Urgent To All The Nations of The Planet For Survival
Urgent To All The Nations of The Planet For Survival
Urgent To All The Nations of The Planet For Survival
of our World
A brief pillar of our origins, our existence, and the current ominous state of
global, solar, and galactic affairs.
Possession and spreading of the knowledge provided within may put you at
risk. Act with caution. Research. Verify what you can.
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Introduction 5
How the information was obtained 6
The mysteries of our recent past 7
Phase 1 - The Rebelion 8
Phase 2 - Our hyper-solar system 9
Phase 3 - Earth population at the time of arrival 12
Phase 4 - The conflicts 13
Phase 5 - The solar wars 15
Phase 6 - The beginning of mainstream ancient times 17
Phase 7 - The dark ages 19
Phase 8 - The monotheistic religions 21
Phase 9 - The poisoning 25
Phase 10 - The UAPs and sightings 26
Phase 11 - The return of the Commonwealth 27
Phase 12 - The present and the totalitarian plans 30
Phase 13 - The human place in the cosmic evolution 34
Phase 14 - Probability of events 36
Phase 15 - What to look for 38
Final Comments 40
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The information within will be vastly different than what you
were informed. Whistleblowers of major and clandestine
organizations only have a few pieces of the whole image.
Even the disclosures that have taken and will take place are
woefully incomplete.
The whistleblowers who reached 30% over the target were fought
against. Only those who were less than 20% are allowed online.
What you are about to learn here, is conservatively 70% over the
target. The rest is information we cannot verify as of yet. Were it
not been violently fought against, we would not be in the
foreboding state of affairs we are today.
Before we begin, leave all you have learned and all doctrines
behind. What you are about to encounter will bend your mind.
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How the information was obtained
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In short order:
Earth has been held hostage and lost partial control since 5,629
BCE. After 80 ACE, total control was lost and the Dark Ages began.
Our solar system has been under quarantine, which is why we are
unable to communicate beyond our solar system.
Let us begin.
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Phase 1 - The Rebelion
Under approximation, a grant rebellion broke out in 1/3rd of the
Milky Way. Its two hotspots have been known as Alpha Draconis
and Epsilon Vo’Otis.
One race led this rebellion from Alpha Draconis, also referred to
as Medusa. Its people have been named Dragons or Draconians.
Their goal was to accumulate greater power for themselves and
impose the Pyramid structure of government.
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Phase 2 - Our hyper-solar system
Every solar system exists in the same hyper-solar sphere. It is
composed of a star (single, binary or otherwise) and its orbiting
planets. Under a center of symmetry, it also hosts an anti-sun
(black hole) and the respective anti-planets that orbit that black
hole with opposite orbits than those of the normal planets. You
may think of them as two systems, one of matter, one of anti-
Long before the war, this solar system became colonized initially
by a White race later called Pelasgians and a darker skin race
later called Dravidians. Both created mythology that has more
common points than any other combination.
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During the time of the rebellion, the solar system was ruled by
Kronos. Due to his described character, he sought security in his
position, which he thought would be attainable if he abolished
the Commonwealth’s Spherical government system for the Pyramid.
As such, he became tempted to join the Draconian Alliance’s cause.
As the myth goes, he began to ‘eat his children’ which means that
he began to take down his subordinates who would challenge his
rule. The names referenced in the myth of Hesiod’s Theogony were
titles, not actual people.
Not long after, the war began to turn. The Commonwealth moved to
end the Draconian rebellion. This may sound like the story of
Star Wars. In a sense, Star Wars was invented with the reverse
roles. It made the good guys bad and the bad guys good.
Perseus’ mission was successful and the Draconian home world was
obliterated. However, one major fleet was in nearby orbit, led by a
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flagship that appears like a natural celestial object. A mini
‘Dyson Sphere’, a war planet code-named Levan.
From the two Draconian war planets, Levan has been rather
infamous for destroying worlds, exterminating the populations,
and stripping the planets of their rare minerals. Not even plants
By the Earth year 11,500 BCE, the Levan and Lilith fleets entered
our hyper-solar system.
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High Commander requested. Those two regions were Atlantis and
During the age of the First Contact, the first Accords were agreed
upon. The Aethi’Opeans offered the northern hemisphere for
colonization in return for knowledge, technology, and space
travel. Many of them chose space travel and formed a colony on a
planet orbiting the star of Sirius-B.
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Additionally, Pelasgians inhabited Atlantis, while Dravidians
inhabited Northern Lemuria.
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Controlled under an iron fist, a corrupt Atlantis waged the first
global war for a New World Order. Their target was the brother
nation of Atlantis, Aegis.
Still, there were the Sines and Atlanteans who remained fanatical
in their cause. After liberating the captured territories, Aegis
invaded Atlantis from land, sea, and air. The sheer force of this
response made Atlanteans consider surrender.
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The Aegean forces that landed on the eastern shores of Esperia
were ambushed and murdered by the Sines. It is unknown if and
how many Atlanteans survived. From that point in time, the Sinese
armies moved across the Northern Esperia, murdering and raping
the Dravidian inhabitants. The people who were born from that
point on, attained a skin color mix of yellow and tan. They became
‘red-skinned’. Their eyes became somewhat Mongolic in shape.
After going through the Northern Esperia, the Sines crossed into
Siberia from today’s Alaska, and waved war in Apo-Ionia. After a
long struggle, they eventually established themselves in the
land of today’s China around 4,000 BCE.
The Draconian Commander resumed with two more wars, one after
the other. They were both wars of attrition and led to the
disaster of Mars, where its entire population became extinct.
Another planet between Mercury and our Sun plunged into our
star, though the timing of its fall is not yet determined.
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The Commonwealth forces broke into three parts. One is said to
have taken refugee on the original Command Center of the hyper-
solar system, Uranus (or ‘Ouranos’ after the name of the original
president’s residence of the hyper-solar system). The second is
said to have taken refuge in what is referred to as Hollow Earth
(nothing to do with Shambala or Agartha). The last portion of the
fleet left our hyper-solar system to seek reinforcements.
At that point, the Draconian fleets had free reign of the interior
6 planets (from Mercury to Saturn). However, they could not depart
as the exit was hermetically sealed. Thus, they began the
preparations by extracting as much minerals to repair their
forces as possible. Their first target was the more sparsely
inhabited and Titanium-rich Phaethon. After a brief siege, the
population of Phaethon managed to resist the ground assaults. As
a result, the Draconians destroyed the planet, turning it into
today’s asteroid belt, and mined the Titanium in space.
Once science academies were turned into temples and the initial
religions and priest orders were formed. And with them came the
secret brotherhoods, cults, clandestine groups, and dynasties.
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Phase 6 - The beginning of mainstream ancient times
The mainstream ancient times, as spoken by the dynasties of Sina/
China and the Bible, begin in the year 4,000 BCE. Genesis itself
claims it was the time Earth was born. This is not literal.
Between the years 8,255 BCE and 3,615 BCE, humanity lived in the so-
called Bronze/Copper Age, where it had more time to re-develop
than it once did during the Silver Age. However, during the Silver
Age, not all advanced technologies were gone. Humanity did not
have enough time to mount a substantial defense against the
Draconian Alliance invasion.
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The last thing the Draconian fleet wanted was the military
development of humanity, as it would pose a risk of them re-
uniting with the Commonwealth forces that took refuge in the
interior part of the hollow Earth. The technology and method used
by Levan is still unclear, but it involved a massive release of
hydratmic (H2O gases) that caused a massive cataclysm, mainly
targeted over the area of the ancient Aegis. That place, the
Mediterranean, had already turned into a large lake due to the
massive tsunamis caused by the slamming of the Atlantean
continent into the magma and the collision of Phaethon’s
fragment within the ocean (we are uncertain which body of water
it hit).
The Mediterranean Valley that was a lake by that time, became the
Mediterranean Sea. This was the last major change of the face of
the Earth and shot humanity back once again.
Therefore, if you ever wonder how the pyramids came to be, they
were not constructed with the help of some alien species. We built
them, but when we did, our technology was far more advanced.
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By that point, however, we had to almost literally reinvent the
This time, aside from the 7 Mongol hordes that poured throughout
the West, the Chinese sought to secure a docile population with a
form of ‘mind control’. As it was later called by their communist
peers, ‘the opium of the masses’.
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The Old Testament speaks of a meeting of a council of ‘Gods’ that
included Yund, under his original Draconian name of YHWH, later
‘smoothed’ down to Yahweh. If we are to correlate this information
with more ancient sources, like the Orphic Hymns (not the
mistranslated one), this meeting was one of the deciding sessions
after which the Kroneans abandoned their roles as the ‘Pantheon’.
The agreement that was reached included Kronos receiving at
least an honorable mention and role in this new religion. His
name henceforth was Savvit/Savvath/Savvaoth. Hence, in Genesis,
his name, Sabbath became the holy day of rest.
Once all the information was gathered and recorded, the high
ranked priests gathered in Nicaea of Bithinia in 325 ACE (or AD).
The books that had inconsistencies were hidden and only those
that appeared to correlate were used in the composition of the
main holy books. This happened because the so-called Disciples
were not present by the side of Jesus, whose true name was Rabbi
By that time, the Dark Ages began. Science was persecuted and
superstition took hold. Knowledge vanished and the population
lived a form of slavery under a feudalistic system of monarchs
and oligarchs.
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Phase 8 - The monotheistic religions
Once the Hebraic priest orders attained the history, the legends,
and the traditions of their opponents, they assembled them under
their own, ‘unique’ label of religion, and they proclaimed
themselves the only masters. The sole ‘ambassadors of the divine’.
Throughout history, Yund or YHWH as was his real name, was also
known as Yundai/Jendai, Sin, Sion, Sina, Yahweh, Elloh, Ellohim,
Allah. References also speak of a rather ridiculous name he used
to also go by: Metatron. If this reminds you of the Transformers,
you would not be far from the truth. Yet, the reason for the use of
such name is unknown.
From the above names, you can easily extrapolate that the ‘divine
authority’ of all three monotheistic and warring religions is the
same person. Divide and conquer.
The answer to this comes from the Roman archives, for which we
are thankful.
Even before the Romans, and after the Egyptians, the Jewish
attempted to undermine the Kingdoms of the Seleucids, the
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descendants of Alexander the Great. Seeing the Jews preferring
the Hellenic way of life, the Rabbis became enraged. After
numerous sabotages and assassination attempts, Antioch razed the
Temple of Solomon, essentially giving the Jewish priest orders to
once again unite their people against a ‘common enemy’.
The Romans were aware that the Chaldean Jews had previously
infiltrated the Greek cities of Thebes and Corinth, essentially
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turning them into cesspools of immorality. However, Alexander the
Great had already eliminated them by razing both cities to the
ground. As such, the suspicion of the Romans was high.
Soon, they saw Judaism for what it truly was. A political movement
set to usurp the power of Rome. It was a similar playbook used
against Egypt. As such, the ‘missionaries’ were persecuted and
executed. The stories you heard about Christians being thrown to
the lions, they were not Christians. They were Jews and more
specifically, Rabbis. Hadrian had good reason for his actions at
the time.
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justification to wage wars between Christianity and Islam. Their
main purpose of both sides was never to actually fight each
other, at least at that time. Out of 14 Crusades, only the first
fought the Islamists. The second and the third only made it to
Jerusalem for appearances. All the rest plundered, murdered, and
raped the Eastern Roman Empire and more specifically, Greece.
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Phase 9 - The poisoning
According to Hesiod, the teenage duration of the human being
during the Silver Age of Mankind was said to be 100 Earth years.
One hundred years has been reduced to a mere seven.
Let us move ahead in time and reach the current status quo.
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Phase 10 - The UAPs and sightings
‘Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic,’ Arthur C. Clarke. He was an astronomer and a 33rd degree
Magic was the word that was used during the dark ages when
people would encounter the unknown crafts at the time. Several
artists depicted them in their drawings, giving them a ‘divine’
The abductions that took place aimed to study further the genetic
material, especially of the White race, who happened to have been
descendants of the original colonists. Part of our poisoning
described above was to alter our sources of nutrition and direct
us into a way of life detrimental to our health.
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around our planet. If you have studied astronomy, a circular
orbit is essentially unheard of.
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technology delivery agreement. In return, the Draconians
requested one little ‘snack’. Infants. The babies they did not
consume would end up in the child trafficking networks. It is not
just the parasitical elites who are interested in such sick
practices. We find it despicable that any honorable human being
would align themselves with such monstrosities.
Now you begin to understand the war that some UFOlogists claim.
Still, even they have no idea what is truly happening.
This time, it is the Draconians who are being put to the test.
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As ‘negotiations’ went underway, the Commonwealth began repairing
the damage on Saturn. If you wish to verify, search for ‘Ring-
makers of Saturn’ by Dr. Norman Bergrun.
Trying to buy more time, the Draconian fleet of 118 visible war-
planets, minus Levan and Lilith, took a defensive formation along
the orbit of planet Jupiter. The Commonwealth fleet of 960 war-
planets, 340 of which are in our visible spectrum (matter density)
took an aggressive formation along the orbit of planet Saturn.
That area appears to our telescopes to be teemed with ‘natural’
objects, as is the Kuiper belt near Pluto. However, when New
Horizons went there to investigate a rather enigmatic ‘natural
object’ it was shut down and powered up after that object was long
past. We believe that ship being part of the outer blockade.
NASA called that object 15810 Arawn, after the Celtic deity of war,
death, and terror (or ‘god of the underworld’). This should offer a
glimpse of the panic these agencies and their masters are
All we do know is that our solar system has lost two planets.
Especially the one who plunged into our sun had its gravity well,
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no matter how small in comparison, join the sun’s. By definition,
this slightly increased our star’s gravitational force, which can
be seen in the law of Titius-Bode on planetary orbit ranges. A
newer study that came out attempted a correctional formula.
However, the results still show a decline in all planetary orbits.
We are spiraling into the sun and this dramatic change has
happened during a period of less than 10,000 years.
Did you really think that those demons would leave the bodies
just because a priest commanded them so? No. Their role was to
create the dualistic system. ‘Bring the sheep close to you by
pointing at the wolf,’ wise people used to say. God and Satan in
our current world are two sides of the same Draconian coin. These
entities have no chance against older/ancient and stronger souls.
They fear them. When the people who bear such souls die, become
immensely fierce and, as it is said in the Western World, can ‘eat
those demons for breakfast’.
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Before you ask the question, yes, at random intervals, ancient
souls arrive to this planet to act either as the eyes of the
Commonwealth, or to play a catalytic role with the limited
information their brains can extract from their respective souls.
The described beings are not divine creatures. They are our long
ancestors, the people we used to come from and who have joined the
Draconians under Kronos’ traitorous leadership. The same goes for
all the ‘Nordic’ ETs some people encounter. They are Kroneans. Even
though they may appear friendly, fooling many psychics of the
New Age religions, in the end, they are anything but our allies.
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The original, non-translated, text of the Book of Psalms speaks of
the ‘moon’s reversal’. Just as the pre-Selenians of Arcadia
witnessed the moon’s arrival, this flagship is scheduled to depart
our solar system, leaving Earth in whatever forsaken state they
can. We matter not to them. Not any race, even the Chinese people.
Thankfully, a few of them have began to sense it.
The ‘net zero’ emissions we keep hearing about risks dropping the
concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, below the dangerous
levels of 0.02% (currently at 0.04%), which is the threshold where
plants begin to die. However, the human factor is inconsequential
as we are already approaching the sun and it is the regulator of
the temperature, and by extension, the CO2. By all standards, the
‘net zero’ serves no purpose other that to lay the ground for the
Earth’s destruction via extensive mining.
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At the current year of 2023, we are in the middle stages of a more
immediate and nefarious plan called Project Blue Beam, revealed
by Serge Monast, who was later summarily executed. Yes, this
project is underway. The massive earthquakes, floods, fires, and
catastrophes we have been witnessing this year have all been
planned and are artificial. This is Project Blue Beam’s second
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‘quality of life’ aspect, in order to gain trust and admiration.
However, most technology will be of military nature. The reason is
that the Draconian Alliance needs a distraction to make their
The narrative for the above playbook is being set. We expect the
newly developed theory of the ’12,000 year cycle of extinction’ to
reach the mainstream media so as to make the above phase more
convincing. We also expect some form of disaster to strike our
planet, though artificial, not natural.
However, we do not believe that this plan will work. The reason is
that the ‘warning shots’ have been fired. We shall expand on this
in Phase 14. This is not the ‘End of Days’ they want us to believe.
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Mayan calendar’s ending. The end of that calendar marked the
actual completion of a 432,000 year cycle, with which their
Dravidian ancestors highlighted the passage of their human
evolution from the state of SOLID-3/RACE-11/SUBRACE-5 to the stage
of SOLID-3/RACE-11/SUBRACE-6. Some called it ‘the Age of Aquarius’.
We, humans, are beings of the 3rd dimension with a guest soul (who
we truly are) of the 4th. The Commonwealth fleet includes vessels
all the way to the 8th dimension of matter density, with the
capital flagship of the fleet existing in the 6th. Each dimension
can affect and communicate its immediate dimensions via
technology and technology alone. Electricity is 4th dimension, but
it can kill us. The same goes for fire. However, in smaller
amounts, electricity powers our bodies.
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The aspect of soul has been portrayed in organized religion as
something paranormal. It is not. Per its nature, it is a dual-
system consisted of the mind (hosted in the brain) and the psyche
(hosted in the sternum). One is tethered to the other.
The ignorant ones believe that there will come a galactic cycle
of 12,000 years that will cause a massive disaster to the levels of
an extinction level event. Good luck with that.
The ones who know are expecting one of the two following options.
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chosen ones that is written in John’s Revelation. The only ones
probably to go will be the high-ranked Sines of the clandestine
hyper-lodge organizations; if they are lucky.
Two, they are aware that once the Commonwealth arrives, there is a
probability of an initial planetary bombardment and a massive
troop deployment on the surface. They wish to hide from what is
coming. This is the likely scenario the elites, who know, believe.
Since the panic has increased with the current state of Agenda
2030 and the new, pole shift narrative and the cycle of
devastation, it is an indicator that something has began taking
place within our solar system. The Commonwealth fleet.
Warning shots toward the sun have already been fired. These are
not types of weapons that are visible like the films. They cannot
be seen via the naked eye and they are almost instantaneous from
the orbit of Saturn.
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This is a situation of a ‘bank robbery’ as a metaphorical
reference. Earth is the bank, the people are the hostages, the
Draconian Alliance are the thieves, and the Commonwealth fleet is
the police.
The following is a question you may have. ‘How will I know who is
the one to arrive? The Kroneans or the Commonwealth?”
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The Kroneans will come with the intention to ‘work with the
governments’. The Commonwealth will come to straight-out
annihilate them without a second thought.
Those who remain will have two choices. First, remain with the
Commonwealth forces in an attempt to heal both the planet and
restore the astronomical stability of the hyper-solar system.
Second, they will be able to depart this area of the cosmos and
back to their original home worlds or worlds that will welcome
them back. In both of these scenarios, it is mentioned that the
strands damage to our DNA shall be repaired, we shall be
debriefed, and we will be able to participate in universities to
re-learn about the cosmos and our past.
While the last part may appear on the side of ‘wish’, it is what it
is. We are not transmitting anything that we have not encountered
If you happen to lose your life in the events to come, do not run
toward the light as a soul or you will be caught. Hide in the
forests, the trees, the rocks, until the Commonwealth arrives. If
the worst comes to pass, as an astral entity (soul) you can
survive in space. Head to the south pole of the Earth and allow
the magnetic field to shoot you through the sky and continue
straight down toward the south pole of the hyper-solar system.
There, you will encounter the exit blockade. If you are someone
who had a destructive and violent past, however, you shall be
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captured. If you are, as it is called, a kind soul, you shall be
given refuge.
That is all.
Final Comments
Remember, this is a central pillar of knowledge, by far the most
forbidden in the history of our civilization. Research, decipher,
seek to understand for yourself. Be mindful of trending cults as
they can lead to dead ends and eventual insanity.
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Until then, resist, do not comply with the totalitarian regimes,
and protect your countries and nations. Above all, protect your
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