Chapter 4
What Factors Determine When a Group Will Form?
People – What?
Joining with others in a group depends on individuals' personal
qualities, including traits, social motives, and gender – e.g., the
Mavens & Connectors (Tipping Point - Gladwell)
Situations – When?
Some situations prompt people to affiliate with one another, including
Ambiguous, dangerous situations
Abraham Maslow
(1970) suggested that
certain needs have
priority over others.
Physiological needs
like breathing, thirst,
and hunger come
before psychological
needs such as
achievement, self-
esteem, and the need
for recognition.
Hierarchy of Needs
begins at the base
with physiological
needs that must first
be satisfied
then higher-level
safety needs become
then psychological
needs become active
Our psychological
needs are known as
growth needs (higher
order), while our basic
needs are known as
deficiency needs
Animals in Groups
School of Herring
Pride of Lions
Animals in Groups
6 y/o orca separated from
his pod when he was two
years old near Vancouver
Survived for four years
without the guidance of his
Need for companionship
Kate & Pippen
Who Joins Groups & Who Remains Apart?
Not all experience groups the same way
Introversion & extraversion: extraverts are drawn to other
people and groups and introverts avoid them (extraverts
tend to be happier individuals, more energetic, enthusiastic)
Extraverts are more likely to join groups where as introverts
are less likely – the need for energy or a different type of
energy source (influence of the reticular formation?)
EQ-I and MBTI research (Sitaranios, 2005) – are introverts
more self-aware?
Extraverts were also more assertive, happy, empathic,
Introvert/Shyness Stereotype – not timid or discomfort in
social settings – just different preferences
Big 5
• Anxious/Calm
Neuroticism • Insecure/Secure
• Sociable/Retiring
Extraversion • Fun Loving/Sober
• Imaginative/Practical
Openness • Independent/Conforming
• Soft-Hearted/Ruthless
Agreeableness • Trusting/Suspicious
• Organized/Disorganized
Conscientiousness • Careful/Careless
Who Joins Groups & Who Remains Apart?
Big 5: Why would groups seek out others with
- individuals who adopt values, attitudes, and outlooks
that emphasize and facilitate connections with others
seek out group memberships
- there are few differences between sexes in their
values/around group formation – women seek in
smaller, intimate, informal groups, while men seek
more formal, task oriented, and agentic in nature
Need for Power – people with high need for power tend
to join groups to influence others, need for control in
groups (e.g., organizing and structuring activities)
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation
(FIRO) – William Schultz (1958)
Theory: Individuals’ need to receive and express inclusion,
control, and affection influences group-seeking tendencies.
The 3 basic needs identified by FIRO-B are:
The extent to which you want or will accept that behavior
from others.
FIRO-B tool can help you maximize the impact of your
actions, identify options for increasing your job satisfaction
and productivity, and explore alternative ways to achieve
your goals.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation (FIRO)
For each of the three interpersonal needs—Inclusion,
Control, and Affection—the FIRO instrument also provides
a measure of how much each need is Expressed or
Wanted by you.
The extent to which you will initiate the behavior.
The extent to which you want or will accept that behavior
from others.
FIRO-B tool can help you maximize the impact of your
actions, identify options for increasing your job satisfaction
and productivity, and explore alternative ways to achieve
your goals.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation (FIRO)
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations
Orientation (FIRO)
Roger’s Self-Concept
Congruence –
Self Ideal self consistencies
the person I the person I between the two
think I am would like to
Stage 1: Alarm Reaction
Our body is programmed for
Autonomic nervous system
prepares the body for the fight
or flight response
Part of the nervous
system that controls
involuntary movement of
smooth muscles plus heart
and lungs
Stage 2: Resistance Phase
Stage 3: Exhaustion
Body exhausts energy
Physical signs & symptoms
of stress originally evident
in the alarm reaction
Difference is that now many
of these symptoms are
Damage to the body can be
permanent and ultimately
can be deadly
Types of Stress
The various life changes and events that can create
stress within individuals
Social Anxiety & Phobia
Similarity Principle
People like those who are similar to them in some way.
ie. homophily: similarity in attitudes, values, appearance,etc. -
Do We Sit Near People Who Are
Like Us?
Sean Mackinnon et al., (2011)
Reciprocity Principle
Liking tends to be mutual, dislike those who reject
Group interaction influences transitivity = liking of
one person to the next to the next, etc.
Minimax Principle
Individuals are attracted to groups that offer them
maximum rewards and minimal costs.
Interpersonal Attraction Between Individuals
John Thibaut & Harold Kelly's - Social Exchange
Relationships are like economic exchanges,
bargains where maximum outcomes sought with
minimum investment – costs, rewards, commitment (Outcome =
Rewards – Costs)
Entering and exiting group largely determined by (CLalt) and satisfaction within
the group (CL)
Social Exchange Theory
Comparison Level (CL) – standard by which individuals evaluate the
desirability of group membership. Satisfaction is determined by
comparison level of prior experience. – Prior experiences with
higher rewards = higher CL (do benefits outweigh the costs?)
Social Exchange Theory
Comparison Level for Alternatives (CLalt) – standard by which individuals
evaluate the quality of other groups that they may join – informally
is the lowest level of outcomes a member will accept - this impacts
joining or leaving a group