Iros2011 Tof
Iros2011 Tof
Iros2011 Tof
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Safe coexistence of industrial robots and human operators in the same workspace is one of the long
standing goals of robotics research. One way to enforce safety is to endow the robotic system with
additional sensors that can to some extent monitor the environment surrounding the robot and allow
fast reaction to unexpected obstacles. This paper discusses the design of one such anti-collision system
based on a laser Time-Of-Flight distance sensor. Integration of the external controller in the hardware
and software architecture of a commercial industrial robot controller is discussed. Experimental results
show fast response of the system to various obstacles.
Kw µ + Dw µ̇ if µ > 0
Fw = (1)
0 if µ < 0
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the admittance controller with the
Let M be the effective mass of the robot in motion, dmin a explicit computation of the distance d
minimum allowed distance between the robot and the obstacle,
and Fmax the maximum force the actuator of the robot can
The damping factor of the roots of this polynomial is:
deliver. The gains Kw and Dw of the virtual wall can be selected
assuming that when the minimum distance dmin is reached, the 1 Dd + Dw
ζc = p (7)
virtual wall applies the maximum force Fmax , and that the mass- 2 (Kd + Kw )Md
spring-damper system formed by the robot and the virtual wall The desired mass Md can be set equal to the actual mass M of
has a critical damping: the robot (no mass scaling is needed). Defining the damping
factors of the dynamics of the virtual wall and of the desired
Kw = Fmax
c − dmin dynamics of the impedance law as ζw and ζd , respectively,
√ where:
Dw = 4MKw 1 Dw 1 Dd
ζw = √ , ζd = √ (8)
2 Kw M 2 Kd M
3. VIRTUAL IMPEDANCE CONTROLLER the following relation can be obtained:
ζw + αζd
3.1 Imposing the virtual impedance ζc = √ (9)
The virtual force can be used in an anti-collision system in order where α = KKwd . If we select the damping Dd so as to assign
to enforce a desired dynamic behaviour of the robotic system in critical damping to the dynamics of the admittance filter (ζd =
response to this force. This can be accomplished through the 1): p
well known tools of the admittance/impedance control Hogan Dd = 4Kd M (10)
taking into account (2), it turns out that: between the penetration c − d and the variation ∆ of position
√ set-point imposed by the scheme in Fig. 5 is correctly given by
1+ α g
ζc = √ > 1, ∀α > 0 (11) transfer function G(s) = 1+sT . The saturation limit is then set
1+α to a desired distance between the robot and the obstacle deq .
Thus the closed loop system has real eigenvalues when the Since in steady state the input to the integrator is equal to zero,
parameters of the virtual wall and of the admittance filter are the steady state condition of the system implies that the robot
selected as described above. stops at a desired distance deq from the obstacle, provided that
the following relation holds between the desired distance deq ,
3.3 Simplification the related penetration in the virtual wall c − deq , and the gain
of the controller g:
The parameter α = KKwd can be tuned in order to provide a further g=
simplification of the controller. The transfer function from the c − deq
distance d to the variation imposed to the position set-point, The inclusion of a saturation calls for a supplementary stability
based on the tuning rules already introduced, is given by: analysis of the closed loop system. With reference to Fig. 6 the
Kw closed loop behaviour of the controlled manipulator has been
s +
Dw s + Kw Kw 2 M represented with a first order unitary gain transfer function:
G(s) = =2 2 (12)
Md s2 + Dd s + Kd M x(s)
s+ α M = (16)
xr (s) − ∆ s + ω̄
The above transfer function can be approximated with the This results into the block diagram in Fig. 7, where transfer
transfer function: function F(s) takes the expression:
s + ω̄
Kw 1 F(s) = 2 (17)
Gapp (s) = q (13) T s + T ω̄s + gω̄
αM s + α Kw
M Since F(s) is strictly positive real for every positive value of the
which has the same gain as G. Notice that selecting α = parameters, as it can be easily verified, the system is absolutely
0.25 (i.e. the virtual wall 4 times stiffer than the prescribed stable based on the circle criterion.
impedance stiffness), there is no approximation in simplifying
G as in Gapp .
The controller can thus be elaborated as in Fig. 4, where:
g 1
xr x
Rpos, Rvel
x0 d
5.2 Moving obstacle Fig. 16. Moving-obstacle experiment. Red dashed line: original
trajectory; black solid line: obstacle; black dash-dot line:
In this experiment the end effector was commanded a cyclic minimum allowed distance from obstacle; blue solid line:
motion on the vertical axis, but an obstacle with random motion modified trajectory
was perceived along the approach vector (see Fig. 15). Fig. 16
./images/moving_obstacle_distance.png ./images/disappearing_obstacle_pos.png
Fig. 17. Moving-obstacle experiment: distance from the obsta- Fig. 19. Disappearing-obstacle experiment. Red dashed line:
cle original trajectory; black solid line: obstacle; black dash-
5.3 Disappearing obstacle dot line: minimum allowed distance from obstacle; blue
solid line: modified trajectory
This experiment tests the robustness of the anti-collision system
when an obstacle suddenly disappears (see Fig. 18). Fig. 19
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