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Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

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Life in Ancient Mesopotamia

Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses

The Seven Great Gods

Name Association City Symbol

An/Anu Father of the gods, Uruk Bull

(AHN/AH-nu) god of the sky

Enlil God of the air, later Nippur Horned crown on

(EN-lill) replaces Anu as an altar
father of the gods

Utu/Shamash Sun-god, lord of truth Larsa and Sippar Sun’s rays from
(OO-too/SHAH-mahsh) and justice shoulders, sun disk, saw

Nanna/Sin Moon god Ur Crescent moon


Inanna/Ishtar Goddess of love and war Uruk 8-pointed star, lion,

(in-NAH-nah/ISH-tar) weapons from shoulders

Ninhursag/Belitili Mother Earth Several cities “Omega”—symbol of

(nin-HER-sag/bell-eh-TEE-lee) the womb

Enki/Ea God of fresh waters, Eridu Water filled with fish

(EN-key/EE-ah) lord of wisdom, magic, streams from shoulders,
and arts and crafts turtle

Some Gods of the Second Rank

Name Association City Symbol

Adad Storm god Several cities Lightning


Gula Goddess of healing, Isin Dog

(GOO-lah) medicine

Nabu God of writing, Borsippa Reed stylus

(NAH-boo) accounting

Marduk National god of Babylon Babylon Spade, horned dragon


Ashur National god of Assyria Assur Dragon, winged disk

The Oriental Institute Museum
1155 East 58th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637

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