Week 4 - Q3 - ACP 10
Week 4 - Q3 - ACP 10
Week 4 - Q3 - ACP 10
B. Other Learning Resources Internet, Laptop/ Computer, Power Point /Multimedia Presentation/Video Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Basic Learning Routines – Basic Learning Routines – Basic Learning Routines – Basic Learning Routines – Prayer,
presenting the new lesson Prayer, Mood setting, Prayer, Mood setting, Simple Prayer, Mood setting, Simple Mood setting, Simple review of the
Introduction of the new lesson review of the past lesson. review of the past lesson. past lesson.
on irrigation systems and
B. Establishing a purpose for the Encourage the students to Encourage the students to Encourage the students to Encourage the students to develop
lesson develop their knowledge and develop skills in agricultural crop develop skills in agricultural skills in agricultural crop production
skills in agricultural crop production crop production
C. Presenting Conducting Pre-Test Activity
Continuation of the lesson on Presentation of the lesson Short briefing about the activity to do.
examples/instances of the new on page 5-6
OHS in irrigation works.
– Irrigation work activity
Conducting an interview to
Have you tried going to field to
students on the hazards,
irrigate your plants? From moving - Proper using of farm tools and
accidents in irrigation works
or transporting of irrigation equipment in the garden
they or their father
materials, what are some hazards
or accidents that you may - Planting/ Transplanting/ Cleaning/
encounter? Weeding Activity in the A1 Garden
Explain to the class on how
they overcome or prevent such -Do’s and Don’ts in the activity
D. Discussing new concepts and Discussions on the following
Group Sharing and Reporting Video presentation on OHS in
practicing new skill #1 topic:
Irrigation Works
a. Irrigation safety
Sharing of ideas on the best and
b. General safety
safest practices in irrigation
works. Brainstorming Activity/
c. Irrigation systems
Sharing of ideas
d. Irrigation problem
areas Performance Task
e. Irrigation system (Practicum in A1 Garden Area)
f. Safe work practices
g. Irrigation safety
h. Irrigation safety
i. Improper
maintenance of
E. Discussing new concepts and Discussions on the following: Discussions on the topic:
practicing new skill #2 Brainstorming Activities/ a. Irrigation Safety Irrigation Equipment Safety
Sharing of ideas
F. Developing Mastery Drill: Explain the suggestions in
Drill: Explain each OHS in Drill: One by one – giving of
ensuring safety to the irrigator Sharing of experiences during the
irrigation work. safety measures in irrigation
and also preventing damage to practicum.
the equipment.
G. Finding practical applications What is the significance of
of concepts & skills in daily living having technical-know how in
irrigation works?
Why should we maintain
What is/are the negative
cleanliness and safety in the
Why and how should we effect/s of damaged irrigation
workplace during irrigation Cite the importance of the activity.
maintain safe and secured equipment to the farmer? To
works? Should we emulate this
work environment? the activity?
safety measures at home?
How can we apply safe work
practices at home? in school?
H. Making generalizations & What is OHS? What is PPE?
abstractions about the lesson Give examples of PPE?
A. No. of learners who earned
75% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?