ECS Subcontract Data Editable
ECS Subcontract Data Editable
ECS Subcontract Data Editable
Construction Subcontract A
Subcontract Data
This agreement is made between the Client, the Contractor and the Named Suppliers.
Terms in this deed have the meanings given to them in the contract between . . . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . .
. . . . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . (the works).
The Client and the Contractor have entered into a contract for the works.
The Named Suppliers have entered into contracts with the Contractor or a Subcontractor in connection
with the works.
The Contractor has established a Project Bank Account to make provision for payment to the
Contractor and the Named Suppliers.
• sums due to the Contractor and Named Suppliers and set out in the Authorisation are held in
trust in the Project Bank Account by the Contractor for distribution to the Contractor and Named
Suppliers in accordance with the banking arrangements applicable to the Project Bank Account,
• further Named Suppliers may be added as parties to this deed with the agreement of the Client
and Contractor. The agreement of the Client and Contractor is treated as agreement by the Named
Suppliers who are parties to this deed,
• this deed is subject to the law of the contract for the works,
Executed as a deed on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Contractor)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Named
This agreement is made between the Client, the Contractor and . . . . . . . . . (the Additional
Terms in this deed have the meanings given to them in the contract between . . . . . . . . . . . . and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (the works).
The Client and the Contractor have entered into a contract for the works.
The Named Suppliers have entered into contracts with the Contractor or a Subcontractor in
connection with the works.
The Contractor has established a Project Bank Account to make provision for payment to the
Contractor and the Named Suppliers.
The Client, the Contractor and the Named Suppliers have entered into a deed as set out in
Annex 1 (the Trust Deed), and have agreed that the Additional Supplier may join that deed.
• the Additional Supplier becomes a party to the Trust Deed from the date set out below,
• this deed is subject to the law of the contract for the works,
Executed as a deed on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Client)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Contractor)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Additional Supplier)
Subcontract Data
Completion of the data in full, according to the Options chosen, is essential to create a
complete contract.
1 General
The conditions of subcontract are the core clauses and the clauses for the following main
Option, the Option for resolving and avoiding disputes and secondary Options of the
NEC4 Engineering and Construction Subcontract June 2017
Secondary Options
The subcontract
works are
The Contractor is
3 Time
If the Contractor has decided The subcontract completion date for the whole of the
the subcontract completion subcontract works is
date for the whole of the
subcontract works
Taking over the subcontract The Contractor is / is not willing to take over the subcontract
works before the Subcontract works before the Subcontract Completion Date.
Completion Date (Delete as applicable)
4 Quality management
The period after the Subcontract Date within which the
Subcontractor is to submit a quality policy statement and
quality plan is
5 Payment
The interest rate is % per annum (not less than 2) above the
If the period in which The period within which payments are made is
payments are made is not
four weeks and Y(UK)2 is
not used
If Option C or D is used The Subcontractor’s share percentages and the share ranges are
from % to % %
from % to % %
greater than % %
• the number of days with minimum air temperature less than 0 degrees Celsius
The weather data are the records of past weather measurements for each calendar month
Where no recorded data are Assumed values for the ten year weather return weather data for each weather
available measurement for each calendar month are
If Option A or B is used The value engineering percentage is 50%, unless another percentage %
is stated here, in which case it is
The minimum amount of cover for insurance against loss of or damage to property
(except the subcontract works, Plant and Materials and Equipment) and liability for
bodily injury to or death of a person (not an employee of the Subcontractor) arising from
or in connection with the Subcontractor Providing the Subcontract Works for any one
event is
The minimum amount of cover for insurance against death and of or bodily injury to
employees of the Subcontractor arising out of and in the course of their employment in
connection with the subccontract for any one event is
If the Client or Contractor is to The insurance against loss of or damage to the subcontract works, Plant and Materials is to include
provide Plant and Materials cover for Plant and Materials provided by the Client or Contractor for an amount of
If the Client or Contractor is The Client or Contractor provides these insurances from the Insurance Table
to provide any of the
insurances stated in the
Insurance Table (1) Insurance against
If additional insurances are The Client or Contractor provides these additional insurances
to be provided
(1) Insurance against
The tribunal is
The person or organisation who will choose an arbitrator if the Parties cannot agree a
choice or if the arbitration procedure does not state who selects an arbitrator is
Name (1)
X1: Price adjustment for inflation (used only with Options A, B, C and D)
If Option X1 is used The proportions used to calculate the Price Adjustment Factor are
0. non-adjustable
on (date)
If Option X6 is used with The bonus for each section of the subcontract works is
Option X5
section description amount per day
subcontract works
If no information execution The period after the Subcontract Date within which the Subcontractor is to submit a first
plan is identified in part two Information Execution Plan for acceptance is
of the Subcontract Data
The minimum amount of insurance cover for claims made against the Subcontractor
arising out of its failure to use the skill and care normally
used by professionals providing information similar to
the Project Information is, in respect of each claim
The period following Completion of the whole of the subcontract works or earlier
termination for which the Subcontractor maintains
insurance for claims made against it arising out of its
failure to use the skill and care is
The period after the Subcontract Date from which the Subcontractor repays the
instalments in assessments is
Advanced payment bond An advanced payment bond is / is not reqired. (Delete as applicable)
X16: Retention
Retention bond The Subcontractor may / may not give the Contractor a retention bond. (Delete as applicable)
The end of liability date is years after the Completion of the whole of the
subcontract works
If Option X20 is used The incentive schedule for Key Performance Indicators is in
If Option Y(UK)2 is used and The period for payment is days after the date on which payment becomes
the final date for payment is due
not fourteen days after the
date on which payment
becomes due
1 General
The Subcontractor is
Name (1)
Name (2)
3 Time
If the Subcontractor is to The subcontract completion date for the whole of the
decide the completion date subcontract works is
for the whole of the
subcontract works
5 Payment
Name (1)
Name (2)
Data for the Schedule of Cost Components (used only with Options C, D or E)
The listed items of Equipment purchased for work on the contract, with an on cost charge,
Equipment rate
The rates for Defined Cost of manufacture and fabrication outside the Workings Areas by
the Subcontactor are
The categories of design people whose travelling expenses to and from the Working Areas
are included as a cost of design of the works and Equipment done outside the Working
Areas are
Data for the Short Schedule of Cost Components (used only with Options A or B)
The people rates are
Equipment rate
The rates for Defined Cost of design outside the Workings Areas are
The categories of design people whose traveling expenses to and from the Working Areas are
included in Defined Cost are