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rice $8.00, SERVICE MANUAL stereo components R316 R-31GL R326 1-526 T-526L HH LIS C OTT... ier innovations roaton H.H.SCOTT, ING., 111 Power Mill Rose, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754, Tel. 617 £97-8801 AUDIO SPECIFICATIONS R916, R226 ‘R3TL ROG. . 20 wates per channel min. RNS at 8 ohne thin’ 0,58 eotal harmonic distortion. R926", 30 watts per channel min, HAS at 8 ohne thin’ 0.5% total harmonic distortion. Input Sensitivity Phone «+ + + Wessescesrsrisiiibiniit Tape Recorder ss tte ese Stgnal-to-toise ese ee eee Frequency ROsponse sv sve eee ee Phono Response RIAA vv ee eee eee Prono OVEEIORE ve eee eee Mex. Input Signa1 Phono (WP) ve vee ee ‘input Iapedance Pnseee eo e e Oroms TH GT KE ee ee @ome DITIIIE ID Ditt ated Harmonie Distortion ine pate ees ncermodulation Distortion i gag ee ea From 0,5 Wakes to rated equivalent sine vave pow operating. conTROLS ase Control Range « Treble Control Range High falters yes ow Pileer, 828 | | Toudneas Coop. * fron 40-20,009 te with no nore from 60-20,009 te with no more Be de tse PODDDDID DDD to a DEDDDDID DDD eo ae ee = cores DEDDDEDID DD esa eee yr: 8 asa cee ee 1S ME Bo 35 Kis Ae oe ee ya 8 cas wee eee 47,000 otis DEDDD IIL 60}000 ote DEDDD ILD e0}000 ons ee 2 ses pee cea 38 ab ro DEDDDIDDID otse ouoboccodes Gis ease oan 20.5 20 (42 ab) 100 ne DD Hoty as Gi am) 10 ie DDD Aiaiae to ie sa DLT rsa ae inoue 3 as DID RS @ St tows Fa DLT asa ae took Hi as FM TUNER SECTION Usable Sensitivity MOO ee ee ee ee ee ee ee MBE 253) ipraeeopete eee eee ce oe fatten Cizinv) 50 an Guteting Sens. me ec onr) lovee ett po ge eee es tx) ccrg Golan) Signsl-to-noise @ 65 dBE incocest see set) et ears reared ore te ese Frequeney Reaponse 30-15,000 te fea lal incor ete te cece cere eee fee eee eso 2r Distortion @ 65 eBE ecean eee ee res eee on Alternate Channel Selectivity esos ee eee eee eee eee ee SREB Stereo Separation fone ee ote ovoreneeys ee te ees eres oa slo ioeo) esas op eee eset cee ce ee ee ora Mining RANGE we ee en ee ee BTeSeLO8 Me Deenphaste (evitchabie) oot. te eae Lae pl 25, 50 & 75 96 Tuning dndieators sss 11111111 1S Heted,'signal Setengih €’ceneer tune Interscation Mating | 0102220221 SST NBT “Sutecneble icecen] mecca setae ee eee epee 1s av reeset Nveiog Threshold 221212 D 151515 75 ov'preset (eotéembie, on-o8f) Anteona Topat ss FLD tft ttt) 300 ohm Balanced, 75 chn Unbalanced [AM TUNER SECTION Usable Sensitivity oo cece eee eee cece ee eee eee 200 5% test eerroien ace ee om ‘Total Harmonie Distortion (LOX modulation) vee cece eee eee es 2 Antena see eee ee ee eee ence eee ee Bisltein Ferrite Loopatick Tuning MEE vee eee ence eee eee eee SOS RREGIEOS ike Long Wave Tuning RaNge vee eee ee eee ee 1D E950 Ke ier TEEIG meter only, in Model R16 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Pover Line Roqutrenent 120 volte, 60 te Pover Consusption BMG eee eee ee ee ee 25 Hates min, 205 tacts max. aie SDD DTD D DDD DDD D DD pe waete ain) 270 wate max, Dimensions vee eee ee ee eee ees 18 T/16 R15 3/16» 5 5/8 snches DEDDDDDDDDDD DD DDD DTD ND aeeha'st0 142 on, eset se te ee acim ene ame EID EDEDE DEED DIED DDD DDD esa 002 wes Shipping Wetahe ss. +. + AdL 4 Ibe, 1,82 kg for container and macerisls AUDIO SPECIFICATIONS. 826 Output Iepedance Tape Output and Fixed OUEPHE Se we ee ee ee eee ey 10,000 ohms Adjustable OutPUE ee ee ee ee eee ee ee + APDFOL. 10,000 ome ‘Tape Output and Fed OutPLE Se eee ee ee ee O45 Tole @ 400 He Adjustable OUtpUE ee ee ee eee ee ee 0-045 Toles @ 400 He GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS oret|idne|ieqirenen: te ee eve. so) Powee Consuaption sev eee eee eee ence e ee ee ees 1S Matte Dinensions eve eee eee eee eae 1-3/4 x 13 4/4 1 5 5/8 inches PEDDDDDDDDDDD DD DDD ADE Paco's sto a2 ame WDE eee ee ee eee eee ee 16S Ibey 725 Be Shipping Weight .... . . Add 3 1/4 Ibe, 1.5 kg. for container and materiale, POWER LINE REQUIREMENT Models RSL6L 6 15261 wees ee ees 1007, sam, 2201, or 2408 ‘TEST AND ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES RIOMENDED BUTT (or equivalent) 1, AG vacuum tube Voltmeter (H.P. 4000) 2, De miltivolt meter (Piuke 80008) 3, Otek Toscope 4, Yolt-Ohm meter (Hriplett model 630) 5, laenenie Distortion ater (HP. 331A) 6, a4 Signal Generator (HP. 6064) 7. PH Signal Generator ousurenents Corp. model 88) 8, Mulespler Generator (Scott sodol 830) 9, Audio Osetlator (H.P. 200 cD) 10, Seandaré AM dunay antoma (200 yyP corante or mies capacitor) 11, Standoré PM dumey antenna for 300 ohm Balanced input Gee eizcuit, Figure Fl) 12, Suitable alignment 1001 13, wo 8 ob rs cab etive lode, compensated for L&C (ain. 40H) 14, Variable power Line transformer (General Radio SA) 15. Sustable Line Voltage and current sont toring meters ote: Equipment specsfieations axe minim. Set controls to folloving positions for test procedure, Deviate fron thors lacttinge ae inetmeted in the Cest procedures. Return co chese settings =f the beginning of each sew test. All teste are to be made with L17¥ AC Line. peesfted, supply input to borh channels and resé bork Input Setector aux ‘one Controle Flat (22 O'clock) oudnese Minim (full COW) Batance 22 orelock Speaker #1 on Note: When troubleshooting defective pover efreuits, Lt 1s sone~ Claes useful to evitch a emall line voltage lanp in series with ‘ceuipnent under test before applying pover. The laxp Will liait the current dravn, thus preventing further danage to ctrcutt esa ponente, ‘The variable pover line transformer {2 alse weeful eo Bctermine {f additional short efreuite caiee, ££ used vith a power ine current and Vole weter, love: When pover Line voltages other than 120 V.A.C, are used for tenting, be sure voltage selector in che unse £9 act to the appro- priate porition and that equivalent tert equipment is used. Where 4 standard MM antenna matching setvork is not available for the particular signal generator in use, a suitable neqvork can be aseenbled on 1 amall phenolic, or plastic board, using the circutt below. ‘The completed aasenbly should uee short leads for connection to the receiver antenna terminals. Sone gonerator cables may permit the eireutt block to be attached directly to the cable terminal Q wa et Prom 230 Cs son Generator ~ 300. Sela. Note: ALL resistors aro 1/2 Watt, carbon composition, selected on a DM, of Wheatatone bridge, NOTE: Hodes R161 and T-526L are destgred to cune two AY feeguency Sands Seo curing ranges listed on page 2. In model R-316L, end suitches replace FILTER AM and FILTER HFK In model T5261, band switches replace DIM avitch and DE-ENP svicch “CONTROL “TEST SCALE | —~=~SCMEASUNE AT. i pot | anor o ae muons mo. | sermncs | equiraexr | SEYTINGS [Posrerve emose_| NEGATIVE PROBE PK ] ‘Triplett Ohms + Filter cap F809 * Hk ootpes Sart | stove Foe as or PN ‘None ‘Triplett ‘Obins Pa09 7 (+ Filter cap 700 ohne 4K | otemee | date SUT | xo | Fee | cxtnaltor | me | | | 00 ge shee ca | SE tess | totems | Reieee | volte | > Fitter csp | Ouenie wie = 260 sepriy | Gene | sultan | E38 Bie = der . “ont Selector 7526 = 24¥ as a a | Bone Volune | Triplett Volts ‘Chassis. ~~ Filter cap T ‘R316 = 26V, 7 seay | ee | oatette |PéS"* | Soe Bele ais See | Sueete | \ 3 aa [Romtsees [oso | steinse | Sripieee | Worse | Pot toutocor? | Gureds | VBC io | semmissse| gefe | mina | "eSoc"' | Govne | “Supply Rosse Se | stiteter | et | casper | Boae | wotume [be mini | tooar | Speaker a | Speaker # a grees | dear | mihi [eee oo “b = j settee | BS | ieee ar [ies am ae | neo enor) te ot we | nape pea toe |r oat Sees verge | rectgas | otthtivsoatea |“ Set Sic pave | i eee Segron 100", | sieht, 285 = 7 | — 1 AUDIO TEST PROCEDURE | | - _| | . to | yer [wer | onmo, | mesr | scans MEASURE AT f= =a5 mm | ferris fegnanr | stics | Gosinive mone [_wcATVe FORE | Speaker A [1000 te | seiector | acvna | 30v Speaker & Spesker A | Adjust input signat | +1 43 dudio “au. | 7 or for output of 7 a3 Level | aux. fitono Stech | 8 etm toad high | 8 ohm Load low | R316 = 12.74 Sohn | seope | rovsory | wo326 - 15.59 (Wo clipping per~ | mitted) | | Tape 1 [ape 1 in| tape | ac vim | 30v Speaker A Sane at above | spore | 1000's" wonteor mI | Ente {8 cfm Toad high | @ ohm Load 1o# | tape 2 |tape 2 sn) “Monitor * | tapure | "To00° me") votune | | | Maxie) | | Tape | mex, | Selector | AVIV | IW Tape Oot ‘round ere wonstor a. with fopur of 0.150 output Voluse | I "indo ‘audio | Aux. | Selector acwnar | sov ‘Speaker 8 Speaker # | Adjust input signal | Level | 1000" He | "Ax. for output of Sohn Doge siteh 8 ohm toad bigh | 8 ob Toad tow | RA3LG = 12.70 ons Beige © 15.30 | votune (io Clipping pee | | easton” | mites) Ispke. 8. On ‘Check [Sane as | As above Te vim | sor | Sopaters 26 8 | Soecyage 4 & > | Outage cock ony naa soe Sa 8 8 obs ead high | 8 ohn load tow | sy | _ | Frequency | Auzs | Tone Gon | ac wn | av Speaker A Speaker A | Adjust input for nae kegs gel erine oe te Se SI tne [terra ea Cie See Neues Ti” | anita oe caea | cence, een Bie see eae 3 ths} | ‘AUDIO TEST PROCEDURE ‘conn, TEAGUE AT mst | SUT | _surmmnes |squimmer | serrtsos [yosrrive prone _[_NUGATIVE PROBE i ar i ker A speaker a | Adjust input for Frewoncy] Foo | Seis [acvrm |W | Speer peaker EESHGG"] boo" | “Setonot oy “e CaN (BN) outro = 8 ohm load high | 6 ohn load low | Note: taepetetn 00 ae 12.5 a8 a iii | 10 kHz -13.0 4B HS aust) Tiotedatoe | : ame [mea | Seiecege [acwnm [wv | aeeakera | Seeprar a | Adjuee taut for cootot | 1000'H | “Shon. * en CUFT) cote eapone vote Sitch | fom Toad high | 8 oh toad tov | ote: @ 100 te eon Buses, cio gs | 25 el | oho aie | rrebte boost 40 68 Reale at fio ae | 29a t =| : moucess | fons) Selector AOE | Speaker a | Adjust sapee for | Campenaa-| 1000'He | Rau” | Orda Feeney, © | gp lon tone trot om Teed nigh | 8 foie" a Toodnest ov | | rewswaik| tex, | Sehecege [Rev [3 Sreige © [HE wap Gr Ow i | Ses chant | tong €256r01 ome tnd igh | om aed to | Head rght chee | ye cong. al volume | paren ode See Stereo ‘AUDIO TEST PROCEDURE eerste [et caeea | comm reese eee asia A wo. | sermmcs. |squrmmr | series aan eae! ae a | Tatanee | ace, Speaker A Speaker A | Set output for 0 a2 | eonerol i “e ete |aone Control 8 ohm Toad high | 8 obo Toad tow | ote 43 4B deop in| yo gp | chasse | "etae™ output, Fighe enan. | 22 @ | 1000 tz | comp. sw. | | ote, | "Nant" | aay | Petiy | | Balance Gi ” co 45 48 sop in| Api Sorts tect eens | 2 | ‘ursonier| hes | Selectgr | ae vim | 9 | Speaker a Geatker & | aayest apat for piatortion | 3 a “ee cudpue @ ath chan, | 20 us jode Switch | Harmonte 8 ohn Youd high | 8 che Yood tow | “ABLE © 1 = | | rote henot locotartton mee ose foie © | Meencer" | 2s = | “Volune 40H) | oxime | “Rite; over Line Voltage 120 WAG 22.0% lise THD, whom Eranstoracr primary 4a comected For other than 120 Voles, vse Lopropriate supply voltase. Factor” | 1000" | Mae tah ar (ao"an) nde Seiten 8 ohm lod nigh | 8 ote load tov a Renove Load and note | selanee {rerease tn Level | enter" | | ‘ouwse , | vex, 0,5 a8 | as me rest PRoceDURE i [ome meme [ame | pa, | mee T 1 som | armen | conmutor | crmmuron | stecto| SL, | sxsnu- | anmest | rau Goorine™ _| fenainor_| “saree mas | | To lemmact crear] meeersat | 455 ume | at | dyprons | soope, [1.4, cotta [Adjse for movin eign) eteeecg|| ere Ges. | BE | ebtias | Save’ |"aior footer tetainat thew | Terninet. | S00 te cioeta.) | G'tape | 3200 Sab pr danny | Keep azgaat Ooteet mntenna ree tore | 2 [Same wo above | dane av ove | woo tz | Sane | WOO tae | Some [aT Ones | Adjee for calibration ‘3 3. | Same as above above | 1400 kis ‘Same | 1600 kuz | Sane |am om Osc. | Adjust for calibration Srimer i cary Za [aman an tbowe | Sane az anove | 1400 mm | Sane | 1000 Kan] Game [we nar. — |Adjuee for aarimow signet | Trisoece hay so | ri. tee) Zr | uae ue soos | Soar ae above | G00 iz | Sone] 6a” tas | Sane [i anconna [Adjust for anim wtanad lider under | (zoften vex, then resesl) | bracket (See | figere) 5, Repeat stops 2, 3, 4, 5 for maximn. | 7. [Same as step 1] 3005 1400 te ax | 1800 kiiz | VIVM & [Detector | Adjust for maximum undis~ Gon nod. | oe Ditor-| 1209 torted output (IT or less). | Hon Output should f11 Between foal S0"na' 800 a i veer @. Whistle Fiiter Alignment; Connect output of auto onciTlator to junction of #215 & C225, Set oscillator Frequency to 1.0 kit, edjust audio oacilletor ovtput for 1.0 Vole et cape output. Change orci tlacor | Frequency fo 9.5 Kil and adjust 1210 for sininun output. | - 1 amu esr PROCEDURE eae |e pre gg |e sree) mmrmen | constr | catewin | secon) TU | reoe. | amuse ans ee Es eS a Br [ono we Stop 1] Sano we Seep 1] 150 HH | at [150 HB] Sane eo] a uv ove, [adjuee for celiravion i Step | Hoe To, [Seas ae above | Sane an above | S50 mie | Some | 950 Wie] ane | sat nc; adjunt for catlbration Timer fins | [AL [seme ae ave [Sane ar above | 350 mie | Sone | a5 Wie] Gane [nary [adjust wanimo vlgaal Primers e235, char 3B, [Sane as above | Sano as above | 150 kt | Sane | 150 bie] Sone | LW Antenna [Adjust for maxiqun eignal | ‘der under | (gotten weer thn’ esas) | inectee'G | l figure) | | a9,” Repent etepe 9, 10, 1h, 12 for maxims Th [ane a0 stop | sane an seep 1] 485 tH] aN | appron.] copes] 155 mts tap [tune for Hl tn | 28bhkae | pete’ | “anos | corte) Tere | het L fee L ax 20] NOTE: ACIP so aligned at the factory using aveep generator, Do not disturb coil adjustment unless replacenent coile are ingtatled, Align ney coil using 5 hile generator modulation, Adjust fer maxima audio outpety : FM TEST PROCEDURE | siea [stout aaron | ANTENA cenerator | cEvERATOR | sizecror| DUAL ba ‘ApguST REMARKS courme | rrawmer | seizex | SETTING] METER ch j ‘Doomy antenna | External 10,7 iz | Fa | fe | viv | Frone end | Adjust for mmximin efgnal Plqve'fect™| Soo'ta'cere, | and. station] eto | Tir) Senge sete octeation dee tet cima outmt fea ‘Same as above | 90 Mts Same | 90 iz | Same | Front Ené| Adjust for dial calibration | | tia. tS Ietlee eap | Spe toe, [7 [ame ze stove [Sone an aeve | Sane fae Baw] Same | ent tad] aunt Tor ents sto | | | re eee. Lop stem tee | | mf ime | 7 uy Game ay whovo| Wo woepat | me] Same fot] Same] teaceor | tn coves tae evar G00. sats Se Ehive sition Bieta Yin tors 029" | ee soa | fovteds patie co gromd, site posite tS te afin toe cn Ietetae mice, ‘Sane as above | External 90 Miz re ‘90 Mie | vive ‘mol ‘Adjust for maximim output and 30a eee, cre ati Satotsen | ite sie sure Wel |sawe ae sive Bene ae shove | 10h | Same 00 Wa] Seae YH adjnt ov Sad alias) | stp Gne= or Se Same ae above | Gano av above | 108 wis] Sane [100 we] Sone” | c,ToR, | adjune for mont ado | wet nen 2 | ovtrst, Seep ingot level Lov and eR, | for noisy signal | a MULTIPLEX: USE 10 kitz OUTPUT OF MIX GENERATOR TO TRIGGER OSCILLOSCOPE HORIZONTAL, - area sown] RT | oa, | comer = ster | awraaa | cenimator | cevenatoe | siuzcton anust manus couric | rumuency | surren |SE°TING| Mere 14 | pusny antenna | Beternal se conven- | ma [tune co| vm | 2163 for_ | Generator output to zero Pigere Wiel | 300 ohm term, | dent freq, Gen, | @ Tape | stationary | Scope Vertical to PLIS, | | | output | savetor=” | moting on (19 hile Ose! ad.) 2, | Same as above] Sane as above Sane “rt | Same | Sane Generator output 1.0ni stereo | | ote vavefora is syschvontzed| 3, [Sane as above| Sane ae above | Some Sone | Save | Same | RI? | Adjust for mximin separation Wote? Moltiplex Filter colle L101, 1102, L102 and L104 are pre-aligned, Do not adjust unlesr circuit component 4s replaced, If nocersary, adjust for mill at epectéted frequency. fo 10 is. Output level ae follows: ti ob is as 1a] a3 508 9.5 4B 25 4s a3 a ScHEMATIC DIAGRAM ‘AMPLIFIER SECTION. 226 ‘SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM MODEL NO. 7526 DIAL CORD STRINGING INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVERS Set tuning capsettor plates "out (aininun capacitance) Tie dtal cord co pulley boss "A" lind one tura of dial cord around tuning drum eounter-clocksise, ae viewed from roar of ante Continue over pulleys " Bee lind three furas of dial cord around flysheel capstan counter clockwise, when viewed from reer of unit. Continue to tuning drum and install 1 3/4 turns of dial cord eround arus, counter-clocksise. Enter drun opening at point "A" and attech Jenbly, rotate dial knob to fully "mesh Aecach dial cord to pointer a tuning capecitor plates (low frequency end of dial). Posicton poiater assesbly on "0" Log. otete euning knob in both directions t= check for Jdetvo operation, adjust tension as necessary. Apply suitable cenent iafactory atal to dial cord knots and at dial pointer clips. DIAL CORD STRINGING INSTRUCTIONS, 17.526 TUNER: Set euning capacitor plates out" (eintnun capacitance). Te déal cord to pulley boos "A". Install cord around pulleys "3", YC", "D", "EY & "9 Wind diel cord around flywheel capstan (6) three turns in a counterclockwise direction. Continue over pulle cepacttor plates, ind too turns of dial cord around tuning drum (clockeise) and ta" and "J". Use care not to bend cuning the £0 dial cord tension apring at potnt "K Tura tuning knob counterclockwise to "aesh" tuning capacitor plates. Set dial pointer £0 "0" log and attach dial cord to poloter. Check for free operating dial drive vith adequate cord cension. Apply suitable cenent to knots at each end of diel cord, and to cord where Le 49 clipped to the polater sssenbly. RECEIVER PREAMP BOARD NO. K40150A, -ASSY..NO, 100-1333.037 Movet Nos, Rae R26 OTOL. RECEIVER TONE CONTROL BOARD NO. K40T42A MODEL Nos. Ra1e RATEL R26 ASSY. NOS. 100-1334031 100-1334029 FILTER & MODE BOARD NO. KA0151A, as pean ee efe_ | Hy [# we POWER BOARD NO. K40140A MODELNO. ASS. NO. Raa 100.1335-072 POWER BOARD NO. K40141A MODELNOS. ASSY.NO. R316, RBTGL —100-1335.023, {LOUD, FILTER & MODE BOARD NO. K40151 MODEL NOS. ASSY. NOS Rar6, RATE. 1001952091 R26 100-1352.030 [AM LI TUNER BOARD NO. K40147-1 ‘MODEL. nos. sopoasea os ava 164 OS ral 1010 Se POWER SUPPLY REGULATOR BOARD NO. Ké0149 sED we e atmos © we ASSY. NOS. Be ee |) 238 1001940040 8-316 1001340038 R326 too 1240041 7526 DEEMPHASIS BOARD NO. K40152 MODEL NOS. _ASSY. Nos. 316,326 100-1348.005 1826 100-1948.006 FW TUNER BOARD NO. KEOTASA woDeL nos, AS5Y NO, ate mane, Ra2s, —rooast008 ‘526, Ts260 SEE 2 ee | ok. oe se ie vi) pe [AM TUNER BOARD NO. K40146A, pies 3 MODEL Nos. ASSY NO. R316, R326, 7526 100.1251.008 011-1004-031 Dit-to0.-022 (012-1020-004 12-t0a%-001 iz-102-008| 012-1023-009 (012-1023-011 02-1024-002 2-1024-014| (013-1031-005, (013-1021-008 013-1031-008 013-1031-018 013-1031-025, (013-1031-030 o13-t031-031 o13cie31-032 ‘15-1061-016 (015-061-015 16-1092-037 016-109)-046| bie-1093-009| 116-1093-050 16-1093-051 017-1095-038| 18-1100-178 L8-1100-180 18-1100-181 18-00-18 oie-t102-162 ote-inee-163 fte-1102-165 ote-1105-113 ors-i105-118 018-1105-115 o20-1110-058 020-1110-055q fo20-1110-035 PARTS SuIsT bescRreriow Ficer Capacitor Filter Capacitor Diode, st Diode, Zener Diode, Rectifier Pose, slo-Blo Pore, Slo-B10 Pose, S1o-Blo Fuse, S10-B10 Fuse, Fest-Blo Pose, Past-bio Fuse, Sio-Blo Fuse, Slo-B10 Sacke) Phone Seek ate Inductor Cotl, Multiplex Meter, Signei st Heter, Center Tu nob, Controt Knob, Lever ane, Front Glass’ tone Dist Glass Dial 6 Dial Glaze 4700/35 3300350 ix 50 mais2, INGid8, MALSO end00d Ne 0044 20-07 11007 “7542500 ilasa/asov visoaria5y 2'san/1250 2. s0a/1250 2A/1250 ony i2sv 7541250 5154/2500 2 at 50 a 19 ie 33 ie Red’ mite alue) Mes 9630, 2c 372 286 374 buy 733, 258 495, 0s 9680 25h 661, FOS 1861 susack. R226 Rae 316/326 316/226 316/326 Ras R325 Rae R326 Roe R36 Roszs Tse 535 aL e316 1526 aL a at aL R326/r-s26 Ro316/326 AL AL at Ran16 R328 326 aL R36 526 petty Ro316/325 aL 316/526, Ro326/325 020-1110-057 0-1110-088 '20-1110-061 ba0-1110-062 b20-1141-081 foxo-1111-052 (020-1112-008 20-t1i4-025 fo20-1114-031 foz0-11 14-032 21-25-37 o2t-1125-138 o2t-1123-139 fa1-1125-143 at-iies-16s (023-135-061 fo23-1136-013 (023-1137-085 fo23-11537-086 (023-137-087 (023-138-056 (026-140-078 (024-140-080 foni-ie2-021 ops-1142-026 24-1142-028 oah-1142-029 02421162030 gg1ie2-031 O24-1166-011 ay-iis7-003 90-1187 -052 nati? 033, ‘030-1189-032 30-1165-029 30-1188-030 foanciies-0a1 30-1192-010 os1-1196-025 ‘3t-1200-008 aa-1251-190 as-1236-016 03621260-008, 100-1330-038 PARTS LIST bescR Prion ‘Teanasstor 250 1166, Fos 1860 Transistor 28¢ 1000 Teeneiator ies 9016 Transistor NPS 9633, nc 3180 Transistor TP ie Teena #3055, eanaistor TaN 323 Integrated Circuit 14 703, uA 703 Integrated Circuit, uh 720; Me 1320 Ineegrated Cleeule uA 758, ULN 22448 Potentioneter, Potentioneter, Volume Potentioneter, Level Seiten, Siide, Decmphaste Seiteh, Lever ear Sviteh, Rotary, # Seiten, Rotary, 5 Seiven) Rotary Setech, Push 3 ang ‘Teanaformer Tranetormes Cott, am, eT ive cot, aM, eT Brack ofl, BM Discriminator B (coil aM, HP yellow (cot, aM, Ter ase Pitece SD 4555 Filter, Cerante 10.7 Ha Cabinet, Hood Terainel, Specker ‘Terainal, Ground Assonbly amp, ‘Lead Type ‘av 60 0a amp, Leed Type 12 40 ak amp, Lead Type 12 30 at Temp) Fuse Type iv 150"ma Fore older Dial Pointer Peet, Rubber ‘cabinet, Steel AMC Ameena Aazenbly Prone End Assenbly FL S160 sace 316/326 Ro /326 ail aL R26 aL aL an 316/326 R36. nie R316 /326 36 AL an 316/226 Ros16/326, rs aL R316 os 36 aut an a aL Re6 /326, Ro /326, An au aL a a ne aL Bas aL

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