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Manufacturing Rev.

8, 30 (2021)
© S. Senthil Kumar et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2021
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Modelling and Simulation of Machining Attributes in dry Turning

of Aircraft Materials Nimonic C263 using CBN
Srinivasan Senthil Kumar1, Moranahalli Ponnusamy Sudeshkumar2, Chakaravarthy Ezilarasan3,
Sivaprakasam Palani4,* , and Jayaseelan Veerasundaram5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shreenivasa Engineering College, Dharmapuri, India
Center for Materials Research, Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Center of Excellence-Nano
Technology, Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Department of mechanical Engineering, Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai, India

Received: 23 August 2021 / Accepted: 14 November 2021

Abstract. In the current scenario, machinability of the super alloys is of greater importance in an aircraft
turbine engine and land-based turbine applications owing to its superior properties. However, the machinability
of these alloys is found to be poor owing to its inherent properties. Hence, a predictive model has been developed
based on DEFORM 3D to forecast the machining attributes such as cutting force and insert’s cutting edge
temperature in turning of Nimonic C263 super alloy. The dry turning trials on Nimonic C263 material were
carried out based on L27 orthogonal array using CBN insert. Linear regression models were developed to predict
the machining attributes. Further, multi response optimization was carried out based on desirability approach
for optimizing the machining attributes. The validation test was carried out for optimal parameter values such
as cutting speed: 117 m/min, feed rate: 0.055 mm/rev and depth of cut: 0.25 mm. The minimum cutting force of
304N and insert’s cutting edge temperature of 468 °C were obtained at optimum level of parameters.The
predicted values by FEA and linear regression model were compared with experimental results and found to be
closer with minimum percentage error.The minimum percentage error obtained by FEA and linear regression
model for the machining attributes (cutting force, temperature) as compared with experimental values were
(0.32%, 0.23%) and (2.34%, 1.63%) respectively.
Keywords: CBN / Nimonic C263 / DEFORM 3D / Taguchi / regression model / cutting force
temperature at insert edge

1 Introduction responses so that, the best machining/control factors and

their levels can be identified to improve the integrity/
High strength alloy Nimonic C263 has been widely used in machinability of the machined surface.
many crucial parts of aircraftin high-temperature environ- The finite element analysis (FEA) can be effectively
ments owing to its excellent mechanical properties, fatigue used to simulate the machining attributes before the
strength and creep properties. However, it is tough to cut actual experiments, therefore the actual experimental cost
owing to low conductivity, high work hardening rate and due to the noteless impact of machining factors can be
this will obstruct the insert movement and results in poor avoided. The numerical modelling in metal cutting has
machined surface and adverse change in the insert been progressed significantly to model the machining
geometry. Therefore, the machining of this hardened factors. In the current trend, there is requirement to
metal is considered as an important one and need to predict the machining characteristics in 3D than 2D,
analyse the impact of machining factors on the machining however, there are many challenges in the prediction of
the machining characteristics using 3D like more plastics
deformations localized in minimum areas, comples inter-
face of tool and workpiece and more geomentrical
* e-mail: shiva@aastu.edu.et boundary changes [1].

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

The finite element analysis has been utilized in the past Li et al. [10] conducted a turning experiment on
decades to improve the product quality and also there is superalloy GH4169 alloy using PCBN and they have
need to develop FEA model to make large number of identified wear on the flank and rake face with very poor
outputs with minimum error. Further, the simulation using chip break. The wear of the insert was formed in terms of
FEA has provided the facility to vary the geomentry and groove wear and adhesive wear. The rate of wear was
boundary conditions to study the deformation patterns in reduced as the coolant pressure increased.
detail [2]. Pradhana et al. [3] conducted turning experi- Machining behaviour on many superalloys have been
ments on titanium alloy and the experimentally observed discussed by many researchers, however, there is no
results were compared with the predicted values by adequate research on Nimonic C263 alloy in dry turning
DEFORM 3D. They have considered the tool and using CBN inserts at high-speed condition. Moreover, the
workpiece as rigid and plastic respectively. The mesh size CBN insert was found to be effective in improving
and element type for tool and workpiece was considered as the machining characteristics of superalloys, therefore,
25,000 and tetra-hedral respectively. the correct choice of parameters in turning
Satyanarayana et al. [4] developed an FEA model to superalloys using CBN inserts must be found out.
predict the factors in the turning of Inconel 718. The Although CBN is the superior insert to turn superalloys,
predicted FEA values and experimental trail values still there is a need of analyzing the impact of machining
were compared and found to be negligible variations. Hence factors using CBN on turning the Nimonic C263 alloy.
DEFORM 3D can be used as an efficient tool to simulate and The study on its machinability at high speed with CBN
model the machining process. Uma et al. [5] stated that the was not carried out adequately earlier by previous
analyses of the impact of the controlling factors experimen- researchers.Hence, the present study investigates
tally in the machining processes are tough and costly, the impact of factors on cutting force, the temperature
therefore the DEFORM 3D was used as a tool to simulate the at insert edge, in turning Nimonic C263 to get improved
machining attributes in turning of Inconel 718. The FEA machinability.
predicted values very well agreed with the experimental
values. Hence, they have concluded that the FEA approach is
time-consuming and reduces the experimental trial cost. 2 Materials and methods
Simulation of the cutting forces were carried out in
turning Inconel 718 using ABAQUS and the simulated Nimonic C263 alloy was used as a workpiece with 70mm
values are agreed well with experimental results. Simulated diameter. The chemical composition and mechanical
force is useful to judge the cutting process such as the properties of the Nimonic C263 can be found [11]. Among
impact of machining factors on the machining attributes, the tool materials, the CBN insert has a higher hot
formation of chip tool wear etc. [6]. hardness, high thermal conductivity. CBN insert can hold
The residual stress and surface changes after machining the cutting edge for a prolonged period. CBN insert is
affect badly the life of the part, therefore these are all to be employed at a high cutting speed and it facilitates
predicted before actual machining to avoid machining and improved surface finish. In this research work, CBN inserts
material cost. FEA model is developed to forecast the residue made by Sandvik with the specification CNGA
stress and alteration of machined surface in turning inconel 120408S01030A, 7025 Grade, was chosen. The force and
718 and validated with the experimental values. The thermal temperature at the insert edge were measured by piezo-
load was found to be a predominant factor in the generation electric dynamometer and thermocouple respectively. The
of residual tensile stress [7]. The control factors such as speed, control factors such as speed, feed and depth of cut were
feed rate, depth of cut and insert materials are considered as considered to turn Nimonic C263.
main factors to decide the machinability of any alloy. The turning trials were done at dry mode and the L27
Carbide, ceramic and boron nitride insert materials are used orthogonal array (OA) was chosen to do experiment. The
in machining the alloy however, the Cubic Boron Nitride machining parameters and their levels are given in
CBN inserts is being used to machine the superalloys due to Table 1. The results of the experiment are shown in
great hardness at high temperature. CBN also has demerits Table 2. The experimental details are shown in Figure 1a
like tool cracking owing to brittleness and difficulty of chip and b.
breaking. However, the CBN inserts are recommended to
utilize at high cutting speed to make better the surface finish.
The increase in the level of cutting speed has affected the 3 Simulation of machining attributes
crater and wear of flank majorly in turning the Inconel 718
using PCBN insert, Therefore, identifying the level of cutting DEFORM 3D was employed to simulate the cutting force
speed to machine the superalloys with high integrity using and temperature at the insert edge in turning of Nimonic
CBN insert is a crucial one [8]. C263. As this material model is not available in the library-
PCBN inserts were being used to cut high hardness DEFORM 3D, the material model was developed for
alloys owing to their great hardness at elevated tempera- Nimonic C263.The material was modelled by Johnson-
ture, however, it has demerits such as tool cracking owing Cook (JC) constitute model and it is given in equation (1).
to brittleness and difficulty of chip breaking The mecha- The work material can be modelled like elasto-plasic with
nisms such as adhesion, diffusion, chemical, and their isotropic hardening and the flow strss can be defined as
combinations were observed in machining the superalloys function of strain, strain rate and temperature based on
using PCBN insert [9]. J-C model [12].
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021) 3

Table 1. Machining parameters.

S. No Control parameters Unit Symbol Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 Cutting speed m/min V 80 125 190
2 Feed rate mm/rev S 0.055 0.096 0.159
3 Depth of cut mm ap 0.25 0.50 0.75
Tool mat

Fig. 1. Experimental details: (a) Experimental Setup, (b) Tool holder, (c) Temperature Measurement, (d) Cutting force Generation/

The material properties of Nimonic C263 considered to experimental results and simulated values was found to be
designate the material is given in Table 3 [8]. The basic 2.34% and 1.63% with respect to cutting force and insert’s
assumptions considered in this analysis are shown in edge temperature.The simulated images of force and
Table 4. The meshed image of the insert and workpiece is insert’s edge temperature are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4
shown in Figure 2. respectively. The Coulomb model for frictional force was
 _    considered in this FEA analysis and it is shown in
n p u  uR m equation (2).
s ¼ ½A þ Bp þ C ln 1 Þ : ð1Þ
e_0 um  u R
F t ¼ mF n ð2Þ
The coefficient of friction was considered as a constant
and function of time-interface pressure in-between insert where Ft is the resulting friction force, m is the coefficient of
and workpiece [13]. The shear friction factor in the range friction, and Fn is the normal contact force [13–15].
0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 were chosen to simulate the force and
temperature generation at insert’s cutting edge during 4 Linear regression model
simulation and the simulated values were compared with
the experimental results. The simulated results at 0.7 The regression model was developed to evaluate the force,
shear friction factor were found to be close to the insert’s edge temperature and the developed predictive
experimental values. The average percentage error among model is shown in equations (3) and (4) respectively.
Table 2. Experimental and predicted results.

Control parameters Experimental Values FEA Model Values % error Linear Regression (LR) % error
Exp. Results Vs Model Values Exp. Results Vs LR
Exp. FEA Model values Model values
No V S ap Fz u Fz u Fz u Fz u Fz u
(m/min) (mm/rev) (mm) (N) (°C) (N) (°C) (N) (°C) (N) (°C) (N) (°C)
1 80 0.055 0.25 409 386 405 390 0.98 1.03 407 387 0.49 0.26
2 80 0.055 0.50 451 420 452 410 0.22 2.38 449 421 0.44 0.24
3 80 0.055 0.75 496 453 493 450 0.60 0.66 494 454 0.40 0.22
4 80 0.096 0.25 433 498 432 480 0.23 3.61 435 495 0.46 0.60
5 80 0.096 0.50 476 529 495 530 3.84 0.19 478 526 0.42 0.57
6 80 0.096 0.75 521 559 540 580 3.52 3.62 523 556 0.38 0.54
7 80 0.159 0.25 476 592 460 600 3.36 1.33 474 592 0.42 0.00
8 80 0.159 0.50 519 619 520 625 0.19 0.96 518 620 0.19 0.16
9 80 0.159 0.75 565 646 555 660 1.77 2.12 564 646 0.18 0.00
10 125 0.055 0.25 290 483 300 480 3.33 0.62 290 483 0.00 0.00
11 125 0.055 0.50 327 514 330 535 0.91 3.93 326 514 0.31 0.00
12 125 0.055 0.75 366 544 370 555 1.08 1.98 365 544 0.27 0.00
13 125 0.096 0.25 335 575 332 585 0.90 1.71 335 574 0.00 0.17
14 125 0.096 0.50 372 603 345 610 7.26 1.15 372 602 0.00 0.17
15 125 0.096 0.75 412 630 400 620 2.91 1.59 412 629 0.00 0.16
16 125 0.159 0.25 401 645. 415 640 3.37 0.78 400 645 0.25 0.00
17 125 0.159 0.50 439 669 440 650 0.23 2.84 438 669 0.23 0.00
18 125 0.159 0.75 479 693. 490 665 2.24 4.04 478 692 0.21 0.14
19 190 0.055 0.25 255 577 265 570 3.77 1.21 256 575 0.39 0.35
20 190 0.055 0.50 283 604. 290 600 2.41 0.66 284 602 0.35 0.33
21 190 0.055 0.75 314 630 300 630 4.46 0.00 315 627 0.32 0.48
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

22 190 0.096 0.25 329. 639 310 640 5.78 0.16 326 641 0.91 0.31
23 190 0.096 0.50 358 663 360 660 0.56 0.45 355 665 0.84 0.30
24 190 0.096 0.75 389 685 410 675 5.12 1.46 386 688 0.77 0.44
25 190 0.159 0.25 428 676. 430 685 0.47 1.31 429 674 0.23 0.30
26 190 0.159 0.50 458 696 465 690 1.51 0.86 458 694 0.00 0.29
27 190 0.159 0.75 490 715 480 740 2.04 3.38 491 713 0.20 0.28
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021) 5

Fig 2. (a-b). Image of Meshed Insert and Workpiece.

Fig. 3. Simulated cutting force at various level of parameters. (a) Simulated cutting force at 80 m/min, S: 0.159 mm/rev, ap: 0.75 mm.
(b) Simulated cutting force at V: 125 m/min, S: 0.096 mm/rev, ap: 0.75 mm. (c) Simulated cutting force at (c) V: 190 m/min, S:
159 mm/rev, ap: 0.75 mm.

Table 3. Mechanical properties of Nimonic C263.

S. No Property Value
1 yield strength 450 MPa,
2 Hardening modulus 1700 MPa
3 Hardening coefficient 0.65
4 Strain rate sensitivity coefficient 0.017
5 Thermal softening coefficient 1.3
6 melting point temperature 1628 K

Table 4. Assumptions considered in DEFORM 3D analysis.

S. No Assumptions Values
1 Shear friction factor 0.6
2 element type Tetrahedral
3 Mesh type Fine
4 No of nodes 10
5 Relative mesh for tool/insert 45000
6 Relative Mesh for work 40000
7 Work piece type Plastic & Isotropic
8 Tool Materia Carbide Insert
9 Environment Temperature 20 °C
10 Convection Coefficient 0.02
11 Heat transfer coefficient 45
12 Number of Simulation steps 750
13 Step increment to save 25
14 Arc angle to cut 20
6 S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

Fig. 4. Simulated temperature at (a) V-80 m/min, S-0.159 mm/rev, ap-0.75 mm, (b) V-125 m/min, S-0.096 mm/rev, ap-0.75 mm,
(c) V-190 m/min, S-159 mm/rev, ap-0.75 mm.

the desirability and the desirability value for both

Cutting force F z ; ðNÞ ¼ þ785:96  6:85  V  660:52  S machining parameters and machining attributes are
þ197:69  ap þ 9  V  S  0:50  V  ap shown. The goal-setting and the limits for the optimization
þ 51:38  S  ap þ 0:01  V2 þ 2595  S2 are given in Table 7. The best solution for multi-response
optimization is given in Table 8.
þ 13:33  a2p ð3Þ

6 Effect of process parameters on machining

Temperature at insert edge Q ð°CÞ ¼ 71:30 þ 4:01  V
þ3791  S þ 173  ap  9:02  V  S  0:27  V
 ap  247  S  ap  6:46637E  003  V2 6.1 Parameters’effect on Fz
 5244  S2  4:44  a2p : ð4Þ
The cutting force is the main character in the turning of
superalloys. The magnitude of the force is pivotal as it is
Tables 5 and 6 show ANOVA for force and insert’s edge
connected to part accuracy and machinability etc. and
temperature. It is observed that, the feed rate was found to
also it depends on the tool material and tool geometry
be predominant factor in effecting the cutting force and
majorly [17]. In this article, the impact of the controlling
temperature at insert edge followed by other factors.
factors on the cutting force during dry turning the
Nimonic C263 using a CBN tool was carried out.
5 Optimization of controlling parameters Figure 6a–c illustrates the contour graph for cutting
force and depicts the impact of the controlling factors on
based on desirability approach the cutting force and it is inferred that the range of cutting
force intends to escalate as the level of speed decreases, for
The multi-response optimization of factors is done based on all levels of depth of cut. The interaction effect of
desirability approach [16]. Figure 5 shows the histogram of controlling factors on the force is shown in Figure 7a–c.
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021) 7

Table 5. ANOVA for cutting force (Fz).

Source Degrees of Sequence Adj F-value % contribution

Freedom (DOF) sum of the squares mean square
Model 9 1.705E + 005 18949.29 58.86
V 1 56779.10 56779.10 176.36 32
S 1 66824.11 66824.11 207.57 38
ap 1 24552.70 24552.70 76.26 14
V*S 1 8682.79 8682.79 26.97 5.09
V * ap 1 582.85 582.85 1.81 0.3418
S * ap 1 5.78 5.78 0.018 0.0032
V2 1 18283.39 18283.39 56.79 10.38
S2 1 341.33 341.33 1.06 0.19
ap2 1 4.17 4.17 0.013 0.0023
Residual 17 5473.02 321.94 3.10
Total 26 1.760E + 005 100

Table 6. ANOVA for temperature at the cutting edge (u).

Sources DOF Seq Adj F-value % contribution

sum of the squares mean square
Model 9 2.009E + 005 22320 70.08
V 1 74185.28 74185 232.92 35.9599
S 1 91248.04 91248 286.49 44.23075
ap 1 12545.65 12545 39.39 6.081265
V*S 1 8718.24 8718 27.37 4.226001
V * ap 1 168.04 168 0.53 0.081454
S * ap 1 134.43 134 0.42 0.065162
V2 1 2123.07 2123 6.67 1.029118
S2 1 1393.38 1393 4.37 0.675414
ap2 1 0.46 0.46 1.454E-003 0.000223
Residual 17 5414.48 318 2.624566
Total 26 2.063E + 005 100

The rate of the cutting force is reduced as the level of speed zone. Turning at a high speed causes the material to soften
increase for the lower level of feed and depth of cut as owing to temperature generation in the conact surface of
shown in Figure 7a–b. The rate of the cutting force is insert edge and material and the cutting force seems to
increased as the level of feed rate and depth of cut escalate decrease [18]. The cutting force constituent tends to grow in
as shown in Figure 7c. magnitude with increasing feed and cut depth, as seen in
The maximum of 526N force is generated, at a lower Figure 8c. For deeper cuts and larger feed rates, the cutting
speed and a higher level of depth of cut as shown in force is as high as 508N as seen in Figure 8c. This is due to the
Figure 8a. The force seems to increase as the complexity of cutting edge being damaged; causing an abrasion among the
the cut rises at low cutting speeds. The magnitude of the tool edge and the work portion exterior, resultant in
force is not changed much when the cutting speed at a mid increased flank wear and higher cutting force is caused [19].
and high level of speed in turning this alloy using CBN
insert. The highest of the cutting force of 510N at a high
level of feed rate and at a lower level of speed is observed as 6.2 Effect of machining parameters on temperature at
shown in Figure 8b. Whereas the alteration in the range of insert edge
the force remains constant up to 0.096 mm/rev at mid level
of cutting speed as shown in Figure 8b. Temperature generation at the cutting zone plays a vital
As the feed rate increases, the cutting force‘s range role and it would affect the machined surface as well as the
increases at all levels of speeds and also the cutting forces cutting edge. Therefore, the temperature generation at the
were found to be increased at lower and medium speeds due cutting edge should be controlled and need to identify the
to a developed substantial coefficient of friction in the cutting impact of controlling factors on machining Nimonic C263
8 S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

It is also noted that a higher feed rate and cutting

rapidity produces a temperature extreme of 705 °C as
shown in Figure 11a. At high speed and feed, adhesion and
abrasion may present in the machining zone; it causes the
concentration of higher temperature at the cutting edge
[20]. A high cutting speed and depth of cut result in a higher
surface temperature at the cutting edge, as seen in
Figure 11b. When feed rate and cut depth increase, the
temperature at the cutting edge tends to rise. For deeper
cuts and faster feeding, a maximum temperature of 688 °C
is recorded. The cutting edge’s temperature increases as
the feed rate, cutting speed, and depth of cut are increased
as shown in Figure 11a–c.

7 Validation of the experimental results,

simulated results and linear regression model
The validation tests were done for the optimal param-
eters such as V = 117 m/min, S = 0.055 mm/rev and
ap-0.25 mm. The validation test values and the predicted
Fig. 5. Histogram. values by FEA and linear regression (LR) model are
tabulated in Table 9. From Table 7, it is identified that
using CBN insert. Figure 9a and b illustrates the contour the predicted value by FEA is very closer to experimental
graph for the temperature at the insert edge and depicts the results than the (LR) model, hence FEA model can be
impact of the controlling factors on it and it is noted that effectively utilized for the prediction of the output and
the magnitude of temperature at the insert edge intends to the wastage cost in the actual experiments owing to the
increase as the level of parameters increases. The unknown impact of controlling factors in turning the
interaction effect of controlling factors on the temperature Nimonic C263 alloy using CBN insert can be avoided.
at the insert edge is shown in Figure 10a–c. The alteration Further, the experimental values were compared with
of the magnitude of the temperature at the insert edge is FEA and LR model values and are all found to be closer
increased as the level of all the factors increases and to the experimental values. The average % error among
therefore the best choice of the factors is to be found to experimental and FEA models for the force and
minimize the temperature distribution in the insert edge. temperature at the edge were observed as 2.34 % and
When feed rate and cutting speed are enlarged, it is 1.63 % respectively. The average% error among the
pragmatic that the cutting-edge temperature increases and experimental and LR model for the force and tempera-
the increase in the cutting temperature tends to generate ture at the edge were observed as 0.32% and 0.23 %
the notch and flank wear [20]. respectively.

Table 7. Goal sets and limits for optimization.

S. No Goal Lower limit Upper limit Lower weight Upper weight Importance
Is in range 80 190 1 1 3
Is in range 0.055 0.159 1 1 3
Is in range 0.25 0.75 1 1 3
Minimize 255 565 1 1 3
Minimize 386 715 1 1 3

Table 8. Global solution-best.

Number V S ap Fz T Desirability
1 117 0.055 0.250 304 468 0.792
2 116 0.055 0.250 305 467 0.792
3 117 0.055 0.250 304 469 0.792
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021) 9

Fig. 6. Cutting force contour: (a) cutting speed and feed planes at depth of cut of 0.50 mm, (b) feed and depth of cut planes at cutting
speed of 135 m/min, (c) cutting speed and depth of cut planes at feed rate of 0.107 mm/rev.

Fig. 7. Interaction effect of factors on cutting force: (a) Interaction effect of cutting speed and feed rate at depth of cut of 0.25 mm, (b) cutting
speed and depth of cut planes at feed rate of 0.055 mm/rev, (c) interaction effect of feed and depth of cut at cutting speed of 117 m/min.

Fig. 8. Impact of factors on cutting force. (a) Effect of cutting speed at different depths of cut. (b) Effect of feed rate at different
cutting speed. (c) Effect of depth of cut at different feed rates.
10 S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

Fig. 9. Temperature at insert edge contour. (a) Cutting speed and feed planes at depth of cut of 0.50 mm, (b) feed and depth of cut
planes at cutting speed of 135 m/min, (c) cutting speed and depth of cut planes at feed rate of 0.107 mm/rev.

Fig. 10. Interaction effect of factors on temperature at insert edge. (a) Interaction effect of cutting speed and feed rate at depth of cut
of 0.25 mm, (b) cutting speed and depth of cut planes at feed rate of 0.055 mm/rev, (c) interaction effect of feed and depth of cut at
cutting speed of 117 m/min.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 11. Impact of factors on temperature at insert ege. (a) Effect of cutting speed at different depth of cut. (b) Effect of feed rate at
different cutting speed. (c) Effect of depth of cut at different feed rate.

Table 9. Confirmation test results.

Optimum parameters by desirability approach Experimental values FEA model predicted LR model
V S ap (mm) Fz u Fz u Fz u
(m/min) (mm/rev) (N) (°C) (N) (°C) (N) (°C)
117 0.055 0.25 320 458 317 455 304 468
S. Senthil Kumar et al.: Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021) 11

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Cite this article as: Srinivasan Senthil Kumar, Moranahalli Ponnusamy Sudeshkumar, Chakaravarthy Ezilarasan,
Sivaprakasam Palani, Jayaseelan Veerasundaram, Modelling and Simulation of Machining Attributes in dry Turning of Aircraft
Materials Nimonic C263 using CBN, Manufacturing Rev. 8, 30 (2021)

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