was completed with online course delivery in mind. One of the primary
goals of the process was to create an online learning experience that focused on
students developing practical spreadsheet skills. This was accomplished through
creating the business application and final project assignments. Based on the analysis
of student work as well as the survey responses, future iterations of this course will
continue to emphasize applied spreadsheets, and instructors and course designers
are encouraged to develop similar assignments.

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Mays: Using spreadsheets to develop applied skills in a business math course

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[19] Warner, C. and Meehan, A. (2001). Microsoft Excel as a tool for teaching basic
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[20] Warnock, S. (2013, April 18). Frequent, Low-Stakes Grading: Assessment for
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Appendix A: Survey instrument

1. The following activities and assignments helped me learn in this course:

 Textbook readings: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Textbook homework problems: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Business Applications exercises: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Word problem exercises: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Problem demonstrations: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Handouts (Summary sheets): SD, D, N, A, SA
 Discussion: SD, D, N, A, SA
 Final Project: SD, D, N, A, SA
2. Which activity or assignment was the most helpful in this class? Please explain why.
3. Which activity or assignment was least helpful in this class? Please explain why.
4. What kinds of activities or assignments would be more helpful to reduce your
anxiety and increase learning?
5. How did your thoughts and attitudes towards math change during this semester?
6. Do you have any other thoughts on this class you would like to share?

Appendix B. Additional data tables

Table 5. Face-to-face course section end-of-semester survey frequency count, n=7
Activity SD(1) D(2) N(3) A(4) SA(5) Mean SD
Problem demonstrations 0 0 0 1 6 4.86 0.38
Summary sheets 0 0 1 1 5 4.57 0.79
Discussion 0 0 1 2 4 4.43 0.79
Business application 1 0 0 1 5 4.29 1.50
Final project 0 0 2 2 3 4.14 0.90
Textbook problems 2 1 1 3 0 4.00 1.00
Word problems 1 0 3 1 2 3.43 1.40
Textbook readings 2 1 1 3 0 2.71 1.38

Published by ePublications@bond, 2015 15
Spreadsheets in Education (eJSiE), Vol. 8, Iss. 3 [2015], Art. 1

Table 6. Online course sections end-of-semester survey frequency count, n=35

Activity SD(1) D(2) N(3) A(4) SA(5) Mean SD
Business applications 0 0 4 8 22 4.53 0.71
Final project 0 1 3 14 16 4.32 0.77
Textbook homework 0 1 5 19 9 4.06 0.74
Summary sheets 0 0 10 13 11 4.03 0.80
Textbook readings 0 1 8 18 7 3.91 0.75
Problem demonstrations 1 2 9 12 10 3.82 1.03
Word problems 0 2 15 8 9 3.71 0.94
Discussion 0 1 12 17 4 3.71 0.72

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