ICV Supplier Certification Guidelines MOIAT
ICV Supplier Certification Guidelines MOIAT
ICV Supplier Certification Guidelines MOIAT
June 2021
MOIAT Classification: Internal
5.5 Investment 18
5.6 Emiratization 19
5.8 Revenue 22
5.9 Bonus 23
MOIAT Classification: Internal
The National In-Country Value Program (ICV) aims to enable the Ministry of Industry and Advanced
Technology to improve the performance and sustainability of the industrial sector, by increasing
the contribution of local industries and supporting local companies and their important role in
advancing economic and social development as well as contributing to the growth of the country's
The National ICV is a certificate issued to suppliers in which their contribution to the local economy
is evaluated. The certified suppliers are then given an advantage during the award of contracts and
purchases based on their ICV score.
The program will contribute to the growth of local industries through initiatives that aim to reduce
dependence on imports including financing incentives that will be declared in the future.
The program captures the total amounts spent inside the country on manufacturing, local products
and services, investments, and the hiring and development of Emiratis. It aims to support the
national industry and redirect amounts spent in procuring goods and services towards the national
The Ministry decided to implement this project at a national level and increase the
number of participating entities, due to the positive impact expected from
implementation including:
Enhancing the environment for doing business in the industrial sector.
Increasing the percentage of industrial projects and national companies benefiting from
government procurement tenders and contracts to stimulate the profitability of industrial
Increasing the percentage of national industrial entrepreneurship projects and the percentage of
national talent working in this sector.
Maximizing the percentage of local purchases and contributing to the development of the industrial
sectors within the country and creating new investment opportunities.
Motivating institutions and companies to develop plans, mechanisms and programs to improve
their performance and participation in achieving national value requirements.
MOIAT Classification: Internal
a. Participating Entities – All the entities who have implemented the In Country Value (ICV) program
jointly are referred to as “Participating Entities”.
c. Certifying Body – A Company who has been authorized by the Participating Entities for verification of
Suppliers’ ICV certificate application and issues the ICV certificate.
d. Audited Financial Statements -Supplier's financial statement that has been prepared and audited by
an independent certified public accountant in accordance with IFRS (International Financial Reporting
e. ICV Certificate Template – means the template which the Supplier fills to calculate the ICV score as
per predetermined formula.
a. ICV certificate shall be obtained for each legal entity of the Supplier, which intends to be certified.
Each license of a Company is considered as an independent legal entity even if the ownership is
the same. However, if a Company has different branches in the same Emirate with identical
activities and ownership listed on the licenses, then one combined ICV certificate will be issued for
the Company in that Emirate.
b. All figures entered in the ICV certificate template should tally with Supplier’s latest audited
Financial Statements. The audited financial statements shall be as per the International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), and shall not be older than 2 years from the certification year i.e. for
ICV certification in 2020, the audited financial statements to be considered shall not be older than
2018. For newly established Companies (less than 10 months old), who do not have audited
financial statements, the Management Accounts for a period of up to 9 months can be used for
ICV calculations. Any management accounts greater than 9 months will be required to be audited.
c. The ICV certificate shall be valid for a period of 14 months from the date of issuance of Audited
Financial Statements. Supplier can get recertified during the validity of the ICV certificate if he
chooses to, using the same audited financial statements, but the validity of 14 months from the
first issue will remain.
d. Upon appointing an Empaneled Certifying Body, Supplier shall not change the Empaneled
Certifying Body for that year’s ICV certificate without proper justifications.
e. The figures reported in the ICV Certificate Template should relate to the figures in Supplier’s
Audited Financial Statements or from the supporting documents used to generate the Audited
Financial Statements. The different scenarios with respect to the consideration of Audited
Financial Statements are as per the flow chart (Annexure-1) attached to these guidelines.
f. Supplier’s submission shall consider all Supplier’s costs incurred and revenue earned during the
financial year.
MOIAT Classification: Internal
g. The cost figures shall be in AED in the ICV Certificate Template unless specified otherwise. For
currency conversions, the following shall be considered:
1 USD = 3.6725 AED
Other currency conversion shall be done based on the prevailing rate on the
Purchase Order for goods/services.
h. In case the supplier is unable to provide the consumption details (listing by vendor and by invoice),
purchases made during the year can be considered. In such a case, the differential of opening and
closing stock should be adjusted as “others” to tie it back to consumption figure in the books of
accounts. The “others” shall then be split into the same ratio of ‘total inside UAE costs’ and ‘total
outside UAE costs’.
i. Suppliers with Industrial License activities are also required to submit an annual consumption in
units (e.g. kWh, cubic meters m3,) for Electricity and Gas.
j. Assumptions and calculation methodologies utilized in preparing the ICV Certificate Template shall
be consistent with these guidelines.
k. Supplier shall have all documentation supporting the reported cost figures. The numbers will need
to stand up to scrutiny by the Certification Body. The designated personnel representing the
Participating Entities have the right to conduct a quality review of each of the Certification Bodies’
ICV engagements and review reports prepared by them. Suppliers and Certification Bodies shall
share the required information with designated personnel whenever required.
l. Any gross negligence or willful default by Suppliers in their submissions will result in appropriate
punitive measures including being banned from participating in business with Participating Entities.
m. Supplier shall strictly follow the ICV Certificate Template which can be downloaded from
https://moiat.gov.ae/en/icv/information-for-suppliers to generate their ICV score / certificate.
Supplier shall fill out the figures and other details, in the non-shaded areas of the template.
n. For the purpose of Supplier’s ICV calculations, the following shall be considered for different types
of Companies:
MOIAT Classification: Internal
o. Suppliers are encouraged to amend their existing trial balance codes appropriately to separately
capture specific costs required by ICV. This ensures that certification is smooth and cost effective
for future years. For example, Suppliers could have a separate code for Emirati payroll costs,
training costs, manufacturing costs – overseas, etc.
MOIAT Classification: Internal
d. The formula for calculation of ICV score along with the weightage for each of the
attributes is detailed below:
MOIAT Classification: Internal
e. The ICV Certificate Template consists of a Microsoft Excel file with tabs
dedicated to each of these attributes, wherein the Supplier has to fill the figures
from the Audited Financial Statements as explained in subsequent pages of
these guidelines.
MOIAT Classification: Internal
Applicability – Applicable for all Suppliers
ICV Summary
5. Company Type - choose the appropriate type from the drop-down list:
o Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in UAE
o Non-SME in UAE
o International Company
MOIAT Classification: Internal
6. Company based in - choose the appropriate type from the drop-down list:
o Within UAE
o Outside UAE
Note – Goods Manufacturers in Free Zone should choose “Within UAE” and Service Providers
in Free Zone should choose “Outside UAE”
7. Financial Year End Date – Supplier shall fill the end date of the Financial year based
on which the ICV certification is being applied for. An ICV certificate cannot be
issued 2 years after this date. The date shall be entered in (mm/dd/yyyy) format.
8. Audited Financial Statements Issue date – Supplier to enter the date of issuance of
the Audited Financial Statements. The ICV certificate will be valid for 14 months from
this date. The date shall be entered in (mm/dd/yyyy) format.
9. Company Business - choose the appropriate type from the drop down list:
o Goods Manufacturer
o Service Provider
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
All Suppliers shall fill in the general questionnaire based on the reported financial year.
The details provided in the general questionnaire are only for Participating Entities’
information and will not affect the ICV score calculations.
Applicability – Applicable only for Goods Manufacturers Goods
1. Goods Description
Supplier has to list all Goods manufactured by Supplier in the latest audited financial year, in
broad categories. If there are multiple goods falling under same or similar category, these can
be combined together as one-line item in the template.
Note - Training cost for Employees shall not be included in the Third Party Spend (shall
be included in Emiratization or Expat tabs)
2. Total cost
Supplier shall provide the breakdown of total cost for each goods listed in the table. The
breakdown shall be as follows:
Level -1
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
Level -2
“Within UAE” & “Outside UAE” cost shall be further split into:
Third Party Cost – All cost paid to third party companies
Level -3
Third party cost under “Within UAE” - This shall be further split into:
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
For Third party Service Providers for Utility and other Services in UAE, the
following shall be considered:
Services ICV%
In this Section, Supplier shall provide the name of the Manufacturer/ Agent/ Service
Provider, cost of purchases and ICV% of the Manufacturer/ Agent/Service Provider.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
5. While considering the vendors from Free Zone, the following shall be
6. ICV Calculation
(Total ICV value) + Emirati cost (Page-5) + 0.6 x Expat cost (Page-6)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 0.5
(Total Cost) #
Note – (#) – Total Cost includes all cost except the items mentioned in (4) above and shall
be calculated from total cost in Page 2 (Goods Manufacturing), Page 5 (Emiratization) and
Page 6 (Expat contribution)
Applicability – Applicable only for Service Providers
Third Party Cost
a. Goods/Services Description
o Supplier has to list out all the Goods/Services procured by him in the previous
financial year in broad categories. If there are multiple goods falling under same or
similar category, it can be combined together as one-line item in the template. For
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
Note - Training cost for Employees shall not be included in the Third Party Spend
(same to be included in Emiratization or Expat tabs)
b. Supplier Name
o Supplier shall indicate the “Vendor name” who has supplied the goods
o Supplier shall provide the Cost of Goods (Cost of Sales) purchased from the
d. Vendor ICV%
o Supplier shall indicate the ICV% of the Vendors. This should be backed up with
ICV certificates of Vendors issued by one of the Empanelled Certifying bodies.
For the purpose of ICV calculation only, a vendor who is based in UAE mainland
will be automatically granted 10% ICV score. For all other vendors, the ICV score
shall be considered as zero (0) if they do not have valid ICV certificate.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
Services ICV%
o Management Fee
o Sponsorship fees
o Penalties
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
h. ICV Calculation
Note – (#) – Total Costs include all cost excluding the items mentioned in (f) above
and calculated from total costs in Page 3 (Third Party Spend), Page 5
(Emiratization) and Page 6 (Expat contribution)
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
5.5 Investment
Applicability– Applicable for all Suppliers Investment
a. Supplier shall fill the UAE Assets Net Book Value (AED) in the previous
Financial Year. This figure is used to calculate the Investment Growth bonus.
Fixed Assets owned by Supplier as per the Audited Financial Statements along with the
location (i.e., Inside UAE or Outside UAE) shall be reflected in Page – 4.
The investments outside the UAE shall also be reflected appropriately in the ICV
Certificate Template.
In case Supplier has revalued their Property, Plant and Equipment, the value of the
Property, Plant and Equipment shall be reduced by the extent of the balance in the
revaluation reserve at the Balance Sheet date.
For all the assets listed, Supplier shall provide the Net Book Value as per the Audited
Financial Statements.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
d. Location
Supplier shall select one of the locations from the value list – “Inside UAE” or “Outside
e. ICV Calculation:
15% on progressive basis from Asset NBV of AED 5 Million to AED 150 Million.
5.6 Emiratization
Applicability – Applicable for all Suppliers Emiratization
a. Supplier shall fill the following for direct staff Emiratis, who are on Supplier’s
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
2. Annual Salary + Benefits (AED) - Salary + Benefits as per the Financial Statements
(includes all benefits paid to direct Emirati staff including salaries, allowances and other
benefits). Only salary and benefits of those Emiratis who are included in the Wage
Protection System (WPS) shall be considered in ICV. Benefit for Emiratis working
abroad will also be considered as Emiratization Benefit.
c. Salary of Emirati owners of the Company (as per ownership in the License)
who are part of the WPS can be included, however it shall be capped to a
total of AED 200,000/- monthly per owner. Bonuses or other benefits shall be
excluded from the calculations.
d. Free Zone companies who are not registered in the WPS system, shall
provide documentary evidence from Free Zone authority on the details of
employees, in order to consider the number and salary / benefits in the
e. ICV Calculation:
With regards to Annual Salary, benefits & training for total Emirati employees, the ICV
is calculated as follows:
Up to 200K AED – 2%
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
Applicability – Applicable for all Suppliers Expat Contribution
a. Supplier shall fill the following for direct staff Expats, who are on Supplier’s
2. Salary + Benefits (includes all benefits paid to direct Expatriate staff including salaries,
allowances and other benefits) included in Audited Financial Statements. Only salary
and benefits of those Expats who are included in the Wage Protection System (WPS)
shall be considered in the ICV.
b. Free Zone companies who are not registered in the WPS system, shall provide
documentary evidence from Free Zone authority on the details of employees,
in order to consider the number and salary / benefits in the calculations.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
c. ICV Calculation:
1 to 5 1 to 3%
6 to 50 4 to 6 %
51 to 200 7 to 9%
5.8 Revenue
Applicability – Applicable for all Suppliers Revenue
a. Supplier needs to indicate the Revenue “from UAE Customers” and “from
Outside UAE Customers” in AED.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
c. With regards to “from Outside UAE Customers”, Supplier shall provider the
breakdown as follows:
1. Re-Exports – Revenue earned from re-exports i.e., when the imported goods are
sold to outside UAE customers without any “value addition”
5.9 Bonus
Bonus (maximum
Applicability – Applicable for all Suppliers up to 5%)
Only Supplier’s legal entities who are based in UAE are eligible for this
Note- The revenue earned from outside UAE - without any value addition; shall
not be considered in bonus. Trading and commission earnings by agencies shall
not be considered as revenue from outside UAE.
The revenue from outside UAE shall be considered only when the payment is received
by the Supplier from outside UAE.
Number of Emiratis who are enrolled in the WPS will be considered for bonus. It is
calculated as follows:
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
c. Investment Growth
Growth % in Net Book value of Assets in last two Financial Years (current Audited
Financial Statements versus Audited Financial Statements of previous year) is
included in bonus. The formula is as under:
The total of all components - (a) Revenue from outside UAE Bonus, (b) Emirati
Headcount and (c) Investment Growth shall not exceed 5%.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
After filling in the templates, Supplier shall verify all details and ensure
alignment with Supplier’s Audited Financial Statements.
2. duly verified and endorsed by one of the ICV Empaneled Certifying Bodies.
becomes the ICV certificate valid till the date mentioned in the ICV certificate.
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MOIAT Classification: Internal
Annexure - 1
YES financial
available for
the entity
Entity has a
certification parent
Consolidate ICV
YES financial NO certification
available cannot
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