Upper Age Rule
Upper Age Rule
Upper Age Rule
Dated Quetta, the 25th February, 2013
Age. 3. (1) Since, all appointments to Government
Service are to be made in accordance with the rules
laying down the maximum and minimum age limit,
candidates recommended for appointment must be
within the age limit as laid down for the post, no
deviation is permissible without getting it relaxed by the
Competent Authority. The BPSC or the Departmental
Selection/ Recruitment Committees as the case may be,
shall not recommend any candidate who is not within
the prescribed age limit in the rules or in accordance
with the relevant Service Rules.
(2) Subject to Rule-4, no person, who is less
than eighteen (18) years or more than twenty eight
(28) years of age shall be appointed to the Service by
initial recruitment or unless he is within such range of
minimum and maximum age as may be specifically fixed
by the Government from time to time.
(3) For the purpose of this rule, age shall be
(e) In case of Christian candidates,
Baptismal or birth registration
(f) In case of literate candidates for
class-IV posts, if a candidate is
unable to state his exact date of
birth but can state the year, or
year and month of birth, the 1 s t
July or the 16 th of the month,
respectively, may be treated as
the date of his birth;
(6) The date of birth of a civil servant once
recorded at the time of joining the Government
service in application form in case of BPS-16 and
above through BPSC and it should be recorded in the
history of service, and in Service Book in case of BPS-
15 and below through DSC/DRC or in any other
record that may be kept in respect of the Government
servant's service under Government, shall be final
and no alteration therein shall be permissible except,
where a clerical mistake occurs in recording the date
of birth in the Service record, as per Rule-11 of the
Balochistan Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion
and Transfer) Rules, 2009.
(iv) Disabled Candidates Ten (10) years.
(28 + 10 = 38 years).
(v). Widow, son or daughter Five (5) years.
of a deceased civil (28 + 5 = 33 years).
servant who dies during
(Against a post in BPS-1
to BPS-10).
1 2 3 4
Administrative U p to th ree (3 )
S e c r e t a r i e s yea rs
con cern ed
(ii) B P S - 1 6 Administrative U p to th r e e (3 )
a n d ab ov e S e c r e t a r i e s yea rs
con ce rn ed .
(3) The age relaxation in respect of General
candidates mentioned above may be confined to
maximum of seven (7) years for the purpose of 25 years
qualifying Service for retirement in terms of sub rule (i)
of Rule 3.5 of the Balochistan Civil Servants Pension
Rules, 1989. Grant of relaxation in upper age shall be
subject to:-
(a) General candidate has applied to
the Department concerned in
writing for relaxation of Upper Age
Limit for a specific post as and when
advertised in the Newspapers by the
Department concerned by
accompanying the relevant papers
to ascertain his present age;
(b) Wherever, proposals for the grant of
relaxation in upper age is submitted
to the Competent Authorities
involving relaxation of Upper Age
Limit of above three (3) years shall
route through the S&GAD in the
prescribed manner.
Repeal 5. All existing rules, orders and instructions
relating to age relaxation issued from time to time are
hereby repealed.