Gain Scheduling Control Design For Shell Heavy Oil
Gain Scheduling Control Design For Shell Heavy Oil
Gain Scheduling Control Design For Shell Heavy Oil
Control is needed for most of industrial chemical processes because of transient process
behavior that occurs during start-ups and shut downs, unusual process disturbance and in order
to ensure that a process operates at a desired operating condition, safely and efficiently
(Luyben, 1996). However, like many industrial processes, distillation is associated with high
non-linearity, time-varying dynamic behavior, unpredictable parameter deviations, parameters
uncertainties and external disturbances (Nguyen, 2009). In addition, the column is associated
with loop interactions during operation because it is a multivariable system in which most of
Many researchers have applied different advanced control techniques in the control of
distillation column. Among them is distributed model predictive controller (MPC) using Nash
– optimization technique proposed by Li et al., (2005), in order to reduce the computational
complexity while maintaining the satisfactory performance of the plant. Also, Julian et al.,
(2008) used simplified MPC on the SHOF model to obtain tracking performance and stability
characteristics. Michael, (2003) used squared MPC for constraint handling performance and
controlling the system. However, advanced controllers are complex, cumbersome with
enormous computational burden and require significant effort and skill to tune and also difficult
to implement (Zhang et al., 2007, Wahab et al., 2007). In addition, there are some limitations
in terms of stability and robustness (Yela, 2009) with high maintenance cost, lack of flexibility
and associated complexity (Hugo, 2000).
PID controller consists of proportional, integral and derivative terms and due to this, it is called
three –mode control scheme. PID controller parameters (Kp, KI and KD) can be tuned to control
a system so as to meet a specific process requirement. These parameters can be adjusted using
some empirical methods like Ziegler-Nichols method, cohen and cohoon method, Tyreus-
Luyben (Doust et al., 2012). Also, the response of the controller can be described in terms of
the responsiveness of the controller to an error, the degree to which the controller overshoots
the set point and the degree of system oscillation.
However, PI/PID controller mostly employed for single –input single – output (SISO) process
but due to their wide control scope and greater accuracy, multivariable PI/PID control methods
that takes loop interactions into consideration have received significant attention (Zhang et al.,
2007). Furthermore, multivariable process is usually encountered with destabilization of the
system due to loop interactions while adjusting the controller parameters (loop interaction) of
one loop that affects the performance other loops in which decoupling techniques are used to
remove these coupling effects. Wahab et al., (2007) analyzed multivariable PI/PID control
schemes for wastewater systems and showed that they are suitable for MIMO control loops
that experience interactions. Also, Zhang et al., (2007) used a backstepping-based
decentralized PI/PID control scheme for the SHOF problem to reduce loop interaction.
PID controller can only perform satisfactorily for nominal plant however, when the plant is
perturbed, the closed loop may have poor response in term of performance and stability because
of change in plant parameters. One of the ways to circumvent these problems is through the
use of gain scheduling protocol. Gain scheduling controller which ia also called an open-loop
adaptive control system is designed to achieve effective controller performance by changing
Also, the bottom reflux loop contains an enthalpy controller that regulates heat removal in the
loop by adjusting the steam production. This heat duty is a manipulated variable that helps in
controlling the column and the heat duties behaves as the disturbances to the entire column (Li
et al., 2005). Furthermore, the product specifications for the top and side draw streams are
determined by economics and operating requirements and none for the bottom draw but
operating constraint on the temperature in the lower part of the column is present (Micheal,
2003; Li et al., 2005).
TEP (y1) 4.05𝑒 −27𝑠 1.77𝑒 −28𝑠 5.88𝑒 −27𝑠 1.20𝑒 −27𝑠 1.44𝑒 −27𝑠
50𝑠 + 1 60𝑠 + 1 50𝑠 + 1 45𝑠 + 1 40𝑠 + 1
SEP (y2) 5.39𝑒 −18𝑠 5.72𝑒 −14𝑠 6.90𝑒 −15𝑠 1.52𝑒 −15𝑠 1.83𝑒 −15𝑠
50𝑠 + 1 60𝑠 + 1 40𝑠 + 1 25𝑠 + 1 20𝑠 + 1
TT (y3) 3.66𝑒 −2𝑠 1.65𝑒 −20𝑠 5.53𝑒 −2𝑠 1.16 1.27
9𝑠 + 1 30𝑠 + 1 40𝑠 + 1 11𝑠 + 1 6𝑠 + 1
URT (y4) 5.92𝑒 −11𝑠 2.54𝑒 −12𝑠 8.10𝑒 −2𝑠 1.73 1.79
12𝑠 + 1 27𝑠 + 1 40𝑠 + 1 5𝑠 + 1 19𝑠 + 1
SDT (y5) 4.13𝑒 −5𝑠 2.38𝑒 −7𝑠 6.23𝑒 −2𝑠 1.31 1.26
8𝑠 + 1 19𝑠 + 1 10𝑠 + 1 2𝑠 + 1 22𝑠 + 1
IRT (y6) 4.06𝑒 −8𝑠 4.18𝑒 −4𝑠 6.53𝑒 −1𝑠 1.19 1.17
13𝑠 + 1 33𝑠 + 1 9𝑠 + 1 19𝑠 + 1 24𝑠 + 1
BRT (y7) 4.38𝑒 −20𝑠 4.42𝑒 −22𝑠 7.2 1.14 1.26
33𝑠 + 1 44𝑠 + 1 19𝑠 + 1 27𝑠 + 1 32𝑠 + 1
Table 1: Model showing the SHOF control problem
TEP (y1) 4.05 + 2.11𝜀1 1.77 + 0.39𝜀2 5.88 + 0.59𝜀3 1.2 + 0.12𝜀4 1.44 + 0.16𝜀5
SEP (y2) 5.39 + 3.29𝜀1 5.72 + 0.57𝜀2 6.90 + 0.89𝜀3 1.52 + 0.13𝜀4 1.83 + 0.13𝜀5
TT (y3) 3.66 + 2.29𝜀1 1.65 + 0.35𝜀2 5.53 + 0.67𝜀3 1.16 + 0.08𝜀4 1.27 + 0.08𝜀5
URT (y4) 5.92 + 2.34𝜀1 2.54 + 0.24𝜀2 8.10 + 0.32𝜀3 1.73 + 0.02𝜀4 1.79 + 0.04𝜀5
SDT (y5) 4.13 + 1.71𝜀1 2.38 + 0.93𝜀2 6.23 + 0.30𝜀3 1.31 + 0.03𝜀4 1.26 + 0.02𝜀5
IRT (y6) 4.06 + 2.39𝜀1 4.18 + 0.35𝜀2 6.53 + 0.72𝜀3 1.19 + 0.08𝜀4 1.17 + 0.01𝜀5
BRT (y7) 4.38 + 3.11𝜀1 4.42 + 0.73𝜀2 7.2 + 1.33𝜀3 1.14 + 0.18𝜀4 1.26 + 0.18𝜀5
d1 d2 ε1 ε2 ε3 ε4 ε5
Case I 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0
Case II -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1 1 1
Case III -0.5 -0.5 1 -1 1 1 1
Case IV 0.5 -0.5 1 1 1 1 1
Case V -0.5 -0.5 -1 1 0 0 0
Table 3: Cases of disturbances and gain uncertainties
where TEP = Top End Composition (Kmol/hr)
SEP = Side end Composition (Kmol/hr)
r1 – y1
+ + G12 +
G13 +
r2 + y2
– +
Gc2 G22
+ +
G31 +
+ +
r3 y3
Gc3 G33
r1 y1
Gc1 G11
– D21
D21 G21
r2 y2
Gc2 G22
r3 y3
Gc3 G33
However, in a system with interactions, off diagonal matrix of process transfer matrix are not
zero, we therefore need to manipulate the system so that it can be decoupled, we introduced
decoupling function and the manipulated variables such that:
Tuning method Kc τI
Gain Scheduling
Gain scheduling is a form of advanced feedback control system in which the feedback gains
are adjusted with their feedforward compensation (Krishna et al., 2012). It is an approach that
can be used to measure the gain and then changes or schedule the controller to compensate for
changes in the process gain (Astrom and Wittenmark, 2008). Hence, it is a very useful
technique in reducing the effect of parameter variation and to compensate for known
nonlinearity in a process (Liptak, 2006). Figure 4 shows configuration of gain scheduling
The controller parameter changes quickly in response to change in the process. The best
controller parameters for each case in the system were determined as a function of gain
scheduling variable. These parameters are shown in Table 5. In this work, an interval is defined
around each gain scheduling value in the parameter table. As the gains scheduling variable
changes from one interval to another, the controller parameters are changed, a set of controller
and decoupler were developed for each set of process gains. The controllers and decouplers
were scheduled which change with change in process gains (ε1 ε2 ε3) of the plant.
Gain Schedule
Common Common
signal Output
Controller Process
Elements (1,1) and (3,3) which are greater than one indicates that there is strong loop
interaction between the loop corresponding to each of these elements and other loops. Also,
element (2,2) which is very close to one indicates that there is no much interaction of other
loops on loop 2. Figure 5 and 6 show the open loop responses when the dynamic and static
decouplers are respectively used to decouple the system. Effects of interactions on each loop
were reduced to zero for both decouplers which means that both are able to decouple the plant.
Table 6 shows the settling times for main loops and interacting loops of both decouplers. Except
the interaction loop (side draw-reflux temperature) with settling time 604secs which is
unnecessarily high, dynamic decoupler is faster in removing the interactions as indicated by
low settling times of the interaction loop responses recorded for it when compared to those
recorded for static decoupler. However, the dynamic decoupler slows down the main loop
response as indicated by the large values of settling times recorded for them.
Step Response
Top draw Side draw Reflux duty
Top end comp
Side end comp
Reflux temperature
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (seconds)
Side end comp
Reflux Temperature
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (seconds)
A PI controller was designed for a dynamic decoupled plant and tuned using Ziegler-Nichols,
Tyreus-Luyben and MATLAB pidtune. The result of the closed loop response of the system is
shown in Figure 7. The response of the closed loop system for a dynamic decoupled plant in
top end composition output shown in Figure 7a shows that Tyreus-Luyben gave sluggish
response as it is unable to reach 0.5set point in time 1000sec but Ziegler-Nichols and MATLAB
pidtune showed damped response and were able to reach the 1000 set point with Ziegler-
Nichols gave a settling time of 461sec while MATLAB pidtune gave a settling time of 364sec.
Response of the closed loop system for a dynamic decoupled plant in side end composition
output shown in Figure 7b shows that Ziegler-Nichols and MATLAB pidtune shows
underdamped as indicated with the presence of overshoot, however, settling time of Ziegler-
Nichols gave 366sec and MATLAB pidtune shows 522 sec. Response of the closed loop system
for the dynamic decoupled plant in bottom reflux temperature output is shown in Figure 7c,
0.4 0.5
0.3 0.4
0.2 0.3
0.1 0.2
0 0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (sec) Time (sec) Time (sec)
The PI controller was designed for a static decoupled plant and was tuned using Tyreus-
Luyben, Ziegler-Nichols and MATLAB pidtune. The response of the closed loop system is
shown in Figure 8. Response of the closed loop system for top end composition output is shown
in Figure 8a, controller setting with the three tuning methods show sluggish response and were
unable to reach the 0.5setpoint at 1000sec, however, Tyreus-Luyben shows the slowest
response with settling time 1750sec which shows that set-point was not achieved within the
stipulated 1000sec. Closed loop response of the side end composition output is shown in Figure
8b, controller settings for Ziegler-Nichols and MATLAB tune show damped response and were
able to reach the 0.5setpoint within 1000sec, however, MATLAB tuning method shows a faster
response at settling time of 447sec than Ziegler-Nichols which has the settling time of 569sec.
Response of the closed loop system with MATLAB pidtune gave the fastest settling time and
best controller performance in the three outputs. Hence, response of the closed loop system
with MATLAB pidtune is for a static decoupled plant is compared with response from a
dynamic decoupled plant and the result is shown in Figure 9.
0 0 0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
time (sec) time (sec) time (sec)
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8: Closed loop response of a static decoupled plant with different tuning methods.
0.4 0.5
Side End Composition
Top end composition
Reflux Temperature
0.3 0.4
0.2 0.3
0.1 0.2
0 0.1
-0.1 -0.1 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time Time Time
PI control with static decoupled under PI control at 0.5 step change in set point. The response
of the closed loop system for both controllers in top end composition output is shown in Figure
9a, both decouplers gave overdamped response with static decoupler showing more
overdamped response as indicated by sluggish response. The response of the closed loop
system in respect of side end composition is shown in Figure 9b, the response of both
Side end composition 0.3
Top end composition
Reflux temperature
0.1 0.1
-0.1 -0.1
Rise Time 207.64 87.02 401.47 261.16 80.00 207.64 435.84 60.68 76.92 411.16
Settling 364.00 467.4 758.33 496.28 495.24 364.0 1.08e+3 2.42e+3 1.20e+3 1.09e+3
Table 7: Performance metrics of gain scheduling controller with PI controller in Top end composition
output (Loop 1)
Rise Time 70.98 80.60 62.64 74.08 100.51 70.98 256.99 71.3856 55.73 272.94
Settling 522.52 320.31 508.45 566.81 359.03 522.52 836.97 2.67e+3 1.60e+3 863.62
Overshoot 20.98 7.84 22.26 27.09 7.06 20.98 6.02 66.25 59.25 4.45
Table 8: Performance metrics of gain scheduling controller with PI controller in side end composition
output (Loop 2)
The result from Table 8 shows that the rise time, settling time and overshoot for a gain
scheduled controller is lesser than the conventional PI controller except in nominal case 1
which there is no difference. However, cases 2, 3 and 5 have lower settling time than the
nominal plant (case 1) for the gain scheduled plant which shows that case 2 has the lowest
settling time. Also, case 3 has a lower rise time than the nominal case for the gain scheduled
plant. It can thus be concluded that a gain scheduled controller gave a more effective
performance than a PI controller.
Rise Time 200.0 94.97 43.85 220.08 88.80 200.0 31.34 287.58 258.48 25.87
Settling 408.1 219.7 520.68 433.73 202.24 408.1 1.08e+3 2.40e+03 1.36e+03 1.0971e+3
Overshoot 0 0.17 0 5.6e-4 0.30 0 46.37 26.7146 13.14 40.80
Table 9: Performance metrics of gain scheduling controller with PI controller in Bottom Reflux
Temperature output (Loop 3)
Table 9 shows the performance metrics for loop 3 (Bottom Reflux Temperature/Bottom Reflux
Duty) and the result shows that the plant has a lower settling time and overshoot for a gain
The study has shown that for a multivariable system where there is coupling effect, dynamic
and static decoupling techniques are methods which can be used to remove these coupling
effects. A Proportional Integral controller is able to control the plant, however, parameter
variations in the process is controlled using gain scheduling controller. The performance
metrics (settling time, rise time and overshoot) show a more effective controller performance
for a gain scheduling controller than a PI/PID Controller.
Relative Gain Array was used to check for the level of interaction which is significant in the
plant. Dynamic and static decouplers were used to remove these coupling effects, however,
dynamic decoupler decouples faster but slow in open loop response for the nominal plant but
they were sluggish for different variations in the process. A Proportional Integral (PI)
controller was used in controlling the decoupled plant with Tyreus-Luyben settings, Ziegler-
Nichols settings and MATLAB pidtune, the result shows that closed loop response a dynamic
decoupled track set point faster than the closed loop response of the static decoupled plant.
Also, MATLAB pidtune showed a better controller performance than Ziegler-Nichols and
Tyreus-Luyben settings.
There were slow responses for the controllers in different cases of gain variations incorporated
in the plant which shows the need for gain scheduling for robust controller performance. Gain
scheduling was able to cater for parameter variations in the process and also shows a faster rise
time and lower settling time with little overshoot. This can thus be said that gain scheduling is
more efficient than a conventional PI/PID controller.
Gain scheduling mechanism uses an adjustment mechanism that is pre-computed offline but
no feedback is provided to compensate for incorrect schedules, therefore, a direct adaptive
controller is recommended for further research.
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