Expert Speaking: Test 1 (Part 1) Test 1 (Part 2)
Expert Speaking: Test 1 (Part 1) Test 1 (Part 2)
Expert Speaking: Test 1 (Part 1) Test 1 (Part 2)
This section helps students improve their performance in each part of the Speaking Paper.
Warm-up Warm-up
Divide students into pairs and give them two minutes to Ask students to brainstorm the topics they have seen in
discuss how many parts there are in the Speaking Paper and Part 2 of the Speaking Paper. Collate student’s ideas on
what each part is about (Part 1 is an interview, Part 2 is a the board, and ask which topics would be easiest, or most
long turn and Part 3 is a discussion). difficult to talk about.
1a Tell students that they are going to practise Part 1 of the 1 Ask students to think of questions in pairs and note them
IELTS Speaking test. Students could do this in the same down before listening. If students don’t have many ideas,
pairs as the warm-up. elicit some questions they could ask (e.g. How long do I
1b Ask students to listen and check their answers. need to speak for?). Then get students to listen and check.
2a Students can do this in pairs.
1 There’s no fixed number.
2 Try to answer the question and say two or three more sentences. 1 a book
3 No, just answer the question in one or two sentences. 2 A – What you borrowed
4 Ask the examiner to repeat it, or say that you don’t understand. B – who you borrowed it from
5 You can practise answering typical questions that might be asked, C – explain why you borrowed it
but don’t try and memorise answers. D – how you used the object
6 For a number of reasons. Don’t worry, it’s not a bad sign.
2b After watching, get students to make notes for one
7 Yes, you should try and perform as well as you can in all three parts.
minute. Then, they can show a partner their notes and
2a Make students aware that they need to predict what they discuss what their notes mean.
think the sentences or phrases are about. You might want 3 Students tick the phrases.
to model this activity with the first sentence.
If I had to choose one thing, I’d select a book. / I borrowed it
1 C 2 DR 3 C 4 C 5 DR because … / Sometimes I prefer to borrow, than buy, because /
By the way, it’s …
2b Students listen individually before checking in pairs.
4 Ask students to discuss what they think of Nazli’s
1 spent time with 2 take responsibility for 3 green areas
performance. Then ask them to listen and note down the
4 getting together 5 detest
examiner’s response.
3 Ask students to discuss in pairs what they thought of 1 Nazli uses the full minute to prepare her answer.
Nazli’s performance before they listen to the examiner.
2 She introduces each point in a logical way and uses a few
Then students discuss the examiner’s answers.
organisational phrases, such as also, by the way and because.
1 There’s no ‘right’ speed. Although Nazli pauses before speaking,
5 Students complete the exercise individually and then
she’s generally able to keep going, so she’s around a Band 5 or 6.
compare answers in pairs. It would be useful at this point
2 She got one question wrong, but that doesn’t affect her grade
to discuss the job of each connector or phrase (e.g. so
directly. She might have produced better language if she had that = to give a reason).
answered the question that was asked.
3 She’s able to expand her ideas. 1 this book 2 sorry I don’t mean 3 so that 4 did I mention that
4 If she had answered the questions more exactly, she possibly 5 As a result of borrowing this book 6 that way
would have produced a better range.
6a Students could discuss this in pairs and work together to
4 Students can do this exercise in pairs. improve each other’s notes.
6b Ask students to include the elements in Exercise 6a in
1 Answer 1 2 Answer 2 their notes and improve them.
3 Both techniques are good ways of gaining time before answering.
A – comedy – starred my favourite action hero
5 Students can do this in pairs. B – a friend lent it
1 B 2 C 3 C, D 4 B, D 5 D 6 A, D 7 A C – often rent / share – cheaper than buying
D – got together + bunch of friends + snacks + caught up on the
6 Students could do this in groups of three or four. gossip
1 F 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 E 6/7 C
7 If students cannot record themselves, ask the listener to list of specific tips for their partner and explain why they
tick any things from Exercise 6a they hear. Ensure students think these tips will help their performance.
speak for two minutes. Ask them how many things from
Exercise 6a they used. General tips include reading more about news topics, or watching
videos on the internet. This will help improve students’ awareness
of current issues, and how words fit together in English.
Test 1 (Part 3)
5a You could ask students to record their answers, then play Test 2 (Part 3)
it back and analyse it after the listener’s feedback.
5b You could use this question as the basis for a class discussion.
Test 2 (Part 2) Ask students to brainstorm the kinds of questions that the
examiner might ask in Speaking Part 3 (these are connected
to the Part 2 subject). For example, Are teenagers too
Warm-up concerned with their image? Then get students to discuss
these questions in pairs.
Ask students to think of an object that is important to
them. They should explain why to their partner.
1a Students can discuss this in pairs.
1a Students discuss this in pairs and justify their choices. The examiner will listen to Marine’s use of tenses and structures
The examiner will listen for all of these things, except pronunciation – both simple and more complex – and listen to the range and
of sounds and word stress. accuracy of these. She will listen to Marine’s pronunciation.
1b Students should do this individually. 1b Do this exercise in small groups to facilitate more ideas,
and then get feedback as a class. Students should note
2 Ask students to discuss how Marine’s note-taking down the words.
compares with their own.
2 Students should do this individually. Ask them to underline
Marine notes down words next to each question word on the any words from their lists that they hear. Then, ask them
IELTS task card which probably helps her to organise her ideas to compare their answers with a partner or in groups.
clearly when speaking. 3a Students should underline examples and then discuss how
this language helps Marine achieve a score of Band 6.
3a Get students to read the instructions and the questions.
Check they understand the questions. Once they have where you would probably have (relative clause and second
listened, ask them to compare answers with a partner. conditional); it could be the case (modal verb for speculation);
3b Students do this individually, before checking in pairs. unless you’re a murderer ... which will probably make you famous (first
conditional and a relative clause)
1 link, close 2 separation, childhood 3 reflects
This shows that Marine can form more complex structures.
3c Ensure students read the questions before listening. Students
3b Students can do this exercise in small groups.
should check their answers in pairs and also compare their
answers in Exercise 3a with the examiner’s comments. There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to putting too
many pictures on social media. Her problem here is with using
1 Marine’s vocabulary is sufficient to express her ideas and she
singular and plural nouns or verbs.
uses some higher-level words. Some vocabulary is less successful,
but the examiner understood what she meant. Marine was fluent, 3c Get students to mark the word stress.
and she used connectors naturally.
2 Her grammatical accuracy was good and she used some 1 photographs 2 photographer 3 selfies 4 addictive
complex structures. Her pronunciation of sounds, word stress and 5 intention 6 interesting
use of intonation were good. Marine pronounces the following incorrectly: photographs,
3 protection – example of higher-level language; He’s the first photographer, addictive, interesting.
person ... – example of inappropriate vocabulary, but a clear meaning; 4a–b Students should discuss Marine’s grammar range and
so – example of linking ideas; We had some hard times ... – accuracy and pronunciation in pairs. Then ask students to
example of a complex clause; hat – example of mispronunciation note down what the examiner says.
4a–b You could either get students to work alone and then Marine’s grammar accuracy was good, although she had some
check in pairs, or get students to work in pairs and check problems with countable/uncountable nouns. She used complex
in groups of four. structures and generally pronounced sounds correctly, but she
Suggested answers stressed some words wrongly. This did not affect communication.
I’m really near here and it’s something happy: We’re sitting very Her intonation was good. She was fluent and organised her ideas.
close together and it makes me feel happy when I look at it. There Her vocabulary was sufficient, although she used one incorrect word.
is an atmosphere in this picture: This picture shows a really positive 5a–b Students could do these exercises in groups of three.
time. every time: all the time It’s a kind of protection between my This will mean that one person asks and listens, one
brother and I: It shows how protective we are of each other. person answers, and the third person assesses. Ensure
beautiful: strong, He’s the first person I want to announce my joys: everyone gets a turn to answer.
He’s the first person I want to tell when something good happens. 5c Ask students to discuss this in the same pairs/groups,
before checking as a class.
5a–b If possible, students should record their answers and
then analyse their performance together. If this is not
possible, ensure the listener takes notes.
2A Bingo!
1 Give each student a copy of the activity sheet and
explain that the information and table is like one they are Aim
likely to find in Writing Task 1. Ask students to read the
information in the table. Ask questions to check their To practise relative pronouns
understanding: What does ‘cinema attendance’ mean?
Activity type
(going to the cinema); What age group are the people
who were surveyed? (adults 18+ years); Who attended the A gap-fill activity in the form of a bingo game
cinema the most? (adults in Country B in 2006).
Classroom dynamics
3 Tell students that sentences 1–6 describe the data. Ask
them to read the sentences and to say what is wrong Whole class
with them and how they could be improved (they’re too
Time taken
mechanical and there is no attempt to compare the data).
4 Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4. 15 minutes
5 Ask students to focus on the prompts. Students should When to use
work together to decide which sentences (1–6) the
After 2a, Language development, Exercise 4c, Page 29
prompts can be used with. Check the answers with the
class. Preparation
6 Together in their groups, students should then re-write
Make enough copies of the activity sheet so that each student
the sentences using the prompts.
has one bingo card. Cut the cards up.
7 When the groups have finished, elicit some sentences
and write them on the board. Note that some answers Procedure
may vary. As a class, discuss what is good about the new 1 Explain to students that they are going to be playing a
sentences and if they could be improved at all. Remind game of bingo. Hand out a bingo card to each student.
students that in the actual test, they do not need to Make sure that students sitting next to each other don’t
describe every bit of data – only the most relevant points. have the same card.
8 Ask students what an overview of the data might sound 2 Give students a couple of minutes to read through their
like, e.g. Cinema attendance has gone down in two of the gapped sentences on their own and predict the answer.
countries but has gone up in one. Elicit or reaffirm the
3 Explain that you will read out words (relative pronouns)
importance of including an overview. Ask each group to
that can be used in the gaps. As they listen they should
write an overview.
complete the gap with the relative pronoun you’ve called
10 Elicit the overviews and write them on the board. out, but only if it fits. Tell students that the first person to
1 A 2C 3B 4D 5F 6E complete all their sentences must shout ‘Bingo!’ to win.
Suggested answers 4 Start calling out the relative pronouns (where/who/which/
1 At 32%, almost a third of adults went to the cinema in Country A when). Allow a few seconds between each pronoun to
in 2006.
give students time to read through their sentences as they
may need to complete more than one sentence with each
2 This percentage fell to just under half in 2016.
3 In 2006, in Country B, cinema attendance accounted for almost
half of all adults, at 48%.
5 Check the winning students’ cards (there may be more
than one winner).
4 In 2016, it fell slightly to 40%.
5 In 2006, a quarter of the adult population went to the cinema in I find it irritating when my classmates talk very loudly.
Country C. Students who daydream spend a lot of time looking out of
6 The percentage rose by 10%, to 35%, in 2016. windows.
Places where there are a lot of people can be frightening for some
Activities which cause stress should be avoided.
I like people who listen to me when I’m talking.
There are at least twenty things which I’d like to do before I get old.
Is that the place where I need to go?
There was a time when having professional qualifications was more
important than being creative.
5A Pelmanism 5B Q & A
Aim Aims
To practise verbs + prepositions; grammar to connect ideas To practise answering IELTS Part 3 Speaking questions; To
and relative pronouns practise culture and entertainment vocabulary
Activity type Test link
Pelmanism game: matching prepositions, verbs and pronouns Speaking Part 3
with gapped sentences
Activity type
Classroom dynamics Sentence sorting and speaking interview
Groups of 3–4
Classroom dynamics
Time taken Pairs
20 minutes
Time taken
When to use 2–5 minutes
After 5a, Language development, Exercise 4b, Page 77
When to use
Preparation After 5b, Speaking, Exercise 6, Page 81
Make one copy of the activity for each group and cut up the
sentence strips and cards. Preparation
Make one copy of the activity for each pair and cut the
Procedure sentences up. Shuffle them.
1 Divide students into groups of 3 or 4 students.
2 Place the strips and cards face down on the table in their
sets (grey and white). Ask students to lay the strips and 1 Divide students into pairs. Hand out one set of shuffled
cards out (they shouldn’t be in piles). cards to each pair.
3 Students take it in turns to turn over a card from each 2 Tell students that the cards contain Speaking Part 3
set – one sentence card and one word card. If the word questions, but are all mixed up. Students need to sort
completes the sentence, the student keeps the pair and them into four topic groups.
has another turn. If it doesn’t, the student puts them back, 3 Elicit the four different topics from the students (art,
face down, and the next student has a turn. cities and culture, sportspeople and celebrities, toys and
4 Groups can discuss whether a pair matches or not and ask games).
for help where necessary. As they play, go round the class, 4 Now pairs should divide the four topics between them
monitoring the pairs of cards collected. If any are wrong, and ask their partner the three questions on each topic.
explain why. 5 Monitor while students take it in turns to ask their partner
5 The student with the most pairs wins. their questions. Encourage them not to rush their partner.
The point is for their partner to say as much as possible
1 can 2 this 3 Such 4 of 5 of 6 of 7 by 8 on 9 to 10 when
when answering as they would be expected to do in the
11 to 12 who 13 such 14 those exam. If their partner is struggling, they should ask them
the follow-up questions in brackets.
6 Get feedback by asking students what they found difficult
and/or easy about answering questions without time to
1I 2A 3D 4C 5F 6E 7G 8H 9B
Suggested answers
1 A park ranger has received a medal for his/her bravery.
7B Test tips 2
2 (Some) animals have escaped from the zoo.
3 A tiger has attacked a boy.
4 Two people have been killed in a safari accident. To practise zero and first conditionals; To revise useful
5 A man has seen a lion in the street./A lion has been seen in a Speaking test tips
street. Test link
6 The mayor has opened a new shopping centre.
Speaking (all parts)
7 Animal groups have complained about the new laws.
8 A popular wildlife park has closed. Activity type
9 A lack of accommodation has been blamed for the low tourist
Gap fill and matching sentences
10 Animal research has been hit by budget cuts./Budget cuts have Classroom dynamics
hit animal research. Pairs
Time taken
7A The fact is … 15 minutes
When to use
After 7b, Speaking, Exercise 5, Page 113
To practise zero and first conditionals
Activity type
Make one copy of the activity for each pair.
A sentence-completion task
Classroom dynamics
1 Divide students into pairs and give them a copy of the
Pairs then groups of 3–4
Time taken 2 Explain that the activity contains a list of test tips. Give
15–20 minutes them a few seconds to scan the sentences and decide
which test the tips are for (Speaking). Ask them to write
When to use the answer above the sentences.
After 7a, Language development, Exercise 4b, Page 109 3 In pairs, students complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Check the answers with the
Preparation class.
Make one copy of the activity sheet for each pair. Cut up so 4 Explain to students that they will now need to complete
there is one activity sheet for each student. the tips by matching 1–6 with A–F.
5 Get feedback by reading out the tips as a class.
6 Ask pairs to come up with any more useful reading tips.
1 Give a copy of the activity sheet to each student. Give them a minute to brainstorm ideas. Elicit ideas from
2 Explain to students that they are going to express the class.
their opinions about different things using conditional
sentences. 2 do not/don’t
3 do not/don’t
3 Demonstrate on the board. Write: If you steal, … and
5 get better/will get better
elicit sentence endings from the students, e.g. … you will
go to prison. B will count
D will not/won’t/might not produce
4 Give students about 10 minutes to complete their
E are
sentences in pairs. Monitor for correct tense usage while
they’re doing this. 1E 2F 3A 4B 5C 6D
many, a lot of, a little, some, any, a few, little, a large number of,
few, plenty of, much, a large amount of
Countable Uncountable
Positive many, a lot of, some, much, a little, some,
a few, a large number a lot of, little, a large
of, few, plenty of amount of, plenty of
Question any any
and Negative
10C If I could …
To practise the second conditional for talking about
hypothetical situations
Activity type
Completing sentences and a guessing game
Classroom dynamics
Class, or two large groups
Time taken
15 minutes
When to use
After 10b, Language development and vocabulary, Exercise 6b,
Page 160
Make enough copies of the activity so that each student gets
at least three sentence strips. Bring one bag for each group to
class to put the folded sentence strips in.
1 Depending on the size of your class, you can play this
game as a class or in groups of four. Hand out at least
three different strips to each student.
2 Individually, students should complete the sentences with
their own opinions using the second conditional. Allow
about five minutes for this. Monitor students and check
that they are writing grammatically correct sentences
(focus on the structure of second conditional sentences).
3 Ask students to fold their sentences and to put one of
them in the bag then jumble the sentences in the bag.
Students then pull out a sentence and read it out loud.
If it is their sentence they should put it back into the bag
and pull out another. Group members have to guess who
wrote the sentence. If they guess right, they get a point.
Continue until all the sentences have been read out.
4 The student with the most points when all the sentences
have been read out is the winner.
1A Word to sentence
share information social media clear relationship
1B Talk about …
an interesting
news story you FREE FREE your favourite
Talk about . . .
read or heard QUESTION QUESTION mobile app
when you
usually see when it’s the people you
your favourite
FREE your friends better to talk communicate
END form of
QUESTION face-to-face than to write with through
and what you to someone social media
do together
1C Describing data
The table below shows the percentage of people aged 18 years and over who
attended the cinema in three different countries in 2006 and 2016.
A at / almost a third
D fell slightly / to
2A Bingo!
2 Students daydream spend a lot of time 2 I like people listen to me when I’m talking.
looking out of windows.
3 There are at least 20 things I’d like to do
3 I like people who listen to me I’m talking. before I get old.
4 Is that the place I need to go? 4 Is that the place I need to go?
5 There was a time having professional 5 I find it irritating my classmates talk very
qualifications was more important than being loudly.
amazing dull
depressing enjoyable
frightening fascinating
powerful private
intelligent negative
attractive excellent
awful nasty
embarrassing pleasant
interesting personal
temporary professional
amazing dull
depressing enjoyable
frightening fascinating
powerful private
intelligent negative
attractive excellent
awful nasty
embarrassing pleasant
interesting personal
temporary professional
3A Error correction
I need a Band 6 in IELTS but I’m not sure that’s achieved.
I’ve tried to organize the new vocabulary in alphabet order but it doesn’t help.
I’m very carefree when I write. I always check what I’ve written at the end.
Education research has shown that practice really does make perfect.
After careless consideration I’ve decided not to take the exam at this stage.
Stress has been found to have a direct effect on the academy success of students.
3B Priorities
With a partner
Why go to school? Me (1–10)
10 to get a qualification
12 to pass exams
14 to develop creativity
15 to learn to think
3C Verb patterns
Module 4
4A Collocation race
Verbs/Adjectives Nouns
physical treatment
medical characteristics
significant an impact
achieve achievement
traditional theme
equal methods
conduct opportunities
similar research
carry out a goal
make effect
common an investigation
social appearance
become information
share aware
technological media
negative development
4B Futurist predictions
What do you think will definitely/probably/possibly happen in the following areas a hundred years from now?
Choose two areas and make three predictions for each.
transport medicine
fashion cities
work travel
4C Speaking fluently
First turn Second turn
Has your partner:
✓/✗ ✓/✗
1 started well?
2 followed the prompts on the card?
3 used a variety of language?
4 used phrases to give her/himself time to think?
5 spoken at an appropriate speed (not too slowly and not too quickly)?
6 looked at the notes she/he has made?
7 spoken for 1–2 minutes?
8 spoken clearly?
9 used the correct language for talking about the future?
1 started well?
2 followed the prompts on the card?
3 used a variety of language?
4 used phrases to give her/himself time to think?
5 spoken at an appropriate speed (not too slowly and not too quickly)?
6 looked at the notes she/he has made?
7 spoken for 1–2 minutes?
8 spoken clearly?
9 used the correct language for talking about the future?
5A Pelmanism
1 People often say they can’t paint or draw but in fact they .
2 Why has the art of some artists become an investment? We’ll be discussing in our next programme.
3 High-tech displays make museums much more attractive places to visit. a development has increased the
number of visitors to museums tenfold in the past 20 years.
4 I’d really like to know what the source inspiration was for Picasso’s cubist works.
5 The material used to manufacture coins was often a symbol power in the ancient world.
6 Is it true that Rembrandt painted nearly 100 versions his own portrait?
7 The Parthenon in Athens was designed three people: the sculptor Phidias and the architects Ictinus and
9 The famous painting, The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, has been linked a number of wild theories.
11 In the future, original paintings may only be available the wealthy few who can afford to buy them.
12 During the Renaissance, artists, were not only painters but sculptors and architects as well, were highly
prized for their skills.
13 Sometimes skilled artists decide to become forgers because as they can earn a lot more money.
can Such of by to to such
5B Q & A
Do you enjoy visiting art galleries or museums? (Why/Why not?)
Which famous people from your country do people in your country admire?
What was your favourite toy or game when you were a child? (Why?)
Do you agree that online games are always bad for people? (Why/Why not?)
5C Test tips 1
2 If you want to improve your reading skills, you should read as much as possible in English.
3 Looking up every new word you come across in the dictionary is time consuming and not
at all helpful.
5 Read the title and the first paragraph carefully. Reading other section headings and the first
line of each paragraph is also a quick way to get the general idea of a text.
6 There is not enough time in the exam to read a text very thoroughly.
9 Often the words that appear in the questions will not be repeated in the text.
B That’s why it is a good idea to scan a reading text for synonyms, antonyms or paraphrase
when looking for the relevant part of the text that contains the answer.
C These are often written in easier language, and you can get a feel for the main ideas in the
text from the questions.
D Guessing the meaning of unknown vocabulary from the context is an important skill to
E Read it quickly to locate the section containing an answer and then read that section
carefully to find it.
F These are some techniques that will help you understand what the text is about.
G So answer them in order. If you can’t find one don’t waste time, leave it until the end. If you
still can’t find it, guess. You will get no marks for blank answers.
I Underlining key words can help you know what to look for before you read a text.
5 In the 1990s, Australia suffered a severe drought, which led to a serious water in
its major cities.
8 Lowering our usage will definitely have a positive effect on the environment.
11 Mauna Loa, on Hawaii’s Big Island, is the largest on Earth. From the base to
the top it measures more than 17,000 metres.
12 Daintree and Kinabalu National Parks are two of the world’s largest . They
contain some of the world’s most unique animal and plant species.
15 At more than 200 metres high, 150 metres wide and 5 kilometres long, Hang Son Doong
in Vietnam is the world’s largest . It is so big it has its own river, jungle and
6C Expanding headlines
7A The fact is …
7B Test tips 2
7C Taboo
culture shock
explosion (n) destination (n) poverty (n)
Module 8
8A Ordering sentences
First the cacao pods are harvested by hand.
The pods are then carefully broken open to release the cacao beans,
which are embedded in a moist pulp.
The beans and pulp are scooped out quickly and placed in a pile on
mats or banana leaves and placed in a box.
The beans are mixed gently during this process to introduce oxygen
into the box.
Holes in the box allow the liquid that is produced to slowly leak out,
leaving just the beans.
The beans gather moisture from the environment and the pulp.
In the final stage, the cocoa beans (as they are called after
fermentation) are dried, shipped and stored.
8B Synonym race
involves complex
select view
much change
put well-being
8C Test tips 3
Writing tips
1 Always read the question carefully and keep your answers to the topic.
2 Try to develop an writing style.
3 Make sure your writing is clearly organised into .
4 Write so that the examiner can read your handwriting.
5 Leave time to check your work carefully.
6 Use to show the relationship between ideas.
7 Spend no more than minutes planning your answer.
8 Get as practice answering the different IELTS Writing task types as possible.
9 For Writing Task 1, include facts and / from the charts to illustrate your
main points.
10 Do not write than the word limit specified.
General While
Before After
9A Test tips 4
Listening tips
1 You should / have to use the time given to read the next set of questions.
2 You should / shouldn’t spend time checking answers you have already written down.
3 You should / must use the questions to help you predict what the recording will be about.
4 You can / can’t predict what the answers might be before you listen.
5 You don’t have to / mustn’t panic if you miss an answer. You should / shouldn’t leave that
one and move onto the next one.
6 You should / can transfer your words to the answer sheet carefully so you don’t lose points
by writing an incorrect number, letter or word.
7 You must / mustn’t spell words correctly or you will lose marks.
Listening tips
1 You should / have to use the time given to read the next set of questions.
2 You should / shouldn’t spend time checking answers you have already written down.
3 You should / must use the questions to help you predict what the recording will be about.
4 You can / can’t predict what the answers might be before you listen.
5 You don’t have to / mustn’t panic if you miss an answer. You should / shouldn’t leave that
one and move onto the next one.
6 You should / can transfer your words to the answer sheet carefully so you don’t lose points
by writing an incorrect number, letter or word.
7 You must / mustn’t spell words correctly or you will lose marks.
9B Active to passive
1 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.
4 Scientists have found that the bacterium H. Pylori causes stomach ulcers in people.
11 In recent years, people have paid more attention to diet as a way to stay healthy.
9C Describing people
motivated gorgeous
grumpy intelligent
athletic dull
elegant fascinating
talented attractive
Describe a person that you enjoy spending time with, e.g. a family member,
friend, colleague, classmate.
You should say:
• what this person is like
• what their personal qualities are
• why you enjoy spending time with them
and describe some things you enjoy doing with this person.
carry out murder burglar
10B Quantifiers
Countable Uncountable
10C If I could …
If my neighbourhood was .
A: Can I have your student number? I can get details like your address
from there. Module 2
S: Sure, here’s my ID card, the student number’s on the corner.
A: OK, that’s great, I’ve got you on our computer system, now. It says 2.1
here that you’re staying at the High Field Halls, here on the university
1: I’m going to talk about camping because this is something that
always makes me happy.
S: Actually, I was there last year, they haven’t updated it yet. I’ve just
2: The thing that makes me happy is having a lie-in.
moved into the Green Park Halls, it’s in the city centre, next to the
3: Chocolate is something that makes me feel good, especially if I’ve
station, and I’m in room six-double-oh-three.
had a bad day.
A: OK, I’ll just change that here, so we have your correct address if we
4: I love going for a walk on a cold, sunny day.
need to contact you. Now, what shall I put down as your main skills?
5: Spending time with my friends always makes me feel happy.
S: Erm, what kind of thing do you mean?
6: I love clothes so I really enjoy shopping for a bargain.
A: Well, did you do any graphic design on your course last year? That
might be helpful for the media centre. 2.2
S: Yes, I did that in my first year. I don’t know, I mean the usual stuff Rafael: I’m going to talk about camping because this is something that
like language skills aren’t really my thing, but I took a course on always makes me happy. By camping, I um mean er taking a tent into a
computer programming, and I did pretty well at that in my exams. quiet area and sleeping there for a couple of nights. I usually go out to
A: Great, I’ll put that down. That kind of thing always comes in handy. I the mountains about two hours from where I live. There’s a large lake
expect that’s enough, they’re not really expecting anyone very highly- there where people go to do freshwater fishing, and they put up their
qualified. Now, I have a note here saying that you need to go for an tents next to the water. I usually go there every other weekend in the
interview with the head of the department. summer for a couple of nights. I also spend a week there at the end of
S: Would that be in the main marketing building? the summer, before I go back to university. Unfortunately, it’s too cold
A: Actually, she’s based in the business services building, which is, let me to go in winter because it snows up there. I love camping for a few
see, on the other side of the campus. That’s quite annoying. It’s next different reasons. Firstly, you can escape from the worries of everyday
to the administration building. Do you know where that is? life. There is no stress in the mountains so you can really relax. All you
S: Yes, I pass it on the way in every day. When would the interview be? need to think about is starting a fire, catching a fish and cooking it. As
A: Actually, there was an appointment on Wednesday morning, at nine well as that, you can look at the beautiful scenery around you – I don’t
o’clock, but the student that was going to go then cancelled. Does think we do this when we’re busy studying or working and I’m usually
that suit you? surrounded by buildings so it’s not as pretty. Another reason is that you
S: I have a lecture then, but I finish at ten o’clock. can breathe in fresh air and the smell of the fish when you cook it. Life is
A: OK, I’ll put you in for half past ten, and that will just give thirty slower when you go camping and er ... so I think it’s really good for your
minutes to get there after your class. physical and er ... mental health.
S: That’s perfect. Thank you for your help. 2.3
A: You’re welcome, and good luck! I hope you get it, but if not, come Hana: The thing that makes me happy is having a lie-in. Sometimes
back and see me, I’m sure we have something else. I wake up early on a Sunday. I think it’s time to get up and then I
1.6 remember that it’s the weekend and I don’t have to! So I get back in
E = Examiner D = Daniella my warm bed and go back to sleep. It doesn’t happen on a Saturday
E: Now, let’s talk about learning about the news. Do you read though, because I work part-time in a supermarket which means I get
newspapers? up early on those days. And when I have lots of homework, I have to get
D: No, I don’t read newspapers. up early on a Sunday too. But on Sundays when I don’t have homework
E: Why not? and in school holidays, I like to sleep in. [pause] It makes me happy
D: I think that you have to buy the paper. I don’t have money and I because I have more time to sleep. Plus I have some thinking time. I
think that I can get the news another place. think it’s good to lie in bed and daydream. I think about what happened
E: How do you prefer to learn about news events? the week before. I also think about the things that are going to happen
D: How do I prefer to learn about the news? [Pause] I like to see the the following week. I can make plans in my head. Sometimes I make up
news online … I see the website. stories too. I enjoy being creative. And I can do this in my bed, where it’s
E: How do you share personal news with friends? peaceful and no one can disturb me.
D: I like to go to social media. I go to social media because I can put 2.4
photos there and because I can see what they are doing. [Pause] Rafael: I love camping for a few different reasons. Firstly, you can
Because they are in another country, I can still see them. escape from the worries of everyday life. There’s no stress in the
E: Do you like hearing your friends’ news? mountains so you can really relax. All you need to think about is starting
D: Yes, I like hearing my friends’ news. a fire, catching a fish and cooking it. As well as that, you can look at the
E: Why? beautiful scenery around you – I don’t think we do this when we’re busy
D: Because I can see that they have had a baby, or they have got studying or working and I’m usually surrounded by buildings so it’s not
married. I like to know these things because they are important. as pretty. Another reason is that you can breathe in fresh air and the
1.7 smell of the fish when you cook it. Life’s slower when you go camping
E = Examiner N = Nicholas and er ... so I think it’s really good for your physical and mental health.
E: Now, let’s talk about learning about the news. Do you read Hana: It makes me happy because I have more time to sleep. Plus I
newspapers? have some thinking time. I think it’s good to lie in bed and daydream.
N: No, I don’t like reading newspapers. They have a lot of stories that I think about what happened the week before. I also think about the
are not interesting for me, for example stories about politics and things that are going to happen the following week. I can make plans in
sport. my head. Sometimes I make up stories too. I enjoy being creative. And I
E: How do you prefer to learn about news events? can do this in my bed, where it’s peaceful and no-one can disturb me.
N: I like to watch the news on television because you can see the things 2.5
that happened that day, not the day before. I don’t really like the Beauty’s all around. One thing really enjoy looking [pause] rainbow.
internet, because I think there is some rubbish there, and sometimes Lovely just had rain suddenly rainbow appears horizon. Don’t need
you have to pay to read a story. gold end rainbow – rainbow is gold! Rainbows important reminder
E: How do you share personal news with friends? something bad happens, something good come soon.
N: I use social media, like everyone else, I guess. Sometimes I go to a 2.6
café and catch up on their news, or talk things through with them.
Beauty’s all around us but there’s one thing I really enjoy looking at and
E: Do you like hearing your friends’ news?
that’s a rainbow. It’s lovely when you’ve just had rain and suddenly a
N: Well, not always.
rainbow appears on the horizon. We don’t need gold at the end of the
E: Why not?
rainbow – the rainbow is the gold! Rainbows are an important reminder
N: You know, sometimes it’s not very good content. Sometimes they
that when something bad happens, something good will come soon.
want to tell you about the thing they ate for breakfast and I don’t
really think that’s interesting.
perform better. It also tells us that certain body language before we 3.4
do a task can have the same result. And as I said earlier, this can help W = Woman M = Man
us all. So, next time you have a big task, stand in a power pose to W: OK, so I don’t really understand our presentation. We have to talk
gain confidence. about whether or not jobs are going to disappear in the future. Isn’t
2.12–2.13 that kind of an old argument? Lots of jobs have gone in the last few
Aimée: I’d like to tell you about my graduation ceremony. Two years decades.
ago, after I finished university, there was a graduation ceremony for M: Well, the disappearance of jobs is nothing new, we’ve seen that
the students and their families where we got our certificates. So, I went happening for years now, but they’ve always been low-skilled jobs,
there with my parents and my sister. It was in a huge er ... conference like car factory workers, or basic administration work. Computers
centre just outside the city, maybe there were over two thousand are changing so fast and this time, careers that people have
students there. Anyway, we all wore those clothes, you know, a black spent thousands of pounds training for at university might start
square hat and the black dress – I don’t know the name – but you put disappearing. Simply put, some university subjects are going to
it on top of your clothes. It was very funny to see my friends with those become less common and we need to predict which university
clothes. At first the head of the university gave an um er speech and courses are likely to disappear. I mean, some universities are still
then other people talked too. Next, I went up and I er talked, I talked for preparing students for jobs that won’t exist in ten or so years’ time.
a long time and er I er I gave a speech for the students. I was absolutely W: Well, take building design and planning, for example. It’s obviously
terrified. I didn’t want to fall on the stairs or make a mistake. My mouth not going to be taken off the curriculum any time soon. We’ve
was very dry but luckily I could speak and I said everything OK. After, we always needed safe homes to live in and offices to work in, and
went – er my family – we went to a restaurant and they gave me some always will.
gifts. My parents gave me some car keys – they’d bought me a car – I M: You’re right. That’s one of the courses that’s least likely to go, but it’s not
didn’t know so I was very surprised. They er … And so I was very happy. so much because of the safety side, but more because it’s a creative
My parents were very proud because I’m the first person in my family to subject. It’s exactly the same with interior design. We’re still decades
graduate from university so it was an important day for everyone. away from programming a computer to do anything artistic, so that
Huan: Last year, I took an important exam so I could go to a good subject’s not likely to lose popularity in the next twenty years or so.
university. Er ... er ... um ... the entrance exam was at the university near W: There must be some safe practical subjects, like medicine. We’ll
Shanghai. Um ... it was a difficult exam because the questions were always need doctors.
difficult. And it was long. Er ... um ... Many students were there in the M: Well, actually, it’s true that both are practical, but the main difference
er ... big room. Um ... and ... and I felt er ... sma ... small. I felt um ... bad between architecture and medicine is that there’s perhaps a more
... because ... I wanted to um ... um ... er ... pass the exam. After, I felt creative side to architecture …
good because I could answer the questions. Er ... the exam were ... was W: … whereas medicine is more about remembering facts, I guess.
important because only good people can go to the university. Um ... M: Exactly, there are certain signs that indicate illness, and computers are
I could pass the exam and I er ... started the university in March. I was able to identify routine illness much more accurately than a human,
happy. who just relies on memory.
W: OK, so it says in your article that we’ll probably only need eighty
percent of the doctors that we have today.
M: That’s what some reports have suggested. Human doctors excel
Module 3 when someone has an illness that’s quite rare but the rest of the time,
a computer might actually do the job better.
3.1 W: Hmm, that’s an interesting thought. We’ll just have to become
1: In my opinion, I think that it’s a waste of time including sports on the computer programmers instead of doctors if we want to make a
curriculum. Schools are a place to learn academic subjects. difference to people’s health and well-being.
2: As far as I know, there are a lot of playing fields around schools, M: Ah, well, neither career is safe, to be honest. A lot of computer
and they all have things like a basketball court and a football pitch. programming is also very routine. At the moment you need specialist
They’re all outdoor facilities, though, so when it rains, it’s a real engineers to fix things that go wrong with computers, but a lot of
problem. computer experts are working to make it easier for people without
3: Well, you know, most research suggests that competition is an a lot of training to program computers and so, while we’ll still
important lesson to learn. So I think every school curriculum should need programmers, there won’t be anything like the number of
include sports lessons. opportunities that there are today.
W: Actually, I can look forward to that day.
3.2 M: It’s really just the creative careers that are absolutely safe. Neither art
I think that schools should encourage every child to be active because nor fashion design are going to disappear for many years to come.
there are so many problems with weight among adults these days, and W: I’m not sure I agree with that. Take a look at creative writing courses.
also children’s free-time activities tend to be very passive, sitting down They’ve become more and more popular over the last few years, but
all the time. I think that schools can help change this, so they should with so much creative writing now freely available on the internet,
teach sport. people are going to have to think more carefully about studying at
3.3 university. They won’t be able to spend as much money on a creative
S1 = Student 1 S2 = Student 2 writing course as they did in the past. Soon enough, there’ll be
S1: I have to finish my application for university and I just can’t decide enough creative writing courses available online that nobody will be
which of these two universities to choose. willing to attend university for it anymore.
S2: Well, you must have some idea of which is better? M: Right – you do know that a lot of this is not going to go down well
S1: That’s the problem – I think that both universities have a great with our audience, don’t you?
course programme. I’d be happy on either one. W: Hmm, well, we’ll have to deal with that once we’re presenting.
S2: OK, well, Rugby’s got a good reputation. Why not go with that one? 3.5
S1: Well, yes, but unlike Rugby, where there’s no work experience, at N = Narrator T = Tutor M = Megan
Bartlett you can spend a year in a company getting on the job N: You will hear an architecture student discussing a project on office
experience. I think that could be really important when you graduate. design with her tutor. Read questions one to five.
S2: What about the optional subjects? T: Right, Megan, I’ve looked at your notes for the end of year project.
S1: Actually, I was surprised to see that there are the same options on You’ve got some good ideas here.
both these courses, and there’s plenty to choose from. M: Thanks.
S2: So whichever you choose will be good. How about the teaching T: The diagrams are excellent and this is a really imaginative design.
staff? M: It took me ages.
S1: Well, both have good reputations but when I went to visit last T: For the end-of-year project, you need to include a description of the
month, the teachers at Bartlett spent more time with us, and I got project and an explanation of why you wanted to design it this way.
more out of their introduction talks. Now I can see that your description is around one thousand three
S2: And weren’t you interested in joining a rowing team? hundred words long, but the maximum we allow is eight hundred,
S1: Yes, but neither university has a rowing team, so that’s not a factor. for the display at the end, so you’re going to need to cut another five
S2: I give up – why don’t you just toss a coin? hundred words from this before you hand it in.
M: OK, sure, I forgot to check the word limit. M: That’s why I put the sofa area away from the windows in my design,
T: Do you think you have enough time to make the changes? and put smaller lamps on tables around it. It allows a lot of different
M: Well, I was hoping to have everything built by the twenty-first of kinds of work to happen.
June, but it was difficult to get an appointment to use the university’s T: Right. Well, it looks like you have all the information you need. You
3D printer. In fact, I can’t get on it until two days before the deadline, just have to start reducing that description.
which is on the twenty-sixth of June. I’ve got it booked on the M: Sure.
twenty-fourth, so as long as there are no technical problems, I 3.6
should be OK. E = Examiner R = Reham
T: OK, that sounds fine to me. Now, let’s have a look at some of your
design ideas. You haven’t mentioned in your description why you E: What kind of things do visitors to your country buy?
chose the different features you’ve drawn on the plan. R: Clothes are very cheap in my country. And the shops are very
M: Well, I did a lot of research on the perfect office. Most people said beautiful and attractive. Nice shops make you want to buy things. I
the biggest problem was that they notice sounds from printers and think that most visitors go to the shops and buy clothes.
other distractions more when there are no walls in the office. Even E: You said that the shops are nice. In what way are they pleasant?
if they don’t go all the way up to the ceiling, they still help to reduce R: The shops have good lights, and good decoration. The shops have
sounds. I included a lot of them in the design because studies show places where you can sit with your friends and have a coffee and
that open plan desks just aren’t very good for encouraging quality. chat. You see some clothes and you feel good, and you buy them.
T: Good point. What about this seating area over here? E: How can shops make shopping more pleasant for their customers?
M: I chose that because another study said that the most important Do you think they could do more to make it pleasant?
thing was to have a lot of different spaces. That opens up more R: Yes. Well, sometimes I like to go shopping, and I don’t go because
opportunity for different kinds of work, both traditional desks and there are no places in the car park. I wait a long time, maybe one
big boardroom tables can discourage small-team work. The sofas hour. It is not good.
allow people to sit and discuss or work problems in a more relaxed 3.7
way, with a few coffee tables to put papers and things on. People do E = Examiner Z = Zhuang
different jobs during the day, and the furniture should reflect their E: So, Zhuang, you mentioned that older people don’t enjoy going to
different needs. shopping malls as much as younger people. Generally speaking, how
T: Mmm, that’s a very clear section. Good. do you think shopping habits have changed in recent years? Do you
M: Thanks. What we’re aiming for is to give people better control. By think that generally, the way we shop has changed in recent years?
creating smaller spaces like this we’re giving people more freedom Z: Well, in China in the past people used to go to the market to buy
to work the way they want. They can change the temperature at their food, or even in the countryside, I mean in the places where
their desks by opening a window or turning up individual heaters. there are a lot of farms, people used to grow or make a lot of the
This can be really important, because some people need a warmer things they needed, or they shared with their neighbours. So they
or cooler office environment. It’s all about getting the most out of didn’t really go shopping the way we do today. But a lot of people
people. have moved to the city these days, and as a result, people prefer to
go to a nice shops, have a coffee, you know, meet friends. It’s almost
N: Now read questions six to ten. like a hobby.
E: So, do you agree that buying things makes people happier?
T: OK, so what are some of the functions of offices that you addressed Z: Oh, definitely. For example, when you buy something new, you feel
with your design? a little bit excited and if it’s clothes, you want to go home and try
M: Well, there’s a lot written on the colour of working environments, on your new trousers or try a new piece of technology. But I don’t
and yellow, green and blue come out tops. Green helps people to think that feeling lasts very long. In my opinion, people need to find
feel calm, and to a lesser extent, blue can help people to understand another way to feel happy.
difficult ideas, which make a more relaxing environment. However,
I used yellow because I was more interested in making a space for
a very specific kind of person, particularly people who work in jobs
where they need to have lots of new ideas. It’s very good for that. So Module 4
that’s why I mostly used yellow around the office.
T: I see you’ve also considered the artwork around the space. 4.1–4.2
M: That’s right. Although there wasn’t much written on the effects of Carla: I’ve ... er ... got ... er ... got ... an amazing pram that I use all the
pictures on office workers. time. It’s a pram and a scooter together. Er ... the scooter has
T: I’m not sure that’s true. Their use has been found to have a very four wheels and the ... er ... platform ... er platform where I put my foot.
calming effect on staff in hospitals. There was a study that showed The pram’s in ... at the front of the scooter, um ... above my foot and just
that people in demanding jobs, such as finance or sales, had fewer in front of the er ... handle where ... where I put my hands. I use it to go
problems with depression or generally just feeling down when there shopping or ... or ... when I ... I sometimes take my daughter out for a
were images of natural scenes around the building. walk. I like it ... because ... er ... I can get to the shops much faster when
M: Can you give me the reference for that later? I use the scooter and I don’t ... don’t have a lot of time. Er ... um ... the
T: Sure. movement also helps to send my daughter to sleep when she’s er ... she’s
M: Another important thing to help people feel satisfied in their job er ... crying. But probably the main benefit is that it’s ... um ... fun for me!
and working environment is the objects around the room. The main Tom: Well, my favourite invention’s a ping pong door. Er, I don’t have
difference between homes and offices is that homes often contain one myself but my friend James does. How can I describe what it looks
personal objects such as plants. Unlike homes, many offices can like? Er, it’s a special kind of door made of, I guess, green plastic. You
be very impersonal, and a lot of people dislike working in that kind can pull down the top part of the door so it becomes a pingpong table
of environment. A study in the UK found that allowing people to with half the table on one side of the door and the other half on the
bring their own plants into their workplace made people feel more other side of the door. We use it for table tennis matches – we’re very
like they belonged to the company, and they worked around thirty competitive with each other. I stand in one room and James stands
percent more efficiently because of that. That’s why I’ve put those in. in the other and we hit the ball through the opening in the door. It’s
T: Hmm, and you’ve got a lot in your report on about the windows in really useful for I guess one main reason. Because well, most people
this office. don’t have space for a pingpong table in their room but with this one,
M: Well, I was really interested in understanding this area better. There’s you can, because it’s also the door! It’s not perfect, of course, but it’s a
been a lot written about natural and artificial light, but neither is good solution to the problem of space and that’s why I think it’s a useful
perfect. A lot of studies show that working in ambient light, that’s invention.
light from the sun or daylight, helped people to get more and better
rest at night than those who were working in an office without 4.3
windows. So, that’s obviously a good thing. That’s why the windows E = Examiner C = Carla T = Tom
take up most of that side of the building. E: Carla, do other people agree with you that the pram is useful?
T: But not everyone can sit near the windows. And it’s not always a C: Er, I’ve never really thought about it before. Um, I’m not sure, actually,
good thing. Soft lighting has been found to encourage people to because I don’t know anyone else who has one. Most of my friends
come up with more solutions to problems. That’s also a useful skill. with babies have said how fantastic it is but they haven’t bought one.
Er ... so ... um ... perhaps the majority of people tend to think it’s fun between computers, resulting in a superfast internet. Information will
but not really necessary. be able to go from one place to another so quickly that no-one will
E: Tom, do other people agree with you that the table tennis door is be able to access it or steal it before it gets to its destination. So it’ll
useful? be much more secure than the web we use today.
T: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. I know my friend James agrees with So, we hope you enjoy finding out about teleportation here today.
me because it’s his door and he loves it but I’m not sure about his It really is a fascinating subject. It might not be safe for human travel
family – or his neighbours. Generally speaking, I think they find it a but it’ll probably result in other fantastic inventions that may change
bit annoying because of the noise it makes! our lives. Now I’ll leave you to find out more about this topic at your
4.4 leisure.
Examiner: Do your friends also find this invention difficult to live 4.10
without? N = Narrator S = Speaker
4.5 N: You will hear a radio programme about virtual reality technology.
Narrator: You will hear a man giving information about an exhibition First read questions one to five.
on teleportation. S: Welcome to Consumer Weekly. Today, we’re going to look at a
number of virtual reality headsets on the market and think about
4.6 different ways they might be used in future. Virtual reality first got
Speaker: Welcome to our exhibition on teleportation here at the its name in the 1980s. When companies started to create virtual
science museum which we proudly opened for the first reality products, much of it was basic and people were disappointed
time at ten this morning. I’d like to explain a little bit about with the experience. It also sold at such a high cost that the average
what you can find here at the exhibition before leaving you customer was unable to afford it. For this reason, consumer virtual
to look around on your own. reality disappeared until recently, although commercial technology
4.7 continued to be developed for the car, medical and aviation
The next step in teleportation is just a few years away. industries.
Today the technology is smaller and cheaper so there are several
headsets available. We’re going to look at four of them today. Let’s
1: I should explain exactly what teleportation is. start with Vision Next. A student first came up with the idea of this
2: Scientists have already sent atoms across a room. virtual reality headset while at school. He started building his device
3: It could happen before the end of the century. after obtaining investment online from over eight thousand investors.
4: They can start looking at sending bigger objects. His company was later bought by another company for over $100m.
5: We could use it to move information from one place to another. The device is coming onto the market next month. It works with
6: It’ll probably result in other fantastic inventions. a PC and there’s no need to install software as the headset will
4.9 automatically run when connected to the computer. It charges the
N = Narrator S = Speaker headset then too.
N: You will hear a man giving information about an exhibition on Our second headset – Virtual Vista – uses the screen of a
teleportation. smartphone which you attach to the headset. This is different to
S: Welcome to our exhibition on teleportation here at the science our first headset which has its own screen, making Virtual Vista
museum which we proudly opened for the first time at ten this cheaper to make and buy. The phone software creates two images,
morning. I’d like to explain a little bit about what you can find here at one for each eye, which makes it look three dimensional. Users use
the exhibition before leaving you to look around on your own. You’ll a touchpad to move around the virtual world and will probably be
have plenty of time to see everything as the exhibition is open until able to use the device with apps in future.
4.15 and the gift shop doesn’t close until five o’clock. Let’s move onto Far Vu. This was an unexpected addition to the
I think I should explain exactly what teleportation is for those of you market. Instead of making a new smartwatch as experts predicted,
who are a bit unsure. It happens when one an object travels from the manufacturers announced this virtual reality headset instead.
one place to another place in the form of energy. We’ve all seen The headset comes with a handheld controller and sensors that you
teleportation in science-fiction films, when someone’s in New York, place around the walls so it can read your body movement. This
they press a button on their watch, they disappear and suddenly means it’s going to be more expensive than other devices but it’s also
appear in Beijing seconds later. going to be more powerful.
Did you know that it is possible to use teleportation now? Scientists Finally, we have Iris 3D. This has the same screen resolution as Vision
have already sent atoms across a room and Gallery 1 provides all Next but it also has a fast frame rate. This means the image you
the details. In fact you’ll be able to see exactly what they did with see moves smoothly. This is important because if it isn’t smooth,
a working model. It won’t perform exactly the same task but it will your brain knows that the image isn’t real and your experience is
show you how it was done. Amazing! You can also see images of the negatively affected. Slow frame rates can also cause motion sickness,
scientists and atoms in action. as if you’re travelling on a boat on stormy waters.
Of course atoms are incredibly small and twenty-five kilometres isn’t
very far so the technology isn’t advanced enough to move humans N: Now read questions six to ten.
from one side of the planet to the other just yet. It could happen
before the end of the century though. And this is the main focus of S: That brings me onto the subject of how exactly virtual reality headsets
Gallery 2 – the future of teleporting. You can find information there can be used. Well, at first they’ll be used primarily for gaming. As
about how the next step is just a few years away – possibly sending I mentioned they’re being used with mobile technology, games
an atom to the moon. Then scientists can start looking at sending consoles and personal computers. However, there are other uses
bigger objects, followed by animals and then humans to different for it too. These devices will be able to take us away to a number
places. You’ll be able to watch a recorded interview with Professor of different places and allow us to explore them. This could be in a
Michio Kaku who says that there’s a strong possibility humans will be game but it might also be to a real place like a Caribbean island or
able to travel across the universe in future but we will possibly not the top of a mountain. I recently experienced what it’s like to be a
want to use it because of the potential dangers involved. I’m sure stunt pilot using virtual reality. The ride was as exciting as a real one
you’ll want to find out more about this and what could go wrong. I once had with a slightly crazy pilot friend of mine. You could have
Finally, the topic of Gallery 3 is teleportation technology and that experience from the comfort of your own home which means
alternative ways we might use it. Humans might not use it to travel you’re not actually putting yourself in any danger. Virtual reality offers
from one place to another but we could use it to move information. people a chance to experience things they may not have the chance
In the gallery you will find details of a quantum computer that to experience in person. Imagine giving an ill person in a hospital the
scientists are creating today using teleportation technology. A chance to go for a walk in their favourite park and listen to the sounds
quantum computer processes information using individual atoms, of birds singing. That’s likely to help them in their recovery. People
so it can potentially make calculations and solve problems extremely with disabilities will have freedom of movement and will be able to
quickly. Much faster than now. In the gallery you’ll be able to see a visit places that, in reality, they cannot reach.
timeline of the history of processing to compare speeds in the past Another important possibility is the chance for us to really
with those that could be possible in the future. You can also find out understand situations we don’t normally experience. Virtual reality
about how the same technology could be used to send information will allow us to understand what it means to suffer from a disease
you want to print even a fairly simple design, you’ll actually need to give M: OK – I think we should mention that things have changed. Vending
the machine a few days to complete its job. That’s going to take a bit of machines are still mostly found in public buildings, like schools or
planning! sports centres, but it’s interesting that you mention Japan because
5.8 they seem to sell everything by vending machine these days.
M = Man W = Woman W: You’re right, they even sell hot meals there. And there’s a vending
machine for every twenty-three people in the country, in contrast to
M: OK, so we need to talk about how vending machines have the United States, which is more typical, with around one for every
developed over time for this presentation. eighty-three people.
W: I know! I found a great website belonging to a guy who actually M: Can you imagine if we get to the state when it’s one machine per
collects vending machines as a hobby. person?
M: Where does he keep them?
W: He’s made a kind of museum in his back yard where he displays them. 5.9
M: I suppose the first vending machines were those old newspaper E = Examiner A = Aisha
boxes that you see on the sidewalk in New York in old movies. E: What are some of the differences between physical toys and online
W: Actually, the earliest source of a vending-style design is much older games?
than that. There was a machine created in the first century by a A: I think that online games are very good for young people. They learn
Greek engineer. It sold pure water. When you put a coin in, a kind to play together … to co-operate. But they can be bad … bad for the
of platform became unbalanced and released the drink into a pan health, especially if children sit down all the time. In a physical game
below. they can move and play and that’s better when they’re very young.
M: Wow. I thought they were about a hundred years old or so. Actually, E: How do toys and games develop children’s social skills?
I’ve got a website here about the first modern vending machine, A: I think that toys can be very good for young children’s social skills.
a mechanical model, which is what we think of these days. In this Very young children play with their toys and they talk about what
case, it dispensed stamps at a time when the postal service was really they are doing. Older children always want to play with another
important, and was popular in England. It was invented in 1867, person, so it is only natural they will talk with those children. They
and the company that made it went on to include postcards and also play in teams.
envelopes, but that wasn’t until much later, once a system had been E: Why do some toys become more popular than others?
set up to install and re-fill the machines. A: I think the popularity of toys comes from the films. They see a film
W: Going back to this guy who collects vending machines, he’s got like Frozen, and they want the doll, or they want the … the puzzle.
some nice illustrations of how a gumball machine works. I mean, You see a lot of books in the bookshop that are not interesting, but
it’s actually a very simple design. When the company that put the they have the character of the film on the front and so children want
machine in place needs to fill it, there’s a key that they need to open it.
the lid at the top, and then they can pour the gumballs in. E: In what ways can toys become educational?
M: Huh! It says here that the first gumball machine invented by the A: I think any toy can be educational. Sometimes if you just give
Thomas Adams Gum Company came shortly after the British design, children a box, they play with it and use their imagination. Even
but it was probably more important and more famous because it animals play when they are young. It’s how they learn to do things
added game elements to the machine, giving people more of an for real when they’re older. Most toys can be educational, but of
incentive to buy. I think we should include that, because it’s fairly course there are some that are specifically designed to help children
easy to see how it works. learn, like science sets.
W: OK – go on. How does it work? 5.10
M: Well, the customer puts in a coin, activating this crank system inside Aisha: Well, in my opinion, online games are very good for young
the gumball machine. In contrast to the popular view that the correct people. The main reason I believe this is because with online games,
coin is judged by size, actually, all of those early machines judged they can learn to play together and cooperate with their friends.
the coin by its weight. Those early gumball machines are a good However, it’s not all good, and they can be bad for the health, especially
example of this. The coin pushes down a small lever, which allows if children sit down all the time. In a physical game they can move and
the person to turn the crank manually. Without the coin, the lever play and that’s better when they’re very young, so I think they’re both
blocks the crank. good, but for different reasons.
W: Right, I can see that on the diagram. Often those early models also
had small figures that moved every time someone bought gum from 5.11
the machines, and of course kids loved that. I do think that toys and games can develop social skills. When they play
M: Hmm, we don’t have that on this image. But we do have the way with cars, or dolls, young children usually talk about what’s happening. If
that the gum was dispensed. The hopper let the gumball drop, but they play games, they have to establish rules, and decide how to judge
in order to get to the gum the customer had to turn this handle, the winners. So I think that these games are very useful.
unlocking the candy door at the bottom, which was also kind of fun.
W: Yeah, you know the best thing about those old machines, though?
It says here, that the manufacturing process wasn’t that accurate on
the early models, and if you were lucky, multiple gum balls, rather Module 6
than a single gumball used to drop down. That sounds like the best
thing to me! 6.1
M: OK, so do we have any other types of vending machines, as well as Marta: Because I wanted to visit a culture that’s very different to my
the mechanical vending systems? own, I went to India – New Delhi and the Taj Mahal, actually. I’d seen a
W: Not really, but I think that those old newspaper vending machines documentary on TV about the Taj Mahal a few years before and so I did
are worth a mention. They were easy to cheat because the some research about it. The whole area looked interesting – that’s why
customer paid, then opened the door, giving them access to all I chose to go there. I went with one of my friends from school because
the newspapers inside. In other words, they could take all the we’re close and we like the same things so I knew we’d have fun. The
newspapers out, leave them on the side, and block the locking first thing we did was go to the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is an interesting
mechanism so that the door stayed unlocked. That’s why they were building and its history is interesting too. In New Delhi itself, there were
known as honour systems, because people were trusted to do the some interesting places where we spent our time, for example there are
right thing and just take one paper, and put the rest back. a lot of markets in the city which sell a lot of different things – clothes
M: In a lot of ways, the majority of vending machines today sell the and food for example. We bought a dress each because people in India
same kinds of products as gumballs. For example, products needed wear interesting clothes. Um … er … We ... We bought some spices to
to be cheap, and something that wouldn’t go off quickly, so that take home, and we tried some of the, er, interesting food. I wanted to
the company wouldn’t have to worry about re-filling the machines know if it’s the same as Indian food in my country. It’s not! It’s much
regularly. hotter! One of the things I didn’t enjoy was the crowds. There were
W: Mm … I don’t know about that. I mean, one company in Atlanta set people everywhere – more than in my capital city. I didn’t like walking
up the world’s first car vending machine in 2013, and I know that in around much – but it was still an interesting experience. We certainly
Japan, they sell artwork by machine in the galleries. Neither of those had to be careful crossing the road! All in all, we had an interesting time
products is cheap. Other companies sell products with short shelf and I would recommend it.
lives, like fresh milk.
6.2 children go to school but of course everyone stays inside when it’s
Marta: I’d like to tell you about my trip to India. I wanted to go particularly cold to keep warm. They don’t go out for more than five
somewhere very different to my country so I could learn about a or ten minutes. And when they do go outside, they wear layers of
different culture. I’d seen a documentary about it on TV. The whole area very warm clothing. In fact it can take them quarter of an hour just to
looked spectacular so I decided I wanted to go there. I went with one get dressed! The Yakutsk people have lived in that region for around
of my friends from school. We’re good friends so I knew we’d have a eight hundred years so they know how to prepare for and survive life
good time together. The first thing we did was go to the Taj Mahal. The in the cold.
Taj Mahal is a gorgeous building and its history is fascinating too. After But what about those of us who don’t live in extreme places like
the Taj Mahal, we went to the capital city of India. In New Delhi there Siberia? Well, if the temperature drops to zero, we won’t be in
were some exciting places, for example there were a lot of markets in any immediate danger, even if we’re wearing only light clothing.
the city which sell a lot of different things, like clothes and food. We However, for this to be true, it has to be a very still day with no
both decided to buy a new dress because people in India wear pretty, moving air whatsoever, because there’s something that can have a
colourful clothes. We also bought some spices to take home and we significant impact on our survival, and that’s wind. The thermometer
tried some of the tasty food. It’s not the same as Indian food in my might say minus twenty-five but if the air is moving, then it’ll feel far
country. It’s much hotter or ... or ... spicier in India! chillier. In fact, a twenty-five-mile-an-hour wind would make the
Unfortunately I didn’t like the crowds very much. Wherever you went, temperature feel more like minus sixty-six and you’d be in danger
there were people everywhere. The population is much higher than in in just seconds. So the right clothes and shelter are incredibly
my city. I didn’t like walking around because of this but I guess it was still important, especially if a gale has just started blowing.
an interesting experience. We had to be very careful crossing the road 6.6
though! All in all, we had an amazing time and I would recommend it. N = Narrator Z = Zoo worker
6.3 N: You will hear a zoo manager giving a talk about zoos. First, you have
Mubarak: I went to New Delhi last year with my parents. Cities in some time to look at questions one to ten.
India are more crowded than cities in Al-Alain where I live. Some Z: I’ve been invited here today to tell you a little bit about the
people say they’re overcrowded but I think they’re very lively and conservation work that we do at Milton Zoo. The zoo was started
colourful. In New Delhi we went sightseeing. We saw some historic by a family who first had animals in their garden, where they also
buildings. For example there was a really pretty old fort. We saw some grew and sold plants. The family’s friends would visit just to see
modern buildings too, such as new shopping malls, so it was a ... a very the animals so they decided to open a zoo to the public. The
convenient place to be. I preferred to visit the old markets there though, development of the zoo since then has been huge. Altogether it’s
to see some history. I’d heard that real Indian food was amazing so I around one hundred acres in size, making it one of the largest zoos
wanted to try it. Of course, I don’t think that Delhi is a perfect city. Some in the country. We have almost ten thousand animals living here,
of the buildings were old and a little unattractive. And the facilities there with a total of three hundred and twenty-three different animal
were sometimes quite basic. The city was full of cars, bikes and people species. Last year we had around one million visitors in total during
too – which was exciting! Two or three people were on the bikes at one the year which was a record.
time – it didn’t look terribly safe to me but it was OK for them. Some Our latest addition is a new baby elephant which was born just over
of the streets were narrow so it was a bit stressful to walk around with two weeks ago. He’s part of our very special breeding programme
so many people. But it was an absolutely amazing place to visit and I’d which was started at the zoo to help ensure endangered species
quite like to go back again, maybe to a different city next time. are protected from extinction. You may have heard in the news that
6.4 we were trying to breed giant pandas. Unfortunately, we weren’t
successful so we took them out of the programme but we are
Lecturer: 1When we’re cold, the first thing we do is shiver which
expecting a new tiger cub in the next few weeks. As tigers are dying
causes us to produce a greater amount of heat. 2Our blood withdraws
out in the wild, this is really great news. We also donate money
from the skin areas to the central part of the body because it needs to
to a breeding centre in Kenya to help the locals try to save the
concentrate on keeping the really important parts of our body warm,
black rhino. We help to protect the mountain gorilla in its natural
like our heart, our kidneys, our liver, etc. This means our skin starts to
environment too although you wouldn’t see those animals if you
feel cold. It also goes red as our blood vessels expand to try to keep it
visited Milton Zoo today.
warm. 3When it feels very icy, we begin to lose the cells in our fingers,
I’m really proud of the work that we do at our zoo and some of
toes, nose, ears and cheeks. 4These can soon be replaced if you find
the work that goes on in animal organisations around the world
warmth, but if you don’t then they quickly die. This is called frost bite.
is incredible. Zoos are a fantastic source of family entertainment
Not everyone feels temperature in the same way. 5The difference
which also seek to educate visitors about different species. For many
between a woman’s core body temperature and her skin temperature is
visitors, it’s the only opportunity they’ll get to see such animals in
bigger than the difference between a man’s, which means a woman is
real life. Of course, the good zoos take animal welfare very seriously
more likely to have cold hands and her feet are more likely to get cold.
and the majority are charities so any profits they make are spent on
Of course it isn’t just an issue of gender, it can also be an issue of age.
conservation in the wild. As well as this, zoos can teach us about
Recognising differences between warm and cold weather is also more
different types of wildlife through research. This would not be
challenging for the elderly which can put them in danger.
possible in the wild and zoos are the only place it can happen. Over
6.5 the last few years we’ve discovered so much about these animals and
N = Narrator L = Lecturer now we can really provide the kind of medical assistance they need
N: You will hear a woman give a talk about humans adapting to cold to live longer.
temperatures. First, you have some time to look at questions one to Having said this, zoos have been controversial since they first
six. started. Animals which should be able to run free are stopped from
L: We humans are tropical animals. We aren’t particularly built for the doing this so I think it’s important for us to, every now and then, ask
cold but we have managed to adapt so we can live in very cold ourselves if zoos are doing the right thing and whether their role is
areas. We survive freezing temperatures by eating the right kind of the right one. There was a study done recently that made me wonder
food so we have enough energy to burn and keep us warm. We about this. The researchers looked at the total number of animals
also make sure we wear the right clothes. When I was young, my in zoos around the world – which was around 2.6 million animals.
grandmother used to say, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only A lot, right? It said that only a quarter of bird species are kept in
bad clothing’ and to a large degree that’s true. We adapt to colder zoos which means a large majority are not being protected. And
environments by covering our bodies in layers of the right material more worryingly, just twenty to twenty-five percent of endangered
that will keep us warm such as wool. The final thing we do to survive animals are kept in zoos. Now, there may be plenty of reasons for
cold temperatures is to build the right kinds of homes that we can that. An endangered animal often has difficulty breeding so it could
heat and that protect us from the cold outside air. be that zoos are unable to breed them. But we do have to be careful
There are people in Siberia in Russia, for example, who regularly that we’re not just keeping and protecting those species that are
cope with outside winter temperatures of around minus 25 degrees particularly attractive for visitors, whether that means physically cute
this way. And there are towns in that area that have recorded or just of special interest in some way. Of course, we need people to
below minus 60 degrees in the past. I’ve recently been to Yakutsk come to our zoo so we can afford to keep it going, but we also have
and believe me, life there goes on as normal for the most part, a responsibility to protect as many animal species as possible. And I
even though it’s freezing. Parents go to work and to the shops, and do believe at Milton Zoo we are going in the right direction.
6.7 where you get spectacular views of the city. We’ll be stopping there so
Jorge: I’m going to talk about a kind of monkey in my country. I’m er ... you can take photos or just sit and enjoy the incredible sights. OK, so
not sure of the name in English, maybe a er ... spider monkey. Anyway, it’s we’ll get started now, unless anyone has any questions.
quite large for a monkey and it has a very long tail. It also has long arms 7.3
and legs. It’s brown and er ... it has … um … hair, you know, animal hair, I Tour guide: So, welcome to our tour of the old Customs House and
don’t know the word. It lives in the rainforest in South America. It usually Immigration Centre. As you can see, it’s not used now, but immigration
lives high in the trees. I think it’s a um social animal because it usually lives played an important part in this country’s history in the eighteenth and
with other monkeys. Unfortunately the rainforest has go ... er disappeared nineteenth centuries, and so the building has been kept for historical
in some areas and so sometimes the monkeys have to move. Sometimes reasons.
the monkeys live in people’s homes. That’s not typical but some people Let’s get started. Can you all see the map? Well, as you know from
think it’s good to have a pet like a monkey. They’re not easy to have your boat trip this morning, the old Customs House was located in the
because they live for a long time – over thirty-five years I think – and middle of the harbour, surrounded by the sea. You arrived here today
you have to spend a lot of time looking after them. I like these monkeys pretty much the same way people did back then. As you can see, it’s a
because they’re lively and move around a lot. The rainforest is a beautiful kind of horseshoe shape, and we’re on the pier, which leads us to the
area of my country and a lot of wildlife lives there. The monkeys can eastern half of the island and through the entrance that people once
enjoy life there too and live together with others. Actually, I like monkeys used.
because they’re similar to humans. They live with family and friends and If you look at the map on the wall here, you’ll see that there’s an eastern
have fun together. I think this is a good way to live. half and a western half of the immigration centre. Originally, there was
just this smaller part of the island here in the east. However, it quickly
became too small to cope with the increasing numbers of people who
Module 7 were arriving. So they increased its size by building a second extension
here on the west. Our tour starts today here in the eastern section.
So, people had to get off the boat, and leave all their luggage behind.
7.1 They were given a ticket with a number on it, and they had to collect
1: There was one time when I went on a journey with my friends. I was their suitcases later. This was because as we move into this building
in high school at the time. It was actually not that far away, but we here to the east, you can see that it’s marked out so that people have
had to go by road and by boat, rather than flying, and it took forever. to queue along a zigzag path to get to the desks at the front. This was
It was worse on the way back because the coach broke down and the arrivals hall, and is possibly the most famous building on the island.
we had to wait by the side of the road for two hours for another one. Here, people had to go through legal checks, answering questions,
2: I think something has to change with the railways in my country. The such as their names, whether they were married or not, and where they
trains have become busier and busier and I get the impression that planned to go in the country. It was often a long wait.
it’ll soon be too much trouble to travel by rail, because they’re always Then from there they had to go into a smaller room behind this hall,
too full, or they’re delayed. I suppose they’ll have to make bigger which arrivals used to refer to as the baggage room. This is where their
trains, or faster trains – that would be great, actually. suitcases were delivered from the boats, and so they could exchange their
3: I definitely think that travelling by plane has become more difficult tickets for their luggage. Most people only had one or two bags, anyway.
and takes longer these days. I can’t say for certain, but I think the After they collected their suitcases, they moved to the northern part of
main reason is that security is so much tighter, and airports are the island. As you can see, there’s a long hallway here which functioned
so much busier, so you have to get to the airport a long time in as the old ticket office. People were divided into groups depending
advance. on whether they were going north or south after they left the island,
4: I think that the current situation with road travel in the city centre is with different boats waiting to take them in different directions. If you
not sustainable, I mean, you can’t get anywhere, and it’s difficult for wanted to go north you had to make your way around the outside of
shops and businesses to receive deliveries of things. this building, and so everyone had to come down these magnificent
5: Hmm, things haven’t changed so much, but I think the main stairs, where the lucky ones had loved ones waiting to meet them. This
difference between then and now is that long journeys are easier – I area just south of the stairs became known as the kissing post, because
mean, there are usually nice restaurants along the way on very long so many people were happy to be reunited with family. From there, it
roads, and you have computers in your car that tell you where to go was a short walk to either dock to catch the boat off the island and onto
when you’re lost. the mainland.
6: Hmm, I haven’t really thought about that because I’ve been so Of course, as more people started arriving, more staff were needed to
busy studying, but I suppose I’d probably go to Australia. It’s a really work in the Customs House and that’s why this second half of the island
expensive trip, you know, but I think it’d be so cool to see all the was built onto the west, with the work completed in 1906. This was
animals there. the administration block, where the lawyers and other officials worked,
7.2 although much later it became used as a hospital wing. So we’re going
Tour guide: You can see that like many cities, it’s built around this to go over there now and I know that some of you want to look through
beautiful harbour. If you look at the map on the wall here, you’ll see all our records of your family members arriving here.
the main tourist spots are clearly marked. We’re currently here in the 7.4
north west of the harbour, in the Central Business District, and this is N = Narrator T = Tour guide
a very modern area, but a lot of the city around the harbour is much N: You will hear a tour guide giving a talk on Te Papa, a museum in
older. Wellington, New Zealand. Read questions one to six.
You can see on this map that to the east of here is the Old Hall. That’s
just behind the main government office, which is still in use today and it T: The Te Papa Museum is New Zealand’s celebration of old and new
has spectacular views of the harbour to the south. culture. The building itself took four years to complete. One of
To the right of the Old Hall is the Market, which used to sell goods that the first exhibits you probably saw were the three spheres which
had just arrived from abroad. These days it’s used as an arts centre, and you passed to the right of the entrance of the museum before you
is still very popular. We’re going to get on a boat once we pass the Old came in. They’re made out of rock from a volcanic eruption around
Hall so that we have enough time to get round the whole harbour. seventy-five thousand years ago, and they represent New Zealand’s
Of course, today people arrive by air, but in the past, shipping was the commitment to respect our land.
main route into the country. Here at the mouth of the harbour to the You’ll find lots of things here that show the values of New Zealand,
west, there’s a pier that was used as a docking point for boats going but before we make our way around the museum, can I ask you to
out to this small island to the south east, which was used as a prison leave any big coats or any large bags here in the cloakroom on the
in the past. These days you can take a boat from the pier and cross left of the main entrance hall opposite the information desk before
the harbour much more quickly than driving round, and that’s what it’s you go on to the rest of the museum.
mainly used for today. Now, to get from the south side to the north face of the building you
The main island is here in the centre, but many larger ships had to travel need to walk through our temporary exhibition room. This is to the
around the waters north of the island because the water on the other left of three equal-sized rooms. I can see a lot of you brought kids
side was too shallow, and was the fishing area. with you today, and you might want to turn right as you leave that
We’ll be taking our tour today around the southern side of the harbour room, because the visitor centre is just next door. If you’re here with
because to the southwest of the central island, there’s a viewpoint, kids, you might want to go and have a look at the activities we have
on for the little ones today. There’s also a gift shop just the other side E: What language would you like to learn in future?
as you walk towards the east of the building. C: What language would I like to learn in future? I think I will learn
It’s a beautiful day and I recommend our outdoor facilities to you, Arabic. Unlike Italian, a lot of people speak this language. If I learn
too. If you go out the north-east exit, there’s a beautiful wall that side to understand it, I can travel and learn more about art, and the um
of the building which is decorated with images of the sea. They’re … ancient … the ancient peoples of that region. I think that’s a good
really quite spectacular and shouldn’t be missed. reason to um … pick up this language.
To the south-west, as we look towards the city, we have our beautiful
gardens. Here you’ll find a traditional Maori cave, which is located E: Do you like learning different languages?
just north of the centre of the gardens and it’s well worth a visit Z: Yes. I like learning languages very much. I learnt English. It was very
before you leave. There’s also some action going on in our fossil dig hard. I think I spent about ten years studying. Yes, I studied for ten
towards the south-west end of the gardens. If you find it hard to get years. I still don’t speak English very well. I think you can hear.
around the gardens, though, you can always enjoy the incredible E: Do you think it’s easier to learn a foreign language if you live in the
views of the gardens from our café located at the far western end country where it is spoken?
of the northern building. They do a great lunch with locally cooked Z: I don’t think so. I think it’s very difficult. In China, we had a lot of help
food. And if you have any more questions, you can find me here at from teachers. In England I don’t have help. I have friends, but all of
the information desk all day. my friends are from China. I don’t practise so much.
E: What language would you like to learn in future?
N: Now read questions seven to ten. Z: I think maybe Spanish is a good language. A lot of people speak
T: So, we have a fantastic range of exhibitions here at Te Papa, but English and Chinese and Spanish. I think I can speak to a large
the building itself was carefully planned to reflect the history of population around the world. First I need to study English. I want to
our nation. There’s a good reason why the building is divided into study computer programming and I need to be very fluent.
the two halves, both with a very different feel to them. The north
face of the building is covered in light brown walls. It embraces
the environment around us: The sea, hills and the sky. That’s
because it represents the beauty of the island, and celebrates the Module 8
rich geography and traditions. The south side of the building faces
the modern city and is covered with walls painted in strong, lively 8.1
colours. It celebrates what we call Pakeha, or a European focus, 1: educate, education, educative
and the square spaces are similar to the order European settlers 2: responsibility, responsible, responsibly
followed and the laws they introduced. In the centre, between the 3: microwave, microwave, microwaveable
two buildings on the next floor up, is the Treaty of Waitangi. It’s the 4: inform, information, informative
nation’s founding document after we became independent. A special 5: govern, government, governmental
exhibition there explores what this process has meant to the people
both old and new who live here.
The Marea is located on the top floor. This is the name of the special Well, it’s true that food labels can help to educate people. They tell us
gateway, where visitors wait to be welcomed by the home people. what kinds of things are in the food we buy, like the number of calories
The Marea is unique because it is controlled by different local groups or the amount of salt so we can act more responsibly and eat a more
at different times. Every few years, we invite a different group to balanced diet. Having said that, I’m not sure labels do actually result
take charge of our Marea here in Te Papa. The Marea is a gateway in healthier eating because most people are just too busy to look at
between the different cultures of New Zealand, and it’s also a place them – I know I rarely do. For example, microwaveable meals have a lot
where we New Zealanders can welcome visitors from overseas, too. of salt in them. While the label’s there to help me choose the healthiest
So don’t leave the museum without. option, I never read it. So, although food labels can be informative,
they don’t actually work and I think we should look more closely at the
7.5 manufacturing process. We should ask the government to create new
E = Examiner C = Camille laws about quantities of salt, sugar and fat in food products.
E: Do you like learning different languages? 8.3
C: Yes, I like learning different languages.
They tell us what kinds of things are in the food we buy, like the number
E: Why?
of calories or the amount of salt.
C: I like different languages. I think you can talk to other people. It’s
1: It’s true that food labels can help to educate people. / Having said
E: How did you learn to speak English?
that, / I’m not sure labels do actually result in healthier eating.
C: I learnt to speak English at school.
2: While the label’s there to help me choose the healthiest option, / I
E: What are the benefits of learning a language in the country where it
never read it.
is spoken?
3: So, / although food labels can be very informative, / they don’t
C: I think you can learn better in the country where a language is
actually work / and I think we should look more closely / at the
manufacturing process.
E: Why?
C: I think that if you go to the country, you will speak to the people. You 8.5
will learn very fast. But it is very expensive to go to another country. 1: Dr Givens. G-I-V-E-N-S.
E: What language would you like to learn in future? 2: Khloe. K-H-L-O-E.
C: I would like to learn Chinese. 3: Berkeley Road. B-E-R-K-E-L-E-Y.
E: Why? 4: Stephen. S-T-E-P-H-E-N.
C: I will learn Chinese. It is a very useful language. I think it is difficult 5: Mr Mathews. M-A-T-H-E-W-S.
but I think it is a very important language in the world today. 6: Lilli Park. L-I-double L-I.
7.6 8.6
E = Examiner C = Chiara Z = Zhiang 1: Mr Freight. That’s F-R-E-I-G-H-T.
E: Do you like learning different languages? 2: Harringdon Road. That’s H-A-double R-I-N-G-D-O-N.
C: Yes, I enjoy learning another language. Er, … because … um because … 3: Alexander Reis. That’s R-E-I-S.
is … useful for me and also it’s very interesting for me. 4: Warvick Street. That’s spelt W-A-R-V-I-C-K.
E: Do you think it’s easier to learn a foreign language if you live in the 5: Luggen Surgery. That’s L-U-double G-E-N.
country where it is spoken? 6: Jardine Pharmacy. You spell it J-A-R-D-I-N-E.
C: Yes and no. I suppose I have to say that it’s very difficult … um to 8.7
live in another country, even though I chose to live abroad. … When 1: My first name’s Emily and my surname’s Jamieson. That’s J-A-M-I-E-
I came to England to learn English, it was … very complicated to S-O-N.
understand people. … In England they talk very fast in the streets, 2: I used to live in Munson Lane but now I live at 21 Croker Park. That’s
compared to the teachers, and I still have problems. But I hope that C-R-O-K-E-R Park.
in the future … I will um … overcome this and be able to speak better
than now. I hope. If I study hard.
3: I was born in a place called Gifford but moved from there when I M: Well, it says here that they need staff for Saturday and Sunday, so that
was ten. You spell it G-I-double F-O-R-D. would be OK for you, wouldn’t it?
4: My first job was at Utterwich Dairy. You spell that U-double T-E-R- W: Yes, it would. I guess the job involves washing the dishes.
W-I-C-H. M: That’s right. It says here they have a dishwasher though, so you’d
5: I’ve recently moved to Flat 3, Binnington Drive. That’s B-I-double load the dishes and take them out. Oh, but before you do that, you
N-I-N-G-T-O-N. Before that I was living with my parents. first have to clear the tables in the café and take the dishes into the
6: The golf course is on Fairbrice drive, just off Brightling Avenue. That’s kitchen for washing.
F-A-I-R-B-R-I-C-E Drive. W: Fine. Is there anything else?
8.8 and 8.9 M: Bellamy’s Restaurant is looking for waiting staff. That’s not for the
N = Narrator W = Woman M = Man weekends though, that would be two evenings a week – Thursday
and Friday. You do the things normally associated with that kind
N: You will hear a conversation between two neighbours about local of job – taking orders and serving the food. There are also some
shops. First, you have some time to look at questions one to seven. cleaning duties too.
W: Hi Max, I wonder if you can help me. W: That sounds reasonable.
M: Hi Olivia, sure what do you need? M: The final job we’ve got that might suit you is for a barista.
W: Well, I’ve invited some classmates over for dinner tomorrow night W: A what?
and I need to get some food. I don’t really know the area that well M: A barista, you know someone who serves coffee. This job is at a
yet. Where’s the best place to get good, fresh groceries? department store all day on a Saturday.
M: Ah, right, OK. Well there aren’t that many options within walking W: Oh, in Tanner’s?
distance but actually you should be able to find what you need. M: No, well, yes. Tanner’s has a new owner and so the name recently
Firstly, there’s the big supermarket – Price U Save. That’s probably the changed to Millerby’s. It’s spelt M-I-double L-E-R-B-Y-apostrophe-S.
biggest and most popular shop in town. W: Great, thanks. What would I have to do there?
W: Right, where’s that? M: You’d need to make and serve hot drinks. They also sell cakes there
M: It’s on Thompson Road, just off Red Lane. so you’d need to bake them first thing in the morning. They’re pre-
W: Is that with a P? prepared so you wouldn’t need to be an expert – just put them into
M: Yes. It’s T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N. the oven.
W: OK, great. Would you recommend it? I mean I know it’s popular but
that doesn’t always mean the quality’s the best, does it? N: Now read questions six to ten.
M: No, that’s true but actually it’s not bad. They sell everything there M: Now, the summer holidays are coming up and there are some
and every day they have a number of different offers so it’s very temporary jobs available at a local ice cream factory. Would you be
reasonable. I usually do my weekly shop there and I have no interested in those?
complaints. W: Oh yes, definitely. I don’t have any plans. What kind of jobs?
W: OK, I’ll go and have a look. M: Well, they’re full-time jobs Monday to Friday but they’re also
M: There’s also Daisy’s Delicatessen. It’s named after the owner, Daisy. temporary – for about six weeks. The first position is an unusual one.
It’s a specialty shop so it’s not particularly cheap but the food’s high It’s for a food taster. That’s the person who checks that the ice cream
quality. It’s on Bridge Street, opposite the bank. She used to sell the has been produced correctly by the machines. It’s a quality control
best cold meats in town but not anymore as her customers tend to job really. The salary’s good for this kind of job at £15.30 but you’d
be vegetarian. I have to say that her salad is particularly fantastic and need to take a test to make sure you have good tasting skills.
I’d highly recommend it but she sells other stuff too. W: That sounds really interesting. I’m definitely interested in that one.
W: Well, two of my classmates are non-meat eaters apparently so I’ll M: One of the best things about that job, I think, is the fact you can get
definitely check that out. Is there anywhere else? involved in their creation programme. That’s where staff experiment
M: Yes, there are a couple more places you could try. The first one is with different flavours to create new ice cream recipes. Wouldn’t it be
Eccles Corner Shop. great if you could create a new ice cream flavour?!
W: Eccles? How do you spell that? W: Yes, absolutely!
M: E-double C – L – E – S. It’s about a twenty-minute walk from here, M: Er ... the second job they’re offering is food packer where you have
through the park, down past the school and then right onto Rose to put packets of biscuits into boxes and then label each one. You
Lane. It’s recently been sold and the new owner’s now selling locally need to be conscientious to do this kind of job. It pays £8.45 an hour
grown fruit and vegetables. I think this is great because you can help which is obviously less than the food taster job, but if you stay for the
local farmers to make a living. The vegetables are fresh and organic. whole six weeks, until the end of the summer, you receive extra pay.
The only problem is that the shop closes at 5p.m. so you’ll have to go It’s about one week’s wages.
during the day. W: Hmm. That might be OK.
The final place you can try is the food market. It’s called the Bishops M: Finally, there’s one more job and that’s an office assistant. You’d need
Street Food Market because that’s where it was for a long time to be good with computers and a fast typist as you’d have to prepare
but actually it was relocated last year to the High Street – towards reports. You’d also have to manage the customer database. It pays
the bottom. The owners decided to keep the name because that’s £12.50 an hour. As part of the job, you’d attend a course in health
what everyone called it. It’s confusing but hopefully it won’t be and safety. This training would be good to put on your CV and might
moved again for some time! You can find more food there from help you find other work after the summer.
local suppliers. You can also buy ingredients that aren’t common W: OK, well thank you very much. I will give it some thought.
anywhere else. I’d definitely recommend it if you’re going to cook M: Good. You can apply for the jobs directly on our website.
something exotic.
Yohei: I don’t think they’ve changed a lot but there are some differences
N = Narrator M = Manager W = Wei Liu to when I was young. One thing is the TV. We have the TV on when we
N: You will hear a student called Wei Liu, talking to a restaurant eat now and I don’t think ... don’t remember this when I was er ... little. I
manager about a part-time job. First, you have some time to look at think we communicated more while we were eating, but now we often
questions one to five. sit in silence and watch the TV! It’s a bad habit really. Er ... another new
change is cooking. When I was young, mothers stayed at home and
M: Hello, Jobs 4 You, how can I help you? cooked dinner but nowadays more women work so ... er ... people eat
W: Yes, I’m looking for some part-time work. Something in a restaurant, more convenience food. It’s quite good in Japan as it’s freshly made every
maybe. day. It’s not unhealthy but it’s not as good as my mother’s cooking.
M: Are you a student?
W: Yes, I’m in my second year at college so I’m only available in the Fatima: I think meal times will be the same as now because er ... um
evenings and at weekends at the moment. they don’t cha ... they … they haven’t changed in the past. Er ... people
M: OK, let’s have a look at what we’ve got. Right, well, there’s a position eat together today and maybe they will eat together ... also in the future.
as a kitchen assistant available. It’s at the Carousel Café down on It’s important for our relationships. Maybe food we eat will change
Swann Street. because ... er ... we eat … er … some food is different now. These days
W: Sorry, could you spell the name? we’re lazy sometimes and we eat easy food and this food isn’t healthy.
M: Yes, it’s C-A-R-O-U-S-E-L. Some people are getting bigger now and maybe in the future we’ll all
W: Thanks. So, when would I have to work? get bigger. Or maybe healthy eating will be more important.
M: But that’s not all, whether it’s positive or negative, if you have
something that unites you, you’ll probably get on. The theory of Module 10
‘homophily’ suggests that a shared hate gives you both something to
complain about and that can bring people together too. 10.1–10.4
D: Great. Have you got some notes on that?
E = Examiner C1 = Candidate 1 C2 = Candidate 2
N: Now read questions five to ten. E: What kind of rules do most people follow in their lives?
D: OK, so the task also requires us to compare children and teenagers’ C1: Sorry, can you say that again?
friendships. E: What kind of rules do most people follow in their lives?
M: I found something on children’s friendships. They go through three C1: What do you mean by follow?
key phases depending on their age. E: I mean that you do what the rules say.
D: That’s interesting. I don’t really remember that much about my C1: Oh right, yes, well, good question. Er, well, we follow a lot of rules.
friends from the very early days. Drivers have to remember and follow a lot of rules on the road.
M: Level one is the first stage. That’s when kids are four to seven years There are some rules in the areas where we live. For example, in my
old, and is just about doing things together. They want a handy apartment block we have to park in only one place in the car park
playmate at that age – someone who’ll do things with them. and we have to put our rubbish in special areas – we can get into a
D: It must get a bit deeper after that. lot of trouble if we don’t. Family has ... families have rules, so in my
M: It does. Around the age of eight to ten, kids start identifying a best home you have to take your shoes off before you come into the
friend. That’s the second level, and at that age, it’s all about trust and flat and we have to tidy up any mess that we make. My mum gets
helping each other. Kids know they’ll be the first to be invited to a annoyed if we don’t. I know some families has ... have strict rules for
sleepover, or they know their friend will come round their house, teenagers about coming home in the evening and doing homework
and that’s an important phase. and so on. My parents were always quite relaxed with me but then I
D: I guess after that it’s all about loyalty. never really came home late or anything. Erm, what else? Er ... There
M: Absolutely. That’s the level three stage, from about eleven years to are lots of rules at school and at work. For example, when I was
fifteen. They want to know that if there’s any trouble at school they’ve growing up, I had to wear a school uniform. It had to be a certain
got someone they can count on to support them. colour and the girls weren’t allowed to wear trousers – just skirts.
D: That also explains why people often change friends in the teenage And of course you could not wear trainers or anything like that. At
years, I guess, they’re testing out different people. work, I have to look smart now too and wear a suit. And no trainers.
M: So we’ve been friends since we were teenagers. I’m not sure I see any So, we follow a lot of rules every day but we don’t really think about
of the patterns we’ve talked about in our friendship. it very much.
D: Well, we kind of look similar!
M: What? E: Why are rules in our society important?
D: I mean, neither of us is super trendy. When people meet, the way we C2: Could you repeat the question, please?
look does come into it. For example, if I consider myself a bit geeky, E: Yes, why are rules in our society important?
and I see another person who seems similar, well, certain judgements C2: Sorry, could you say it more slowly?
are made on their appearance, and even if we don’t realise it, the E: [Slower] Why are rules in our society important?
early phases of friendships are more likely to be initiated. C2: Roles?
M: That makes it sound really shallow! E: Rules.
D: Yes and no. I mean that’s how it is at the beginning, but then C2: Oh OK, now I understand. Um … Well, we all have different roles in
after that automatic rating phase, we start thinking, and we make society and each person has more than one role. For example, I’m an
decisions. We also adapt our behaviour a little bit to match what we engineer in my job and so that is one role. I have to work hard and
think the other person expects of us. do my job well. I also need to earn money to live. Life is expensive
M: So it’s not all about looks? I’ve always thought we look for the these days and I need money to pay for accommodation and food.
qualities that matter to us in other people. If you value education, Another role for me is parent. I have a small daughter so I must take
then you’ll hang around with smart people. If it’s about sense of care for her and teach her to be a good person. I need to teach
humour, you’ll look for someone who’s funny. her about the world and about society. This is probably my most
D: That’s also true. OK, let’s start getting some of this typed up. important role. Er ... I’m also a sister and I help my brother when he
needs advice. We’re both children and we take care of our parents
9.8 who are getting older now. So, we call them and visit them a lot.
E = Examiner P = Pablo
E: You may start now.
Typically when people enter a large ticketed event, like a festival or
P: An old person that I would like to describe is a lady who is a
sports event, the process is the same. It’s a simple process but one that
neighbour of mine. She lives in the same village, and she is really
needs to be done well and efficiently to ensure that large numbers of
very old. I think she is … erm, how do you say? Well, she doesn’t work
people can enter the venue safely. The first step for staff working at the
anymore but she used to be a teacher. She’s about ninety years old
entrance gate is to encourage visitors to queue in the right place and
actually. She has a lot of lines on her face, and she has grey hair.
in an orderly way. So this might mean having rows of queues or those
I know her because everyone in the village knows her. She helps
queues which go in a kind of zigzag like those you see at airports. The
people, and when I was young, she used to cook for me, little things,
next thing they do is take the visitor’s ticket and make sure it’s not a fake.
like cakes, or biscuits. The best thing about her is that she’s very
Then, they return the ticket or stamp each person’s hand so they can
kind, and she always says hello to the people as they walk past. Her
re-enter the event if they later have to leave for any reason. The next
memory is excellent. She remembers everybody’s birthday in the
step is to check the visitor’s bags for any glass bottles or other items not
village and sends a biscuit to celebrate. That’s why I like spending
allowed in the venue. They should do this firmly but also politely. Once
time with her.
that’s done, staff then move onto the final stage in the process which is
E: Do you have a lot of old friends?
to hand the visitor’s belongings back, send them into the venue and start
P: No, I don’t know so many, but I have a lot of aunts and uncles.
the process again with the next person.
E: Do other people you know like to spend time with this person?
P: Oh yes, she’s so popular. I think she’s the most popular person in the 10.6
village. Narrator: You will hear a lecture on the topic of crowd control and risk
assessment. First you have some time to look at questions one to eight.
Lecturer: You’ve all heard the phrase ‘safety in numbers’, right? But
crowds pose risks too. All it takes is a few people to move in the wrong
direction or run and people can quickly find themselves in danger. That’s
why event organisers need to plan their crowd control and have safety
measures in place for anything that might go wrong. And that’s where a
risk assessor would come in.
The first thing an assessor should do is get lots of background The next step of the process is to get the views of local people. They’re
information about the place where the event will be. It’s really important invited to attend a consultation event where the plans are laid out.
that they know where boundaries lie, where buildings are and where People can ask questions and give suggestions too. Or challenge the
exactly people will be. They should think about which areas are mostly proposal if they want to. The planner then incorporates their points of
likely to have the largest crowds too. view into the plan.
After that, the assessor needs to consider the crowd size. It’s a good idea The last stage is for the planner to write the fourth and final draft and
to plan for all eventualities so predict both few visitors and very large hand this over to the local city council where key decision-makers read
crowds. It’s not just the size of the crowd that’s important though. It’s it, debate it and decide whether or not it should be implemented or
their actions too. Will they be standing, sitting or moving about? The rejected.
more information the assessor has, the better the decisions they can Now, this all sounds fairly straightforward but, believe me, the process
make so they need to leave plenty of time for this stage of the process. is not at all simple. There are many elements to planning that make it
Now the assessors can move onto analysing the large amount of extremely challenging. One of these is the fact that a large amount of
information they have. They need to think about what might go wrong the town is not owned by local government. They own the streets and
– by that I mean potential problems – and then the possible negative public buildings but the rest is owned by individuals. So what would you
impact each one could have. Assessors should make a list of these. It’s do if you needed to build a new road through the city to reduce traffic
important here that the assessor doesn’t underestimate the situation – problems? How would you feel if you had to destroy fifty homes in
they should make sure they consider all possibilities, because it’s better order to do this? Planners do their best to keep everyone happy but few
to be prepared than not. plans achieve this and difficult decisions have to be made.
That brings me nicely onto the next step which is the evaluation stage. Another issue is past planning. Urban planning isn’t a new phenomenon.
Each risk should be analysed carefully and then put into a category Most towns have grown from small villages over the last few hundred
according to how serious it is – is it a high risk or a low risk, or years, with thousands of people making decisions about how they
somewhere in the middle? The assessor will then know which areas they should change. All of those decisions were made at a time when needs,
need to worry about the most. architecture and technology were all very different. The current planner
Next, the assessor needs to look at the risks and come up with a solution has to live with the effects of those decisions. For example, they might
for dealing with each one and it needs to be as effective as possible so have to work with streets that are too narrow for large vehicles.
the risk is minimised. For example, if the event’s organisers are expecting A final challenge is the fact that the planner has to see into the future
a large number of people to attend an event in a building, the assessor and predict what people will want and need twenty or more years from
should make sure the organisers don’t go over the maximum number now. For instance, what a smart home might look like. How would
allowed by counting each person as they arrive. you do this, if you were a planner? After all, no one can really see into
Risk assessors record their findings and make them available to all staff the future. I’m sure planners of the 1960s had no idea just what city life
working at the event. It’s usually in the form of a Risk Assessment Report. would be like for people today but they had to guess.
Staff need to become familiar with it before the event and use it as a So, to sum up, urban planning is potentially very exciting – you get to
point of reference during the event, in case of an accident or some kind change the way people live – but you also have to make, and live with,
of illness or emergency. some difficult decisions.
Organisers can’t rely on employees reading it before the event so they 10.9
need to make sure that employees are ready to deal with any problem E = Examiner M = Mariana
that comes up. This is usually in the form of training which is given in
person or online. The purpose is to help staff develop skills, knowledge E: Now I’d like to ask you some questions about family and friends.
and confidence they can apply on event day. Why do some young people choose to move out of the family
And that brings me to the final stage of the process. The previous stages home and live with friends?
can take several weeks if not months but during that time things can M: Sorry, could you say that again?
change. So a few days before the event you need to go back to the E: Of course. Why do some young people choose to move out of the
venue and give it one final check. family home and live with friends?
You can never get rid of risk completely when working with crowds M: You mean live with friends in an apartment?
but you can reduce it. It sounds like a lot of work, but remember that E: Yes.
a little planning can go a long way. Following these stages can help risk M: Actually, in my country it’s not usual. I mean, most young people
assessors keep crowds as safe as possible. don’t live with friends because very ... it’s very expensive. But I know
people do, in some other countries. Maybe ... Maybe some young
10.8 people want to be more free and er ... um ... er ... er ... er … be on
Narrator: You will hear a professor giving a lecture on urban planning. your own and decide things on your own. When you live with
First, you have some time to look at questions one to ten. friends, you can go out when you want. Also you don’t have to call
Lecturer: If you were able to make changes to your city, what would someone if you want to be late home. Also, you can be tidy ... er ...
they be? Who would benefit from them? Who would suffer? Being untidy and you can be er ... free. On the other hand, it’s expensive to
an urban planner isn’t an easy job. For example, you have to deal with move away from home. You have to pay the er ... er ... for electricity
inhabitants who disagree with your plans and fight for financial support, and er ... gas and things. Also, another problem is that arguments
all of which takes time and patience. But essentially there are two key with your friend and this can be a problem. It doesn’t matter if you
things that an urban planner does: firstly, make sure that new structures argue with your family, because they always love you. But ... it’s
do what they’re designed to do. A new block of flats should have the different with a friend. Maybe you’ll stop speaking to each other.
facilities to provide good, comfortable and safe living accommodation Actually, I doesn’t ... don’t want to live with my friends. It’s not good
for instance. The second thing is to be sure that the structures are to see each other all the time ... Also, my mum washes my clothes
visually appealing and fit into the local surroundings. and my friends can’t ... maybe they don’t want to ... do that.
Well, in order to make sure this happens effectively, there’s a procedure
that planners across the country generally follow and I’d like to talk
you through that process. At first, they think about their vision – what
exactly they want from this plan. And from this vision, they choose the
goals that they want to achieve. These could be, for example, to reduce
traffic on the inner city road network during rush hour or to build a new
apartment block to provide more housing for an overcrowded area.
The next step is to collect data and then put together draft 1 of the plan.
They don’t actually show the first draft to anyone at this stage. Instead,
the planner reads it and the content is revised. Remember that this stage
of the process can take a lot of time and requires a lot of very detailed
work but it’s better to get things right at the beginning.
So now the planner has the second draft. Unlike draft one, this draft is
given to a planning team who read it and pose a lot of questions. They
also make recommendations and help the planner to get the plan just
right. The plan is rewritten and the third draft is produced.