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Bible Enthronement

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N.B. The Flower bearers, the candle bearer, the readers and the Celebrant
prayer leader enter while the last verse is recited.


Lord Jesus, we enthroned You!
We proclaim You are King
Standing here in the midst of us.
We raise You up with our praise.
And as we worship build a throne
And as we worship build a throne
And as we worship build a throne
Come Lord Jesus and take Your place.

Antiphon: Let Him enter, the king of Glory … (Sung)

Let Him enter, the king of love.

Prayer Leader: (Staff Member)

The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord:
The earth and all who live in it are his.
He built it on the deep waters beneath the earth
And laid its foundation to the ocean depths.

Antiphon: Let Him enter, the king of Glory … (Sung)

Let Him enter, the king of love.

Prayer Leader:
Who has the right to go up the Lord’s hill?
Who may enter his holy temple?
Those who are pure in act and in thought,
Who do not worship idols or make false promises.

Antiphon: Let Him enter, the king of Glory … (Sung)

Let Him enter, the king of love.

Prayer Leader:
The Lord will bless them and save them;
God will declare them innocent.
Such are the people who come to God,
Who come into the presence of the God of Jacob.

Antiphon: Let Him enter, the king of Glory … (Sung)
Let Him enter, the king of love.

Prayer Leader:
Fling wide the gates, open the ancient doors,
And the great King will come in.
Who is this great King?
The triumphant Lord – He is the great King.
Who is the great King!

Antiphon: Let Him enter, the king of Glory … (Sung)

Let Him enter, the king of love.


Priest: In the name of the Father ……AMEN

Priest: The Lord be with you.
All: And with your Spirit.
My dear brothers and sisters:
Our Formation/Recollection today is to renew our commitment as Proclaimers of
the Word of God, hence it is fitting that we start with a celebration of the Word of God –
the Enthronement of the Bible. Some of you may experience it now for the first time, yet
it is not something new. During the Second Vatican Council, the meeting of Bishops
from all over the world held in Rome from 1962 to 1965, the Bible was solemnly
enthroned every morning as the opening of their sessions. Through this Liturgical
Ceremony the Bishops reminded themselves that they could only effectively PREACH
THE Good News if they first LISTENED to God’s word.
Our ceremony is simpler, but it conveys the same message. It expresses our awareness
that first we have to LISTEN to the word of God and TREASURE it in our hearts before
we can SHARE its riches with one another. That is why the Bible will remain enthroned
and open before our eyes throughout the day to remind us that God is present in His word
and that He wants to speak to us.
Let us Pray:
Heavenly Father, we believe it was you who called us together in this Renewal
Seminar. We thank you for this opportunity to celebrate your word enshrined in Sacred

Scripture. We ask you to send us the Holy Spirit that he may open and touch our minds
and hearts that we may discover, understand and live your message for us. We make this
prayer through Christ, your Son and our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the
Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer Leader:

Please be seated. We now listen to the three short readings. Before the reading, there
will be some moments for personal reflection, then a song related to the reading.


Commentator: In these or similar words. Why have we come here? We have come
here in the name of the Lord. In Him we are one, united as one in His word through His
Spirit, through himself who is in our midst. Please stand

First Reader:

A reading from the Gospel according to St. Matthew (Mt. 18:19-20)

The Gospel of the Lord.

Silence for Personal Reflection

As we gather may Your Spirit work within us,
As we gather may we glorify Your name.
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We’ll be blessed because came (Repeat all)


We have come here to present ourselves to God and to ask him to pour
over us his words the way rain is poured out all over the earth. We have his
promise: His word is powerful, His word will work in us and will not return to
God without fruit. Please remain seated.

Second Reader:
A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. (Is. 55: 10 – 11)
The word of the Lord.

Silence for Personal Reflection


Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my path.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my path.

We have come here to the Lord and to follow him. His word is light. He
himself is light. He who follows him will not walk in darkness. Please stand.
Third Reader:
A reading from the Gospel according to John (Jn. 8:12)
The Gospel of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God
N.B. After this reading, the candle is lighted by the reader.
Silence for Personal Reflection

Song: The Light of Christ/Jesus your light.


Jesus Your light is shining within us.
Let not my doubts and my darkness speak to me.
Jesus Your light is shining within us.
Let my heart always welcome Your love.

Response to the Word of God:

Priest or Prayer Leader:

Let us Pray:

“Speak Lord, your servants are listening.

Incline our hearts to the words of your mouth.
May your word descend as the dew in the morning,
Lord, let not Moses speak to us or one of the prophets.
Rather it should be you, yourself, Lord our God.
You who inspire and enlighten all prophets.
I humbly and urgently beg you
In the words of the prophet Samuel,

“Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.”
Lord, the prophets speak beautiful words
But they cannot impart the spirit.
They proclaim the commandments,
You help us observe them
They point out the way
But you give us the strength to walk it,
They reach us from outside
But you instruct and enlighten our hearts.
Speak therefore, Lord, your servants are listening
For you have the words of eternal life.
All glory and honor are yours forever. Amen.”

(Adapted from the IMITATION OF CHRIST)


Priest/Prayer Leader:

Let us now implore God, our loving Father to bestow on us his grace to answer
his word in fitting manner. Our response: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER

1. That our Holy Father, Pope Francis, our bishops and priests may be guided by
God’s Spirit in communicating his saving message to all: Let us pray to the Lord.

2. That we may constantly deepen our knowledge and understanding of the word of
God through Bible studies so as to proclaim the Good News more effectively. Let
us pray to the Lord.

3. That this seminar may increase our love for God’s word as to feel its power and
strength in us; Let us pray to the Lord.

4. That we may find in his word our consolation, strength and guidance to deepen our
spiritual formation; Let us pray to the Lord.

5. That we may be generous in doing our best to proclaim and spread the Good News.
Let us pray to the Lord.

6. That we may continue to hone our skills in proclaiming the Word of God, enhance
our basic oral reading and proper speaking techniques; Let us pray to the Lord.

Let us Pray:

Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God from all eternity, we praise and worship you for
giving us this opportunity to listen to the message of life and be touched by it. We praise
and thank you too for choosing us to proclaim and share the riches of the Good News
with our brothers and sisters, so that we may become a true community based on your
word of life, who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Let us now all prayer: THE LORD’S PRAYER:

Our Father, who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive those who trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil, AMEN.


“May the Word of Christ in all its riches dwell in your hearts so that you may be able to
instruct and admonish each other in all wisdom and joyfully sing praises of God.” May the
Almighty and merciful God bless you, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.



Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice (Repeat 2X)
Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice (Repeat 2X)

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