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C.coek - Info Glass-Recycling
C.coek - Info Glass-Recycling
Glass Recycling
Thomas D. Dyer
Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
Handbook of Recycling
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-396459-5.00014-3 191 Copyright Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
achieve optical clarity. However, the composi- silica, 13% boron trioxide oxide (B2O3), 4% so-
tion is usually not dissimilar to container glass. dium oxide and 2% alumina (Al2O3) (Edgar
There is typically a proportion of magnesium et al., 2008). Borosilicate glasses are also used
oxide (MgO), which is largely absent from in scientific and medical glassware.
container glass.
Glass fiber can take two forms. Continuous-
filament glass fiber can be used as reinforcement 14.3 GLASS MANUFACTURE
in composite materials as well as, in woven
form, in protective clothing and electrical insu- Glass is manufactured by melting a suitable
lation (Edgar et al., 2008). Glass wool is finer combination of raw materials in a furnace and
and tends to be used in applications such as using various processes to form it before it is
building insulation. Glass wool is usually based cooled. A wide variety of raw materials are
on soda-limeesilicate formulations. However, used, but, in soda-limeesilicate glass, the most
continuous-filament glass fiber can have a range commonly encountered materials are silica
of compositions depending on the purpose sand (SiO2), soda ash (sodium carbonate,
the fiber is to be put to. High stiffness fibers Na2CO2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3). In bo-
(“E-glass”) are normally composed of alumino- rosilicate glasses, boron trioxide is obtained
borosilicate glass. Raising the alumina content from borax (Na2B4O7$10H2O). Al2O3 is obtained
leads to higher strengths (“S-glass”), whilst from feldspar minerals or alumina derived from
reducing it leads to enhanced corrosion resis- refinement of bauxite.
tance (Shelby, 1997). A wide variety of techniques are available for
The type of glass used in vehicles depends on manufacturing glass articles. This includes the
where it is used, although it is normally soda- automated blowing of glass containers in split
limeesilicate. Windshields are composed of molds, the manufacture of flat glass through the
laminated glass, whereas side and rear win- float glass method (molten glass is floated over
dows are normally tempered glass. a bath of molten tin) and the manufacture of fibers
The composition of glass components used through rotary wool forming (where centrifugal
in electronic equipment also varies. Conven- force is used to force molten glass through very
tional light bulbs are normally made from fine holes in a rotating drum) and mechanical
soda-limeesilicate glass, although fluorescent drawing, where molten glass is allowed to flow
lighting tubes and low-energy bulbs are usually under the action of gravity through holes in a
made from borosilicate glass. Cathode ray tubes platinum plate (known as a “bushing”) and the
(CRTs), although becoming less common, are of resulting filaments wound together into a strand
a similar composition, but contain quantities of that is, in turn, wound onto a drum (Bralla, 2007).
metals such as barium, strontium, zirconium
and lead (Edgar et al., 2008). CRTs are progres-
sively being replaced by alternative screen tech- 14.4 GLASS RECOVERY FOR REUSE
nologies such as liquid crystal display (LCD) AND RECYCLING
screens, which usually contain borosilicate
glass substrates. Glass is a material that, in many of its forms,
Glass used in housewares is again dependent is reusable. This is particularly true of bottles
on the application. However, one important and other glass vessels, which are still able
group of products is glass cookware that is resis- to satisfy their role as a container long after
tant to thermal shock. These articles are made their original use is over. This has led to manu-
from borosilicate glass, which is typically 80% facturers and governments recognizing that
because the physical characteristics of glass make to melt and mix with the other raw materials.
it indistinguishable from the bulk of the other This recycling processdsometimes referred to
inorganic, nonmetallic materials in demolition as “remelt”dcan be repeated indefinitely
waste. Therefore, much of the glass arising from without any loss of performance.
construction for recycling tends to come from The quality of the glass product required de-
the replacement of glazing during maintenance fines whether glass recycling can be employed
and refurbishment. Additionally, contamination for a given manufacturing process. For instance,
of glass with putty and other materials has acted the inclusion of cullet in the manufacture of flat
as an obstacle to recycling, but progress is now be- glass is not always possible, because of the strict
ing made (Tandy and Way, 2004). The construc- requirements in terms of raw material purity
tion industry is now moving toward a needed to achieve the desired optical properties.
philosophy of designing structures for decon- However, return of cullet to container manufac-
structiondensuring that at the end of a struc- ture is eminently possible, and can tolerate
ture’s life it can be systematically dismantled, soda-limeesilicate glass from other sources.
with optimal separation of materials. For cullet to be recycled back into container
manufacture, it is essential that color sorting of
glass is conducted. This is because each color of
14.5 REUSE OF GLASS glass can tolerate limited levels of contamination
with other colors. As a result of this, quality re-
Before discussing recycling, it is worth briefly quirements limit the level of cullet in green con-
discussing the alternative option of reuse. Reuse tainers to 90%. Amber glass and flint glass are
of returnable glass containers is a practice that more sensitive to contamination, and so technical
has become well established in many parts limits on cullet content are 70 and 60%, respec-
of the world. This approach is often a highly tively. Color sorting can be achieved by collection
sustainable one, since the material undergoes schemes that require the public to sort their
no reprocessing prior to return into the system. returned bottles. Collection of mixed-color glass
A recent study in the UK on delivered-to- from commercial sources has led to the introduc-
doorstep containers for milk found that tion of automated “electronic eye” sorting equip-
returnable glass containers compared well in ment that is able to identify rogue particles and
environmental impact terms with competing remove them through air jets, or similar.
products (Fry et al., 2010). The shift toward glob- Automated color sorting of glass will make
alization has meant that glass containers for food up just one stage of several in the cullet process-
and drink are diverse in size and shape and ing scheme. These are required because glass
often originate from remote locations, making from containers is likely to be present alongside
container return uneconomical and impractical other materials. These include materials used
in terms of logistics. Thus, in many countries, re- for labeling and closure, such as metals, plastics
covery of intact glass bottles has seen a decline, and paper. There may also be other materials
magnifying the need for recycling. present in the recovery streams, including stone,
ceramics and other types of glass, such as boro-
silicate materials, which cannot be recycled in
14.6 CLOSED-LOOP RECYCLING OF soda-limeesilicate glass manufacture. Processes
GLASS include:
FIGURE 14.1 Diagram illustrating the reductions in energy demand realized through the incorporation of cullet in the
raw material feedstock (UNID, 1993).
a consequent 230 kg reduction in CO2 emissions In many European countries, levels of recycling
(Glass, 2010). were highd77% by 1994 in the Nether-
landsdalthough performance was varied. The
UK is a useful example, since it has moved
14.8 THE GROWTH OF GLASS from a relatively low glass recycling rate to a
RECYCLING currently more respectable level. This has in
part been driven by legislation, namely the Pro-
Archaeological evidence of the recycling of ducer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging
glass has been found in sites deriving from the Waste) Regulations (1997), which implemented
earlier days of the Byzantine Empire and the the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Direc-
later Roman Empire (Degryse et al., 2006). How- tive (1994) in the UK. The regulations placed re-
ever, in contemporary times, glass recycling sponsibilities on the producers and handlers of
started on a major scale in the 1970s, driven packaging to achieve periodically updated recy-
partly by concerns about energy security. cling targets.
Levels of recycling have steadily increased The Directive initially set targets to recover
since then in most of the more developed world. 50e65% of packaging waste overall by 2001,
FIGURE 14.2 Total glass recycled in the UK alongside the total amount of glass in the waste stream (British Glass
Manufacturers’ Confederation, written communication).
FIGURE 14.3 Recycling routes for glass in the UK (British Glass Manufacturers’ Confederation, written communication).
which shows the emergence of two outlets for in the presence of other materials, with different
the surplus material: export and recycling in effects depending on the manufacturing condi-
alternative applicationsdopen-loop recycling. tions. Additionally, there are a number of appli-
Open-loop recycling is also often necessary for cations that exploit the properties of granular
the recycling of borosilicate glass products and broken glass. Finally, the possibility of exploit-
soda-limeesilicate glass with more exotic chem- ing the chemistry of glass in the manufacture
ical additions. of commercially useful compounds has also
The development of alternative outlets for been explored by researchers. All of these out-
glass has involved considerable research and lets for glass are examined below.
development work to match the physical and Whilst in some cases, the application is an
chemical characteristics of the material with established or growing practice, in other in-
the needs of a wide range of different sectors. stances the outlet has been explored only from
These outlets are discussed in detail in the a research and development perspective or at
next section. a pilot scale. Nonetheless, such uses have been
included on the grounds that feasibility has
14.9 OPEN-LOOP GLASS been demonstrated.
A number or alternative outlets for glass
14.9.1 Alternative Glass Products
exist. Some of these also involve remelting glass, One alternative glass product in which cullet
but involve forming into very different prod- can be recycled by remelting is in the manufac-
ucts. Other applications involve melting glass ture of ballotinidsmall glass spheres (typically
FIGURE 14.4 Reduction in softening temperature with cullet content in ceramic materials manufactured using mixtures
of cullet and sludge from paper production (Asquini et al., 2008).
TABLE 14.1 Conditions for the Production of Glass Ceramics Incorporating Glass Cullet from Various Studies
Incinerator fly ash/ 35 560, 35 min 1000, 120 min Romero et al. (1999)
pollution control
Incinerator bottom 50, 90 1000, up to 8 h Barbieri et al. (2000)
Dredging sludge 20 940, 5 h Brusatin et al. (2005))
Sunflower husk ash 30, 40, 50 1400, 1300, 1250 (for Quaranta et al. (2011)
30, 40 and 50% cullet
respectively), no time
Coal-derived 0e60% Cooling from 1500 C Francis et al. (2002)
bottom ash to ambient at 1e10 C/
Particle Size
FIGURE 14.5 The 52-week expansion of concrete tested in accordance with BS 812-123 containing glass fine aggregate
present as narrow particle size fractions. The dashed line represents the threshold of concern in UK guidance.
in concrete construction as well as in horticultur- reaction with calcium hydroxide to form cal-
al applications. cium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel (Dyer and
Light-weight aggregate can take two different Dhir, 2001). CSH is the main contributor to
formsdgranulated aggregate and pelletized strength development in hydrated Portland
aggregate. Granulated aggregate is one possible cement, and calcium hydroxide is another of
product of the manufacture of continuous its hydration products, meaning that glass
foamed glass sheets, which are broken up into combined with Portland cement is a viable
suitable particle sizes (Hurley, 2002). cement. The pozzolanic reaction is identical to
Pelletization involves forming granules ASR, the difference being that the particles
comprising powdered cullet and a foaming are sufficiently small to prevent the formation
agent. These granules are then passed through of large volumes of gel before it dissolves to
an inclined rotary furnace during which melting form CSH gel (Douglas and El-Shamy, 1967;
and gas evolution occur. Idir et al., 2013).
Whilst pelletized aggregates can be made The possibility of using glass powder as a
with just glass and foaming agent, it is increas- means of controlling ASR (in the same way as
ingly common for other materials to be GGBS and fly ash) has been suggested (Idir
included. Research into such products has et al., 2010). The ASR-controlling capability of
included fly ash from coal-fired power genera- glass powder has been confirmed, although it
tion (Kockal and Ozturan, 2011; Kourti and is less than that of fly ash (Shi et al., 2005). More-
Cheeseman, 2010), sludges from aggregate and over, testing indicates that the duration over
stone processing (Ducman and Mirtic, 2009) which the controlling effect is observed is finite
and dredging sludges (Wei et al., 2011; Chiou (Dyer and Dhir, 2010).
and Chen, 2013). Investigation of borosilicate glass (from light-
Low density coupled with high strength and ing tubes) as a filler in concrete has identified
relatively low water absorption are desirable the material as being particularly pozzolanic,
characteristics, which can be achieved through exceeding the performance of silica fume,
finer glass particle sizes and higher glass content which is generally a highly reactive material
(Kockal and Ozturan, 2011; Wei et al., 2011; (Shakhmenko et al., 2012).
Chiou and Chen, 2013).
As for normal-weight glass aggregate, there
exists a concern regarding ASR, when light-
14.9.9 Filtration Media
weight aggregate containing glass is used in
concrete. Mixed results have been obtained The ability of volumes of granular glass to
with regard to this in the literature (Limbachiya permit rapid percolation of fluid has meant
et al., 2012; Mladenovic et al., 2004; Ducman that the material has found application in
et al., 2002), and it probably necessary to estab- filtration applications. Studies examining the
lish ASR reactivity for a given product where ability of recycled glass as a filter medium
this reaction may be an issue. have found that it is potentially extremely
effective at removing suspended solids from
14.9.8 Glass as a Cement Component in A study examining the effect of particle size
on the use of glass filter beds on the tertiary
treatment of wastewater identified that a parti-
Soda-limeesilicate glass is a pozzolanic ma- cle size of 0.5e1.45 mm was most appropriate
terial: in a finely divided form, it will undergo a (Horan and Lowe, 2007). This represented a
FIGURE 14.6 Influence of pH on the dissolution of SiO2 from soda-limeesilicate glass into water (Bacon, 1968).
TABLE 14.3 Conditions Used to Produce Various Products from Glass Cullet Using Hydrothermal Processes
shape mixtures of glass and water at tempera- Anonymous, 2005. Shipyard takes softer, greener approach
tures of about 200 C. to surface prep. Journal of Protective Coatings and Lin-
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Arabani, M., 2011. Effect of glass cullet on the improvement
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