Bab 2
Bab 2
Bab 2
of the word, phrases, and sentences. It does not only study the concrete things, but
it also studies the abstract things. The term of semantics has been used by H.G
Well in Palmer (1976 : 2) in the shape of things to come speaks of the sentences
ofsignifies, but he says that it was lost sight og and not revived until twenty first
the study of language and its meaning. As a word, Semantics was first used
by Michel Bréal, a French philologist in 1883, and can be used to describe how
words can have different meanings for different people, due to their experiential
English words formed from the various derivatives of the Greek verb sēmainō (“to
mean” or “to signify”).The noun semantics and the adjective semantic are derived
from sēmantikos; semiotics comes from semeiotikos, semiology from sema (sign)
Furthermore, it is difficult to formulate a distinct definition for each of
these terms, because it uses largely overlap in the literature despite individual
preferences. Semantics is a relatively new field of study, and its originators, often
working independently of one another, felt the need to coin a new name for the
French semantique is from 1893, coined from Greek by M. Breal's in 1893. The
following year, the word was first used in English, in a paper read at the American
neglected), which treated semantics as the 'science' of meaning, and was not
primarily concerned with diachronic change. Yet the term did not catch on. The
famous 1923 book by Ogden and Richards, The meaning of meaning, never uses
meaning, and was not primarily concerned with diachronic change and can be
used to describe how words can have different meanings for different people, due
2.1.1. The Scope of Semantics
one account of meaningful forms, and the lexicon also seen more narrowly in a
traditional lasting into the 1960s, as the study of meaning in the lexicon alone,
including changes in the word meaning. Later, in accounts which in the study of
general or within grammar and especially within a generative grammar from the
1960s onwards, to syntax specifically of the uses current at the beginning of the
21st century, many restrict semantics to the study of meaning is abstraction from
pragmatics. Others include pragmatics as one of its branches. In others its scope is
the mid-1990s deals almost solely with problems in formal semantics, even the
concerned with what sentences and other linguistics object expressed. It is not
Semantics could cover more extensive areas, from structure and function of
language as well as the interrelationship with other discipline. In this thesis, the
object can be various. Every people may have different way to analyze the
meaning of alinguistic because there is no very general agreement about the
Moreover, there are at least two major approaches to the way in which
determining which fact of meaning are relevant for semantics The first is
between linguistics expression, such as the words of language, and person, things,
Katz (1972 : 11) states that theory of semantics concerns with the
concerns with the semantic structure of any particular language and it does not
concern with individual’s meaning. Hence semantics scopes down its attention to
the sentence meaning as a part of linguistic system rather than utterance meaning.
Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that the most suitable
One example is to be found in a well known article by J.J Katz and J.A Fordor
According to Leech (1969 : 5), “The aim of semantics is to explain and
describe the meaning in natural language. To make our starting point in ordinary
usage more explicit, it may even says that the goal of semantics is to explain what
underlies the use of the word means and related term (sense, nonsense, signify,
should be able to give more explanations and define any expressions in language.
semantics also should be able to define their meaning properties and relation. Any
language, the meaning of the language itself must be studied too. Language
English uses the verb “to mean” refer to a relationship involving at least one of
three different types of thing; language, the world (including people, objects, and
talking about language; meaning, use and truth. Each of these three categories of
Description in terms of truth places the emphasis on the objective facts of the
(including people, objects, and everything outside of ourselves) and our own
minds or intention are the three different types of Semantics relation. It can be
substituted that the book as the speaker that derived the meaning and the reader as
the hearer that accept the meaning based on the condition (the same knowledge,
According to Halliday and Hasan (1976:13), these explisit clues make a text,
the notion of lexical cohesion might need some further explanation. collocation is
the most problematic part of the analysis lexical cohesion (halliday and hasan,
1976: 284). The analysis for the first example of lexical cohesion above would be
that girls and boys have a relationship of complementary and are therefore related
by lexical cohesion. the basis of lexical cohesion is in fact extended to any pair of
lexical items that stand next to each other in some recognizable lexicosemantic
The class of general noun, for instance, is a small set of nouns having
ongoing investigations (see aspecially ford, fox and thompson, 2001) that we
concider important because they relate linguistic subdisciplines like grammar and
signal the move from a digression back to the main line of the conversation or
even signal turk-taking. in this type of use, connectives are often referred to as
have discussed the principled difference between two answers to question 'how to
account for connectedness oof text and discourse?' we have seen that, while
cohesion seeks the answer in overt textual signals, a coherence approach opens
According to M.A.K. Halliday, R. Hasan (1976) Lexical Cohesion is a
them all the time. On the other hand, other combinations may be
sentences :
Example: Are you fully aware of the implications of your action.
Example: The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking.
Had run deals to verb, and out of money deals to expression with
concerns genre. Similar to the general observation that cohesion varies with
genre, lexical cohesion tends to vary with genre as well. Conclusions of
compared to systematic relations Morris & Hirst (2004) are precipitous. The
all the relations. The first question concerns the relevance of context in the
2.3. Text Book
In the world of English language teaching, the term textbook and course
Further, they are also specifically designed for specific target audiences in specific
context throughout the country. While textbook refer to materials used in teaching
become the integral part of teaching learning process comprising the output aspect
system. Further, some experts believe that textbooks have continued to take part
in a wider education context both in the classroom and outside the classroom
Textbooks also provide some road maps for both teachers and students to
addition, she adds that textbooks provide a syllabus containing the selection of
language aspects which are carefully planned and balanced. Acklam (1994: 12)
suggests that textbooks become a visible outline offering a clear map of what to
educational settings in order to be used through out the country. Textbook are
seen beneficial in the teaching and learning process for several reasons. First,
approaches as a framework for developing a course. Next, they also provide both
input and output of language for the students which will facilitate language
acquicition process.
the progress of their course. Textbook are seen beneficial in the teaching and
can be seen in the teachers’ teaching design. The learning source that is generally
that contained of material of the subject of lesson, in writing form that must
(in Yusup : 1988 : 22) textbook is a book for one subject that used to make the
learning and teaching achievement between teacher and students more easy.
Whitaker said (in Sundari2010 : 17) a textbook is a planning book that used to
According Mills and Douglas (in Hanafi1981 : 14) the good criteria of
the textbook are :1) Textbook consists of the learning material that make teacher
is easier to make learning planning that will be taught to the students. 2) Textbook
the help teacher to teach the students. 4) Textbook is a permanent record that will
make the teacher to review the lesson in the future.5) Textbook can be used by the
students to study at home. 5) Textbook release the teacher from the duty to look
for the material so the teacher can use the time for teach the students.
In meantime, Thomas and Swarout (in Sundari2010 : 18) stated that the
2) A textbook provide the material that must teach to the students and also how to
teach them to the students. 3) The material in the textbook is rarely accurate. 4)
The material in the textbook is in order. 5) There are many media in the textbook.
6) Textbook make the students to decrease the students job in making note.
book that contained of material of the subject of lesson. There are 6 good criteria
packaging of this books is interesting layout, full image, futuristic, and so on.
With the book, students can helped to be able to understand and to apply English
in many aspects of life easier and then this book is very easy to understand, full
2.5.Conceptual Framework
Text Book
- References - Repetition
- Ellipsis - Synonym
- Substitution - Antonym
- Collocation
Based on the framework above, the limitation of the research is the yellow
colour, there are : repetition, synonym, antonym, hyponym, and collocation as the
The textbook is the main source material used in teaching learning
this weak sense of the term each folk-tale is a text. On the other hand, text may be
There are 2 forms of material; spoken material and written material that
used in textbook in order to get the student’s ability in speaking and writing.
interlocutor, meanwhile the written material is the text that read and written by the
student as conclusion.
Written material refers to the material that provide the surfaces on which
written materials is by the material constituing thw writing surface such as: paper
and the number, size, and usage and storage configuration of multiple surface.
that holds a text together and gives it meaning. There are two main types of
Lexical cohesion is non-grammatical in nature due to which it is different
from other cohesive devices. Lexical cohesion hints towards the cohesive effect
Halliday and Hassan (1976) have given the following categories for
A. 1. Referencing
referencing means when information can be retrieved from within the text. The
same grammatical slot for material elsewhere in the text (Johnstone, 2002:
serve the function the text as the presupposed item. Basicallythere are three
substitution, themain words “one and ones” are used as alternative of nouns.
In verbal substitution, the most frequently used substitute is the verb “do”. In
anaphoric reference.
- A lot (of the paintings) were very good but not all (the pantings)
3. Conjunction
to other sentences (Johnstone, 2002: 102). Halliday and Hasan designate that
Lexical cohesion includes:
2. a.) Synonym;
the same.
general item.
3. Collocation;
sound right to native English speakers, who use them all the time. On the other
from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common
types are :
a.) Adverb + adjective
analysis. There are some researches which are relevant to the topic supporting the
idea analysis.
YA-SIN OF THE HOLY QUR’AN”. He found that , there are 543 cases of lexical
GLOBE. She found that, the result of the study shows some kinds of lexical
relations and diction that used in the editorials. The lexical relations that found