Hiponatremia e Hiper Natremia y Mortalidad
Hiponatremia e Hiper Natremia y Mortalidad
Hiponatremia e Hiper Natremia y Mortalidad
Background—Hyponatremia is common in patients with conditions such as congestive heart failure and is associated with
increased mortality in hospitalized patients. Congestive heart failure is common in patients with chronic kidney disease,
but the association of serum sodium concentration with mortality in such patients is not well characterized.
Methods and Results—We examined the association of serum sodium concentration with all-cause mortality in a
nationally representative cohort of 655 493 US veterans with non– dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (95 961
[15%] of them with congestive heart failure). Associations were examined in time-dependent Cox models with
adjustment for potential confounders. During a median follow-up of 5.5 years, a total of 193 956 patients died (mortality
rate, 62.5/1000 patient-years; 95% confidence interval, 62.2– 62.8). The association of serum sodium level with
mortality was U-shaped, with the lowest mortality seen in patients with sodium level of 140 mEq/L and with both lower
and higher levels showing significant associations with increased mortality. Patients with serum sodium levels of ⬍130,
130 to 135.9, 145.1 to 150, and ⱖ150 mEq/L compared with 136 to 145 mEq/L had multivariable-adjusted mortality
hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) of 1.93 (1.83–2.03), 1.28 (1.26 –1.30), 1.33 (1.28 –1.38), and 1.56 (1.33–1.83)
(P⬍0.001 for all). The associations remained consistent in subgroups of patients with and without congestive heart
Conclusions—Both lower and higher serum sodium levels are independently associated with higher mortality in
patients with non– dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease, irrespective of the presence or absence of congestive
heart failure. (Circulation. 2012;125:677-684.)
Key Words: epidemiology 䡲 heart failure 䡲 hypernatremia 䡲 hyponatremia 䡲 kidney
678 Circulation February 7, 2012
the Charlson comorbidity index using the Deyo modification for patients with serum sodium levels ⬍115 mEq/L (n⫽76) and ⬎160
administrative data sets, without including kidney disease.36 mEq/L (n⫽61), the spline models were limited to patients with serum
sodium levels of 115 to 160 mEq/L. We also compared patients with
Laboratory Characteristics mild to moderate and severe hyponatremia (serum sodium ⬍130 and
Data on laboratory variables were collected from the time period of 130 –135 mEq/L) and hypernatremia (serum sodium 146 –150 and
October 1, 2004, to September 30, 2009, by using the Decision ⬎150 mEq/L) with those with normal serum sodium (serum sodium
Support System National Data Extracts Laboratory Results file.30 To 136 –145 mEq/L). Because of their smaller numbers, patients with
minimize random variability, all available laboratory values (includ- hypernatremia were analyzed as a single category (serum sodium
ing all serum sodium levels) were grouped by calendar quarters, and ⬎145 mEq/L) in subgroup analyses. To better assess the short-term
their quarterly-averaged values were used in analyses. versus the long-term effects of serum sodium levels on mortality,
time-stratified Cox models were constructed to examine 1-year
Statistical Analyses mortality hazard ratios associated with baseline hyponatremia and
Descriptive analyses were performed, and skewed variables were hypernatremia (defined by serum sodium levels at the cohort entry
log-transformed. Because of the large sample size, traditional statis- and maintained constant throughout the examined time periods) and
tical testing of differences in baseline characteristics was statistically with time-varying hyponatremia and hypernatremia (defined on the
significant for all variables; hence, the significance of differences basis of repetitive quarterly serum sodium measurements in each
was established on the basis of values that we deemed to be examined year) in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth years of
biologically meaningful differences. Data points were missing for follow-up, conditional on surviving to the beginning of the examined
race (1.4%), blood pressure (17.5%), serum albumin (13.0%), (first, second, etc) year.42
hemoglobin (13.2%), white blood cell count (16.1%), aspartate The association of serum sodium with mortality was examined
aminotransferase (7.4%), alanine aminotransferase (5.3%), total separately in subgroups of patients categorized by CKD stage, by
bilirubin (9.4%), alkaline phosphatase (10.3%), and blood glucose key sociodemographic characteristics, by presence or absence of key
(0.5%). There were a total of 509 906 patients (78% of the total study comorbid conditions, and by their levels of relevant laboratory
population) with complete data available for the fully adjusted values. Sensitivity analyses were performed with the use of imputed
multivariable analyses. Compared with patients with missing data, values of independent variables and serum sodium levels corrected
patients with complete data were of similar age (73.8⫾9.6 versus for serum glucose level. Statistical analyses were performed with the
74.0⫾10.1 years), gender (2.7% versus 3.1% female), and race (87% use of STATA MP version 11 (STATA Corporation, College
versus 91% white, 10% versus 7% black) and had similar prevalence Station, TX). The study protocol was approved by the Research and
of diabetes mellitus (44% versus 41%), cardiovascular disease (44% Development Committee at the Salem VA Medical Center.
versus 39%), and CHF (15% versus 12%). Missing values were not
imputed in primary analyses and were substituted with the use of Results
multiple imputation procedures in sensitivity analyses. Missing The mean⫾SD age of the cohort at baseline was 73.9⫾9.8
values were replaced by multiple imputations with a multivariate years; 87% and 9% of patients were white and black,
normal regression method with data augmentation by an iterative
Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure37,38 in STATA’s “mi” com- respectively; and the mean eGFR was 50.2⫾14.1 mL/min per
mand suite. Ten imputed data sets were generated; primary analyses 1.73 m2. The mean⫾SD baseline serum sodium was 140⫾3
were performed on each imputed data set, and the combination rules mEq/L. At baseline, 85 855 patients (13.5%) had hyponatre-
of Rubin39 were used to form 1 set of results. mia (serum sodium ⬍136 mEq/L), and 13 289 (2%) had
The start of the follow-up period was the date of the first available
hypernatremia (serum sodium ⬎145 mEq/L); during the
serum sodium measurement after October 1, 2004. Patients were
followed until death or were censored at the date of the last entire duration of follow-up, 169 158 patients (26%) had at
healthcare or administrative VA encounter, as documented in the VA least 1 episode of hyponatremia, and 45 666 (7%) had at least
Vital Status Files. The VA Vital Status Files is a registry containing 1 episode of hypernatremia. Baseline characteristics in pa-
dates of death or last medical/administrative encounter from all tients categorized by their baseline serum sodium levels are
available sources in the VA system (Beneficiary Identification
Records Locator Subsystem, Patient Treatment File, Medicare, and shown in Table 1. Patients with hyponatremia were younger;
Social Security Administration). The sensitivity and specificity of were more likely to be diabetic and to have CHF, liver
the Vital Status Files with the National Death Index used as gold disease, and depression; had a higher eGFR, blood glucose,
standard were shown to be very high (98.3% and 99.8%, respec- and white blood cell count; and had a lower serum albumin
tively).40 For 2956 patients (0.005%) with missing Vital Status Files and blood hemoglobin. Patients with hypernatremia, on the
data, the date of the last available laboratory measurement was used
as the censoring date. The association of serum sodium level with other hand, were older and had a lower eGFR, serum total
all-cause mortality was examined in time-dependent Cox models, bilirubin, and blood glucose.
with adjustment for potential confounders. Variables were included
in multivariable models if they could be considered confounders41 on Mortality
the basis of theoretical considerations and after examination of A total of 193 956 patients died (mortality rate, 62.5/1000
baseline associations with serum sodium. Associations were exam-
ined sequentially in models with incremental multivariable adjust- patient-years; 95% confidence interval, 62.2– 62.8) during a
ments: unadjusted (model 1); age, gender, race, and geographic median follow-up of 5.5 years. The number of deaths in
location (model 2); model 2 plus comorbid conditions (diabetes patients with different serum sodium levels were 1773 (⬍130
mellitus, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, CHF, liver disease, mEq/L); 30 199 (130 –135.9 mEq/L); 158 103 (136 –144.9
malignancy, depression, and Charlson comorbidity index) (model 3);
mEq/L); 3680 (145–149.9 mEq/L); and 201 (ⱖ150 mEq/L).
and model 3 plus systolic blood pressure, eGFR, serum albumin,
alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine amino- The association of serum sodium with mortality was
transferase, total bilirubin, blood hemoglobin, glucose, and white U-shaped, with both lower and higher serum sodium showing
blood cell count (model 4). Variables that were measured repeatedly a significant association with higher mortality even after
during follow-up (serum sodium, blood pressure, and all other multivariable adjustment (Figure 2). Patients with serum
laboratory covariates) were handled as time-dependent variables in
Cox models. We hypothesized that the association of serum sodium sodium levels of ⬍130, 130 to 135.9, 145.1 to 149.9, and
with mortality will be nonlinear; hence, we examined sodium by ⱖ150 mEq/L compared with 136 to 145 mEq/L had unad-
using restricted cubic splines. Because of the small number of justed mortality hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) of
680 Circulation February 7, 2012
⬍130 (n⫽2729) 130 –135.9 (n⫽83 126) 136 –144.9 (n⫽556 349) 145–149.9 (n⫽12 807) ⱖ150 (n⫽482)
Age, y 71.5⫾11.3 71.7⫾10.7 74.1⫾9.6 75.5⫾8.9 76.1⫾8.5
White 2346 (87) 70 905 (87) 482 718 (88) 11 245 (89) 423 (89)
Black 217 (8) 8206 (10) 51 704 (9) 1163 (9) 40 (8)
Hispanic 49 (2) 998 (1) 7107 (1) 146 (1) 9 (2)
Other 76 (3) 1566 (2) 7694 (1) 136 (1) 5 (1)
Gender (male) 2631 (96) 80 637 (97) 541 195 (97) 12 430 (97) 474 (98)
Diabetes mellitus 1302 (48) 45 761 (55) 230 989 (42) 4873 (38) 185 (38)
Atherosclerotic CVD 1112 (41) 34 868 (42) 237 429 (43) 5778 (45) 221 (46)
CHF 556 (20) 14 076 (17) 79 374 (14) 1880 (15) 75 (16)
Liver disease 101 (4) 1257 (2) 3390 (0.6) 51 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
Malignancy 454 (17) 13 949 (17) 98 068 (18) 2445 (19) 82 (17)
Depression 205 (8) 5740 (7) 30 295 (5) 692 (5) 24 (5)
Comorbidity index 3 (2–5) 3 (2–5) 3 (2–5) 3 (2–5) 3 (2–4)
SBP, mm Hg 137⫾20 137⫾18 137⫾18 138⫾18 135⫾19
DBP, mm Hg 72⫾11 72⫾11 72⫾11 72⫾11 70⫾12
eGFR, mL/min per 1.73 m 55.2⫾19.3 53.1⫾17.3 49.8⫾13.5 47.1⫾12.6 47.0⫾13.1
Serum albumin, g/dL 3.8⫾0.5 3.9⫾0.5 4.0⫾0.4 4.1⫾0.4 4.2⫾0.5
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 173⫾67 178⫾46 173⫾39 171⫾38 170⫾37
Serum calcium, mg/dL 9.1⫾0.5 9.2⫾0.5 9.3⫾0.5 9.5⫾0.5 9.5⫾0.6
Serum AST, U/L 24 (19–31) 22 (18–28) 22 (19–27) 24 (20–29) 25 (21–30)
Serum ALT, U/L 22 (16–32) 22 (16–31) 22 (16–30) 25 (18–32) 26 (19–33)
Serum total bilirubin, mg/dL 0.7 (0.5–0.9) 0.7 (0.5–0.9) 0.7 (0.5–0.9) 0.6 (0.4–0.7) 0.5 (0.4–0.7)
Serum ALP, U/L 91⫾46 81⫾38 79⫾32 85⫾30 87⫾31
Serum bicarbonate, mEq/L 26.0⫾3.0 26.6⫾2.8 27.4⫾2.9 27.9⫾3.3 28.0⫾4.2
Blood hemoglobin, g/dL 13.1⫾1.9 13.7⫾1.8 13.9⫾1.7 13.9⫾1.7 14.0⫾1.7
Blood WBC, 1000/mm3 7.9⫾3.0 7.8⫾3.6 7.3⫾4.1 7.3⫾3.4 7.4⫾2.2
Blood glucose, mg/dL 166⫾126 151⫾48 119⫾40 109⫾28 110⫾32
Data are presented as mean⫾SD, No. (% of total), or median (quartiles 1–3). CVD indicates cardiovascular disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; SBP, systolic
blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ALP,
alkaline phosphatase; and WBC, white blood cell count. All P values for comparing differences between categories were statistically significant.
2.49 (2.38 –2.61), 1.43 (1.41–1.44), 1.40 (1.34 –1.35), and associated with hyponatremia in patients with different stages
2.17 (1.89 –2.49) (P⬍0.001 for all); after full multivariable of CKD (Figure 4A); however, mortality associated with
adjustment, the hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for hypernatremia appeared to be relatively lower in patients with
the same groups were 1.93 (1.83–2.03), 1.28 (1.26 –1.30), more advanced stages of CKD (Figure 4B).
1.33 (1.28 –1.38), and 1.56 (1.33–1.83) (P⬍0.001 for all) Results of analyses in which imputed values for missing
(Figure 3). In time-stratified Cox models concomitantly variables were used yielded similar results: The multivariable
assessing 1-year mortality rates associated with both baseline adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) in patients
and time-varying serum sodium categories, time-varying with serum sodium levels of ⬍130, 130 to 135.9, 145.1 to
hyponatremia and hypernatremia both showed stronger asso- 149.9, and ⱖ150 mEq/L compared with 136 to 145 mEq/L
ciations with mortality compared with baseline hyponatremia were 1.94 (1.85–2.03), 1.28 (1.27–1.30), 1.29 (1.25–1.34),
and hypernatremia, which displayed weak or nonsignificant and 1.58 (1.38 –1.82) (P⬍0.001 for all). The results of
associations (Table 2). analyses examining serum sodium levels that were adjusted
The association of lower and higher serum sodium with for blood glucose levels were also not different from the
mortality was present in all examined subgroups, including results detailed above (data not shown).
patients with and without CHF, liver disease, malignancy,
and depression; patients with high and low levels of the Discussion
composite Charlson comorbidity index; and patients with We describe an association between abnormally decreased
normal or elevated serum levels of hepatic enzymes (Figure and elevated levels of serum sodium and higher all-cause
4). There was no linear trend in the mortality hazard ratios mortality in a large, nationally representative group of US
Kovesdy et al Serum Sodium Level and Outcomes in CKD 681
Table 2. One-Year Unadjusted Mortality Hazard Ratios (95% Confidence Intervals) Associated With Baseline and With
Time-Dependent Serum Sodium Levels of <130, 130 –135.9, and >145 mEq/L Compared With 136 –145 mEq/L in the First, Second,
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Years of Follow-Up, Conditional on Surviving to the Beginning of the Examined Year
Year of Follow-Up
hyponatremia and hypernatremia are merely surrogate mark- hemodialysis patients enrolled in the Hemodialysis (HEMO)
ers of more severe disease states. Similar to other studies, we study also reported a significant association of hyponatremia
did not detect any effect modification by known disease states with mortality, even though in patients with anuric dialysis
that affect serum sodium level, which makes it more likely the development of low serum sodium is unrelated to the
that an abnormal serum sodium level has an independent stimulation of arginine vasopressin by underlying comorbidi-
effect on survival. Furthermore, a study of maintenance ties.19 Arguing against a causal effect of hyponatremia was a
Figure 4. Forest plot of the multivariable-adjusted natural log-transformed mortality hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) associated
with mild (130 –135.9 mEq/L) and moderate to severe (⬍130 mEq/L) hyponatremia (A) and with hypernatremia (serum sodium ⬎145
mEq/L) (B) in various prespecified subgroups of patients. Groups with normal (136 –145 mEq/L) serum sodium levels served as referent.
Estimates are from time-dependent Cox models adjusted for age, gender, race, geographic location, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic
cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, liver disease, malignancy, depression, Charlson comorbidity index, systolic blood pres-
sure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum albumin, alkaline phosphatase (AlkPhos), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine
aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin, blood hemoglobin, glucose, and white blood cell count. CKD indicates chronic kidney disease.
Kovesdy et al Serum Sodium Level and Outcomes in CKD 683
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We examined associations of serum sodium levels with all-cause mortality in 655 493 US veterans with chronic kidney
disease, 15% of whom suffered from congestive heart failure. During a median follow-up of 5.5 years, 169 158 patients
(26%) had at least 1 episode of hyponatremia, and 45 666 (7%) had at least 1 episode of hypernatremia. Both hyponatremia
and hypernatremia were associated with significantly higher short-term mortality, independent of comorbidities such as
congestive heart failure or liver disease. Severity of kidney disease did not affect the association of hyponatremia with
mortality, but patients with more advanced chronic kidney disease appeared to tolerate hypernatremia relatively better.
These observations extend the findings of earlier studies regarding the association of hyponatremia and hypernatremia with
increased mortality to a patient population with chronic kidney disease, which is known to suffer from a high burden of
comorbidities and a very high cardiovascular mortality rate. Even though the results of this study cannot prove that
hyponatremia and hypernatremia are causes of higher mortality, they emphasize the important predictive value of serum
sodium levels in patients with chronic kidney disease and establish this patient population as a potential target for future
clinical trials testing interventions to correct abnormal serum sodium levels.