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Villa For Sale

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1. Villa for Sale Sacha Guitry

About the Author

Sacha Guitry (1885–1957) was the son of a French actor. He was born in St. Petersburg. Following the
footsteps of his father, he became a writer of plays and film scripts, etc. He was also an actor, producer and
director. Some of his own experiences of the film world are reflected in his plays. His plays are full of humour
and satire. He has created a lot of characters.

‘Villa for Sale’ is a humorous play but the theme it deals with is very serious. This world is full of pretentious,
mean, calculating and money-minded people. We should be cautious about such people and before dealing
with them we should properly investigate about them. The author does not deliver any message, rather
everyone is happy at the end in spite of the trick played by Gaston.
Julliette, the owner of the villa, is a young Frenchwoman. She is clever, persuasive
and a hardcore businesswoman who is determined to sell the villa at a high price.
She is proud of her villa and thinks the house is small but it has a charm of its
own. Now she wants to sell it, partly because she needs money, and partly because
Gaston she does not like it anymore. When Gaston and Jeanne come to see the villa, she
Gaston is a witty, clever and straightforward uses all her business tactics to sell it off. She seems to be very gullible when she
person. He is an opportunist as he takes decides in an instant to sell the house to Jeanne and Gaston. She acts like a fool
advantage of the situation to crack a great deal when she sells the house to Gaston without giving it a second thought. In the end,
and earn a hundred thousand francs of it. He she is outwitted by Gaston without getting a whiff of villa being sold to another buyer.
doesn’t care about others’ feelings but jumps
on every opportunity that can earn him wealth.
He is non-cooperative and uncaring for his wife. Mrs Al Smith
He is not at all polite; his language is full of Mrs Al Smith is a wealthy American actress
sarcasm while dealing with all the three women who wants a villa near the new film industry
in the play. He mocks everything in the villa and in Joinville. She is aggressive, quick, impatient
apparently, has no intention of buying it. and has no shortage of money. She lacks time
He is such a business-minded person that he will Characters for trivial and major things. She believes in
professionalism. She mocks Europeans for their
never let his interest go by default. By a single
masterstroke, he makes a clean profit and also love of the past. She is a quick decision-maker
gets a painting free. and does not waste even five minutes in striking
a deal with Gaston.

Problem Action
The play brings out the Julliette puts up her villa for sale. After almost a
conflict between social Setting month, a French couple Gaston and Jeanne come
classes and cultures. to take a look at the villa. Julliette gives a complete
The one act play ‘Villa For Sale’ is set in
People put up pretences description of the villa but Gaston indicates that he
France, near Joinville, the French Hollywood.
because they follow double has no intention of buying the villa. Julliette reduces
The villa is situated in the quiet of the
standards. They are greedy the price from two hundred fifty thousand francs to
countryside close to Paramount Studio. The
and dishonest. They want villa has all the amemties like electricity, gas, two hundred thousand francs. Jeanne goes to see
to show off because it water, telephone, drainage and a bathroom. the upper floor with Julliette but Gaston doesn’t join
satisfies their ego and Though its garden is modest but it is them. In the meanwhile Mrs Al Smith arrives. She
pride. The play teaches us surrounded by beautiful gardens. Because mistakes Gaston as the owner and buys the villa
not to be cunning, greedy, of its location, film acting is quite up to in for three hundred thousand francs. Gaston makes
deceptive, argumentative the area. a net profit of one hundred thousand francs without
and arrogant. becoming its owner.
Literature Textbook 315
‘Villa For Sale’ deals with a young Frenchwoman, As they are about to leave, Jeanne expresses her desire
Julliette, who is desperate to sell her villa as she does to see the upper floor. While Jeanne and Julliette are
not like it anymore, and she also needs money. So, she
upstairs, looking at the house, another prospective
puts up a ‘For Sale’ board outside her villa. The sign
buyer, Mrs Al Smith, a wealthy American actress
‘For Sale’ has been there since a month but the villa
did not appear to be interesting to anyone. Julliette comes in. She mistakes Gaston to be the owner of the
confesses to her mind that she was so fed up that she villa. Initially Gaston wiles away the conversation but
would do anything to get the wretched place off her his business instincts are aroused when he discovers
hands. The villa was located near French Hollywood that Mrs Al Smith is really interested in buying the
but no one seemed interested in buying it. A French villa. Gaston makes full use of the opportunity and
couple, Jeanne and Gaston, visit her to look at the sells the villa to her for three hundred thousand
property. From their conversation, it is quite evident
francs. The lady hands over the cheque and makes a
that the wife is more eager to buy the villa than her
quick departure after the deal.
husband. She wants to buy it for her parents and for
her sister’s family. Gaston is very business-minded, In the meantime, Jeanne and Julliette come back.
shrewd and least interested in making any investment Gaston now offers to buy the villa for two hundred
for his wife’s family. thousand francs. Julliette happily accepts the offer
Julliette pretends to be very proud of her villa. She and promises to vacate the villa the next day. Jeanne
flatters the young couple, calls them exceptional and is astounded to discover that within a short while
that the villa was according to their taste. Julliette Gaston has changed his mind.
hikes up the price and then brings it down to two
hundred thousand francs and pretends to do a favour In the end everyone is happy—Julliette gets the
to the couple. Gaston finds the price quoted by money she wanted, Mrs Al Smith gets the villa
Julliette very high and makes, it very clear that he and Gaston and Jeanne are richer by one hundred
has no intention of purchasing the villa. thousand francs and also get a painting of Carot free.
The entire play revolves around the sale of a villa. Julliette, the owner of the villa is desperate to sell it but
does not find any buyer. She is ready to dispose it off for half its worth. Finally, a couple arrives and Julliette
asks for two hundred fifty thousand francs but settles at two hundred thousand francs. She counts all the
advantages of the villa whereas Gaston rejects by calling the villa worthless. During the play, the villa gets sold
off twice. First by Gaston to Mrs Al Smith for three hundred thousand francs and second time by Julliette, to
Gaston for two hundred thousand francs.


Sell: (here) disappointment due to failure; Wretched: very unpleasant; Paltry: very small amount;
Slicked: make hair smooth; Salon: drawing room; Annex: to attach; Aggravating: to make worse;
Pastel: a soft coloured substance; Philanthropic: to help the needy people; Shanty: a hut, cabin;
Amiably: in a pleasant and friendly way; Queer: strange, unique; Parodies: to copy something in a
funny way; Souvenir: memento; Splendid: very impressive
316 Together with® English Communicative—9

CBSE Textbook Exercises

1. If you could buy your dream house today, what are some specific features you would want for your
house? Write them in the bubbles below.

Well ventilated
proper sunlight

My dream house

Ans. Clean surroundings, proper space, greenery all around, big windows, high ceiling.
4. Complete the following paragraph about the theme of the play using the clues given in the box below.
Remember that there are more clues than required.

sell, buying, house, enthusiastic, comes, 200 thousand francs, taking, favour, get, sleeps, money,
300 thousand francs, unhappy, in-laws, walks in, strikes, keep
Julliette, the owner of a Villa wants to .......................... it as she is in need of .......................... . Moreover,
she is not in .......................... of the house. Jeanne and Gaston, a couple visit her with the aim of
.......................... the Villa. While Jeanne is .......................... about buying, Gaston detests the idea as
he does not want his .......................... in that house. Also, he finds the asking price of ..........................
to be expensive. When Jeanne and Julliette go around the house, another customer ..........................
and starts talking to Gaston .......................... him to be Julliette’s husband. Gaston .......................... a
deal with the customer by which he is able to give .......................... to the owner and ..........................
one thousand francs for himself.
Ans. (a) sell (b) money (c) favour (d) buying
(e) enthusiastic (f) in-laws (g) 300 thousand francs (h) walks in
(i) taking (j) strikes (k) 200 thousand francs (l) keep
5. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options.
A. But the sign has been hanging on the gate for over a month now and I am beginning to be afraid that
the day I bought it was when I was the real fool.
(a) Why is Julliette disappointed?
(i) she is unable to get a role of cook in the films.
(ii) her maid is leaving as she has got a role in the films.
(iii) she is unable to find a suitable buyer for her villa.
(iv) Gaston is offering a very low price for the villa.
(b) Why does she call herself a fool?
(i) she has decided to sell her villa.
(ii) there are no buyers for the villa.
(iii) she had bought the villa for more than it was worth.
(iv) the villa was too close to the film studios.
Ans. (a) (iii) she is unable to find a suitable buyer for her villa.
(b) (iii) she had bought the villa for more than it was worth.
Literature Textbook 317
B. ‘But your parents would take possession of it, every year from the beginning of spring until the end of
September. What’s more they would bring the whole tribe of your sister’s children with them.’
(a) What does Gaston mean by ‘take possession’?
(i) her parents would stay with them for a long time.
(ii) Julliette’s sister has many children.
(iii) Gaston does not like children.
(iv) Juliete’s sister’s children are badly behaved.
Ans. (a) (i) her parents would stay with them for a long time.
C. ‘While you were upstairs, I have been thinking a lot about your Papa and Mamma.
(a) What is the discrepancy between what Gaston said earlier and what he says now?
(i) Earlier he did not want Julliette’s parents to stay with them but now he is showing
concern for them.
(ii) Earlier he wanted Julliette’s parents to stay with them but now he does not want
them to come over.
(iii) Earlier he wanted to buy a house for them but now he wants them to come and stay
in their villa.
(iv) Earlier he stayed in Julliette’s parents’ villa but now he wants them to stay with him
and Julliette.
(b) What does the above statement reveal about Gaston’s character?
(i) he is selfish.
(ii) he is an opportunist.
(iii) he is a caring person.
(iv) he is a hypocrite.
Ans. (a) (i) Earlier he did not want Julliette’s parents to stay with them but now he is showing
concern for them.
(b) (ii) he is an opportunist.
(iv) he is a hypocrite.
6. A. Answer the following questions briefly.
(a) Why does Jeanne want to buy a villa?
Ans. Jeanne wants to buy a villa for her parents and her sister’s children. Her husband Gaston is
not interested in buying the villa because he knows that Jeanne’s parents will take possession
of the villa every year from April to September. They would also bring her sister’s children
to live with them.
(b) Why is Gaston not interested in buying the villa in the beginning?
Ans. Gaston is not interested in buying the villa in the beginning for two reasons. He is not
impressed with the garden, kitchen and salon. He is very clear that his wife is buying the
villa for her parents, they would take possession of it every year from April to September
along with whole tribe of her sister’s children.
(c) Mrs Al Smith makes many statements about the French. Pick out any two and explain
Ans. Mrs Al Smith makes many statements about the French. She says, “Frenchmen usually
have to consult about ten people before they got a move on.” She means to say that French
people are indecisive and they consult many people before taking any decision.
Second comment she makes is, “You think about the past all the time.” She means to say
that the French people give more importance to past events and past relations.
318 Together with® English Communicative—9
(d) Julliette says “…now I have only one thought that is to get the wretched place off my hands. I
would sacrifice it at any price”. Does she stick to her words? Why / Why not?
Ans. Julliette tells her maid that she wants to get the wretched place off her hands. It means that
she is ready to sacrifice it at any price. But she doesn’t stick to her words at the time of the
actual sale. She demands two hundred and fifty thousand franks from Gaston. She wants to
make a good profit from the deal. She accepts two hundred thousand francs when the final
deal is made.
(e) Who is better business person – Julliette or Gaston? Substantiate with examples from the
Ans. Undoubtedly, Gaston is better in business than Julliette. He manages to make a hundred
thousand francs on a property he does not own. He buys the villa from Julliette in two
hundred thousand francs and sells it for three hundred thousand franks to Mrs Al Smith.
He also gets a painting by an artist named Carot in the deal.
(f) The ending of the play was a win-win situation approach for Gaston, Julliette and
Mrs Al smith. Explain.
Ans. Gaston is an intelligent person and very clear-headed. He is a shrewd businessman who
knows how to make good profit. He manages to swindle the smart Mrs Al Smith. He takes
advantage of the situation and makes a hundred thousand francs. He is a diplomat and
keeps everyone happy. On the other hand, Mrs Al Smith was also happy. So it was a win-win
situation for all of them.
6. B. Answer in detail
(a) Listen carefully while your teacher reads out the description of a villa on sale mentioned
on page 146. Based on the information, draw the sketch of the Villa being described.
Ans. There’s an island in the middle of a lake. In the middle of the island; there’s a two floor villa.
The stark white color of the villa is toned by the rows of palm trees and shrubs in the front
lawn. The red roof with a green chimney compliments the multi-colored flowers that greet
a person as the big door and four windows on the ground floor open. In the corner of the
lawn, there is an enclosed area for the birds. In the backyard, there is a huge tree, beside
the small pool. Under the tree, a relaxing chair is placed.
There’re a lot of big trees to the left of the house. On the lake, to the right of the island
there is a row of houseboats while to the left of the lake there’s a hill with a lighthouse on
the top.
(b) Social Satire is a style of fictional representation that uses humour, irony, exaggeration,
or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s behaviour, particularly in a social context.
Substantiate how Villa for Sale reflects this style.
Ans. The play Villa for Sale is a social satire set around the sale of a villa to a rich American,
who cares nothing for its classic interiors. Julliette, its owner is hard up but wants to keep
up pretences of gentility by not accepting a role in a film as acting is for the lowly maid and
not for a lady of her standing. Gaston’s wife wants to buy the villa as that will make her the
owner of a piece of history, however uncomfortable it might be. Gaston pretends that it is
for housing his wife’s parents and sister who would be thrilled to live in a home. Julliette
talks of the charms of the interior, masking the fact that it is small and lacks amenities. In
the end, the sale is completed to the satisfaction of all as none have had to reveal the truth
behind negotiating the sale.
(c) Passive characters are often considered ‘weak’ and ‘uninteresting,’ but can also be the true
driving force of a story. Do you feel that the maid and Jeanne were the driving force of this
play? Rationalise with evidence from the play.
Ans. The maid is a go-getter who enhances her earnings by enacting a maid’s role in a film shoot
at the Joinville Studio. She even suggests that her employer takes on the cook’s role in the
Literature Textbook 319
same, casting aside the prejudiced upper class mentality towards film acting. While her
husband is buying the villa for pulling it down he pretends that it is for his wife’s people and
Jeanne wants to live in it as its owner. They, therefore, exercise rationality by stating their
intentions clearly. On the other hand , Gaston, though openly ridiculing the building, buys
to trade it off to the American buyer, and Julliette sells it off having made a bargain deal.
The sale, therefore, brings out the true characteristics of the people in the play.
7. Select words from the box to describe the characters in the play as revealed by the following lines.
You may take the words from the box given on the next page.

Lines from the Play Speaker Quality revealed

a. One hundred thousand francs if necessary and that’s only twice what it greedy
cost me.
b. If you don’t want the house, tell me so at once and we’ll say no more
about it.
c. No! I am very fond of your family, but not quite so fond as that. Gaston
d. Quite so. I have, but you haven’t.
e. I have never cared such a damned little about anybody’s opinion.
f. On the principle of people who like children and haven’t any can always
go and live near a school.
g. The garden is not very large, but you see, it is surrounded by other Julliette
h. I will be philanthropic and let you have it for two hundred thousand
i. I have been thinking a lot about your Papa and Mamma. You see, I am clever
really unselfish.

cunning, clever, witty, smart, innocent, humorous,

haughty, overbearing, critical, domineering, disapproving, materialistic,
dishonest, practical, greedy, cruel, boastful.

Ans. (a) Julliette – greedy (b) Jeanne – critical

(c) Gaston – disapproving (d) Gaston – domineering
(e) Gaston – haughty, overbearing (f) Gaston – witty
(g) Julliette – cunning (h) Julliette – boastful
(i) Gaston – clever

Listening Task
8. You are Jeanne. After coming home you realize that the Villa was not actually bought and your
husband has fooled both you and the landlady of the Villa. You are filled with rage, disgust and
helplessness because of your husband’s betrayal. Write your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
Ans. 13 July 19XX, Monday 10:10 p.m.
Dear Diary
I am deeply hurt, angry and disgusted at this betrayal by Gaston. Once again he has surprised me. I
have always known him as a selfish person. He loves money more than anything else in the world. But
320 Together with® English Communicative—9
today, he gave me the biggest shock of my life. I was eager to buy a villa mainly for the comfort of my
aged parents. When Gaston handed over the cheque, I felt so grateful to him and decided to trust
him in future. I coaxed him to tell me the truth behind his sudden change of mind. Finally, he told
me that he had sold the villa to some Mrs Al Smith for three hundred thousand francs before even
buying it. He was very happy that he had earned a hundred thousand francs by acting smart. But I call
it dishonesty and deception. He had betrayed me as well as Julliette. I hate him!

Solved question bank

R C Reference-to-Context Questions
1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
But the sign has been hanging on the gate for over a month now and I am beginning to be afraid that the
day I bought it was when I was the real fool.
(a) Who is the speaker in the above lines?
(b) What sign has been hanging on the gate for more than a month?
(c) Why does the speaker call herself a ‘fool’?
(d) Who is the listener here?
Ans. (a) Julliette is the speaker here.
(b) The sign ‘Villa for Sale’ has been hanging on the gate for more than a month.
(c) Julliette calls herself a ‘fool’ because the villa which she has bought is difficult to sell now.
Moreover, she has paid more than the villa is worth.
(d) The listener is the maid.
2. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
But still... there are moments in life when it’s the right time to buy, but it’s never the right time to sell.
(a) Identify the speaker of these lines.
(b) Explain—‘it’s never the right time to sell’.
(c) What does these lines tell about the financial condition of the speaker?
(d) Explain the line mentioned in the extract.
Ans. (a) The speaker of these lines is Julliette.
(b) It means that one is forced to sell one’s property only when one does not have the right time.
(c) These lines tell that once the speaker had enough money and never wanted to sell the villa.
(d) The above line means that no particular time is the right time to sell any property.
3. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
They want a cook in the film as well. They asked me if I knew of anybody suitable. You said just now,
Madame, that times were hard… Would you like me to get you to engagement?
(a) Who refer to ‘they’?
(b) Who is the speaker here?
(c) Who said to whom ‘times were hard’?
(d) What did Julliette’s maid say about the engagement?
Ans. (a) ‘They’ refer to the people at Joinvilla Studio.
(b) Julliette’s maid is the speaker here.
Literature Textbook 321
(c) Julliette told the maid that ‘times were hard’.
(d) Julliette’s maid said that she had already talked to the people at the studio about her role as a
cook in the film and she was waiting for the response only.
4. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
Why should I? I don’t want to see the kitchen to know that the garden is a myth and that the salon is
(a) Who is the speaker of these lines?
(b) Why is the speaker not interested to see the kitchen and the salon?
(c) Explain—‘The garden is a myth’.
(d) Give the meaning of the word ‘myth’.
Ans. (a) Gaston is the speaker of these lines.
(b) The speaker does not like the garden. Hence, he does not want to see the kitchen and the salon.
(c) The garden is too small to be called a garden. So, the speaker called it a myth.
(d) Myth means ‘false belief’.
5. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
What’s more they would bring the whole tribe of your sister’s children with them.
(a) Who is the speaker and what is the occasion?
(b) What is the speaker’s fear?
(c) What does the expression ‘whole tribe’ indicate?
(d) What attitude does the speaker have towards his wife’s family?
Ans. (a) Gaston is the speaker. He has come to see a villa which is for sale.
(b) The speaker fears that his wife’s parents and her sister’s children would come to stay in the villa.
(c) The expression ‘whole tribe’ indicates too many children hence, too much of nuisance.
(d) The speaker has a strong dislike for his wife, Jeanne’s parents and her sister’s children.
6. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
I can tell by just looking at you that it would suit you admirably, as you suit it, if you will permit me to say
(a) Who is addressing to whom?
(b) What does ‘it’ refer to?
(c) What does it reveal about the speaker?
(d) What did Julliette want to convey to Jeanne through this extract?
Ans. (a) Julliette is addressing to Jeanne and Gaston.
(b) ‘It’ refers to Julliette’s villa.
(c) It reveals that the speaker is a master of flattery.
(d) Julliette paid Jeanne a compliment saying that the villa with a charm of its own would suit her
as admirably as she would suit the villa.
7. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
I repeat, that I would much rather dispose of it less than its value to people like yourselves, than to give it
up, even for more money, to someone who I didn’t like.
(a) Who speaks these lines to whom?
(b) What does ‘it’ refer to here?
(c) What does the speaker think of the villa?
(d) What is the listener’s view about the price of the villa?
Ans. (a) Julliette is speaking these lines to Gaston.
(b) ‘It’ refers to the villa here.
322 Together with® English Communicative—9
(c) The speaker thinks that the price of the villa is too high.
(d) The listener also thinks that the price is exorbitant.
8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
You are an exception. Frenchmen usually have to consult about ten people before they get a move on.
Listen! Do you or don’t you want to sell this house?
(a) Who is speaking and to whom?
(b) What do the Frenchmen do before doing anything new?
(c) What did Mrs Al Smith say to Gaston regarding the villa?
(d) Find out a word from the extract opposite in meaning to ‘acceptance’.
Ans. (a) Mrs Al Smith is speaking to Gaston.
(b) The Frenchmen usually consult about ten people before doing anything new.
(c) Mrs Al Smith told Gaston whether he wanted to sell that house.
(d) exception
9. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
You folk are queer. You think about the past all the time. We always think about the future.
(a) What did ‘you folk’ and ‘we’ stand for in the above lines?.
(b) Who is the speaker of these lines?
(c) How does the listener react to the speaker’s comment?
(d) What character trait of the speaker is revealed in this extract?
Ans. (a) ‘You folk’ stand for the French and ‘we’ stand for the Americans.
(b) Mrs Al Smith is the speaker here.
(c) The Americans hardly had any past.
(d) Snobbery is revealed here.
10. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
Not at all. Only one thing. As I am not arguing about the price, as I am not bargaining with you ... well,
you must be nice to me, you must allow me to keep this little picture which has kept me company while
you and my wife went upstairs.
(a) Who is speaking these lines?
(b) What did Gaston tell Julliette?
(c) Why did Gaston tell Julliette to keep the little picture?
(d) Find out a word from the extract similar in meaning to ‘assert’.
Ans. (a) Gaston is speaking these lines.
(b) Gaston told Julliette that he was not bargaining about the price of the villa with him.
(c) Gaston told Julliette to keep the little picture to refresh such a glorious moment in his memory.
It will always remind him of the villa.
(d) ‘to argue’

S Short Answer Type Questions
1. Give a brief description of the villa.
Ans. According to Julliette, the villa is small but it has a charm of its own. It is at a stone’s throw from
Joinvilla, the French Hollywood. It is well-equipped with all the amenities like electricity, gas, water,
telephone and drainage. It boasts of a bathroom with a bath. It has two large bedrooms and a small
one on the first floor. It also has two servants’ rooms. Though its garden is modest, but it is surrounded
by beautiful gardens of the neighbours.
Literature Textbook 323
2. What efforts does Julliette make to sell off her villa?
Ans. Julliette put up a signboard to let everyone know that the villa was for sale. She contacted an agency
to sent her interested people to buy the villa. She praised her villa saying that the place had a charm
of its own.
3. Describe the location of the villa and the behaviour of the people in the neighbourhood.
Ans. The villa is located in France. It is quite close to Joinville, the French Hollywood. The local people
want to act in films as films pay them well. Because of its location, film acting is quite looked up to in
the area.
4. Why did Julliette put up the ‘For Sale’ sign after it was dark?
Ans. Julliette put up the sign after the dark so that no prospective buyer would read it and the house would
belong to her for one more night. Moreover, she expected a number of customers keenly interested
in buying her villa.
5. How did Julliette flatter Jeanne?
Ans. Julliette paid Jeanne a compliment by saying that the villa with a charm of its own would suit her
admirably as she would suit the villa. She said that Jeanne already appeared to be at home in the villa.
She also said that it was not easy to find an adequate frame for a delightful pastel. She meant to say
that the graceful villa suits an elegant lady like Jeanne.
6. What do Gaston and Jeanne argue about? Why?
Ans. Gaston knows very well that Jeanne wants to buy the villa for her parents and her sister’s children. He
does not like her family to that extent that he may buy a house for them. Moreover, he does not see
any profit in the deal. So he does not want to buy it. It makes them argue with each other.
7. Who is Mrs Al Smith? Why does she want to buy the villa?
Ans. Mrs Al Smith is an American film star. The villa is near the Paramount Film Centre where she is going
to shoot some films. She wants to buy the villa for its land. She wishes to knock down the villa and
build a bungalow there in its place.
8. What makes Gaston buy the villa?
Ans. Gaston is a shrewd businessman. He does nothing without earning profit in it. So he doesn’t want to
buy the villa in the beginning. Rather he projected it as an absolutely worthless house. But when Mrs
Al Smith buys the villa from him at a high price, he buys it at a lower price from Julliette on a back
date and makes a profit of one hundred thousand francs on it. He becomes keenly interested in buying
it in order to become its real owner to legalise his deal with the lady.
9. What did Julliette expect as she put up the villa for sale?
Ans. Julliette was very proud of her villa. It was also very close to Joinville, the French Hollywood. Hence,
she expected that the entire world would be interested in the property. She imagined people fighting
with each other to buy such a lovely villa at such a reasonable price.
10. Why did Gaston quote as low as sixty thousand francs for the villa?
Ans. Gaston was a shrewd businessman. He was in no mood to spend money for the comforts of his in-laws.
Hence, he made a humiliatingly low offer to Julliette so that she herself would refuse to sell off the
villa to them. In this way, he would not be pressurised by Jeanne to buy it.
11. What does Julliette’s maid suggest to her and why?
Ans. Julliette’s maid is aware of her weak financial condition. She suggests to her to act as a cook in the
film centre as it means easy and quick money and fame. She mocks Julliette about her face, hair style
and poverty. It shows that she is not kind and sympathetic to Julliette.
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12. Why, according to Julliette, was it not a good time to sell the villa?
Ans. According to Julliette for fifteen years in the past, business was good and people had enough money.
That is why nobody wanted to sell the villa. The scenario has changed. Now, business is as bad as can
be and times are hard. Nobody has money so nobody wants to buy.
13. Why does Julliette claim to be philanthropic? How does Gaston react to her remark?
Ans. Julliette claims to be philanthropic as she is sacrificing her villa at a throwaway price just to help Mr
Gaston and Jeanne. On hearing this, Gaston says that he would reciprocate this generosity and would
let her keep the villa for the same price.
14. How did Julliette try to convince Mr Gaston and Jeanne that the villa was worth buying?
Ans. Julliette counted the many advantages the villa possessed to please Mr Gaston and Jeanne. She said
that the place had a charm of its own. The villa had electricity, gas, water, telephone and drainage.
She was ready to sell the villa entirely furnished with all the fixtures.
15. What did Julliette mean by “The choice of a frame is not so easy when you have such a delightful
pastel to place in it”?
Ans. Julliette paid Jeanne a compliment saying that the villa with a charm of its own would suit her
admirably as she would suit the villa. She wanted to say that beautiful Jeanne needed a good setting
that will compliment her beauty just as the beauty of a painting is enhanced by its frame.
16. Why was Mrs Al Smith not interested in seeing the house?
Ans. Mrs Al Smith wished to buy a house near Paramount Studio where she was going to shoot some films.
She wanted to knockdown the villa and build a bunglow in its place. Hence, she was not interested in
going over the house to see it.
17. Why did Gaston feel interested in buying the villa that he was finding faults earlier?
Ans. Gaston did not want to spend money on a villa which would be occupied by his in-laws. He criticised
the villa as absolutely worthless. But, when he sold off the villa to Mrs Al Smith and made a profit of
one hundred thousand francs, he became keenly interested in buying it in order to become its legal
18. Why did Gaston say to Julliette to leave the villa latest by tomorrow evening?
Ans. Gaston had already sold the villa to Al Smith without Julliette’s knowledge. Mrs Al Smith wanted the
house to be vacated by tomorrow. Gaston wanted to handover the vacated house to Mrs Al Smith. So,
Gaston told Julliette to leave the villa latest by tomorrow evening.
19. What idea do you get about Mrs Al Smith from her conversation with Gaston?
Ans. Mrs Al Smith is an actress who has already made up her mind to buy the villa. She projects herself a
busy and a rich person who doesn’t have a single second to waste. She criticizes the French people
and says that they have no business sense. She holds French people in poor esteem. She seems to
be very snobbish and presumptuous.
20. How was the villa sold for three hundred thousand francs by Gaston?
Ans. Mrs Al Smith mistook Gaston as the owner of the house. She was in a hurry and didn’t want to go over
the house to see it. Gaston took advantage of this misunderstanding and saw a business opportunity
in this confusion. He quoted the price as three thousand francs for the villa which Mrs Al Smith
agreed readily. In this way he sold the villa with a profit of one hundred thousand francs.
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21. Why did Gaston sign the cheque given to Julliette with the date 23rd and ask Mrs Al Smith to sign it
with the date 24th even though it was the same day?
Ans. Gaston used his presence of mind. He made Julliette sign for 23rd as the property would then belong
to him from that day onwards. Since the property belonged to him on 24th he could easily sell it to
Mrs Al Smith for extra hundred thousand francs. It this way, he made a clever move and earned a
whooping profit on a property which did not belong to him.
22. Gaston emerged as a winner at the end. Explain.
Ans. Yes, Gaston emerged as a clear winner towards the end of the play ‘Villa for Sale’. With his business
acumen and shrewd calculation, he managed to make a profit of one hundred thousand francs on a
property he never owned. He also gained possession of a prized painting by an artist called Carot.
He was able to evade living with his wife’s family in the villa as he deftly sold it to another buyer.
23. “On the principle of people who like children and haven’t any, can always go and live near a school.”
Explain this comment made by Gaston.
Ans. Gaston made this comment in response to Julliette’s observation that even though the garden of the
villa was very small yet it made no difference as it was surrounded by other gardens. In harmony
with this line of thought, people who don’t have children of their own but like children very much,
can go and live near a school.
24. Why did the maid agree to act in the film?
Ans. The maid agreed to act in the film to add to her earnings. Her mistress, Julliette gave her a fixed
salary but she could earn much more by acting daily for an hour only. Moreover, film acting was
quite looked up to in that area and films paid well to the local people.
25. Justify the title of the play, “Villa for Sale’.
Ans. The title of the play, ‘Villa for Sale’ is quite apt and justified. The entire drama revolves around the
villa of Julliette. She is looking for a proper buyer to purchase it. Although Jeanne wants to purchase
this villa but its high price disappoints him. But whenever a good deal is made between him and
Mrs Al Smith, he gets ready to buy it from Julliette. This way he earns one hundred thousand in
the bargain.

L Long Answer Type Questions

1. How can you save yourself from people like Gaston?

Ans. People like Gaston are shrewd, calculating, business-minded and opportunist. They thrive on cheating
which they call shrewd business sense.
Gaston with her shrewd business sense and presence of mind makes a deal and sells the villa much
before becoming the real owner of the villa. He also makes a profit of hundred thousand francs.
We should be cautious about such type of people and before dealing with them we should properly
investigate about them. We can save ourselves by becoming vigilant from these types of cheats.
Gaston is more of a shameless cheat than a smart businessman. A smart businessman has certain
business ethics and values that he never compromise on, although his chief motive is also profit
2. ‘Villa for Sale’ teaches us some morals and values. Discuss.
Ans. ‘Villa for Sale’ brings out the pretentious nature of human beings. Julliette is a clever, persuasive and
a hardcore businesswoman. She uses all her business tactics to get rid of the villa. She even resorts
to flattery. Gaston’s character teaches us not to be cunning, greedy and arrogant. Mrs Al Smith is
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snobbish and too proud of her riches and American identity. She is also too conscious of her star
status and her scant regards for the feelings of others. Her extravagance in buying the villa warns us
against such pride. We can save ourselves by becoming vigilant from these types of cheats.
3. Did the maid and Julliette share a modest and frank relationship in the play ‘Villa For Sale’? Give
reasons for your answer.
Ans. The maid and Julliette shared a comfortable and friendly relationship with each other. Julliette was
not hesitant in discussing her problems with the maid. In the beginning, the discussion about the
villa and the financial problem portray that they share a relationship of two equals. When the maid
suggested her to get a role of cook in film and called her comical, Julliette was not offended. She
took the comment in a positive manner and was talking to the maid politely. Relationships are built
on respect, trust and the way we treat each other and the same could be seen between the maid
and Julliette. She trusted the maid and therefore, asked her to take care of the visitors when she
was upstairs. Also she respected the concern of her maid and did not get upset and listened to her
suggestions carefully.
4. ‘All days are not the same’. Justify this statement with reference to the play ‘Villa for Sale’.
Ans. The statement is absolutely true. Every day brings new hope and new challenges. When we work hard
to fulfil something we receive failures too, but one day, we become successful. In the story ‘Villa for
Sale’, Gaston would not have thought of facing a situation where he would earn huge profit from the
villa he did not own. Not every day he got such opportunities.
On the other hand, Julliette had been trying to sell the villa for almost a month. She also succeeded
in selling the villa and that too at her demanded price.
5. Do you agree that Mrs Al Smith is the representative of the American outlook? How?
Ans. Yes, I do agree that Mrs Al Smith is the true representative of the American outlook. Americans don’t
have time to waste, they are always in a hurry. She is also in a hurry and says that hold ups and delays
upset her. She takes pride in saying that Americans only think about the future whereas the French
stick to the past. She complains that the French people have a queer way of doing business. They
usually consult ten people before they decide on anything. She is proud of her culture and critical
of the French. She seems to have a superiority complex for the American race as compared to the
Europeans. Throughout her very brisk, short conversation that she had with Gaston, number of times,
she mentioned about the superior ways of thinking and working of the Americans, so much so that
she suggested that Europeans must copy the Americans more often.
6. Imagine you are Gaston. Write a letter to your father telling him how chance and intelligent thinking
helped you to make a huge profit.
Ans. 99, Joinville
26 January 20XX
Dear Papa
I am thrilled today as I have struck upon a deal in which I have made a huge profit. You know that
Jeanne is crazy about villas. Only for her satisfaction, I went along to have a look at a villa near
The owner of the villa was a smart lady, she demanded two hundred thousand francs for the villa. I
felt that was quite a high amount. When Jeanne had gone upstairs to see the first floor of the villa, an
American actress, Mrs Al Smith came to buy the villa. She seemed to be in a hurry and mistook me
as the owner of the house. She asked for the price of the villa. Realising it as a good opportunity to
make a profit I quoted three hundred thousand francs, the price of the villa. She quickly handed over
the cheque to me. I signed a cheque of two hundred thousand francs and gave it to Julliette, the real
Literature Textbook 327
owner of the villa. In this way, I made a profit of hundred thousand francs with my intelligent thinking.
I hope you will appreciate my presence of mind. See you soon Papa.
Yours lovingly
7. You are Gaston. After the incident your wife Jeanne left you and now she is staying with her parents.
Write a letter to her expressing your repentance over the issue and requesting her to come back.
Ans. 99, Joinville
29 January 20XX
My Dear Jeanne
I am unhappy and lonely without you. Jeanne, I have realised my mistake and I am ashamed of my
I was well aware that you wanted that villa for your parents. I went inside to see the villa just to humour
you. I was not interested in spending that much amount so I started finding faults with the villa.
The moment I came across Mrs Al Smith I sense profit, I could not refrain myself from making the
deal with her.
Believe me darling, I had no intention of hurting you or anyone else. I just tried to grab the opportunity
that came my way. I will surely undo the wrong. I promise you that I will buy an equally elegant
house for you. Your parents and your sister’s children will always be welcomed there. But please
come back!
Waiting for you!
8. Suppose you are Julliette. You are happy that you have sold the villa for a good price. Share you
feelings with your diary.
Ans. 29 January 20XX
9:30 p.m.
Dear Diary,
Today I am very happy and want to share my happiness with you. Finally, I sold my villa for two hundred
thousand francs. I was tensed for quite a few days as the sign for sale was hanging for more than a
month and no one was turning up to buy this villa. I just wanted to get this wretched place off my
hands so I was ready to sell it at lower price.
Today a couple called Gaston and Jeanne came to see the house. I could make out that Jeanne was
very interested in the villa whereas Gaston was completely against it. I used all sorts of tactics to
convince them the house was worth buying. I took Jeanne upstairs to show the upper floor to her.
When we came down her husband said that he wanted to buy the house. I was surprised as well as
happy. I sold the house to them. Now I can sleep well.
Good Night!
9. Give a brief character sketch of Jeanne.
Ans. Jeanne is a nice and simple lady. She is an idealistic person. She knows the value of relationships.
She wants to buy a villa so that her parents can come and stay with her. She hopes that her husband
Gaston will fall in with her wishes. Her conversations with Julliette show that she is kind-hearted
and friendly person. She is exactly the opposite of her husband who is cunning and opportunist.
She is naive enough to believe Gaston has changed his mind when he says that he wants to buy the

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