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Knowledge Management (Course ID: 33336) Second Term 2022/2023 Department of Business Administration King Talal School of Business Technology

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Knowledge Management

(Course ID: 33336)

Second Term 2022/2023
Department of Business Administration
King Talal School of Business Technology
1. Course Information:
Second Term 2022/2023
Course Name & ID Knowledge Management (33336)
Prerequisites Public Relationship Management (33209).
Course Type Elective.
Sustainable SDG 9.5 Sustainable Development Goal
Development Goal For more details, please click the picture below:

Credit Hours 3
Level 3rd and 4th Year.
Lecture Schedule Section (1): Sun, Tues, Thurs / 10:00-11:00; and Section (2): Mon, Wed /
Lecture Location Section (1): Room 922; and Section (2): 821.
Textbook Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice (2017), Third Edition
(The MIT Press). ISBN-13: 978-0262036870; ISBN-10: 0262036878.
References Jashopara A (2011), Knowledge Management: An integrated Approach,
2ed, Prentice Hall, ISBN 978-0-273-72685-2
Instructor Name: Dr. Amer Al shishany Office No: Level (2) / Building of
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.
Email: a.alshishany@psut.edu.jo Office phone: Ext. N.A
Office Hours 11:00 - 12:00: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
If these office hours are not convenient for you, please, email me for online
Zoom meeting.
Teaching Assistant NA

2. Course Description:
This course offers an introduction to the main theories in the knowledge management field, and
how knowledge management can enhance organizational performance. This course also highlights
the importance of knowledge management in improving collective and individual performance,
and focuses on how to utilize and measure knowledge, in addition to the impact of the internet and
communications technology on knowledge management.
3. Course Objectives:
On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

Overview of Knowledge Management and its tools.

Course Objectives

Understande the hierarchy and mechanisms of knowledge process.

Demonestrate knowldge of the strategies of knowledge management in


Analyse the impact of contemporary systems and technologies of

Knowldge Management on organizational performance.

Figure 1 The Objectives of this Module

4. Program Learning Outcomes:

The program learning outcomes that are mapped for the course and accreditation purposes are:

Table 1 Business Administration Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning outcomes (PLOs)

PLO1: Demonstrate knowledge in business and technology.
PLO2: Apply business and technology concepts that can help develop business solutions.
PLO3: Critically analyse business issues considering economic, sustainable, and ethical factors.
PLO4: Integrate key analytical methods that can help provide creative and innovative solutions.
PLO5: Collaborate effectively within a team to build jointly prepared projects.
PLO6: Demonstrate written and oral communication skills essential to business settings.
5. Course Learning Outcomes (Knowledge, Understanding and Skills):
This course is intended to provide students with wide perception of contemporary issues and
challenges of the business environment, particularly within the technological aspect. Hence, the
course learning outcomes (CLO) are:
Table 2 Knowledge Management Course Learning Outcomes

Aligned Program SDGs

Course Learning Outcomes Learning Targets
(CLOs) Outcomes (PLOs)
CLO 1: Understand the rapid change that businesses PLO 1 SDG9.5
encounter due to fast technological developments
within the Knowledge Management domain.
CLO 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the PLO 2 SDG9.5
available Knowledge Management technological
opportunities and challenges.
CLO 3: Apply complex theories and practices of PLO 3 SDG9.5
Knowledge Management.
CLO 4: Demonstrate writing and analytical skills by PLO 6 SDG9.5
discussing course related case studies and conducting

6. Curriculum Design:
This course will cover core concepts in Knowledge Management. The topics are highlighted
below: Table 3 Course Topics
Week Topic Chapter
Introduction to the course contents and Syllabus
1&2 methodology of course delivery
Introduction to Knowledge Management Ch.1
3 Knowledge Management Processes Ch.2

4 Selected Knowledge Management Models Ch.3

5 Selected Knowledge Management Models / Ch.3

and Case Study Exercise
6 Knowledge Capture and Codification Ch.4

25/3-1/4/2023 First Exam

Saturday - Saturday
7 Knowledge Sharing Ch.5

8 Knowledge Sharing / Ch.5

and Case Study Exercise
9 Finding Knowledge Ch.6

10 The Role of Organizational Culture Ch.7

(Monday) International Labour Day

1 May 2023
11 The Role of Organizational Culture / Ch.7
and Case Study Exercise
12 Knowledge Management Strategy Ch.9

6/05 – 13/05/2023 Second Exam

Saturday - Saturday
13 Knowledge Management Strategy / and Case Ch.9
Study Exercise
14 Evaluation Knowledge Management Ch.10

15 Revision of the Term Material and All chapters

16 Final Exam
(Starting 10th June

Disclaimer: Instructors may deviate from schedule

7. Teaching Methods:
The course combines a strong focus on concepts with an orientation towards understanding the
general Knowledge Management business trends, systems, opportunities, and challenges. The
instructor will cover the displayed topics within the course schedule.
This course is taught by combining several teaching techniques and methods. These methods will
be utilised effectively to facilitate the learning process of this course. These tools are Lectures,
Group Discussions, Assignments, and case study exercises. The case studies will be relevant to
the textbook chapter’s topic. Students will take two assignments: week (4) and Week (10). Each
assignment is designed to address and evaluate one of the course learning outcomes.

8. Assessment:
The course is intended to provide students with contemporary and practical knowledge of the real
business world’s challenges and business opportunities. Various assessment techniques will be
used to assess students’ understanding of the module. The breakdown of the weight of each
element is:
Table 4 Assessment Breakdown for this Module

Assessment Expected Due Date Weight

First Exam Week 6 20%
Second Exam Week 12 20%
Assignments All term duration 20%
Final Exam Week 16 40%
Total 100%

The link between each assessment and CLO/PLO are:

Assessment type CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4

First Exam √ √ √
Second Exam √ √ √
Assignments √ √ √ √
Final Exam √ √ √
As for the marking criteria for each assessment technique, each has a rubric that demonstrates the
mark/band the students can achieve in this.

Rubric for the First Exam

Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Understanding Lacks Shows some Shows good Shows solid understanding of

of the core understanding understanding of understanding the core concepts covered in
concepts of core core concepts of the subject the exam
concepts covered in the area and core
20 Marks covered in the exam. concepts
exam. covered in the

Mark out of 20
0-9 10-14 15-17 18-20

Rubric for the Second Exam

Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Understanding Lacks Shows some Shows good Shows solid understanding of

of the core understanding understanding of understanding the core concepts covered in
concepts of core core concepts of the subject the exam
concepts covered in the area and core
20 Marks covered in the exam. concepts
exam. covered in the

Mark out of 20
0-9 10-14 15-17 18-20
Rubric for Assignments
Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Understanding Lacks Shows some Shows good Shows solid

of the core understanding of understanding of the understanding of understanding of
concepts the core concepts core concepts covered the subject area. the core concepts
covered in the in the class and covered in the class
20 Marks class and assignments. and assignments.

Mark out of 20
0-7 8-12 13-15 16-20

Rubric for Final Exam

Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Suitability of the Answer does not Answer addresses the Clear and logical answer Question is well-answered
answer address the question. questions with limited that addresses the with critical analysis of the
improvisation on the question and attempts to core concepts covered in
20 Marks answer. provide critical analysis the exam.
of core concepts covered
in the exam.

Understanding of the Lacks theoretical Shows good Shows good Shows solid understanding
core concepts understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the of the core concepts with
core concepts covered core concepts and its subject area. There is a strong link between theory
20 Marks in the exam. application in practice good link between the and practice.
core concepts and

Mark out of 40 marks 0-19 20-29 30-35 36-40

9. Rules and Regulations:

Class Attendance and Participation:

According to the University rules, class attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to attend
all classes. Students who repeatedly arrive late to the lecture will be considered absent. Students
will be rewarded with a high score as long as they come to class and actively contribute to the class
discussion during recitations and lectures.

Use of Mobile Devices, Laptops, etc. during Class:

As research on learning shows, unexpected noises and movement automatically divert and capture
people's attention, which means students are affecting everyone’s learning experience if their cell
phones, laptops, etc. make noise or are visually distracting during class. For this reason, students
are required to turn off their mobile devices and close their laptops during class.

Academic Integrity:
Students must refrain from copying each other's work or using information without acknowledging
the source of this information (i.e., providing a reference and in-text citation). A Turnitin
plagiarism of 15-20% could result in a range of disciplinary measures ranging from written
warning to deductions of marks from the submitted work. However, if the submitted work exceeds
this percentage, the academic staff reserves the right to open a plagiarism investigation case. At
the initial investigation stage (before any formal allegation of academic misconduct is made) a
decision will be reached about whether the case constitutes plagiarism as opposed to poor
scholarship. Where an initial investigation is conducted, the case will be forwarded to the Students’
Violation Committee to take appropriate actions. If the case constitutes plagiarism, the student(s)
will be given a “0” mark for the entire module.

Late Assignments:
Assignments must be completed and submitted to me by the due date assigned by the module leader.
Failure to submit the assignment by the due date will automatically result in “0” mark given for this
assignment. If a student has an exceptional circumstance, they must submit a mitigating
circumstances form to the module leader a week prior to the assignment due date. If the form is
approved, the student will receive an extra week to submit their work.

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