A credit card payment of $2,960 AUD plus a $11.84 AUD surcharge, totaling $2,971.84 AUD, was made on September 14, 2023 at 12:07pm to Rental Bonds Online. The payment was made by Majed Rukn using a credit card ending in 405 and expiring in August 2028. Rental Bonds Online will also provide a receipt confirming that NSW Rental Bonds received the payment.
A credit card payment of $2,960 AUD plus a $11.84 AUD surcharge, totaling $2,971.84 AUD, was made on September 14, 2023 at 12:07pm to Rental Bonds Online. The payment was made by Majed Rukn using a credit card ending in 405 and expiring in August 2028. Rental Bonds Online will also provide a receipt confirming that NSW Rental Bonds received the payment.
A credit card payment of $2,960 AUD plus a $11.84 AUD surcharge, totaling $2,971.84 AUD, was made on September 14, 2023 at 12:07pm to Rental Bonds Online. The payment was made by Majed Rukn using a credit card ending in 405 and expiring in August 2028. Rental Bonds Online will also provide a receipt confirming that NSW Rental Bonds received the payment.
A credit card payment of $2,960 AUD plus a $11.84 AUD surcharge, totaling $2,971.84 AUD, was made on September 14, 2023 at 12:07pm to Rental Bonds Online. The payment was made by Majed Rukn using a credit card ending in 405 and expiring in August 2028. Rental Bonds Online will also provide a receipt confirming that NSW Rental Bonds received the payment.