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➢ Zykast -Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity

a. Generic Name - reactions, anaphylaxis (rare).

b. Brand Name f. Nursing Responsibility: -Potential toxicity
c. Indication results from decreased clearance (elimination)
d. Mechanism of Actions and therefore prolonged action; greatest in the
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: older adult patients or those with hepatic or
f. Nursing Responsibility: renal dysfunction.
-Be alert for early signs of hepatotoxicity
➢ Zantac (though low and thought to be a
A. Generic Name-RANITIDINE hypersensitivity reaction): jaundice (dark
HYDROCHLORIDE urine, pruritus, yellow sclera and skin),
b. Brand Name- elevated transaminases (especially ALT) and
Zantac, Zantac EFFERdose, Zantac GELdose, LDH.
c. Indication- Short-term treatment of active ➢ Vessel due F
duodenal ulcer, benign gastric ulcer a. Generic Name
- maintenance therapy for duodenal ulcer -
patient after healing of acute ulcer b. Brand Name
- treatment of gastroesophageal reflux c. Indication
disease; d. Mechanism of Actions
- treatment of pathologic e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
GI hypersecretory conditions (e.g., Zollinger- f. Nursing Responsibility:
Ellison syndrome, systemic mastocytosis, and
postoperative hypersecretion); ➢ Vastarel MR
-heartburn. a. Generic Name
d. Mechanism of Actions-Potent anti-ulcer -
drug that competitively and reversibly inhibits b. Brand Name
histamine action at H2-receptor sites on c. Indication
parietal cells, thus blocking gastric acid d. Mechanism of Actions
secretion. Indirectly reduces pepsin secretion e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
but appears to have minimal effect on fasting f. Nursing Responsibility:
and postprandial serum gastrin concentrations
or secretion of gastric intrinsic factor or ➢ Ulcin
mucus. a. Generic Name
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: - -
CNS: Headache, malaise, dizziness, b. Brand Name
somnolence, insomnia, vertigo, mental c. Indication
confusion, agitation, depression, d. Mechanism of Actions
hallucinations in older adults. e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
- CV: Bradycardia (with rapid IV push). f. Nursing Responsibility:
-GI: Constipation, nausea, abdominal pain,
diarrhea. Skin: Rash. Hematologic: Reversible ➢ Trimetazidine
decrease in WBC count, thrombocytopenia. a. Generic Name
b. Brand Name ➢ Silgram
c. Indication a. Generic Name
d. Mechanism of Actions -
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: b. Brand Name
f. Nursing Responsibility: c. Indication
d. Mechanism of Actions
➢ Tranexamic Acid e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
a. Generic Name f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
b. Brand Name ➢ Solucortef
c. Indication a. Generic Name
d. Mechanism of Actions -
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: b. Brand Name
f. Nursing Responsibility: c. Indication
d. Mechanism of Actions
➢ Tascit e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
a. Generic Name f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
b. Brand Name ➢ (Sertraline)
c. Indication a. Generic Name
d. Mechanism of Actions -
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: b. Brand Name
f. Nursing Responsibility: c. Indication
d. Mechanism of Actions
e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
➢ Sorbifer f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
a. Generic Name
- ➢ Renalog
b. Brand Name a. Generic Name
c. Indication -
d. Mechanism of Actions b. Brand Name
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: c. Indication
f. Nursing Responsibility: d. Mechanism of Actions
e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
➢ Sinupret forte f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
a. Generic Name
- ➢ Refampicin
b. Brand Name a. Generic Name
c. Indication -
d. Mechanism of Actions b. Brand Name
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: c. Indication
f. Nursing Responsibility: d. Mechanism of Actions
e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
f. f. Nursing Responsibility: d. Mechanism of Actions
e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
➢ (Ranitidine) f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
a. Generic Name
- ➢ (Paracetamol)
b. Brand Name Generic Name
c. Indication -
d. Mechanism of Actions b. Brand Name
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: c. Indication
f. f. Nursing Responsibility: d. Mechanism of Actions
e. Side effects /Adverse effects:
➢ (Protonix) f. f. Nursing Responsibility:
a. Generic Name
- ➢ Omepron
b. Brand Name Generic Name
c. Indication -
d. Mechanism of Actions Brand Name
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: Indication
f. f. Nursing Responsibility: Mechanism of Actions
Side effects /Adverse effects:
➢ Polynerv Nursing Responsibility:
a. Generic Name
- ➢ Nubain
b. Brand Name Generic Name
d. Mechanism of Actions Brand Name-Nubain
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: Indication- Symptomatic relief of moderate to
f. f. Nursing Responsibility: severe pain. Also preoperative sedation
analgesia and as a supplement to surgical
➢ Panaxim anesthesia.
a. Generic Name Mechanism of Action - Synthetic narcotic
- analgesic with agonist and weak antagonist
b. Brand Name properties. Analgesic potency is about 3 or 4
c. Indication times greater than that of pentazocine and
d. Mechanism of Actions approximately equal to that produced by
e. Side effects /Adverse effects: equivalent doses of morphine. On a weight
f. f. Nursing Responsibility: basis, produces respiratory depression about
equal to that of morphine; however, in
➢ Plasil contrast to morphine, doses >30 mg produce
a. Generic Name no further respiratory depression. Antagonistic
- potency is approximately one fourth that of
b. Brand Name naloxone and about 10 times greater than that
c. Indication of pentazocine.
Side effects /Adverse effects: - selectively blocks calcium ion reflux across
CV: Hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia, cell membranes of cardiac and vascular
tachycardia, flushing. GI: Abdominal cramps, smooth muscle without changing serum
bitter taste, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth. calcium concentrations. It predominantly acts
CNS: Sedation, dizziness, nervousness, on the peripheral circulation, decreasing
depression, restlessness, crying, euphoria, peripheral vascular resistance, and increases
dysphoria, distortion of body image, unusual cardiac output.
dreams, confusion, hallucinations; numbness Side effects /Adverse effects:
and tingling sensations, headache, vertigo. CV: Palpitations, flushing
Respiratory: Dyspnea, asthma, respiratory tachycardia, peripheral or facial edema,
depression. bradycardia, chest pain, syncope, postural
Skin: Pruritus, urticaria, burning hypotension.
sensation, sweaty, clammy skin. CNS: Light-headedness, fatigue, headache.
Special Senses: Miosis, blurred vision, speech GI: Abdominal pain, nausea, anorexia,
difficulty. constipation, dyspepsia, dysphagia, diarrhea,
Urogenital: Urinary urgency. flatulence, vomiting.
Nursing Responsibility:- Assess respiratory Urogenital: Sexual dysfunction,
rate before drug administration. Withhold frequency, nocturia.
drug and notify physician if respiratory rate Respiratory: Dyspnea. Skin: Flushing, rash.
falls below 12. Other: Arthralgia, cramps, myalgia.
- Watch for allergic response in persons with Nursing Responsibility: - Monitor BP for
sulfite sensitivity. therapeutic effectiveness. BP reduction is
-Administer with caution to patients with greatest after peak levels of amlodipine are
hepatic or renal impairment. achieved 6–9 h following oral doses.
-Monitor ambulatory -Monitor heart rate; dose-related palpitations
patients; nalbuphine may produce drowsiness (more common in women) may occur.

➢ Nutribest ➢ Norgesic
Generic Name Generic Name
- -
Brand Name Brand Name
Indication Indication
Mechanism of Actions Mechanism of Actions
Side effects /Adverse effects: Side effects /Adverse effects:
Nursing Responsibility: Nursing Responsibility:

➢ Norvasc ➢ Nexium
Generic Name Generic Name
Brand Name- Norvasc Brand Name- Nexium
Indication- Treatment of mild to moderate Indication- Erosive esophagitis,
hypertension and angina. gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD),
Mechanism of Actions- Amlodipine is a duodenal ulcer associated with H. pylori in
calcium channel blocking agent that combination with antibiotics.
Mechanism of Actions- Isomer of CNS: Dizziness
omeprazole. A weak base that is converted to CV: Hypotension, hypertension, chest pain,
the active form in the highly acidic peripheral edema
environment of the secretory surface of the GI: Diarrhea, dyspepsia, abdominal pain,
gastric parietal cells. Inhibits the enzyme nausea. Respiratory: Sinusitis, pharyngitis.
H+K+-ATPase (the acid pump). Nursing Responsibility:
Side effects /Adverse effects: - Monitor BP carefully after initial dose; and
CNS: Headache. periodically thereafter. Monitor more
GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, frequently with preexisting biliary obstructive
abdominal pain, flatulence, dry mouth. disorders or hepatic insufficiency.
Nursing Responsibility: - Monitor dialysis patients closely for
-Monitor phenytoin levels with concurrent orthostatic hypotension.
-Monitor INR/PT with concurrent warfarin ➢ Metronidazole
use. Generic Name
➢ Neurobion Brand Name - Flagyl, Flagyl ER, Flagyl IV
Generic Name RTU, Flagyl375, Metizol, Metric 21, Metro
Brand Name I.V., MetroGel, MetroGelVaginal, MetroLotio
Indication n, Noritate, Protostat
Mechanism of Actions Indication - Asymptomatic and
Side effects /Adverse effects: symptomatic trichomoniasis in females and
Nursing Responsibility: males; acute intestinal amebiasis and amebic
liver abscess; preoperative prophylaxis in
➢ Mucosta colorectal surgery, elective hysterectomy or
Generic Name vaginal repair, and emergency appendectomy.
Brand Name IV metronidazole is used for the treatment of
Indication serious infections caused by susceptible
Mechanism of Actions anaerobic bacteria
Side effects /Adverse effects: in intraabdominalinfections, skin infections,
Nursing Responsibility: gynecologic infections, septicemia, and for
both pre- and postoperative prophylaxis,
➢ Micardis bacterial vaginosis. Topical: Rosacea.
Generic Name - TELMISARTAN Mechanism of Actions - Synthetic compound
Brand Name - Micardis with
Indication - Treatment of hypertension direct trichomonacidal and amebicidal activity
Mechanism of Actions - Angiotensin II as well as antibacterial activity against
receptor (type AT1) antagonist. Selectively anaerobic bacteria and some gram-negative
blocks the binding of angiotensin II to the bacteria.
AT1 receptors in many tissues (e.g., vascular Side effects /Adverse effects:
smooth muscles, adrenal glands). Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity
Side effects/Adverse effects - Body as a (rash, urticaria, pruritus, flushing), fever,
Whole: Back pain, flu-like syndrome, fleeting joint pains, overgrowth of Candida.
myalgia, headache, fatigue.
CNS: Vertigo, headache, ataxia, confusion, Mechanism of Actions - Is a nonsteroidal anti-
irritability, depression, restlessness, weakness, inflammatory drug (NSAID) that exhibits
fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia, paresthesias, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic
sensory neuropathy (rare). activities. The mechanism of action, like other
GI: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, epigastric NSAIDs, may be related to
distress, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, prostaglandin synthetase(cyclooxygenase)
constipation, dry mouth, metallic or bitter inhibition.
taste, proctitis. Side effects /Adverse effects:
Urogenital: Polyuria, dysuria, pyuria, Body as a Whole: Edema, fall, flu-like
incontinence, cystitis, decreased libido, syndrome, pain.
dyspareunia, dryness of vagina and vulva, GI: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia,
sense of pelvic pressure. flatulence, nausea, constipation, ulceration, GI
Special Senses: Nasal congestion. bleed.
CV: ECG changes (flattening of T wave). Hematologic: Anemia.
Nursing Responsibility: Musculoskeletal: Arthralgia.
- Discontinue therapy immediately if CNS: Dizziness, headache, insomnia.
symptoms of CNS toxicity (see Appendix F) Respiratory: Pharyngitis, upper respiratory
develop. Monitor especially for seizures and tract infection, cough.
peripheral neuropathy (e.g., numbness and Skin: Rash, pruritus.
paresthesia of extremities). Urogenital: Micturition frequency, urinary
- Lab tests: Obtain total and differential WBC tract infection.
counts before, during, and after therapy, Nursing Responsibility:
especially if a second course is necessary. - Monitor for and immediately report S&S of
- Monitor for S&S of sodium retention, GI ulceration or bleeding, including black,
especially in patients on corticosteroid therapy tarry stool, abdominal or stomach pain;
or with a history of CHF. hepatotoxicity, including fatigue, lethargy,
- Report appearance of candidiasis or its pruritus, jaundice, flu-like symptoms; skin
becoming more prominent with therapy to rash; weight gain and edema.
physician promptly. - Monitor carefully patients with a history of
➢ Meperidine CHF, HTN, or edema for fluid retention.
Generic Name - Coadministered drugs: With warfarin,
- closely monitor INR when meloxicam is
Brand Name initiated or dose changed; monitor for lithium
Indication toxicity, especially during addition,
Mechanism of Actions withdrawal, or change in dose of meloxicam.
Side effects /Adverse effects: - Lab tests: Hgb & Hct, CBC with differential,
Nursing Responsibility: liver function tests, serum electrolytes, BUN,
and creatinine within 3 mo of initiating
➢ Meloxicam therapy and every 6–12 mo thereafter; with
Generic Name - MELOXICAM high-risk patients (e.g., >60 y, history of
Brand Name - Mobic peptic ulcer disease, prolonged or high-dose
Indication - Relief of the signs and symptoms NSAID therapy, concurrent use of
of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. corticosteroids or anticoagulants) monitor
within first 3–4 wk and every 3– - Lab tests: Monitor periodically kidney and
6 mothereafter. liver function, thyroid function, CBC, serum
electrolytes, weight, and total cholesterol.
➢ Medrol - Monitor diabetics for loss of glycemic
Generic Name control.
- METHYLPREDNISOLONE - Monitor serum potassium and report S&S of
Brand Name - Medrol hypokalemia (see Appendix F).
Indication - An antiinflammatory agent in the - Monitor for and report S&S of Cushing's
management of acute and chronic syndrome (see Appendix F).
inflammatory diseases, for palliative
management of neoplastic diseases, and for ➢ Lacipil
control of severe acute and chronic allergic Generic Name
processes. High-dose, short-term therapy: Brand Name
management of acute bronchial asthma, Indication
prevention of fat embolism in patient with Mechanism of Actions
long-bone fracture. Side effects /Adverse effects:
Mechanism of Actions - Intermediate-acting Nursing Responsibility:
synthetic adrenal corticosteroid with similar
glucocorticoid activity; has considerably
fewer sodium and water retention effects than ➢ (Losartan)
hydrocortisone. Acetate has longer duration of Generic Name
action and more rapid onset of activity than Brand Name
parent compound. Sodium succinate form is Indication
characterized by rapid onset of action and is Mechanism of Actions
used for emergency therapy of short duration. Side effects /Adverse effects:
It inhibits phagocytosis, and release of allergic Nursing Responsibility:
substances. Also modifies the immune
response of the body to various stimuli. ➢ Lanoxin
Side effects /Adverse effects: Generic Name
CNS: Euphoria, headache, insomnia, - DIGOXIN
confusion, psychosis. Brand Name - Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin
CV: CHF, edema. Indication - Rapid digitalization and for
GI: Nausea, vomiting, peptic ulcer. maintenance therapy in CHF, atrial
Musculoskeletal: Muscle weakness, delayed fibrillation, atrial flutter, paroxysmal atrial
wound healing, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, tachycardia.
aseptic necrosis of bone, spontaneous Mechanism of Actions - Widely used cardiac
fractures. glycoside of Digitalis lanata. Acts by
Endocrine: Cushingoid features, growth increasing the force and velocity of
suppression in children, carbohydrate myocardial systolic contraction (positive
intolerance, hyperglycemia. Special inotropic effect). It also decreases conduction
Senses: Cataracts. velocity through the atrioventricular node.
Hematologic: Leukocytosis. Action is more prompt and less prolonged
Metabolic: Hypokalemia. than that of digitalis and digitoxin.
Nursing Responsibility: Side effects /Adverse effects:
CNS: Fatigue, muscle weakness, headache, Side effects /Adverse effects:
facial neuralgia, mental Nursing Responsibility:
depression, paresthesias, hallucinations,
confusion, drowsiness, agitation, dizziness.
CV: Arrhythmias, hypotension, AV block. ➢ Ketorolac
Special Senses: Visual Generic Name -
disturbances. GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, Brand Name
diarrhea. Indication
Other: Diaphoresis, recurrent malaise, Mechanism of Actions
dysphagia. Side effects /Adverse effects:
Nursing Responsibility: Nursing Responsibility:
- Take apical pulse for 1 full min, noting rate,
rhythm, and quality before administering Ketesse
drug. Generic Name -
- Lab tests: Baseline and periodic serum Brand Name
digoxin, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Indication
Draw blood samples for determining plasma Mechanism of Actions
digoxin levels at least 6 h after daily dose and Side effects /Adverse effects:
preferably just before next scheduled daily Nursing Responsibility:
- Monitor for S&S of drug toxicity: In Isordil
children, cardiac arrhythmias are usually Generic Name - ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE
reliable signs of early toxicity. Early Brand Name – Coronex Sorbitrate
indicators in adults (anorexia, nausea, Indication- Relief of
vomiting, diarrhea, visual disturbances) are acute anginal attacks and for
rarely initial signs in children. management of long-term angina
- Monitor I&O ratio during digitalization, pectoris
particularly in patients with impaired renal Mechanism of Actions - Organic nitrate
function. Also monitor for edema daily and with pharmacologic actions similar to
auscultate chest for rales. those of nitroglycerin. Relaxes vascular
smooth muscle with resulting
➢ K lyte vasodilation. Dilation of peripheral blood
Generic Name - vessels tends to cause peripheral pooling
Brand Name of blood, decreased venous return to
Indication heart, and decreased left ventricular end-
Mechanism of Actions diastolic pressure, with consequent
Side effects /Adverse effects: reduction in myocardial oxygen
Nursing Responsibility: consumption.
Side effects /Adverse effects: Body as
➢ Ketosteril a Whole: Hypersensitivity reaction,
Generic Name - paradoxical increase
Brand Name in anginal pain, methemoglobinemia (ov
Indication erdose).
Mechanism of Actions
CNS: Headache, dizziness, during or after neurosurgery. Is not
weakness, lightheadedness, restlessness. effective for absence seizures.
CV: Palpitation, postural hypotension, Mechanism of
tachycardia. Actions - Hydantoin derivative
GI: Nausea, vomiting. chemically related to phenobarbital.
Skin: Flushing, pallor, perspiration, Precise mechanism of anticonvulsant
rash, exfoliativedermatitis. action is not known, but drug use is
Nursing Responsibility: Monitor accompanied by reduced voltage,
effectiveness of drug in relieving angina. frequency, and spread of electrical
discharges within the motor cortex. Class
IB antiarrhythmic properties similar to
Ismodin those of lidocaine and tocainide (also
Generic Name - class IB agents). Has class IB
Brand Name antiarrhythmic properties.
Indication Side effects /Adverse effects:
Mechanism of Actions CNS: Usually dose-related:
Side effects /Adverse effects: Nystagmus, drowsiness, ataxia,
Nursing Responsibility: dizziness, mental confusion, tremors,
insomnia, headache, seizures.
Immunopro CV: Bradycardia,
Generic Name - hypotension, cardiovascular collapse,
Brand Name ventricular fibrillation, phlebitis.
Indication Special Senses: Photophobia,
Mechanism of Actions conjunctivitis, diplopia, blurred vision.
Side effects /Adverse effects: GI: Gingival hyperplasia, nausea,
Nursing Responsibility: vomiting, constipation, epigastric pain,
dysphagia, loss of taste, weight loss,
Essof hepatitis, liver necrosis.
Generic Name - Hematologic: Thrombocytopenia,
Brand Name leukopenia,
Indication leukocytosis, agranulocytosis,
Mechanism of Actions pancytopenia,
Side effects /Adverse effects: eosinophilia; megaloblastic, hemolytic,
Nursing Responsibility: or aplastic anemias.
Dilantin Metabolic: Fever, hyperglycemia,
Generic Name - PHENYTOIN SODIUM glycosuria, weight gain, edema, transient
PROMPT increase in serum thyrotropic (TSH)
Brand Name - Dilantin level, osteomalacia or rickets associated
Indication - To control tonic- with hypocalcemia and elevated alkaline
clonic (grand mal) seizures, psychomotor phosphatase activity.
and nonepileptic seizures (e.g., Reye's Skin: Alopecia, hirsutism (especially in
syndrome, after head trauma). Also used young female);
to prevent or treat seizures occurring rash: scarlatiniform, maculopapular, urtic
aria, morbilliform; bullous, exfoliative,
or purpuric dermatitis; Stevens-Johnson Mechanism of Actions
syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Side effects /Adverse effects:
keratosis, neonatal hemorrhage. Nursing Responsibility:
Urogenital: Acute renal
failure, Peyronie's disease. Co aleva
Respiratory: Acute pneumonitis, Generic Name -
pulmonary fibrosis. Brand Name
Body as a Indication
Whole: Periarteritis nodosum, acute Mechanism of Actions
systemic lupus erythematosus, Side effects /Adverse effects:
craniofacial abnormalities (with Nursing Responsibility:
enlargement of lips); lymphadenopathy. Colchicine
Nursing Responsibility: Generic Name – COLCHICINE
- Continuously monitor vital signs and Brand Name – Novocolchine
symptoms during IV infusion and for an hour Indication -Prophylactically for recurrent
afterward. Watch for respiratory depression. gouty arthritis and for acute gout, either
Constant observation and a cardiac monitor as single agent or in combination with
are necessary with older adults or patients a uricosuric such as probenecid,
with cardiac disease. Margin between toxic allopurinol, or sulfinpyrazone.
and therapeutic IV doses is relatively small. Mechanism of Actions -Alkaloid of the
- Observe patient closely for neurologic adverse plant Colchicum autumnale with
effects following IV administration. Have on antimitotic and
hand oxygen, atropine, vasopressor, assisted indirect antiinflammatoryproperties.
ventilation, seizure precaution equipment Side effects /Adverse
(mouth gag, nonmetal airway, suction effects: GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
apparatus). abdominal pain, anorexia, hemorrhagic
- Be aware that gingival hyperplasia appears gastroenteritis, steatorrhea,
most commonly in children and adolescents
hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis.
and never occurs in patients without teeth.
Hematologic: Neutropenia, bone
- Check periodically for decrease in serum
marrow depression,
calcium levels. Particularly susceptible:
thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis,
patients receiving other anticonvulsants
aplastic anemia.
concurrently, as well as those who are
inactive, have limited exposure to sun, or CNS: Mental confusion, peripheral
whose dietary intake is inadequate. neuritis, syndrome of muscle weakness
- Be alert to symptoms of hypomagnesemia (see (accompanied by elevated
Appendix F); neuromuscular symptoms: serum creatinekinase).
tetany, positive Chvostek'sand Trousseau's Skin: Severe irritation and tissue
signs, seizures, tremors, ataxia, vertigo, damage if IV administration leaks around
nystagmus, muscular fasciculations. injection site.
Urogenital: Azotemia, proteinuria,
Doxofylline hematuria, oliguria.
Generic Name - Nursing Responsibility:
Brand Name
- Monitor for dose-related adverse effects; they Respiratory: URI, dyspnea, rhinitis,
are most likely to occur during the initial bronchitis, cough.
course of treatment. Skin: Rash, pruritus.
- Monitor for early signs of colchicine toxicity Nursing Responsibility:
including weakness, abdominal discomfort, - Carefully monitor for and immediately report
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, S&S of GI bleeding, especially
regardless of administration route. Report to when coadministered with NSAIDs, aspirin,
physician. To avoid more serious toxicity, heparin, or warfarin.
drug should be discontinued promptly until - Evaluate patients with unexplained fever or
symptoms subside. infection for myelotoxicity.

Generic Name - Cefuroxime
Brand Name Generic Name -
Indication Brand Name
Mechanism of Actions Indication
Side effects /Adverse effects: Mechanism of Actions
Nursing Responsibility: Side effects /Adverse effects:
Nursing Responsibility:
Generic Name - CLOPIDOGREL Cefipime
BISULFATE Generic Name -
Brand Name - Plavix Brand Name
Indication - Secondary prevention of MI, Indication
stroke, and vascular death in patients Mechanism of Actions
with recent MI, stroke, unstable angina Side effects /Adverse effects:
or established peripheral arterial disease. Nursing Responsibility:
Mechanism of Actions - Inhibits platelet
aggregation by selectively preventing the
binding of adenosine diphosphate to its Calsan
platelet receptor. It is an analog Generic Name - CALCIUM CARBONATE
of ticlopidine. The drug's effect on the
adenosine diphosphate receptor of a Brand Name - Apo-Cal , BioCal, Calcite-
platelet is irreversible.
500, Calsan , Cal-Sup, Caltrate
Side effects /Adverse effects:
, Chooz, Dicarbosil, Equilet, Mallamint, Mega-Cal,
Body as a Whole: Flu-like syndrome,
Nu-Cal, Os-Cal, Oystercal, Titralac, Tums
fatigue, pain, arthralgia, back pain.
Indication - Relief of transient symptoms
CV: Chest pain, edema,
of hyperacidity as in acid indigestion,
hypertension, thrombocyticpurpura.
heartburn, peptic esophagitis, and hiatal
GI: Abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea,
hernia. Also used as calcium supplement
nausea, hypercholesterolemia.
when calcium intake may be inadequate
Hematologic: Thrombotic
and in treatment of mild calcium
thrombocytopenic purpura, epistaxis.
deficiency states. Control
CNS: Headache, dizziness, depression.
of hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal Indication - Hypertension; in conjunction
failure (calcium acetate). with digitalis and diuretics in CHF,
Mechanism of Actions - Rapid-acting diabetic nephropathy, left ventricular
antacid with high neutralizing capacity dysfunction post MI.
and relatively prolonged duration of Mechanism of Actions - Lowers blood
action. Decreases gastric acidity, thereby pressure by specific inhibition of the
inhibiting proteolytic action of pepsin on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
gastric mucosa. Also increases lower This interrupts conversion sequences
esophageal sphincter tone. Although initiated by renin that lead to formation
classified as a nonsystemic antacid, a of angiotensin II, a potent endogenous
slight to moderate alkalosis usually vasoconstrictor. ACE inhibition alters
develops with prolonged therapy. Acid hemodynamics without compensatory
rebound, which may follow even low reflex tachycardia or changes in cardiac
doses, is thought to be caused by release output (except in patients with CHF).
of gastrin triggered by action of calcium Peripheral vascular resistance is lowered
in small intestines. by vasodilation. Inhibition of ACE also
leads to decreased circulating
aldosterone. Reduced circulating
Side effects /Adverse effects: aldosterone is associated with a
GI: Constipation or laxative effect, acid potassium-sparing effect. In heart failure,
rebound, nausea, captopril administration is followed by a
eructation, flatulence, vomiting, fecal fall in CVP and pulmonary wedge
concretions. pressure; hypotensive action appears to
Metabolic: Hypercalcemia with be unrelated to plasma renin levels.
alkalosis, metastatic Side effects /Adverse effects:
calcinosis, hypercalciuria, hypomagnese Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity
mia, hypophosphatemia (when phosphate reactions, serum sickness-like reaction,
intake is low). arthralgia, skin eruptions.
CNS: Mood and mental changes. CV: Slight increase in heart rate, first
Urogenital: Polyuria, renal calculi. dose hypotension, dizziness, fainting.
Nursing Responsibility: GI: Altered taste sensation (loss of taste
- Note number and consistency of stools. If perception, persistent salt or metallic
constipation is a problem, physician may taste); weight loss, intestinal
prescribe alternate or combination therapy angioedema.
with a magnesium antacid or advise patient to Hematologic: Hyperkalemia,
take a laxative or stool softener as necessary. neutropenia, agranulocytosis (rare).
- Lab tests: Determine serum and urine calcium Respiratory: cough.
weekly in patients receiving prolonged Skin: Maculopapular rash, urticaria,
therapy and in patients with renal dysfunction. pruritus, angioedema, photosensitivity.
Urogenital: Azotemia, impaired renal
Captopril function, nephroticsyndrome,
Generic Name - CAPTOPRIL membranous glomerulonephritis.
Brand Name - Capoten Other: Positive antinuclear antibody
(ANA) titers.
Nursing Responsibility: Urogenital: Vaginitis.
Cefipime Nursing Responsibility:
Generic Name - CEFEPIME - Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions
HYDROCHLORIDE to cephalosporins, penicillins, or other drugs
Brand Name - Maxipime before therapy is initiated.
Indication - Uncomplicated and - Lab tests: Perform culture and sensitivity tests
complicated UTI, skin and skin structure before initiation of therapy. Dosage may be
infections, pneumonia caused by started pending test results.
susceptible organisms (Escherichia - With concurrent high-dose aminoglycoside
coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus therapy, closely monitor for nephrotoxicity
mirabilis, Staphylococcus and ototoxicity.
aureus [methicillin-sensitive], Streptococ
cus pyogenes, Cefuroxime
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Generic Name - CEFUROXIME
aeruginosa, Enterobacter sp). Empiric Brand Name - Kefurox, Zinacef, Ceftin
monotherapy for Indication - Infections caused by
febrile neutropenic patients. susceptible organisms in the lower
Mechanism of Actions - Cefepime, respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin, and
considered to be a fourth-generation skin structures; also used for treatment of
cephalosporin antibiotic, is similar to meningitis, gonorrhea, and otitis media
third-generation cephalosporins with and for perioperative prophylaxis (e.g.,
respect to broad gram-negative coverage; open-heart surgery), early Lyme disease.
however, cefepime has broader gram- Mechanism of Actions - Semisynthetic
positive coverage than third- second-generation cephalosporin
generation cephalosporins. It is highly antibiotic with structure similar to that of
resistant to hydrolysis by most beta- the penicillins. Resistance against beta-
lactamase lactamase-producing strains exceeds that
bacteria. Cefepime preferentially binds to of first generation cephalosporins.
one or more of the penicillin-binding Antimicrobial spectrum of activity
proteins (PBPs) located on cell walls of resembles that of cefonicid.
susceptible organisms. This inhibits the Preferentially binds to one or more of the
third and final stage of bacterial cell wall penicillin-binding proteins (PBP) located
synthesis, thus killing the bacteria on cell walls of susceptible organisms.
(bactericidal). This inhibits third and final stage of
Side effects /Adverse effects: bacterial cell wall synthesis, thus killing
Body as a Whole: Eosinophilia. the bacterium. Partial cross-
GI: Antibiotic-associated colitis, allergenicity between other beta-lactam
diarrhea, nausea, oral moniliasis, antibiotics and cephalosporins has been
vomiting, elevated liver function tests reported.
(ALT, AST). Side effects /Adverse effects:
CNS: Headache, fever. Body as a Whole: Thrombophlebitis
Skin: Phlebitis, pain, inflammation, (IV site); pain, burning, cellulitis (IM
rash, pruritus, urticaria.
site); superinfections, Body as a Whole: Flu-like syndrome,
positive Coombs' test. fatigue, pain, arthralgia, back pain.
GI: Diarrhea, nausea, antibiotic- CV: Chest pain, edema,
associated colitis. hypertension, thrombocyticpurpura.
Skin: Rash, pruritus, urticaria. GI: Abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea,
Urogenital: Increased serum creatinine nausea, hypercholesterolemia.
and BUN, decreased creatinine Hematologic: Thrombotic
clearance. thrombocytopenic purpura, epistaxis.
Nursing Responsibility: CNS: Headache, dizziness, depression.
- Determine history of hypersensitivity reactions Respiratory: URI, dyspnea, rhinitis,
to cephalosporins, penicillins, and history of bronchitis, cough.
allergies, particularly to drugs, before therapy Skin: Rash, pruritus.
is initiated. Nursing Responsibility:
- Lab tests: Perform culture and sensitivity tests - Carefully monitor for and immediately report
before initiation of therapy and periodically S&S of GI bleeding, especially
during therapy if indicated. Therapy may be when coadministered with NSAIDs, aspirin,
instituted pending test results. Monitor heparin, or warfarin.
periodically BUN and creatinine clearance. - Evaluate patients with unexplained fever or
- Report onset of loose stools or diarrhea. infection for myelotoxicity.
Although pseudomembranous colitis (see
Signs & Symptoms, Appendix F) rarely Cognizin
occurs, this potentially life-threatening Generic Name -
complication should be ruled out as the cause Brand Name
of diarrhea during and after antibiotic therapy. Indication
- Monitor I&O rates and pattern: Especially Mechanism of Actions
important in severely ill patients receiving Side effects /Adverse effects:
high doses. Report any significant changes. Nursing Responsibility:
Clopidogrel Co aleva
Generic Name - CLOPIDOGREL Generic Name -
Brand Name - Plavix Indication
Indication - Secondary prevention of MI, Mechanism of Actions
stroke, and vascular death in patients Side effects /Adverse effects:
with recent MI, stroke, unstable angina Nursing Responsibility:
or established peripheral arterial disease.
Mechanism of Actions - Inhibits platelet
aggregation by selectively preventing the Doxofylline
binding of adenosine diphosphate to its Generic Name -
platelet receptor. It is an analog Brand Name
of ticlopidine. The drug's effect on the Indication
adenosine diphosphate receptor of a Mechanism of Actions
platelet is irreversible. Side effects /Adverse effects:
Side effects /Adverse effects: Nursing Responsibility:
peripherally acting analgesic. Ketorolac
Essof does not have any known effects on
Generic Name - opiate receptors.
Brand Name Side effects /Adverse effects:
Indication CNS: Drowsiness, dizziness, headache.
Mechanism of Actions GI: Nausea, dyspepsia, GI
Side effects /Adverse effects: pain, hemorrhage.
Nursing Responsibility: Other: Edema, sweating, pain at
injection site.
Immunopro Nursing Responsibility:
Generic Name - - Correct hypovolemia prior to administration of
Brand Name ketorolac.
Indication - Monitor urine output in older adults and
Mechanism of Actions patients with a history of cardiac
Side effects /Adverse effects: decompensation, renal impairment, heart
Nursing Responsibility: failure, or liver dysfunction as well as those
taking diuretics. Discontinuation of drug will
Ismodin return urine output to pretreatment level.
Generic Name - - Monitor for S&S of GI distress or bleeding
Brand Name including nausea, GI pain, diarrhea, melena,
Indication or hematemesis. GI ulceration with
Mechanism of Actions perforation can occur anytime during
Side effects /Adverse effects: treatment. Drug decreases platelet aggregation
Nursing Responsibility: and thus may prolong bleeding time.
- Monitor for fluid retention and edema in
Ketesse patients with a history of CHF.
Generic Name -
Brand Name
Indication Ketosteril
Mechanism of Actions Generic Name -
Side effects /Adverse effects: Brand Name
Nursing Responsibility: Indication
Mechanism of Actions
Ketorolac Side effects /Adverse effects:
Generic Name - KETOROLAC Nursing Responsibility:
Brand Name - Toradol, Acular, Acular LS Lacipil
Indication - Short-term management of Generic Name -
pain; ocular itching due to seasonal Brand Name
allergic conjunctivitis, reduction of post- Indication
operative pain and photophobia after Mechanism of Actions
refractive surgery. Side effects /Adverse effects:
Mechanism of Actions - It inhibits Nursing Responsibility:
synthesis of prostaglandins and is a
Mepiridine Urogenital: Oliguria, urinary retention.
Generic Name - MEPERIDINE Respiratory: Respiratory depression in
HYDROCHLORIDE newborn, bronchoconstriction (large
Brand Name - Demerol, Pethadol Skin: Phlebitis (following IV use), pain,
, Pethidine Hydrochloride tissue irritation and induration,
Indication - Relief of moderate to severe particularly following subcutaneous
pain, for preoperative medication, for injection.
support of anesthesia, and for obstetric Metabolic: Increased levels of serum
analgesia. amylase, BSP retention, bilirubin, AST,
Mechanism of Actions - Synthetic ALT.
morphine-like compound. Chemically
dissimilar to morphine, but Nursing Responsibility:
in equianalgesic doses it is qualitatively - Give narcotic analgesics in the smallest
comparable. Usual doses produce either effective dose and for the least period of time
no pupillary change or slight miosis, compatible with patient's needs.
but overdosage results in - Monitor vital signs closely. Heart rate may
marked miosis or mydriasis. Also, unlike increase markedly, and hypotension may
morphine, has little or no antidiarrheic or occur. Meperidine may cause severe
antitussive action. Produces CNS hypotension in postoperative patients and
stimulation in toxic doses. those with depleted blood volume.
Side effects /Adverse effects: - Schedule deep breathing, coughing (unless
Body as a Whole: Allergic contraindicated), and changes in position at
(Pruritus, urticaria, skin rashes, wheal intervals to help to overcome respiratory
and flare over IV site), profuse depressant effects.
perspiration. - Be aware that abrupt discontinuation following
CNS: Dizziness, weakness, euphoria, repeated use results in morphine-like
dysphoria, sedation, headache, withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms develop
uncoordinated muscle movements, more rapidly (within 3 h, peaking in 8–12 h)
disorientation, decreased cough and are of shorter duration than with
reflex, miosis, corneal morphine. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and
anesthesia, respiratory depression. Toxic pupillary dilatation are less prominent, but
doses: muscle twitching, tremors, muscle twitching, restlessness, and
hyperactive reflexes, excitement, nervousness are greater than produced by
hypersensitivity to external stimuli, morphine.
agitation, confusion, hallucinations,
dilated pupils, convulsions. Enalapril
CV: Facial flushing, light-headedness, Generic Name - ENALAPRIL MALEATE
hypotension, syncope, palpitation, Brand Name - Vasotec
bradycardia, tachycardia, cardiovascular Indication - Management of mild to
collapse, cardiac arrest (toxic doses). moderate hypertension as monotherapy
GI: Dry or with a diuretic. Malignant, refractory,
mouth, nausea, vomiting, constipation, b accelerated,
iliary tract spasm. and renovascular hypertension (except in
bilateral renal artery stenosis or renal
artery stenosis in a solitary kidney), - Report transient hypotension with
CHF. lightheadedness. Older adults are particularly
Mechanism of Actions - Angiotensin- sensitive to drug-induced hypotension.
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. Supervise ambulation until BP has stabilized.
ACE catalyzes the conversion of
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a Erceflora
vasoconstrictor substance. Therefore,
inhibition of ACE decreases angiotensin
II levels, which decreases vasopressor
activity and aldosterone secretion. Both
actions achieve an antihypertensive
effect by suppression of the renin–
angiotensin–aldosterone system. ACE
inhibitors also reduce peripheral arterial
resistance (afterload), pulmonary
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), a
measure of preload, pulmonary vascular
resistance, and improve cardiac output as
well as exercise tolerance.
Side effects /Adverse effects:
CNS: Headache, dizziness, fatigue,
nervousness, paresthesias, asthenia,
insomnia, somnolence.
CV: Hypotension including postural
hypotension; syncope, palpitations, chest
GI: Diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain,
loss of taste, dyspepsia.
Hematologic: Decreased Hgb and Hct.
Urogenital: Acute kidney failure,
deterioration in kidney function.
Skin: Pruritus with and
without rash, angioedema, erythema.
Metabolic: Hyperkalemia.
Respiratory: Cough.
Nursing Responsibility:
- Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness. Peak
effects after the first IV dose may not occur
for up to 4 h; peak effects of subsequent doses
may exceed those of the first.
- Monitor BP for first several days of therapy. If
antihypertensive effect is diminished before
24 h, the total dose may be given as 2 divided

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