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BLACKMER POWER PUMPS INSTALLATION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ML4B SERIES MODELS: MLX4B, MLX4B-CS; MLN4B, MLN4B-CS. 966909 INSTRUCTIONS 195/ Section | 100 Effective | March 1998 Replaces | June 1995 WARNING THIS PRODUCT MUST ONLY BE INSTALLED IN SYSTEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN DESIGNED BY THOSE QUALIFIED TO CNGINCCN SUCH SYSTEMS. THE SYSTEM MUST BE IN ACCOR. DANCE WITH ALL APPLICARIF RFGIILA- TIONS AND SAFETY CODES AND WARN OF ANY HAZARDS UNIQUE TO THE PARTICULAR MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING MUST BE DONE BY AN INDIVIDUAL EXPERI- ENCED WITI! PUMP MAINTENANCE AND THE ‘TYPE OF SYSTEM INVOLVED. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Pump Identification ...., I. Inetallation . I. Operation .. IV, Maintenance A. Pump Models: MLX4B, MLX4B-CS... B, Pump Models: MLN4B, MLN4B-CS... General Pump Troubleshooting .... 1, PUMP IDENTIFICATION ‘A pump identication tag, containing the ‘umber, and model desighaion, is altace 4): his evommended thet the dat from tio tag bo fooardod and for future reference. If replacement oars are needed, ori information pertaining to the pump fs required, this data must be furnished to @ Blacker epreseniaive, ump serial number, LD. Raeach pump (see Figure SER._NO (O M D GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. MADE IN U.S.A SERIAL NUMBER 1D. NUMBER MODEL Figure 1 - Pump hlentiticaion Tay INSTALLATION CLEANING PRECAUTIONS Foreign matter entering the pump can cause extensive damage. The ‘suction tank and piping should be clesned and fushed before instaling the pump. LOCATION AND PIPING Pump life and performance can be significantly reduced when installed Inanimpropetty designed eyatom. Bator staring the layout and instl- lation ofthe piping system, consider te following suggestions: 1. Locate the pump as near as possible to the source of supply to avoid excessive inlet pipe friction. ‘2 The inet ine should be at least as large as the intake port on the pump. R should slope downward tothe pump, and shoud not con- {ain any upward loope. Eliminate reaticione cuch ae sharp bends, Globe valves, unnecessary elbows, and undersized strainers 3. Its recommended a strainer be installed inthe inlet ine to protect the pump fiom foreign matter. The strainer should be located at Toast 24" (0.6m) for the pump, and have anet open area of at east four times the area ofthe intake piping. Stalners must be cleaned regularly to avoid pump starvation. ‘4. The intake systom must not contain any ar leaks. If practical, this should be verted by applying air pressure tothe system, ‘5. Expansion joints, placed at least 26° (.9m) from the pump, will compensate for expansion and contraction ofthe pipes. ‘6. The use of a check valve or foot valve atthe supply tank Is generally rot recommended with a eet priming, postive displacement pump. It this type of valve iso be used, it should be located near the pump fon the discharge side, MOUNTING THE PUMPING UNIT ‘A solid foundation reduces noise and vibration, and willimprove pump performance. On permanent installations tls recommended te pur {ng unit be asoured by anchor bots as shown in igure 2 This aang ‘ment alows for sight shifting of postion to accommodate alignment ‘withthe mounting holes inthe base pate Figure 2 - Pipe Type Anchor Bolt Box. For new foundations, it suggested thatthe anchor bots be sot in concrete. When pumps are to be located on existing concrete floors, Flos should be dil into the conoreto to hold the anchor bolts, ‘When instaling units built on channel or structural steel type bases, use care to avoid twisting the Base out of shape when anchor Bol are tightened. Shime should be used under the edges of the base rio 0 tightening ofthe anchor bolts fo prevent distortion. Ill. OPERATION PRE-START UP CHECK LIST flanges or union joins are disconnected 2. Alignment is critical to good pump performance and Is frequently disturbed during shipment, handing or instalation. Before operat- ing te pump, check the alignment ofthe diver, gear reduce, and the pump (see Figure 3) To check for pall alignment, the use ofa da indiator is pro- {ere acl incite ot eval, use sight edge. Turn ‘oth shat by hand shocking te easing trougtrone compete ‘evoliton. Maximum offet shoul be es than D5" (27mm. To cheok for angular alignment, inset a feeer gauge between the ouping have’ Check he pacing ns Jogresinctronta around the gouging feur deck pote), Maximum verevon shoud not ex: {ned O68" { sen) NOE: Ao he pump na Deon operon fora week ote, completly recheck aignment gf iPS Ry z iS <4 Figure 3 Alignment Check 2. Couplings with eubber insats do not require lubrication. Al ether Couplings ae pre-ubricated atthe factory, but require frequent lu- Briton to prevent excessive wear, 4. Blackmer helical gear reducere are ehipped from the factory without ‘lin the gearcase, Fil withthe grade of ol indicated onthe reducer or more specific instructions on Blackmer gear reducers, refer ‘to Parts Lists 100/81 through 106/58, ‘5 Check te entre pumping system to vty thatthe proper inlet and ‘seharge valve are fully open, and tha the cain valves and othe ‘auniliary valves ar closed, 6. Install vacuum and pressure gauges on the pump in the threaded ‘connections provided. These can be used to check actual suction ‘and dlacharge conditions after pump startup. 7. Check the wiring ofthe motor, and brety tun ‘ure thatthe pump rotates in he direction of the power tommake rotation arrow. START UP PROCEDURE NOTE: I there is a problem concerning any of the following items, ort the pump is nbnormally noisy, s88 (General Pump Troubleshooting for possible causes. 1, Start the motor. Priming should occur within one minute. 2. Check the vacuum and pressure gauges to s0e if the pump is oper- ating within the expected conditions. 3. Cheok for leakage from the piping and equipment 4. Check for overheating ofthe pur, reducer, and motor. 5, If possible, check the flow rate 6 Chock tn pressure sting ofthe rat wale by bly closing a valve in the discharge line and reading the pressure gauge ‘roeureshoula bo 2 pel (138) higher ha he asim ope ‘Ring pressure. CAUTION: Do not run the pump for more than 10 = 48 seconds withthe discharge valve completely closed. i adjust. ‘ments need to be made, refer to “Feliet Valve Setting & Adjustment” RUNNING THE PUMP IN REVERSE itis sometimes desirable to reverse the pump for draining a line. The Purp ts satisfactory for this type of operation, if a separate pressure mp i satactor ott ype of operation, a separate Wen pumping backwards against a possible closed valve. o in reverse may cause an increase in noise and vibration. Reversed Pump pressures should not exceed 100 pa (689 KPa), FLUSHING THE PUMP 41. Totush the pump, run the pump with he clscharge valve open and tholntae valve sed, Bisod aint the pump trough te intake lig hole, Purp at for Site purpage. Meomplate dainage of holes dre provided in bot heads, ad ia 2 un clearing ud through the pump fr one minut ocean out the femainder ofthe original purpage hs recommended o Keep the Pump ful of losning id unt ho pump food again, NOTE: The Searing fd must be compatible withthe vanes and O-ings {uid ef be le inthe pump for an extended period of time. 3. Giear out the cleaning fluid using the same procedure as in step PUMP ROTATION {righthand pump rotates clockwise withthe intake on the right side, twnen viewed from the driven end. Alettnand pump rotates counterclockwise withthe Intake on the lett ide, when viewed from the driven end ‘TO REVERSE PUMP ROTATION MLA Series pumps have double-ended shafts, allowing the pump to be driven rom either end. Rotation is changed by reversing the postion ‘of the pump assembly. To do s0, rotate te pump 180 degrees so that the opposite shaft becomes the driven shat. RELIEF VALVE WARNING INTERNAL BYPASSING OF LIQUID ELEVATES LIQUID TEMPERATURE. INTERNAL BYPASS VALVE SHOULD ONLY BE USED FOR BRIEF PERIODS AND AT DIFFERENTIAL PRES- ‘SURES BELOW 125 PSI. FOR EXTENDED PE- RIODS OR HIGHER PRESSURES, INTERNAL BYPASS PORT MUST BE PLUGGED AND THE LIQUID RETURNED BACK TO THE SOURCE. ‘The MLA Series pump is offered with an optional elit valve assembly which is bolted onto the pump casing. ‘The valve may be used as an Internal elt valve, or as an external Bypass, piped back to the storage tank (eee Figure 4). he purpose ls to protact the pump or pumping system ftom excessive pressure. The valve is not meant fo be used for prolonged recirculation, Blackmer relief valves are designed for saistactory operation with a parilally closed discharge line on most types of instalaions. This a= fows for reduction of flow from the discharge piping without slowing ‘down the speed of the pump-for a limited time. \When pumping highly volatile liquids under ahigh suction lit, and cavi- tation of starving of the pump exists, partal closing of ie discharge valve wil eautin excessive noe Inthe velit valve. Plumbing the rele! valve so flow is directed back to the storage tank s recommended when ‘operating under these conditions Figure 4 - Relief Valve RELIEF VALVE SETTING & ADJUSTMENT ‘Tho relia vale should normally be set 20 ps (138 kPa) higher than the ‘operating pressure, 1. To Increase the pressure setting, remove the roi valve cap, Ioosen the lockrut and tun te lusting screw inward, or lock: 2. Toreduce the pressure seting, remove the reli valve cap, loosen the ocknat and tum the alustng serw outward, or sounteclock wise 00 NOT ATTEMPT TO USE RELIEF VALVE SPRINGS OUTSIDE OF THIN APPROPRIATE SE1TING RANGE, Refer the Pans List for van cue oping range MANUAL BYPASS VALVE WARNING EXCESSIVE DISCHARGE PRESSURE CAN RE- SULT IN DAMAGE TO THE PUMP OR PER- ‘SONAL INJURY. IN ORDER TO CONTROL SYS- ‘TEM PRESSURE A BYPASS VALVE OR OTHER PRESSURE LIMITING DEVICE MUST BE IN- ‘STALLED IN THE DISCHARGE PUMPING SYS- TEM. ‘bypass line from the pump cischerge to the pump suction, wih a tanta! snuff valve frecommended wnen handing voate Haus, ‘velop whan staring the pump. To avoid possible damage Yo the ‘open the bypass valve before staring. afer the pressure ind the pump is running smoothly, close the valve slowy 2 When liquide are pumped under a high suction lift, cavitation may result, causing the pump to become very noisy and begin vibrating By cracking the manual bypass valve open, and permiting some of the guid 10 the noise and vibration can be reduced 10 er causes of nolae and vibration in the “General Pump Troubleshooting" Section. NOTE: With a 4 size pump, a2" manual bypass valve and reciulating Tne is recommended, OPTIONAL JACKETED HEADS Hot ol or steam can be circulated through jacketed heads by connec- tions atthe 3° NPT pipe pluge directly above and below the sha for heating highly viscous liquids, oro “thaw out liquids which have con- {gealed in the pumping chamber and packing area. Maximum recom. Frendied steam pressure is 120 psi (1034 KPa ‘Make sure heat is applied early enough to suffclenty thin the lquld before starting the pump. Liquids that congeal in the rai valve cham ber wil make the valve inoperative. Insulation of the pump with suf. ‘ent heat to the jackets wil usually thin the liquid Inthe rat valve ‘chamber. However, precautions shuld be taken to engure the valve his fee movernent, Ris advisable to stan the purnp with an open die- IV. MAINTENANCE A. PUMP MODELS: MLX4B, MLX4B-CS MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING MUST BE DONE BY AN INDIVIDUAL EXPERI- ENCED WITH PUMP MAINTENANCE AND THE ‘TYPE OF SYSTEM INVOLVED. fore work Is started on the pump, mako sure tho pro lieved, and the liquid is drained. During disassembly, ‘sharp edges on worn or damaged parts. LUBRICATION Pump bearings should be lubricated every one to twelve wosks, de pending on the application, and operating conditions. 4. Use Amoco - Amalth All Westher Grease, or an equivalent grease compatible withthe pump elastomers and the application. 2. Remove the grease cla fiting from the bearing cover. 3. Apply areaze with a hand gun unti grease begins to ezoape fiom the ‘tease reli fiting por. 4 Raplace the grease rele iting. Excessive greasing can cause grease to be pushed between the me- chanical seal faces causing seal failure. tis normal for some grease to feseape from the tel-ale hole under the bearing fora short period of time after lubrication. 1 this condition persists, it may be an indication that an excessive amount of grease was used, or that the mechanical sale leaking, Blackie lucers are shipped from the factory without olin th (gearcase. Fil wth the grade of ol indicated on the reducer tag. The ol every 500 hours of use thereatter. REPLACING VANES ONLY 1. Remove the head assembly and all other parts on the outboard (pon-diven) side ofthe pump according to steps 1 through Sof the “Pump Disassembly” Section 2, Turn the shaft by hand until a vane (14) comes othe top (12'eiook) position ofthe rotor. 3 Remeve and replace the vane, making eure to inetall the vane with the rounded edge outward to contact the liner. ‘4. Rotate the shatt until the next rotor elt isin the top position, and replace the vane, ‘5. Continue this prooedure until allnew vanes are in place, 6. Res gmble the pump as instructed in Pump Azeembly.” PUMP DISASSEMBLY NOTE: The numbers in parentheses fllowing individual pats indicate rence numbers on the coinciding Parts List. 1. Remove the bearing cover eapscraws (28) and slide the beating ‘cover (27) from the shatt, being careful not to cut the inserted grease seal (108) on the shaft keyway. 2. Remove the bearing preload wave spring (24C) ‘3 Bend up the lockwasher tang (248) engaged in the locknut (24A), and turn the locknut counterclockwise to remove itor the shaft Slide the lockwasher off the shat. ‘5. Mako sure the shaft is free of any din, nicks or burrs which may cause seal Oring damage when removing the hub assembly and rotating seal face. {6 Remove the hub capscrews (210). To disengage the hub assembly ‘rom the head, two jack screw holes are provided in the rim of the hub. Slide the hub assembly off the shat withthe bearing, station- ‘ary seat, and stationary O-ing stlintact. Once the hub assembly ‘has been removed from the head, the bearing and stationary seat ‘can be removed from the hub, ‘A. Side the bearing (24) out ofthe bearing cavity . Using a blunt instrument, push or gently tap the backside (non- Polished side) ofthe stationary seat (153A) to remove it from the Seal recess. Place a cloth under the seal to avold damage, Ge careful not to contact the pollahed surace of he seal face during removal. 7. With the use of wire hooks, carefully pull the rotating coal assembly (ako, seal face & Oving) (152B & 153E) out ofthe head and of the shaft. Hols in the seal jacket wil faciitate the removal 8. Remove the head capscrews (21) and head stud nuts (210). Two jack screw holes are provided in the rim of the head to faciitate removal ‘8. Remove the head (20 or 20) fom the casing, being careful not to nick or scrape the shaft, 10.The cise (74) will come off wth the head assembly and is attached with four (4) countersunk, allenshead machine serews (71A) and Tockwashers (718). 11.in oxder to remove the rotor and sheft assembly without damaging ‘the mechanical seal, it is advisable to remove the second hub ae- ‘sembly and mechanical seal components from the opposite side of the pump, Follow see 1 through 7. 12.From the open side of the pump, grasp the rotor in the 3 and @ ‘o'clock positions, and gently pul the rotor and shat (13) out of the hhead assembly remaining on the casing. CAUTION: Use care to ‘avoid injurythe rotor and shaftis heavy and mayhave sharp edges. 13.Tho romaining head assembly can now be easily removed, Follow steps 8 through 10. 14.Depending on the pump application, the liner (#1) can be removed in two ways: 1. Ifthe pumpage Isa clean, non-corrosive liquid, with low viscos- ity, the liner can usually be withdrawn fom the easing by prying with two bars. Insert the tips ofthe bars into the port openings ‘on ether sie of the lner, and partly remove the liner by prying ‘against the rotor. Use a block under the bar, against the rotor, 12 bring the liner the rast ofthe way out (eo Figure 8) MAINTENANCE: MLX4B, MLX4B-CS '. If the pumpage is corrosive, contains a large concentration of Particulate matter, or is high viscosity, the liner will most ikely have tobe driven out the easing, eather than pried out. To do 0, tse a brass or hard wood drift and a hammer and tap around the

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