Inventory Audit Work Program
Inventory Audit Work Program
Inventory Audit Work Program
1. Review prior audit report and relevant press releases
2. Obtain completed inventory internal control
questionnaire from the plant controller. Document
any potential control weaknesses or unusual
practices and investigate upon arrival.
3. Obtain and document the following as of the audit
a) Trial Balance
b) Manufacturing Statement (YTD)
c) Manufacturing Budget (YTD)
d) Date of Last Physical
e) Cycle Counting Accuracy History
f) Inventory Turnover, Days Sales in
Inventory, Margin
g) Date and Scope of External Auditor's Most
Recent Visit
h) Detail of Excess and Obsolete Inventory
i) Detail of Inventory Held on Consignment
j) Detail of Inventory Held at Subcontractor
and Outside Vendor
k) Type of Inventory System
l) Size of Facility (Square Footage)
m) Primary products
n) Top Five Customers and Competitors
4. Ensure financial statement trial balance agrees with Verify with
the trial balance maintained by the facility. Obtain WH Keeper
explanations for any differences with the plant &
controller upon arrival. Accounting
5. Obtain and quantify in ACL the following reports as of
the audit date:
a) Inventory Aging Report Verify
b) Perpetual Inventory Listing Verify
c) All Open Work Orders NA
1. Interview employees associated with the receiving
process in order to gain an understanding. Map this
process and include all applicable financial journal
1. Obtain and review information supporting the most
recent wall-to-wall physical inventory. Ensure
quantities on hand were not known to counters prior
to the physical. Document compliance with corporate
2. Complete the physical inventory checklist.
Document control gaps, if any.
3. Document book-to-physical adjustments for the
past three years. Inquire as to whether or not the
adjustments were investigated prior to correcting
entries being made. Document your understanding of
this process. Determine when and if the adjustments
were capitalized or expensed and if they were
4. Evaluate propriety of reconciling items between the
perpetual inventory listings and the G/L account
balances. Examine supporting documentation for
each item individually greater than 2.5% of the
inventory account balance (or 50% of the items if
none individually exceed 2.5%, but the aggregate
exceeds 5%.)
5. Obtain, review and document policies and
procedures surrounding cycle counts. Observe two
cycle counts and document the following:
a) What was counted and how it was selected
For facilities using a standard costing system, perform the
1. Document procedures for developing current year
standards (raw material, labor and overhead) and the
date of the most recent development. Document
compliance with corporate policy.
2. On a sample basis (minimum of 30), test the
accuracy of the standards by performing the
a) Examine recent invoices supporting raw
material component
b) Examine payroll-related information
supporting labor component, if applicable
c) Examine overhead estimate. Recalculate
based on available information
3. On a sample basis, examine the method and
accuracy of recording standard to actual variances.
Obtain explanations for standard to actual variances
greater than the budgeted amount as of audit date.
Examine entries to record variances and document
whether the variances were capitalized or expensed.
For facilities not using a standard costing system,
perform the following:
1. Document procedures for developing current year
labor and overhead amounts.
2. Examine (minimum of 30) recent invoices
supporting raw materials, and the raw material
component of WIP and FG. Document results by
quantifying unit cost variances and extrapolating to
3. Recalculate labor and overhead calculations and
compare to amounts capitalized. Document
limitations in ability to recalculate.
1. Based on ACL reports, document inventory greater
than 180, 270 and 360 days.
1. Document policies and procedures for consigned
inventory. At a minimum, address the following items:
a) Existence of perpetual detail
b) Method of reporting, recording and verifying
c) Method of accounting for scrap
d) Results of recent physical counts
2. Document compliance with corporate policy on
consigned inventories.
1. Document method for accounting for inventory scrap.
At a minimum, address the following:
a) Method used to quantify
b) Method used to cost
c) Method used to dispose
2. Through inquiry and observation, ensure that scrap
proceeds are collected from the scrap vendor
promptly after the collection of scrap materials.
3. Through inquiry and observation, ensure that approval
is granted before materials are sent to scrap.
4. Through inquiry and observation, ensure that
accounting and the warehouse verify the weight of
the scrap materials.
5. Through inquiry and observation, verify that scrap
vendors are selected through a bidding process.
1. Through inquiry and observation confirm that
management corrective action plans have been
implemented. If not, obtain explanation(s) and
consider the necessity of including in current year
audit report.
Evaluate controls in place over inventory functions, such as cycle counting, customer
returns, physical security, shipping and receiving.
Evaluate overall efficiency of the inventory management process.
Provide management team with cost effective suggestions to improve the general control
environment as well as to increase operating efficiency.
Write-off authorization
Audit Objectives
Executive Summary
Objectives & Scope Statement
Background (in general and for each process)
Summary of Procedures Performed
Detailed Findings & Recommendations
(organized by area/process/significance)
Action Matrix
Follow-Up Procedures
Appendix: Process Maps
3. Review draft report in closing meeting with all
process owners. All findings and recommendations
should have been discussed prior to the closing