Doctrine of Ratio Decidendi - Meaning, Case Laws & Analysis
Doctrine of Ratio Decidendi - Meaning, Case Laws & Analysis
Doctrine of Ratio Decidendi - Meaning, Case Laws & Analysis
The need for the law emerges whenever the conflict arises in a
society; the so-called “conflict” is the ramification of the difference
of opinion in the shared ideas. Thus disputes and confrontation of
ideas in society have led to the promulgation of the law in order to
obviate unnecessary chaos in a community. The vast array of
definitions and interpretations of law are available, but the catchall
connotation is that law prescribes the rightful conduct and
comportment of a person in a society. The sources of such a legal
framework include customs, legislation, and precedents. The
customs and beliefs as being the bedrock of primitive society have
contributed to the outgrowth of legal practice in the name of
customary law. The same is the Opino Juris accepted by a
community of people and have been prevailing for a prolonged
period in a locale. While legislation is the set of laws promulgated by
the legislature and executed by the executive in accordance with
which the judicial system performs.
A latter source is the precedents: the judicial system allows the
judges to interpret and perform productive works to permeate the
lacuna in existing legislation, which they think incompetent to the
status quo. Such decisions made by the judge as per their own
sense of rights and wrongs will guide future cases with similar facts.
Thus, the precedents are the guide that can be followed for future
similar cases. The binding authority of precedents never goes
incapable unless and until it ultra vires any of the existing statutes.
Universally, every precedent consists of Ratio Decidendi and Obiter
dicta among which the former is considered to be the rule of the
court, and the same alone is binding.
Types of Precedent:
Article 141 of the Indian constitution prescribes that all courts are
binding to the law declared by the Apex court. Since the precedents
are mean to offer clarity over the existing law of the land by
elucidating its vagueness, the constitution has propounded the
binding nature of the precedent in India.
Case facts
Application of legislations to settle the dispute, and
Order or judgment.
The authority of decision qua precedent lies on its ratio Decidendi.
Thus, the confrontation of the legislation alone should take into
account regardless of the dispute in facts. In general, a judicial
decision is a composition of three parts, namely, Ratio
Decidendi, Res Judicata, and Obiter Dicta.
A judgment contains,
[1] (1880) 13 Ch D 774.
[2] [1993] 1 SCC 645.