(Sponsored by CMR Technical Pdcat
Accredited by NBA & HAAG with 'R Gr
Kandlakoya (V), Mi
01 401
Hall ticket No. [2 ol7[ Rs [ale ele aacliaa L lea
Name of the student: Bellary Si Paige. r—47 ~ |
4 a i i
oe. 2 U/AL/ TILA - ByTech. - 1/11 Sem — +——}
Subject Name 2 SPPID 1+ 4
Date of Exam : 5 : =
ilar with Date Signature ofthe Evaluator
Signaar ofthe Stade wth Date
Writing from Here
cassigqnrvent — ae
IQ) giscuss io deta! the Jnitial provwss, the repeatable pres,
The rnanaged press?
Aus Iotial prouss +
Organization operates withowt ormali ed procedures
tos: estimates, and project plans. Tools ave neilher cent Joleqratect
with the powss nor ani formally applica chong contol ts Lar,
and Tere iS Uttle senior smanagement” exposure ov cinder stanctig
Of 3 problem and issues. Since many potlems ave defers ov
even forgellin , fof tuoare Jnstallation cen sndintenanc: often pook
Jocous problemOy uni Zakions at Lovely ka impro- ficin perfomance
Py dostitating boule project contwl. “the mest irporlaot
Ones owe >
pryect Management
Managenent oeasigile
Qualilg cuvyyante
change certtr|
The Repeatable press +
This derel provides conbal over the way the organization
establishes plans and commitments This conbol provides
Such as improvement over level)» That the. peeple to
he organi zation tind to beltere they have mailed
the Saftiave problem. “this skength however sles
rel. prior expetiente to doing Svnilan wok
evel 2 organization, face moot BE when protzt:
esith ecu challenges
2 nleco tecls ancl meltiods cil affect processes, this
des kro ying ume histovcaf bate. on which She oxqaaveations
diss Extn with a defied process apromewoonk, a neu
tuhnclogy con ho more faim than qo
se cohen the organization ment develop a hav bind of
product it is catering. neo temilary - Major otganize—
tema chage can be highly chisrup tive
The Managed Process
largest provlem at devel @ ais the cost a aliuiing
Hata, Theve are many sowiees Of potentiatty valuable
Measives oy sme software process but such data one
expensive db collect and rmaiotaio: Productivity eatearS
meaningless unless explicitly defred
The Two fendamen tal reqpiirements for advancing from De
managed process to the next Luvel ave:
# Support automatic: qativting of press data. Al dato
43 Subjeck Uo ery and emissimm- Some data cannot
be qatiered by band oma se accuracy of rmomualg.
qed data is often poor:
oF Use preess dale to analyze and to modify the prow
+O prevent problems and im prove effiienyy -
(What ave protess reference nusctels 7 Explaio any Tuo t
Them 9
process vegenente medals dre frameworks That provide a
stuclired and standevidi tect reprentattion of key
prusses withio a specific clomaln or Sndusky - They,
Sone as a quide pr orgeniz ations tte Uacdeictaad,
droplera ent ancl mpove their procenes bared on establishect
best practices
CMRTCToo prominen| prouss referent contd
GY copabilitiy Maluwrity Model Jnteqrabion = comm)
emmr Is a press wre fortote smode\ used for assessty
and eoproviing the mdlwtiby cool capability a 47
Organizations presses: FE Jouses on sq tore ngey
aod velated gielcs bul can be applied to | yates
dodushies. cnt ctefnes a fire teret mélwily frame amo
whe each deve veprerenty a higher degree of prouss
malixityy oad capability.
The Levels ave
Fottial + prousies ove unpedictable and saceess depends
on individual efforts
Managed & prousses are chanactesitect and managect
Ko achieve move consistent vesults
Refphed L proces are uxil~ defied ; documented and
standeuydi tea Shroughout the exqanization
Quaatifatiiely earagec 1 proses ate covlrolled wig
quontifatie dota onalysis
Optimizing + Continucux process Jmpesvement ts enable
by Adenti€ying ctnel adchessing process aeaknes ses~
Taformation Technology Tnprostructowe Cibrosy (ETEL) =
Tin wa cwiclely cdapteol process refppence mode! ir
IT sowite management (atsm). Tt provides a ret of
best preter Wo manage Te services cqpivrently and ef tecteely
| ITIL defines a framework with Serva fey processing:
cinclucltng s-
Indident Management + This proess fotues on -ettoig
Normal sewice operation as qpiicely es possible after an
daticent mini nizing busthess disnuption- Te involves
to9qzng « categonzing , priesitizing ond ~wesolving snet dan E
change mM jement s- change management ensures
That changes f_ IT Systimes are Planned 1 tested ; apprond
and siptementéd with mimmal visk and dis cuption
This prowess helps prevent cnautthorired changes ond Support
busines continuity :
Rxplcin The Wisk progile of a conventional Saf beware
prject ?
The vst profile of conventional sajtiaee prpject
refer to tbe potential susbs dnd ancettadnttes that
aye pret mag enconte. Ahemugh ot ok upecgel-
stheee “sles con apace he prnjects Succes Schedule
CMRTCbuetget and onal peality Some Commen elemealk
that contribute ato the
Se] (were rnjecl
progile ao
* Stope defination and
chang es Unclean OF
com etavstly changing project requirement con (eek
Ae scope creep, where the. prject Sto pe :
qadually eapands beyoncls the. caqinal plan this
Can veut in schectule ouutoys enol anereat4e
A Technical challenges + Complen techmologé y Un fersline
took and evolving platforms tan daProcu ce. technical
diffiauties , andacing idteqration Lemur, performance
problems ctnd compathibilitgy Concetns
K Resource Availability dunia quailability of skilled
personne] , expertire or necessary tools can hudled
progres oncl dincreate Ihe Likelihood 4 eros, of clelagn
* Ruaget- Constiaink - Insujicient suetget altocattin oy
oren spread con Veopack The projects ability to meot
its oyechves cil ube planed gtrenciat fromeworh
¥ Schedule pressure :- Aqypesire fimelivy oy crealeiler
cleactlres On Leod to suwhhedl oleweloprneat , compromised
aes and bwinout emong team member
CMRTC+ communication Breakdown +
among an membos , slate hol,
lead 40 ay Sundoyst emolings 1 ris
Explalia cath a
Neat eae
evolve over tse
AOS or
chante ean
fel expeckalionk enh
hous various ant hack
e oo “ay: in
= paprwendare
4 & bing x
* nmsnseteny 18,
§ |
3 & aprushordoy L
ce é Goyvyowndes | §
5 abyoc e
aprborle ¥
| toqvrumueylars -
£ é
R prunes | |
#| 3 —
“ zg junuhordocy
S| Gaypvrwnd ane 3
a chino | 3
=| 3 :
"ls qurersntiog
; fje vyele
—intif;al Eualuction ova the Life yeae
The process begins with gethei
. ; "9 requirements, outlining De foptoase
eoclion lst and fecitarrey
AA document
2 PeSt9n Barecl on the
veqyiverents , om dettan, is
Createal " rohiehy ny a {
Sotlucde . ar chitedaral dtagrramns ut.
dole ace Rule ancl fyttem flombiaale
% Ampemestation + “the bitial cottin phare takes ‘pace
sehere cerelopers conte Dre cote beved on The desi en
G0 Tesking 1 “the sqftiocrey is thoroughly Gated gov
dunetion ality , petformance, seu and olkec qual
cupecls. Bugs and issues are identified.
( Heployment e The sqjtwar 2, deployed TO Pre
production —envirmnment fou endures to accem and
ue- Throughout Dre. tifey le seenat evolutions curr
* changes + 1 tke project claketoldea feedback ar
olhee factors might oceuy cute to stakeholder feedback
ov Oth changes are Jocorporatedl Soto the pryect ,
eadling +o update artefacts
Design Refinements y oestqn aattifacls may evolve bve
on technical covkainkt encountered duuvting amplementalions
oF peedback — grom Aestng
Ch tee. oe — — a
» Requirement iea
# Code Pejattoring t dterloper Might sehacln the
tede ito dimprove. tts Shuctorre , ronividaa tiling and
* Bags + Outing ‘testing ¢ bugr art Identified andl
dims Neacling to updatiy aq The code ard poterli city
Chaages Xo The design ox sceqpuivern certs
Expidto dn detat] about potiodic statis cnevments >
BEX periodic statzts asresiments , also known as project statis
reulews oy checkpotots are an essential component
A project management they dnvolve. eae theduiled
meulews 0) o projects peeess, performance snd heal th
| de ens that ih om tack ond aliqned eth ihe
There anenmente provide a mechanism for stakcheldate
Xp under stand he projects unvent state idectify
poléolial ‘ssues and make dnjormed decison about itr
ke aspects of periodic statis anessments
Frackiig pecun
MRTG=> Tasuc Menti (reation
we isioy Making
~~ Commsi cation
C9) Frequeny and Twining +
The. Preqyencg of States anes mens clepends on tke
projects sire. compleniliy ancl cluvation con vonge
fom cechly monthly iakedtal - the toning toute
ahi cuith — project milestones , keg deliverables anoct
ceetrion points
vB) keg Gemesh +
~ pepe
— Schedule Peuréw
a Budget ctenalycts
— Poowrce Wlilzakion
— Rik Anesment
a Asue Asenment
cw Ruxtigiponts +
> prefect tain members sibl i
4 anpect ff
7 Project monager oF ada tthe Provides Meal) mucdarce
and updales :